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Persoonia ; 52: 22-43, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39161632


Candida is a polyphyletic genus of asexually reproducing yeasts in the Saccharomycotina with more than 400 species that occur in almost all families of the subclass and its name is strongly connected with the infectious disease candidiasis. During the last two decades, approximately half of the Candida species have been reassigned into more than 36 already existing genera and 14 newly proposed genera, but the polyphyletic feature of the genus largely remained. Candida auris is an important, globally emerging opportunistic pathogen that has caused life-threatening outbreaks in healthcare facilities worldwide. This species belongs to the Candida auris-Candida haemuli (CAH) clade in the Metschnikowiaceae, a clade that contains multidrug-resistant clinically relevant species, but also species isolated from natural environments. The clade is phylogenetically positioned remotely from the type species of the genus Candida that is Candida vulgaris (currently interpreted as a synonym of Candida tropicalis) and belongs to the family Debaryomycetaceae. Although previous phylogenetic and phylogenomic studies confirmed the position of C. auris in the Metschnikowiaceae, these analyses failed to resolve the position of the CAH clade within the family and its delimitation from the genera Clavispora and Metschnikowia. To resolve the position of the CAH clade, phylogenomic and comparative genomics analyses were carried out to address the phylogenetic position of C. auris and related species in the Metschnikowiaceae using several metrics, such as the average amino acid identity (AAI) values, the percentage of conserved proteins (POCP) and the presence-absence patterns of orthologs (PAPO). Based on those approaches, 13 new genera are proposed for various Candida and Hyphopichia species, including members of the CAH clade in the Metschnikowiaceae. As a result, C. auris and related species are reassigned to the genus Candidozyma. Fifty-five new combinations and nine new species are introduced and this will reduce the polyphyly of the genus Candida. Citation: Liu F, Hu Z-D, Zhao X-M, et al. 2024. Phylogenomic analysis of the Candida auris-Candida haemuli clade and related taxa in the Metschnikowiaceae, and proposal of thirteen new genera, fifty-five new combinations and nine new species. Persoonia 52: 22-43. .

Persoonia ; 52: 1-21, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39161631


A correct classification of fungi, including yeasts, is of prime importance to understand fungal biodiversity and to communicate about this diversity. Fungal genera are mainly defined based on phenotypic characteristics and the results of single or multigene-based phylogenetic analyses. However, because yeasts often have less phenotypic characters, their classification experienced a strong move towards DNA-based data, from short ribosomal sequences to multigene phylogenies and more recently to phylogenomics. Here, we explore the usefulness of various genomics-based parameters to circumscribe fungal genera more correctly taking the yeast domain as an example. Therefore, we compared the results of a phylogenomic analysis, average amino acid identity (AAI) values, the presence of conserved signature indels (CSIs), the percentage of conserved proteins (POCP) and the presence-absence patterns of orthologs (PAPO). These genome-based metrics were used to investigate their usefulness in demarcating 13 hitherto relatively well accepted genera in Saccharomycetaceae, namely Eremothecium, Grigorovia, Kazachstania, Kluyveromyces, Lachancea, Nakaseomyces, Naumovozyma, Saccharomyces, Tetrapisispora, Torulaspora, Vanderwaltozyma, Zygosaccharomyces and Zygotorulaspora. As a result, most of these genera are supported by the genomics-based metrics, but the genera Kazachstania, Nakaseomyces and Tetrapisispora were shown to be genetically highly diverse based on the above listed analyses. Considering the results obtained for the presently recognized genera, a range of 80-92 % POCP values and a range of 60-70 % AAI values might be valuable thresholds to discriminate genera in Saccharomycetaceae. Furthermore, the genus-specific genes identified in the PAPO analysis and the CSIs were found to be useful as synapomorphies to characterize and define genera in Saccharomycetaceae. Our results indicate that the combined monophyly-based phylogenomic analysis together with genomic relatedness indices and synapomorphies provide promising approaches to delineating yeast genera and likely those of filamentous fungi as well. The genera Kazachstania, Nakaseomyces and Tetrapisispora are revised and we propose eight new genera and 41 new combinations. Citation: Liu F, Hu Z-D, Yurkov A, et al. 2024. Saccharomycetaceae: delinaeation of fungal genera based on phylogenomic analyses, genomic relatedness indices and genomics-based synapomorphies. Persoonia 52: 1-21.

Stud Mycol ; 106: 41-94, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38298570


Mycoparasites in Basidiomycota comprise a diverse group of fungi, both morphologically and phylogenetically. They interact with their hosts through either fusion-interaction or colacosome-interaction. Colacosomes are subcellular structures formed by the mycoparasite at the host-parasite interface, which penetrate the parasite and host cell walls. Previously, these structures were detected in 19 fungal species, usually by means of transmission electron microscopy. Most colacosome-forming species have been assigned to Microbotryomycetes (Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycota), a highly diverse class, comprising saprobic yeasts, mycoparasites, and phytoparasites. In general, these myco- and phytoparasites are dimorphic organisms, with a parasitic filamentous morph and saprobic yeast morph. We investigated colacosome-forming mycoparasites based on fungarium material, freshly collected specimens, and cultures of yeast morphs. We characterised the micromorphology of filamentous morphs, the physiological characteristics of yeast morphs, and inferred phylogenetic relationships based on DNA sequence data from seven loci. We outline and employ an epifluorescence-based microscopic method to assess the presence and organisation of colacosomes. We describe five new species in the genus Colacogloea, the novel dimorphic mycoparasite Mycogloiocolax gerardii, and provide the first report of a sexual, mycoparasitic morph in Colacogloea philyla and in the genus Slooffia. We detected colacosomes in eight fungal species, which brings the total number of known colacosome-forming fungi to 27. Finally, we revealed three distinct types of colacosome organisation in Microbotryomycetes. Taxonomic novelties and typifications: New family: Mycogloiocolacaeae Schoutteten & Yurkov; New genus: Mycogloiocolax Schoutteten & Rödel; New species: Colacogloea bettinae Schoutteten & Begerow, C. biconidiata Schoutteten, C. fennica Schoutteten & Miettinen, C. microspora Schoutteten, C. universitatis-gandavensis Schoutteten & Verbeken, Mycogloiocolax gerardii Schoutteten & Rödel; New combinations: Slooffia micra (Bourdot & Galzin) Schoutteten, Fellozyma cerberi (A.M. Yurkov et al.) Schoutteten & Yurkov, Fellozyma telluris (A.M. Yurkov et al.) Schoutteten & Yurkov; Epitypifications (basionyms): Achroomyces insignis Hauerslev, Platygloea micra Bourdot & Galzin, Platygloea peniophorae Bourdot & Galzin; Lectotypification (basionym): Platygloea peniophorae Bourdot & Galzin Citation: Schoutteten N, Yurkov A, Leroux O, Haelewaters D, Van Der Straeten D, Miettinen O, Boekhout T, Begerow D, Verbeken A (2023). Diversity of colacosome-interacting mycoparasites expands the understanding of the evolution and ecology of Microbotryomycetes. Studies in Mycology 106: 41-94. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.106.02.

Stud Mycol ; 105: 1-22, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38895705


The subphylum Saccharomycotina is a lineage in the fungal phylum Ascomycota that exhibits levels of genomic diversity similar to those of plants and animals. The Saccharomycotina consist of more than 1 200 known species currently divided into 16 families, one order, and one class. Species in this subphylum are ecologically and metabolically diverse and include important opportunistic human pathogens, as well as species important in biotechnological applications. Many traits of biotechnological interest are found in closely related species and often restricted to single phylogenetic clades. However, the biotechnological potential of most yeast species remains unexplored. Although the subphylum Saccharomycotina has much higher rates of genome sequence evolution than its sister subphylum, Pezizomycotina, it contains only one class compared to the 16 classes in Pezizomycotina. The third subphylum of Ascomycota, the Taphrinomycotina, consists of six classes and has approximately 10 times fewer species than the Saccharomycotina. These data indicate that the current classification of all these yeasts into a single class and a single order is an underappreciation of their diversity. Our previous genome-scale phylogenetic analyses showed that the Saccharomycotina contains 12 major and robustly supported phylogenetic clades; seven of these are current families (Lipomycetaceae, Trigonopsidaceae, Alloascoideaceae, Pichiaceae, Phaffomycetaceae, Saccharomycodaceae, and Saccharomycetaceae), one comprises two current families (Dipodascaceae and Trichomonascaceae), one represents the genus Sporopachydermia, and three represent lineages that differ in their translation of the CUG codon (CUG-Ala, CUG-Ser1, and CUG-Ser2). Using these analyses in combination with relative evolutionary divergence and genome content analyses, we propose an updated classification for the Saccharomycotina, including seven classes and 12 orders that can be diagnosed by genome content. This updated classification is consistent with the high levels of genomic diversity within this subphylum and is necessary to make the higher rank classification of the Saccharomycotina more comparable to that of other fungi, as well as to communicate efficiently on lineages that are not yet formally named. Taxonomic novelties: New classes: Alloascoideomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Dipodascomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Lipomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente, A. Rokas, Pichiomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Sporopachydermiomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Trigonopsidomycetes M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas. New orders: Alloascoideomycetes: Alloascoideales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Dipodascomycetes: Dipodascales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Lipomycetes: Lipomycetales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Pichiomycetes: Alaninales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Pichiales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Serinales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Saccharomycetes: Phaffomycetales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas, Saccharomycodales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Sporopachydermiomycetes: Sporopachydermiales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Trigonopsidomycetes: Trigonopsidales M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas. New families: Alaninales: Pachysolenaceae M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Pichiales: Pichiaceae M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas; Sporopachydermiales: Sporopachydermiaceae M. Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A. Rokas. Citation: Groenewald M, Hittinger CT, Bensch K, Opulente DA, Shen X-X, Li Y, Liu C, LaBella AL, Zhou X, Limtong S, Jindamorakot S, Gonçalves P, Robert V, Wolfe KH, Rosa CA, Boekhout T, Cadez N, Péter G, Sampaio JP, Lachance M-A, Yurkov AM, Daniel H-M, Takashima M, Boundy-Mills K, Libkind D, Aoki K, Sugita T, Rokas A (2023). A genome-informed higher rank classification of the biotechnologically important fungal subphylum Saccharomycotina. Studies in Mycology 105: 1-22. doi: 10.3114/sim.2023.105.01 This study is dedicated to the memory of Cletus P. Kurtzman (1938-2017), a pioneer of yeast taxonomy.

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek ; 113(4): 499-510, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31754948


Tree fluxes are sugar-rich, sometimes ephemeral, substrates occurring on sites where tree sap (xylem or phloem) is leaking through damages of tree bark. Tree sap infested with microorganisms has been the source of isolation of many species, including the biotechnologically relevant carotenoid yeast Phaffia rhodozyma. Tree fluxes recently sampled in Germany yielded 19 species, including several psychrophilic yeasts of the genus Mrakia. Four strains from tree fluxes represented a potential novel Mrakia species previously known from two isolates from superficial glacial melting water of Calderone Glacier (Italy). The Italian isolates, originally identified as Mrakia aquatica, and two strains from Germany did not show any sexual structures. But another culture collected in Germany produced clamped hyphae with teliospores. A detailed examination of the five isolates (three from Germany and two from Italy) proved them to be a novel yeast species, which is described in this manuscript as Mrakia fibulata sp. nov. (MB 830398), holotype DSM 103931 and isotype DBVPG 8059. In contrast to other sexually reproducing Mrakia species, M. fibulata produces true hyphae with clamp connections. Also, this is the first psychrotolerant Mrakia species which grows above 20 °C. Spring tree fluxes are widespread and can be recognized and sampled by amateurs in a Citizen Science project. This substrate is a prominent source of yeasts, and may harbor unknown species, as demonstrated in the present work. The description of Mrakia fibulata is dedicated to our volunteer helpers and amateurs, like Anna Yurkova (9-years-old daughter of Andrey Yurkov), who collected the sample which yielded the type strain of this species.

Ecossistema , Leveduras/isolamento & purificação , Leveduras/fisiologia , Betula/microbiologia , Betulaceae/microbiologia , Temperatura Baixa , Cornus/microbiologia , Fagus/microbiologia , Filogenia , Especificidade da Espécie , Leveduras/classificação , Leveduras/genética
Stud Mycol ; 96: 17-140, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32206137


Nearly 500 basidiomycetous yeast species were accepted in the latest edition of The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study published in 2011. However, this number presents only the tip of the iceberg of yeast species diversity in nature. Possibly more than 99 % of yeast species, as is true for many groups of fungi, are yet unknown and await discovery. Over the past two decades nearly 200 unidentified isolates were obtained during a series of environmental surveys of yeasts in phyllosphere and soils, mainly from China. Among these isolates, 107 new species were identified based on the phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) [D1/D2 domains of the large subunit (LSU), the small subunit (SSU), and the internal transcribed spacer region including the 5.8S rDNA (ITS)] and protein-coding genes [both subunits of DNA polymerase II (RPB1 and RPB2), the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1) and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (CYTB)], and physiological comparisons. Forty-six of these belong to 16 genera in the Tremellomycetes (Agaricomycotina). The other 61 are distributed in 26 genera in the Pucciniomycotina. Here we circumscribe eight new genera, three new families and two new orders based on the multi-locus phylogenetic analyses combined with the clustering optimisation analysis and the predicted similarity thresholds for yeasts and filamentous fungal delimitation at genus and higher ranks. Additionally, as a result of these analyses, three new combinations are proposed and 66 taxa are validated.

Morfologiia ; 149(2): 16-20, 2016.
Artigo em Russo | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30136789


Adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the pharyngeal tonsil was studied in 50 children aged 4 to 14 years with chronic adenoiditis. that was removed during the operation from. The children were divided into 3 groups. The 1st group included children with decreased tone of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and autonomic hyperreactivity, the 2nd group ­ children with increased ANS tone and low autonomic reactivity, the 3rd group ­ children with optimal autonomic tone and normal reactivity. The state of the nervous structures in the region of adenoid overgrowths was studied by histochemical methods, demonstrating adren- and cholinergic nerve fibers in the same section (incubation in glyoxylic acid and Karnovsky­Roots method). Adrenergic nerve fibers with many varicosities were found mainly in perivasal plexuses, from which the branches passed subepithelially between the nodules, and the terminals ofthin fibers penetrated the lymphoid nodules. The assessment of the functional activity of adrenergic nerve fibers demonstrated that in the 1st group the average luminescence intensity in varicose extensions and intervaricose areas was equal to 22.7±2.5 and 37,2±3.5 conventional units (c.u.), respectively, in the 2nd group it was equal to 57.3±1,4 and 15.5±4.3 c.u., while in the 3rd group ­ to 34,3±2,2 and 30.1±3.8 c.u. It was found that cholinergic nerve fibers were located similarly to adrenergic fibers, but appeared thicker and had larger varicosities. The activity of cholinergic nerve structures could be evaluated by the staining intensity (from light yellow to dark brown) and by the number of varicose extensions in a certain fiber. Similar to adrenergic fibers, cholinergic nerve fibers often passed from perivascular plexuses and innervated the lymphoid tissue.

Tonsila Faríngea , Neurônios Adrenérgicos/patologia , Neurônios Colinérgicos/patologia , Linfadenite/patologia , Tonsila Faríngea/inervação , Tonsila Faríngea/patologia , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek ; 107(1): 173-85, 2015 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25367339


Many species of dimorphic basidiomycetes are known only in their asexual phase and typically those pigmented in different hues of red have been classified in the large polyphyletic genus Rhodotorula. These yeasts are ubiquitous and include a few species of some clinical relevance. The phylogenetic distribution of Rhodotorula spans three classes: Microbotryomycetes, Cystobasidiomycetes and Exobasidiomycetes. Here, the presented multi-gene analyses resolved phylogenetic relationships between the second largest group of Rhodotorula and the mycoparasite Cystobasidium fimetarium (Cystobasidiales, Cystobasidiomycetes, Pucciniomycotina). Based on the results, we propose the transfer of nine species belonging to the Rhodotorula minuta clade into the genus Cystobasidium. As a result, the clinically relevant species R. minuta will be renamed Cystobasidium minutum. This proposal follows ongoing reassessments of the anamorphic genus Rhodotorula reducing the polyphyly of this genus. The delimitation of the R. minuta clade from Rhodotorula species comprised in Sporidiobolales including the type species Rhodotorula glutinis is an important step to overcome obsolete generic placements of asexual basidiomycetous yeasts. Our proposal will also help to distinguish most common red yeasts from clinical samples such as members of Sporidiobolales and Cystobasidiales. The diagnosis of the genus Cystobasidium is amended by including additional characteristics known for the related group of species. The taxonomic change enables us to classify two novel species with the phylogenetically related members of the R. minuta clade in Cystobasidium. The recently from natural environments isolated species are described here as Cystobasidium psychroaquaticum f.a. sp. nov. (K-833(T) = KBP 3881(T) = VKPM Y-3653(T) = CBS 11769(T) = MUCL 52875(T) = DSM 27713(T)) and Cystobasidium rietchiei f.a. sp. nov. (K-780(T) = KBP 4220(T) = VKPM Y-3658(T) = CBS 12324(T) = MUCL 53589(T) = DSM 27155(T)). The new species were registered in MycoBank under MB 809336 and MB 809337, respectively.

Basidiomycota/classificação , Basidiomycota/isolamento & purificação , Microbiologia Ambiental , Basidiomycota/genética , Basidiomycota/fisiologia , Análise por Conglomerados , DNA Fúngico/química , DNA Fúngico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/química , DNA Ribossômico/genética , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/química , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/genética , Genes de RNAr , Microscopia , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Técnicas de Tipagem Micológica , Filogenia , Pigmentos Biológicos/análise , Plantas/microbiologia , RNA Fúngico/genética , RNA Ribossômico/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Stud Mycol ; 81: 149-89, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26951631


Most small genera containing yeast species in the Pucciniomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi) are monophyletic, whereas larger genera including Bensingtonia, Rhodosporidium, Rhodotorula, Sporidiobolus and Sporobolomyces are polyphyletic. With the implementation of the "One Fungus = One Name" nomenclatural principle these polyphyletic genera were revised. Nine genera, namely Bannoa, Cystobasidiopsis, Colacogloea, Kondoa, Erythrobasidium, Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces, Sakaguchia and Sterigmatomyces, were emended to include anamorphic and teleomorphic species based on the results obtained by a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis, phylogenetic network analyses, branch length-based methods, as well as morphological, physiological and biochemical comparisons. A new class Spiculogloeomycetes is proposed to accommodate the order Spiculogloeales. The new families Buckleyzymaceae with Buckleyzyma gen. nov., Chrysozymaceae with Chrysozyma gen. nov., Microsporomycetaceae with Microsporomyces gen. nov., Ruineniaceae with Ruinenia gen. nov., Symmetrosporaceae with Symmetrospora gen. nov., Colacogloeaceae and Sakaguchiaceae are proposed. The new genera Bannozyma, Buckleyzyma, Fellozyma, Hamamotoa, Hasegawazyma, Jianyunia, Rhodosporidiobolus, Oberwinklerozyma, Phenoliferia, Pseudobensingtonia, Pseudohyphozyma, Sampaiozyma, Slooffia, Spencerozyma, Trigonosporomyces, Udeniozyma, Vonarxula, Yamadamyces and Yunzhangia are proposed to accommodate species segregated from the genera Bensingtonia, Rhodosporidium, Rhodotorula, Sporidiobolus and Sporobolomyces. Ballistosporomyces is emended and reintroduced to include three Sporobolomyces species of the sasicola clade. A total of 111 new combinations are proposed in this study.

Stud Mycol ; 81: 85-147, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26955199


Families and genera assigned to Tremellomycetes have been mainly circumscribed by morphology and for the yeasts also by biochemical and physiological characteristics. This phenotype-based classification is largely in conflict with molecular phylogenetic analyses. Here a phylogenetic classification framework for the Tremellomycetes is proposed based on the results of phylogenetic analyses from a seven-genes dataset covering the majority of tremellomycetous yeasts and closely related filamentous taxa. Circumscriptions of the taxonomic units at the order, family and genus levels recognised were quantitatively assessed using the phylogenetic rank boundary optimisation (PRBO) and modified general mixed Yule coalescent (GMYC) tests. In addition, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis on an expanded LSU rRNA (D1/D2 domains) gene sequence dataset covering as many as available teleomorphic and filamentous taxa within Tremellomycetes was performed to investigate the relationships between yeasts and filamentous taxa and to examine the stability of undersampled clades. Based on the results inferred from molecular data and morphological and physiochemical features, we propose an updated classification for the Tremellomycetes. We accept five orders, 17 families and 54 genera, including seven new families and 18 new genera. In addition, seven families and 17 genera are emended and one new species name and 185 new combinations are proposed. We propose to use the term pro tempore or pro tem. in abbreviation to indicate the species names that are temporarily maintained.

Persoonia ; 35: 242-63, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26823635


The aim of this study was to assess potential candidate gene regions and corresponding universal primer pairs as secondary DNA barcodes for the fungal kingdom, additional to ITS rDNA as primary barcode. Amplification efficiencies of 14 (partially) universal primer pairs targeting eight genetic markers were tested across > 1 500 species (1 931 strains or specimens) and the outcomes of almost twenty thousand (19 577) polymerase chain reactions were evaluated. We tested several well-known primer pairs that amplify: i) sections of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene large subunit (D1-D2 domains of 26/28S); ii) the complete internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1/2); iii) partial ß -tubulin II (TUB2); iv) γ-actin (ACT); v) translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1α); and vi) the second largest subunit of RNA-polymerase II (partial RPB2, section 5-6). Their PCR efficiencies were compared with novel candidate primers corresponding to: i) the fungal-specific translation elongation factor 3 (TEF3); ii) a small ribosomal protein necessary for t-RNA docking; iii) the 60S L10 (L1) RP; iv) DNA topoisomerase I (TOPI); v) phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK); vi) hypothetical protein LNS2; and vii) alternative sections of TEF1α. Results showed that several gene sections are accessible to universal primers (or primers universal for phyla) yielding a single PCR-product. Barcode gap and multi-dimensional scaling analyses revealed that some of the tested candidate markers have universal properties providing adequate infra- and inter-specific variation that make them attractive barcodes for species identification. Among these gene sections, a novel high fidelity primer pair for TEF1α, already widely used as a phylogenetic marker in mycology, has potential as a supplementary DNA barcode with superior resolution to ITS. Both TOPI and PGK show promise for the Ascomycota, while TOPI and LNS2 are attractive for the Pucciniomycotina, for which universal primers for ribosomal subunits often fail.

Extremophiles ; 18(2): 207-18, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24343375


Aerobic methane oxidation has been mostly studied in environments with moderate to low temperatures. However, the process also occurs in terrestrial thermal springs, where little research on the subject has been done to date. The potential activity of methane oxidation and diversity of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria were studied in sediments of thermal springs with various chemical and physical properties, sampled across the Kunashir Island, the Kuriles archipelago. Activity was measured by means of the radioisotope tracer technique utilizing (14)C-labeled methane. Biodiversity assessments were based on the particulate methane monooxygenase (pmoA) gene, which is found in all known thermophilic and thermotolerant methanotrophs. We demonstrated the possibility of methane oxidation in springs with temperature exceeding 74 °C, and the most intensive methane uptake was shown in springs with temperatures about 46 °C. PmoA was detected in 19 out of 30 springs investigated and the number of pmoA gene copies varied between 10(4) and 10(6) copies per ml of sediment. Phylogenetic analysis of PmoA sequences revealed the presence of methanotrophs from both the Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria. Our results suggest that methanotrophs inhabiting thermal springs with temperature exceeding 50 °C may represent novel thermophilic and thermotolerant species of the genera Methylocystis and Methylothermus, as well as previously undescribed Gammaproteobacteria.

Fontes Termais/microbiologia , Metano/metabolismo , Microbiota , Proteobactérias/isolamento & purificação , Ásia Oriental , Genes Bacterianos , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Oxirredução , Filogenia , Proteobactérias/genética , Proteobactérias/metabolismo , Sibéria
Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 27(3): 189-196, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37293443


Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi receive photosynthetic products and sugars from plants in exchange for contributing to the uptake of minerals, especially phosphorus, from the soil. The identification of genes controlling AM symbiotic efficiency may have practical application in the creation of highly productive plant-microbe systems. The aim of our work was to evaluate the expression levels of SWEET sugar transporter genes, the only family in which sugar transporters specific to AM symbiosis can be detected. We have selected a unique "host plant-AM fungus" model system with high response to mycorrhization under medium phosphorus level. This includes a plant line which is highly responsive to inoculation by AM fungi, an ecologically obligate mycotrophic line MlS-1 from black medick (Medicago lupulina) and the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis strain RCAM00320, which has a high efficiency in a number of plant species. Using the selected model system, differences in the expression levels of 11 genes encoding SWEET transporters in the roots of the host plant were evaluated during the development of or in the absence of symbiosis of M. lupulina with R. irregularis at various stages of the host plant development in the presence of medium level of phosphorus available for plant nutrition in the substrate. At most stages of host plant development, mycorrhizal plants had higher expression levels of MlSWEET1b, MlSWEET3c, MlSWEET12 and MlSWEET13 compared to AM-less controls. Also, increased expression relative to control during mycorrhization was observed for MlSWEET11 at 2nd and 3rd leaf development stages, for MlSWEET15c at stemming (stooling) stage, for MlSWEET1a at 2nd leaf development, stemming and lateral branching stages. The MlSWEET1b gene can be confidently considered a good marker with specific expression for effective development of AM symbiosis between M. lupulina and R. irregularis in the presence of medium level of phosphorus available to plants in the substrate.

Int J Syst Evol Microbiol ; 62(Pt 3): 728-734, 2012 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21515705


Two strains of a novel teleomorphic basidiomycete were isolated from grassland soil. Standard phenotypic tests and phylogenetic analyses of 26S rRNA gene (D1/D2 domains) and ITS region sequences showed that the species belongs to the core group of the genus Leucosporidium. A novel species, Leucosporidium drummii sp. nov., is proposed to accommodate the two strains, with SEG-3-2-AY220(T) (=CBS 11562(T)=MUCL 52878(T)) as the type strain. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed great genetic variability in the Leucosporidium scottii complex.

Basidiomycota/classificação , Basidiomycota/isolamento & purificação , Microbiologia do Solo , Basidiomycota/genética , Basidiomycota/fisiologia , Análise por Conglomerados , DNA Fúngico/química , DNA Fúngico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/química , DNA Ribossômico/genética , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/química , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/genética , Genes de RNAr , Microscopia , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Técnicas de Tipagem Micológica , Filogenia , RNA Fúngico/genética , RNA Ribossômico/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 25(7): 754-760, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34950847


Plant sugar transporters play an essential role in the organism's productivity by carrying out carbohydrate transportation from source cells in the leaves to sink cells in the cortex. In addition, they aid in the regulation of a substantial part of the exchange of nutrients with microorganisms in the rhizosphere (bacteria and fungi), an ty essential to the formation of symbiotic relationships. This review pays special attention to carbohydrate nutrition during the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), a symbiosis of plants with fungi from the Glomeromycotina subdivision. This relationship results in the host plant receiving micronutrients from the mycosymbiont, mainly phosphorus, and the fungus receiving carbon assimilation products in return. While the eff icient nutrient transport pathways in AM symbiosis are yet to be discovered, SWEET sugar transporters are one of the three key families of plant carbohydrate transporters. Specif ic AM symbiosis transporters can be identif ied among the SWEET proteins. The survey provides data on the study history, structure and localization, phylogeny and functions of the SWEET proteins. A high variability of both the SWEET proteins themselves and their functions is noted along with the fact that the same proteins may perform different functions in different plants. A special role is given to the SWEET transporters in AM development. SWEET transporters can also play a key role in abiotic stress tolerance, thus allowing plants to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. The development of knowledge about symbiotic systems will contribute to the creation of microbial preparations for use in agriculture in the Russian Federation.

Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 24(2): 158-167, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33659795


Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) form one of the most common symbiosis with the majority of land plants. AMF supply the plant with various mineral elements, primarily phosphorus, and improve the water supply. The search for the most effective AMF strains for symbiosis and the creation of microbial preparations on that basis is an important task for modern biology. Owing to the difficulties of cultivation without a host plant and their high genetic polymorphism, identifying AMF is very difficult. A high number of cryptic species often makes morphological identification unreliable. Recent years have seen a growth in the number of AMF biodiversity studies performed by modern NGS-based methods, Illumina MiSeq in particular. Currently, there are still many questions that remain for the identification of AМF. The most important are whether conservative or variable sequences should be used to select a marker for barcoding and whether universal primers or those specific to AMF should be used. In our work, we have successfully used universal primers ITS3 and ITS4 for the sequencing in Illumina MiSeq of the 5.8S rDNA - ITS2 region of the 35S rRNA genes, which contain both a conservative and variable regions. The molecular genetic approach for AMF identification was quite effective and allowed us to reliably identify eight of nine isolates to the species level: five isolates of Rhizophagus irregularis, and one isolate of R. invermaius, Paraglomus laccatum, and Claroideoglomus etunicatum, respectively. For all five R. irregularis isolates, high variability in the ITS region and the absence of ecotopic-related molecular characters in the ITS2 region were demonstrated. The NCBI data is still insufficient for accurate AMF identification of Acaulospora sp. isolates from the genus to the species level.