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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(3): e2216311120, 2023 01 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36623181


It has recently been suggested that deformed crustal plateaus on Venus may be composed of felsic (silica-rich) rocks, possibly supporting the idea of an ancient ocean there. However, these plateaus have a tendency to collapse owing to flow of the viscous lower crust. Felsic minerals, especially water-bearing ones, are much weaker and thus lead to more rapid collapse, than more mafic minerals. We model plateau topographic evolution using a non-Newtonian viscous relaxation code. Despite uncertainties in the likely crustal thickness and surface heat flux, we find that quartz-dominated rheologies relax too rapidly to be plausible plateau-forming material. For plateaus dominated by a dry anorthite rheology, survival is possible only if the background crustal thickness is less than 29 km, unless the heat flux on Venus is less than the radiogenic lower bound of 34 [Formula: see text]. Future spacecraft determinations of plateau crustal thickness and mineralogy will place firmer constraints on Venus's heat flux.

Bivalves , Vênus , Animais , Temperatura Alta , Quartzo , Reologia
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(18): e2120241119, 2022 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35452330


SignificanceDue to active plate tectonics, there are no direct rock archives covering the first ca. 500 million y of Earth's history. Therefore, insights into Hadean geodynamics rely on indirect observations from geochemistry. We present a high-precision 182W dataset for rocks from the Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa, revealing the presence of Hadean protocrustal remnants in Earth's mantle. This has broad implications for geochemists, geophysicists, and modelers, as it bridges contrasting 182W isotope patterns in Archean and modern mantle-derived rocks. The data reveal the origin of seismically and isotopically anomalous domains in the deep mantle and also provide firm evidence for the operation of silicate differentiation processes during the first 60 million y of Earth's history.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(44): e2210258119, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36279430


The paleomagnetic record is an archive of Earth's geophysical history, informing reconstructions of ancient plate motions and probing the core via the geodynamo. We report a robust 3.25-billion-year-old (Ga) paleomagnetic pole from the East Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Together with previous results from the East Pilbara between 3.34 and 3.18 Ga, this pole enables the oldest reconstruction of time-resolved lithospheric motions, documenting 160 My of both latitudinal drift and rotation at rates of at least 0.55°/My. Motions of this style, rate, and duration are difficult to reconcile with true polar wander or stagnant-lid geodynamics, arguing strongly for mobile-lid geodynamics by 3.25 Ga. Additionally, this pole includes the oldest documented geomagnetic reversal, reflecting a stably dipolar, core-generated Archean dynamo.

Fenômenos Geológicos , Austrália Ocidental
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(46)2021 11 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34750257


When and how Earth's earliest continents-the cratons-first emerged above the oceans (i.e., emersion) remain uncertain. Here, we analyze a craton-wide record of Paleo-to-Mesoarchean granitoid magmatism and terrestrial to shallow-marine sedimentation preserved in the Singhbhum Craton (India) and combine the results with isostatic modeling to examine the timing and mechanism of one of the earliest episodes of large-scale continental emersion on Earth. Detrital zircon U-Pb(-Hf) data constrain the timing of terrestrial to shallow-marine sedimentation on the Singhbhum Craton, which resolves the timing of craton-wide emersion. Time-integrated petrogenetic modeling of the granitoids quantifies the progressive changes in the cratonic crustal thickness and composition and the pressure-temperature conditions of granitoid magmatism, which elucidates the underlying mechanism and tectonic setting of emersion. The results show that the entire Singhbhum Craton became subaerial ∼3.3 to 3.2 billion years ago (Ga) due to progressive crustal maturation and thickening driven by voluminous granitoid magmatism within a plateau-like setting. A similar sedimentary-magmatic evolution also accompanied the early (>3 Ga) emersion of other cratons (e.g., Kaapvaal Craton). Therefore, we propose that the emersion of Earth's earliest continents began during the late Paleoarchean to early Mesoarchean and was driven by the isostatic rise of their magmatically thickened (∼50 km thick), buoyant, silica-rich crust. The inferred plateau-like tectonic settings suggest that subduction collision-driven compressional orogenesis was not essential in driving continental emersion, at least before the Neoarchean. We further surmise that this early emersion of cratons could be responsible for the transient and localized episodes of atmospheric-oceanic oxygenation (O2-whiffs) and glaciation on Archean Earth.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(49): 30973-30979, 2020 12 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33199613


Combining U-Pb ages with Lu-Hf data in zircon provides insights into the magmatic history of rocky planets. The Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034/7533 meteorites are samples of the southern highlands of Mars containing zircon with ages as old as 4476.3 ± 0.9 Ma, interpreted to reflect reworking of the primordial Martian crust by impacts. We extracted a statistically significant zircon population (n = 57) from NWA 7533 that defines a temporal record spanning 4.2 Gyr. Ancient zircons record ages from 4485.5 ± 2.2 Ma to 4331.0 ± 1.4 Ma, defining a bimodal distribution with groupings at 4474 ± 10 Ma and 4442 ± 17 Ma. We interpret these to represent intense bombardment episodes at the planet's surface, possibly triggered by the early migration of gas giant planets. The unradiogenic initial Hf-isotope composition of these zircons establishes that Mars's igneous activity prior to ∼4.3 Ga was limited to impact-related reworking of a chemically enriched, primordial crust. A group of younger detrital zircons record ages from 1548.0 ± 8.8 Ma to 299.5 ± 0.6 Ma. The only plausible sources for these grains are the temporally associated Elysium and Tharsis volcanic provinces that are the expressions of deep-seated mantle plumes. The chondritic-like Hf-isotope compositions of these zircons require the existence of a primitive and convecting mantle reservoir, indicating that Mars has been in a stagnant-lid tectonic regime for most of its history. Our results imply that zircon is ubiquitous on the Martian surface, providing a faithful record of the planet's magmatic history.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(16): 4099-4104, 2018 04 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29610319


Iron may critically influence the physical properties and thermochemical structures of Earth's lower mantle. Its effects on thermal conductivity, with possible consequences on heat transfer and mantle dynamics, however, remain largely unknown. We measured the lattice thermal conductivity of lower-mantle ferropericlase to 120 GPa using the ultrafast optical pump-probe technique in a diamond anvil cell. The thermal conductivity of ferropericlase with 56% iron significantly drops by a factor of 1.8 across the spin transition around 53 GPa, while that with 8-10% iron increases monotonically with pressure, causing an enhanced iron substitution effect in the low-spin state. Combined with bridgmanite data, modeling of our results provides a self-consistent radial profile of lower-mantle thermal conductivity, which is dominated by pressure, temperature, and iron effects, and shows a twofold increase from top to bottom of the lower mantle. Such increase in thermal conductivity may delay the cooling of the core, while its decrease with iron content may enhance the dynamics of large low shear-wave velocity provinces. Our findings further show that, if hot and strongly enriched in iron, the seismic ultralow velocity zones have exceptionally low conductivity, thus delaying their cooling.

Planeta Terra , Evolução Planetária , Fenômenos Geológicos , Ferro , Condutividade Térmica , Pressão , Temperatura
Sensors (Basel) ; 21(5)2021 Feb 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33668869


Changes in the stress field in Swiebodzice Depression (SU) unit area are the reason of complex kinematics of the rock blocks consisting of rotations and horizontal/vertical displacements. The measurement system of the Geodynamic Laboratory in Ksiaz, associated with rock blocks which are separated by faults, is a natural detector of tectonic activity. Installed in laboratory long water-tube gauges allowing to determine the functions of tectonic activity-TAF, and their derivatives. A comparison of the TAF with the seismic activity of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline showed that the strong seismic shocks (magnitude ≥3.6) occur in the Monocline only during defined and repeatable phases of the kinematic activity of the SU. Observed concordance proves the thesis of the existence of a large-scale, and largely homogeneous field of tectonic forces which, at the same time, cover the SU and the Fore-Sudetic Monocline units. The results of comparison between seismic events temporal distribution and phases of tectonic activity of the SU orogen indicate existence of the time relation between function of derivative of the tectonic activity (TAF) and seismic events.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(16): 4078-4081, 2017 04 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28377520


Earth's water cycle enables the incorporation of water (hydration) in mantle minerals that can influence the physical properties of the mantle. Lattice thermal conductivity of mantle minerals is critical for controlling the temperature profile and dynamics of the mantle and subducting slabs. However, the effect of hydration on lattice thermal conductivity remains poorly understood and has often been assumed to be negligible. Here we have precisely measured the lattice thermal conductivity of hydrous San Carlos olivine (Mg0.9Fe0.1)2SiO4 (Fo90) up to 15 gigapascals using an ultrafast optical pump-probe technique. The thermal conductivity of hydrous Fo90 with ∼7,000 wt ppm water is significantly suppressed at pressures above ∼5 gigapascals, and is approximately 2 times smaller than the nominally anhydrous Fo90 at mantle transition zone pressures, demonstrating the critical influence of hydration on the lattice thermal conductivity of olivine in this region. Modeling the thermal structure of a subducting slab with our results shows that the hydration-reduced thermal conductivity in hydrated oceanic crust further decreases the temperature at the cold, dry center of the subducting slab. Therefore, the olivine-wadsleyite transformation rate in the slab with hydrated oceanic crust is much slower than that with dry oceanic crust after the slab sinks into the transition zone, extending the metastable olivine to a greater depth. The hydration-reduced thermal conductivity could enable hydrous minerals to survive in deeper mantle and enhance water transportation to the transition zone.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 377(2139): 20180019, 2019 Feb 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30966936


The emerging concept of a magma reservoir is one in which regions containing melt extend from the source of magma generation to the surface. The reservoir may contain regions of very low fraction intergranular melt, partially molten rock (mush) and melt lenses (or magma chambers) containing high melt fraction eruptible magma, as well as pockets of exsolved magmatic fluids. The various parts of the system may be separated by a sub-solidus rock or be connected and continuous. Magma reservoirs and their wall rocks span a vast array of rheological properties, covering as much as 25 orders of magnitude from high viscosity, sub-solidus crustal rocks to magmatic fluids. Time scales of processes within magma reservoirs range from very slow melt and fluid segregation within mush and magma chambers and deformation of surrounding host rocks to very rapid development of magma and fluid instability, transport and eruption. Developing a comprehensive model of these systems is a grand challenge that will require close collaboration between modellers, geophysicists, geochemists, geologists, volcanologists and petrologists. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Magma reservoir architecture and dynamics'.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(38): 10503-6, 2016 09 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27606485


Tectonic plates are a key feature of Earth's structure, and their behavior and dynamics are fundamental drivers in a wide range of large-scale processes. The operation of plate tectonics, in general, depends intimately on the manner in which lithospheric plates couple to the convecting interior. Current debate centers on whether the transition from rigid lithosphere to flowing asthenosphere relates to increases in temperature or to changes in composition such as the presence of a small amount of melt or an increase in water content below a specified depth. Thus, the manner in which the rigid lithosphere couples to the flowing asthenosphere is currently unclear. Here we present results from laboratory-based torsion experiments on olivine aggregates with and without melt, yielding an improved database describing the crystallographic alignment of olivine grains. We combine this database with a flow model for oceanic upper mantle to predict the structure of the seismic anisotropy beneath ocean basins. Agreement between our model and seismological observations supports the view that the base of the lithosphere is thermally controlled. This model additionally supports the idea that discontinuities in velocity and anisotropy, often assumed to be the base of the lithosphere, are, instead, intralithospheric features reflecting a compositional boundary established at midocean ridges, not a rheological boundary.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2132)2018 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30275162


The development of plate tectonics from a pre-plate tectonics regime requires both the initiation of subduction and the development of nascent subduction zones into long-lived contiguous features. Subduction itself has been shown to be sensitive to system parameters such as thermal state and the specific rheology. While generally it has been shown that cold-interior high-Rayleigh-number convection (such as on the Earth today) favours plates and subduction, due to the ability of the interior stresses to couple with the lid, a given system may or may not have plate tectonics depending on its initial conditions. This has led to the idea that there is a strong history dependence to tectonic evolution-and the details of tectonic transitions, including whether they even occur, may depend on the early history of a planet. However, intrinsic convective stresses are not the only dynamic drivers of early planetary evolution. Early planetary geological evolution is dominated by volcanic processes and impacting. These have rarely been considered in thermal evolution models. Recent models exploring the details of plate tectonic initiation have explored the effect of strong thermal plumes or large impacts on surface tectonism, and found that these 'primary drivers' can initiate subduction, and, in some cases, over-ride the initial state of the planet. The corollary of this, of course, is that, in the absence of such ongoing drivers, existing or incipient subduction systems under early Earth conditions might fail. The only detailed planetary record we have of this development comes from Earth, and is restricted by the limited geological record of its earliest history. Many recent estimates have suggested an origin of plate tectonics at approximately 3.0 Ga, inferring a monotonically increasing transition from pre-plates, through subduction initiation, to continuous subduction and a modern plate tectonic regime around that time. However, both numerical modelling and the geological record itself suggest a strong nonlinearity in the dynamics of the transition, and it has been noted that the early history of Archaean greenstone belts and trondhjemite-tonalite-granodiorite record many instances of failed subduction. Here, we explore the history of subduction failure on the early Earth, and couple these with insights from numerical models of the geodynamic regime at the time.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Earth dynamics and the development of plate tectonics'.

Tectonics ; 37(12): 4535-4566, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31007340


We present an extensive study of rehomogenized olivine-hosted melt inclusions, olivine phenocrysts, and chromian spinel inclusions to explore the link between geodynamic conditions and the origin and composition of Pliocene-Quaternary intraplate magmatism in Anatolia at Kula, Ceyhan-Osmaniye, and Karacadag. Exceptional compositional variability of these products reveals early and incomplete mixing of distinct parental melts in each volcanic center, reflecting asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle sources. The studied primitive magmas consist of (1) two variably enriched ocean island basalt (OIB)-type melts in Kula; (2) both OIB-type and plume mid-ocean ridge basalt (P-MORB)-like melts beneath Toprakkale and Üçtepeler (Ceyhan-Osmaniye); and (3) two variably enriched OIB-type melts beneath Karacadag. Estimated conditions of primary melt generation are 23-9 kbar, 75-30 km, and 1415-1215 °C for Kula; 28-19 kbar, 90-65 km, and 1430-1350 °C for Toprakkale; 23-18 kbar, 75-60 km, and 1400-1355 °C for Üçtepeler; and 35-27 kbar, 115-90 km, and 1530-1455 °C for Karacadag, the deepest levels of which correspond to the depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary in all regions. Although magma ascent was likely facilitated by local deformation structures, recent Anatolian intraplate magmatism seems to be triggered by large-scale mantle flow that also affects the wider Arabian and North African regions. We infer that these volcanics form part of a much wider Arabian-North African intraplate volcanic province, which was able to invade the Anatolian upper plate through slab gaps.

Geophys Res Lett ; 43(10): 4945-4953, 2016 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31413424


Advances in global seismic tomography have increasingly motivated identification of subducted lithosphere in Earth's deep mantle, creating novel opportunities to link plate tectonics and mantle evolution. Chief among those is the quest for a robust subduction reference frame, wherein the mantle assemblage of subducted lithosphere is used to reconstruct past surface tectonics in an absolute framework anchored in the deep Earth. However, the associations heretofore drawn between lower mantle structure and past subduction have been qualitative and conflicting, so the very assumption of a correlation has yet to be quantitatively corroborated. Here we show that a significant, time-depth progressive correlation can be drawn between reconstructed subduction zones of the last 130 Myr and positive S wave velocity anomalies at 600-2300 km depth, but that further correlation between greater times and depths is not presently demonstrable. This correlation suggests that lower mantle slab sinking rates average between 1.1 and 1.9 cm yr-1.

Nat Geosci ; 17(7): 683-688, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39006245


The geodynamic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau remains highly debated. Any model of its evolution must explain the plateau's growth as constrained by palaeo-altitude studies, the spatio-temporal distribution of magmatic activity, and the lithospheric mantle removal inferred from seismic velocity anomalies in the underlying mantle. Several conflicting models have been proposed, but none of these explains the first-order topographic, magmatic and seismic features self-consistently. Here we propose and test numerically an evolutionary model of the plateau that involves gradual peeling of the lithospheric mantle from the overriding plate and consequent mantle and crustal melting and uplift. We show that this model successfully reproduces the successive surface uplift of the plateau to more than 4 km above sea level and is consistent with the observed migration of magmatism and geometry of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary resulting from subduction of the Indian plate and delamination of the mantle lithosphere of the Eurasian plate. These comparisons indicate that mantle delamination from the overriding plate is the driving force behind the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and, potentially, orogenic plateaus more generally.

Nat Geosci ; 17(5): 465-471, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38756528


Recent studies increasingly recognize the importance of critical-zone weathering during mountain building for long-term CO2 drawdown and release. However, the focus on near-surface weathering reactions commonly does not account for CO2 emissions from the crust, which could outstrip CO2 drawdown where carbonates melt and decarbonize during subduction and metamorphism. We analyse water chemistry from streams in Italy's central Apennines that cross a gradient in heat flow and crustal thickness with relatively constant climatic conditions. We quantify the balance of inorganic carbon fluxes from near-surface weathering processes, metamorphism and the melting of carbonates. We find that, at the regional scale, carbon emissions from crustal sources outpace near-surface fluxes by two orders of magnitude above a tear in the subducting slab characterized by heat flow greater than 150 mW m-2 and crustal thickness of less than 25 km. By contrast, weathering processes dominate the carbon budget where crustal thickness exceeds 40 km and heat flow is lower than 30 mW m-2. The observed variation in metamorphic fluxes is one to two orders of magnitude larger than that of weathering fluxes. We therefore suggest that geodynamic modulations of metamorphic melting and decarbonation reactions are an efficient process by which tectonics can regulate the inorganic carbon cycle.

Nat Water ; 1(1): 60-73, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38665803


Known locally as the water mountain, for millennia Japan's iconic Mt Fuji has provided safe drinking water to millions of people via a vast network of groundwater and freshwater springs. Groundwater, which is recharged at high elevations, flows down Fuji's flanks within three basaltic aquifers, ultimately forming countless pristine freshwater springs among Fuji's foothills. Here we challenge the current conceptual model of Fuji being a simple system of laminar groundwater flow with little to no vertical exchange between its three aquifers. This model contrasts strongly with Fuji's extreme tectonic instability due to its unique location on top of the only known continental trench-trench-trench triple junction, its complex geology and its unusual microbial spring water communities. On the basis of a unique combination of microbial environmental DNA, vanadium and helium tracers, we provide evidence for prevailing deep circulation and a previously unknown deep groundwater contribution to Fuji's freshwater springs. The most substantial deep groundwater upwelling has been found along Japan's most tectonically active region, the Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone. Our findings broaden the hydrogeological understanding of Fuji and demonstrate the vast potential of combining environmental DNA, on-site noble gas and trace element analyses for groundwater science.

J Geod ; 97(2): 14, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760754


The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) daily position time series are often described as the sum of stochastic processes and geophysical signals which allow to study global and local geodynamical effects such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, or ground water variations. In this work, we propose to extend the Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments (GMWM) to estimate the parameters of linear models with correlated residuals. This statistical inferential framework is applied to GNSS daily position time-series data to jointly estimate functional (geophysical) as well as stochastic noise models. Our method is called GMWMX, with X standing for eXogenous variables: it is semi-parametric, computationally efficient and scalable. Unlike standard methods such as the widely used maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), our methodology offers statistical guarantees, such as consistency and asymptotic normality, without relying on strong parametric assumptions. At the Gaussian model, our results (theoretical and obtained in simulations) show that the estimated parameters are similar to the ones obtained with the MLE. The computational performances of our approach have important practical implications. Indeed, the estimation of the parameters of large networks of thousands of GNSS stations (some of them being recorded over several decades) quickly becomes computationally prohibitive. Compared to standard likelihood-based methods, the GMWMX has a considerably reduced algorithmic complexity of order O { log ( n ) n } for a time series of length n. Thus, the GMWMX appears to provide a reduction in processing time of a factor of 10-1000 compared to likelihood-based methods depending on the considered stochastic model, the length of the time series and the amount of missing data. As a consequence, the proposed method allows the estimation of large-scale problems within minutes on a standard computer. We validate the performances of our method via Monte Carlo simulations by generating GNSS daily position time series with missing observations and we consider composite stochastic noise models including processes presenting long-range dependence such as power law or Matérn processes. The advantages of our method are also illustrated using real time series from GNSS stations located in the Eastern part of the USA.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 478(2262): 20210764, 2022 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35756875


Histories of large-scale horizontal and vertical lithosphere motion hold important information on mantle convection. Here, we compare continent-scale hiatus maps as a proxy for mantle flow induced dynamic topography and plate motion variations in the Atlantic and Indo-Australian realms since the Upper Jurassic, finding they frequently correlate, except when plate boundary forces may play a significant role. This correlation agrees with descriptions of asthenosphere flow beneath tectonic plates in terms of Poiseuille/Couette flow, as it explicitly relates plate motion changes, induced by evolving basal shear forces, to non-isostatic vertical motion of the lithosphere. Our analysis reveals a timescale, on the order of a geological series, between the occurrence of continent-scale hiatus and plate motion changes. This is consistent with the presence of a weak upper mantle. It also shows a spatial scale for interregional hiatus, on the order of 2000-3000 km in diameter, which can be linked by fluid dynamic analysis to active upper mantle flow regions. Our results suggest future studies should pursue large-scale horizontal and vertical lithosphere motion in combination, to track the expressions of past mantle flow. Such studies would provide powerful constraints for adjoint-based geodynamic inverse models of past mantle convection.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 126(10): e2021JB022057, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35866099


Lithospheric net rotation (LNR) is the movement of the lithosphere as a solid body with respect to the mantle. Separating the signal of LNR from plate tectonic motion is therefore an important factor in producing absolute plate motion models. Net rotation is difficult to constrain because of uncertainties in geological data and outstanding questions about the stability of the mantle plumes used as a reference frame. We use mantle convection simulations to investigate the controlling factors for the magnitude of LNR and to find the statistical predictability of LNR in a fully self-consistent convective system. We find that high lateral viscosity variations are required to produce Earth-like values of LNR. When the temperature dependence of viscosity is lower, and therefore slabs are softer, other factors such as the presence of continents and a viscosity gradient at the transition zone are also important for determining the magnitude of net rotation. We find that, as an emergent property of the chaotic mantle convection system, the evolution of LNR is too complicated to predict in our models. However, we find that the range of LNR within the simulations follows a Gaussian distribution, with a correlation time of 5 Myr. The LNR from the models needs to be sampled for around 50 Myr to produce a fully Gaussian distribution. This implies, that within the time frames considered for absolute plate motion reconstructions, LNR can be treated as a Gaussian variable. This provides a new geodynamic constraint for absolute plate motion reconstructions.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 476(2242): 20200390, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33223939


Interregional geological maps hold important information for geodynamic models. Here, we use such maps to visualize major conformable and unconformable contacts at interregional scales and at the level of geologic series from the Upper Jurassic onward across North and South America, Europe, Africa and Australia. We extract hiatus information from these paleogeological maps, which we plot in a paleogeographical reference frame to link the maps to the plate and plume modes of mantle convection. We assume that interregional patterns of hiatus surfaces are proxy records of continent-scale mantle-induced vertical motion of the lithosphere. We find significant differences in the distribution of hiatus across and between continents at the timescale of geologic series, that is ten to a few tens of millions of years (Myrs). This is smaller than the mantle transit time, which, as the timescale of convection, is about 100-200 Myrs. Our results imply that different timescales for convection and topography in convective support must be an integral component of time-dependent geodynamic Earth models, consistent with the presence of a weaker upper mantle relative to the lower mantle. Additional geological constraints together with interregional geological maps at the resolution of stages (1-2 Myrs), are needed to assist in future geodynamic interpretations of interregional geologic hiatus.