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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(39)2021 09 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544867


Many natural systems exhibit tipping points where slowly changing environmental conditions spark a sudden shift to a new and sometimes very different state. As the tipping point is approached, the dynamics of complex and varied systems simplify down to a limited number of possible "normal forms" that determine qualitative aspects of the new state that lies beyond the tipping point, such as whether it will oscillate or be stable. In several of those forms, indicators like increasing lag-1 autocorrelation and variance provide generic early warning signals (EWS) of the tipping point by detecting how dynamics slow down near the transition. But they do not predict the nature of the new state. Here we develop a deep learning algorithm that provides EWS in systems it was not explicitly trained on, by exploiting information about normal forms and scaling behavior of dynamics near tipping points that are common to many dynamical systems. The algorithm provides EWS in 268 empirical and model time series from ecology, thermoacoustics, climatology, and epidemiology with much greater sensitivity and specificity than generic EWS. It can also predict the normal form that characterizes the oncoming tipping point, thus providing qualitative information on certain aspects of the new state. Such approaches can help humans better prepare for, or avoid, undesirable state transitions. The algorithm also illustrates how a universe of possible models can be mined to recognize naturally occurring tipping points.

Chaos ; 34(1)2024 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38198675


Real-world complex systems such as the earth's climate, ecosystems, stock markets, and combustion engines are prone to dynamical transitions from one state to another, with catastrophic consequences. State variables of such systems often exhibit aperiodic fluctuations, either chaotic or stochastic in nature. Often, the parameters describing a system vary with time, showing time dependency. Constrained by these effects, it becomes difficult to be warned of an impending critical transition, as such effects contaminate the precursory signals of the transition. Therefore, a need for efficient and reliable early-warning signals (EWSs) in such complex systems is in pressing demand. Motivated by this fact, in the present work, we analyze various EWSs in the context of a non-autonomous turbulent thermoacoustic system. In particular, we investigate the efficacy of different EWS in forecasting the onset of thermoacoustic instability (TAI) and their reliability with respect to the rate of change of the control parameter. This is the first experimental study of tipping points in a non-autonomous turbulent thermoacoustic system. We consider the Reynolds number (Re) as the control parameter, which is varied linearly with time at finite rates. The considered EWSs are derived from critical slowing down, spectral properties, and fractal characteristics of the system variables. The state of TAI is associated with large amplitude acoustic pressure oscillations that could lead thermoacoustic systems to break down. We consider acoustic pressure fluctuations as a potential system variable to perform the analysis. Our analysis shows that irrespective of the rate of variation of the control parameter, the Hurst exponent and variance of autocorrelation coefficients warn of an impending transition well in advance and are more reliable than other EWS measures. Additionally, we show the variation in the warning time to an impending TAI with rates of change of the control parameter. We also investigate the variation in amplitudes of the most significant modes of acoustic pressure oscillations with the Hurst exponent. Such variations lead to scaling laws that could be significant in prediction and devising control actions to mitigate TAI.

Chaos ; 34(2)2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38412535


The occurrence of abrupt dynamical transitions in the macroscopic state of a system has received growing attention. We present experimental evidence for abrupt transition via explosive synchronization in a real-world complex system, namely, a turbulent reactive flow system. In contrast to the paradigmatic continuous transition to a synchronized state from an initially desynchronized state, the system exhibits a discontinuous synchronization transition with a hysteresis. We consider the fluctuating heat release rate from the turbulent flames at each spatial location as locally coupled oscillators that are coupled to the global acoustic field in the confined system. We analyze the synchronization between these two subsystems during the transition to a state of oscillatory instability and discover that explosive synchronization occurs at the onset of oscillatory instability. Further, we explore the underlying mechanism of interaction between the subsystems and construct a mathematical model of the same.

Chaos ; 34(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141789


We propose a framework of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs) to enable passive open-loop control of tonal sound generated during thermoacoustic instability. Experiments were performed in a laboratory-scale bluff-body stabilized turbulent combustor in the state of thermoacoustic instability. We use dynamic mode decomposition on the flow-field to identify dynamical regions where the acoustic frequency is dominant. We find that the separating shear layer from the backward-facing step of the combustor envelops a cylindrical vortex in the outer recirculation zone, which eventually impinges on the top wall of the combustor during thermoacoustic instability. We track the saddle points in this shear layer emerging from the backward-facing step over several acoustic cycles. A passive control strategy is then developed by injecting a steady stream of secondary air targeting the identified optimal location where the saddle points spend a majority of their time in a statistical sense. After implementing the control action, the resultant flow-field is also analyzed using LCS to understand the key differences in flow dynamics. We find that the shear layer emerging from the dump plane is deflected in a direction almost parallel to the axis of the combustor after the control action. This deflection, in turn, prevents the shear layer from enveloping the vortex and impinging on the combustor walls, resulting in a drastic reduction in the amplitude of the sound produced.

Chaos ; 34(7)2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38985968


Phase space reconstruction (PSR) methods allow for the analysis of low-dimensional data with methods from dynamical systems theory, but their application to prediction models, such as those from machine learning (ML), is limited. Therefore, we here present a model adaptive phase space reconstruction (MAPSR) method that unifies the process of PSR with the modeling of the dynamical system. MAPSR is a differentiable PSR based on time-delay embedding and enables ML methods for modeling. The quality of the reconstruction is evaluated by the prediction loss. The discrete-time signal is converted into a continuous-time signal to achieve a loss function, which is differentiable with respect to the embedding delays. The delay vector, which stores all potential embedding delays, is updated along with the trainable parameters of the model to minimize prediction loss. Thus, MAPSR does not rely on any threshold or statistical criterion for determining the dimension and the set of delay values for the embedding process. We apply the MAPSR method to uni- and multivariate time series stemming from chaotic dynamical systems and a turbulent combustor. We find that for the Lorenz system, the model trained with the MAPSR method is able to predict chaotic time series for nearly seven to eight Lyapunov time scales, which is found to be much better compared to other PSR methods [AMI-FNN (average mutual information-false nearest neighbor) and PECUZAL (Pecora-Uzal) methods]. For the univariate time series from the turbulent combustor, the long-term cumulative prediction error of the MAPSR method for the regime of chaos stays between other methods, and for the regime of intermittency, MAPSR outperforms other PSR methods.

Chaos ; 34(5)2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38717395


Thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustion systems emerges from the complex interplay among the flame, flow, and acoustic subsystems. While the onset of thermoacoustic instability exhibits a global order, the characteristics of local interactions between subsystems responsible for this order are not well understood. Here, we utilize the framework of synchronization to elucidate the spatiotemporal interactions among heat release rate fluctuations in the flame, velocity fluctuations in the flow, and acoustic pressure fluctuations in a turbulent combustor, across the bluff-body stabilized flame. We examine two forms of thermoacoustic instability, characterized by phase synchronization and generalized synchronization of the acoustic pressure and global heat release rate oscillations. Despite the presence of global synchrony, we uncover a coexistence of frequency synchrony and desynchrony in the local interaction of these oscillations within the reaction field. In regions of frequency-locked oscillations, various phase-locking patterns occur, including phase synchrony and partial phase synchrony. We observe that the local formation of small pockets of phase synchrony and strong amplitude correlation between these oscillations is sufficient to trigger the state of global phase synchronization. As the global dynamics approach generalized synchronization, these local regions of synchrony expand in the reaction field. Additionally, through coupled analysis of acoustic pressure and local flow velocity fluctuations, we infer that the spatial region of flow-acoustic synchrony plays a significant role in governing thermoacoustic instabilities. Our findings imply that, in turbulent combustors, an intrinsic local balance between order, partial order, and disorder within the coupled subsystems sustains the global order during thermoacoustic instability.

Chaos ; 33(8)2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38060796


Abrupt changes in the state of a system are often undesirable in natural and human-made systems. Such transitions occurring due to fast variations of system parameters are called rate-induced tipping (R-tipping). While a quasi-steady or sufficiently slow variation of a parameter does not result in tipping, a continuous variation of the parameter at a rate greater than a critical rate results in tipping. Such R-tipping would be catastrophic in real-world systems. We experimentally demonstrate R-tipping in a real-world complex system and decipher its mechanism. There is a critical rate of change of parameter above which the system undergoes tipping. We discover that there is another system variable varying simultaneously at a timescale different from that of the driver (control parameter). The competition between the effects of processes at these two timescales determines if and when tipping occurs. Motivated by the experiments, we use a nonlinear oscillator model, exhibiting Hopf bifurcation, to generalize such type of tipping to complex systems where multiple comparable timescales compete to determine the dynamics. We also explain the advanced onset of tipping, which reveals that the safe operating space of the system reduces with the increase in the rate of variations of parameters.

Chaos ; 33(4)2023 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37097956


Open-loop control is known to be an effective strategy for controlling self-excited periodic oscillations, known as thermoacoustic instability, in turbulent combustors. Here, we present experimental observations and a synchronization model for the suppression of thermoacoustic instability achieved by rotating the otherwise static swirler in a lab-scale turbulent combustor. Starting with the state of thermoacoustic instability in the combustor, we find that a progressive increase in the swirler rotation rate leads to a transition from the state of limit cycle oscillations to the low-amplitude aperiodic oscillations through a state of intermittency. To model such a transition while also quantifying the underlying synchronization characteristics, we extend the model of Dutta et al. [Phys. Rev. E 99, 032215 (2019)] by introducing a feedback between the ensemble of phase oscillators and the acoustic. The coupling strength in the model is determined by considering the effect of the acoustic and swirl frequencies. The link between the model and experimental results is quantitatively established by implementing an optimization algorithm for model parameter estimation. We show that the model is capable of replicating the bifurcation characteristics, nonlinear features of time series, probability density function, and amplitude spectrum of acoustic pressure and heat release rate fluctuations at various dynamical states observed during the transition to the state of suppression. Most importantly, we discuss the flame dynamics and demonstrate that the model without any spatial inputs qualitatively captures the characteristics of the spatiotemporal synchronization between the local heat release rate fluctuations and the acoustic pressure that underpins a transition to the state of suppression. As a result, the model emerges as a powerful tool for explaining and controlling instabilities in thermoacoustic and other extended fluid dynamical systems, where spatiotemporal interactions lead to rich dynamical phenomena.

Chaos ; 33(4)2023 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37097926


We report the occurrence of amplitude death (AD) of limit cycle oscillations in a bluff body stabilized turbulent combustor through delayed acoustic self-feedback. Such feedback control is achieved by coupling the acoustic field of the combustor to itself through a single coupling tube attached near the anti-node position of the acoustic standing wave. We observe that the amplitude and dominant frequency of the limit cycle oscillations gradually decrease as the length of the coupling tube is increased. Complete suppression (AD) of these oscillations is observed when the length of the coupling tube is nearly 3 / 8 times the wavelength of the fundamental acoustic mode of the combustor. Meanwhile, as we approach this state of amplitude death, the dynamical behavior of acoustic pressure changes from the state of limit cycle oscillations to low-amplitude chaotic oscillations via intermittency. We also study the change in the nature of the coupling between the unsteady flame dynamics and the acoustic field as the length of the coupling tube is increased. We find that the temporal synchrony between these oscillations changes from the state of synchronized periodicity to desynchronized aperiodicity through intermittent synchronization. Furthermore, we reveal that the application of delayed acoustic self-feedback with optimum feedback parameters completely disrupts the positive feedback loop between hydrodynamic, acoustic, and heat release rate fluctuations present in the combustor during thermoacoustic instability, thus mitigating instability. We anticipate this method to be a viable and cost-effective option to mitigate thermoacoustic oscillations in turbulent combustion systems used in practical propulsion and power systems.

Chaos ; 33(1): 013129, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36725635


Cyclones are among the most hazardous extreme weather events on Earth. In certain scenarios, two co-rotating cyclones in close proximity to one another can drift closer and completely merge into a single cyclonic system. Identifying the dynamic transitions during such an interaction period of binary cyclones and predicting the complete merger (CM) event are challenging for weather forecasters. In this work, we suggest an innovative approach to understand the evolving vortical interactions between the cyclones during two such CM events (Noru-Kulap and Seroja-Odette) using time-evolving induced velocity-based unweighted directed networks. We find that network-based indicators, namely, in-degree and out-degree, quantify the changes in the interaction between the two cyclones and are excellent candidates to classify the interaction stages before a CM. The network indicators also help to identify the dominant cyclone during the period of interaction and quantify the variation of the strength of the dominating and merged cyclones. Finally, we show that the network measures also provide an early indication of the CM event well before its occurrence.

Chaos ; 32(4): 041104, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35489852


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly spread throughout our planet, bringing human lives to a standstill. Understanding the early transmission dynamics of a wave helps plan intervention strategies such as lockdowns that mitigate further spread, minimizing the adverse impact on humanity and the economy. Exponential growth of infections was thought to be the defining feature of an epidemic in its initial growth phase. Here we show that, contrary to common belief, early stages of extreme COVID-19 waves have an unbounded growth and finite-time singularity accompanying a hyperexponential power-law. The faster than exponential growth phase is hazardous and would entail stricter regulations to minimize further spread. Such a power-law description allows us to characterize COVID-19 waves better using single power-law exponents, rather than using piecewise exponentials. Furthermore, we identify the presence of log-periodic patterns decorating the power-law growth. These log-periodic oscillations may enable better prediction of the finite-time singularity. We anticipate that our findings of hyperexponential growth and log-periodicity will enable accurate modeling of outbreaks of COVID-19 or similar future outbreaks of other emergent epidemics.

COVID-19 , Epidemias , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Surtos de Doenças , Previsões , Humanos
Chaos ; 32(3): 031103, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35364827


Synchronization in coupled dynamical systems has been a well-known phenomenon in the field of nonlinear dynamics for a long time. This phenomenon has been investigated extensively both analytically and experimentally. Although synchronization is observed in different areas of our real life, in some cases, this phenomenon is harmful; consequently, an early warning of synchronization becomes an unavoidable requirement. This paper focuses on this issue and proposes a reliable measure ( R), from the perspective of the information theory, to detect complete and generalized synchronizations early in the context of interacting oscillators. The proposed measure R is an explicit function of the joint entropy and mutual information of the coupled oscillators. The applicability of R to anticipate generalized and complete synchronizations is justified using numerical analysis of mathematical models and experimental data. Mathematical models involve the interaction of two low-dimensional, autonomous, chaotic oscillators and a network of coupled Rössler and van der Pol oscillators. The experimental data are generated from laboratory-scale turbulent thermoacoustic systems.

Chaos ; 32(10): 101106, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319273


This paper aims to study amplitude death in time delay coupled oscillators using the occasional coupling scheme that implies intermittent interaction among the oscillators. An enhancement of amplitude death regions (i.e., an increment of the width of the amplitude death regions along the control parameter axis) can be possible using the occasional coupling in a pair of delay-coupled oscillators. Our study starts with coupled limit cycle oscillators (Stuart-Landau) and coupled chaotic oscillators (Rössler). We further examine coupled horizontal Rijke tubes, a prototypical model of thermoacoustic systems. Oscillatory states are highly detrimental to thermoacoustic systems such as combustors. Consequently, a state of amplitude death is always preferred. We employ the on-off coupling (i.e., a square wave function), as an occasional coupling scheme, to these coupled oscillators. On monotonically varying the coupling strength (as a control parameter), we observe an enhancement of amplitude death regions using the occasional coupling scheme compared to the continuous coupling scheme. In order to study the contribution of the occasional coupling scheme, we perform a detailed linear stability analysis and analytically explain this enhancement of the amplitude death region for coupled limit cycle oscillators. We also adopt the frequency ratio of the oscillators and the time delay between the oscillators as the control parameters. Intriguingly, we obtain a similar enhancement of the amplitude death regions using the frequency ratio and time delay as the control parameters in the presence of the occasional coupling. Finally, we use a half-wave rectified sinusoidal wave function (motivated by practical reality) to introduce the occasional coupling in time delay coupled oscillators and get similar results.

Chaos ; 32(7): 073129, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35907737


The emergence of rich dynamical phenomena in coupled self-sustained oscillators, primarily synchronization and amplitude death, has attracted considerable interest in several fields of science and engineering. Here, we present a comprehensive theoretical study on the manifestation of these exquisite phenomena in a reduced-order model of two coupled Rijke tube oscillators, which are prototypical thermoacoustic oscillators. We characterize the dynamical behaviors of two such identical and non-identical oscillators by varying both system parameters (such as the uncoupled amplitudes and the natural frequencies of the oscillators) and coupling parameters (such as the coupling strength and the coupling delay). The present model captures all the dynamical phenomena-namely, synchronization, phase-flip bifurcation, amplitude death, and partial amplitude death-observed previously in experiments on coupled Rijke tubes. By performing numerical simulations and deriving approximate analytical solutions, we systematically decipher the conditions and the bifurcations underlying the aforementioned phenomena. The insights provided by this study can be used to understand the interactions between multiple cans in gas turbine combustors and develop control strategies to avert undesirable thermoacoustic oscillations in them.

Chaos ; 32(7): 072101, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35907738


Dynamical systems theory has emerged as an interdisciplinary area of research to characterize the complex dynamical transitions in real-world systems. Various nonlinear dynamical phenomena and bifurcations have been discovered over the decades using different reduced-order models of oscillators. Different measures and methodologies have been developed theoretically to detect, control, or suppress the nonlinear oscillations. However, obtaining such phenomena experimentally is often challenging, time-consuming, and risky mainly due to the limited control of certain parameters during experiments. With this review, we aim to introduce a paradigmatic and easily configurable Rijke tube oscillator to the dynamical systems community. The Rijke tube is commonly used by the combustion community as a prototype to investigate the detrimental phenomena of thermoacoustic instability. Recent investigations in such Rijke tubes have utilized various methodologies from dynamical systems theory to better understand the occurrence of thermoacoustic oscillations and their prediction and mitigation, both experimentally and theoretically. The existence of various dynamical behaviors has been reported in single and coupled Rijke tube oscillators. These behaviors include bifurcations, routes to chaos, noise-induced transitions, synchronization, and suppression of oscillations. Various early warning measures have been established to predict thermoacoustic instabilities. Therefore, this review article consolidates the usefulness of a Rijke tube oscillator in terms of experimentally discovering and modeling different nonlinear phenomena observed in physics, thus transcending the boundaries between the physics and the engineering communities.

Chaos ; 32(1): 013131, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105133


Thermoacoustic instability in a reacting flow field is characterized by high amplitude pressure fluctuations driven by a positive coupling between the unsteady heat release rate and the acoustic field of the combustor. In a turbulent flow, the transition of a thermoacoustic system from a state of chaos to periodic oscillations occurs via a state of intermittency. During the transition to periodic oscillations, the unsteady heat release rate synchronizes with the acoustic pressure fluctuations. Thermoacoustic systems are traditionally modeled by coupling the model for the heat source and the acoustic subsystem, each estimated independently. The response of the unsteady heat source, i.e., the flame, to acoustic fluctuations is characterized by introducing unsteady external forcing. The forced response of the flame need not be the same in the presence of an acoustic field due to their nonlinear coupling. Instead of characterizing individual subsystems, we introduce a neural ordinary differential equation (neural ODE) framework to model the thermoacoustic system as a whole. The neural ODE model for the thermoacoustic system uses time series of the heat release rate and the pressure fluctuations, measured simultaneously without introducing any external perturbations, to model their coupled interaction. Furthermore, we use the parameters of neural ODE to define an anomaly measure that represents the proximity of system dynamics to limit cycle oscillations and thus provide an early warning signal for the onset of thermoacoustic instability.

Acústica , Prognóstico , Fatores de Tempo
Chaos ; 31(1): 013116, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33754769


Many dynamical systems exhibit abrupt transitions or tipping as the control parameter is varied. In scenarios where the parameter is varied continuously, the rate of change of the control parameter greatly affects the performance of early warning signals (EWS) for such critical transitions. We study the impact of variation of the control parameter with a finite rate on the performance of EWS for critical transitions in a thermoacoustic system (a horizontal Rijke tube) exhibiting subcritical Hopf bifurcation. There is a growing interest in developing early warning signals for tipping in real systems. First, we explore the efficacy of early warning signals based on critical slowing down and fractal characteristics. From this study, lag-1 autocorrelation (AC) and Hurst exponent (H) are found to be good measures to predict the transition well before the tipping point. The warning time, obtained using AC and H, reduces with an increase in the rate of change of the control parameter following an inverse power law relation. Hence, for very fast rates, the warning time may be too short to perform any control action. Furthermore, we report the observation of a hyperexponential scaling relation between the AC and the variance of fluctuations during such a dynamic Hopf bifurcation. We construct a theoretical model for noisy Hopf bifurcation wherein the control parameter is continuously varied at different rates to study the effect of rate of change of the parameter on EWS. Similar results, including the hyperexponential scaling, are observed in the model as well.

Chaos ; 31(4): 043126, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34251230


The emergence of oscillatory dynamics (order) from chaotic fluctuations is a well-known phenomenon in turbulent thermoacoustic, aero-acoustic, and aeroelastic systems and is often detrimental to the system. We study the dynamics of two distinct turbulent thermoacoustic systems, bluff-body and swirl-stabilized combustors, where the transition occurs from the state of combustion noise (chaos) to thermoacoustic instability (order) via the route of intermittency. Using unweighted complex networks built from phase space cycles of the acoustic pressure oscillations, we characterize the topology of the phase space during various dynamical states in these combustors. We propose the use of network centrality measures derived from cycle networks as a novel means to characterize the number and stability of periodic orbits in the phase space and to study the topological transformations in the phase space during the emergence of order from chaos in the combustors. During the state of combustion noise, we show that the phase space consists of several unstable periodic orbits, which influence the phase space trajectory. As order emerges in the system dynamics, the number of periodic orbits decreases and their stability increases. At the onset of oscillatory dynamics, the phase space consists of a stable periodic orbit. We also use network centrality measures to identify the onset of thermoacoustic instability in both the combustors. Finally, we propose that the onset of oscillatory instabilities in turbulent systems is analogous to Bose-Einstein condensation transition observed for bosons, if we define phase space cycles as particles and the periodic orbits as energy levels.

Chaos ; 31(3): 033108, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33810715


The stable operation of a turbulent combustor is not completely silent; instead, there is a background of small amplitude aperiodic acoustic fluctuations known as combustion noise. Pressure fluctuations during this state of combustion noise are multifractal due to the presence of multiple temporal scales that contribute to its dynamics. However, existing models are unable to capture the multifractality in the pressure fluctuations. We conjecture an underlying fractional dynamics for the thermoacoustic system and obtain a fractional-order model for pressure fluctuations. The data from this model has remarkable visual similarity to the experimental data and also has a wide multifractal spectrum during the state of combustion noise. Quantitative similarity with the experimental data in terms of the Hurst exponent and the multifractal spectrum is observed during the state of combustion noise. This model is also able to produce pressure fluctuations that are qualitatively similar to the experimental data acquired during intermittency and thermoacoustic instability. Furthermore, we argue that the fractional dynamics vanish as we approach the state of thermoacoustic instability.

Chaos ; 31(9): 093131, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598450


Many fluid dynamic systems exhibit undesirable oscillatory instabilities due to positive feedback between fluctuations in their different subsystems. Thermoacoustic instability, aeroacoustic instability, and aeroelastic instability are some examples. When the fluid flow in the system is turbulent, the approach to such oscillatory instabilities occurs through a universal route characterized by a dynamical regime known as intermittency. In this paper, we extract the peculiar pattern of phase space attractors during the regime of intermittency by constructing recurrence networks corresponding to the phase space topology. We further train a convolutional neural network to classify the periodic and aperiodic structures in the recurrence networks and define a measure that indicates the proximity of the dynamical state to the onset of oscillatory instability. We show that this measure can predict the onset of oscillatory instabilities in three different fluid dynamic systems governed by different physical phenomena.