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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(15): 3800-3803, 2018 04 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29581257


The linear Doppler shift is familiar as the rise and fall in pitch of a siren as it passes by. Less well known is the rotational Doppler shift, proportional to the rotation rate between source and receiver, multiplied by the angular momentum carried by the beam. In extreme cases the Doppler shift can be larger than the rest-frame frequency and for a red shift, the observed frequency then becomes "negative." In the linear case, this effect is associated with the time reversal of the received signal, but it can be observed only with supersonic relative motion between the source and receiver. However, the rotational case is different; if the radius of rotation is smaller than the wavelength, then the velocities required to observe negative frequencies are subsonic. Using an acoustic source at [Formula: see text]100 Hz we create a rotational Doppler shift larger than the laboratory-frame frequency. We observe that once the red-shifted wave passes into the "negative frequency" regime, the angular momentum associated with the sound is reversed in sign compared with that of the laboratory frame. These low-velocity laboratory realizations of extreme Doppler shifts have relevance to superoscillatory fields and offer unique opportunities to probe interactions with rotating bodies and aspects of pseudorelativistic frame translation.

Opt Express ; 26(6): 7528-7536, 2018 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29609307


Quantum ghost imaging uses photon pairs produced from parametric downconversion to enable an alternative method of image acquisition. Information from either one of the photons does not yield an image, but an image can be obtained by harnessing the correlations between them. Here we present an examination of the resolution limits of such ghost imaging systems. In both conventional imaging and quantum ghost imaging the resolution of the image is limited by the point-spread function of the optics associated with the spatially resolving detector. However, whereas in conventional imaging systems the resolution is limited only by this point spread function, in ghost imaging we show that the resolution can be further degraded by reducing the strength of the spatial correlations inherent in the downconversion process.

Opt Express ; 25(18): 21826-21840, 2017 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041475


The quantised nature of the electromagnetic field sets the classical limit to the sensitivity of position measurements. However, techniques based on the properties of quantum states can be exploited to accurately measure the relative displacement of a physical object beyond this classical limit. In this work, we use a simple scheme based on the split-detection of quantum correlations to measure the position of a shadow at the single-photon light level, with a precision that exceeds the shot-noise limit. This result is obtained by analysing the correlated signals of bi-photon pairs, created in parametric downconversion and detected by an electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera employed as a split-detector. By comparing the measured statistics of spatially anticorrelated and uncorrelated photons we were able to observe a significant noise reduction corresponding to an improvement in position sensitivity of up to 17% (0.8dB). Our straightforward approach to sub-shot-noise position measurement is compatible with conventional shadow-sensing techniques based on the split-detection of light-fields, and yields an improvement that scales favourably with the detector's quantum efficiency.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 2281, 2020 02 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042013


Single-pixel imaging uses a time-varying transmission mask placed in the illumination to achieve imaging without the use of detector arrays. While most research in this field uses sophisticated masks implemented using spatial light modulators, such methods are not available at all lengthscales and wavelengths of illumination. Here we show that alternatively a sequence of projected caustic intensity patterns can be used as the basis for the single-pixel imaging of objects. Caustics can be formed using slowly varying random phase masks, such as for example the surface of a swimming pool, which potentially makes using caustics an option at a range of lengthscales and wavelengths.

Sci Adv ; 5(7): eaaw2563, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31309146


The violation of a Bell inequality not only attests to the nonclassical nature of a system but also holds a very unique status within the quantum world. The amount by which the inequality is violated often provides a good benchmark on how a quantum protocol will perform. Acquiring images of such a fundamental quantum effect is a demonstration that images can capture and exploit the essence of the quantum world. Here, we report an experiment demonstrating the violation of a Bell inequality within observed images. It is based on acquiring full-field coincidence images of a phase object probed by photons from an entangled pair source. The image exhibits a violation of a Bell inequality with S = 2.44 ± 0.04. This result both opens the way to new quantum imaging schemes based on the violation of a Bell inequality and suggests promise for quantum information schemes based on spatial variables.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 6757, 2019 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31043652


Waves can carry both linear and angular momentum. When the wave is transverse (e.g. light), the angular momentum can be characterised by the "spin" angular momentum associated with circular polarisation, and the "orbital" angular momentum (OAM) arising from the phase cross-section of the beam. When the wave is longitudinal (e.g. sound) there is no polarization and hence no spin angular momentum. However, a suitably phase-structured sound beam can still carry OAM. Observing the transfer of OAM from sound to a macroscopic object provides an excellent opportunity to study the exchange of energy between waves and matter. In this paper we show how to build a compact free-space acoustic spanner based on a 3D-printed sound-guiding structure and common electronic components. We first characterise the sound fields by measuring both phase and amplitude maps, and then show a video of our free-space acoustic spanner in action, in which macroscopic objects spin in a circular motion and change direction of rotation according to the handedness of the OAM acoustic field.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 13183, 2018 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30181599


Quantum ghost diffraction harnesses quantum correlations to record diffraction or interference features using photons that have never interacted with the diffractive element. By designing an optical system in which the diffraction pattern can be produced by double slits of variable width either through a conventional diffraction scheme or a ghost diffraction scheme, we can explore the transition between the case where ghost diffraction behaves as conventional diffraction and the case where it does not. For conventional diffraction the angular extent increases as the scale of the diffracting object is reduced. By contrast, we show that no matter how small the scale of the diffracting object, the angular extent of the ghost diffraction is limited (by the transverse extent of the spatial correlations between beams). Our study is an experimental realisation of Popper's thought experiment on the validity of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. We discuss the implication of our results in this context and explain that it is compatible with, but not proof of, the Copenhagen interpretation.