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BMC Med Educ ; 21(1): 334, 2021 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34107932


BACKGROUND: Medical students experience difficulties in the process of making decisions about their careers, which is referred to as career indecision. This study aimed to examine the difficulties in the career decision-making processes of medical students and to explore the association of coping strategies and psychological health with career indecision. The findings may provide a reference for designing interventions to advance satisfying career decisions for medical students. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 359 medical students was conducted in 5 Chinese medical schools. Students completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire measuring their career indecision, coping strategies, and psychological health. Independent t-test, F-test, bivariate Pearson's correlation analysis, and linear regression analysis were applied to test the relation between career indecision and the associated factors. Data were analyzed using SPSS V.22 for Windows. A p-value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. RESULTS: Difficulties regarding lack of readiness frequently occurred in medical students when making career decisions, with the highest score of 2.48 ± 0.58. Among all the associated factors in this study, career indecision was positively associated with psychological distress problem (ß = 0.20, p < 0.05). This study also proved that being at a higher level of career indecision is negatively associated with using problem-focused coping strategies (ß = - 0.14, p < 0.05). For the maladaptive coping strategies, applying dysfunctional coping strategies showed a significantly positive association with career indecision among medical students (ß = 0.25, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Medical students experienced difficulties regarding lack of readiness frequently when making career decisions. Both coping strategies and psychological health were associated with career indecision among medical students. To prevent career indecision, it is necessary to promote earlier career awareness to medical students. Specifically, psychological health should be addressed in career intervention programs for medical students. Additionally, when helping medical students to cope with career indecision, cognitive techniques that reduce the use of maladaptive coping strategies and enhance the use of adaptive coping strategies should be adopted.

Estudantes de Medicina , Adaptação Psicológica , China , Cognição , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Estresse Psicológico , Inquéritos e Questionários
Cureus ; 16(7): e63953, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105036


AIM AND OBJECTIVES: Career indecision is a broad term that refers to the uncertainty and difficulty of decision-making regarding future careers among junior professionals. This study aims primarily to estimate the prevalence of career indecisiveness among senior medical students and medical interns in Oman. Secondly, it assesses the association of sociodemographic factors influencing it. Finally, it examines the association between participation in career development activities and career indecision among them during the academic year of 2022-2023. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire in the English language. Unpaired t-test and ANOVA test were used to compare means between groups. A 21-item Career Factors Inventory (CFI) was used to determine the career indecision score. These scores were further classified as low-level (score 27-71) and high-level (score 72-105).  Results: The total number of participants was 161. The minimum sample size calculated was 153 participants for 95% confidence intervals. The prevalence of high-level career indecision was 63.4% (95%CI 55.4%-70.8%) among the participants. Participants with one of their parents in healthcare professions and those who did not participate in career development activities had high career indecision scores with P-values of 0.002 and 0.022, respectively. Moreover, participants younger than 25 years of age in comparison to older participants had higher need-for-self-knowledge (NSK) scores (p-value 0.018). CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of high-level career indecision was seen among senior medical students and medical interns in Oman. Few factors were found to be statistically associated with career indecision, especially participation in career development activities. Further studies are recommended to investigate the causality of high-level career indecision among junior professionals in Oman and the contributing factors. Curricular and extra-curricular career development activities and counseling may reduce career indecision.

Int J Educ Vocat Guid ; 23(2): 499-525, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35069927


This article reports on career construction counselling with a purposefully selected, mid-career, midlife woman. A single-case study research design was implemented. Data were gathered using an integrative qualitative and quantitative approach. After the intervention, the participant exhibited an enhanced sense of self-awareness. Career construction counselling can be used to help a mid-career, midlife woman become more aware of the meaning she assigned to life and her view of herself. Future research with diverse mid-career, midlife women (individually or in group-based settings) is needed to establish the effectiveness and long-term effects of the kind of intervention espoused here.

Améliorer le sentiment de soi d'une femme à mi-carrière grâce à l'entretien de construction de carrière Cet article présente les résultats d'un entretien de construction de carrière mené auprès d'une femme à mi-carrière et en milieu de vie, sélectionnée de manière ciblée. Une étude de cas unique a été mise en place. Les données ont été recueillies en utilisant une approche qualitative et quantitative intégrative. Après l'intervention, la participante a montré un sens accru de la conscience de soi. L'entretien de construction de carrière peut être utilisé pour aider une femme à mi-carrière et en milieu de vie à devenir plus consciente du sens qu'elle donne à sa vie et à sa vision d'elle-même. Des recherches futures avec diverses femmes à mi-carrière et en milieu de vie (individuellement ou en groupe) sont nécessaires pour établir l'efficacité et les effets à long terme de ce type d'intervention.

Mejorar el concepto de sí misma de una mujer a mitad de su ejercicio profesional a través del asesoramiento para la construcción de la carrera Este artículo informa sobre el asesoramiento de construcción de la carrera en una mujer de mediana edad seleccionada a propósito, a mitad de su ejercicio profesional. Se llevó a cabo un diseño de investigación utilizando el estudio del caso único. Los datos se recogieron mediante un enfoque integrador cualitativo y cuantitativo. Después de la intervención, la participante exhibió un mayor sentido de autoconciencia. El asesoramiento para la construcción de la carrera se puede utilizar para ayudar a la mujer de mediana edad, a mitad de su vida ptofesional, a ser más consciente del significado que le asignó la vida y su visión de sí misma. Se necesitan investigaciones futuras con diversas mujeres de mediana edad, a mitad de su vida profesional (individualmente o en entornos grupales), para establecer la efectividad y los resultados a largo plazo del tipo de intervención que se ha aplicado en este caso.

Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 16: 4569-4582, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37942441


Purpose: Avoiding difficulties in career decision-making has long been recognized as an important lifelong pursuit for individuals. Parental influence is an important environmental factor in college students' career decision-making. In recent years it has been shown that overparenting can be a risk factor that hinders college students' career development. Participants and Method: This study was conducted with third-year students from four universities in Northeast China, and 743 valid questionnaires were received. With SPSS 24.0 and PROCESS plug-in, we built a moderated mediation model to examine the mediation effects of career expectation pressure and career decision self-efficacy between overparenting and career indecision and parent-adolescent expectation congruence's moderating role in this relationship. Results: The results of this study indicate that overparenting is positively associated with college students' career indecision. Career expectation pressure and career decision self-efficacy mediate the relationship between overparenting and career indecision. In addition, parent-adolescent expectation congruence moderated the adverse relationship of overparenting on career expectation pressure and career indecision. Conclusion: This study builds on previous research to explore the potential mechanisms of overparenting on adolescent career indecision. The results of this study may have implications for interventions in adolescent career decision-making to reduce the negative impact of overparenting on adolescent career development by providing feasible and effective interventions for overparenting families. Limitation: Other factors (eg, proactive personality) may also have played a positive role in this relationship in this study. We hope future studies will explore the moderating effects of different personality traits.

Front Psychol ; 13: 997984, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081730


Career planning and career decision are important tasks for college students. The process may be affected by career stress, career exploration, and future work self, with some students facing career indecision. Combining both construction career and proactive motivation model, this study investigated the relationships between career stress, career exploration, future work self, career planning and career indecision among 1,012 Chinese college students using the Structure equation model (SEM) to test the proposed mediation model. Results show that career stress negatively predicts career planning, while career exploration positively predicts career planning. The mediating role of future work self has on career stress and career exploration's effects on both career planning and career indecision was verified. Moreover, the study also found future work self's positive effects on both career planning and career indecision in Chinese college students. Finally, the study's theoretical and practical significance and implications are discussed.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34886330


University dropout is often preceded by a phase of doubt whether to continue studying, either in general or just the given subject. Mental health problems might be interrelated with this phase of doubt. Counselling services at German universities could provide help, but do not seem to reach students in need. To explore the phase of doubt and possible (inter-)relationships with mental wellbeing among university students in Germany as well as their consultation-seeking behaviour, a qualitative interview study was conducted (2017-2018). Participants were students casting doubts on their studies (n = 14) and counsellors (n = 16) working with this target group. Examples of reasons for doubts were insufficient information, unfulfilled expectations concerning the subject, subjectively poor study conditions, performance problems, and lacking future perspectives. Mental health problems were subjectively intertwined with doubts, considered as both cause and effect. Counselling services were evaluated as hardly helpful by students and as being in need of improvement by counsellors. Suggestions as how to improve such services comprise a more specific and proactive way to approach students. By considering the phase of doubt before dropout, German universities can improve their support services to be more responsive to students and, thus, prevent dropout and mental health problems.

Conselheiros , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Estudantes , Universidades
Front Psychol ; 10: 2067, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31551893


This study aimed to validate career decision ambiguity tolerance scale-Korean form applicable to a Korean sample. In study 1, 17-items from the original 18-item career decision ambiguity tolerance scale were valid based on IRT. In study 2, using the confirmatory factor analysis, we showed that excluding item 4 from the original scale is better than including it in the three factors model. Given the results of study 1 and 2, the constructs in the 17-item career decision ambiguity tolerance scale-Korean form were valid. In study 3, career decision ambiguity tolerance positively predicted career decision-making self-efficacy, career indecision, and career adaptability, respectively, after controlling for calling and career search self-efficacy. Thus, the incremental validity of the career decision ambiguity tolerance scale-Korean form was ensured. In study 4, the reliability of the scale was retained as the test-retest (conducted over a 4-week period) demonstrated adequate results.

Eur J Psychol ; 13(2): 231-250, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28580024


Although different studies have investigated career choices as cognitive acts of decision-making, non-cognitive components also play an important role. The study tries to develop an empirically based model of career decision-making process linking cognitive (search for work self-efficacy - SWSE) and non-cognitive (psychological well-being - PWB) components. In particular, the study investigates, among 148 never-employed Italian young adults, to what extent the relationship between SWSE and career indecision in terms of lack of readiness (LoR) can be explained by their common relationship with PWB. Results highlighted that SWSE is negatively associated with LoR when considered in absence of PWB. However, when PWB was included in one comprehensive model, it was positively associated with SWSE and negatively related to LoR. Moreover, the presence of PWB nullified the negative association between SWSE and LoR, meaning that PWB shares a large extent of variance with these variables. Implications are discussed in the light of theoretical expectations and limitations.

Front Psychol ; 6: 1754, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26635665


This study attempted to investigate the influence of proactive personality on career indecision and career maturity, and to examine the moderating effects of affect spin. The author administered proactive personality, career indecision, and career maturity scales to 70 college students. Affect spin was calculated using the day reconstruction method, wherein participants evaluated their affective experiences by using 20 affective terms at the same time each day for 21 consecutive days. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that proactive personality significantly predicted career indecision and career maturity, even after controlling for valence and activation variability, neuroticism, age, and gender. Furthermore, affect spin moderated the associations of proactive personality with career indecision and maturity. The theoretical and practical implications of the moderating effects of affect spin are discussed.

Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 20(2): 57-70, jul.-dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1101619


As dificuldades emocionais e de personalidade na decisão são um dos problemas vocacionais mais severos e apresentam consequências significativas para a intervenção de carreira. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu na obtenção de evidências acerca da validade de construto da versão reduzida da Escala dos Fatores Emocionais e de Personalidade na Decisão de Carreira (EPCD), através da análise das associações desta com a adaptabilidade, ansiedade, otimismo e identidade vocacional. A validade estrutural das respostas foi examinada através de uma análise fatorial exploratória (AFE). A amostra foi constituída por 231 estudantes portugueses. A EPCD correlacionou-se positivamente com a ansiedade e negativamente com a adaptabilidade, otimismo e identidade vocacional. As análises multivariadas mostraram que a identidade vocacional e a ansiedade traço tiveram uma contribuição mais importante na predição dos scores da EPCD nos diferentes modelos testados (Mdn R²ajustado = .49). A AFE revelou que as respostas das subescalas se estruturam nos três fatores principais definidos para o EPCD. As implicações dos resultados para a intervenção de carreira são discutidas.

Emotional and personality-related career decision-making difficulties are one of the most severe vocational problems and have significant consequences for career intervention. The purpose of this study was to obtain validity evidences (construct validity) about the scores derived from the Emotional and Personality-Related Career Decision-Making Difficulties Scale (EPCD), through the analysis of their associations with an adaptability, anxiety, optimism and vocational identity. The structural validity of the responses was examined using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The sample consisted of 231 Portuguese students. EPCD correlated positively with anxiety and negatively with adaptability, optimism and vocational identity. Multivariate analyses revealed that vocational identity and trait anxiety had a major contribution in predicting EPCD scores in the different models tested (Mdn R²adjusted = .49). The EFA revealed that the subscale scores are structured on the three main factors defined for the EPCD. The implications of outcomes for career intervention are discussed.

Las dificultades emocionales y de la personalidad en la toma de decisión son unos de los problemas vocacionales más graves y tienen un impacto significativo en la elección de carrera. El objetivo de este estudio fue la obtención de evidencias de validez de constructo de la versión reducida de la Escala de Factores Emocionales y de la Personalidad en la Elección de la Carrera (EPCD), mediante el análisis de las relaciones de esta con la adaptabilidad, la ansiedad, el optimismo y la identidad vocacional. La validez estructural de las respuestas se examinó mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE). La muestra estuvo constituida por 231 estudiantes portugueses. La EPCD se correlacionó positivamente con la ansiedad y negativamente con la adaptabilidad, el optimismo y la identidad vocacional. Los análisis multivariados mostraron que la identidad vocacional y la ansiedad como rasgo tuvieron una determinación relativa más importante en la predicción de los puntajes de la EPCD (Mdn R²ajustado = .49). La AFE evidenció que las respuestas de las subescalas se estructuran en los tres factores principales definidos para la EPCD. Por último, se abordan las implicaciones de los resultados para la elección de carrera.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ansiedade , Personalidade , Estudantes , Adaptação Psicológica , Comportamento de Escolha , Tomada de Decisões , Escolha da Profissão
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 24(1): 219-232, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-788647


Auxiliar o jovem na compreensão das dificuldades da indecisão profissional para que ele realize uma escolha madura e bem ajustada é um importante objetivo da Orientação Profissional (OP). O presente trabalho pretendeu relacionar indecisão profissional e otimismo em jovens aprendizes e estudantes do Ensino Médio/Técnico. Participaram 250 jovens que frequentam cursos de ensino técnico-profissional, concomitantemente (Grupo 1) ou não com (Grupo 2), o Ensino Médio. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Inventário de Levantamento das Dificuldades da Decisão Profissional (IDDP) e Revised Life Orientation Test Brasil (LOT-R Brasil). Foram observadas correlações negativas de baixa magnitude entre os fatores referentes à indecisão profissional e otimismo. Os grupos de diferenciaram em relação a três fatores do IDDP, sendo que o Grupo 2 obteve médias maiores para esses resultados. Em relação ao sexo, os homens tiveram maior média que as mulheres para dois fatores do IDDP, mostrando tendência a maiores dificuldades no processo de decisão por uma profissão. Os resultados demonstraram que os índices de otimismo foram maiores que os de pessimismo, e que a indecisão profissional está mais presente em indivíduos pessimistas, sugerindo que indivíduos mais seguros estão mais preparados para realizar a escolha por uma profissão.

Assist young people in understanding the difficulties in career decision for him to perform a mature and well-adjusted choice is an important goal of the Vocational Guidance (VG). This paper intended to relate vocational indecision and optimism in young learners and students of high school/Technical. Participated 250 young people attending courses in technical and vocational education, concomitantly (Group 1) or not (Group 2), the High School. The instruments used were the Inventário de Levantamento das Dificuldades da Decisão Profissional (IDDP) and Revised Life Orientation Test Brasil (LOT-R Brasil). Negative low correlations between factors related to vocational indecision and optimism were observed. The groups differed in relation to three factors IDDP, and Group 2 had higher averages for these results. Regarding gender, men had higher scores than women in two factors of IDDP, scores than women in two factors of IDDP, showing a tendency to greater difficulties in the decision making process by a profession. The results demonstrated that the levels of optimism were higher than the pessimism, and that professional indecision is present in more pessimistic individuals, suggesting that more secure individuals are better prepared to make the choice of a profession.

Ayudar los jóvenes a comprender las dificultades de la indecisión profesional para darse cuenta de una elección madura y bien ajustada es un objetivo importante de la Orientación Profesional (OP). Este estudio tiene como objetivo relacionar la indecisión profesional y el optimismo en jóvenes aprendices y estudiantes de la escuela normal/educación técnica. Participaron 250 jóvenes que asisten a cursos de educación técnica y profesional, junto (Grupo 1) o no (Grupo 2) con la Escuela Secundaria. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Inventário de Levantamento das Dificuldades da Decisão Profissional (IDDP) y el Revised Life Orientation Test Brasil (LOT-R Brasil). Se observaron correlaciones bajas y negativas entre los factores relacionados con la indecisión y el optimismo profesional. Los grupos se diferenciaron en relación a tres factores IDDP, y Grupo 2 tuvo los promedios más altos para estos resultados. En relación al sexo, se encontró que los hombres tuvieron puntuaciones más altas que las mujeres en dos factores del IDDP, lo que sugiere una tendencia a mayores dificultades en el proceso de decisión de una profesión. Los resultados mostraron que los niveles de optimismo fueron más altos que los de pesimismo, y que la indecisión profesional está presente en individuos más pesimistas, lo que sugiere que las personas más seguras están mejor preparados para hacer la elección de una profesión.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Orientação Vocacional , Psicologia
Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 14(2): 203-213, dez. 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-717685


A indecisão vocacional é um construto complexo uma vez que as dificuldades nas escolhas vocacionais podem ser explicadas por vários fatores. Um dos tipos de indecisão que mais tem atraído o interesse dos investigadores é a indecisividade, uma dificuldade persistente em tomar decisões em vários contextos de vida. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão da literatura sobre a indecisividade, descrevendo como ela foi sendo abordada e a evolução que se registrou ao nível da investigação e avaliação. Apresentam-se as conclusões de estudos recentes que possibilitaram um avanço significativo sobre o conhecimento deste tipo específico de indecisão vocacional. A intervenção com indivíduos indecisivos é igualmente objeto de análise. Finalmente, sugerem-se algumas linhas de investigação sobre a indecisividade...

Career indecision is currently considered a complex construct because difficulties in career choices can be explained by several factors. One of the types of indecision that has most aroused the interest of researchers is indecisiveness, a persistent difficulty of making decisions in several life contexts. This article presents a literature review about indecisiveness, describing how it has been conceptualized and its evolution in terms of research and assessment. It also presents the findings of recent studies that have contributed with significant insights to the comprehension of this specific type of career indecision. Intervention with indecisive individuals is also addressed. Finally, some lines of research about indecisiveness are suggested...

La indecisión vocacional es un constructo complejo porque las dificultades en las elecciones vocacionales pueden ser explicadas por varios factores. Uno de los tipos de indecisión que más ha atraído el interés de los investigadores es la indecisividad, una dificultad persistente en la toma de decisiones en varios contextos de la vida. Este artículo presenta una revisión de la bibliografía sobre la indecisividad describiendo como fue siendo abordada y la evolución que se registró en el plano de la investigación y la evaluación. Se presentan las conclusiones de estudios recientes que posibilitaron un avance significativo sobre el conocimiento de este tipo específico de indecisión vocacional. La intervención con individuos indecisivos es igualmente objeto de análisis. Finalmente, se sugieren algunas líneas de investigación sobre la indecisividad...

Humanos , Escolha da Profissão , Orientação Vocacional
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 26(4): 772-779, 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-699223


Este estudo centra-se no impacto da condição de emprego/desemprego dos pais nas crenças, comportamentos e reações de exploração vocacional e na indecisão de carreira dos adolescentes. Foram administradas o Career Exploration Survey e o Career Decision Scale a uma amostra de 321 adolescentes Portugueses, de ambos os sexos (190, 59,2% raparigas; 131, 40,8% rapazes), com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 17 anos. Os resultados indicam que os adolescentes filhos de pais desempregados manifestam, significativamente, crenças mais negativas acerca do mercado de trabalho, menos comportamentos exploratórios, e reações afetivas mais negativas do que os adolescentes filhos de pais empregados e, consequentemente, níveis mais elevados de indecisão vocacional. Os resultados são discutidos, retirando-se implicações para a intervenção psicológica e salientando-se direcções para futuras investigações...

This study focuses on the impact of parents' employment/unemployment condition on the beliefs, behaviors and reactions of career exploration and indecision of adolescents. Career Exploration Survey and Career Decision Scale were administered to a sample of 321 Portuguese adolescents of both sexes (190 women - 59.2% and 131 men - 40.8%) aged between 13 and 17 years. The results indicate that the adolescents whose parents are unemployed express significantly less positive beliefs about the labor market, less exploratory behaviors, and less positive emotional reactions than the adolescents whose parents are employed and, consequently, higher levels of career indecision. The results are discussed based on the implications of psychological intervention and point out directions for future research...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Escolha da Profissão , Desemprego/psicologia , Relações Pais-Filho , Incerteza
Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 11(1): 83-94, jun. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-603714


A indecisão vocacional de adolescentes e jovens adultos foi vista por alguns autores como o resultado de problemas de funcionamento sistêmico da sua família de origem. Tais problemas condicionariam negativamente a capacidade de realizar escolhas vocacionais. Tendo por base esta abordagem teórica, várias investigações procuraram analisar empiricamente a relação entre variáveis sistêmicas familiares e a indecisão vocacional. A análise desenvolvida por esta linha de investigação conduziu a resultados pouco consistentes. Neste artigo procede-se a uma análise crítica da investigação familiar sistêmica aplicada às dificuldades de escolha vocacional, apresentam-se algumas propostas que visam clarificar teoricamente a relação entre os dois grupos de variáveis e sugerem-se novas linhas de pesquisa.

Career indecision of adolescents and young adults was conceptualized by some authors as a consequence of problems of systemic functioning of their origin family. These problems could affect negatively their capacity for making career choices. Based on this theoretical approach, several studies analyzed empirically the relation between family systemic variables and career indecision. The results of this line of research appeared to be inconsistent. This article presents a critical analysis of the systemic approach to career indecision and of the corresponding studies. It also presents, some proposals that aim to clarify, from a theoretical point of view, the relations between the two groups of variables and suggests new lines of research.

La indecisión vocacional de adolescentes y jóvenes adultos fue vista por algunos autores como el resultado de problemas de funcionamiento sistémico de su familia de origen. Tales problemas condicionarían negativamente la capacidad de realizar elecciones vocacionales. Teniendo como base este abordaje teórico varias investigaciones trataron de analizar empíricamente la relación entre variables sistémicas familiares y la indecisión vocacional. El análisis desarrollado por esta línea de investigación condujo a resultados poco consistentes. En este artículo se procede a un análisis crítico de la investigación familiar sistémica aplicada a las dificultades de elección vocacional y se presentan algunas propuestas que buscan clarificar teóricamente la relación entre los dos grupos de variables y se sugieren nuevas líneas de investigación.

Escolha da Profissão , Família , Orientação Vocacional