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Conserv Biol ; : e14313, 2024 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38887868


Mobile organisms like seabirds can provide important nutrient flows between ecosystems, but this connectivity has been interrupted by the degradation of island ecosystems. Island restoration (via invasive species eradications and the restoration of native vegetation) can reestablish seabird populations and their nutrient transfers between their foraging areas, breeding colonies, and adjacent nearshore habitats. Its diverse benefits are making island restoration increasingly common and scalable to larger islands and whole archipelagos. We identified the factors that influence breeding seabird abundances throughout the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean and conducted predictive modeling to estimate the abundances of seabirds that the archipelago could support under invasive predator eradication and native vegetation restoration scenarios. We explored whether the prey base exists to support restored seabird populations across the archipelago, calculated the nitrogen that restored populations of seabirds might produce via their guano, and modeled the cascading conservation gains that island restoration could provide. Restoration was predicted to increase breeding pairs of seabirds to over 280,000, and prey was predicted to be ample to support the revived seabird populations. Restored nutrient fluxes were predicted to result in increases in coral growth rates, reef fish biomasses, and parrotfish grazing and bioerosion rates. Given these potential cross-ecosystem benefits, our results support island restoration as a conservation priority that could enhance resilience to climatic change effects, such as sea-level rise and coral bleaching. We encourage the incorporation of our estimates of cross-ecosystem benefits in prioritization exercises for island restoration.

Restauración en islas para reconstruir las poblaciones de aves marinas y amplificar la funcionalidad de los arrecifes de coral Resumen Los organismos móviles como las aves marinas pueden proporcionar flujos importantes de nutrientes entre los ecosistemas, aunque esta conectividad ha sido interrumpida por la degradación de los ecosistemas isleñas. La restauración de islas (por medio de la erradicación de especies invasoras y la restauración de la vegetación nativa) puede reestablecer las poblaciones de aves marinas y su transferencia de nutrientes entre las áreas de forrajeo, las colonias reproductoras y los hábitats adyacentes a la costa. Los diferentes beneficios de la restauración de islas hacen que sea cada vez más común y escalable a islas más grandes y archipiélagos completos. Identificamos los factores que influyen sobre la abundancia de aves reproductoras en todo el archipiélago de Chagos en el Océano Índico y realizamos un modelo predictivo para estimar la abundancia de aves que podría soportar el archipiélago bajo escenarios de la erradicación de un depredador invasor y la restauración de la vegetación nativa. Exploramos si existe la base de presas para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas en el archipiélago, calculamos el nitrógeno que las poblaciones restauradas podrían producir mediante el guano y modelamos la conservación en cascada que podría proporcionar la restauración de la isla. Se pronosticó que la restauración incrementaría las parejas reproductoras a más de 280,000 y que las presas serían las suficientes para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas. También se pronosticó que los flujos restaurados de nutrientes resultarían en un incremento de la tasa de crecimiento de los corales, la biomasa de los peces del arrecife y las tasas de bio­erosión y de alimentación de los peces loro. Dados estos beneficios potenciales entre los ecosistemas, nuestros resultados respaldan a la restauración de islas como una prioridad de conservación que podría incrementar la resiliencia a los efectos del cambio climático, como el incremento en el nivel del mar y el blanqueamiento de los corales. Promovemos que se incorporen nuestras estimaciones de los beneficios transecosistémicos dentro de los ejercicios de priorización para la restauración de islas.

Conserv Biol ; 37(1): e13966, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35686509


Restoration of foundation species promises to reverse environmental degradation and return lost ecosystem services, but a lack of standardized evaluation across projects limits understanding of recovery, especially in marine systems. Oyster reefs are restored to reverse massive global declines and reclaim valuable ecosystem services, but the success of these projects has not been systematically and comprehensively quantified. We synthesized data on ecosystem services associated with oyster restoration from 245 pairs of restored and degraded reefs and 136 pairs of restored and reference reefs across 3500 km of U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastlines. On average, restoration was associated with a 21-fold increase in oyster production (mean log response ratio = 3.08 [95% confidence interval: 2.58-3.58]), 34-97% enhancement of habitat provisioning (mean community abundance = 0.51 [0.41-0.61], mean richness = 0.29 [0.19-0.39], and mean biomass = 0.69 [0.39-0.99]), 54% more nitrogen removal (mean = 0.43 [0.13-0.73]), and 89-95% greater sediment nutrients (mean = 0.67 [0.27-1.07]) and organic matter (mean = 0.64 [0.44-0.84]) relative to degraded habitats. Moreover, restored reefs matched reference reefs for these ecosystem services. Our results support the continued and expanded use of oyster restoration to enhance ecosystem services of degraded coastal systems and match many functions provided by reference reefs.

La restauración de especies fundadoras promete revertir la degradación ambiental y restituir servicios ambientales perdidos, pero la falta de evaluación estandarizada de proyectos limita la comprensión de la recuperación, especialmente en sistemas marinos. Los bancos de ostión son restaurados para revertir declinaciones globales masivas y recuperar servicios ecosistémicos valiosos, pero el éxito de estos proyectos no ha sido cuantificado sistemática ni integralmente. Sintetizamos datos sobre los servicios ecosistémicos asociados con la restauración de ostiones de 245 pares de bancos restaurados y degradados y 136 pares de bancos restaurados y de referencia a lo largo de 3500 km de costa del Golfo de México y Atlántico norteamericanos. En promedio, la restauración se asoció con un incremento de 21 veces en la producción de ostión (media de proporción de respuesta log = 3.08 [95% IC 2.58-3.58]), mejoras entre 34 y 97% en el aprovisionamiento de hábitat (abundancia media = 0.51 [0.41-0.61], riqueza media = 0.29 [0.19-0.39], y biomasa media = 0.69 [0.39-0.99]), 54% más remoción de nitrógeno (media = 0.43 [0.13-0.73]), y 89-95% más nutrientes en sedimento (media = 0.67 [0.27-1.07]) y materia orgánica (media = 0.64 [0.44-0.84]) en relación con hábitats degradados. Más aun, estos servicios ecosistémicos de los bancos restaurados fueron muy similares en los bancos de referencia. Nuestros resultados sustentan el uso continuo y expandido de la restauración de ostiones para mejorar los servicios ecosistémicos de sistemas costeros degradados y que sean parecidos a las numerosas funciones proporcionadas por los bancos de referencia.

Ecossistema , Ostreidae , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ostreidae/fisiologia , Alimentos Marinhos
Conserv Biol ; 32(3): 559-567, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29076179


Poaching is rapidly extirpating African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) from most of their historical range, leaving vast areas of elephant-free tropical forest. Elephants are ecological engineers that create and maintain forest habitat; thus, their loss will have large consequences for the composition and structure of Afrotropical forests. Through a comprehensive literature review, we evaluated the roles of forest elephants in seed dispersal, nutrient recycling, and herbivory and physical damage to predict the cascading ecological effects of their population declines. Loss of seed dispersal by elephants will favor tree species dispersed abiotically and by smaller dispersal agents, and tree species composition will depend on the downstream effects of changes in elephant nutrient cycling and browsing. Loss of trampling and herbivory of seedlings and saplings will result in high tree density with release from browsing pressures. Diminished seed dispersal by elephants and high stem density are likely to reduce the recruitment of large trees and thus increase homogeneity of forest structure and decrease carbon stocks. The loss of ecological services by forest elephants likely means Central African forests will be more like Neotropical forests, from which megafauna were extirpated thousands of years ago. Without intervention, as much as 96% of Central African forests will have modified species composition and structure as elephants are compressed into remaining protected areas. Stopping elephant poaching is an urgent first step to mitigating these effects, but long-term conservation will require land-use planning that incorporates elephant habitat into forested landscapes that are being rapidly transformed by industrial agriculture and logging.

Elefantes , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecologia , Ecossistema , Florestas
Conserv Biol ; 31(5): 1196-1201, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28464290


Although the public desire for healthy environments is clear-cut, the science and management of ecosystem health has not been as simple. Ecological systems can be dynamic and can shift abruptly from one ecosystem state to another. Such unpredictable shifts result when ecological thresholds are crossed; that is, small cumulative increases in an environmental stressor drive a much greater change than could be predicted from linear effects, suggesting an unforeseen tipping point is crossed. In coastal waters, broad-scale seagrass loss often occurs as a sudden event associated with human-driven nutrient enrichment (eutrophication). We tested whether the response of seagrass ecosystems to coastal nutrient enrichment is subject to a threshold effect. We exposed seagrass plots to different levels of nutrient enrichment (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) for 10 months and measured net production. Seagrass response exhibited a threshold pattern when nutrient enrichment exceeded moderate levels: there was an abrupt and large shift from positive to negative net leaf production (from approximately 0.04 leaf production to 0.02 leaf loss per day). Epiphyte load also increased as nutrient enrichment increased, which may have driven the shift in leaf production. Inadvertently crossing such thresholds, as can occur through ineffective management of land-derived inputs such as wastewater and stormwater runoff along urbanized coasts, may account for the widely observed sudden loss of seagrass meadows. Identification of tipping points may improve not only adaptive-management monitoring that seeks to avoid threshold effects, but also restoration approaches in systems that have crossed them.

Ecossistema , Eutrofização , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Oceanos e Mares , Poaceae
Nutr Hosp ; 40(2): 286-294, 2023 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36719008


Introduction: Background and aims: epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare disease presenting with skin fragility and formation of blisters. Constant presence of skin lesions, loss of blood, wastage of heat through the open skin, increased turnover of proteins and infections, result in increased energy, protein, and micronutrient needs. This study investigated the intake adequacy of energy, protein, zinc, iron, and dietary fiber in children with epidermolysis bullosa. Methods: this cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted with children and adolescents of up to 18 years of age with recessive dystrophic EB, severe subtype. Demographic data and clinical manifestations affecting food consumption were collected. Nutritional assessment was performed through anthropometric data. We used a formula to estimate specific energy needs for EB, and ratio of skin lesions was also evaluated to assist in estimating energy needs. A protein adequacy of 115 % to 200 % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance was considered for the adequacy of protein intake. And the Dietary Reference Intake tables according to sex and age were used as a reference for micronutrients. Intake assessment was performed using seven consecutive daily food records. Sip feed consumption was considered for intake assessment. Results: all patients showed undernutrition and presented at least three clinical symptoms that affect food consumption: pseudosyndactyly, microstomy, and blisters in the oral cavity. Sip feed constituted between 20 % and 50 % of the patients' energy intake. Intake of iron and zinc was adequate for most patients (confidence of adequacy ≥ 0.85), while fiber intake was below the reference value. Conclusions: this study underscores the importance of nutritional monitoring for EB patients, which is often interpreted as a skin disease but has enormous nutritional repercussions.

Introducción: ínas.Antecedentes y objetivos: la epidermólisis bullosa (EB) es una enfermedad rara que se manifiesta con fragilidad cutánea y formación de ampollas. La presencia constante de lesiones en la piel, la pérdida de sangre, la pérdida de calor a través de la piel abierta, el aumento de la pérdidas de proteínas y las infecciones hacen que aumenten las necesidades de energía, proteínas y micronutrientes. Este estudio investigó la adecuación de la ingesta de energía, proteínas, zinc, hierro y fibra dietética en niños con EB. Métodos: este estudio analítico transversal se llevó a cabo con niños y adolescentes de hasta 18 años de edad con el subtipo grave de la EB distrófica recesiva. Se recogieron los datos demográficos y las manifestaciones clínicas que afectan al consumo de alimentos. La evaluación nutricional se realizó mediante datos antropométricos. Se utilizó una fórmula para estimar las necesidades energéticas específicas de la EB y también se evaluó la proporción de las lesiones cutáneas para ayudar a estimar las necesidades energéticas. Para la adecuación de la ingesta de proteínas se consideró entre el 115 y el 200 % de la ingesta dietética recomendada. Y como referencia para los micronutrientes se utilizaron las tablas de ingesta dietética de referencia según el sexo y la edad. La evaluación de la ingesta se realizó mediante siete registros diarios consecutivos de alimentos. Para la evaluación de la ingesta se tuvo en cuenta el consumo de suplementos nutricionales. Resultados: todos los pacientes mostraban desnutrición y presentaban al menos tres síntomas clínicos que afectaban al consumo de alimentos: pseudosindactilia, microstomía y ampollas en la cavidad oral. Los suplementos nutricionales constituían entre el 20 y el 50 % de la ingesta energética de los pacientes. La ingesta de hierro y zinc era adecuada para la mayoría de los pacientes (confianza de adecuación ≥ 0,85), mientras que la ingesta de fibra estuvo por debajo del valor de referencia. Conclusiones: este estudio destaca la importancia del seguimiento nutricional de los pacientes con EB, que a menudo se interpreta como una enfermedad de la piel pero que tiene enormes repercusiones nutricionales.

Epidermólise Bolhosa , Dermatopatias , Criança , Humanos , Adolescente , Vesícula , Estudos Transversais , Ingestão de Alimentos , Micronutrientes , Proteínas , Zinco , Ferro
Nutr Hosp ; 40(2): 444-456, 2023 Apr 20.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36927055


Introduction: Introduction: the risk and/or prognosis of COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, have been related to chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases, with poor-quality diet being a predisposing factor for these diseases. Objective: to synthesize the scientific evidence on the effect of diet on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19. Methods: a systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. The bibliographic search was made in the databases Web of Science, Scopus and Medline (through the PubMed search engine). Risk of bias analysis was performed using the Newcastle-Ottawa and Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional Studies scales. Results: 14 studies were included. Good adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a decreased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection (OR = 0.44; 95 % CI, 0.22-0.88, for high versus low adherence, and significant ORs of 0.88 and 0.95 in studies that analyzed adherence quantitatively) but not with the severity of COVID-19. A plant-based diet also had a protective association against both COVID-19 infection and severity. Specifically, a high consumption of vegetables, legumes and cereals, and a low intake of dairy products and red meat showed a protective effect against infection and/or COVID-19 severity, depending on the study. Vitamin and probiotic supplements also lowered the risk of infection. Conclusion: the available evidence suggests that a healthy diet, based on a Mediterranean or plant-based diet, with moderate consumption of dairy and red meat, exerts a protective effect against COVID-19.

Introducción: Introducción: el riesgo y/o el pronóstico de la COVID-19, causado por el virus SARS-CoV-2, se han relacionado con enfermedades crónicas como obesidad, diabetes mellitus y enfermedades cardiovasculares, siendo la dieta de mala calidad un factor predisponente para estas enfermedades. Objetivo: sintetizar la evidencia científica sobre el efecto de la dieta en el riesgo de infección por SARS-CoV-2 y de COVID-19 grave. Métodos: revisión sistemática realizada siguiendo las guías PRISMA. La búsqueda bibliográfica se hizo en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y Medline (a través del buscador PubMed). El análisis del riesgo de sesgo se realizó mediante las escalas Newcastle-Ottawa y Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional Studies. Resultados: se incluyeron 14 estudios. Una buena adherencia a la dieta mediterránea se asoció con una disminución del riesgo de infección por SARS-CoV-2 (razón de momios RM = 0,44; IC 95 %: 0,22-0,88, para adherencia alta versus baja, y RM significativas de 0,88 y 0,95 en los estudios que analizaron la adherencia de forma cuantitativa) pero no con la gravedad de la COVID-19. Una dieta basada en plantas presentó una asociación protectora frente a la infección y la enfermedad grave. Concretamente, un alto consumo de verdura, legumbres y cereales, y una baja ingesta de lácteos y carnes rojas mostraron un efecto protector frente a la infección y/o la COVID-19 grave, según el estudio. Los suplementos vitamínicos y probióticos también disminuyeron el riesgo de infección. Conclusión: la evidencia disponible sugiere que una dieta saludable, basada en un patrón de dieta mediterránea o en alimentos vegetales, con consumo de lácteos y carnes rojas moderado, ejerce un efecto protector frente a la COVID-19.

COVID-19 , Dieta Mediterrânea , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudos Transversais , Verduras
Nutr Hosp ; 40(Spec No2): 41-45, 2023 Nov 22.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929898


Introduction: Introduction: in the last decades, a significant increase in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been observed. Currently, there are no effective pharmacological treatments available, which makes preventive measures particularly important. Objective: to analyze the available scientific evidence on nutritional and dietary factors and their association with AD prevention. Methods: a review of nutritional and dietary factors related to the prevention of AD was conducted. Results: several dietary components have been positively associated with AD prevention, including intake of complex carbohydrates, fiber, omega-3, plant-based proteins, vitamins (folates, choline, vitamin D, C, B6 and B9), zinc, some bioactive compounds such as flavonols and probiotics. Following the Mediterranean, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) y Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diets has been associated with a lower risk of developing the disease. Conclusion: nutrition may have a protective role against AD, although further studies are needed in this regard.

Introducción: Introducción: en las últimas décadas, se ha observado un incremento significativo en la incidencia de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). En la actualidad, no se dispone de tratamientos farmacológicos efectivos, lo que hace que las medidas preventivas sean particularmente importantes. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia científica disponible sobre factores nutricionales y dietéticos y su asociación con la prevención de la EA. Métodos: se llevó a cabo una revisión de la literatura científica sobre factores nutricionales y dietéticos relacionados con la prevención de la EA. Resultados: diversos componentes de la dieta se han asociado positivamente con la prevención de la EA. Estos incluyen hidratos de carbono complejos, fibra, omega-3, proteínas de origen vegetal, vitaminas (folatos, colina, vitamina D, C, B6 y B9), zinc y algunos compuestos bioactivos como los flavonoles, y los probióticos. El seguimiento de las dietas mediterránea, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) y Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) se ha asociado con un menor de riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad. Conclusión: la nutrición podría tener un papel protector frente a la EA, aunque se requieren más estudios al respecto.

Doença de Alzheimer , Dieta Mediterrânea , Abordagens Dietéticas para Conter a Hipertensão , Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer/prevenção & controle , Estado Nutricional , Vitaminas/uso terapêutico
Nutr Hosp ; 40(6): 1120-1126, 2023 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37705444


Introduction: Introduction: parenteral nutrition is a mixture of macro and micronutrients necessary for the premature infant who cannot be fed enterally. The binary mixture contains carbohydrates, amino acids and micronutrients in one bag and intravenous lipids in another. The latter are more susceptible to microbial contamination, especially by Candida albicans. For this reason, many professional associations typically recommend the use of a single filter in line "Y"; however, this has not yet become standard hospital practice. Aim: to determine the presence of Candida albicans in devices that contain intravenous lipids used in neonates and relate it to the correct use of the 1.2 µm filter. Method: three groups of samples consisting of the remains of a lipid solution (ML) administered to the premature patient for 24 h seeded on Sabouraud agar organized as follows: (ML1), lipid solution obtained directly from the ethinyl vinyl acetate bag were evaluated. (ML2): filtered lipid solution with a 1.2 µm device connected directly to the catheter. (ML3): solution of lipids intentionally contaminated with Candida and subsequently filtered. Results: Candida albicans was not detected in any of the filtered simples (ML2 and ML3) and also not detected in any of the unfiltered simples (ML1). Conclusions: there was no presence of Candida albicans in the lipid solutions used directly with a 1.2 µm filter, however, the use of a single 1.2 µm filter in line "Y" is recommended according to international standards to save the health system.

Introducción: Introducción: la nutrición parenteral es una mezcla de macro y micronutrientes necesarios para el prematuro que no puede alimentarse por vía enteral. La mezcla binaria contiene en una bolsa carbohidratos, proteínas y micronutrientes y en otra los lípidos intravenosos, que son más susceptibles de contaminación microbiana especialmente por Candida albicans, por lo que asociaciones profesionales recomiendan el uso en línea "y" de un solo filtro, lo que no es práctica habitual hospitalaria. Objetivo: determinar la presencia de Candida albicans en dispositivos que contienen lípidos intravenosos usados en neonatos y relacionarla con el uso correcto del filtro de 1.2 µm. Método: se evaluaron tres grupos de muestras constituidas por los restos de una solución de lípidos (ML) administrados al paciente prematuro durante 24 h. sembradas en agar Sabouraud organizadas en: (ML1): solución de lípidos obtenida directamente de la bolsa de etinil vinil acetato (EVA). (ML2): solución de lípidos filtrados con dispositivo de 1.2 µm. conectado directamente al catéter (práctica observada). (ML3): solución de lípidos contaminados con Candida que fueron sembrados en agar Sabouraud y posteriormente filtrados. Resultados: el 100 % de las muestras filtradas (ML2) y (ML3) como se esperaba, no presentaron Candida albicans, el 100 % de las muestras (ML1) que no fueron filtradas, tampoco presentaron Candida albicans. Conclusiones: no hubo presencia de Candida albicans en las soluciones lipídicas utilizadas directamente con filtro 1.2 µm, sin embargo, se recomienda el uso de un solo filtro 1.2 µm en línea "Y" según las normas internacionales para el ahorro del Sistema sanitario.

Candida albicans , Objetivos , Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Lipídeos , Micronutrientes
Nutr Hosp ; 40(3): 617-625, 2023 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37154055


Introduction: Introduction: Hatay cuisine has an important place in Turkey and world cuisine. It consists of meat dishes, stuffed vegetables, vegetable dishes, jams, pickles, pilafs, soups, appetizers and salads, herbs collected from nature, desserts, pastries, dairy products and dry foods. The culinary processes differing in cultures alter nutrient value of foods. Food preparation and processing operations affect contents and bioavailability of micronutrients in traditional dishes. Several studies have been carried out to investigate the influence of traditional food preparation and processing methods in vitamins and minerals. In this study, nutrient retention in popular dishes of Hatay cuisine was analyzed. Material and methods: Google Trends is an open access tool that allows to determine the popularity of search terms. In the current study, the most common dishes searched in the last 12 months by individiuals living in Hatay province were selected. Sihilmahsi, tepsi kebabi, tuzlu yogurt çorbasi, humus and künefe were the most searched on the web. We used the Nutrient Retention Factor Table of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the nutrient content of the Turkish traditional dishes described above was calculated after cooking of Hatay cuisine. Results: the highest loss of micronutrients has been found in vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12 and thiamine. In sihilmahsi, the highest loss was in folate, with 40 %. In tepsi kebabi, the highest loss appeared in vitamin B6, with 50 %. In tuzlu yogurt soup, 70 % loss of B12 was reported. In humus, the highest loss was in folate at the level of 40 %. In künefe, the most loss occurred in folate with 30 %. Clonclusion: specific cooking, preparation and preservation practices of traditional dishes that are compatible with local experience can be encouraged as an alternative or adjunct to other methods of increasing the availability of micronutrients in foods.

Introducción: Introducción: la cocina Hatay tiene un lugar importante en Turquía y en la cocina mundial. Se compone de platos de carne, verduras rellenas, platos de verduras, mermeladas, encurtidos, pilafs, sopas, aperitivos y ensaladas, hierbas recolectadas de la naturaleza, postres, repostería, productos lácteos y alimentos secos. Los procesos culinarios que difieren en las culturas alteran el valor nutritivo de los alimentos. Las operaciones de preparación y procesamiento de los alimentos afectan el contenido y la biodisponibilidad de los micronutrientes en los platos tradicionales. Se han llevado a cabo varios estudios para investigar la influencia de los métodos tradicionales de preparación y procesamiento de alimentos en las vitaminas y los minerales. En este estudio se analizó la retención de nutrientes en platos populares de la cocina Hatay. Material y métodos: Google Trends es una herramienta de libre acceso que permite determinar la popularidad de los términos de búsqueda. En el estudio actual, se seleccionaron los platos más comunes buscados en los últimos 12 meses por personas que viven en la provincia de Hatay. Sihilmehsi, kebab en bandeja, sopa de yogur salada, hummus y künefe fueron los más buscados en la web. Usamos la tabla de factores de retención de nutrientes del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el contenido de nutrientes de los platos tradicionales turcos descritos anteriormente se calculó después de cocinar la cocina Hatay. Resultados: las mayores pérdidas de micronutrientes se han encontrado en vitamina B6, folato, vitamina B12 y tiamina. En sihilmehsi, la pérdida más alta fue de folato, con un 40 %. En el kebab en bandeja la mayor pérdida se presentó en vitamina B6, con un 50 %. En la sopa de yogur salada, se informó una pérdida del 70 % de B12. En hummus, la mayor pérdida fue en folato, a un nivel del 40 %. En künefe, la mayor pérdida se presentó en folato, con un 30 %. Conclusión: se pueden fomentar prácticas específicas de cocción, preparación y conservación de platos tradicionales que sean compatibles con la experiencia local como alternativa o complemento de otros métodos para aumentar la disponibilidad de micronutrientes en los alimentos.

Nutrientes , Ferramenta de Busca , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Vitaminas , Verduras , Micronutrientes , Vitamina B 6 , Ácido Fólico
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 57(1): 33-38, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34844781


Aging of the immune system, or immunosenescence, alters the viral immune response in the elderly, especially when frailty exists. Research findings have demonstrated an imbalance in pro- and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, reduced production and diversification of T lymphocytes, and an alteration in immunovigilance and antibody synthesis. In this context, nutrition has a role in combating sarcopenia and frailty. Some food components that contribute to immune-competence are protein, vitamin D, n-3 fatty acids, antioxidant vitamins (vitamins C and E), zinc, selenium and iron. In times of a pandemic, nutritional recommendations for immune-competence in the elderly should be based on clinical studies. In this article, immunosenescence and its relationship to nutrition are addressed, including interventions studied in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , Imunossenescência , Viroses , Idoso , Humanos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105526


BACKGROUND: There are few studies that relate eating and nutritional habits to the severity of the disease and demographic profile in patients with schizophrenia. OBJECTIVE: To describe eating and nutritional habits and their relationship with the severity of the disease in patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Cross-sectional descriptive study. SAMPLE: 31 patients with schizophrenia (ICD-10) under outpatient treatment. INCLUSION CRITERIA: age 18-65 years, clinically stable and, written informed consent. ASSESSMENT: Demographic, clinical characteristics (CGI-SCH, length of illness, BMI, abdominal perimeter), ad hoc questionnaire (eating, nutritional, and physical activity). RESULTS: Mean age 43.13(SD = 7.85) years, males 61.3%. Mean severity of illness was 3.94(SD = 1.06), mean duration of the illness 18.42(SD = 8.27) years. 74.2% used to eatweekly fat meat and 64.5% less than 3-4 servings of fish, 77.4% less than 3 servings of fruit per day, and 51.6% drink less than 1 L of water. 83.9% used to drink coffee daily, 2.81(SD = 2.02) cups per day. Patients showed lower levels of Vitamin A, D, E, K1, C, folic acid, and magnesium. 93.5% did not fulfill the WHO recommendations on physical activity. Only retinol (r = -0.602, P = .039) and vitamin K1 (r = -0.693, P = .012) in women were related to the severity of illness. CONCLUSIONS: Outpatients with schizophrenia do not follow WHO recommendations on healthy diets, neither physical activity. Both clinical severity of the illness and marital status and cohabitation were associated with poor eating habits and nutrients deficit. These data should be taken into account by the nursing staff when implementing specific care in routine clinical practice.

Esquizofrenia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Animais , Estudos Transversais , Exercício Físico , Comportamento Alimentar , Feminino , Hábitos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem
Gac Sanit ; 37: 102249, 2022 Sep 13.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36113321


OBJECTIVE: To compare the nutritional quality of the foods and beverages advertised on television in Spain, before and after the plan to improve their composition. METHOD: DTT broadcasts of the more popular channels were recorded in children's hours. Every advertised products in commercial breaks were registered and their nutritional data collected. We compared the distribution of frequencies by food categories and their adherence to the nutritional standards of the World Health Organization in 2017 and 2020. RESULTS: In 256h of broadcasting we identified 173 products (78 in 2017 and 95 in 2020). The most advertised products were chocolates (26.9% in 2017 and 22.1% in 2020). 76.3% of the products advertised were unhealthy (76.9% in 2017 vs. 75.8% in 2020; p=0.86). CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional profile of the foods and drinks advertised on television, mostly unhealthy, did not change after the implementation of the plan to improve their composition. A regulation is needed to protect children from food advertising.

Nutr Hosp ; 38(Spec No2): 17-22, 2021 Sep 30.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34323083


INTRODUCTION: The immune system is a complex and integrated system whose main function is to protect the body from external aggression by microorganisms, allergens, or toxic agents. Different studies show that maintaining optimal amounts of different nutrients in the body is essential to ensure the synthesis of different factors related to the immune system. Most interesting nutrients and bioactive compounds include: vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid (B9) and biotin (B7); minerals such as zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium and copper; proteins (lactoferrin) and bioactive peptides; omega-3 fatty acids; and other nutrients and bioactive compounds such as fiber, polyphenols, carotenoids, probiotics, etc. Following a varied and balanced diet, including the servings recommended by food guides for each food group, is essential to achieve nutrient requirements. Food groups to which special attention should be paid are: fruits and vegetables (because of their high content in micronutrients and antioxidant compounds), fatty fish (because it contains omega-3 fatty acids), and dairy products (because this group contains a large number of nutrients). In particular, milk-especially enriched milk-contains many of the nutrients mentioned above. Moreover, their daily consumption, within a balanced diet, can help significantly cover their nutrient reference values. Finally, it is important to consider kind of milks as a good dietary alternative to increase the intake of some important nutrients for the proper functioning of the immune system, most especially some of them such as vitamin D, since a large percentage of the population have nutritional deficiencies.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El sistema inmunitario es un sistema complejo e integrado cuya función principal es proteger al organismo de agresiones externas provocadas por microorganismos, alergenos o agentes tóxicos. Diferentes estudios ponen de manifiesto que el mantenimiento de las cantidades óptimas de diferentes nutrientes es esencial para garantizar la síntesis de diferentes factores y mediadores de este sistema. Entre los nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos con mayor interés destacan: las vitaminas A, B6, B12, C, D, E, ácido fólico (B9) y biotina (B7); minerales como el zinc, hierro, selenio, magnesio y cobre; proteínas (lactoferrina) y péptidos bioactivos; ácidos grasos omega-3, y otros nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos como fibra, polifenoles, carotenoides, probióticos, etc. El seguimiento de una dieta variada y equilibrada que incluya las raciones recomendadas por las guías alimentarias para cada grupo de alimentos es fundamental para alcanzar los requerimientos de estos nutrientes. Y entre los grupos de alimentos a los que se debe prestar especial atención están: las frutas y verduras (por su alto contenido en micronutrientes y compuestos antioxidantes), los pescados azules (por contener omega-3) y los lácteos (por ser alimentos con gran cantidad de nutrientes). En concreto, la leche, especialmente enriquecida, contiene muchos de los nutrientes anteriormente mencionados y su consumo diario, dentro de una dieta equilibrada, puede contribuir a cubrir cantidades importantes de sus valores de referencia. Por último, es importante considerar las leches enriquecidas como una buena alternativa dietética para aumentar la ingesta de muchos nutrientes importantes para el buen funcionamiento del sistema inmune y, en especial, de algunos de ellos, como la vitamina D, en los que un gran porcentaje de la población presenta deficiencias nutricionales.

Fenômenos do Sistema Imunitário/fisiologia , Leite/imunologia , Vitaminas/imunologia , Animais , Humanos
Nutr Hosp ; 37(Spec No2): 13-17, 2021 Jan 13.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32993306


INTRODUCTION: The effect of nutrients on health has been studied traditionally. From this point of view, milk and dairy products contribute to maintaining and improving nutritional status. Due to its high content of some nutrients such as saturated fat, among others, dairy consumption has been linked to the appearance of several diseases such as obesity or cardiovascular disease. However, food cannot be classified as good or bad based on its nutrient content. On the contrary, those interactions between nutrients and other bioactive compounds that occur in the food matrix must also be taken into account, as they can lead to different results than those expected derived from their consumption. In the case of dairy products, the scientific evidence indicates that dairy matrix could play an important role in the prevention of several non-communicable diseases.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Tradicionalmente se ha estudiado el efecto de los nutrientes en la salud. Desde este punto de vista, la leche y los derivados lácteos son alimentos que contribuyen a mantener y mejorar el estado nutricional. Por su elevado contenido en algunos nutrientes como la grasa saturada, entre otros, el consumo de lácteos se ha relacionado con la aparición de diversas enfermedades como la obesidad o la enfermedad cardiovascular. Sin embargo, los alimentos no se pueden clasificar como buenos o malos por su contenido en nutrientes, sino que también hay que tener en cuenta que en la matriz alimentaria se producen interacciones entre los nutrientes y otros compuestos bioactivos que pueden hacer que el consumo de dichos alimentos tenga resultados distintos a los esperados. En el caso de los lácteos, la evidencia científica señala que la matriz láctea podría jugar un papel importante frente a la prevención de diversas enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.

Laticínios , Saúde , Nutrientes , Adulto , Criança , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Política Nutricional , Estado Nutricional , Valor Nutritivo , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Prevenção Primária
Nutr Hosp ; 34(3): 549-558, 2020 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406740


INTRODUCTION: Objective: studies have been published in Europe comparing the mean macronutrient and micronutrient intake values of the general population with those of the vegan population, but none has been conducted in a country that mainly follows the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to carry out this comparison in Spain. Methods: a cross-sectional study of a sample of Spanish vegans was designed in 2015. To compare the distribution of nutrients with those of the general population, we used data from the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, which was considered to be normally distributed as it was a large population with biological parameters. All participants were asked about their dietary intake for the previous day (24 hour reminder) and the nutrients were calculated using specialized software. The distributions were compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results: The sample comprised 102 vegans, 67 of whom were women. The vegan population consumed more carbohydrates and fiber, less total fat (women only), fewer saturated fatty acids, and more polyunsaturated fatty acids. They had much lower cholesterol intake, lower calcium and iodine intake, higher iron and folic acid intake, and much lower intake of vitamins B12 and D. Conclusions: Spanish vegans had nutritional deficiencies compared to the general population and should therefore ensure their diet includes the necessary supplements.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Antecedentes: se han publicado en Europa estudios que comparan los valores medios de ingesta de macronutrientes y micronutrientes de la población general con los de la población vegana, pero ninguno se ha llevado a cabo en un país que sigue principalmente la dieta mediterránea. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue llevar a cabo esta comparación en España. Métodos: se diseñó un estudio transversal de una muestra de veganos españoles en 2015. Para comparar la distribución de nutrientes con los de la población general, utilizamos datos de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, considerando dichos datos como una distribución normal de parámetros biológicos al constituir una gran muestra. A todos los participantes se les preguntó sobre su ingesta dietética en el día anterior y los nutrientes se calcularon utilizando un software especializado. Las distribuciones se compararon mediante la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. RESULTADOS: La muestra comprendió 102 veganos, 67 de los cuales eran mujeres. La población vegana consumió más carbohidratos y fibra, menos grasa total (solo mujeres), menos ácidos grasos saturados y más ácidos grasos poliinsaturados. Tenían una ingesta mucho más baja de colesterol, una ingesta más baja de calcio y yodo, una mayor ingesta de hierro y ácido fólico, y una ingesta mucho más baja de vitaminas B12 y D. Conclusión: los veganos españoles tenían deficiencias nutricionales en comparación con la población general y, por lo tanto, deben asegurarse de que su dieta incluya los suplementos necesarios.

Dieta Vegana , Micronutrientes , Nutrientes , Adiposidade , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Carboidratos da Dieta , Fibras na Dieta , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados/sangue , Ácidos Graxos Insaturados/sangue , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Minerais/administração & dosagem , Estado Nutricional , Espanha , Vitaminas/administração & dosagem
Nutr Hosp ; 37(6): 1095-1106, 2020 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33054311


INTRODUCTION: Introduction: assessing the relationship between childhood diseases and nutrient intake is a crucial issue that requires valid and reliable dietary assessment tools in this period of physical and physiological development. Objective: the present study aimed to develop and validate a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to assess nutrient intake in Jordanian children. Methods: in this validation study, nutrient intake as obtained from a culturally sensitive quantitative FFQ was compared to nutrient intake as assessed by four 24-hour dietary recalls (24-HRs) between September 2017 and May 2018. One hundred and thirty-six children aged 6-18 years were enrolled from selected schools in Amman, Jordan. Children or their caregivers were asked to complete the FFQ during an initial face-to-face interview. Four 24-HRs were collected weekly over one month. Of these children, 50 also took part in the reproducibility phase, which involved a repeat completion of the FFQ within 1 month. Results: the intraclass correlation coefficients between the two FFQs ranged from 0.5 for trans-fats to 0.96 for calcium. Correlation coefficients between dietary intake estimates derived from the FFQ and 24-HRs were significant at p < 0.05. The highest correlation was detected for energy (0.8) while the lowest was identified for trans-fatty acids (0.04). For all nutrients, over 60 % of participants were classified into the same or adjacent quartile of crude and adjusted intake. Bland-Altman plots showed a satisfactory agreement between the two methods for energy and proteins. Conclusion: the FFQ showed a good reproducibility and a reasonable relative validity for most nutrients.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Introducción: evaluar la relación entre las enfermedades infantiles y la ingesta de nutrientes es un tema crucial que requiere herramientas de evaluación dietética válidas y confiables en este período de desarrollo físico y fisiológico. Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar y validar un cuestionario de frecuencia de alimentos (FFQ) para evaluar la ingesta de nutrientes de los niños jordanos. Métodos: en este estudio de validación, la ingesta de nutrientes de un FFQ cuantitativo culturalmente sensible se comparó con la ingesta de nutrientes de cuatro recordatorios dietéticos de 24 horas (24-HR) entre septiembre de 2017 y mayo de 2018. Se reclutaron ciento treinta y seis niños y adolescentes de 6 a 18 años en escuelas seleccionadas de Amán, Jordania. Se pidió a los niños o sus cuidadores que completaran el FFQ en una entrevista inicial presencial. Se recogieron cuatro 24-HR semanalmente durante un mes. De estos niños, 50 también participaron en la fase de reproducibilidad, que involucró la repetición del FFQ en un plazo de 1 mes. Resultados: los coeficientes de correlación intraclase entre los dos FFQ oscilaron entre 0,5 para las grasas trans y 0,96 para el calcio. Los coeficientes de correlación entre las estimaciones de la ingesta alimentaria derivadas del FFQ y los 24-HR fueron significativas, con un valor p < 0,05. La correlación más alta se detectó para la energía (0,8) mientras que la más baja fue para los ácidos grasos trans (0,04). Para todos los nutrientes, más del 60 % de los participantes se clasificaron en el mismo cuartil o el adyacente de ingesta cruda y ajustada. Las gráficas de Bland-Altman mostraron un acuerdo satisfactorio entre los dos métodos en términos de energía y proteínas. Conclusión: el FFQ mostró una buena reproducibilidad y una validez relativa razonable para la mayoría de los nutrientes.

Registros de Dieta , Ingestão de Alimentos , Avaliação Nutricional , Inquéritos Nutricionais/instrumentação , Adolescente , Cálcio da Dieta/administração & dosagem , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Análise de Dados , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Ingestão de Energia , Feminino , Humanos , Jordânia , Masculino , Estado Nutricional , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fatores de Tempo , Ácidos Graxos trans/administração & dosagem
Nutr Hosp ; 36(Spec No3): 44-48, 2019 Aug 27.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31368341


INTRODUCTION: The importance of a correct diet and nutrition before pregnancy to the end of lactation seems to be without doubt with the scientific information and evidence that we have today. Despite this, recent studies have shown that the mother´s diet is not as adequate as it should be and deficiencies of certain critical nutrients have been detected at this stage. The importance of a correct nutrition of the mother at this stage has already been recognized for decades and today we can affirm that it will affect not only the development of the fetus but also the genetic organization of the future metabolic response of the child and later of the adult. Several recent publications seem to have made clear that they seem to relate maternal nutrition with a possible programming effect related to the appearance of various metabolic alterations in adult life giving rise to the possible appearance of various chronic diseases. For this reason, gestation is going to be a challenge for the mother at the nutritional level due to increase energy and nutrient needs and their relationship to maternal and child health. In the daily diet, milk and milk products are critical sources of nutrients for the correct development of the fetus and the early development of the child. The purpose of this text is to highlight them, to review the effects of conventional dairy products and dairy products fortified with various nutrients on nutritional status during pregnancy and lactation.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La importancia de una correcta alimentación y nutrición desde antes del embarazo hasta el final de la lactancia está fuera de cualquier duda basándonos en la información y en la evidencia científica disponibles en la actualidad. A pesar de ello, estudios recientes han puesto de manifiesto que la alimentación de las madres en nuestro medio es inadecuada. Se han detectado carencias en cuanto a la ingesta de determinados nutrientes críticos en esta etapa. La importancia de una correcta nutrición de la madre ya ha sido reconocida desde hace décadas, ya que influye no solo en el desarrollo fetal, sino también en la organización genética de la respuesta metabólica futura del niño, y después del adulto, como ponen de manifiesto varias publicaciones recientes que relacionan la nutrición materna con un posible efecto programador responsable de la aparición de diversas alteraciones metabólicas en la vida adulta que condicionan la aparición de varias enfermedades crónicas. Por estas razones, la gestación supone un reto para la madre en cuanto a su nutrición debido al incremento en los requerimientos de energía y nutrientes, que tiene por objetivo alcanzar una adecuada salud materno-fetal. En la alimentación cotidiana, la leche y los productos lácteos son fuente de nutrientes críticos para el correcto desarrollo del feto y, posteriormente, del recién nacido. En este artículo, se revisa la influencia de los productos lácteos convencionales y de los lácteos enriquecidos y fortificados con diversos nutrientes sobre el estado nutricional durante la gestación y la lactancia y los resultados perinatales relacionados con ello.

Laticínios , Lactação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Materna , Leite , Necessidades Nutricionais , Adulto , Animais , Aleitamento Materno , Cálcio da Dieta/administração & dosagem , Criança , Saúde da Criança , Fibras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3/administração & dosagem , Feminino , Ácido Fólico/administração & dosagem , Humanos , Iodo/administração & dosagem , Cuidado Pré-Concepcional/métodos , Gravidez
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31864966


BACKGROUND: There are few studies that relate eating and nutritional habits to the severity of the disease and demographic profile in patients with schizophrenia. OBJECTIVE: To describe eating and nutritional habits and their relationship with the severity of the disease in patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Cross-sectional descriptive study. SAMPLE: 31 patients with schizophrenia (ICD-10) under outpatient treatment. INCLUSION CRITERIA: age 18-65 years, clinically stable and, written informed consent. ASSESSMENT: Demographic, clinical characteristics (CGI-SCH, length of illness, BMI, abdominal perimeter), ad hoc questionnaire (eating, nutritional, and physical activity). RESULTS: Mean age 43.13(SD=7.85) years, males 61.3%. Mean severity of illness was 3.94(SD=1.06), mean duration of the illness 18.42(SD=8.27) years. 74.2% used to eat weekly fat meat and 64.5% less than 3-4 servings of fish, 77.4% less than 3 servings of fruit per day, and 51.6% drink less than 1l of water. 83.9% used to drink coffee daily, 2.81(SD=2.02) cups per day. Patients showed lower levels of Vitamin A, D, E, K1, C, folic acid, and magnesium. 93.5% did not fulfill the WHO recommendations on physical activity. Only retinol (r=-0.602, p=0.039) and vitamin K1 (r=-0.693, p=0.012) in women were related to the severity of illness. CONCLUSIONS: Outpatients with schizophrenia do not follow WHO recommendations on healthy diets, neither physical activity. Both clinical severity of the illness and marital status and cohabitation were associated with poor eating habits and nutrients deficit. These data should be taken into account by the nursing staff when implementing specific care in routine clinical practice.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253555, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355900


Abstract The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of selenium nanoparticles on the growth, hematology and nutrients digestibility of Labeorohita fingerlings. Fingerlings were fed with seven isocaloric sunflower meal-based diet supplemented with different concentrations of nanoparticles naming T1 to T7 (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mg/kg), with 5% wet body weight while chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. After experimentation for 90 days T3 treated group (1mg/kg -1Se-nano level) showed the best result in hematological parameters (WBC's 7.97 ×103mm-3, RBC's 2.98 ×106 mm-3 and Platelet count 67), nutrient digestibility (crude protein: 74%, ether extract: 76%, gross energy: 70%) and growth performance (weight gain 13.24 g, weight gain% 198, feed conversion ratio 1.5, survival rate 100%) as compared to the other treatment groups. Specific growth rates were found significantly higher in T5 than in other groups. The present study indicated positive effect of 1 mg/kg Se-nanoparticles on growth advancement, hematological parameters, and nutrients digestibility of L. rohita fingerlings.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos das nanopartículas de selênio no crescimento, hematologia e digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alevinos de Labeo rohita. Os alevinos foram alimentados com sete dietas isocalóricas à base de farinha de girassol suplementada com diferentes concentrações de nanopartículas, nomeando T1 a T7 (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 e 3 mg / kg), com 5% do peso corporal úmido enquanto o óxido crômico foi usado como um marcador indigesto. Após a experimentação por 90 dias, o grupo tratado com T3 (nível 1mg / kg -1Se-nano) mostrou o melhor resultado em parâmetros hematológicos (WBC's 7,97 × 103mm-3, RBC's 2,98 × 106mm-3 e contagem de plaquetas 67), digestibilidade dos nutrientes (proteína bruta: 74%, extrato de éter: 76%, energia bruta: 70%) e desempenho de crescimento (ganho de peso 13,24 g, ganho de peso % 198, taxa de conversão alimentar 1,5, taxa de sobrevivência 100%) em comparação com os outros grupos de tratamento. As taxas de crescimento específicas foram encontradas significativamente mais altas em T5 do que em outros grupos. O presente estudo indicou efeito positivo de 1 mg / kg de nanopartículas de Se no avanço do crescimento, parâmetros hematológicos e digestibilidade de nutrientes de alevinos de L. rohita.

Animais , Nanopartículas , Helianthus , Nutrientes , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469305


Abstract The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of selenium nanoparticles on the growth, hematology and nutrients digestibility of Labeorohita fingerlings. Fingerlings were fed with seven isocaloric sunflower meal-based diet supplemented with different concentrations of nanoparticles naming T1 to T7 (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mg/kg), with 5% wet body weight while chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. After experimentation for 90 days T3 treated group (1mg/kg -1Se-nano level) showed the best result in hematological parameters (WBCs 7.97 ×103mm-3, RBCs 2.98 ×106 mm-3 and Platelet count 67), nutrient digestibility (crude protein: 74%, ether extract: 76%, gross energy: 70%) and growth performance (weight gain 13.24 g, weight gain% 198, feed conversion ratio 1.5, survival rate 100%) as compared to the other treatment groups. Specific growth rates were found significantly higher in T5 than in other groups. The present study indicated positive effect of 1 mg/kg Se-nanoparticles on growth advancement, hematological parameters, and nutrients digestibility of L. rohita fingerlings.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos das nanopartículas de selênio no crescimento, hematologia e digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alevinos de Labeo rohita. Os alevinos foram alimentados com sete dietas isocalóricas à base de farinha de girassol suplementada com diferentes concentrações de nanopartículas, nomeando T1 a T7 (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5 e 3 mg / kg), com 5% do peso corporal úmido enquanto o óxido crômico foi usado como um marcador indigesto. Após a experimentação por 90 dias, o grupo tratado com T3 (nível 1mg / kg -1Se-nano) mostrou o melhor resultado em parâmetros hematológicos (WBCs 7,97 × 103mm-3, RBCs 2,98 × 106mm-3 e contagem de plaquetas 67), digestibilidade dos nutrientes (proteína bruta: 74%, extrato de éter: 76%, energia bruta: 70%) e desempenho de crescimento (ganho de peso 13,24 g, ganho de peso % 198, taxa de conversão alimentar 1,5, taxa de sobrevivência 100%) em comparação com os outros grupos de tratamento. As taxas de crescimento específicas foram encontradas significativamente mais altas em T5 do que em outros grupos. O presente estudo indicou efeito positivo de 1 mg / kg de nanopartículas de Se no avanço do crescimento, parâmetros hematológicos e digestibilidade de nutrientes de alevinos de L. rohita.