We carried out the translation and adaptation into Spanish of the original version of the SCID-II (Semistructured Clinical Interview for Diagnosis in Axis II according to DSM-III-R). In the questionnaire we modified the formulation of some items: the questions were changed into assertions and the answer scale was broadened into seven options. In the interview, questions and operative formulations which did not appear in the English version were created. Four trained psychiatrist interviewed in pairs a sample of 60 patients who has previously filled in the questionnaire. The reliability between interviewers oscilates between K = 0.37 for the Schizotypical Personality Disorder and K = 1 for the Avoidant Personality Disorder. The overall agreement (presence or absence of diagnosis) is K = 0.85. With the questionnaire we established 257 diagnoses whereas with the interview we diagnosed 35 cases.