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J Endocr Soc ; 8(7): bvae093, 2024 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38799767


Context: Paragangliomas (PGLs) are rare tumors in adrenal and extra-adrenal locations. Metastasis are found in approximately 5% to 35% of PGLs, and there are no reliable predictors of metastatic disease. Objective: This work aimed to develop a prognostic score of metastatic potential in PGLs. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of clinical data from a cohort with PGLs and tumor histological assessment. Patients were divided into metastatic PGL (presence of metastasis) and nonmetastatic PGL (absence of metastasis ≥96 months of follow-up) groups. Univariate and multivariable analysis were performed to identify predictors of metastatic potential. A prognostic score was developed based on coefficients of multivariable analysis. Kaplan-Meier curves were generated to estimate disease-specific survival (DSS). Results: Out of 263 patients, 35 patients had metastatic PGL and 110 patients had nonmetastatic PGL. In multivariable analysis, 4 features were independently related to metastatic disease and composed the Prognostic Score of Paragangliomas (PSPGL): presence of central or confluent necrosis (33 points), more than 3 mitosis/10 high-power field (HPF) (28 points), extension into adipose tissue (20 points), and extra-adrenal location (19 points). A PSPGL of 24 or greater showed similar sensitivity with higher specificity than the Pheochromocytoma of the Adrenal Gland Scaled Score (PASS) and Grading System for Adrenal Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma (GAPP). PSPGL less than or equal to 20 was associated with a risk of metastasis of approximately 10%, whereas a PSPGL of 40 or greater was associated with approximately 80%. The presence of metastasis and Ki-67 of 3% or greater were related to lower DSS. Conclusion: The PSPGL, composed of 4 easy-to-assess parameters, demonstrated good performance in predicting metastatic potential and good ability in estimating metastasis risk.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28382019


ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism caused by a pituitary adenoma [Cushing's disease (CD)] is the most common cause of endogenous Cushing's syndrome. CD is often associated with several morbidities, including hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis/bone fractures, secondary infections, and increased cardiovascular mortality. While the majority (≈80%) of the corticotrophinomas visible on pituitary magnetic resonance imaging are microadenomas (MICs, <10 mm of diameter), some tumors are macroadenomas (MACs, ≥10 mm) with increased growth potential and invasiveness, exceptionally exhibiting malignant demeanor. In addition, larger and invasive MACs are associated with a significant increased risk of local complications, such as hypopituitarism and visual defects. Given the clinical and molecular heterogeneity of corticotrophinomas, the aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of genetic differential expression between MIC and MAC, including the invasiveness grade as a criterion for categorizing these tumors. In this study, were included tumor samples from patients with clinical, laboratorial, radiological, and histopathological diagnosis of hypercortisolism due to an ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma. Differential gene expression was studied using an Affymetrix microarray platform in 12 corticotrophinomas, classified as non-invasive MIC (n = 4) and MAC (n = 5), and invasive MAC (n = 3), according to modified Hardy criteria. Somatic mutations in USP8 were also investigated, but none of the patients exhibited USP8 variants. Differential expression analysis demonstrated that non-invasive MIC and MAC have a similar genetic signature, while invasive MACs exhibited a differential expression profile. Among the genes differentially expressed, we highlighted CCND2, ZNF676, DAPK1, and TIMP2, and their differential expression was validated through quantitative real-time PCR in another cohort of 15 non-invasive and 3 invasive cortocotrophinomas. We also identified potential biological pathways associated with growth and invasiveness, TGF-ß and G protein signaling pathways, DNA damage response pathway, and pathways associated with focal adhesion. Our study revealed a differential pattern of genetic signature in a subgroup of MAC, supporting a genetic influence on corticotrophinomas in patients with CD.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27512387


Somatic GNAS point mutations, commonly known as gsp mutations, are involved in the pathogenesis of McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) and have also been described in autonomous hormone-producing tumors, such as somatotropinoma, corticotrophoma, thyroid cancer, ovarian and testicular Leydig cell tumors, and primary macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia (PMAH) (1-3). The involvement of gsp mutations in adrenal tumors was first described by Lyons et al. Since then, several studies have detected the presence of gsp mutations in adrenal tumors, but none of them could explain its presence along or the mechanism that leads to tumor formation and hormone hypersecretion. As a result, the molecular pathogenesis of the majority of sporadic adrenocortical tumors remains unclear (3). PMAH has also been reported with gsp somatic mutations in a few cases. Fragoso et al. identified two distinct gsp somatic mutations affecting arginine residues on codon 201 of GNAS in a few patients with PMAH who lacked any features or manifestations of MAS. Followed by this discovery, other studies have continued looking for gsp mutations based on strong prior evidence demonstrating that increased cAMP signaling is sufficient for cell proliferation and cortisol production (2, 4). With consideration for the previously reported findings, we conjecture that although somatic activating mutations in GNAS are a rare molecular event, these mutations could probably be sufficient to induce the development of macronodule hyperplasia and variable cortisol secretion. In this manuscript, we revised the presence of gsp mutations associated with adrenal cortical tumors and hyperplasia.