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J Insect Sci ; 14: 15, 2014 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25373162


Mymarommatidae surveys were carried out through the use of yellow pan traps in crops of green dwarf coconut, Cocos nucifera L. (Arecales: Arecaceae), papaya, Carica papaya L. (Brassicales: Caricaceae), citrus, Citrus spp. L. (Sapindales: Rutaceae), and guava, Psidium guajava L. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), in the northern Espirito Santo State, Brazil. 146 specimens of mymarommatids were collected, of which 71, 55, 16, and 4 exemplars were obtained in the area cultivated with guava, papaya, citrus, and coconut, respectively. The mean numbers of mymarommatids collected in the period from April to June 2011 were significantly higher than those obtained in the other nine months. Two genera, Mymaromma and Mymaromella, were identified The most abundant genus was Mymaromma, comprising 93.8% of the total collection; however, the genus Mymaromella was encountered in all crops. This is the first record of the presence of mymarommatids in these agricultural systems.

Distribuição Animal , Vespas/fisiologia , Animais , Brasil , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Feminino , Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Masculino , Vespas/classificação
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 20(3): 385-391, set. 2011. mapas, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-601478


Objetivo: verificar a ocorrência de espécies de culicídeos que colonizam larvitrampas. Metodologia: a pesquisa foi realizada na Floresta Nacional de Goytacazes e ambiente antrópico adjacente, situados no município de Linhares, Estado do Espírito Santo,Brasil; foram instaladas larvitrampas no solo e copa de árvores na estrada dentro do ambiente florestal e no antrópico próximo de residência humana. Resultados: entre junho de 2008 a maio de 2009, foram coletados 664 espécimes e Limatus durhamifoi a predominante, principalmente nas larvitrampas do solo; na copa de árvores do ambiente florestal, os Culex spp. foram mais frequentes, seguidos por Haemagogus leucocelaenus. Conclusão: os dados mostram que os culicídeos silvestres podem procriarem recipientes artificiais, o que aumenta o risco de contato homem-vetor; o encontro de H. leucocelaenus reveste-se de importância epidemiológica, pelo envolvimento na transmissão da febre amarela silvestre.

Objective: this research aims to asses the occurrence of mosquito species that breed in larvitraps. Methodology: the survey was conducted on Goytacazes National Forest and adjacent anthropic environment, located in the Municipality of Linhares, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil; larvitraps were installed in the ground and canopy of trees on the road within the forest, and in the anthropic environment near human dwellings. Results: between June 2008 and May 2009, 664 specimens were collected and Limatus durhami was predominant, especially in larvitraps of the ground; in the canopy of the forest environment, the Culex spp. were more frequent, followed by Haemagogus leucocelaenus. Conclusion: data show that sylvaticmosquitoes can breed in artificial containers, which increases the risk of human-vector contact; find of H. leucocelaenus is epidemiologically important because of its involvement in the transmission of sylvatic yellow fever.

Culicidae , Febre Amarela/transmissão , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Brasil , Dípteros , Saúde Pública