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Disasters ; 47(1): 99-113, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35293624


Children in refugee camps, and particularly those with disabilities, face unique challenges in accessing education and are at high risk of being marginalised. Best practices suggest that main-streaming is the optimal strategy for serving students with disabilities. This study examines the extent to which mainstreaming in a refugee camp helps to promote children's prosocial behaviours, taking into account their emotional and behavioural problems. In Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, researchers collected data from the parents of children currently enrolled in special needs education centres (n=65) and from those formerly enrolled at these facilities who transitioned to mainstream classrooms (n=81). Children in mainstream schools functioned better in terms of prosocial behaviours, but this relationship disappeared when factoring in children's emotional and behavioural difficulties. In the context of a refugee camp, mainstreaming alone is not likely to help children's psychosocial and educational functioning, which requires dedicated supports, appropriate facilities and infrastructure, and a dual focus on disability-specific and disability-inclusive initiatives.

Campos de Refugiados , Instituições Acadêmicas , Criança , Humanos , Quênia
Open Res Eur ; 3: 220, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39282133


The increasing trend of children's migration, whether forced or voluntary, presents a challenge to policies that aim to ensure social cohesion and protect children's rights. Therefore, adopting a child-centred approach to the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children can aid in the creation of cohesive and inclusive societies. Inclusive educational environments are collaborative settings that promote participation among children, educators, the community, and other local institutions. Educational communities can play a leading role in implementing public policies that promote social inclusion and intercultural dialogue. Schools play a crucial role in integrating migrant and refugee children. Child-centred practices can be implemented to promote intercultural and linguistic competences, capacity building, and children's agency. This can help to develop a sense of belonging and inclusion for all students. To unlock the potential of inclusive education, reduce inequalities, and achieve more equitable societies, it is essential to integrate a child-centred approach that promotes access to fundamental rights, participation, recognition of cultural diversity, and children's socio-emotional well-being. This review discusses the challenges of adopting a child-centred approach to education for migrant and refugee children. It proposes inclusive interculturalism as a child-centred approach to address the socio-educational deficits of these children in educational settings in Europe.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36360981


The context of a school may play a fundamental role in students' academic and personal progress. In this study, we focus on two contextual variables, the school type and school location or setting. The study used a questionnaire to assess teachers' knowledge and thoughts about rare diseases based on these variables, with the participation of 574 school teachers. To broaden the research perspective, another questionnaire was administered to members of 152 rare disease patient advocacy groups to ask about their participation in educational processes and analyse their results according to one of the contextual variables: the setting or location of each association. The results indicated statistically significant differences according to the variables examined, which were larger for the type of school variable. In short, numerous variables that influence the teaching and learning processes need to be considered in educational praxis; in this study, we looked at those of a contextual nature (for example, the geographic characteristics of schools and associations), and this is essential for increasingly heterogeneous educational locations that demand multidimensional approaches.

Doenças Raras , Estudantes , Humanos , Doenças Raras/epidemiologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Professores Escolares , Aprendizagem
Int J Dev Disabil ; 68(5): 615-623, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36210903


Social change towards inclusion is a very common topic, but progress is slow. Because of its importance in the current educational context, knowing how to speed up this transformation is fundamental. A multiple regression analysis with a transversal quantitative designed survey (n = 245) was conducted. The aim was to identify internal and external factors predicting attitudes towards people with intellectual disability in undergraduate students at the University of Murcia (Spain). According to the expected estimate, the variables 'empathic concern' and 'chosen degree' predict good attitudes towards people with intellectual disability among university students. On the other hand, external variables such as 'previous knowledge about disability' or 'contact with people with disabilities' are not explanatory factors. These findings contribute to the existing knowledge about predictive variables for attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities in the future Spanish education professionals.

Confl Health ; 16(1): 53, 2022 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36229821


Many refugee children face challenges accessing education, but refugee children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to exclusion from school environments as well as social settings. Mainstreaming is considered a best practice but may not always be feasible given the limited resources available in refugee camps. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which school setting (i.e., special needs vs. mainstream classrooms) is associated with changes in children's prosocial behaviors (i.e., social skills and ability to get along well with peers) and behavioral difficulties, accounting for disability status. In Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, researchers collected two waves of data (approximately 2.5 years apart) for students enrolled in special needs schools (n = 78) and students who had transitioned from special needs schools into mainstream classrooms (n = 51). Children's average prosocial scores decreased between wave 1 and wave 2, but scores from children in special needs schools decreased at a lower rate indicating potential protective factors in these settings. While children's average total difficulties decreased over time, children's difficulties in special needs schools decreased at a faster rate, also indicating potential protective factors. Neither severity of disability nor gender significantly predicted change in prosocial or difficulties scores. In the context of a refugee camp, mainstreaming alone may not fully address the needs of children with disabilities. Specific factors seen in special education settings, such as individualized services, accessible accommodations, and infrastructure supports, must be considered as a means of creating inclusive educational environments.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34204503


Rare diseases produce multiple impacts for the people who suffer from them, but they also have repercussions for their families, education and healthcare. The objective of this study is to analyze the coordination between healthcare and education professionals who intervene with children and adolescents with rare diseases. It is a qualitative study designed with a critical paradigm, and it was carried out through focus group discussions. A total of 50 people participated in the study, including healthcare professionals, teachers and families. The results suggest that poor communication and coordination negatively impact minors with rare diseases, placing an extra burden on their families, who take on an intermediary role in communication. Participants in the study recognized coordination as an area for improvement as it can compromise equitable social and health services and inclusive education. Other measures must also be put into action at the public administration level not only to establish protocols for intersectoral coordination, but also to increase the knowledge and awareness of staff involved in health and education interventions for children with rare diseases.

Pessoal de Educação , Doenças Raras , Adolescente , Criança , Atenção à Saúde , Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Doenças Raras/epidemiologia
Front Psychol ; 12: 663202, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34220637


Schools promote all-round education for each of their students. This requires teachers to work on all of the possibilities offered by a subject, including mathematical ability. This process of adjustment and individualization is essential for students who have excellent performance or aptitudes. This study uses an ex post facto, descriptive and quantitative research methodology to examine the results of giving the online version of the Evaluation Battery for Mathematical Ability (BECOMA On) to 3795 5th-year primary school students. The sample was selected from 147 Spanish schools from 16 autonomous regions and 2 autonomous municipalities. Three levels of performance were identified, 3 being the highest, and different statistical indices were calculated for each of them. The results were also analyzed according to sex, with statistically significant differences in the highest performance level. In addition, the study highlighted a diagnostic gap in the identification of higher capacity students, a pending challenge for education systems for the educational inclusion of all students.

Front Psychol ; 10: 1835, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31456716


The use of Augmented Reality (AR) to achieve educational inclusion has been not deeply explored. This systematic review describes the current state of using AR as an educational technology that takes into consideration the needs of all students including those with a disability. It is done through the analysis of factors, such as the advantages of AR, its limitations, uses, challenges, its scope in the educational field, the attended population and the positive or negative effects of its use in learning scenarios that involve students with diverse educational needs. A total of 50 studies between 2008 and 2018 were analyzed through searching in three interdisciplinary databases: Scopus, Web of Science, and Springer link. For this, the methodological stages considered were planning the review, search, analysis of literature and results report. After analyzing the results, it was possible to demonstrate that the use of AR for inclusive education in the field of sciences is where more studies have been conducted. In regard to the population with disabilities, among the most representative advantages reported were the motivation, interaction and generating interest on the part of the student. At the same time, an important methodological limitation identified was the size of the sample; some investigations were done with two or three subjects, some studies Single Subject Designs were found. In terms of the population attended, the studies generally included students with different impairments (hearing, visual, motor or cognitive), minorities (ethnic, vulnerable), leaving aside other groups excluded as exceptional talents and immigrants, which could be explored in the future. Despite different problems to be addressed, few frameworks to the diversity attention in education were reported, and there was no model and methodology in inclusive education considered in the studies. Finally, from this review we have identified open issues that could give rise to new research in the subject of using AR to favor the creation of inclusive learning scenarios.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0051, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559425


RESUMEN: Los intérpretes en Lengua de Señas Chilena (ILSCh) constituyen un recurso para la inclusión, eliminando barreras de estudiantes sordos que manejan la modalidad visual-gestual para comunicarse. Chile tiene normativa que favorece la participación del ILSCh en distintos ámbitos, y este estudio se centró en los intérpretes en contexto escolar, considerando que existe un desconocimiento de los procesos, implementación, resultados, logros y situación laboral. Las interrogantes del estudio fueron: ¿cuál es el estado actual del ILSCh, las trayectorias formativas, el rol y los desafíos de su quehacer? El objetivo general fue describir la figura del ILSCh y los desafíos que enfrenta en su desempeño laboral en contexto escolar, situados en las regiones Metropolitana y Valparaíso, Chile. El enfoque fue cualitativo, interpretativo, diseño fenomenográfico, descriptivo y transeccional, la muestra intencionada por criterios de 24 intérpretes de nivel escolar. Las técnicas de recogida de información fueron: formulario de identificación, entrevista y grupo focal. Se analizaron las transcripciones con el software Atlas TI. Los resultados muestran la diversidad en la formación, centrada en el vocabulario de la lengua, con mínimas líneas del contexto educativo, desconocimiento del rol, solicitudes de tareas fuera de sus funciones y situaciones laborares sin regulación y diversidad de jefaturas.

ABSTRACT: The interpreters in Chilean Sign Language (ILSCh) constitute a resource for inclusion, eliminating the barriers of deaf students who use the visual-gestural modality to communicate. Chile has regulations that favor the participation of the ILSCh in different áreas, and this study focused on interpreters in the school context, considering that there is a lack of knowledge of the processes, implementation, results, achievements and employment situation. The questions of the study were: What is the current state of the ILSCh, its formative trajectories, its role and the challenges of its work? The general objective was to describe the figure of the ILSCh and the challenges it faces in its work performance in the school context, located in the Metropolitan and Valparaíso regions, Chile. The approach was qualitative, interpretative, phenomenographic, descriptive and transactional design, the sample intentional by criteria of 24 school level interpreters. The information collection techniques were: identification form, interview and focus group. The transcripts were analyzed with the Atlas TI software. The results show the diversity in the training, focused on the vocabulary of the language, with minimal lines of the educational context, lack of knowlegde of the role, requests for tasks outside their functions and work situations without regulation and diversity of leadership.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0249, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529743


RESUMEN En este artículo hacemos una revisión de la producción de los últimos diez años sobre la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en la Educación Superior en México. Se utilizaron bases de datos nacionales e internacionales y privilegiamos los artículos publicados en español. Recuperamos un total de 37 textos, que organizamos en dos tendencias: los derivados de investigaciones empíricas y los análisis de políticas. Respecto a los primeros, encontramos 15 artículos, 9 referidos a estudiantes con diferentes discapacidades y 6 enfocados en un solo tipo de discapacidad. Otro tipo de trabajos, también con referente empírico, son los que abordan las ideas y actitudes de los actores educativos hacia la discapacidad, en donde identificamos 8 artículos. En cuanto a los análisis de políticas para la inclusión, encontramos 14 materiales que dividimos en tres categorías: los que examinan el impacto de las políticas federales, los análisis comparados entre instituciones y los que se enfocan en una sola institución educativa. En general, la inclusión en el nivel superior es una línea de estudio que aún está en proceso de consolidación en nuestro país. Se necesita desarrollar más investigación que vayan más allá de los estudios de caso, así como indagaciones de tipo cuantitativo que brinden un panorama más amplio sobre la situación de los estudiantes con discapacidad.

ABSTRACT In this paper, we make a review of the academic production about inclusion of people with disabilities in the Mexican Higher Education, in the last ten years. We worked with national and international databases and focused on papers published in Spanish. A total of 37 texts was gathered, which we organized in two trends: those derived from empirical research and those who made policy analysis. Regarding the former, we found 15 papers, nine referring to students with different disabilities and six focused on a single type of disability. Another kind of papers, also with empirical results, includes those that analyze the ideas and attitudes of educational subjects towards disability, where we identified eight papers. Concerning the analyses of policies for inclusion, we found 14 texts that were divided into three categories: those that examine the impact of federal policies, comparative analyses between institutions, and those that focus on a single educational institution. In general, inclusion in Higher Education is a line of study which is still in the process of consolidation in our country. It is necessary to develop more research that goes beyond case studies, as well as quantitative inquiries that provide a broader picture of the circumstances of students with disabilities.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 27: e238308, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507173


Questiona-se sobre o processo inclusivo universitário de estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), visando a permanência e conclusão de curso. O Planejamento Educacional Individualizado (PEI) é uma estratégia de apoio ao estudante com TEA na Educação Básica. O objetivo foi descrever e analisar o desenvolvimento e aplicação do PEI para uma universitária com TEA e comparar desempenho acadêmico antes e depois do PEI. Trata-se de estudo de caso, com avaliações e envolvimento docente. Os resultados descrevem a elaboração e aplicação do PEI com diferenciações na ementa e cronograma das disciplinas cursadas. Anteriormente ao PEI (análise de seis quadrimestres anteriores à pesquisa) a estudante com TEA teve dois trancamentos totais de quadrimestre, quatro reprovações e sete cancelamentos de disciplinas. Após o PEI, análise de três quadrimestres posteriores, a estudante teve um cancelamento de uma disciplina. Os dados evidenciam o PEI enquanto estratégia concreta e eficaz para a permanência da estudante, assim como estratégia viável para formação docente continuada em Educação Especial, no contexto universitário.

Se cuestiona sobre el proceso inclusivo universitario de estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), visando la permanencia y conclusión de curso. La Planificación Educacional Individualizada (PEI) es una estrategia de apoyo al estudiante con TEA en la educación básica. El objetivo fue describir y analizar el desarrollo y aplicación del PEI a una universitaria con TEA y comparar desempeño académico antes y después del PEI. Se trata de estudio de caso, con evaluaciones y participación docente. Los resultados describen la elaboración y aplicación del PEI con diferenciales en la propuesta y cronograma de las asignaturas cursadas. Con anterioridad al PEI (análisis de seis cuadrimestres anteriores a la investigación) la estudiante con TEA tuvo dos aplazamientos totales de cuadrimestre, cuatro reprobaciones y sete suspensiones de asignaturas. Tras el PEI, análisis de tres cuadrimestres posteriores, la estudiante tuvo un aplazamiento de una asignatura. Los datos apuntan el PEI como estrategia concreta y eficaz para permanencia de la estudiante, así como una estrategia viable para la formación continua del profesorado de Educación Especial, en el contexto universitario.

Researchers question the inclusive university process of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), aiming at the permanence and completion of the course. Individualized Educational Planning (IEP) is a support strategy for students with ASD in basic education. The objective was to describe and analyze the development and application of the PEI for a university student with ASD and to compare academic performance before and after the PEI. It is a case study, with evaluations and teacher involvement. The results describe the elaboration and application of the PEI with differences in the menu and schedule of the subjects studied. Prior to the PEI (analysis of six four-month periods prior to the survey), the student with ASD had two total withdrawals in the four-month period, four disapprovals and seven cancellations of disciplines. After the PEI, analysis of three subsequent quarters, the student had a discipline canceled. The data evidence the PEI as a concrete and effective strategy for the student's permanence, as well as a viable strategy for continuing teacher training in Special Education, in the university context.

Transtorno Autístico , Universidades , Inclusão Escolar
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553115


La Educación Superior es un derecho fundamental de todo ser humano, desde esta premisa la universidad para los estudiantes sordos es un espacio intercultural que brinda la oportunidad de intercambios de experiencias, costumbres, aprendizajes que se dan durante la inclusión en educación, convirtiéndose para la población en un reto que les permite la independencia, autonomía e igualdad de oportunidades, por esta razón el fonoaudiólogo y el educador diferencial se convierten en profesionales que deben participar en los procesos para la toman decisiones, eliminando barreras, generando facilitadores. El objetivo de este estudio fue diseñar los lineamientos de promoción para la participación de fonoaudiólogos y educadores diferenciales en educación superior de la persona sorda. La metodología de investigación fue cualitativa, descriptiva, en el cual se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales hombres y mujeres de Colombia y Chile, mayores de 18 años con experiencia en educación superior. Los resultados indican que el diseño de lineamientos permite el trabajo interdisciplinar tanto del fonoaudiólogo como del educador diferencial en procesos de inclusión de estudiantes sordos en educación superior respondiendo a las necesidades, mitigando barreras y evitando el fracaso y la deserción académica, como conclusión se establece la importancia de tener en cuenta la participación de los profesionales, resaltando elementos cruciales como: Conocimiento, profesional, sensibilización, reflexivo, comunicación, contexto, apoyo y ajustes, soportando la base principal de la formación, el desempeño para la comprensión y el reconocimiento de sus roles en los equipos de inclusión. Dichos elementos son la base fundamental para la construcción de los lineamientos

Higher education is a fundamental right of every human being. From this premise, university becomes an intercultural space for deaf students that provides the opportunity for the exchange of experiences, customs, and learning that occur during their inclusion in education. It becomes a challenge for the deaf population, enabling their independence, autonomy, and equal opportunities. For this reason, speech therapists and special education teachers become professionals who must participate in the decision-making processes, eliminating barriers and creating facilitators. The objective of this study was to design guidelines for the involvement of speech therapists and special education teachers in the higher education of deaf individuals. The research methodology was qualitative and descriptive, involving semistructured interviews with male and female professionals from Colombia and Chile, aged 18 and above, with experience in higher education. The results indicate that the design of guidelines allows for interdisciplinary work by both speech therapists and special education teachers in the inclusion processes of deaf students in higher education, addressing their needs, mitigating barriers, and preventing academic failure and dropout. In conclusion, the importance of considering the participation of professionals is established, highlighting crucial elements such as knowledge, professionalism, sensitization, reflection, communication, context, support, and adjustments. These elements support the foundation of training and performance for understanding and recognizing their roles in inclusion teams. These elements form the fundamental basis for the construction of the guidelines.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 11191, abr./jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510567


Identificar a percepção dos profissionais de instituições de ensino sobre a hemofilia, e diante disso formular estratégias de educação em saúde sobre o assunto. Trata-se de pesquisa quanti-qualitativa, analisados de forma descritiva através do Software MAXQDA versão 18.1.1, sob a estratégia de análise de conteúdo. Do total de 40 investigados na pesquisa, percebe-se que somente 11 conseguiram definir hemofilia, metade não sabiam sobre as formas de sangramento, 27 não sabiam as características de um sangramento e somente 10 referiam saber como agir frente a tal acontecimento, revelando desconhecimento dos profissionais de instituições de ensino sobre esta condição de saúde, que afirmam nunca terem sido capacitados para entendimento sobre a doença. Este trabalho promove um diálogo interdisciplinar entre saúde e educação sobre a hemofilia, no qual foi reconhecido a falta de conhecimento sobre o tema por profissionais de instituições de ensino e proposto estratégias de educação em saúde.

To identify the perceptions of professionals working in educational institutions regarding hemophilia and to formulate strategies for health education on this topic. This is quantitative-qualitative research, analyzed descriptively through the Software MAXQDA version 18.1.1, under the content analysis strategy. A total of 40 investigated in the research, it is perceived that only 11 were able to define hemophilia, half did not know about the forms of bleeding, 27 did not know the characteristics of a bleeding and only 10 reported knowing how to act in the face of such an event, revealing lack of knowledge of the professionals of educational institutions about this health condition, who claim to have never been trained to understand the disease. This work promotes an interdisciplinary dialogue between health and education on hemophilia, in which the lack of knowledge on the theme of professionals from educational institutions and proposed health education strategies was recognized.

Psico USF ; 28(4): 811-824, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529169


This study had as general objective to characterize and associate social skills, behavior problems, and academic competence of students with intellectual disabilities in school inclusion and; as specific objectives to verify predictive values for social skills and differences between groups diagnosed with intellectual disability and other associated diagnoses. This was a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational, predictive, and comparative study. Forty-four students with intellectual disability participated (11 of them presented other associated diagnoses), who were evaluated by 42 guardians and 34 teachers. The instruments used were Social Skills Rating System (SSRS-BR) and the Parental Educative Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P). The evaluation from guardians and teachers were different. Social skills were negatively associated with behavior problems and positively associated with academic competence; behavior problems and diagnosis were negative predictors to social skills. There were significant differences in the groups. The results highlight the importance of intervention programs to develop social skills.(AU)

O estudo teve como objetivo geral caracterizar e associar habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e competência acadêmica de alunos com deficiência intelectual em inclusão educacional e; como objetivos específicos verificar valores preditivos para habilidades sociais e diferenças entre grupos com diagnóstico de deficiência intelectual somente e com outros diagnósticos associados. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo, correlacional, preditivo e comparativo. Participaram 44 alunos com deficiência (11 apresentavam outros diagnósticos associados), que foram avaliados por 42 responsáveis e 34 professoras. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Social Skills Rating System (SSRS-BR) e Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (RE-HSE-P). A avaliação de responsáveis e professores foi diferente. Habilidades sociais foram negativamente associadas aos problemas de comportamento e positivamente associadas a competência acadêmica; problemas de comportamento e diagnósticos associados foram preditores negativos de habilidades sociais. Houve diferença significativa entre grupos. Resultados evidenciam a importância de programas para promoção de habilidades sociais.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo general caracterizar y asociar las habilidades sociales, los problemas de conducta y la competencia académica de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual en la inclusión escolar; y como objetivos específicos verificar los valores predictivos de las habilidades sociales y las diferencias entre grupos diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual y otros diagnósticos asociados. Se trató de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo, correlacional, predictivo y comparativo. Participaron 44 estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual (11 de ellos presentaban otros diagnósticos asociados), quienes fueron evaluados por 42 tutores y 34 docentes. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Sistema de Evaluación de Habilidades Sociales (SSRS-BR) y el Guion de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociales para Educación de los Padres (RE-HSE-P). Las evaluaciones de los tutores y docentes fueron diferentes. Las habilidades sociales se asociaron negativamente con problemas de conducta y positivamente con la competencia académica; los problemas de conducta y el diagnóstico fueron predictores negativos de las habilidades sociales. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Los resultados destacan la importancia de los programas de intervención para desarrollar habilidades sociales con la población estudiada.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Habilidades Sociais , Comportamento Problema/psicologia , Desempenho Acadêmico/psicologia , Deficiência Intelectual/psicologia , Inclusão Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Entrevistas como Assunto , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Correlação de Dados , Fatores Sociodemográficos
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e264477, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529199


A inclusão educacional de estudantes com autismo e/ou deficiência intelectual no ensino regular, em classe comum, evidencia a urgência de programas de formação docente em práticas educacionais baseadas em evidências. O objetivo foi avaliar a estrutura de um processo formativo remoto para elaboração, aplicação e avaliação de uma intervenção comportamental na perspectiva educacional inclusiva e, mais especificamente, caracterizar as atitudes sociais de agentes educacionais participantes da formação. A formação ocorreu em dois formatos. No primeiro, todo o material foi disponibilizado em uma pasta virtual compartilhada e, no segundo, em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA). Nos dois formatos, a estrutura contou com parte teórica e prática, por meio de leitura de textos, realização de exercícios e discussões. Na parte prática, participantes tiveram a oportunidade de trabalhar com famílias e estudantes (crianças e jovens) com autismo e/ou deficiência intelectual visando identificar as necessidades e prioridades da família para elaboração colaborativa de um plano de intervenção (sistematização de práticas), implementação e análise das práticas. Para a caracterização da amostra foram levantadas informações pessoais, experiências prévias, familiaridade com ferramentas tecnológicas, conhecimento sobre os conceitos teóricos da Análise do Comportamento. Foi feita uma caracterização das atitudes sociais em relação à inclusão e analisada a validade social de participantes sobre a formação. Os resultados da formação identificaram correlações entre o nível de atitudes sociais e o engajamento nas atividades práticas entregues, além da relação entre o número de participantes que concluíram a formação, o cumprimento de tarefas e dificuldades de contato com a família. O estudo discutiu sobre estratégias que tenham em vista possibilidades de escalabilidade da formação docente de maneira sistemática e científica nesta área de atuação profissional.(AU)

The educational inclusion of students with autism and/or intellectual disabilities in regular education has highlighted the urgency of initial and continuing education programs with evidence-based educational practices. The objective was to evaluate the structure of a remote training process for the elaboration, application and evaluation of a behavioral intervention in the inclusive educational perspective and, complementarily, a specific objective was to characterize the social attitudes of educational agents participating in the training. The training took place in two formats. In the first, all material was made available in a shared folder and in the second, in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). In both formats, the structure had a theoretical and practical part, by reading and carrying out exercises and discussions. In the practical part, participants had the opportunity to work with families and students with autism and/or intellectual disability to identify the needs and priorities of the family for the collaborative elaboration of an intervention plan (systematization of practices), implementation and analysis of practices. For the characterization of the sample, personal information, previous experiences, familiarity with technological tools, and knowledge about the theoretical concepts of Behavior Analysis were collected. A characterization of social attitudes towards inclusion was carried out and the social validity of participants regarding training was analyzed. The results of the training identified correlations between the level of social attitudes and engagement in the practical activities delivered, in addition to the relationship between the drop in the number of participants, the fulfillment of tasks and difficulties in contacting the family. The study discussed strategies that aim at possibilities of scaling continuing education in a systematic and scientific way in this area of professional activity.(AU)

La inclusión educativa de estudiantes con autismo y/o discapacidad intelectual en la educación regular, en aulas regulares, ha puesto de relieve la urgencia de programas de educación inicial y continua en prácticas educativas basadas en evidencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la estructura de un proceso de formación a distancia para la elaboración, aplicación y evaluación de una intervención conductual en la perspectiva educativa inclusiva y, de forma complementaria, el objetivo específico fue caracterizar las actitudes sociales de los agentes educativos participantes en la formación. La capacitación se llevó a cabo en dos formatos. En el primer, todo el material estaba disponible en una carpeta compartida y, en el segundo, en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje (EVA). En los dos formatos, la estructura tuvo una parte teórica y práctica, mediante la lectura de textos, la realización de ejercicios y discusiones. En la parte práctica, los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de trabajar con las familias y los alumnos con autismo y/o discapacidad intelectual con el fin de identificar las necesidades y prioridades de la familia para la elaboración colaborativa de un plan de intervención (sistematización de prácticas), su implementación y el análisis de prácticas. Para la caracterización de la muestra, se planteó información personal, experiencias previas, familiaridad con herramientas tecnológicas, conocimiento sobre los conceptos teóricos del análisis de comportamiento. Se realizó una caracterización de las actitudes sociales hacia la inclusión y se analizó la validez social de los participantes respecto a la formación. Los resultados de la capacitación identificaron correlaciones entre el nivel de actitudes sociales y el compromiso en las actividades prácticas impartidas, además de la relación entre la disminución del número de participantes, el cumplimiento de las tareas y las dificultades de contacto con la familia. Este estudio discutió estrategias que apuntan a posibilidades de escalar la formación docente de forma sistemática y científica en esta área de actuación profesional.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Transtorno Autístico , Inclusão Escolar , Educação Inclusiva , Acessibilidade Arquitetônica , Preconceito , Propriocepção , Psicologia , Desempenho Psicomotor , Ensino de Recuperação , Atenção , Mudança Social , Condições Sociais , Meio Social , Socialização , Estereotipagem , Comportamento Verbal , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Terapia Comportamental , Software , Neurociências , Adaptação Psicológica , Comorbidade , Criança , Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento Infantil , Criança Superdotada , Educação Infantil , Características da Família , Saúde Pública , Eficácia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adolescente , Direitos Civis , Pessoas com Deficiência , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Cognição , Educação Baseada em Competências , Autoeficácia , Tecnologia Biomédica , Vulnerabilidade a Desastres , Autonomia Pessoal , Ecolalia , Educação , Avaliação Educacional , Escolaridade , Ego , Equilíbrio Postural , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , Equidade , Discriminação Social , Invenções , Habilidades Sociais , Alfabetização , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento , Orientação Espacial , Análise do Comportamento Aplicada , Direitos Socioeconômicos , Respeito , Funcionamento Psicossocial , Intervenção Psicossocial , Estado Funcional , Modelos Biopsicossociais , Diversidade, Equidade, Inclusão , Desenvolvimento Humano , Direitos Humanos , Jurisprudência , Memória , Grupos Minoritários
Int J Dev Disabil ; 64(4-5): 230-237, 2017 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34141310


This article presents to the following general objectives: 1) to apply different interventions, corresponding to 3 experimental groups (EG 1, 2, 3), composed of students with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), 2) to compare the result found as a consequence of the intervention and 3) to analyze of the ad hoc pilot program (EG1) based on the categorical conceptual learning. The method used is a multivariate comparative analysis of the effectiveness of three programs (with an analysis of 1 factor, across 4 measures, represented by conceptual learning categories, measured through a longitudinal study of 3-month time intervals (total= 12 months). Study involved 18 participants, distributed in 3 experimental groups, each experimental group is made up of 6 students with autistic spectrum disorders across three diagnostic levels, aged between 4 and 15 years, of which 14 are male and 4 are female. Results the improvements found in the participants of experimental group (EG1) in relation to the other two experimental groups (EG2, 3) are remarkable, especially regarding the data found in the fourth measure of the factor of the study. The conclusions show the benefits of educational programs based on the previous evaluation of the participants' needs and the contributions of the neuropsychology of individual development, as well as social and cultural dimensions.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 47(1): 9-24, Ene 01, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526596


Introducción: La inclusión educativa en la educación superior pública y privada, es un problema que ha sido abordado de diversas maneras por las diferentes instituciones de educación superior ecuatorianas. La Universidad Central del Ecuador, es una institución pública en la que estudian 40.000 estudiantes aproximadamente y esto la obliga a imple-mentar culturas, políticas y prácticas inclusivas, que analicen las barreras y las oportunida-des para el acceso a una educación de calidad y en igualdad de condiciones.Objetivo: Identificar las características personales de los estudiantes con discapacidad, los factores contextuales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador y su relación con el nivel de inclusión educativa. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, correlacional de tipo observacional, que inclu-yó a 108 estudiantes de la Universidad Central del Ecuador que presentan al menos una discapacidad, y que respondieron vía on line la encuesta de inclusión educativa. Análisis estadístico. Se usó el SPSS 22.0, para el análisis univarial se aplicó la estadística descrip-tiva apoyados en medidas de proporción, mientras que las pruebas x2 cuadrada y Spear-man fueron usadas para el análisis bivarial. Resultados: El 54% de los investigados registra un bajo nivel de inclusión educativa, 22,52% presenta limitaciones para movilizarse, 17,59% para aprender/estudiar y el 14,81% para las interacciones personales. El 35% requieren ayuda de compañeros y familiares, de servicios universitarios y ayudas técnicas para realizar varias de sus actividades académi-cas y acceder al medio físico universitario. Aquellos con limitaciones graves y moderadas para realizar sus actividades tienen 1,4 a 1,8 veces más probabilidad de tener un bajo nivel de inclusión que aquellos con limitaciones leves; este patrón se repite con otras variables personales y contextuales, y refleja la asociación entre los factores personales-contextua-les y la inclusión educativa.Conclusiones:La inclusión es un proceso sistémico en el cual intervienen e interactúan de manera concurrente variables bio-psico-sociales. Las condiciones para crear la inclusión educativa de los estudiantes con discapacidad en la UCE deben estar sustentadas en un cambio de paradigma, y orientadas a la implementación de políticas y procesos de inclusión educativa, que incorporen las necesidades expresadas por los investigados en este estudio.

Introduction: Educational inclusion in public and private higher education is a problem that has been addressed in various ways by different Ecuadorian higher education institutions. The Central University of Ecuador is a public institution where approximately 40,000 stu-dents study, is committed to implementing inclusive cultures, policies and practices, which analyzes the barriers and opportunities for access to quality education and on equal terms.Aim. Identify the personal characteristics of students with disabilities, the contextual factors of the Central University of Ecuador and their relationship with the level of inclusion.Material and methods. Descriptive, correlational, observational study, which investigated 108 students from the Central University of Ecuador who present at least one disability, and who answered the inclusion survey online. Statistic analysis. SPSS 22.0 was used, for the univariate analysis applied descriptive statistics supported by measures of proportion while x2 squared and Spearman tests were used for the bivariate analysis.Results. 54% of those investigated register a low level of educational inclusion, 22.52% pre-sent limitations to move around, 17.59% to learn/study and 14.81% for personal interactions. 35% require help from classmates and family, university services and technical aids to carry out several of their academic activities and access the university physical environment with severe and moderate limitations to carry out their activities are 1.4 to 1.8 times more likely to have a low level of inclusion than those with mild limitations. This pattern is repeated with other personal and contextual variables and reflects the association between personal-con-textual factors and educational inclusion.Conclusions. Inclusion is a systemic process in which bio-psycho-social variables intervene and interact concurrently. The conditions to create the educational inclusion of students with disabilities in the Central University of Ecuador must be supported by a paradigm shift, and oriented towards the implementation of educational inclusion policies and processes, which incorporate the needs expressed by those investigated in this study.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Inclusão Escolar , Pessoas com Deficiência , Pessoas com Deficiência/educação , Universidades , Educação em Saúde , Equador , Inclusão Social
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 28: e0162, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394750


RESUMEN: El enfoque de la inclusión social y educativa cobra cada vez mayor relevancia en políticas dirigidas a personas en situación de discapacidad, especialmente cuando sus derechos demandan apoyos desde una perspectiva ecológica y multidimensional. De esta forma, el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática ha sido analizar la investigación relacionada con programas de intervención socioeducativos para niños, jóvenes y adultos con discapacidad intelectual que han seguido métodos experimentales y/o cuasi experimentales. De acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Declaración PRISMA se han seleccionado 19 estudios utilizando bases de datos internacionales, durante el periodo 1995-2020. Los resultados muestran que la mayor cantidad de programas consideran en su muestra, niños y adolescentes (68%) y en menor porcentaje a jóvenes y adultos (31%). Por otro lado, el 52.6% no identifica diseño y tipo de muestra, y la medida más utilizada corresponde a pre y post test (78.9%). Se discuten hallazgos y conclusiones para la mejora de apoyos a las personas con discapacidad intelectual especialmente frente a la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19.

ABSTRACT: The approach to social and educational inclusion is becoming increasingly relevant in policies aimed at people with disabilities, especially when their rights demand support from an ecological and multidimensional perspective. Tus, the objective of this systematic review has been to analyze the investigations related to socio-educational intervention programs for children, youth and adults with intellectual disabilities that have followed experimental and/or quasi-experimental methods. In accordance with the PRISMA Declaration guidelines, 19 studies were selected using international databases, during the 1995-2020 period. The results show that the largest number of programs consider children and adolescents in their sample (68%) and, to a lesser extent, young people and adults (31%). However, 52.6% do not identify the design and type of sample, and the most used measure corresponds to the pre and post test (78.9%). Findings and conclusions are discussed in order to improve support for people with intellectual disabilities, especially in the face of the health crisis of COVID-19.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 28: e0012, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365601


RESUMO: Este artigo analisa o ponto de vista dos/as estudantes com deficiência visual sobre o seu ingresso e a sua permanência na Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) e busca refletir sobre o processo de inclusão por eles/as vivenciado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com oito estudantes com deficiência visual matriculados/as em diferentes cursos dessa instituição. A análise do material textual demonstrou que o ingresso e a permanência no Ensino Superior foram marcados por dificuldades relacionadas às barreiras físicas, à disponibilidade e ao acesso a recursos materiais, didáticos, pedagógicos e tecnológicos, bem como às barreiras atitudinais, que agudizam o desempenho acadêmico dos/as estudantes com deficiência visual. Desse modo, a inclusão educacional, em processo de construção na UFBA, requer envolvimento e participação de toda a comunidade acadêmica para que de fato se concretize.

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the point of view of students with visual impairment on their admission and permanence at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and seeks to reflect on the inclusion process experienced by them. This is a qualitative investigation which was carried out through semi-structured interviews with eight students with visual impairment enrolled in different courses of this institution. The analysis of the collected material demonstrated that access to and permanence in Higher Education were characterized by difficulties related to physical barriers, availability, and access to didactic, pedagogical, and technological resources, as well as attitudinal barriers, which exacerbate the academic performance of students with visual impairment. Therefore, the educational inclusion, which is being built in UFBA, requires the involvement and participation of the entire academic community so that it is actually implemented.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(2)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441720


Objetivo: Caracterizar las enfermedades oftalmológicas que causan diversidad funcional visual en los estudiantes del Centro de Recursos y Apoyo "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado". Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal realizado en enero, 2017. Las variables investigadas fueron: edad, sexo, grado de escolaridad, antecedentes prenatales, diagnóstico oftalmológico principal, enfermedades asociadas, síndromes oftalmológicos, agudeza visual mejor corregida, defecto refractivo, ayudas ópticas y no ópticas utilizadas. Resultados: La muestra quedó conformada por 66 estudiantes (95,6 por ciento de los matriculados), predominaron las edades entre 10-14 años, para ambos sexos. De ellos, 24 estudiantes eran ciegos totales (36,4 por ciento). El astigmatismo hipermetrópico compuesto fue la ametropía primaria más frecuente. Las ayudas ópticas y no ópticas son utilizadas por la mayoría de los alumnos. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades oculares más frecuentes causantes de baja visión fueron la catarata congénita y la atrofia del nervio óptico. Las ayudas ópticas y no ópticas son empleadas con la colaboración de la rehabilitadora y los maestros(AU)

Objective: To characterize the ophthalmologic diseases that cause visual functional diversity in students of the "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Resource and Support Center. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in January, 2017. The variables investigated were: age, gender, school grade, prenatal history, main ophthalmologic diagnosis, associated diseases, ophthalmologic syndromes, best corrected visual acuity, refractive defect, optical and non-optical aids used. Results: The sample consisted of 66 students (95.6 percent of those enrolled), predominantly aged 10-14 years, for both genders. Out of these, 24 students were totally blind (36.4 percent). Compound hyperopic astigmatism was the most frequent primary ametropia. Optical and non-optical aids were used by most of the students. Conclusions: The most frequent ocular diseases causing low vision were congenital cataract and optic nerve atrophy. Optical and non-optical aids are used with the collaboration of the rehabilitator and teachers(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Baixa Visão , Erros de Refração , Epidemiologia Descritiva