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Ann Gastroenterol ; 28(1): 25-30, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25608492


Sigmoid diverticulitis is an increasingly common Western disease associated with a high morbidity and cost of treatment. Improvement in the understanding of the disease process, along with advances in the diagnosis and medical management has led to recent changes in treatment recommendations. The natural history of diverticulitis is more benign than previously thought, and current trends favor more conservative, less invasive management. Despite current recommendations of more restrictive indications for surgery, practice trends indicate an increase in elective operations being performed for the treatment of diverticulitis. Due to diversity in disease presentation, in many cases, optimal surgical treatment of acute diverticulitis remains unclear with regard to patient selection, timing, and technical approach in both elective and urgent settings. As a result, data is limited to mostly retrospective and non-randomized studies. This review addresses the current treatment recommendations for surgical management of diverticulitis, highlighting technical aspects and patterns of care.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 30(4): 104-113, dic. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1096799


Introducción: Los pacientes que se presentan con cuadros de peritonitis de origen diverticular (estadios Hinchey III o IV) en un contexto de sepsis severa con inestabilidad hemodinámica (shock séptico) la realización de anastomosis primaria presenta una alta tasa de dehiscencia anastomótica y mortalidad operatoria, aconsejándose la realización de una resección y abocamiento a la manera de Hartmann. Sin embargo, la alta tasa de complicaciones relacionadas a la confección del ostoma, la complejidad de la cirugía de restauración del tránsito intestinal, asociado a que entre el 40 % y el 60 % de los Hartmann no se reconstruyen, ha estimulado a que se intenten otras variables de resolución para esta compleja y grave patología. Diversas publicaciones en los últimos años han propuesto la táctica de "cirugía del control del daño" con el objeto de disminuir la morbimortalidad de estos gravísimos cuadros sépticos y a su vez reducir la tasa de ostomías. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar nuestra experiencia inicial con esta modalidad de manejo de la peritonitis diverticular Hinchey III/IV sepsis severa e inestabilidad hemodinámica (shock séptico) y realizar una revisión bibliográfica del tema. Material y método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de series de casos. Entre noviembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2016. Servicio de coloproctología del complejo médico hospitalario Churruca-Visca de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y práctica privada de los autores. Se utilizó la técnica de laparotomía abreviada y cierre temporal del abdomen mediante un sistema de presión negativa. Resultados: En el periodo descripto se operaron 17 pacientes con peritonitis generalizada purulenta o fecal de origen diverticular. Catorce casos fueron Hinchey III (82,36%) y 3 casos Hinchey IV (17,64%). En 3 casos se observó inestabilidad hemodinámica en el preoperatorio o intraoperatorio. Todos ellos correspondientes al estadio IV de Hinchey. Se describen los 3 casos tratados mediante esta táctica quirúrgica. Discusión: La alta tasa de morbimortalidad de este subgrupo de pacientes incentivó a diversos grupos quirúrgicos a implementar la técnica de control del daño, permitiendo de esta manera estabilizar a los pacientes hemodinámicamente y en un segundo tiempo evaluar la reconstrucción del tránsito intestinal. En concordancia con estas publicaciones, dos de nuestros pacientes operados con esta estrategia, pudieron ser anastomosados luego del segundo lavado abdominal. Conclusión: En pacientes con peritonitis diverticular severa asociado a shock séptico el concepto de laparotomía abreviada con control inicial del foco séptico, cierre temporal del abdomen con sistema de presión negativa y posterior evaluación de la reconstrucción del tránsito intestinal, es muy alentador. Permitiendo una disminución de la morbimortalidad como así también del número de ostomías. (AU)

Introduction: Patients presenting with diverticular peritonitis (Hinchey III or IV stages) in a context of severe sepsis with hemodynamic instability (septic shock), performing primary anastomosis has a high rate of dehiscence anastomotic and operative mortality, advising the realization of a resection and ostoma in the manner of Hartmann. However, the high rate of complications related to performing of ostoma, the complexity of intestinal transit restoration surgery, associated with the 40% to 60% of Hartmann reversal not performed, has encouraged other variables to be attempted resolution for this complex and serious pathology. Several publications in recent years have proposed the tactic of "damage control surgery" in order to reduce the morbidity of these serious septic charts while reducing the rate of ostomies. The objective of this study is to present our initial experience with this modality of management of the diverticular peritonitis Hinchey III/IV severe sepsis and hemodynamic instability (septic shock) and to carry out a bibliographic review of the subject. Material and method: Observational, descriptive study of case series. Between November 2015 and December 2016. Coloproctology service of the Churruca-Visca hospital medical complex in the city of Buenos Aires and private practice of the authors. The technique of abbreviated laparotomy and temporary closure of the abdomen was used by a negative pressure system. Results: In the period described, 17 patients with generalized purulent or fecal peritonitis of diverticular origin were operated. Fourteen cases were Hinchey III (82.36%) and 3 cases Hinchey IV (17.64%).In 3 cases, hemodynamic instability was observed in the preoperative or intraoperative period. all of them corresponding to Hinchey's Stage IV. The 3 cases treated using this surgical tactic are described. Discussion: The high morbidity rate of this subgroup of patients encouraged various surgical groups to implement the damage control technique, thus allowing patients to stabilize hemodynamically and in a second time evaluate reconstruction intestinal transit. In line with these publications, two of our patients operated on with this strategy could be anastomosated after the second abdominal wash. Conclusion: In patients with severe diverticular peritonitis associated with septic shock, the concept of abbreviated laparotomy with initial control of the septic focus, temporary closure of the abdomen with negative pressure system and subsequent evaluation of transit reconstruction intestinal, it's encouraging. Allowing a decrease in morbidity as well as the number of ostomies. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Peritonite/cirurgia , Choque Séptico , Doença Diverticular do Colo/cirurgia , Tratamento de Ferimentos com Pressão Negativa , Laparotomia/métodos , Peritonite/etiologia , Reoperação , Lavagem Peritoneal , Colostomia/métodos , Colostomia/mortalidade , Doença Aguda , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Sepse , Doença Diverticular do Colo/complicações , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos Abdominais , Laparotomia/mortalidade