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Stud Mycol ; 107: 149-249, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600960


Based on seven- and three-gene datasets, we discuss four alternative approaches for a reclassification of Fomitopsidaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). After taking into account morphological diversity in the family, we argue in favour of distinguishing three genera only, viz. Anthoporia, Antrodia and Fomitopsis. Fomitopsis becomes a large genus with 128 accepted species, containing almost all former Fomitopsis spp. and most species formerly placed in Antrodia, Daedalea and Laccocephalum. Genera Buglossoporus, Cartilosoma, Daedalea, Melanoporia, Neolentiporus, alongside twenty others, are treated as synonyms of Fomitopsis. This generic scheme allows for morphologically distinct genera in Fomitopsidaceae, unlike other schemes we considered. We provide arguments for retaining Fomitopsis and suppressing earlier (Daedalea, Caloporus) or simultaneously published generic names (Piptoporus) considered here as its synonyms. Taxonomy of nine species complexes in the genus is revised based on ITS, ITS + TEF1, ITS + TEF1 + RPB1 and ITS + TEF1 + RPB2 datasets. In total, 17 species are described as new to science, 26 older species are reinstated and 26 currently accepted species names are relegated to synonymy. A condensed identification key for all accepted species in the genus is provided. Taxonomic novelties: New species: Fomitopsis algumicola Grebenc & Spirin, F. caseosa Vlasák & Spirin, F. cupressicola Vlasák, J. Vlasák Jr. & Spirin, F. derelicta Vlasák & Spirin, F. dollingeri Vlasák & Spirin, F. fissa Vlasák & Spirin, F. lapidosa Miettinen & Spirin, F. lignicolor Vlasák & Spirin, F. maculosa Miettinen & Spirin, F. pannucea Runnel & Spirin, F. perhiemata Viner & Spirin, F. purpurea Spirin & Ryvarden, F. retorrida Spirin & Kotiranta, F. solaris Rivoire, A.M. Ainsworth & Vlasák, F. tristis Miettinen & Spirin, F. tunicata Miettinen & Spirin, F. visenda Miettinen & Spirin. New combinations: Fomitopsis aculeata (Cooke) Spirin & Miettinen, F. aethalodes (Mont.) Spirin, F. alaskana (D.V. Baxter) Spirin & Vlasák, F. albidoides (A. David & Dequatre) Bernicchia & Vlasák, F. amygdalina (Berk. & Ravenel) Spirin & Vlasák, F. angusta (Spirin & Vlasák) Spirin & Vlasák, F. atypa (Lév.) Spirin & Vlasák, F. caespitosa (Murrill) Spirin & Miettinen, F. calcitrosa (Spirin & Miettinen) Spirin & Miettinen, F. circularis (B.K. Cui & Hai J. Li) Spirin, F. concentrica (G. Cunn.) M.D. Barrett, F. cyclopis (Miettinen & Spirin) Miettinen & Spirin, F. dickinsii (Berk. ex Cooke) Spirin, F. elevata (Corner) Spirin & Miettinen, F. eucalypti (Kalchbr.) Spirin, F. ferrea (Cooke) Spirin & Viner, F. flavimontis (Vlasák & Spirin) Vlasák & Spirin, F. foedata (Berk.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. gilvidula (Bres.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. glabricystidia (Ipulet & Ryvarden) Miettinen & Ryvarden, F. globispora (Ryvarden & Aime) Spirin, F. hartmannii (Cooke) M.D. Barrett & Spirin, F. hyalina (Spirin, Miettinen & Kotir.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. hypoxantha (Bres.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. incana (Lév.) Spirin & V. Malysheva, F. infirma (Renvall & Niemelä) Miettinen & Niemelä, F. juniperina (Murrill) Spirin & Vlasák, F. kuzyana (Pilát ex Pilát) Spirin & Vlasák, F. leioderma (Mont.) Spirin & Vlasak, F. leucaena (Y.C. Dai & Niemelä) Spirin & Miettinen, F. luzonensis (Murrill) Spirin & Miettinen, F. maculatissima (Lloyd) Spirin, F. madronae (Vlasák & Ryvarden) Vlasák & Ryvarden, F. malicola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Spirin, F. marchionica (Mont.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. marianii (Bres.) Spirin, Vlasák & Cartabia, F. mellita (Niemelä & Penttilä) Niemelä & Miettinen, F. microcarpa (B.K. Cui & Shun Liu) Spirin, F. micropora (B.K. Cui & Shun Liu) Spirin, F. modesta (Kuntze ex Fr.) Vlasák & Spirin, F. monomitica (Yuan Y. Chen) Spirin & Viner, F. morganii (Lloyd) Spirin & Vlasák, F. moritziana (Lév.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. neotropica (D.L. Lindner, Ryvarden & T.J. Baroni) Vlasák, F. nigra (Berk.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. nivosella (Murrill) Spirin & Vlasák, F. oboensis (Decock, Amalfi & Ryvarden) Spirin, F. oleracea (R.W. Davidson & Lombard) Spirin & Vlasák, F. philippinensis (Murrill) Spirin & Vlasák, F. primaeva (Renvall & Niemelä) Miettinen & Niemelä, F. psilodermea (Berk. & Mont.) Spirin & Vlasák, F. pulverulenta (Rivoire) Rivoire, F. pulvina (Pers.) Spirin & Vlasák, F. pulvinascens (Pilát ex Pilát) Niemelä & Miettinen, F. quercina (L.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. ramentacea (Berk. & Broome) Spirin & Vlasák, F. renehenticii (Rivoire, Trichies & Vlasák) Rivoire & Vlasák, F. roseofusca (Romell) Spirin & Vlasák, F. sagraeana (Mont.) Vlasák & Spirin, F. sandaliae (Bernicchia & Ryvarden) Bernicchia & Vlasák, F. sclerotina (Rodway) M.D. Barrett & Spirin, F. serialiformis (Kout & Vlasák) Vlasák, F. serialis (Fr.) Spirin & Runnel, F. serrata (Vlasák & Spirin) Vlasák & Spirin, F. squamosella (Bernicchia & Ryvarden) Bernicchia & Ryvarden, F. stereoides (Fr.) Spirin, F. subectypa (Murrill) Spirin & Vlasák, F. substratosa (Malençon) Spirin & Miettinen, F. tropica (B.K. Cui) Spirin, F. tumulosa (Cooke) M.D. Barrett & Spirin, F. tuvensis (Spirin, Vlasák & Kotir.) Spirin & Vlasák, F. uralensis (Pilát) Spirin & Miettinen, F. ussuriensis (Bondartsev & Ljub.) Spirin & Miettinen, F. variiformis (Peck) Vlasák & Spirin, F. yunnanensis (M.L. Han & Q. An) Spirin, Daedaleopsis candicans (P. Karst.) Spirin, Megasporoporia eutelea (Har. & Pat.) Spirin & Viner, Neofomitella hemitephra (Berk.) M.D. Barrett, Pseudophaeolus soloniensis (Dubois) Spirin & Rivoire, P. trichrous (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Vlasák & Spirin. New synonyms: Antrodia bondartsevae Spirin, A. huangshanensis Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui, A. taxa T.T. Chang & W.N. Chou, A. wangii Y.C. Dai & H.S. Yuan, Antrodiella subnigra Oba, Mossebo & Ryvarden, Antrodiopsis Audet, Boletus quercinus Schrad., Brunneoporus Audet, Buglossoporus Kotl. & Pouzar, Buglossoporus eucalypticola M.L. Han, B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai, Caloporus P. Karst., Cartilosoma Kotlaba & Pouzar, Coriolus clemensiae Murrill, C. cuneatiformis Murrill, C. hollickii Murrill, C. parthenius Hariot & Pat., C. rubritinctus Murrill, Daedalea Pers., Daedalea allantoidea M.L. Han, B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai, D. americana M.L. Han, Vlasák & B.K. Cui, D. radiata B.K. Cui & Hai J. Li, D. rajchenbergiana Kossmann & Drechsler-Santos, D. sinensis Lloyd, Daedalella B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, Dentiporus Audet, Flavidoporia Audet, Fomes subferreus Murrill, Fomitopsis cana B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & M.L. Han, F. caribensis B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, F. cystidiata B.K. Cui & M.L. Han, F. ginkgonis B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, F. iberica Melo & Ryvarden, F. incarnata K.M. Kim, J.S. Lee & H.S. Jung, F. subfeei B.K. Cui & M.L. Han, F. subtropica B.K. Cui & Hai J. Li, Fragifomes B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai, Leptoporus epileucinus Pilát, Melanoporia Murrill, Neoantrodia Audet, Neolentiporus Rajchenb., Nigroporus macroporus Ryvarden & Iturr., Niveoporofomes B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai, Pilatoporus Kotl. & Pouzar, Piptoporus P. Karst., Polyporus aurora Ces., P. durescens Overh. ex J. Lowe, P. griseodurus Lloyd, Poria incarnata Pers., Pseudoantrodia B.K. Cui, Y.Y. Chen & Shun Liu, Pseudofomitopsis B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, Ranadivia Zmitr., Rhizoporia Audet, Rhodofomes Kotl. & Pouzar, Rhodofomitopsis B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai, Rhodofomitopsis pseudofeei B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, R. roseomagna Nogueira-Melo, A.M.S. Soares & Gibertoni, Rubellofomes B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai, Subantrodia Audet, Trametes fulvirubida Corner, T. lignea Murrill, T. lusor Corner, T. pseudodochmia Corner, T. subalutacea Bourdot & Galzin, T. supermodesta Ryvarden & Iturr., T. tuberculata Bres., Tyromyces multipapillatus Corner, T. ochraceivinosus Corner, T. palmarum Murrill, T. singularis Corner, T. squamosellus Núñez & Ryvarden, Ungulidaedalea B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai. Lectotypes: Hexagonia sulcata Berk., Polyporus castaneae Bourdot & Galzin, Poria incarnata Pers., Trametes subalutacea Bourdot & Galzin, Ungulina substratosa Malençon. Neotypes: Agaricus soloniensis Dubois, Boletus pulvinus Pers. Citation: Spirin V, Runnel K, Vlasák J, Viner I, Barrett MD, Ryvarden L, Bernicchia A, Rivoire B, Ainsworth AM, Grebenc T, Cartabia M, Niemelä T, Larsson K-H, Miettinen O (2024). The genus Fomitopsis (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) reconsidered. Studies in Mycology 107: 149-249. doi: 10.3114/sim.2024.107.03.

Bioorg Chem ; 95: 103495, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31855822


Steroid sulfatase (STS) transforms hormone precursors into active steroids. Thus, it represents a target of intense research regarding hormone-dependent cancers. In this study, three ligand-based pharmacophore models were developed to identify STS inhibitors from natural sources. In a pharmacophore-based virtual screening of a curated molecular TCM database, lanostane-type triterpenes (LTTs) were predicted as STS ligands. Three traditionally used polypores rich in LTTs, i.e., Ganoderma lucidum Karst., Gloeophyllum odoratum Imazeki, and Fomitopsis pinicola Karst., were selected as starting materials. Based on eighteen thereof isolated LTTs a structure activity relationship for this compound class was established with piptolinic acid D (1), pinicolic acid B (2), and ganoderol A (3) being the most pronounced and first natural product STS inhibitors with IC50 values between 10 and 16 µM. Molecular docking studies proposed crucial ligand target interactions and a prediction tool for these natural compounds correlating with experimental findings.

Inibidores Enzimáticos/farmacologia , Lanosterol/farmacologia , Esteril-Sulfatase/antagonistas & inibidores , Triterpenos/farmacologia , Basidiomycota/química , Coriolaceae/química , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Inibidores Enzimáticos/química , Inibidores Enzimáticos/isolamento & purificação , Humanos , Lanosterol/análogos & derivados , Lanosterol/química , Ligantes , Modelos Moleculares , Estrutura Molecular , Reishi/química , Esteril-Sulfatase/metabolismo , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Triterpenos/química , Triterpenos/isolamento & purificação
Mycologia ; 108(5): 939-953, 2016 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27474519


Species complexes in the poroid Hymenochaetaceae are well documented in the temperate areas. Potential species complexes are less known in tropical areas, however. In the last ten years, four phylogenetically and morphologically closely related species of Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) were described from various tropical/subtropical areas viz. P. caribaeo-quercicola, P. gabonensis, P. ellipsoideus, and P. castanopsidis They are characterized by cushion-shaped basidiomata, ventricose, commonly hamate hymenial setae, and broadly ellipsoid, thick-walled, pale yellowish basidiospores. Pursuing the studies of this complex, a phylogenetic approach based on DNA sequence data from the nuc rDNA regions ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) and partial 28S (including the domains D1, D2, D3) and on part of the translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1, region between exons 4 and 8) revealed three new lineages or phylogenetic species. Two of these phylogenetic species are composed of exclusively on Neotropical specimens. One of them, described below as Phellinus amazonicus sp. nov., is represented by multiple collections originating from Neotropical, lowland, dense, moist forest at the western edge of the Amazon Basin in Ecuador, the Guiana Shield in French Guiana and (more likely) Trinidad. The second Neotropical phylogenetic species is represented in our phylogenetic analyses by a single collection from northeastern Argentina. It is also potentially known from two herbarium specimens originating from southern Brazil, for which no sequence data is available. It is left for now as Phellinus sp. 1, waiting to gather more specimens and DNA sequences data. The third new phylogenetic species is known by a single collection (pure culture) of uncertain origin. It is thought to represent Phellinus setulosus, a Southeast Asian taxa. From an evolutionary perspective, tree species occurring in the Neotropics (P. amazonicus, P. caribaeo-quercicola, and Phellinus sp. 1) have a closely related genetic background and form a well supported Neotropical lineage.

Basidiomycota/classificação , Basidiomycota/genética , Filogeografia , América , Sudeste Asiático , Basidiomycota/isolamento & purificação , Análise por Conglomerados , DNA Fúngico/química , DNA Fúngico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/química , DNA Ribossômico/genética , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/química , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/genética , Fator 1 de Elongação de Peptídeos/genética , RNA Ribossômico 28S/genética , RNA Ribossômico 5,8S/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Mycologia ; 107(4): 754-67, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25911700


Six poroid Hymenochaetaceae from Patagonia, Argentina, were studied phylogenetically with nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial 28S rDNA sequences, together with morphological data. Two new genera and a new species are introduced as well as two new combinations proposed. Arambarria destruens gen. et sp. nov. is proposed for a taxon fruiting on fallen or standing, dead Diostea juncea and Lomatia hirsuta and previously recorded erroneously as Inocutis jamaicensis; it is distinguished by annual, effused to effused-reflexed basidiomes forming pilei, a monomitic hyphal system, thick-walled and yellowish basidiospores (brownish chestnut in potassium hydroxide solution), lack of a granular core in the context and lack of setoid elements. Nothophellinus gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Phellinus andinopatagonicus, the main white wood-rotting polypore of standing Nothofagus pumilio and also an important wood-decayer of other Nothofagus species from southern Argentina and Chile. It is morphologically similar to Phellopilus (type species P. nigrolimitatus) but differs by lacking setae. The new combinations Pseudoinonotus crustosus and Phellinopsis andina are proposed for Inonotus crustosus and Phellinus andinus, respectively. Phellinus livescens, which decays the sapwood of several standing Nothofagus species, is closely related to Phellinus uncisetus, a Neotropical species related to Fomitiporia; for the time being P. livescens is retained in Phellinus sensu lato. An unidentified taxon responsible for a white heart-rot in living Austrocedrus chilensis grouped with Phellinus caryophyllii and Fulvifomes inermis, but its generic affinities remain ambiguous. Transmission electron microscopy studies confirm this unidentified taxon has an imperforate parenthesome, which is typical of the Hymenochaetaceae.

Basidiomycota/classificação , Basidiomycota/isolamento & purificação , Filogenia , Argentina , Basidiomycota/genética , Basidiomycota/crescimento & desenvolvimento , DNA Fúngico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/genética , Magnoliopsida/microbiologia , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Doenças das Plantas/microbiologia , Esporos Fúngicos/classificação , Esporos Fúngicos/genética , Esporos Fúngicos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esporos Fúngicos/isolamento & purificação , Madeira/microbiologia
MycoKeys ; 105: 49-95, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38708027


The first occurrence of Marasmiellomycena and Pulverulina in the Chinese mycobiota are reported, M.tomentosa and P.flavoalba, two new species and M.albodescendens, a new combination, revealed by phylogenetic analyses and morphological study. These newly-recorded genera, Marasmiellomycena, which can be distinguished by their agaricoid basidiomata, dark-coloured stipe, sarcodimitic tramal structure, stipitipellis with yellow to yellowish-brown pigments and yellow-pigmented thick-walled caulocystidia and Pulverulina, which differs from other genera of Porotheleaceae by its pruinose stipe, decurrent lamellae, inamyloid basidiospores and absence of hymenial cystidia. We also formally describe three other new species of Porotheleaceae collected from Chinese temperate to subtropical zones of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces: Clitocybulafuscostriata, Gerronemabrunneosquamulosum and Leucoinocybesubglobispora. Furthermore, we include the results of a phylogenetic analysis of Porotheleaceae, based on a multi-locus (ITS, nrLSU and rpb2) dataset. According to this analysis, Chrysomycena, Clitocybula, Delicatula, Hydropodia, Hydropus, Leucoinocybe, Marasmiellomycena, Megacollybia, Pulverulina, Trogia and Vizzinia are monophyletic. However, Gerronema is identified as polyphyletic and, additionally, Porotheleum does not form a monophyletic group either because Porotheleumparvulum and Porotheleumalbidum are "unassigned" in phylogenetic analysis. The results of our phylogenetic analyses, coupled with morphological observations, confirm recognition of these new taxa. Morphological descriptions, photographs, line drawings and comparisons with closely-related taxa are presented for the new species. A key to the 22 species belonging to nine genera of Porotheleaceae in China is also provided.

Mycologia ; 105(4): 873-87, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23709522


Fomitiporia castilloi sp. nov. from the lowland rainforest in French Guyana is described, illustrated and its phylogenetic affinities are discussed. This species is characterized by pileate basidiomata, a plicate margin, abundant, variably shaped hymenial setae and basidiospores averaging ≅ 6 × 5 µm. In phylogenetic inferences based on a DNA sequence dataset of four loci (5' end of the LSU, ITS-5.8S, partial tef1 and rpb2), F. castilloi occupies an isolated position, basal to a clade that is composed exclusively of Neotropical species with resupinate basidiomata. The phylogenetic inferences also provide evidence of an unreported complexity within the Neotropical taxa, with multiple clades closely related to F. apiahyna and F. texana, representing additional potential species.

Basidiomycota/classificação , Filogenia , Basidiomycota/genética , DNA Fúngico/química , Análise de Sequência de DNA
J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(10)2023 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37888279


Based on published anatomical-morphological and ecological characteristics and phylogenetic evidence, six species of the Ganoderma genus are known to occur in Europe, namely, G. applanatum (Pers.) Pat., G. adspersum (Schulzer) Donk, G. pfeifferi Bres., G. resinaceum Boud., G. carnosum Pat., and G. lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst. Molecular markers (DNA sequences of selected genes or intergenic spacers) revolutionized our view of fungal variability. Every one of the four most frequently used molecular markers (ITS (internal transcribed spacer) and partial sequences of LSU (rRNA large subunit), tef1-α (translation elongation factor 1-alpha), and Rpb2 (RNA polymerase II second largest subunit)) provides a different view on the variability of European species of the Ganoderma genus. Both the lowest intraspecies variability and the best species differentiation (interspecies divergence) were observed for the LSU marker, and based on our data, this marker could be recommended for identification and species delineation in European Ganoderma spp. The sequences of the most frequently used ITS marker were unable to discriminate between G. lucidum and G. carnosum, and in general, this species pair showed the lowest interspecies divergence using all markers tested. Surprisingly, up to now, hidden variability has been detected in several Ganoderma spp., indicating the existence of possible cryptic taxa within the European Ganoderma morphospecies.

Fungal Syst Evol ; 12: 255-269, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38455956


The globally distributed genus Trichaptum is one of the most species-rich among polypores in terms of hosting other fungi. Among Trichaptum-associates, there is a group of mazaediate lichenized fungi (Coniocybomycetes, Ascomycota) that previously had an uncertain phylogenetic position. DNA sequences - mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU), nuclear large subunit rDNA (nuLSU), and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) - were obtained from 29 specimens collected from Europe and North America. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of these three gene loci were used to infer phylogenetic position and relationships among lineages. Statistical tests were used to find which phenotypical characteristics distinguish species. The molecular sequence data provide evidence that the fungicolous specimens form a distinct lineage within Coniocybomycetes sister to the combined clade of Chaenotheca s. lat. and Sclerophora. Considering its phylogenetic placement and strict specialization, we describe a new genus - Chaenotricha. This fungicolous lineage contains three species based on molecular characteristics. Morphological characters mostly overlap except for spore size and stalk length of apothecia. We provide a new combination, Chaenotricha obscura, for the only previously described species for which we designate an epitype, and introduce a new species - Chaenotricha cilians. The third lineage remains undescribed because of a small sample size, which did not allow us to clearly delineate species boundaries. Citation: Suija A, McMullin RT, Lõhmus P (2023). A phylogenetic assessment of a fungicolous lineage in Coniocybomycetes: Chaenotricha, a new genus of Trichaptum-inhabiting species. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 12: 255-269. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2023.12.13.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 7(6): 913-915, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35692659


Most Porodaedalea species are important phytopathogenic and medicinal fungi. Recently, several Porodaedalea species including P. mongolica were newly described. In the present study, the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome of P. mongolica was determined, with a size of 114,176 bp and a GC content of 28.98%, containing two ribosomal RNA subunit, 26 transfer RNA, and 54 protein-coding genes (PCGs). The comparative analyses indicated that the amino acids of 14 core PCGs were highly conserved in Porodaedalea. Phylogenetic analysis of Porodaedalea was performed based on mitogenomic data and provided a new insight to the phylogeny of the Porodaedalea. The complete mitogenome sequence provides important data for further study of Porodaedalea.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(7)2022 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35887411


Bjerkandera adusta is a species of common white rot polyporoid fungi found worldwide. Despite playing an important role in deadwood decay, the species strains are used in bioremediation due to its ability to degrade polycyclic hydrocarbons and some of them are important etiological agents of chronic coughs and are associated with lung inflammations. In our experiments, diversity within the species was investigated using molecular approaches and we found that sequence diversity seen at ITS sequence level is not due to cryptic speciation but to intragenomic variability of ITS sequences in this species.

Mycoscience ; 63(3): 102-117, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089627


We describe two new species of resupinate Sistotrema sensu lato (Cantharellales) collected in Japan: S. flavorhizomorphae and S. chloroporum. Both species have urniform basidia with more than four sterigmata and monomitic hyphal system, oil-rich hyphae in subiculum, which is typical for this genus. Sistotrema chloroporum is characterized by poroid hymenophore partly yellowish-green, basidia 4-6-spored, medium-sized basidiospores (4.5-6.5 × 3.5-6 µm), and broadleaf forest habitat. Sistotrema flavorhizomorphae is characterized by hydnoid-irpicoid hymenophore, bright yellowish rhizomorphs, basidia 6-8-spored, small basidiospores (3-3.5 × 2.5-3 µm), and pine forest habitat. Phylogenetic trees inferred from the fungal nrDNA ITS and LSU and the rpb2 sequences supported that both species were distinct and grouped with other ectomycorrhizal Sistotrema and Hydnum species, but their generic boundary was unclear. Mycorrhizae underneath basidiomes of both species were identified and described via molecular techniques. Mycorrhizae of S. chloroporum have similar characteristics to those of other Sistotrema s.l. and Hydnum species, i.e., S. confluens and H. repandum, whereas S. flavorhizomorphae has a distinct morpho-anatomy, for example, a distinct pseudoparenchymatous mantle. Comprehensive characterizations of basidiomes and mycorrhizae improve the taxonomic analysis of mycorrhizal species of Sistotrema s.l.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(3)2022 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35330218


Phellinotus, a neotropical genus of wood-decay fungi commonly found on living members of the Fabaceae family, was initially described as containing two species, P. neoaridus and P. piptadeniae. The members of this genus, along with six other well-established genera and some unresolved lineages, are the current representatives of the 'phellinotus clade'. On the other hand, based on a two-loci phylogenetic analysis, some entities/lineages of the 'phellinotus clade' have been found in Fomitiporella s.l. In this work, we performed four-loci phylogenetic analyses and based on our results the genera of the 'phellinotus clade' are shown to be monophyletic groups. In addition to the natural groups confirmed as different genera, morphological revisions, phylogenetic relationships, and host distribution of different specimens resembling P. neoaridus and P. piptadeniae revealed three new species in the Phellinotus genus, referred to here as P. magnoporatus, P. teixeirae and P. xerophyticus. Furthermore, for P. piptadeniae a narrower species concept was adopted with redefined morphological characters and a more limited distribution range. Both P. neoaridus and P. teixeirae have a distribution range restricted to seasonally dry tropical forests in South America. Additionally, based on detailed morphological revisions Phellinus badius, Phellinus resinaceus, and Phellinus scaber are transferred to the Phellinotus genus. The geographic distribution and host range of the genus are then discussed.

MycoKeys ; 78: 169-186, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33883969


Two new wood-inhabiting fungi, Mycorrhaphium subadustum sp. nov. and Trullella conifericola sp. nov., are proposed and described from Asia based on ITS, nrLSU and tef1 molecular phylogeny and morphological characteristics. Mycorrhaphium subadustum is characterized by a stipitate basidiocarp, velutinate pileal surface concentrically zoned, hydnoid hymenophore, a dimitic hyphal system in spine trama and monomitic in context, absence of gloeocystidia, presence of cystidioles and the non-amyloid, cylindrical to ellipsoid basidiospores. Trullella conifericola is characterized by a laterally stipitate basidiocarp with flabelliform to semicircular pileus, hirtellous pileal surface with appressed coarse hair and concentrically zoned and sulcate, tiny pores (10-12 per mm), a dimitic hyphal system, absence of any type of cystidia, short clavate basidia and thin-walled, smooth, cylindrical to allantoid basidiospores. Phylogenetic analyses based on a three-marker dataset were performed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The two new species formed isolated lineages with full support in Steccherinaceae. The distinguishing characters of the two new species as well as allied species are discussed, and a key to species of Mycorrhaphium is provided.

Mycologia ; 111(1): 1-12, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30676890


The cultural characteristics of fungi can provide useful information for studying the biology and ecology of a group of closely related species, but these features are often overlooked in the order Polyporales. Optimal temperature and growth rate data can also be of utility for strain selection of cultivated fungi such as reishi (i.e., laccate Ganoderma species) and potential novel management tactics (e.g., solarization) for butt rot diseases caused by Ganoderma species. Historically, the taxonomy of the laccate (shiny) Ganoderma species has been unresolved and many species have been treated together as G. lucidum. The cultural characteristics of Ganoderma species from the United States are needed to understand the biology of these unique species that have all been lumped under this name. Culture morphology, average growth rate, optimal temperatures, and resiliency to elevated temperature exposure were characterized for isolates of Ganodermataceae taxa from the eastern United States, including Ganoderma curtisii, G. martinicense, G. meredithiae, G. ravenelii, G. sessile, G. tsugae, G. tuberculosum, G. cf. weberianum, G. zonatum, and Tomophagus colossus. We documented differences in linear growth rates and optimal temperatures between taxa. Isolates of G. sessile and T. colossus grew the fastest, and isolates of G. meredithiae, G. ravenelii, and G. tsugae grew the slowest. Isolates of G. sessile, G. martinicense, G. cf. weberianum, and T. colossus constitutively produced chlamydospores on malt extract agar, and these species were the only species to survive long-term exposure (30 or 40 d) to 40 C. We hypothesize that chlamydospores function as survival structures that serve as propagules resilient to adverse temperature conditions, especially heat. Cultural characteristics of G. martinicense, G. ravenelii, G. tuberculosum, and G. cf. weberianum collected from the United States are described for the first time.

Ganoderma/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ganoderma/fisiologia , Ganoderma/classificação , Temperatura , Estados Unidos
IMA Fungus ; 10: 17, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32647621


Species that cannot be easily distinguished based on morphology, but which form distinct phylogenetic lineages based on molecular markers, are often referred to as cryptic species. They have been proposed in a number of fungal genera, including the basidiomycete genus Fomes. The main aim of this work was to test new methods for species delimitation in cryptic lineages of polypores, and to define useful characters for species identification. A detailed examination of a number of different Fomes strains that had been collected and isolated from different habitats in Italy and Austria confirmed the presence of distinct lineages in the Fomes fomentarius clade. Our zero hypothesis was that the Mediterranean strains growing on Quercus represent a species which can be delimited based on morphological and physiological characters when they are evaluated in statistically relevant numbers. This hypothesis was tested based on phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA ITS region, morphological characters of basidiomes and pure cultures, growth rates and optimum growth temperature experiments, mycelial confrontation tests, enzyme activity tests and volatile organic compound (VOC) production. The Mediterranean lineage can unambiguously be delimited from F. fomentarius. A syntype of an obscure and previously synonymized name, Polyporus inzengae, represents the Mediterranean lineage that we recognize as Fomes inzengae, a distinct species. The rDNA ITS region is useful for delimitation of Fomes species. Moreover, also a variety of morphological characters including hymenophore pore size, basidiospore size, and diameter of skeletal hyphae are useful delimiting characters. The ecology is also very important, because the plant host appears to be a central factor driving speciation. Physiological characters turned also out to be species-specific, e.g. daily mycelial growth rates or the temperature range of pure cultures. The production of VOCs can be considered as a very promising tool for fast and reliable species delimitation in the future.

MycoKeys ; (34): 35-45, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29849476


The new species Pseudowrightoporia dominicana is described from the Dominican Republic based on morphological and molecular data (nrITS and nrLSU sequence analyses). It is mainly characterised by pileate basidiomata with a bright pinkish context and a di-trimitic hyphal system. Phylogenetically, it is sister to the African species P. gillesii and to the Asiatic P. japonica.

MycoKeys ; (36): 45-82, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057481


We propose a taxonomic revision of the two closely related white-rot polypore species, Skeletocutis nivea (Jungh.) Jean Keller and S. ochroalba Niemelä (Incrustoporiaceae, Basidiomycota), based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and translation elongation factor EF-1α sequences. We show that prevailing morphological species concepts of S. nivea and S. ochroalba are non-monophyletic and we delineate new species boundaries based on phylogenetic inference. We recognise eleven species within the prevailing species concept of S. nivea (S. calidasp. nov., S. coprosmae comb. nov., S. futilissp. nov., S. imperviasp. nov., S. ipuletiisp. nov., S. lepidasp. nov., S. nemoralissp. nov., S. nivea sensu typi, S. semipileata comb. nov., S. unguinasp. nov. and S. yuchengiisp. nov.) and assign new sequenced epitypes for S. nivea and S. semipileata. The traditional concept of S. ochroalba comprises two independent lineages embedded within the S. nivea species complex. The Eurasian conifer-dwelling species S. cummatasp. nov. is recognised as separate from the North American S. ochroalba sensu stricto. Despite comprehensive microscopic examination, the majority of the recognised species are left without stable diagnostic character combinations that would enable species identification based solely on morphology and ecology.

PeerJ ; 5: e3596, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28761785


Species in the genus Ganoderma include several ecologically important and pathogenic fungal species whose medicinal and economic value is substantial. Due to the highly similar morphological features within the Ganoderma, identification of species has relied heavily on DNA sequencing using BLAST searches, which are only reliable if the GenBank submissions are accurately labeled. In this study, we examined 113 specimens collected from 1969 to 2016 from various regions in Korea using morphological features and multigene analysis (internal transcribed spacer, translation elongation factor 1-α, and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II). These specimens were identified as four Ganoderma species: G. sichuanense, G. cf. adspersum, G. cf. applanatum, and G. cf. gibbosum. With the exception of G. sichuanense, these species were difficult to distinguish based solely on morphological features. However, phylogenetic analysis at three different loci yielded concordant phylogenetic information, and supported the four species distinctions with high bootstrap support. A survey of over 600 Ganoderma sequences available on GenBank revealed that 65% of sequences were either misidentified or ambiguously labeled. Here, we suggest corrected annotations for GenBank sequences based on our phylogenetic validation and provide updated global distribution patterns for these Ganoderma species.

FEMS Microbiol Ecol ; 92(6): fiw068, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27059863


Fire is an important disturbance agent in boreal forests where it creates a wide variety of charred and other types of heat-modified dead wood substrates, yet how these substrates affect fungal community structure and development within wood is poorly understood. We allowed six species of wood-decaying basidiomycetes to compete in pairs in wood-discs that were experimentally burnt before fungal inoculation. The outcomes of interactions in burnt wood differed from those in unburnt control wood for two species:Antrodia sinuosanever lost on burnt wood and won over its competitor in 67% of the trials compared to 40% losses and 20% wins on unburnt wood. In contrast, Ischnoderma benzoinumwon all interactions on unburnt wood compared to 33% on burnt wood. However, the responses differed depending on the identity of the competing species, suggesting an interaction between competitor and substrate type. The observed shift in competitive balance between fungal species probably results from chemical changes in burnt wood, but the underlying mechanism needs further investigation. Nevertheless, the results indicate that forest fires indirectly structure fungal communities by modifying dead wood, and highlight the importance of fire-affected dead wood substrates in boreal forests.

Basidiomycota/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Basidiomycota/metabolismo , Incêndios , Interações Microbianas , Madeira/microbiologia , Florestas
Mycobiology ; 43(3): 225-30, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26539038


The polypore genus Abundisporus Ryvarden is characterized by resupinate to pileate fruitbodies with a purplish brown hymenophore, slightly thick-walled, pale yellowish and non-dextrinoid basidiospores, and causing white rot. A purple color hymenophore, an easily observable and striking character, was considered the main distinctive feature at the generic level within polypores. However, due to highly similar basidiocarp features, species identification within these purple polypores is particularly difficult. Three species of purple colored polypores have been reported in Korea (Abundisporus fuscopurpureus, A. pubertatis, and Fomitopsis rosea). Based on morphological re-examination, ecological information, and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer, we showed that previous classification was incorrect and there is only one species (A. pubertatis) in Korea. We provide a detailed description of A. pubertatis in Korea, as well as a taxonomic key to distinguish wood rot fungi with a purple hymenophore.