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Phys Rev Lett ; 126(17): 177202, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33988421


All-optical reswitching has been investigated in the half-metallic Heusler ferrimagnet Mn_{2}Ru_{0.9}Ga, where Mn atoms occupy two inequivalent sites in the XA-type structure. The effect of a second 200 fs, 800 nm laser pulse that follows the first pump pulse, when both are above the threshold for switching, is studied as a function of t_{12}, the time between them. Aims were to determine the minimum time needed for reswitching and to identify the physical mechanisms involved. The time trajectory of the switching process on a plot of sublattice angular momentum, S^{4a} vs S^{4c}, is in three stages; when t<0.1 ps, the sublattice moments are rapidly disordered, but not destroyed, while conserving net angular momentum via optical spin-wave excitations. This leads to transient parallel alignment of the residual Mn spins in the first quadrant. The net angular momentum associated with the majority sublattice then flips after about 2 ps, and a fully reversed ferrimagnetic state is then established via the spin-lattice interaction, which allows reswitching provided t_{12}>10 ps.

Nature ; 525(7569): 363-6, 2015 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26381984


Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials exhibit long-range order of atomic-scale electric or magnetic dipoles that can be switched by applying an appropriate electric or magnetic field, respectively. Both switching phenomena form the basis of non-volatile random access memory, but in the ferroelectric case, this involves destructive electrical reading and in the magnetic case, a high writing energy is required. In principle, low-power and high-density information storage that combines fast electrical writing and magnetic reading can be realized with magnetoelectric multiferroic materials. These materials not only simultaneously display ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism, but also enable magnetic moments to be induced by an external electric field, or electric polarization by a magnetic field. However, synthesizing bulk materials with both long-range orders at room temperature in a single crystalline structure is challenging because conventional ferroelectricity requires closed-shell d(0) or s(2) cations, whereas ferromagnetic order requires open-shell d(n) configurations with unpaired electrons. These opposing requirements pose considerable difficulties for atomic-scale design strategies such as magnetic ion substitution into ferroelectrics. One material that exhibits both ferroelectric and magnetic order is BiFeO3, but its cycloidal magnetic structure precludes bulk magnetization and linear magnetoelectric coupling. A solid solution of a ferroelectric and a spin-glass perovskite combines switchable polarization with glassy magnetization, although it lacks long-range magnetic order. Crystal engineering of a layered perovskite has recently resulted in room-temperature polar ferromagnets, but the electrical polarization has not been switchable. Here we combine ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism at room temperature in a bulk perovskite oxide, by constructing a percolating network of magnetic ions with strong superexchange interactions within a structural scaffold exhibiting polar lattice symmetries at a morphotropic phase boundary (the compositional boundary between two polar phases with different polarization directions, exemplified by the PbZrO3-PbTiO3 system) that both enhances polarization switching and permits canting of the ordered magnetic moments. We expect this strategy to allow the generation of a range of tunable multiferroic materials.

Nature ; 556(7699): E5-E7, 2018 04 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29620726
Phys Rev Lett ; 112(2): 027201, 2014 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484042


Cubic Mn2Ga films with the half-Heusler C1b structure are grown on V (001) epitaxial films. The phase is a soft ferrimagnet, with Curie temperature TC = 225 K and magnetization Ms=280 kA m(-1), equivalent to 1.65µB per formula. Adding ruthenium leads to an increase of TC up to 550 K in cubic Mn2Ru(x)Ga films with x = 0.33 and a collapse of the net magnetization. The anomalous Hall effect changes sign at x = 0.5, where the sign of the magnetization changes and the magnetic easy direction flips from in plane to perpendicular to the film. The Mn2Ru0.5Ga compound with a valence electron count of 21 is identified as a zero-moment ferrimagnet with high spin polarization, which shows evidence of half-metallicity.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(13): 135804, 2021 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33527913


We study the demagnetization dynamics of the fully compensated half-metallic ferrimagnet Mn2Ru x Ga. While the two antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices are both composed of manganese, they exhibit different temperature dependencies due to their differing local environments. The sublattice magnetization dynamics triggered by femtosecond laser pulses are studied to reveal the roles played by the spin and intersublattice exchange. We find a two-step demagnetization process, similar to the well-established case of Gd(FeCo)3, where on a 5 ps timescale the two Mn-sublattices seem to have different demagnetization rates. The behaviour is analysed using a four-temperature model, assigning different temperatures to the two manganese spin baths. Even in this strongly exchange-coupled system, the two spin reservoirs have considerably different behaviour. The half-metallic nature and strong exchange coupling of Mn2Ru x Ga lead to spin angular momentum conservation at much shorter time scales than found for Gd(FeCo)3 which suggests that low-power, sub-picosecond switching of the net moment of Mn2Ru x Ga is possible.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 4444, 2020 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32895392


Energy-efficient control of magnetization without the help of a magnetic field is a key goal of spintronics. Purely heat-induced single-pulse all-optical toggle switching has been demonstrated, but so far only in Gd-based amorphous ferrimagnet films. In this work, we demonstrate toggle switching in films of the half-metallic ferrimagnetic Heusler alloys Mn2RuxGa, which have two crystallographically-inequivalent Mn sublattices. Moreover, we observe the switching at room temperature in samples that are immune to external magnetic fields in excess of 1 T, provided they exhibit a compensation point above room temperature. Observation of the effect in compensated ferrimagnets without Gd challenges our understanding of all-optical switching. The dynamic behavior indicates that Mn2RuxGa switches in 2 ps or less. Our findings widen the basis for fast optical switching of magnetization and break new ground for engineered materials that can be used for nonvolatile ultrafast switches using ultrashort pulses of light.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(4): 044701, 2018 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29716366


Here two new techniques for the detection of broadband (100 MHz-20 GHz) ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)/ferrimagnetic resonance in single and poly-crystalline materials, which rely on SQUID-based gradiometry detection of small changes in the magnetisation, are developed. In the first method, small changes in the along-the-applied-field projection of the coupled magnetic moment (Δmz) are detected as the material is driven into resonance. Absolute measurement of the longitudinal component of the magnetisation and the resonance induced lowering of this moment makes estimation of the precession cone angle accessible, which is typically difficult to extract using conventional cavity or stripline based detection methods. The second method invokes the change in Δmz with the resonance-induced thermal heating dmzdT. Magnetisation dynamics in bulk Y3Fe5O12 are observed over a broad range of experimental temperatures (4 K-400 K) and fields (10-500 mT). The inhomogeneous microwave excitation allows for the observation of higher magnetostatic modes and the convenient tracking of very broad resonances. The two SQUID-detection techniques when combined with conventional broadband vector network analyser-FMR, low-frequency magnetic susceptibility, and DC magnetometry, all easily realised, essentially concurrently, using the same module, greatly expand the amount of static and dynamic information accessible.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(48): 485001, 2016 12 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27666311


SrTiO3 plays a central role in oxide electronics. It is the substrate of choice for functional oxide heterostructures based on perovskite-structure thin-film stacks, and its surface or interface with a polar oxide such as LaAlO3 can become a 2D conductor because of electronic reconstruction or the presence of oxygen defects. Inconsistent reports of magnetic order in SrTiO3 abound in the literature. Here, we report a systematic experimental study aimed at establishing how and when SrTiO3 can develop a magnetic moment at room temperature. Polished (1 0 0), (1 1 0) or (1 1 1) crystal slices from four different suppliers are characterized before and after vacuum annealing at 750 °C, both in single-crystal and powdered form. Impurity content is analysed at the surface and in the bulk. Besides the underlying intrinsic diamagnetism of SrTiO3, magnetic signals are of three types-a Curie law susceptibility due to dilute magnetic impurities at the ppm level, a hysteretic temperature-dependent ferromagnetic impurity contribution, and a practically anhysteretic defect-related temperature-independent component that saturates in about 200 mT. The latter component is intrinsic. It is often the largest, reaching 10 µ B nm-2 of the surface area or more and dominating the magnetic response in low fields at room temperature. It is associated with defects near the surface, and can be destroyed by treatment with Tiron (C6H4Na2O8S2), an electron donor molecule that forms a strong complex with titanium at the surface. The origin of this unusual high-temperature ferromagnetic-like response is discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(7): 076102, 2015 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26233416


An alternative method for investigating piezoelectric surfaces is suggested, exploiting the direct piezoeffect. The technique relies on acoustic (ultrasonic) excitation of the imaged surface and mapping of the resulting oscillatory electric potential. The main advantages arise from the spatial resolution of the conductive scanning probe microscopy in combination with the relatively large magnitude of the forward piezo signal Upf, which can be of the order of tens of mV even for non-ferroelectric piezoelectric materials. The potency of this experimental strategy is illustrated with measurements on well-crystallized quartz surfaces, where Upf ∼ 50 mV, for a piezoelectric coefficient of d33 = - 2.27 × 10(-12) m/V, and applied stress of about T3 ∼ 5.7 kPa.