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Astrobiology ; 21(3): 345-366, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33400892


The European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos ExoMars mission will launch the "Rosalind Franklin" rover in 2022 for a landing on Mars in 2023.The goals of the mission are to search for signs of past and present life on Mars, investigate the water/geochemical environment as a function of depth in the shallow subsurface, and characterize the surface environment. To meet these scientific objectives while minimizing the risk for landing, a 5-year-long landing site selection process was conducted by ESA, during which eight candidate sites were down selected to one: Oxia Planum. Oxia Planum is a 200 km-wide low-relief terrain characterized by hydrous clay-bearing bedrock units located at the southwest margin of Arabia Terra. This region exhibits Noachian-aged terrains. We show in this study that the selected landing site has recorded at least two distinct aqueous environments, both of which occurred during the Noachian: (1) a first phase that led to the deposition and alteration of ∼100 m of layered clay-rich deposits and (2) a second phase of a fluviodeltaic system that postdates the widespread clay-rich layered unit. Rounded isolated buttes that overlie the clay-bearing unit may also be related to aqueous processes. Our study also details the formation of an unaltered mafic-rich dark resistant unit likely of Amazonian age that caps the other units and possibly originated from volcanism. Oxia Planum shows evidence for intense erosion from morphology (inverted features) and crater statistics. Due to these erosional processes, two types of Noachian sedimentary rocks are currently exposed. We also expect rocks at the surface to have been exposed to cosmic bombardment only recently, minimizing organic matter damage.

Exobiologia , Marte , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Geologia , Água
Astrobiology ; 21(8): 997-1016, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34406809


Oxia Planum is a Noachian plain on Mars. It was chosen as the final landing site for in situ studies by ExoMars 2022 rover. The main scientific objectives of the mission are to understand the mineralogy and aqueous evolution of ancient Mars with relevance to habitability. Oxia is covered by vast deposits of Fe,Mg-phyllosilicates, but the exact nature of these deposits is not yet fully understood. We performed a survey of potential terrestrial analog rocks, and here we show combined mineralogical characterization of these rocks with their near-infrared spectral analysis. Samples from two terrestrial sites were studied: (1) vermiculitized chlorite-schists from Otago, New Zealand, which underwent an alteration process without significant oxidation; and (2) basaltic tuffs from Granby, Massachusetts, USA, with Fe-rich clays filling amygdales of supposedly hydrothermal origin. Both analogues are incorporated into the newly built Planetary Terrestrial Analogue Library (PTAL) collection. Oxia bedrock clay-rich deposits are spectrally matched best by a well-crystallized trioctahedral vermiculite/saponite mixture from the basaltic tuff, although the contribution of saponite must be minor. Otago vermiculite is a good analogue to Oxia vermiculite in terms of overall mineralogy and Fe content. However, spectral inconsistencies related to the Al content in the Otago clays indicate that illitization of vermiculite, which results from postalteration oxidation, did not occur at Oxia. This implies limited water/rock interactions and reducing conditions during deposition of sediments now constituting the bedrock at Oxia. Whereas the spectral match does not conclusively imply the mineralogy, trioctahedral vermiculite should be considered a likely mineral component of the bedrock unit at Oxia Planum. Vermiculite has great potential to store organic matter, and the postdeposition geological context of Oxia Planum derived from understanding of environmental conditions in analog sites is promising for organic matter preservation.

Exobiologia , Marte , Silicatos de Alumínio , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Minerais , Água