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Inorg Chem ; 63(37): 17305-17315, 2024 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235325


Integration of spin crossover (SCO) properties in 3D frameworks made up of cyano-bimetallic layers connected through pillaring organic ligands, the so-called Hofmann-type coordination polymers (HCPs)- represents an important source of multifunctional advanced materials. Typically, these 3D structures are constituted by 4-substituted pyridine-based linear pillars which afford HCPs with regular pcu topology. Here, we have investigated the suitability of the 3-substituted pyridine and pyrimidine bis-monodentate ligands 2,5-di(pyridin-3-yl)aniline (3-dpyan) and 2,5-di(pyrimidin-5-yl)aniline (bpmdan) as alternative building blocks to explore new structural topologies and functionalities. In this context, we have prepared the compounds Fe(3-dpyan)[Ag(CN)2]2·2MeOH (1Ag·2MeOH), Fe(3-dpyan)[Ag(CN)2]2···0.35NO2Bz·MeOH (1Ag·0.35NO2Bz·MeOH), Fe(3-dpyan)[Au(CN)2]2·NO2Bz (1Au·NO2Bz), and Fe(bpmdan)[Ag(CN)2]2·CH3Bz (2Ag·CH3Bz) (MeOH = methanol, NO2Bz = nitrobenzene, CH3Bz = toluene). Our structural studies have revealed that 1Ag·2MeOH and 1Ag·0.35NO2Bz·MeOH exhibit isomorphous doubly interpenetrated 3D structures strongly differing from the unusual noninterpenetrated ones exhibited by 1Au·NO2Bz and 2Ag·CH3Bz. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements have shown that all the reported compounds exhibit thermal-induced SCO properties, and moreover, three of them display Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping at low temperatures (LIESST effect). The studied compounds show a wide diversity of SCO behaviors, ranging from abrupt complete one-step SCO centered at 253 K (1Au·NO2Bz) to gradual and incomplete multistepped SCO centered at 120 K (1Ag·0.35NO2Bz·MeOH). This assorted SCO properties are discussed and correlated to the acquired chemical and structural information.

Inorg Chem ; 62(32): 12783-12792, 2023 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37526289


We report herein the synthesis and characterization of two unprecedented isomorphous spin-crossover two-dimensional coordination polymers of the Hofmann-type formulated {FeII(Hdpyan)2(µ2-[MII(CN)4])2}, with MII = Pd, Pt and Hdpyan is the in situ partially protonated form of 2,5-(dipyridin-4-yl)aniline (dpyan). The FeII is axially coordinated by the pyridine ring attached to the 2-position of the aniline ring, while it is equatorially surrounded by four [MII(CN)4]2- planar groups acting as trans µ2-bidentate ligands defining layers, which stack parallel to each other. The other pyridine group of Hdpyan, being protonated, remains peripheral but involved in a strong [MII-C≡N···Hpy+] hydrogen bond between alternate layers. This provokes a nearly 90° rotation of the plane defined by the [MII(CN)4]2- groups, with respect to the average plane defined by the layers, forcing the observed uncommon bridging mode and the accumulation of negative charge around each FeII, which is compensated by the axial [Hdpyan]+ ligands. According to the magnetic and calorimetric data, both compounds undergo a strong cooperative spin transition featuring a 10-12 K wide hysteresis loop centered at 220 (Pt) and 211 K (Pd) accompanied by large entropy variations, 97.4 (Pt) and 102.9 (Pd) J/K mol. The breaking symmetry involving almost 90° rotation of one of the two coordinated pyridines together with the large unit-cell volume change per FeII (ca. 50 Å3), and subsequent release of significantly short interlayer contacts upon the low-spin → high-spin event, accounts for the strong cooperativity.

Inorg Chem ; 60(16): 11866-11877, 2021 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34347471


Controlled modulation of the spin-crossover (SCO) behavior through the sorption-desorption of invited molecules is an extensively exploited topic because of its potential applications in molecular sensing. For this purpose, understanding the mechanisms by which the spin-switching properties are altered by guest molecules is of paramount importance. Here, we show an experimental approach revealing a direct probe of how the interplay between SCO and host-guest chemistry is noticeably activated by chemically tuning the host structure. Thus, the axial ligand 4-phenylpyridine (4-PhPy) in the 2D Hofmann clathrates {Fe(4-PhPy)2[M(CN)4]} (PhPyM; M = Pt, Pd) is replaced by 2,4-bipyridine (2,4-Bipy), resulting in the isomorphous compounds {Fe(2,4-Bipy)2[M(CN)4]} (BipyM; M = Pt, Pd), which basically differ from the former in that they have a noncoordinated N heteroatom in the ancillary aromatic substituent, i.e., 2-pyridyl instead of phenyl. Our chemical, magnetic, calorimetric, and structural characterizations demonstrate that this subtle chemical composition change provokes outstanding modifications not only in the capability to adsorb small guests as water or methanol but also in the extent to which these guests affect the SCO characteristics.

Inorg Chem ; 60(12): 9040-9049, 2021 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34047556


Aiming at investigating the suitability of Hofmann-type two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymers {FeII(Lax)2[MII(CN)4]} to be processed as single monolayers and probed as spin crossover (SCO) junctions in spintronic devices, the synthesis and characterization of the MII derivatives (MII = Pd and Pt) with sulfur-rich axial ligands (Lax = 4-methyl- and 4-ethyl-disulfanylpyridine) have been conducted. The thermal dependence of the magnetic and calorimetric properties confirmed the occurrence of strong cooperative SCO behavior in the temperature interval of 100-225 K, featuring hysteresis loops 44 and 32.5 K/21 K wide for PtII-methyl and PtII/PdII-ethyl derivatives, while the PdII-methyl derivative undergoes a much less cooperative multistep SCO. Excluding PtII-methyl, the remaining compounds display light-induced excited spin-state trapping at 10 K with TLIESST temperatures in the range of 50-70 K. Single-crystal studies performed in the temperature interval 100-250 K confirmed the layered structure and the occurrence of complete transformation between the high- and low-spin states of the FeII center for the four compounds. Strong positional disorder seems to be the source of elastic frustration driving the multistep SCO observed for the PdII-methyl derivative. It is expected that the peripheral disulfanyl groups will favor anchoring and growing of the monolayer on gold substrates and optimal electron transport in the device.

Chem Sci ; 11(41): 11224-11234, 2020 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34094363


Spin crossover (SCO) compounds are very attractive types of switchable materials due to their potential applications in memory devices, actuators or chemical sensors. Rational chemical tailoring of these switchable compounds is key for achieving new functionalities in synergy with the spin state change. However, the lack of precise structural information required to understand the chemical principles that control the SCO response with external stimuli may eventually hinder further development of spin switching-based applications. In this work, the functionalization with an amine group in the two-dimensional (2D) SCO compound {Fe(5-NH2Pym)2[MII(CN)4]} (1M, 5-NH2Pym = 5-aminopyrimidine, MII = Pt (1Pt), Pd (1Pd)) confers versatile host-guest chemistry and structural flexibility to the framework primarily driven by the generation of extensive H-bond interactions. Solvent free 1M species reversibly adsorb small protic molecules such as water, methanol or ethanol yielding the 1M·H2O, 1M·0.5MeOH or 1M·xEtOH (x = 0.25-0.40) solvated derivatives. Our results demonstrate that the reversible structural rearrangements accompanying these adsorption/desorption processes (1M ↔ 1M·guest) follow a gate-opening mechanism whose kinetics depend not only on the nature of the guest molecule and that of the host framework (1Pt or 1Pd) but also on their reciprocal interactions. In addition, a predictable and reversible guest-induced SCO modulation has been observed and accurately correlated with the associated crystallographic transformations monitored in detail by single crystal X-ray diffraction.