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Dev Reprod ; 26(2): 91-98, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35950169


Genomic DNA (gDNA) set apart from two populations of Korean Charybdis crab (Charybdis japonica) was augmented by PCR experiments. The five oligonucleotides primers (ONT-primers) were spent to yield the number of unique loci shared to each crab population (ULSECP) and number of loci shared by the two crab populations (LSTCP). 305 fragments (FRAGs) were identified in the Charybdis crab population A (CCPA), and 344 in the Charybdis crab population B (CCPB): 44 number of ULSECP (14.43%) in the CCPA and 110 (31.98%) in the CCPB. 44 number of LSTCP, with an average of 8.8 per primer, were detected in the two crab populations. The bandsharing (BS) value between entity's no. 01 and no. 10 was the lowest (0.371) between the two CCPs. The average bandsharing (ABS) values of individuals in the CCPA (0.575±0.014) were lesser than in those originated from the CCPB (0.705±0.011) (p < 0.05). The polar hierarchical dendrogram (PHD) achieved by the five ONT-primers denotes three genetic clusters (GCs): cluster I (CHARYBCRAB 01, 04, 05, 06, and 08), cluster II (CHARYBCRAB 02, 03, 07, 09, 10, and 11) and cluster III (CHARYBCRAB 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22). The shortest genetic distance (GD) displaying significant molecular difference (MD) was between individuals CHARYBCRAB no. 18 and CHARYBCRAB no. 17 (0.055).

Dev Reprod ; 26(3): 127-133, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36285150


The seven oligonucleotides primers were consumed to produce the quantity of unique loci shared to each pen shell team (ULSEPT) and quantity of loci shared by the binary pen shell teams. 154 quantities of LSBPP, with a mediocre of 22.0 per primer, were noticed in the binary pen shell (Atrina pectinata) teams. 328 fragments were recognized in the pen shell team A (PSTA), and 257 in the pen shell team B (PSTB): 77 quantities of ULSEPT (23.48%) in the PSTA and 121 (47.08%) in the PSTB. The band-sharing amount (BS amount) between entity's no. 01 and no. 05 was the highest (0.884) between the binary PSTs. The median band-sharing amount of entities in the PSTA (0.685±0.011) was higher than in those invented from the PSTB (0.640±0.009) (p<0.05). The highest genetic distance presenting substantial molecular difference was between entities PECTINATA no. 06 and PECTINATA no. 04 (0.498). Through this study, it is possible a certain degree to contribute to increasing the cultivation of pen shells, conservation of species, protection of the natural environment, and preservation of ecosystems.

Dev Reprod ; 25(2): 105-111, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34386645


A PCR-founded genetic analysis aim and principle was used to foster a hierarchical polar dendrogram of the Euclidean genetic distances (GDs) for two arkshell populations, Scapharca broughtonii (YEOSU, Yeosu population and JINHAE, Jinhae population). Five oligonucleotides primers were make use of to craft 354 and 390 scorable bands in the Yeosu and Jinhae populations, respectively, outspreading in DNA fragment size from 100 bp to 1,600 bp. The bandsharing (BS) results disclosed that the Jinhae population had a higher average BS value (0.700) than that for the Yeosu population (0.692). The GD between individuals supported an adjacent association in grouping II (JINHAE 12 - JINHAE 22). The observation of a noteworthy GD between the two Scapharca populations verified that this PCR-generated technique could be a profitable attempt for within- and between-population-grounded biological DNA scrutiny. The potential of PCR inquiry will be favorable in the selection of individuals and/or populations for several reproductive- and/or quarantine-connected characters in aquafarming manufacture.

Dev Reprod ; 25(4): 305-311, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35141456


The oligonucleotides polymers (ON-polymers) were used producing a total of 110 loci unique to each clam population (LUECP) in group one and 132 in group two, respectively, varying in amount of DNA fragments (FRs) from greater than near 50 to a smaller quantity than 1,050 bp. The larger FR amounts (>1,050 bp) are not noticed in the two Scapharca subcrenata groups. The ON-polymer OPD-01 produced 33 LUECP, which were defining each group, almost 300 bp, 450 bp, and 500 bp, in the group one. The OPD-15 recognized 22 loci shared by the two clam populations (Loci shared by the two clam populations, LSTCP), a variety of FRs of sizes 300 bp that were equivalent in all specimens. The mean number of LUECP was varied and 1.2-fold greater in the shellfish group two than in the group one. Respecting mean bandsharing (BS) grade outcomes, entities in the shellfish group one (0.779±0.011) had a little higher BS grades than did entities from the group two (0.756±0.009) (p<0.05). The entities of the shellfish group one are not tightly gathered with other entities of the group two. The genetic distance (GD) (0.422) of this invertebrate (SUBCRENATA 02 and 01) is 7.41-fold hereditarily distinct to the GD (0.057) of the other invertebrate (SUBCRENATA 22 and 19). The polar dendrogram (PDG) procured by the five ON-polymers underlines two characteristic groups.

Dev Reprod ; 25(3): 185-192, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34950821


The five oligonucleotide primers (oligo-primers) turned out a total of 335 fragments (FMs) (52.9%) in the blue crab (Portunus trituberculatus) group alpha and 298 FMs (47.1%) in the crab group beta, with the FM scales range varying from 100 bp to 2,000 bp. The highest band-sharing (BS) value (0.907) was found between individual's no. 19 and no. 20 within the blue crab group beta. Parties in the blue crab group beta (0.601±0.017) had higher BS rates than did parties from the crab group alpha (0.563±0.017) (p<0.05). The polar dendrogram got by the five oligo-primers points out two genetic extents: bundle I (BLUECRAB 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, and 10) and bundle II (BLUECRAB 02, 07, 09. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22). The OPD-01 primer revealed 22 loci shared by all the examples of the as FMs of 1,000 bp. The oligo-primer OPA-05 made unique loci shared to each group (ULSEG), almost 400 bp and 500 bp, individually, in blue crab group beta. The remaining oligo-primers did not reveal any loci shared by the two crab groups (LSTG). The average number of ULSEG was diverse and 1.6-fold higher in the crab group beta than in the crab group alpha.

Dev Reprod ; 25(1): 59-65, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33977176


The author established a PCR-based genetic platform to examine the hierarchical polar dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances of one tailfin anchovy population, especially for Coilia nasus, which was further associated with other fish population, by connecting with specifically designed oligonucleotide primer sets. Five oligonucleotide primers were used to generate a total of 260 and 211 scorable fragments in Coilia populations I and II, respectively. The DNA fragments ranged from greater than (approximately) 100 to more than 2,000 bp. The average bandsharing values (BS) of individuals from the anchovy population I (0.693) displayed higher values than individuals from population II (0.675). The genetic distance between individuals established the existence of a close relationship in group II. Comparatively, individuals of one anchovy population were fairly related to other fish populations, as shown in the polar hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances. The noteworthy genetic distance determined between two Coilia nasus populations demonstrates that this PCR technique can be applied as one of the several devices for individuals and/or population biological DNA researches undertaken for safeguarding species and for production of anchovies in the littoral area of Korea.

Dev Reprod ; 24(4): 327-336, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33537519


Genomic DNA (gDNA) extracted from two populations of natural and cultured river pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The complexity of the fragments derived from the two locations varied dramatically. The genetic distances (GDs) between individuals numbered 15 and 12 in the cultured population was 0.053, which was the lowest acknowledged. The oligonucleotide primer OPC-11 identified 88 unique loci shared within each population reflecting the natural population. The OPC-05 primer identified 44 loci shared by the two populations. The average band-sharing (BS) values of individuals in the natural population (0.683±0.014) were lower than in those derived from the cultured population (0.759±0.009) (p<0.05). The shortest GD demonstrating a significant molecular difference was found between the cultured individuals # 15 and # 12 (GD=0.053). Individual # 02 of the natural population was most distantly related to cultured individual # 22 (GD=0.827). A cluster tree was built using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) Euclidean GD analysis based on a total of 578 various fragments derived from five primers in the two populations. Obvious markers identified in this study represent the genetic structure, species security, and proliferation of river pufferfish in the rivers of the Korean peninsula.

Dev Reprod ; 24(3): 241-248, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33110956


This study used a PCR-based genetic analysis platform to create a hierarchical polar dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances for two salmonid species, Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout, RT) and Oncorhynchus masou (masu salmon, MS). The species were distantly related to other fish species based on PCR results from using the designed oligonucleotide primer series. Five oligonucleotide primers were used to generate 330 and 234 scorable fragments in the RT and MS populations, respectively. The DNA fragments ranged in size from approximately 50 bp to more than 2,000 bp. The bandsharing (BS) results showed that the RT population had a higher average BS value (0.852) than that for the MS population (0.704). The genetic distance between individuals supported the presence of adjacent affiliation in cluster I (RT 01-RT 11). The observation of a significant genetic distance between the two Oncorhynchus species verifies that this PCR-based technique can be a useful approach for individual- and population-based biological DNA investigations. The results of this type of investigation can be useful for species safekeeping and the maintenance of salmonid populations in the mountain streams of Korea.

Dev Reprod ; 23(2): 193-198, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31321359


Genomic DNA samples were obtained from cultured penaeid shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) individuals such as fresh shrimp population (FSP) and deceased shrimp population (DSP) from Shinan regions in the Korean peninsula. In this study, 233 loci were identified in the FSP shrimp population and 162 in the DSP shrimp population: 33 specific loci (14.2%) in the FSP shrimp population and 42 (25.9%) in the DSP population. A total of 66 (an average of 9.4 per primer) were observed in DSP shrimp population, whereas 55 unique loci to each population (an average of 7.9 per primer) in the FSP shrimp population. The Hierarchical dendrogram extended by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (FRESH 01, 02, and DECEASED 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22) and cluster 2 (FRESH 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, and DECEASED 14, 18, 21). Among the twenty-two shrimp, the shortest genetic distance that exposed significant molecular differences was between individuals 20 and 16 from the DSP shrimp population (genetic distance=0.071), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-two individuals that established significant molecular differences was between individuals FRESH no. 02 and FRESH no. 04 (genetic distance=0.477). In due course, PCR analysis has revealed the significant genetic distance among two penaeid shrimp populations.

Dev Reprod ; 23(4): 377-384, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31993543


Genomic DNA extracted from representatives of two populations, Gunsan and Chinese, of Urechis spp. was amplified using PCR with several primers. The band-sharing (BS) value between individuals no. 05 from the Gunsan population and no. 22 from the Chinese population was 0.206, which was the lowest recognized value. Oligonucleotides primer OPC-04 revealed 44 unique loci, which distinguished the Chinese population. Primer OPB-17 allowed the discovery of 22 loci shared by the two populations, which were present in all samples. Based on the average BS results, individuals from the Gunsan population demonstrated lower BS values (0.661±0.012) than did those from the Chinese population (0.788±0.014; p<0.05). The shortest genetic distance (GD) displaying a noteworthy molecular difference was between individuals CHINESE no. 12 and no. 13 (GD=0.027). Individual no. 06 from the Gunsan population was most distantly related to CHINESE no. 22 (GD=0.703). A group tree of the two populations was constructed by UPGMA Euclidean GD analysis based on a total of 543 fragments generated using six primers. The explicit markers recognized in this study will be used for genetic analysis, as well as to evaluate the species security and proliferation of echiuran individuals in intertidal regions of the Korean Peninsula.

Dev Reprod ; 23(3): 297-304, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31660456


The higher fragment sizes (>2,100 bp) are not observed in the two C. spp. populations. The six oligonucleotides primers OPA-11, OPB-09, OPB-14, OPB-20, OPC-14, and OPC-18 were used to generate the unique shared loci to each tonguesole population and shared loci by the two tonguesole populations. The hierarchical polar dendrogram indicates two main clusters: Gunsan (GUNSAN 01-GUNSAN 11) and the Atlantic (ATLANTIC 12-ATLANTIC 22) from two geographic populations of tonguesoles. The shortest genetic distance displaying significant molecular difference was between individuals' GUNSAN no. 02-GUNSAN no. 01 (genetic distance=0.038). In the long run, individual no. 02 of the ATLANTIC tonguesole was most distantly related to GUNSAN no. 06 (genetic distance=0.958). These results demonstrate that the Gunsan tonguesole population is genetically different from the Atlantic tonguesole population. The potential of PCR analysis to identify diagnostic markers for the identification of two tonguesole populations has been demonstrated. As a rule, using various oligonucleotides primers, this PCR method has been applied to identify polymorphic/specific markers particular to species and geographical population, as well as genetic diversity/polymorphism in diverse species of organisms.

Dev Reprod ; 22(2): 193-198, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30023469


The author undertook PCR-founded genetic platform to investigate the hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances of one razor clam population, particularly for Solen corneus, which was further associated with those of the other clam population, by engaging with the precisely designed oligonucleotide primer sets. Seven oligonucleotides primers were used producing a total of 639 counted bands in population A and 595 in population B, respectively, ranging in size of DNA fragments from larger than approximately 50 bp to less than 1,100 bp. Their primers generated 39 specific fragments (6.10%) in population A and 47 (7.90%) in population B, respectively Comparatively, individuals of one razor clam population were fairly related to that of the other clam population, as shown in the hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances. The analysis of genetic variation between razor clam populations could offer important statistics for fisheries and mariculture. Generally the results showed specific and/or conserved genetic loci between razor clam populations. Specific markers established by the author will be valuable for the genetic analysis, species protection and increase of razor clam individuals in coastal region of the Korean Peninsula.

Dev Reprod ; 22(3): 283-288, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30324165


The author carried out PCR-based genetic platform to investigate the hierarchical polar dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances of one bastard halibut population, particularly for Paralichthys olivaceus, which was further connected with those of the other fish population, by involving with the precisely designed oligonucleotide primer sets. Eight oligonucleotides primers were used generating excessively alterating fragments, ranging in size of DNA bands from larger than approximately 100 bp to less than 2,000 bp. As regards average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from Hampyeong population (0.810) displayed lower bandsharing values than did individuals from Wando population (0.877). The genetic distance between individuals approved the existence of close relationship in the cluster II. Relatively, individuals of one bastard halibut population were fairly related to that of the other fish population, as shown in the polar hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances. The points of a noteworthy genetic distance between two P. olivaceus populations demonstrated this PCR procedure is one of the quite a few means for individuals and/or populations biological DNA investigates, for species security and proliferation of bastard halibut individuals in coastal region of the Korea.

Dev Reprod ; 22(4): 393-402, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30680338


Genomic DNA was isolated from the Gracilaria vermiculophylla (GRV) and G. chorda (GRC) from Jangheung located in the southern sea of the Korean Peninsula, respectively and we performed clustering analyses, DNA polymorphisms and the genetic differences. The seven selected primers OPC-01, OPA-04, OPA-05, OPD-07, OPD-08, OPB-10, and OPD-16 generated average bandsharing (BS) value, the genetic distance and dendrogram. The size of DNA bands varies from 90 bp to 2,400 bp. The average BS value was 0.859±0.004 within GRV and 0.916±0.006 within GRC. The average BS value between two Gracilaria species was 0.340±0.003, ranged from 0.250 to 0.415. The dendrogram obtained by the seven primers, indicates two genetic clusters. The genetic distance between two Gracilaria species ranged from 0.059 to 0.513. The individual VERMICULOPHYLLA no. 07 of GRV was genetically closely related to VERMICULOPHYLLA no. 06 of GRV (genetic distance=0.059). Especially, two entities between the individual VERMICULOPHYLLA no. 10 of GRV and CHORDA no. 22 of GRC showed the longest genetic distance (0.513) in comparison with other individuals used. Accordingly, as mentioned above, PCR analysis showed that the GRV was a little more genetically diverse than the GRC species. We convinced that this DNA analysis revealed a significant genetic distance between two Gracilaria species pairs (p<0.01).

Dev Reprod ; 21(4): 435-440, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29354788


The author performed PCR-based genetic platform to measure the hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances of Korean scallop populations (KSP), particularly for Chlamys farreri, which was further compared with those of the Chinese scallop populations (CSP), by employing the with specifically designed oligonucleotide primer sets. The scallop is economically and ecologically very important bivalves in South Korea. Relatively, individuals of KSP population were fairly distantly related to that of CSP population, as shown in the hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances. Comparatively, individuals of KSP population were fairly distantly related to that of CSP population. Thus analysis of genetic difference between scallop populations could provide important statistics for fishery and aquaculture. Overall the results showed specific and/or conserved genetic loci between scallop populations. Information on the genetic distance of the bivalve would be helpful to understand scallop expansion or conservation in the coastal regions of South Korea. Specific markers developed by the author will be useful for the analysis of scallop population genetics and distribution in coastal region.

Dev Reprod ; 21(3): 269-274, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29082342


The PCR analysis was performed on DNA samples extracted from a total of 20 individuals using six oligonucleotides primers. The author accomplished clustering analyses to reveal the Euclidean genetic distances among four clam populations from Gochang, Seocheon, Taean and Anmyeon of the Korean peninsula. The oligonucleotides primer OPA-08 generated 5 unique loci to each population, approximately 550 bp and 600 bp, respectively, in the MCS population. Especially, the primer OPA-20 generated 15 unique loci to each population, which were identifying each population, approximately 400 bp, 750 bp and 800 bp, in the MCT population. Individuals from MCG clam population (0.637±0.227) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did individuals from MCG clam population (0.402±0.115) (P<0.05). The dendrogram obtained by the six oligonucleotides primers indicates four genetic clusters: cluster 1 (MCG 01, 02, 04 and 05), cluster 2 (MCS 06, 07, 08, 09 and 10), cluster 3 (MCT 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) and cluster 4 (MCA 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and MCG 03). Among the twenty clam individuals, the shortest genetic distance that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals 14 and 15 from the MCT population (genetic distance = 0.094), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty individuals that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals MCG no. 01 and MCG no. 02 (genetic distance = 0.687). Comparatively, individuals of MCS clam population were fairly closely related to that of MCT clam population, as shown in the hierarchical dendrogram of Euclidean genetic distances.

Dev Reprod ; 20(4): 379-385, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28144642


Seven oligonucleotides primers were shown to generate the shared loci, specific loci, unique shared loci to each species and shared loci by the three species which could be obviously scored. In the present study, 7 oligonucleotides primers produced 401 total loci in the Styela clava (SC) species, 390 in the Halocynthia roretzi (HR) and 434 in the Styela plicata (SP), respectively. Seven oligonucleotides primers generated 275 specific loci in the SC, 341 in the HR and 364 in the SP species, respectively. The oligonucleotides primer BION-23 generated 28 unique loci to each species in the SP species. Especially, the oligonucleotides primer BION-25 produced 7 unique loci to each species, which were identifying each species in the SP species. BION-17 distinguished 21 shared loci by the three ascidian species, major and/or minor fragments of sizes, which were identical in almost all of the samples. Based on the average bandsharing values of all samples, the similarity matrix ranged from 0.519 to 0.774 in the SC species, from 0.261 to 0.683 in the HR species and from 0.346 to 0.730 in the SP species. As regards average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from SC species (0.661±0.081) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did individuals from HR species (0.555±0.074) (P<0.05). The dendrogram obtained by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic groups. In three ascidian species, the shortest genetic distance (0.071) exhibiting significant molecular difference was also between individual no. 20 and no. 21 within the SP species.

Dev Reprod ; 20(2): 157-62, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27660831


Genomic DNAs isolated from crucian carp of four rivers, belonging to the family Cyprinidae was amplified by seven oligonucleotides primers. In the present study, we employed hierarchical clustering method in order to reveal genetic distances and variations. Crucian carp was acquired from Hangang river (CAH), Geumgang river (CAG), Nakdonggang river (CAN) and Yeongsangang river (CAY). The primer BION-12 generated the most loci (a total of 50) with an average of 10 in the CAY population. The primer BION-10 generated the least loci (a total of 19), with an average of 3.8 in the CAG population, in comparison to the other primers used. Seven oligonucleotides primers made 16.7 average no. per primer of specific loci in the CAH population, 7.4 in the CAG population, 8.6 in the CAN population and 0.9 in the CAY population, respectively. The specific loci generated by oligonucleotides primers revealed inter-individual-specific characteristics, thus disclosing DNA polymorphisms. The dendrogram obtained by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates four genetic clusters. The genetic distance that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals no.06 and no.08 from the CAG population (genetic distance = 0.036), while the genetic distance among the five individuals that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals no.08 and no.09 from the CAG population (genetic distance = 0.088). With regard to average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from CAY population (0.985±0.009) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did individuals from CAH population (0.779±0.049) (P<0.05). Relatively, individuals of CAY population were fairly closely related to that of CAN location (genetic distance between two populations<0.016).

Dev Reprod ; 19(3): 163-6, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27004273


Genomic DNAs were extracted from the muscle of twenty-one specimens of three eel species collected in Anguilla japonica (AJ), Muraenesox cinereus (MC) and Conger myriaster (CM) from the Yellow Sea, respectively. In the present study, 7 oligonucleotides primers generated 191 specific loci in the AJ species, 226 in the (MC) species and 181 in the CM species, respectively. The primer BION-02 generated the most loci (a total of 83), with an average of 11.86 in the AJ species. The specific loci generated by oligonucleotides primers exhibited inter-individual-specific characteristics, thus revealing DNA polymorphisms. With regard to average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from Conger myriaster species (0.808) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did individuals from Muraenesox cinereus species (0.729) (p<0.05). The longest genetic distance (0.430) displaying significant molecular difference was also between individual no. 01 within Anguilla japonica eel species and individual no. 04 within Anguilla japonica species. In this study, the dendrogram resulted from reliable seven oligonucleotides primers, indicating three genetic clusters composed of group I (ANGUILLA 01~ANGUILLA 07), group II (MURAENESOX 08~MURAENESOX 14) and group III (CONGER 15~CONGER 21). The existence of species differentiation and DNA polymorphisms among three eel species were detected by PCR analysis. As mentioned above, a dendrogram revealed close relationships between individual identities within three eel species. High levels of a significant genetic distance among three eel species showed this PCR approach is one of the most suitable tools for individuals and/or species biological DNA studies.

Dev Reprod ; 19(4): 259-64, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26973978


Genomic DNA samples isolated from geographical purplish Washington clam (Saxidomus purpuratus) were obtained from three different regions in the Korean Peninsula: Geoje (Geoje population; GJP), Gunsan (Gunsan population; GSP) and a site of North Korea (North Korea population; NKP). The seven primers generated the total 369 loci that can be scored from the GSP clam population. 356 fragments were generated from the NKP clam population. The complexity of the banding patterns varies dramatically between the primers and three localities. In this study, 319 loci were identified in the purplish Washington clam from Geoje and 369 in the clam population from Gunsan: 221 specific loci (69.3%) in the GJP clam population and 300 (81.3%) in the GSP population. These results demonstrate that the primer detected a large quantity of specific fragments, suggesting that the genetic variation in the GSP is higher than in the GJP population. In particular, the BION-28 primer gave DNA profiles with more fragments than the other six primers in the NKP population. The oligonucleotides primer BION-75 produced 21 unique loci to each population, which were ascertaining each population, approximately 250 bp, 300 bp and 400 bp, in the GJP population. Outstandingly, the primer BION-50 detected 21 shared loci by the three populations, major and/or minor fragments of sizes 150 bp, which were matching in all samples. With regard to average bandsharing value (BS) results, individuals from GJP population (0.743) displayed higher bandsharing values than did individuals from GSP population (0.606). In the present study, the dendrogram gained by the seven oligonucleotides primers indicates three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (GEOJE 01 ~ GEOJE 07), cluster 2 (GUNSAN 08 ~ GUNSAN 14), cluster 3 (N.KOREA 15 ~ N.KOREA 21). Among the twenty one clams, the shortest genetic distance that revealed significant molecular differences was between individuals 08 and 09 from the NKP population (genetic distance = 0.073), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-one individuals that demonstrated significant molecular differences was between individuals GEOJE no. 03 and GUNSAN no. 09 (genetic distance = 0.669). Comparatively, individuals of GJP population were properly closely related to that of NKP population, as revealed in the hierarchical dendrogram of genetic distances. In due course, PCR analysis has revealed the significant genetic distance among three purplish Washington clam populations. PCR fragments discovered in this study could be valuable as a DNA marker of the three geographical clam populations to distinguish.