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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(11): e2112386119, 2022 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35254914


SignificanceThe exothermic metamorphic reaction in orthopyroxene (Opx), a major component of oceanic lithospheric mantle, is shown to trigger brittle failure in laboratory deformation experiments under conditions where garnet exsolution takes place. The reaction product is an extremely fine-grained material, forming narrow reaction zones that are mechanically weak, thereby facilitating macroscopic faulting. Oceanic subduction zones are characterized by two separate bands of seismicity, known as the double seismic zone. The upper band of seismicity, located in the oceanic crust, is well explained by dehydration-induced mechanical instability. Our newly discovered metamorphism-induced mechanical instability provides an alternative physical mechanism for earthquakes in the lower band of seismicity (located in the oceanic lithospheric mantle), with no requirement of hydration/dehydration processes.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(3)2021 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33431682


Rock recycling within the forearcs of subduction zones involves subduction of sediments and hydrated lithosphere into the upper mantle, exhumation of rocks to the surface, and erosion to form new sediment. The compositions of, and inclusions within detrital minerals revealed by electron microprobe analysis and Raman spectroscopy preserve petrogenetic clues that can be related to transit through the rock cycle. We report the discovery of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) indicator mineral coesite as inclusions in detrital garnet from a modern placer deposit in the actively exhuming Late Miocene-Recent high- and ultrahigh-pressure ((U)HP) metamorphic terrane of eastern Papua New Guinea. Garnet compositions indicate the coesite-bearing detrital garnets are sourced from felsic protoliths. Carbonate, graphite, and CO2 inclusions also provide observational constraints for geochemical cycling of carbon and volatiles during subduction. Additional discoveries include polyphase inclusions of metastable polymorphs of SiO2 (cristobalite) and K-feldspar (kokchetavite) that we interpret as rapidly cooled former melt inclusions. Application of elastic thermobarometry on coexisting quartz and zircon inclusions in six detrital garnets indicates elastic equilibration during exhumation at granulite and amphibolite facies conditions. The garnet placer deposit preserves a record of the complete rock cycle, operative on <10-My geologic timescales, including subduction of sedimentary protoliths to UHP conditions, rapid exhumation, surface uplift, and erosion. Detrital garnet geochemistry and inclusion suites from both modern sediments and stratigraphic sections can be used to decipher the petrologic evolution of plate boundary zones and reveal recycling processes throughout Earth's history.

Miner Depos ; 58(4): 731-750, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36911364


The petrogenesis of extra-large flake graphite is enigmatic. The Bissett Creek graphite deposit, consisting of flake graphite hosted in upper-amphibolite facies quartzofeldspathic gneisses and rare aluminous gneisses, provides an analogue for graphite exploration. In the Bissett Creek gneisses, graphite is homogeneously distributed and composes 2-10 vol. % of the rocks. Disseminated graphite flakes (~ 1 to 6 mm in size) are interleaved with biotite and are petrologically associated with upper-amphibolite facies metamorphic mineral assemblages. Thermobarometry and phase equilibrium modeling yield peak temperatures of > 760 °C at 0.5-0.9 GPa. Whole-rock samples with abundant graphite yield δ13CVPDB from - 28 to - 14‰. δ34SVCDT values of sulfide-bearing samples vary from 10 to 15‰. Sulfur and carbon isotope values are compatible with a biogenic origin, flake graphite probably formed from metamorphism of in situ organic material. However, the variability of δ13C values from the deposit along with graphite microstructures suggest that carbon-bearing metamorphic fluid (or melt) generated during metamorphism may have remobilized carbon resulting in anomalously large to extra-large flake sizes. This may be a common mechanism globally to explain large graphite flake sizes where graphite formed through in situ metamorphism of organic matter is coarsened due to remobilization of CO2-rich fluids (or melt) during high-temperature metamorphism. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00126-022-01145-9.

J Metamorph Geol ; 40(7): 1271-1290, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36249880


The incipient development of diagnostic high-pressure assemblages-the 'eclogitization'-of granitoids, such as plagioclase breakdown and small-scale formation of garnet and phengite does not require exogenous hydration because unlike dry protoliths like basalt/gabbro or granulite, granitoids s . l . contain crystallographically bound H2O in biotite. During high-pressure overprint, partial biotite breakdown causes a localized increase in the chemical potential of H2O (µH2O). Transport of H2O into nearby plagioclase induces the formation of diagnostic eclogite facies assemblages of jadeite-zoisite-K-feldspar-quartz ± kyanite ± phengite that pervasively replace former cm-sized plagioclase without requiring the participation of free H2O. Depending on pressure-temperature evolution, similar textures may involve albite instead of jadeite, consistent with the general absence of Na-clinopyroxene in high-pressure metagranitoids and kindred gneisses. Plagioclase breakdown may also occur due to simple burial because compression leads to an increase of µH2O, without requiring additional influx of H2O at the texture scale. However, the addition of biotite-derived H2O into plagioclase sites likely increases reaction rates. In parallel, ∼100-µm-thick complementary coronae involving garnet | phengite-quartz develop at former biotite-plagioclase/K-feldspar interfaces due to the coupled diffusion of FeO-MgO-H2O from biotite towards feldspars and minor CaO in the opposite direction. The reaction textures likely create structural weaknesses and preferential fluid pathways that facilitate further hydration and/or deformation along the prograde path, thereby obliterating the textures. If exogenous H2O is introduced, it is accommodated in phengite growing at the expense of igneous K-feldspar and possibly in epidote-group minerals. Upon decompression, such hydrated rocks would dehydrate, thereby favouring fluid-assisted retrogression and loss of diagnostic eclogite facies assemblages at lower pressure. Whereas the prograde reaction textures are only preserved at closed-system conditions and in the absence of deformation, they are suggested to commonly form during orogenic metamorphism of granitoids and quartzofeldspathic gneisses that dominate the continental crust in high-pressure terranes such as the Western Italian Alps and the Western Gneiss Region (Norway).

Zoo Biol ; 41(6): 533-543, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35255154


Globally, the threats of habitat loss and disease on amphibian survival have necessitated the creation of ex-situ insurance populations as a conservation tool. We initiated a captive breeding project to create an insurance population for the endangered Pickersgill's reed frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli Raw, 1982) at the Johannesburg Zoo from parents collected from KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, in 2017. We found that this species has seven developmental life stages, each with unique management requirements. The quiescent tadpoles hatched 6-8 days after the eggs were laid and remained at this stage for 2 days. The next stage, the developing tadpoles, showed no form of cannibalism or carrion feeding. The external appearance of the first leg (the right hind) occurred 5-6 weeks after the tadpoles hatched, and the metamorph stage was reached after 7-8 weeks. The metamorph stage lasted 3-5 days, after which tail resorption was complete and the froglet stage reached. Froglets could not be sexed externally, although body color changed based on the amount of light present at the resting place. Sub-adults were 6 months and older with adult coloration and sex differentiation visible even with color change. Adults were older than 18 months and fully developed and sexually mature, displaying amplexus, oviposition, and external fertilization. A greater understanding of Pickersgill's reed frog's developmental stages and physiological and environmental needs can improve captive breeding and subsequent release of the frogs, facilitate captive breeding elsewhere, and improve the species' conservation status.

Animais de Zoológico , Descanso , Animais , África do Sul
Geophys Res Lett ; 48(18): e2021GL094143, 2021 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865189


Europa likely contains an iron-rich metal core. For it to have formed, temperatures within Europa reached ≳ 1250 K. Going up to that temperature, accreted chondritic minerals - for example, carbonates and phyllosilicates - would partially devolatilize. Here, we compute the amounts and compositions of exsolved volatiles. We find that volatiles released from the interior would have carried solutes, redox-sensitive species, and could have generated a carbonic ocean in excess of Europa's present-day hydrosphere, and potentially an early CO 2 atmosphere. No late delivery of cometary water was necessary. Contrasting with prior work, CO 2 could be the most abundant solute in the ocean, followed by Ca 2 + , SO 4 2 - , and HCO 3 - . However, gypsum precipitation going from the seafloor to the ice shell decreases the dissolved S/Cl ratio, such that Cl > S at the shallowest depths, consistent with recently inferred endogenous chlorides at Europa's surface. Gypsum would form a 3-10 km thick sedimentary layer at the seafloor.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(46): 11706-11711, 2018 11 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30373832


Some commonly referenced thermal-mechanical models of current subduction zones imply temperatures that are 100-500 °C colder at 30-80-km depth than pressure-temperature conditions determined thermobarometrically from exhumed metamorphic rocks. Accurately inferring subduction zone thermal structure, whether from models or rocks, is crucial for predicting metamorphic reactions and associated fluid release, subarc melting conditions, rheologies, and fault-slip phenomena. Here, we compile surface heat flow data from subduction zones worldwide and show that values are higher than can be explained for a frictionless subduction interface often assumed for modeling. An additional heat source--likely shear heating--is required to explain these forearc heat flow values. A friction coefficient of at least 0.03 and possibly as high as 0.1 in some cases explains these data, and we recommend a provisional average value of 0.05 ± 0.015 for modeling. Even small coefficients of friction can contribute several hundred degrees of heating at depths of 30-80 km. Adding such shear stresses to thermal models quantitatively reproduces the pressure-temperature conditions recorded by exhumed metamorphic rocks. Comparatively higher temperatures generally drive rock dehydration and densification, so, at a given depth, hotter rocks are denser than colder rocks, and harder to exhume through buoyancy mechanisms. Consequently--conversely to previous proposals--exhumed metamorphic rocks might overrepresent old-cold subduction where rocks at the slab interface are wetter and more buoyant than in young-hot subduction zones.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(11): 2676-2680, 2018 03 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29483248


Formation of natural diamonds requires the reduction of carbon to its bare elemental form, and pressures (P) greater than 5 GPa to cross the graphite-diamond transition boundary. In a study of shocked ferromagnesian carbonate at the Xiuyan impact crater, we found that the impact pressure-temperature (P-T) of 25-45 GPa and 800-900 °C were sufficient to decompose ankerite Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2 to form diamond in the absence of another reductant. The carbonate self-reduced to diamond by concurrent oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ to form a high-P polymorph of magnesioferrite, MgFe3+2O4 Discovery of the subsolidus carbonate self-reduction mechanism indicates that diamonds could be ubiquitously present as a dominant host for carbon in the Earth's lower mantle.

Contrib Mineral Petrol ; 175(3): 20, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32103832


This study presents boron (B) concentration and isotope data for white mica from (ultra)high-pressure (UHP), subduction-related metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana (Western Alps, Italy). These rocks are of specific geological interest, because they comprise the most deeply subducted rocks of oceanic origin worldwide. Boron geochemistry can track fluid-rock interaction during their metamorphic evolution and provide important insights into mass transfer processes in subduction zones. The highest B contents (up to 345 µg/g B) occur in peak metamorphic phengite from a garnet-phengite quartzite. The B isotopic composition is variable (δ11B = - 10.3 to - 3.6%) and correlates positively with B concentrations. Based on similar textures and major element mica composition, neither textural differences, prograde growth zoning, diffusion nor a retrograde overprint can explain this correlation. Modelling shows that B devolatilization during metamorphism can explain the general trend, but fails to account for the wide compositional and isotopic variability in a single, well-equilibrated sample. We, therefore, argue that this trend represents fluid-rock interaction during peak metamorphic conditions. This interpretation is supported by fluid-rock interaction modelling of boron leaching and boron addition that can successfully reproduce the observed spread in δ11B and [B]. Taking into account the local availability of serpentinites as potential source rocks of the fluids, the temperatures reached during peak metamorphism that allow for serpentine dehydration, and the high positive δ11B values (δ11B = 20 ± 5) modelled for the fluids, an influx of serpentinite-derived fluid appears likely. Paragonite in lawsonite pseudomorphs in an eclogite and phengite from a retrogressed metabasite have B contents between 12 and 68 µg/g and δ11B values that cluster around 0% (δ11B = - 5.0 to + 3.5). White mica in both samples is related to distinct stages of retrograde metamorphism during exhumation of the rocks. The variable B geochemistry can be successfully modelled as fluid-rock interaction with low-to-moderate (< 3) fluid/rock ratios, where mica equilibrates with a fluid into which B preferentially partitions, causing leaching of B from the rock. The metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana show variable retention of B in white mica during subduction-related metamorphism and exhumation. The variability in the B geochemical signature in white mica is significant and enhances our understanding of metamorphic processes and their role in element transfer in subduction zones.

Meteorit Planet Sci ; 55(5): 1103-1115, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32999586


Plagioclase feldspar is one of the most common rock-forming minerals on the surfaces of the Earth and other terrestrial planetary bodies, where it has been exposed to the ubiquitous process of hypervelocity impact. However, the response of plagioclase to shock metamorphism remains poorly understood. In particular, constraining the initiation and progression of shock-induced amorphization in plagioclase (i.e., conversion to diaplectic glass) would improve our knowledge of how shock progressively deforms plagioclase. In turn, this information would enable plagioclase to be used to evaluate the shock stage of meteorites and terrestrial impactites, whenever they lack traditionally used shock indicator minerals, such as olivine and quartz. Here, we report on an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of shocked plagioclase grains in a metagranite shatter cone from the central uplift of the Manicouagan impact structure, Canada. Our study suggests that, in plagioclase, shock amorphization is initially localized either within pre-existing twins or along lamellae, with similar characteristics to planar deformation features (PDFs) but that resemble twins in their periodicity. These lamellae likely represent specific crystallographic planes that undergo preferential structural failure under shock conditions. The orientation of preexisting twin sets that are preferentially amorphized and that of amorphous lamellae is likely favorable with respect to scattering of the local shock wave and corresponds to the "weakest" orientation for a specific shock pressure value. This observation supports a universal formation mechanism for PDFs in silicate minerals.

Chemistry ; 25(6): 1573-1580, 2019 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30428127


A dynamic supramolecular approach is developed to promote the π-dimerization of viologen radicals at room temperature and in standard concentration ranges. The approach involves cis- or trans-protected palladium centers serving as inorganic hinges linking two functionalized viologens endowed with metal-ion coordinating properties. Based on detailed spectroscopic, electrochemical and computational data, we show that the one-electron electrochemical reduction of the viologen units in different dynamic metal/ligand mixtures leads to the formation of the same intramolecular π-dimer, regardless of the initial environment around the metallic precursor and of the relative ratio between metal and ligand initially introduced in solution. The large-scale electron-triggered reorganization of the building blocks introduced in solution thus involves drastic changes in the stoichiometry and stereochemistry of the palladium/viologen complexes proceeding in some cases through a palladium centered trans→cis isomerization of the coordinated ligands.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(26): 7077-81, 2016 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27298357


We designed a plate impact shock recovery experiment to simulate the starting materials and shock conditions associated with the only known natural quasicrystals, in the Khatyrka meteorite. At the boundaries among CuAl5, (Mg0.75Fe(2+) 0.25)2SiO4 olivine, and the stainless steel chamber walls, the recovered specimen contains numerous micron-scale grains of a quasicrystalline phase displaying face-centered icosahedral symmetry and low phason strain. The compositional range of the icosahedral phase is Al68-73Fe11-16Cu10-12Cr1-4Ni1-2 and extends toward higher Al/(Cu+Fe) and Fe/Cu ratios than those reported for natural icosahedrite or for any previously known synthetic quasicrystal in the Al-Cu-Fe system. The shock-induced synthesis demonstrated in this experiment reinforces the evidence that natural quasicrystals formed during a shock event but leaves open the question of whether this synthesis pathway is attributable to the expanded thermodynamic stability range of the quasicrystalline phase at high pressure, to a favorable kinetic pathway that exists under shock conditions, or to both thermodynamic and kinetic factors.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(46): 14174-9, 2015 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26542683


In subduction zones, sediments, hydrothermally altered lithosphere, fluids, and atmospheric gases are transported into the mantle, where ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism takes place. However, the extent to which atmospheric noble gases are trapped in minerals crystallized during UHP metamorphism is unknown. We measured Ar and Ne trapped in phengite and omphacite from the youngest known UHP terrane on Earth to determine the composition of Ar and Ne returned from mantle depths to the surface by forearc recycling. An (40)Ar/(39)Ar age [7.93 ± 0.10 My (1σ)] for phengite is interpreted as the timing of crystallization at mantle depths and indicates that (40)Ar/(39)Ar phengite ages reliably record the timing of UHP metamorphism. Both phengite and omphacite yielded atmospheric (38)Ar/(36)Ar and (20)Ne/(22)Ne. Our study provides the first documentation, to our knowledge, of entrapment of atmospheric Ar and Ne in phengite and omphacite. Results indicate that a subduction barrier for atmospheric-derived noble gases does not exist at mantle depths associated with UHP metamorphism. We show that the crystallization age together with the isotopic composition of nonradiogenic noble gases trapped in minerals formed during subsolidus crystallization at mantle depths can be used to unambiguously assess forearc recycling of atmospheric noble gases. The flux of atmospheric noble gas entering the deep Earth through subduction and returning to the surface cannot be fully realized until the abundances of atmospheric noble gases trapped in exhumed UHP rocks are known.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(30): 10939-42, 2014 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25028493


Howardite-eucrite-diogenite meteorites (HEDs) probably originated from the asteroid 4 Vesta. We investigated one eucrite, Béréba, to clarify a dynamic event that occurred on 4 Vesta using a shock-induced high-pressure polymorph. We discovered high-pressure polymorphs of silica, coesite, and stishovite originating from quartz and/or cristobalite in and around the shock-melt veins of Béréba. Lamellar stishovite formed in silica grains through a solid-state phase transition. A network-like rupture was formed and melting took place along the rupture in the silica grains. Nanosized granular coesite grains crystallized from the silica melt. Based on shock-induced high-pressure polymorphs, the estimated shock-pressure condition ranged from ∼8 to ∼13 GPa. Considering radiometric ages and shock features, the dynamic event that led to the formation of coesite and stishovite occurred ca. 4.1 Ga ago, which corresponds to the late heavy bombardment period (ca. 3.8-4.1 Ga), deduced from the lunar cataclysm. There are two giant impact basins around the south pole of 4 Vesta. Although the origin of HEDs is thought to be related to dynamic events that formed the basins ca. 1.0 Ga ago, our findings are at variance with that idea.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(15): 5468-73, 2014 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24706767


Many aspects of Earth's early sulfur cycle, from the origin of mass-anomalous fractionations to the degree of biological participation, remain poorly understood--in part due to complications from postdepositional diagenetic and metamorphic processes. Using a combination of scanning high-resolution magnetic superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) microscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) of sulfur isotopes ((32)S, (33)S, and (34)S), we examined drill core samples from slope and basinal environments adjacent to a major Late Archean (∼2.6-2.5 Ga) marine carbonate platform from South Africa. Coupled with petrography, these techniques can untangle the complex history of mineralization in samples containing diverse sulfur-bearing phases. We focused on pyrite nodules, precipitated in shallow sediments. These textures record systematic spatial differences in both mass-dependent and mass-anomalous sulfur-isotopic composition over length scales of even a few hundred microns. Petrography and magnetic imaging demonstrate that mass-anomalous fractionations were acquired before burial and compaction, but also show evidence of postdepositional alteration 500 million y after deposition. Using magnetic imaging to screen for primary phases, we observed large spatial gradients in Δ(33)S (>4‰) in nodules, pointing to substantial environmental heterogeneity and dynamic mixing of sulfur pools on geologically rapid timescales. In other nodules, large systematic radial δ(34)S gradients (>20‰) were observed, from low values near their centers increasing to high values near their rims. These fractionations support hypotheses that microbial sulfate reduction was an important metabolism in organic-rich Archean environments--even in an Archean ocean basin dominated by iron chemistry.

Meio Ambiente , Evolução Química , Microscopia de Interferência/instrumentação , Microscopia de Interferência/métodos , Isótopos de Enxofre/química , Carbonatos/química , Fracionamento Químico , Geologia , História Antiga , Espectrometria de Massas , África do Sul
J Afr Earth Sci ; 93: 57-175, 2014 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27065753


More than 50 years of space and planetary exploration and concomitant studies of terrestrial impact structures have demonstrated that impact cratering has been a fundamental process - an essential part of planetary evolution - ever since the beginning of accretion and has played a major role in planetary evolution throughout the solar system and beyond. This not only pertains to the development of the planets but to evolution of life as well. The terrestrial impact record represents only a small fraction of the bombardment history that Earth experienced throughout its evolution. While remote sensing investigations of planetary surfaces provide essential information about surface evolution and surface processes, they do not provide the information required for understanding the ultra-high strain rate, high-pressure, and high-temperature impact process. Thus, hands-on investigations of rocks from terrestrial impact craters, shock experimentation for pressure and temperature calibration of impact-related deformation of rocks and minerals, as well as parameter studies pertaining to the physics and chemistry of cratering and ejecta formation and emplacement, and laboratory studies of impact-generated lithologies are mandatory tools. These, together with numerical modeling analysis of impact physics, form the backbone of impact cratering studies. Here, we review the current status of knowledge about impact cratering - and provide a detailed account of the African impact record, which has been expanded vastly since a first overview was published in 1994. No less than 19 confirmed impact structures, and one shatter cone occurrence without related impact crater are now known from Africa. In addition, a number of impact glass, tektite and spherule layer occurrences are known. The 49 sites with proposed, but not yet confirmed, possible impact structures contain at least a considerable number of structures that, from available information, hold the promise to be able to expand the African impact record drastically - provided the political conditions for safe ground-truthing will become available. The fact that 28 structures have also been shown to date NOT to be of impact origin further underpins the strong interest in impact in Africa. We hope that this review stimulates the education of students about impact cratering and the fundamental importance of this process for Earth - both for its biological and geological evolution. This work may provide a reference volume for those workers who would like to search for impact craters and their ejecta in Africa.

Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 322: 124795, 2024 Dec 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39059259


The effect of heat treatment on zircon color was studied from a new perspective of chromaticity of gemstones. The mechanism behind zircon color enhancement was investigated through the combination of infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The study reveals that the color of zircon has no significant correlation to the degree of metamorphism, which decreases as heating temperature rises. Type I and Type II defects in zircon are characterized by the deletion of an oxygen atom at the nearest site to Y3+ occupied by the Zr4+ and the loss of electrons at the next nearest oxygen atom to Y3+, respectively. These defects lead to broad absorption bands in the UV-vis spectra ranging from 340 nm and 500 nm, respectively. Additionally, there is a correlation between the color of zircon and the strength of the relationship between the two absorption bands. After undergoing heat treatment, the first defects to be repaired were type II, followed by type I. Subsequently, the zircon appeared colorless after both types of defects had been corrected.

J Afr Earth Sci ; 86: 65-106, 2013 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27065752


The East African Orogen, extending from southern Israel, Sinai and Jordan in the north to Mozambique and Madagascar in the south, is the world́s largest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian orogenic complex. It comprises a collage of individual oceanic domains and continental fragments between the Archean Sahara-Congo-Kalahari Cratons in the west and Neoproterozoic India in the east. Orogen consolidation was achieved during distinct phases of orogeny between ∼850 and 550 Ma. The northern part of the orogen, the Arabian-Nubian Shield, is predominantly juvenile Neoproterozoic crust that formed in and adjacent to the Mozambique Ocean. The ocean closed during a protracted period of island-arc and microcontinent accretion between ∼850 and 620 Ma. To the south of the Arabian Nubian Shield, the Eastern Granulite-Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex of southern Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique was an extended crust that formed adjacent to theMozambique Ocean and experienced a ∼650-620 Ma granulite-facies metamorphism. Completion of the nappe assembly around 620 Ma is defined as the East African Orogeny and was related to closure of the Mozambique Ocean. Oceans persisted after 620 Ma between East Antarctica, India, southern parts of the Congo-Tanzania-Bangweulu Cratons and the Zimbabwe-Kalahari Craton. They closed during the ∼600-500 Ma Kuungan or Malagasy Orogeny, a tectonothermal event that affected large portions of southern Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar and Antarctica. The East African and Kuungan Orogenies were followed by phases of post-orogenic extension. Early ∼600-550 Ma extension is recorded in the Arabian-Nubian Shield and the Eastern Granulite-Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex. Later ∼550-480 Ma extension affected Mozambique and southern Madagascar. Both extension phases, although diachronous,are interpreted as the result of lithospheric delamination. Along the strike of the East African Orogen, different geodynamic settings resulted in the evolution of distinctly different orogen styles. The Arabian-Nubian Shield is an accretion-type orogen comprising a stack of thin-skinned nappes resulting from the oblique convergence of bounding plates. The Eastern Granulite-Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex is interpreted as a hot- to ultra-hot orogen that evolved from a formerly extended crust. Low viscosity lower crust resisted one-sided subduction, instead a sagduction-type orogen developed. The regions of Tanzania and Madagascar affected by the Kuungan Orogeny are considered a Himalayan-type orogen composed of partly doubly thickened crust.

Natl Sci Rev ; 10(5): nwad023, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37056434


Continental deep subduction after the closure of large oceanic basins is commonly ascribed to the gravitational pull of the subducting oceanic slab. However, it is not clear how continental lithosphere adjacent to small oceanic basins was subducted to mantle depths. The Sesia Zone in the Western Alps provides an excellent target for exploration of subduction dynamics in such a tectonic setting. Here we report the first finding of coesite in a jadeite-bearing orthogneiss from the Sesia Zone, providing the first evidence for deep subduction of the continental crust to mantle depths for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism in this zone. Three coesite inclusions were identified by laser Raman spectroscopy in two garnet grains. Based on zircon U-Pb dating and trace element analysis, the UHP metamorphic age was constrained to be 76.0 ± 1.0 Ma. The phase equilibrium modeling yields peak metamorphic pressures of 2.8-3.3 GPa, demonstrating the continental deep subduction to mantle depths of >80 km. The subducted continental crust was a rifted hyperextended continental margin, which was converted to the passive continental margin during seafloor spreading and then deeply subducted during the oblique convergence between the Adria microplate and Eurasian plate in the Late Cretaceous. Because the slab pull could only play a limited role in closing small oceanic basins for continental collision, the distal push of either continental breakup or seafloor spreading is suggested as the major driving force for the deep subduction of continental crust in the Western Alps. Therefore, deep subduction of the continental crust bordering small oceanic basins would have been induced by the far-field stress of compression, whereas that bordering large oceanic basins was spontaneous due to the oceanic slab pull. This provides a new insight into the geodynamic mechanism of continental deep subduction.

Natl Sci Rev ; 10(1): nwac207, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654916


Methane (CH4) is a critical but overlooked component in the study of the deep carbon cycle. Abiotic CH4 produced by serpentinization of ultramafic rocks has received extensive attention, but its formation and flux in mafic rocks during subduction remain poorly understood. Here, we report massive CH4-rich fluid inclusions in well-zoned garnet from eclogites in Western Tianshan, China. Petrological characteristics and carbon-hydrogen isotopic compositions confirm the abiotic origin of this CH4. Reconstructed P-T-fO2-fluid trajectories and Deep Earth Water modeling imply that massive abiotic CH4 was generated during cold subduction at depths of 50-120 km, whereas CO2 was produced during exhumation. The massive production of abiotic CH4 in eclogites may result from multiple mechanisms during prograde high pressure-ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Our flux calculation proposes that abiotic CH4 that has been formed in HP-UHP eclogites in cold subduction zones may represent one of the largest, yet overlooked, sources of abiotic CH4 on Earth.