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J Surg Educ ; 81(7): 960-966, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38749814


INTRODUCTION: Artificial intelligence tools are being progressively integrated into medicine and surgical education. Large language models, such as ChatGPT, could provide relevant feedback aimed at improving surgical skills. The purpose of this study is to assess ChatGPT´s ability to provide feedback based on surgical scenarios. METHODS: Surgical situations were transformed into texts using a neutral narrative. Texts were evaluated by ChatGPT 4.0 and 3 surgeons (A, B, C) after a brief instruction was delivered: identify errors and provide feedback accordingly. Surgical residents were provided with each of the situations and feedback obtained during the first stage, as written by each surgeon and ChatGPT, and were asked to assess the utility of feedback (FCUR) and its quality (FQ). As control measurement, an Education-Expert (EE) and a Clinical-Expert (CE) were asked to assess FCUR and FQ. RESULTS: Regarding residents' evaluations, 96.43% of times, outputs provided by ChatGPT were considered useful, comparable to what surgeons' B and C obtained. Assessing FQ, ChatGPT and all surgeons received similar scores. Regarding EE's assessment, ChatGPT obtained a significantly higher FQ score when compared to surgeons A and B (p = 0.019; p = 0.033) with a median score of 8 vs. 7 and 7.5, respectively; and no difference respect surgeon C (score of 8; p = 0.2). Regarding CE´s assessment, surgeon B obtained the highest FQ score while ChatGPT received scores comparable to that of surgeons A and C. When participants were asked to identify the source of the feedback, residents, CE, and EE perceived ChatGPT's outputs as human-provided in 33.9%, 28.5%, and 14.3% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSION: When given brief written surgical situations, ChatGPT was able to identify errors with a detection rate comparable to that of experienced surgeons and to generate feedback that was considered useful for skill improvement in a surgical context performing as well as surgical instructors across assessments made by general surgery residents, an experienced surgeon, and a nonsurgeon feedback expert.

Competência Clínica , Cirurgia Geral , Internato e Residência , Humanos , Cirurgia Geral/educação , Feedback Formativo , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Medicina/métodos , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Inteligência Artificial , Feminino , Masculino , Treinamento por Simulação/métodos , Cirurgiões/educação
PLoS One ; 17(9): e0272446, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36137091


AIM: Achieve an international consensus on how to recover lost training opportunities. The results of this study will help inform future EAES guidelines about the recovery of surgical training before and after the pandemic. BACKGROUND: A global survey conducted by our team demonstrated significant disruption in surgical training during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was wide-spread and affected all healthcare systems (whether insurance based or funded by public funds) in all participating countries. Thematic analysis revealed the factors perceived by trainees as barriers to training and gave birth to four-point framework of recovery. These are recommendations that can be easily achieved in any country, with minimal resources. Their implementation, however, relies heavily on the active participation and leadership by trainers. Based on the results of the global trainee survey, the authors would like to conduct a Delphi-style survey, addressed to trainers on this occasion, to establish a pragmatic step-by-step approach to improve training during and after the pandemic. METHODS: This will be a mixed qualitative and quantitative study. Semi-structured interviews will be performed with laparoscopic trainers. These will be transcribed and thematic analysis will be applied. A questionnaire will then be proposed; this will be based on both the results of the semi structured interviews and of the global trainee survey. The questionnaire will then be validated by the steering committee of this group (achieve consensus of >80%). After validation, the questionnaire will be disseminated to trainers across the globe. Participants will be asked to consent to participate in further cycles of the Delphi process until more than 80% agreement is achieved. RESULTS: This study will result in a pragmatic framework for continuation of surgical training during and after the pandemic (with special focus on minimally invasive surgery training).

COVID-19 , Laparoscopia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Consenso , Técnica Delphi , Humanos , Laparoscopia/educação , Pandemias
BMJ Glob Health ; 4(6): e001827, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31798991


BACKGROUND: Brazil faces huge health inequality challenges since not all municipalities have access to primary care physicians. The More Doctors Programme (MDP), which started in 2013, was born out of this recognition, providing more than 18 000 doctors in the first few years. However, the programme faced a restructuring at the end of 2018. METHODS: We construct a panel municipality-level data between 2008 and 2017 for 5570 municipalities in Brazil. We employ a difference-in-differences empirical approach, combined with propensity score matching, to study the impacts of the programme on hospitalisations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions and its costs. We explore heterogeneous impacts by age of the patients, type of admissions, and municipalities that were given priority. FINDINGS: The MDP reduced ambulatory admissions by 2.9 per cent (p value <0.10) and the costs by 3.7 per cent (p value <0.01) over the mean. The reduction was driven by infectious gastroenteritis, bacterial pneumonias, asthma, kidney and urinary infections, and pelvic inflammatory disease. The results held on the subsample of municipalities targeted by the programme. By comparing the benefits of the programme from the reduction in the costs of ambulatory admissions to the total financial costs of the MDP, the impacts allowed the government to save at least BRL 27.88 (US$ 6.9 million) between 2014 and 2017. CONCLUSION: Addressing inequalities in the distribution of the medical workforce remains a global challenge. Our results inform the discussion on the current strategy adopted in Brazil to increase access to primary healthcare in underserved areas.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(4): 31-38, dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527566


Introducción: La simulación remota brindó una alternativa concreta para entrenar las habilidades procedimentales básicas durante la pandemia. El objetivo de este artículo es describir el proyecto que mantuvo el entrenamiento de las habilidades procedimentales básicas de enfermería en alumnos de pregrado UC, utilizando la aplicación C1DO1, durante el segundo semestre del 2021. Materiales y Métodos: Se diseñaron cinco etapas en la plataforma C1DO1. Cada etapa consideró un procedimiento clínico básico. Los estudiantes practicaron las técnicas en su hogar y se grabaron ejecutando el procedimiento. El video fue revisado por un docente que proporcionaba una retroalimentación personalizada y medía su aprendizaje de manera formativa. Al finalizar todas las etapas, se aplicó una encuesta para evaluar la percepción y satisfacción con el proyecto. Resultados: 183 estudiantes se inscribieron en el proyecto, de los cuales 122 participaron activamente. El porcentaje de respuesta del instrumento de evaluación fue de un 71%. La satisfacción global alcanzó una nota de 6,1. El grado de acuerdo con la simulación remota fue de un 94%. La percepción de autoeficacia alcanzó un 89%. La retroalimentación personalizada fue considerada como muy importante por el 94% de los participantes y el 98% de los estudiantes aprobó la etapa que efectúo. Discusión: Existe un alto grado de acuerdo con el entrenamiento de habilidades procedimentales mediante la simulación remota, sin embargo, los estudiantes consideran esta metodología como un complemento al aprendizaje motor, aún faltan estudios que midan transferencia.

Introduction: Remote simulation provided a concrete alternative to train basic procedural skills, given the pandemic. This article aims to describe the project that maintained the training of basic nursing procedural skills in UC undergraduate students using the C1DO1 application during the second semester of 2021. Methods: Five stages were designed on the C1DO1 platform. Each stage considered a basic clinical procedure. The students practiced the techniques at home and recorded themselves performing the procedure. The video was reviewed by a teacher who provided personalized feedback and measured their learning in a formative way. At the end of all the stages, a survey was applied to the students to evaluate their perception and satisfaction with the project. Results: The total number of students enrolled in the project was 183 of which 122 actively participated. The response rate of the evaluation instrument was 71%. Global satisfaction with the project obtained a score of 6.1. The degree of agreement with the remote simulation was 94%. The perception of self-efficacy reached 89%. The personalized feedback was considered very important by 94% of the participants and 98% of the students approved the stage they carried out. Discussion: There is a high degree of agreement with the training of procedural skills through remote simulation, however, students see this methodology as a complement to motor learning, and studies that measure transfer are still lacking.

Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1104440


O presente artigo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do Programa Mais Médicos (PMM) nas taxas de internação por condições sensíveis à atenção primária (ICSAP) por faixa etária no Brasil. Realizou-se um estudo longitudinal com abordagem em painel dinâmico. A unidade de análise foi o município, considerando os 5 570 municípios brasileiros no período de 2008 a 2016. Para avaliar o efeito do PMM, considerou-se a exposição do município ao programa. Identificaram-se os municípios em que pelo menos 50% dos médicos da atenção primária eram do PMM. Testes de robustez com exposições alternativas ao programa (30%, 40%, 60% e 70%) foram realizados. Um conjunto de variáveis de vulnerabilidade foi incluído como controle: número de médicos da APS e de enfermeiros/técnicos de enfermagem/auxiliares de enfermagem da Estratégia Saúde da Família por 10 000 habitantes; número de leitos hospitalares por 10 000 habitantes; índice de desenvolvimento municipal de educação e de renda e emprego; percentual da população com plano de saúde; e percentual de domicílios com rede de esgoto. Detectou-se um efeito consistente do PMM na redução das ICSAP. Esse resultado foi encontrado para todas as faixas etárias, apresentando maior efeito entre crianças (0 a 4 anos), com redução correspondente a 3,7% nas taxas de ICSAP. Em adultos (20 a 64 anos), a redução foi de 3,1%. Além disso, verificou-se que quanto maior a exposição do município ao PMM, maior o efeito na redução das ICSAP. Os municípios mais expostos ao PMM foram os municípios em maior condição de vulnerabilidade. Em conclusão, o PMM contribuiu para a melhoria da saúde da população, principalmente em áreas de alta vulnerabilidade.(AU)

The present article aimed at evaluating the effect of the More Doctors Program (PMM) on primary care sensitive conditions (PCSC) by age group in Brazil. A longitudinal study was performed using a dynamic panel data approach. Municipalities were considered as the unit of analysis; the 5 570 Brazilian municipalities existing in Brazil from 2008 to 2016 were analyzed. The effect of the PMM was evaluated according to the exposure of municipalities to the program. For that, the municipalities in which at least 50% of primary care physicians were linked to the PMM were identified. Robustness tests with alternative exposures to the program (30%, 40%, 60% and 70%) were performed. A set of vulnerability variables was included for control: number or primary care physicians, number of Family Health Strategy nurses/nursing technicians or assistants per 10 000 population; number of hospital beds per 10 000 population; municipal education development and income/employment indices; percentage of population with health insurance plans; and percentage of households with sewer lines. A consistent effect of the PMM on PCSC reduction was detected. This result was observed for all age groups, with greater impact on the 0 to 4 year-old group, in which a 3.7% reduction in PCSC rates was recorded. In adults (20 to 64 years), a 3.1% reduction was recorded. The results show that the higher the exposure to the PMM, the stronger the effect on PCSC reduction. Also, the municipalities with higher exposure to the PMM were the most vulnerable. In conclusion, the PMM contributed to improve the health of the population, especially in high vulnerability areas.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo fue evaluar el efecto del Programa Más Médicos (PMM) en las tasas de hospitalización por enfermedades que podrían tratarse en la atención primaria por grupo etario en Brasil. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal con un método basado en una cohorte dinámica. Con el municipio como unidad de análisis, el estudio se extendió a los 5 570 municipios brasileños en el período 2008-2016. Para evaluar el efecto del PMM, se consideró la exposición de cada municipio al programa. Se identificaron los municipios donde al menos 50% de los médicos de atención primaria pertenecían al PMM. Se realizaron pruebas de robustez con diferentes grados de exposición al programa (30%, 40%, 60% y 70%). Se empleó como testigo un conjunto de variables de vulnerabilidad, a saber, el número de médicos de atención primaria de salud y de miembros del personal profesional, técnico y auxiliar de enfermería de la estrategia de salud de la familia por 10 000 habitantes; el número de camas hospitalarias por 10 000 habitantes; el índice de desarrollo municipal en materia de educación, ingresos y empleo; el porcentaje de la población con planes de atención de salud y el porcentaje de domicilios con red de alcantarillado. Se observó un marcado efecto del PMM en la reducción de la tasa de hospitalización por enfermedades que podrían tratarse en la atención primaria. Ese resultado se obtuvo en todos los grupos etarios, con un mayor efecto en los niños (de 0 a 4 años) cuyas tasas de hospitalización disminuyeron 3,7%. En adultos (de 20 a 64 años), la reducción fue de 3,1%. Además, se verificó que cuanto mayor era la exposición del municipio al PMM, más intenso era el efecto del programa en la reducción de dichas tasas. Los municipios más expuestos al PMM fueron los más vulnerables. En conclusión, el PMM contribuyó a mejorar la salud de la población, principalmente en las zonas con un alto índice de vulnerabilidade.(AU)

Avaliação de Processos e Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Equidade em Saúde , Hospitalização , Programas Nacionais de Saúde/organização & administração , Brasil , Estudos Longitudinais
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1104416


Objetivo. Descrever as representações de ser mulher das usuárias do Programa Mais Médicos (PMM), com perspectiva de gênero e raça, e as mudanças que o PMM trouxe quanto ao empoderamento e cuidado da saúde. Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso descritivo, de corte transversal. O trabalho de campo foi realizado mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicação de uma técnica evocativa de associação de palavras e grupos focais em municípios com médicos cubanos, com amostras de tipo nominal para escolha dos municípios e de tipo intencional para a escolha de participantes. O tamanho das amostras foi definido em campo com base na técnica da saturação teórica. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise de conteúdo e análise prototípica. Resultados. A cobertura da atenção básica foi fortalecida com os aportes do programa, segundo os quatro gestores entrevistados. As mulheres (103 na técnica evocativa e 120 nos grupos focais) relataram mudanças no modelo de atendimento, que se tornou mais humanizado, com impacto sobre sua percepção sobre os serviços de saúde, sobre a consulta médica, sobre os médicos e sobre a imagem de si mesmas e, em menor medida, sobre as práticas de cuidado da saúde. Conclusões. O PMM trouxe ganhos no empoderamento individual das mulheres, com reflexos potencialmente positivos para os comportamentos em saúde.(AU)

Objective. To describe the representations of being a woman by users of the More Doctors Program (Programa Mais Médicos, PMM) in Brazil, exploring the perspectives of gender and race, and the changes produced by PMM in terms of empowerment and health care. Methods. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The field work was performed using semi-structured interviews, with application of an evocative word technique and focal groups in municipalities with Cuban physicians, with nominal selection of municipalities and intentional selection of participants. The size of the sample was defined in the field based on saturation. The data were analyzed by content and prototypical analyses. Results. Primary health care coverage was strengthened by the PMM, according to the four municipal health secretaries interviewed. Participants (103 in the evocative technique and 120 from focal groups) reported changes in the model of care, which became more humanized, with impact on their perception of health care services, medical consultations, and physicians, on the image they had of themselves and, to a lesser extent, on their health care practices. Conclusions. PMM produced individual empowerment gains for study participants, with potentially positive impacts on health care behaviors.(AU)

Objetivo. Describir las representaciones de la condición de ser mujer hechas por las usuarias del programa Mais Médicos, con una perspectiva de género y raza, y los cambios producidos por este programa en materia de empoderamiento y cuidado de la salud. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de caso descriptivo y transversal. El trabajo de campo se realizó mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, con aplicación de una técnica evocadora de asociación de palabras y grupos focales en municipios con presencia de médicos cubanos, con muestras de tipo nominal para la selección de los municipios y de tipo intencional para la selección de las participantes. El tamaño de las muestras se definió sobre el terreno con base en la técnica de la saturación teórica. Los datos se sometieron a análisis prototípico y de contenido. Resultados. Los aportes del programa fortalecieron la cobertura de la atención básica, según lo expresado por los cuatro gestores entrevistados. Las mujeres (103 de las entrevistadas con la técnica evocadora y 120 de los grupos focales) relataron cambios en los modelos de atención que hicieron que la atención se torne más humanizada y que incidieron en su percepción de los servicios de salud, las consultas médicas, los médicos, la imagen de sí mismas y, en menor grado, las prácticas de cuidado de la salud. Conclusiones. El programa Mais Médicos implicó adelantos en materia de empoderamiento individual de las mujeres, con repercusiones potencialmente favorables en los patrones de comportamiento relacionados con la salud.(AU)

Atenção Primária à Saúde/métodos , Direitos da Mulher/tendências , Assistência Integral à Saúde/métodos , Políticas Públicas Antidiscriminatórias , Programas Nacionais de Saúde/organização & administração , Brasil , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Cuba , Médicos Graduados Estrangeiros/organização & administração