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Rev Geophys ; 58(3): e2019RG000685, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32879923


Studies of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) have progressed considerably during the past decades in observations, numerical modeling, and theoretical understanding. Many theoretical attempts have been made to identify the most essential processes responsible for the existence of the MJO. Criteria are proposed to separate a hypothesis from a theory (based on the first principles with quantitative and testable assumptions, able to predict quantitatively the fundamental scales and eastward propagation of the MJO). Four MJO theories are selected to be summarized and compared in this article: the skeleton theory, moisture-mode theory, gravity-wave theory, and trio-interaction theory of the MJO. These four MJO theories are distinct from each other in their key assumptions, parameterized processes, and, particularly, selection mechanisms for the zonal spatial scale, time scale, and eastward propagation of the MJO. The comparison of the four theories and more recent development in MJO dynamical approaches lead to a realization that theoretical thinking of the MJO is diverse and understanding of MJO dynamics needs to be further advanced.

Atmos Sci Lett ; 20(1): e869, 2019 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31191172


From January to March 2018, one of the strongest Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) events of the last 45 years progressed eastward along the equator from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean then back to the Indian Ocean. In response to strong tropospheric heating in the MJO's active convective envelope, several pronounced Rossby wave trains developed and extended from the equatorial tropics, across the extratropical Pacific and North America, and into the extratropical Atlantic. The origins of these Rossby wave trains evolved eastward with time, generally following the eastward progression of the MJO, but preferentially clustered in subtropical India and Southeast Asia and in two locations in the subtropical Pacific Ocean: along 160°E and 170°W. Over eastern North America, surface and lower-tropospheric temperatures rose to more than 12 °C above normal when the MJO convective envelope was over the Indian Ocean (in mid-January) and Western Hemisphere (in late February). In between those warm periods, temperatures cooled to below normal while the MJO convection was over the western Pacific. These temperature anomalies evolved in time with the pronounced Rossby wave trains that linked eastern North America with the Tropics in the Eastern Hemisphere: warm temperatures occurred when ridging was present over eastern North America and cooler temperatures occurred when troughing was present. This variability is discussed and placed in context of recent work showing the MJO's role in modulating temperature and circulation.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 126(13): e2021JD034595, 2021 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434685


The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), an eastward-moving disturbance near the equator (±30°) that typically recurs every ∼30-90 days in tropical winds and clouds, is the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability in tropical convection and circulation and has been extensively studied due to its importance for medium-range weather forecasting. A previous statistical diagnostic of SABER/TIMED observations and the MJO index showed that the migrating diurnal (DW1) and the important nonmigrating diurnal (DE3) tide modulates on MJO-timescale in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) by about 20%-30%, depending on the MJO phase. In this study, we address the physics of the underlying coupling mechanisms using SABER, MERRA-2 reanalysis, and SD-WACCMX. Our emphasis was on the 2008-2010 time period when several strong MJO events occurred. SD-WACCMX and SABER tides show characteristically similar MJO-signal in the MLT region. The tides largely respond to the MJO in the tropospheric tidal forcing and less so to the MJO in tropospheric/stratospheric background winds. We further quantify the MJO response in the MLT region in the SD-WACCMX zonal and meridional momentum forcing by separating the relative contributions of classical (Coriolis force and pressure gradient) and nonclassical forcing (advection and gravity wave drag [GWD]) which transport the MJO-signal into the upper atmosphere. Interestingly, the tidal MJO-response is larger in summer due to larger momentum forcing in the MLT region despite the MJO being most active in winter. We find that tidal advection and GWD forcing in MLT can work together or against each other depending on their phase relationship to the MJO-phases.

Clim Dyn ; 54(3-4): 2167-2185, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33456207


The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the leading driver of intraseasonal rainfall variability in the global tropics. However, the influence of MJO on western tropical South America (WTSA) has not been a focus of research. This is not surprising since the MJO convective core becomes nondescript as it propagates across the eastern Pacific, such that its influence on the Pacific coast of tropical South America is not obvious in global analyses. In this study, we examine MJO impacts on subseasonal rainfall variability in the rainiest season for WTSA (February-April). In order to avoid confusion with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals, only ENSO-neutral years are included in the analysis. We found that the MJO convective core reemerges when it propagates onto land in WTSA, and that it is associated with subseasonal precipitation anomalies of 20-50% relative to climatology. The MJO signal is evident in the Real-Time Multivariate MJO (RMM) index; however, the signal is clearer when a custom subseasonal index for the region based on WTSA outgoing longwave radiation is employed. Dynamically, the MJO influence is consistent with a modulation of the Pacific Ocean Walker Circulation descending branch, which is climatologically located in or near WTSA. Furthermore, MJO drives zonal and vertical motions on moisture and wind fields that influence precipitation in the region. We found that the timing of deep convection on subseasonal timescales captured by the regional index is consistent with a dominant role of the MJO convective core, rather than propagation of equatorial Rossby or Kelvin waves. However, there is evidence that equatorial Rossby waves that emerge over the tropical Atlantic Ocean also influence precipitation in WTSA on MJO timescales.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 125(3): e2019JD030873, 2020 Feb 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32802699


A tracking algorithm based upon a multiple object tracking method is developed to identify, track, and classify Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations (TISO) on the basis of their direction of propagation. Daily National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Outgoing Longwave Radiation anomalies from 1979-2017 are Lanczos band-pass filtered for the intraseasonal time scale (20-100 days) and spatially averaged with nine neighboring points to get spatially smoothed anomalies over large spatial scales (~105 km2). TISO events are tracked by using a two-stage Kalman filter predictor-corrector method. Two dominant components of the TISO (Eastward propagating and Northward propagating) are classified, and it is found that TISO remains active throughout the year. Eastward-propagating TISO events occur from November to April with a phase speed of ~4 m/s and northward-propagating TISO events occur from May to October with a phase speed of ~2.5 m/s in both the Indian and Pacific Ocean basins. Composites of the mean background states (wind; sea surface temperature, SST; and moisture) reveal that the co-occurrence of warm SST and mean westerly zonal wind plays an important role in the direction of propagation and the geographical location of TISO events. In mean state sensitivity experiments with Sp-CAM4, we have found that the seasonality of TISO in terms of the geographical location of occurrences and direction of propagation is primarily associated with the annual march of the maximum SST and low level zonal wind which tends to follow the SST.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 124(23): 12655-12666, 2019 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025452


The impact of the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on the prediction of the tropospheric Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is evaluated in reforecasts from nine models participating in subseasonal prediction projects, including the Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) and Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) projects. When MJO prediction skill is analyzed for December to February, MJO prediction skill is higher in the easterly phase of the QBO than the westerly phase, consistent with previous studies. However, the relationship between QBO phase and MJO prediction skill is not statistically significant for most models. This insignificant QBO-MJO skill relationship is further confirmed by comparing two subseasonal reforecast experiments with the Community Earth System Model v1 using both a high-top (46-level) and low-top (30-level) version of the Community Atmosphere Model v5. While there are clear differences in the forecasted QBO between the two model top configurations, a negligible change is shown in the MJO prediction, indicating that the QBO in this model may not directly control the MJO prediction and supporting the insignificant QBO-MJO skill relationship found in SubX and S2S models.

Data Brief ; 27: 104719, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31737760


This data article reports the global datasets of land surface state changes including daily maximum and minimum temperature, diurnal temperature range, surface precipitation, snow cover, soil moisture and outgoing longwave radiation associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), which are related to the research article entitled "Variation of Global Diurnal Temperature Range Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation" published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics by Lin and Qian (2019). The changes of surface air temperature and diurnal temperature range are calculated from two datasets: the Berkeley surface air temperature and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (CPC) surface air temperature. The change of surface precipitation is derived from the NOAA CPC daily surface precipitation. The change of snow cover is calculated from the MODIS satellite data. The change of soil moisture is derived from the European Space Agency combined satellite data. The change of outgoing longwave radiation is calculated from NOAA satellite measurements. All of the data are stored in separate netcdf files and deposited at PANGAEA. These datasets can be used as observational benchmarks for evaluating the MJO simulations in global climate models, and in studies of MJO's impacts on global physical systems, public health, and ecosystems.

J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 9(7): 2696-2709, 2017 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29399269


The recently developed maximum entropy production (MEP) model, an alternative parameterization of surface heat fluxes, is incorporated into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A pair of WRF cloud-resolving experiments (5 km grids) using the bulk transfer model (WRF default) and the MEP model of surface heat fluxes are performed to hindcast the October Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) event observed during the 2011 Dynamics of the MJO (DYNAMO) field campaign. The simulated surface latent and sensible heat fluxes in the MEP and bulk transfer model runs are in general consistent with in situ observations from two research vessels. Compared to the bulk transfer model, the convection envelope is strengthened in the MEP run and shows a more coherent propagation over the Maritime Continent. The simulated precipitable water in the MEP run is in closer agreement with the observations. Precipitation in the MEP run is enhanced during the active phase of the MJO with significantly reduced regional dry and wet biases. Large-scale ocean evaporation is stronger in the MEP run leading to stronger boundary layer moistening to the east of the convection center, which facilitates the eastward propagation of the MJO.

J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 9(2): 1251-1268, 2017 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28943996


Changes in the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) with increasing CO2 concentrations are examined using the Goddard Institute for Space Studies Global Climate Model (GCM). Four simulations performed with fixed CO2 concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 times preindustrial levels using the GCM coupled with a mixed layer ocean model are analyzed in terms of the basic state, rainfall, moisture and zonal wind variability, and the structure and propagation of the MJO. The GCM simulates basic state changes associated with increasing CO2 that are consistent with results from earlier studies: column water vapor increases at ∼7.1% K-1, precipitation also increases but at a lower rate (∼3% K-1), and column relative humidity shows little change. Moisture and rainfall variability intensify with warming while zonal wind variability shows little change. Total moisture and rainfall variability increases at a rate this is similar to that of the mean state change. The intensification is faster in the MJO-related anomalies than in the total anomalies, though the ratio of the MJO band variability to its westward counterpart increases at a much slower rate. On the basis of linear regression analysis and space-time spectral analysis, it is found that the MJO exhibits faster eastward propagation, faster westward energy dispersion, a larger zonal scale, and deeper vertical structure in warmer climates.

J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 9(8): 2946-2967, 2017 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29497477


The processes that lead to changes in the propagation and maintenance of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) as a response to increasing CO2 are examined by analyzing moist static energy budget of the MJO in a series of NASA GISS model simulations. It is found changes in MJO propagation is dominated by several key processes. Horizontal moisture advection, a key process for MJO propagation, is found to enhance predominantly due to an increase in the mean horizontal moisture gradients. The terms that determine the strength of the advecting wind anomalies, the MJO horizontal scale and the dry static stability, are found to exhibit opposing trends that largely cancel out. Furthermore, reduced sensitivity of precipitation to changes in column moisture, i.e., a lengthening in the convective moisture adjustment time scale, also opposes enhanced propagation. The dispersion relationship of Adames and Kim, which accounts for all these processes, predicts an acceleration of the MJO at a rate of ∼3.5% K-1, which is consistent with the actual phase speed changes in the simulation. For the processes that contribute to MJO maintenance, it is found that damping by vertical MSE advection is reduced due to the increasing vertical moisture gradient. This weaker damping is nearly canceled by weaker maintenance by cloud-radiative feedbacks, yielding the growth rate from the linear moisture mode theory nearly unchanged with the warming. Furthermore, the estimated growth rates are found to be a small, negative values, suggesting that the MJO in the simulation is a weakly damped mode.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 120(10): 4749-4763, 2015 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27656329


An analysis of diabatic heating and moistening processes from 12 to 36 h lead time forecasts from 12 Global Circulation Models are presented as part of the "Vertical structure and physical processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)" project. A lead time of 12-36 h is chosen to constrain the large-scale dynamics and thermodynamics to be close to observations while avoiding being too close to the initial spin-up of the models as they adjust to being driven from the Years of Tropical Convection (YOTC) analysis. A comparison of the vertical velocity and rainfall with the observations and YOTC analysis suggests that the phases of convection associated with the MJO are constrained in most models at this lead time although the rainfall in the suppressed phase is typically overestimated. Although the large-scale dynamics is reasonably constrained, moistening and heating profiles have large intermodel spread. In particular, there are large spreads in convective heating and moistening at midlevels during the transition to active convection. Radiative heating and cloud parameters have the largest relative spread across models at upper levels during the active phase. A detailed analysis of time step behavior shows that some models show strong intermittency in rainfall and differences in the precipitation and dynamics relationship between models. The wealth of model outputs archived during this project is a very valuable resource for model developers beyond the study of the MJO. In addition, the findings of this study can inform the design of process model experiments, and inform the priorities for field experiments and future observing systems.