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J Anim Ecol ; 92(2): 503-513, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36519974


Parasites are a crucial factor that shapes the functioning of communities throughout the world, as are gregarious macrofoulers in aquatic ecosystems. However, little is known about the effects of three-way interactions between macrofoulers, endoparasites and their hosts. We predict that macrofouling and parasite infection may act (i) independently of each other, (ii) synergistically, increasing their final negative impact on the host or (iii) antagonistically, the former weakening the negative impact of the latter. We investigated multiway relationships between an invasive freshwater filter-feeding macrofouler (the zebra mussel), digenean endoparasite and their gastropod host, Viviparus viviparus. Furthermore, we checked the recruitment of mussels in living gastropods versus their empty shells. We sampled living V. viviparus and their empty shells with attached dreissenids from a Polish dam reservoir. We counted and weighed attached mussels and determined wet weight, shell height and sex of gastropods. Then we dissected the molluscs to look for digenean larvae and gastropod embryos. We use these parameters to look for reciprocal associations between mussel fouling, parasitic infection and gastropod size and fertility, as well as to infer the most likely mechanisms of the observed relationships. Dreissenid overgrowth was associated with reduced fertility and size of viviparids, but also with a lower prevalence of digenean metacercariae (Leucochloridiomorpha sp.). We did not observe a negative influence of these digeneans on their gastropod hosts. In addition, large living viviparids and their empty shells were equally used as substrates by dreissenids, but small living gastropods were more fouled than shells of the corresponding size. A trade-off exists in the studied system: filter-feeding macrofoulers may bring some profits for their host, reducing the pressure of waterborne parasites (which may be crucial in the case of pathogenic species/life stages), although at the cost of the reduced growth and fertility of the host. Furthermore, mussels attached to mollusc hosts can exert a cascading effect on the reduced prevalence of digeneans in their final hosts, including those of medical or veterinary importance.

Gastrópodes , Trematódeos , Animais , Ecossistema , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Moluscos/parasitologia
Curr Zool ; 70(2): 262-269, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38726247


The change in the distribution of organisms in freshwater ecosystems due to natural or manmade processes raises the question of the impact of alien species on local communities. Although most studies indicate a negative effect, the positive one is more difficult to discern, especially in multispecies systems, including hosts and parasites. The purpose of the study was to check whether the presence of an alien host, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, reduces the intensity of Echinoparyphium aconiatum metacercariae in a native host, Radix spp. We additionally tested the impact of water temperature and the biomass of the alien host on the dilution effect. We experimentally studied (1) the lifespan of echinostome cercariae in different temperatures, (2) the infectivity of cercariae toward the alien host and native host, and (3) the impact of different biomass of the alien host on the intensity of metacercariae in the native host. We found that cercarial survival and infectivity were temperature dependent. However, cercarial survival decreased with increasing temperature, contrary to cercarial infectivity. Echinostome cercariae entered the renal cavity of both the native host and alien host, and successfully transformed into metacercariae. The number of metacercariae in the native host decreased with the increasing biomass of the alien host. Our results indicate that lymnaeids may benefit from the co-occurrence with P. antipodarum, as the presence of additional hosts of different origins may reduce the prevalence of parasites in native communities. However, the scale of the dilution effect depends not only on the increased spectrum of susceptible hosts but also on the other variables of the environment, including water temperature and host density.

Sci Total Environ ; 845: 157264, 2022 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35820526


There is a great need to understand the impact of complex communities on the free-living parasite stages that are part of them. This task becomes more complex as nonnative species emerge, changing existing relationships and shaping new interactions in the community. A relevant question would be: Can the coexistence of nontarget snails with the target hosts contribute to trematodasis control? We used field and experimental approaches to investigate nonnative competitor-induced parasite dilution. During a three-year field study, we investigated digenean infection in Lymnaea stagnalis from eight Polish lakes inhabited or uninhabited by Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Additionally, we verified the presence of digenean infections in the populations of P. antipodarum. Moreover, we conducted an experimental infection of L. stagnalis with miracidia of Trichobilharzia szidati under increasing densities of P. antipodarum and aimed to infect P. antipodarum with them separately. The prevalence of avian schistosomes in lymnaeid snails was significantly higher in uninhabited lakes than in lakes inhabited by P. antipodarum. Our study indicates that waters with a higher density of invaders have a lower prevalence of avian schistosomes in lymnaeid hosts. The results of experimental studies confirmed that the presence of high densities of P. antipodarum reduces the probability of target host infection. Both field and experimental studies rule out the role of P. antipodarum as a source of avian schistosome cercariae. Here, a nonnative species was tested as a diluter, which in practice may be harmful to the local environment. This work is not a call for the introduction of nonnative species; it is intended to be a stimulus for researchers to continue searching for natural enemies of parasites because, as our results show, they exist. Finding natural enemies to the most dangerous species of human and animal parasites that will pose no threat to the local environment could be groundbreaking.

Schistosomatidae , Animais , Cercárias , Humanos , Lagos , Lymnaea , Caramujos
Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl ; 18: 201-211, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35733618


Species of Cotylurus Szidat, 1928 (Diplostomoidea: Strigeidae) are highly specialized digeneans that parasitize the gastrointestinal tract and bursa of Fabricius of water and wading birds. They have a three-host life cycle; the role of first intermediate host is played by pulmonate snails, while a wide range of water snails (both pulmonate and prosobranch) and leeches are reported as second intermediate hosts. Unfortunately, species richness, molecular diversity and phylogeny of metacercariae of Cotylurus spp. (tetracotyle) occurring in snails remain poorly understood. Thus, we have performed the parasitological and taxonomical examination of tetracotyles form freshwater snails from Poland, supplemented with adult Strigeidae specimens sampled from water birds. In this study we report our use of recently obtained sequences of two molecular markers (28S nuclear large ribosomal subunit gene (28S rDNA) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) fragment), supplemented by results of a method of species delimitation (GMYC) and haplotype analysis to analyse some aspects of the ecology, taxonomy, and phylogeny of members of the genus Cotylurus. The provided phylogenetic reconstructions discovered unexpectedly high molecular diversity within Cotylurus occurring in snails, with clearly expressed evidence of cryptic diversity and the existence of several novel-species lineages. The obtained results revealed the polyphyletic character of C. syrius Dubois, 1934 (with three separate molecular species-level lineages) and C. cornutus (Rudolphi, 1809) Szidat, 1928 (with four separate molecular species-level lineages). Moreover, we demonstrated the existence of two divergent phylogenetical and ecological lineages within Cotylurus (one using leeches and other snails as second intermediate hosts), differing significantly in their life history strategies.

Pathogens ; 10(6)2021 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34208370


Research on alien and invasive species focuses on the direct effects of invasion on native ecosystems, and the possible positive effects of their presence are most often overlooked. Our aim was to check the suitability of selected alien species (the snail Physa acuta, the bivalve Dreissena polymorpha, and the gammarid Dikerogammarus villosus) as diluents for infectious bird schistosome cercariae-the etiological factor of swimmer's itch. It has been hypothesized that alien species with different feeding habits (scrapers, filterers and predators) that cohabit the aquatic environment with intermediate hosts of the schistosomatid trematodes are capable of feeding on their free-swimming stages-cercariae. In the laboratory conditions used, all experimental animals diluted the cercariae of bird schistosome. The most effective diluents were P. acuta and D. villosus. However, a wide discrepancy in the dilution of the cercariae between replicates was found for gammarids. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that increased biodiversity, even when alien species are involved, creates the dilution effect of the free-living stages of parasites. Determining the best diluent for bird schistosome cercariae could greatly assist in the development of current bathing areas protection measures against swimmer's itch.