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J Anim Ecol ; 93(1): 95-108, 2024 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38078562


In most bird species, parents raise offspring cooperatively. In some cases, this cooperation extends to helpers-at-the-nest who assist the breeders with a range of tasks. While cooperative food provisioning might merely arise incidentally, as a result of the efforts of carers that act independently from each other, recent studies suggest that birds may coordinate by taking turns in visiting the nest. However, evidence that such coordination emerges because individuals actively respond to each other's behaviour is controversial, and the potential benefits of carers' alternation remain unknown. We addressed this knowledge gap by analysing a multiyear dataset for cooperatively breeding carrion crows Corvus corone, comprising 8693 nest visits across 50 groups. Our results reveal that turn-taking does occur in this species and that all group members, regardless of their sex and social role (breeder/helper), tend to alternate at the nest with other carers rather than to make repeat visits. Importantly, we found that the body mass of nestlings increased significantly with the degree of carers' alternation, possibly because well-coordinated groups provided food at more regular intervals. Using earlier monitoring data, the observed increase in body mass is predicted to substantially boost postfledging survival rates. Our analyses demonstrate that alternation in nestling provisioning has measurable fitness benefits in this study system. This raises the possibility that cooperatively breeding carrion crows, as well as other bird species with similarly coordinated brood provisioning, exhibit specialized behavioural strategies that enable effective alternation.

En la mayoría de las especies de aves, los padres cooperan entre sí en el cuidado de sus crías. En algunos casos, la cooperación se extiende a individuos ayudantes que asisten a los reproductores en diferentes tareas. El aprovisionamiento cooperativo de las crías puede darse simplemente como resultado del esfuerzo de cuidadores que actúan de forma independiente, pero estudios recientes sugieren que las aves pueden coordinarse, tomando turnos a la hora de visitar el nido. Sin embargo, las evidencias de que dicha coordinación ocurre porque los individuos realmente responden al comportamiento de los demás es controvertida, y los potenciales beneficios de la alternancia al nido son desconocidos. Nosotros abordamos estos aspectos analizando una base de datos plurianual en la corneja negra Corvus corone, que incluye 8693 visitas al nido en 50 grupos. Nuestros resultados revelan que se produce toma de turnos en esta especie y que todos los miembros del grupo, independientemente del sexo y del estatus social (reproductor / ayudante), tienden a alternarse al nido con otros cuidadores, en vez de repetir visitas. Más importante aún, encontramos que la masa corporal de los polluelos aumentaba de forma significativa al aumentar el grado de coordinación de los cuidadores, posiblemente porque los grupos mejor coordinados aprovisionaban las crías a intervalos más regulares. Basándonos en datos anteriores, pudimos calcular que el incremento observado en masa corporal predice un aumento sustancial de la tasa de supervivencia de los volanderos. Nuestros análisis demuestran, por lo tanto, que la alternancia al nido tiene beneficios medibles en eficacia biológica. Esto conlleva la posibilidad de que las cornejas negras cooperativas, al igual que otras especies de aves con aprovisionamiento coordinado de las crías, exhiban estrategias comportamentales especializadas que permitan una eficiente alternancia al nido.

Corvos , Aves Canoras , Humanos , Animais , Comportamento Cooperativo , Cruzamento , Comportamento de Nidação
Front Zool ; 20(1): 24, 2023 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37488542


Meteorological stressors (e.g., temperature and rain shortage) constrain brood provisioning in some bird species, but the consequences on reproductive success have been rarely quantified. Here we show, in a cooperatively breeding population of carrion crow Corvus corone in Spain, that individual feeding rates decreased significantly with rising air temperatures both in breeders and helpers, while lack of rain was associated with a significant reduction in the effort of the male helpers as compared to the other social categories. Group coordination, measured as the degree of alternation of nest visits by carers, was also negatively affected by rising temperature. Furthermore, we found that the body condition of the nestlings worsened when temperatures were high during the rearing period. Interestingly, the analysis of a long-term data set on crow reproduction showed that nestling body condition steadily deteriorated over the last 26-years. Although many factors may concur in causing population changes, our data suggest a possible causal link between global warming, brood caring behaviour and the decline of carrion crow population in the Mediterranean climatic region of Spain.