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Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14150, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37461881


Programs to protect biodiversity on private land are increasingly being used worldwide. To understand the efficacy of such programs, it is important to determine their impact: the difference between the program's outcome and what would have happened without the program. Typically, these programs are evaluated by estimating the average program-level impact, which readily allows comparisons between programs or regions, but masks important heterogeneity in impact across the individual conservation interventions. We used synthetic control design, statistical matching, and time-series data to estimate the impact of individual protected areas over time and combined individual-level impacts to estimate program-level impact with a meta-analytic approach. We applied the method to private protected areas governed by conservation covenants (legally binding on-title agreements to protect biodiversity) in the Goldfields region of Victoria, Australia using woody vegetation cover as our outcome variable. We compared our results with traditional approaches to estimating program-level impact based on a subset of covenants that were the same age. Our results showed an overall program-level impact of a 0.3-0.8% increase in woody vegetation cover per year. However, there was significant heterogeneity in the temporal pattern of impact for individual covenants, ranging from -4 to +7% change in woody vegetation cover per year. Results of our approach were consistent with results based on traditional approaches to estimating program-level impact. Our study provides a transparent and robust workflow to estimate individual and program-level impacts of private protected areas.

Evaluación del impacto del suelo privado de conservación con diseño de control sintético Resumen Los programas de protección de la biodiversidad en suelo privado se utilizan cada vez más en todo el mundo. Para entender la eficacia de estos programas, es importante determinar la diferencia entre el resultado del programa y lo que habría ocurrido sin él. Normalmente, estos programas se evalúan estimando el impacto medio a nivel de programa, lo que permite fácilmente las comparaciones entre programas o regiones, pero oculta una importante heterogeneidad en el impacto entre las intervenciones individuales de conservación. Utilizamos un diseño de control sintético, un emparejamiento estadístico y datos de series temporales para estimar el impacto de las áreas protegidas individuales a lo largo del tiempo y combinamos los impactos a nivel individual para estimar el impacto a nivel de programa con un enfoque meta-analítico. Aplicamos el método a áreas protegidas privadas regidas por acuerdos de conservación (acuerdos con vínculos jurídicos sobre la titularidad para proteger la biodiversidad) destinados a mejorar la cubierta vegetal leñosa en la región de Goldfields de Victoria, Australia. Comparamos nuestros resultados con los métodos tradicionales de estimación del impacto a nivel de programa basados en un subconjunto de pactos de la misma antigüedad. Nuestros resultados mostraron un impacto global a nivel de programa de un aumento del 0.3-0.8% de la cubierta vegetal leñosa al año. Sin embargo, hubo una heterogeneidad significativa en el patrón temporal del impacto para los pactos individuales, que osciló entre −4 y +7% de cambio en la cubierta vegetal leñosa por año. Los resultados de nuestra estrategia fueron consecuentes con los resultados basados en las estrategias tradicionales usadas para estimar el impacto a nivel de programa. Nuestro estudio proporciona un flujo de trabajo transparente y sólido para estimar el impacto individual a nivel de programa de las áreas protegidas privadas.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Vitória , Ecossistema
Conserv Biol ; 37(4): e14068, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36786052


Privately protected areas (PPAs) are a potentially innovative conservation tool. Legal recognition is necessary for their success, especially where there are institutional challenges to nature conservation, such as in South America. Although PPAs have increased in South America since the early 2000s, there is a critical information gap pertaining to their legal frameworks. We analyzed the level of landowner commitment to and governmental support for PPAs across countries in South America that officially recognize PPAs. We analyzed the legal framework governing PPAs and reviewed literature on them. This process was done in English and Spanish. The information we gathered was validated by 16 conservation experts from 10 South American countries. Because Peru is 1 of only 2 South American countries where local communities create and manage PPAs, we studied Peruvian PPAs in more detail by examining official creation documents and interviewing 13 local conservation professionals. We found inadequate minimum duration of PPAs and vague guidelines for conducting economic activities within them and a lack of governmental support (e.g., financial and technical support) for PPAs. Support was limited to the exemption from rural property taxes, which are relatively low compared with countries outside South America. In Peru, PPAs run by individuals and communities needed different legal frameworks because they were created with different objectives and had different sizes and duration of commitments. The prompt improvement of legal frameworks across South America is necessary for PPAs to achieve their aim of being places for enduring nature conservation in the region.

Una revisión legal de la conservación voluntaria entierras privadas de América del Sur Resumen Las áreas protegidas privadas (APP) son una herramienta de conservación con potencial innovador. Para ser exitosas, las APP necesitan reconocimiento legal, especialmente cuando existen obstáculos institucionales para la conservación de la naturaleza, como sucede en América del Sur. Aunque las APP han aumentado en esta zona desde principios de la década del 2000, existe un vacío de información con respecto a sus marcos legales. Analizamos el nivel de compromiso de los terratenientes y el apoyo gubernamental hacia las APP en los países de América del Sur que reconocen de forma oficial las APP. Analizamos el encuadre legal que rige a las APP y revisamos la literatura existente sobre ellas; realizamos este proceso en inglés y en español. Dieciséis expertos de la conservación de diez países sudamericanos validaron la información recopilada. Ya que Perú es uno de los dos países de la zona en donde las comunidades locales crean y manejan las APP, nos enfocamos en sus APP y examinamos a detalle los documentos oficiales de creación y entrevistamos a 13 profesionales de la conservación locales. Encontramos una duración mínima inadecuada de las APP y directrices vagas para la realización de actividades dentro de ellas, así como una falta de apoyo gubernamental (p. ej.: apoyo económico y técnico). Este apoyo se limitaba a la exención de los impuestos sobre la propiedad rural, los cuales son relativamente bajos en comparación con los países fuera de América del Sur. En Perú, las APP a cargo de individuos y comunidades necesitaban diferentes encuadres legales porque fueron creados con diferentes objetivos y tenían diferentes tamaños y plazos para los compromisos. Se necesita una rápida mejora de los marcos legales en América del Sur para que las APP logren el objetivo de ser sitios para que perdure la conservación de la naturaleza en la región.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , População Rural , Humanos , América do Sul , Peru
Environ Manage ; 71(3): 655-669, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36192608


Private lands are often critical for successful species conservation, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service has increasingly utilized voluntary Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances (CCAAs) as a strategy for promoting private land conservation. CCAAs, however, present a challenge where the FWS, with its history as a regulatory entity, must now engage landowners as conservation partners. There is a deep culture of distrust among landowners, who are often suspicious of engaging with the agency, making it necessary for the FWS to build trusting relationships. Furthermore, FWS decisions often face litigation in the courts, where they may be overturned. This creates a challenge for CCAAs, as the agency is pulled between landowner demands for greater flexibility and a court system that emphasizes rigid compliance to established rules and procedures. This study seeks to understand what factors influenced the flexibility of agency staff and officials as they navigate the process of negotiating CCAAs amidst these competing demands for accountability. Three cases of CCAA development are presented, each aiming to protect the habitat for the greater sage-grouse and ease the regulatory burden on ranching communities, should the grouse become a federally protected species. In addition to the well-documented need for trust-building and maintenance, the findings of the study highlight the importance of shared goals, the participation of trusted intermediary organizations, and as well as the meaningful support and investment of senior FWS leadership in exploring creative, innovative solutions.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Environ Manage ; 68(2): 184-197, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34125266


Peri-urban areas, defined as the region between urban and rural settlements, are heterogeneous, dynamic regions experiencing rapid land use change in cities around the world. Ongoing development and land use change has resulted in the fragmentation, degradation and loss of natural assets, threatening biodiversity, and ecosystems within the peri-urban region. With much of this land privately owned, the actions of landholders have considerable opportunity to deliver environmental outcomes, yet an understanding of this diverse group of landholders is challenging. Through a survey of landholders (N = 184) in Australian peri-urban regions we sought to understand motivations and barriers to engagement in environmental management. Factors influencing willingness to engage in environmental management included perceived personal capacity to act, feeling that actions were helpful, and community participation. We discuss how engagement strategies could incorporate these findings by focussing on improving capacity and environmental knowledge with hands on, face-to-face extension activities, encouraging simple actions, and fostering greater community interaction.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Cidades
Environ Manage ; 66(3): 289-304, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32588074


Voluntary private land conservation (PLC) is becoming an increasingly important complement to state protected areas around the world. PLC programs can serve as valuable strategies to increase biodiversity on agricultural lands, but their effectiveness depends on high participation rates. Amidst growing concerns regarding scalability and effectiveness of conservation strategies like national parks, researchers and practitioners are looking for new strategies to increase adoption of PLC. This study investigates the demographic, social, and psychological factors associated with participation in three classes of voluntary PLC programs-grant payments, land management agreements, and covenants-and how this relates to landholders' attitudes toward tree clearing. We compare participation rates between these programs in Queensland and identify the most frequently cited reasons why land managers have or have not participated. Land managers who are more involved in agricultural organizations and whose tree clearing decisions are more influenced by the aesthetic value of trees are more likely to have participated in one or more of these programs. Participation was highly biased toward once-off grant payments, and participation in covenants was lowest of all programs. Although 58% of land managers have never participated, nearly half expressed interest in one or more programs. A lack of program knowledge and perceived losses of autonomy were the most frequently cited barriers to participation. We conclude with recommendations for increasing participation rates and raise important questions that need to be answered in order to promote a PLC culture that effectively curbs ongoing habitat degradation.

Capital Social , Árvores , Austrália , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Percepção , Queensland
Conserv Biol ; 32(2): 276-286, 2018 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28726340


Finding sustainable ways to increase the amount of private land protected for biodiversity is challenging for many conservation organizations. In some countries, organizations use revolving-fund programs, whereby land is purchased and then sold to conservation-minded owners under condition they enter into a conservation covenant or easement. The sale proceeds are used to purchase, protect, and sell additional properties, incrementally increasing the amount of protected private land. Because the effectiveness of this approach relies on selecting appropriate properties, we explored factors currently considered by practitioners and how these are integrated into decision making. We conducted exploratory, semistructured interviews with managers from each of the 5 major revolving funds in Australia. Responses indicated although conservation factors are important, financial and social factors are also highly influential. A major determinant was whether the property could be resold within a reasonable period at a price that replenishes the fund. To facilitate resale, often selected properties include the potential for the construction of a dwelling. Practitioners face with clear trade-offs between conservation, financial, amenity, and other factors in selecting properties and 3 main challenges: recovering the costs of acquisition, protection, and resale; reselling the property; and meeting conservation goals. Our findings suggest the complexity of these decisions may constrain revolving-fund effectiveness. Drawing from participant responses, we identified potential strategies to mitigate these risks, such as providing adequate recreational space without jeopardizing ecological assets. We suggest managers could benefit from a shared-learning and adaptive approach to property selection given the commonalities between programs. Understanding how practitioners deal with complex decisions in the implementation of revolving funds helps identify future research to improve the performance of this conservation tool.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Administração Financeira , Austrália , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Humanos
Ambio ; 49(5): 1019-1034, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31606881


In recent years, private land conservation has increased in profile among policymakers and academics. Conservation initiatives on privately owned land help to mitigate global biodiversity loss and introduce new actors to conservation. However, they have also been the subject of numerous critical accounts. This review catalogs issues that emerge in critical literature, identifying 25 themes, classified into three groups: Implementation Effectiveness, Value Conflict, and Economic Inefficiency. Gaps in the literature include the need for broader geographic coverage; assessment of the issues' specificity to private land conservation; and evaluation of the extent to which issues in the literature reflect broader societal values. The literature's strong emphasis on value conflict suggests that greater attention to governance effectiveness may steer private land conservation toward practices that are more just, equitable, and representative and lead to increased societal support. We recommend further research to address identified gaps, with a greater orientation toward inclusive governance.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais