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J Anim Ecol ; 93(6): 705-714, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38644583


Ecological similarity plays an important role in biotic interactions. Increased body size similarity of competing species, for example, increases the strength of their biotic interactions. Body sizes of many exothermic species are forecast to be altered under global warming, mediating shifts in existing trophic interactions among species, in particular for species with different thermal niches. Temperate rocky reefs along the southeast coast of Australia are located in a climate warming hotspot and now house a mixture of temperate native fish species and poleward range-extending tropical fishes (vagrants), creating novel species assemblages. Here, we studied the relationship between body size similarity and trophic overlap between individual temperate native and tropical vagrant fishes. Dietary niche overlap between vagrant and native fish species increased as their body sizes converged, based on both stomach content composition (short-term diet), stable isotope analyses (integrated long-term diet) and similarity in consumed prey sizes. We conclude that the warming-induced faster growth rates of tropical range-extending fish species at their cool water ranges will continue to converge their body size towards and strengthen their degree of trophic interactions and dietary overlap with co-occurring native temperate species under increasing ocean warming. The strengthening of these novel competitive interactions is likely to drive changes to temperate food web structures and reshuffle existing species community structures.

Tamanho Corporal , Mudança Climática , Peixes , Cadeia Alimentar , Animais , Peixes/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Austrália
J Fish Biol ; 104(5): 1308-1325, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38310927


We report on the feeding ecology of two species, the short-headed lanternfish Diaphus brachycephalus and Warming's lanternfish Ceratoscopelus warmingii, using data collected over five surveys from 2015 to 2017 in the open South China Sea. D. brachycephalus feed mainly on copepods, with few differences in food composition between different-sized individuals; the diet of C. warmingii is more diverse, including crustacean zooplankton, gelatinous animals, and Mollusca, and differs significantly between fishes >55 mm in body length and smaller fishes. Interspecific competition for food between these two species is not strong, while intraspecific competition may be more intense in D. brachycephalus than in C. warmingii. Trophic levels of D. brachycephalus (3.46) and C. warmingii (3.38) identify both species as third-trophic-level lower carnivores. The diel feeding patterns of D. brachycephalus and C. warmingii differ: the former feeds actively both day and night when food is plentiful, and feeds primarily in the upper layer at night and in the mesopelagic layer during the daytime, and the latter ascends into the upper 100 m at night to feed, but stomach fullness is lower than D. brachycephalus. Dry-body-weight daily ration estimates for D. brachycephalus range from 5.19% to 16.46%, and those for C. warmingii range from 1.38% to 4.39%.

Dieta , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes , Animais , Peixes/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , China , Cadeia Alimentar , Tamanho Corporal
J Fish Biol ; 2024 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38922867


Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) is an endemic key species of the Arctic Ocean ecosystem. The ecology of this forage fish is well studied in Arctic shelf habitats where a large part of its population lives. However, knowledge about its ecology in the central Arctic Ocean (CAO), including its use of the sea-ice habitat, is hitherto very limited. To increase this knowledge, samples were collected at the under-ice surface during several expeditions to the CAO between 2012 and 2020, including the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition. The diet of immature B. saida and the taxonomic composition of their potential prey were analysed, showing that both sympagic and pelagic species were important prey items. Stomach contents included expected prey such as copepods and amphipods. Surprisingly, more rarely observed prey such as appendicularians, chaetognaths, and euphausiids were also found to be important. Comparisons of the fish stomach contents with prey distribution data suggests opportunistic feeding. However, relative prey density and catchability are important factors that determine which type of prey is ingested. Prey that ensures limited energy expenditure on hunting and feeding is often found in the stomach contents even though it is not the dominant species present in the environment. To investigate the importance of prey quality and quantity for the growth of B. saida in this area, we measured energy content of dominant prey species and used a bioenergetic model to quantify the effect of variations in diet on growth rate potential. The modeling results suggest that diet variability was largely explained by stomach fullness and, to a lesser degree, the energetic content of the prey. Our results suggest that under climate change, immature B. saida may be at least equally sensitive to a loss in the number of efficiently hunted prey than to a reduction in the prey's energy content. Consequences for the growth and survival of B. saida will not depend on prey presence alone, but also on prey catchability, digestibility, and energy content.

J Fish Biol ; 2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39180260


In this study, we described and compared the diet, monthly feeding intensity, and condition of west coast steenbras (Lithognathus aureti) and silver kob (Argyrosomus inodorus) caught at a unique habitat in the northern Benguela. Stomach contents of 179 west coast steenbras and 114 silver kob caught from October 2020 to September 2022 were investigated. The peak in feeding intensity of west coast steenbras appeared to be opportunistic during winter and summer periods depending on food availability. The fish condition, however, peaked at the beginning (October) and at the end (April) of the austral summer spawning period, with the hepatosomatic index (HSI) at 1.5% and the condition factor (CF) at 0.022%. Seven prey taxa were found in the diet of west coast steenbras (bivalves, bony fishes, other mollusks, algae, crustaceans, cnidaria, and polychaetas) and six taxa in the diet of silver kob (bivalves, crustaceans, bony fishes, algae, starfish, and zooplankton), indicating generalist feeding behavior in both the species. The bivalves were the most important prey items in the diet of west coast steenbras (95.9% index of relative importance [IRI]). The most important prey items in the diet of silver kob were crustaceans (83.1% IRI) and bony fishes (16.0% IRI). Crustaceans were most important in the diet of small-to-medium-sized silver kob, whereas bony fishes were most important in the diet of larger silver kob (>75 cm), with significant differences of IRI% by size class. Schoener's index of niche overlap indicated a relatively low overall niche overlap (0.11) between west coast steenbras and silver kob. This allows them to coexist as their feeding habits allow them to occupy unique niches in the coastal reef and sandy habitat and reduce competition for resources.

J Fish Biol ; 105(2): 431-443, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38726501


Multispecies and ecosystem models, which are key for the implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management, require extensive data on the trophic interactions between marine organisms, including changes over time. DNA metabarcoding, by allowing the simultaneous taxonomic identification of the community present in hundreds of samples, could be used for speeding up large-scale stomach content data collection. Yet, for DNA metabarcoding to be routinely implemented, technical challenges should be addressed, such as the potentially complicated sampling logistics, the detection of a high proportion of predator DNA, and the inability to provide reliable abundance estimations. Here, we present a DNA metabarcoding assay developed to examine the diet of five commercially important fish, which can be feasibly incorporated into routinary samplings. The method is devised to speed up the analysis process by avoiding the stomach dissection and content extraction steps, while preventing the amplification of predator DNA by using blocking primers. Tested in mock samples and in real stomach samples, the method has proven effective and shows great effectiveness discerning diet variations due to predator ecology or prey availability. Additionally, by applying our protocol to mackerel stomachs previously analyzed by visual inspection, we showcase how DNA metabarcoding could complement visually based data by detecting overlooked prey by the visual approach. We finally discuss how DNA metabarcoding-based data can contribute to trophic data collection. Our work reinforces the potential of DNA metabarcoding for the study and monitoring of fish trophic interactions and provides a basis for its incorporation into routine monitoring programs, which will be critical for the implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management.

Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Pesqueiros , Peixes , Cadeia Alimentar , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Animais , Peixes/genética , Dieta/veterinária , DNA/análise , Ecossistema , Perciformes/genética
J Fish Biol ; 103(6): 1430-1444, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37563757


Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) sustain one of the most lucrative fisheries in the eastern Canadian Arctic and Labrador Sea. This species also plays an important role in food web connectivity and benthic-pelagic coupling. Despite the relatively rich knowledge of this species, R. hippoglossoides ecology in these specific areas remains poorly understood. The main aim of this study was to characterize the diet of this deepwater fish in the Labrador Sea and Davis and Hudson Straits and characterize the predator-prey relationship with northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis), another commercially important species in the region. Stomach contents analyses were conducted on 1199 fish captured from 2018 to 2020. Small specimens (<20 cm) fed on invertebrates, whereas larger individuals (>60 cm) fed primarily on fish, indicative of size-related changes in diet composition. The relative abundance of Pandalus shrimp species in the environment was reflected in the diet. Location appeared to be the most influential variable on feeding patterns. Distinct oceanographic conditions among areas, resulting in differences in prey availability, could explain these results. Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and redfish (Sebastes sp.) were selected in locations where fish prey were the most abundant. These results shed light on the opportunistic nature of R. hippoglossoides and its preference for fish at large size. With the rapidly changing oceanographic conditions of Arctic waters, a distributional change in the biomass of shrimp is expected. Results suggest that an increase in abundance of predatory groundfish species in the system (e.g., Sebastes sp.) could lead to acute predation on shrimp and competition with R. hippoglossoides. By revealing key trophic links within the demersal ecosystem, this work provides valuable information on the development of ecosystem approaches to fisheries management for the region.

Ecossistema , Linguado , Animais , Canadá , Groenlândia , Peixes , Dieta/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37698828


In death investigations, the volume of gastric contents may be useful concerning the time of death estimation, or to clarify the circumstances of death. Here, the case of a 4-month-old male infant who was found dead in his mother's bed is presented. SIDS was assumed as the cause of death after initial police investigations. Later, autopsy results revealed that this case was a homicide due to extensive abusive head trauma. The infant had three skull fractures on the back of his head with subdural hemorrhage and cerebral oedema. The survival time after feeding him formula and corresponding the time of death was determined to evaluate the mother's initial claims that the infant was alive several hours after feeding. In this case, the volume of stomach contents of the last meal was known. From the volume of milky fluid found in the stomach at autopsy, it was possible to estimate the time of death within a narrow time frame of less than one hour after feeding. The mother's claims could be ruled out, and she later confessed to having killed the child soon after feeding him. Even methods with low precision for estimating time of death, like examining stomach contents, can be essential for solving practical cases. To our knowledge, this is one of the first published cases in which an infant's stomach content was used successfully in the reconstruction of a homicide.

Ecol Appl ; 32(2): e2521, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34918402


Although quantifying trophic interactions is a critical path to understanding and forecasting ecosystem functioning, fitting trophic models to field data remains challenging. It requires flexible statistical tools to combine different sources of information from the literature and fieldwork samples. We present EcoDiet, a hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework to simultaneously estimate food-web topology and diet composition of all consumers in the food web, by combining (1) a priori knowledge from the literature on both food-web topology and diet proportions; (2) stomach content analyses, with frequencies of prey occurrence used as the primary source of data to update the prior knowledge on the topological food-web structure; (3) and biotracers data through a mixing model (MM). Inferences are derived in a Bayesian probabilistic rationale that provides a formal way to incorporate prior information and quantifies uncertainty around both the topological structure of the food web and the dietary proportions. EcoDiet was implemented as an open-source R package, providing a user-friendly interface to execute the model, as well as examples and guidelines to familiarize with its use. We used simulated data to demonstrate the benefits of EcoDiet and how the framework can improve inferences on diet matrix by comparison with classical network MM. We applied EcoDiet to the Celtic Sea ecosystem, and showed how combining multiple data types within an integrated approach provides a more robust and holistic picture of the food-web topology and diet matrices than the literature or classical MM approach alone. EcoDiet has the potential to become a reference method for building diet matrices as a preliminary step of ecosystem modeling and to improve our understanding of prey-predator interactions.

Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Dieta , Estômago
Parasitol Res ; 121(2): 551-562, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34993639


Despite being an important component of the marine ecosystem and posing health risks to human seafood consumers, fish parasites in Indonesia have yet to be adequately described. Here, we analyzed the diet and metazoan parasite fauna of seven commercial fish species (Alectis indica, Carangoides chrysophrys, Johnius borneensis, Mene maculata, Trichiurus lepturus, Upeneus asymmetricus, U. moluccensis) landed in Java, Indonesia. We isolated 11 endoparasite species, established 22 new host and 14 new locality records, and extended parasitological records of A. indica by 24%, C. chrysophrys by 25%, J. borneensis by 40%, M. maculata by 44%, U. asymmetricus by 100%, and U. moluccensis by 17%. We genetically identified the trematode Stephanostomum cf. uku (of Bray et al. 2005) from Alecta indica for the first time in Indonesia and provided the sequence of its 28S marker. Stomach content analysis revealed seven different prey items, and the examined fish species were grouped into four feeding categories, which differed significantly in their respective endoparasite fauna. All but two examined fish species hosted potentially zoonotic nematodes, which reveal a risk for parasite-borne diseases in Indonesian food fishes and call for more consequent monitoring with regard to seafood safety in this region. With this study, we were able to establish an association between the feeding ecology and the endoparasite fauna of marine fishes which will help to better understand the transmission pathways of (potentially zoonotic) parasites in food fishes in tropical waters.

Doenças dos Peixes , Trematódeos , Animais , Ecossistema , Doenças dos Peixes/epidemiologia , Peixes , Humanos , Indonésia
J Fish Biol ; 100(1): 184-191, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34697810


Barriers in the estuaries of the rivers prevent the immigration of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) arriving on the European coast every spring. This leads to an unnatural accumulation of migrating glass eels below the barriers, and this may lead to additional losses in glass eels by piscivorous fish. The proportion of predation losses can be estimated using mark-recapture techniques and abundance estimates in combination with stomach content analysis of piscivorous fish. Nonetheless, whether tagging transparent glass eels increases predation risk and what the digestion rate of glass eel is in piscivorous fish are unknown. This study aimed to determine whether there is an increased predation risk for tagged glass eel; it also studies glass eel digestion status in piscivorous fish after appointed time frames. A laboratory experiment with 48 trials was conducted. Tagged (visible implanted elastomer, VIE) and untagged glass eels were exposed to small (19.1-24.4 cm) and large (31.9-43.5 cm) sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) during a 2 h trial. In 48% of the trials, successful predation was present and 13% showed clear predation attempts in which bass did not capture glass eels. No significant difference was found in predation rate between tagged and untagged glass eels and between red and blue tagged glass eels. Large sea bass predated more, but all sizes consumed glass eel under laboratory conditions. Stomach content analysis showed intact glass eel bodies 4-6 h after ending the 2 h trial and parts of glass eel bodies up to 16-18 h. This study showed that tagging does not increase predation in mark-recapture studies using VIE-tags in transparent glass eel. It also shows that the proportion of predation in relation to local glass eel abundance can be estimated if stomach content analysis is conducted within 4-6 h after predation.

Anguilla , Bass , Animais , Estuários , Laboratórios , Comportamento Predatório
Mar Drugs ; 19(12)2021 Nov 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34940669


Toxic crabs of the family Xanthidae contain saxitoxins (STXs) and/or tetrodotoxin (TTX), but the toxin ratio differs depending on their habitat. In the present study, to clarify within reef variations in the toxin profile of xanthid crabs, we collected specimens of the toxic xanthid crab Zosimus aeneus and their sampling location within a single reef (Yoshihara reef) on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, in 2018 and 2019. The STXs/TTX content within the appendages and viscera or stomach contents of each specimen was determined by instrumental analyses. Our findings revealed the existence of three zones in Yoshihara reef; one in which many individuals accumulate extremely high concentrations of STXs (northwestern part of the reef; NW zone), another in which individuals generally have small amounts of TTX but little STXs (central part of the reef; CTR zone), and a third in which individuals generally exhibit intermediate characteristics (southeastern part of the reef; SE zone). Furthermore, light microscopic observations of the stomach contents of crab specimens collected from the NW and CTR zones revealed that ascidian spicules of the genus Lissoclinum were dominant in the NW zone, whereas those of the genus Trididemnum were dominant in the CTR zone. Although the toxicity of these ascidians is unknown, Lissoclinum ascidians are considered good candidate source organisms of STXs harbored by toxic xanthid crabs.

Braquiúros , Toxinas Marinhas/química , Animais , Organismos Aquáticos , Demografia , Japão , Oceano Pacífico
J Fish Biol ; 99(4): 1430-1445, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34260749


Understanding trophic relationships of fish in estuarine ecosystem is an important element for sustainable resource management. This study examined the feeding habits of 29 dominant fish species, characterized the trophic guilds, assessed the impact of season and clarified the role of diets in structuring the fish community in the mouth region of Pattani Bay, Thailand. Samples of 5792 fishes collected monthly by gillnets from March 2019 to February 2020 were used for stomach content analyses. It was found that the number of food types and fullness index differed between fish taxa (P < 0.001). Most fishes were specialist feeders feeding on specific food components and were categorized into five trophic guilds: piscivore, shrimp-fish feeder, polychaete feeder, zooplanktivore and planktivore. Six species were piscivorous, considered as apex predators, that fed almost entirely on fishes. High diet overlaps among some species (>0.6) were recorded. Not much variation in seasonal guilds was observed: four guilds in the dry season, three in the moderate rainy season and four in the rainy season. Some species remained in the same guild the whole year round, but some fishes changed seasonally. Two fish communities from different regions of the bay were segregated based on feeding habits. The inner bay community comprised mainly copepod and plankton feeders, but there were more piscivores in the deeper bay mouth area. Results from this study help us to understand the feeding habits and trophic guilds of dominant fish species at the mouth of this tropical estuarine bay.

Copépodes , Ecossistema , Animais , Baías , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes , Cadeia Alimentar , Hábitos , Estações do Ano
J Fish Biol ; 99(5): 1576-1590, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34302361


The objective of this study was to analyse the feeding habits and trophic interactions between four oceanic predatory fish around the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (FNA), Brazil, in the western equatorial Atlantic (3.86°S/32.42°W), internationally recognized as an environment of high economic and ecological value. For this purpose, biological samples of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) were collected for stomach content and stable isotope analysis. Values of the index of relative importance revealed varied diets, with a strong presence of teleost fishes (Diodontidae and Exocoetidae) for all species, with yellowfin tuna having a greater diversity of food items. Despite being generalists/opportunists, the feeding strategy of these predators showed a tendency towards a specialized diet in the use of the available resources around the FNA. They presented a narrow trophic niche width (Levin's index, Bi < 0.6) and low overlap between species, except between barracuda and wahoo (MacArthur and Levin's, R0  = 0.72). Isotopic compositions had broad values of δ13 C and δ15 N, and were significantly different between species. Our results provide information about the four species' trophic organization and suggest that the predators avoid competition by preying on different prey, thus allowing their coexistence.

Peixes , Perciformes , Animais , Brasil , Isótopos , Comportamento Predatório
J Fish Biol ; 98(3): 707-722, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33200410


This study presents the diet composition of western Baltic cod Gadus morhua based on 3150 stomachs sampled year-round between 2016 and 2017 using angling, gillnetting and bottom trawling, which enhanced the spatio-temporal coverage of cod habitats. Cod diet composition in shallow areas (<20 m depth) was dominated by benthic invertebrate species, mainly the common shore crab Carcinus maneas. Compared to historic diet data from the 1960s and 1980s (limited to depth >20 m), the contribution of herring Clupea harengus decreased and round goby Neogobius melanostomus occurred as a new prey species. Statistical modelling revealed significant relationships between diet composition, catch depth, fish length and season. Generalized additive modelling identified a negative relationship between catch depth and stomach content weight, suggesting reduced food intake in winter when cod use deeper areas for spawning and during peak summer when cod tend to avoid high water temperatures. The results of this study highlight the importance of shallow coastal areas as major feeding habitats of adult cod in the western Baltic Sea, which were previously unknown because samples were restricted to deeper trawlable areas. The results strongly suggest that historic stomach analyses overestimated the role of forage fish and underestimated the role of invertebrate prey. Eventually, this study shows the importance of a comprehensive habitat coverage for unbiased stomach sampling programmes to provide a more reliable estimation of top predator diet, a key information for food web analyses and multispecies models.

Dieta , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Gadus morhua/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Animais , Países Bálticos , Ecossistema , Peixes , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Oceanos e Mares
Oecologia ; 192(4): 1111-1126, 2020 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32179976


Calculation of dietary niche characteristics using stable isotopes has become a popular approach to understand the functional role of taxa across food webs. An underlying assumption of this approach is that stable isotopes accurately reflect the dietary breadth of a species over a temporal duration defined by tissue-specific isotopic turnover rates. In theory, dietary niche estimates derived from fast turnover rate tissues (e.g., blood plasma and liver) may augment stomach content-derived estimates more agreeably than slower turnover rate tissues (e.g., muscle or fin). We tested this hypothesis by comparing commonly used dietary niche estimates derived from stomach contents (nicheSCA: Levins', Shannon-Wiener's, and Smith's), with those estimated using stable isotopes [nicheSIA: standard ellipse area (SEA), convex hull total area (TA), theta (θ), and ellipse eccentricity (E)] of liver and muscle tissue. Model species were three large-bodied sharks: white (Carcharodon carcharias), dusky (Carcharhinus obscurus), and scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini). Within-technique comparisons for nicheSCA and nicheSIA metrics (i.e., SEA vs. TA) were often correlated; however, we did not observe any statistically significant correlations between nicheSCA and liver/muscle tissue nicheSIA (i.e., Levins' vs. SEA). We conclude that nicheSCA and nicheSIA do not provide comparable estimates of dietary niche, at least for the three predator species examined. This fundamental discrepancy highlights technique-specific limitations to estimating organismal dietary niche and identifies a need for the use of clearly defined niche metrics, i.e., the standardized use and reporting of the term isotopic niche as proposed by Newsome et al. (Front Ecol Environ 5:429-436, 2007). Finally, further investigation into the factors underpinning nicheSIA is required to better contextualize this popular ecological metric when compared to nicheSCA.

Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Tubarões , Animais , Isótopos de Carbono , Cadeia Alimentar , Isótopos de Nitrogênio
Toxicol Mech Methods ; 29(7): 518-530, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31099292


In this study, an analytical strategy to identify brucine, strychnine, methomyl, carbofuran (alkaline compounds), phenobarbital, and warfarin (acid compounds) using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) screening with ultraviolet (UV) detection at 254 nm in stomach content is shown. The optimum mobile phase was found to be a chloroform: ethyl acetate: diethylamine (0.5:8.5:1) mixture for alkaline substances while a mixture of chloroform: acetone (9:1) has given better results for acidic substances. As for extraction, an equal proportion between distillated water and crude material (1:1) is required. For alkaline compounds, a filtration system was created in order to avoid any interferences from the biological matrix while for acidic compounds only centrifugation (4000 rpm/10 minutes) was required to obtain an appropriate sample. After the respective pretreatments, a one-step liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) has been employed for alkaline substances using a 3 mL of chloroform: ethyl ether (2:1) mixture for 2 min while acidic analytes used 3 mL of chloroform only during 5 min. For both methodologies described, the respective organic layers were dried down and re-suspended with 50 µL of methanol for further TLC plate application. The methodologies have been developed, successfully validated and applied to gastric contents from real case samples of suspected animal poisoning. Positive results from TLC/UV screening were confronted with HPLC-UV and confirmed by GC-MS.

Alcaloides/análise , Carbamatos/análise , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal/química , Fenobarbital/análise , Intoxicação/veterinária , Varfarina/análise , Alcaloides/intoxicação , Animais , Carbamatos/intoxicação , Doenças do Gato/induzido quimicamente , Gatos , Cromatografia em Camada Fina/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/induzido quimicamente , Cães , Fenobarbital/intoxicação , Intoxicação/etiologia , Varfarina/intoxicação
Mol Ecol ; 27(24): 5004-5018, 2018 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30427085


Genetic diversity is essential for species persistence because it provides the raw material for evolution. For marine organisms, short pelagic larval duration (PLD) and small population size are characteristics generally assumed to associate with low genetic diversity. The ecological diversity of organisms may also affect genetic diversity with an expected corollary that more restricted habitat and dietary requirements could lead to a reduced genetic diversity because of pronounced genetic structuring. Here, we tested whether groups of species with narrower trophic niches displayed lower genetic diversity than those with broader niches. In order to test those predictions, we used different trophic guilds (i.e., groups of species having similar trophic habits) of coral reef damselfishes in Moorea (French Polynesia) for which we determined their genetic diversity using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and their trophic ecology with stomach contents and stable isotope data. We found that pelagic feeders- the guild picking zooplankton in the water column- exhibited the lowest genetic diversity despite having the longest PLD and the largest population size. This guild had also the lowest variation in habitat characteristics and dietary composition compared to benthic feeders (i.e., those mainly grazing on algae) and the intermediate group (i.e., those feeding on zooplankton, filamentous algae and small benthic invertebrates). Our findings highlight the association between trophic ecology and genetic diversity that should be more commonly investigated in population genetics.

Recifes de Corais , Peixes/genética , Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Animais , Dieta , Ecologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Polinésia , Densidade Demográfica
J Fish Biol ; 93(4): 685-693, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30069919


This study examines the diet of lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula, one of the most ubiquitous predators of European coastal waters. This species is of increasing ecological significance as other large predatory fish decline as it has known interactions with fisheries. Scyliorhinus canicula diet was investigated in Irish coastal waters during June and July 2014 using both stomach-content analysis and δ13 C and δ15 N stable-isotope ratios. Prey contribution to the diet from dual stable-isotope data was estimated using Bayesian mixing models. It was found that only stable-isotope analysis provided a time-integrated picture of the diet of S. canicula and allowed for a new estimation of their trophic position. Trophic positions from stomach-content analysis within the present study and previous studies were found to be higher than revealed by isotopes. Stomach-content analysis could not reveal the importance of soft-bodied animals in the diet of these fish, however this approach remains a valuable tool to understand the potential prey spectrum in advance of isotope analysis and allows for a better resolution down to species level. The results highlight a greater variety in the diet of this important predator and the benefit of taking a multidisciplinary approach in dietary studies.

Cação (Peixe)/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Isótopos de Carbono/análise , Dieta , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal/química , Isótopos de Nitrogênio/análise
Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) ; 63(11): 28-36, 2017 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29208171


This study was carried out to study the diet type, genetic, morphometric and histological variations between two natural populations of Trachylepis quinquetaeniata inhabiting Abu-Rawash, Embaba, North Giza and Garfas-Senoures, El-Faiyum habitats. In this study, morphometric examination showed that Trachylepis quinquetaeniata is a typically ground-dwelling Skink and seems to be frequently associated with grass and below shrubs. Geographic variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and head size dimorphism (HSD) with greater dimensions in Garfas-Senoures, El-Faiyum compared with Abu-Rawash, Embaba, North Giza might be correlated with spatial food availability and abundance or micro-evolutionary change or phenotypic plasticity. Also, the increase of body size and mass in individuals from Garfas-Senoures, El-Faiyum might be an adaptation to lower ambient temperature and hypoxia. Diet analysis showed that the bulk of gut contents were beetles, plant bugs, hymenopterans and dipterans. The remainder of the plant material was probably ingested secondarily. Moreover, the increase in the activity of Ldh in liver tissues of T. quinquetaeniata inhabiting Abu-Rawash, Embaba, North Giza could be confirmed by the significant increase in the accumulation of the total lipids in liver and muscle tissues than that in the other population. As well as, a marked degeneration, necrosis and desquamation of spermatogoneal cells lining seminiferous tubules in testes of T. quinquetaeniata inhabiting Garfas-Senoures, El-Faiyum than that in the other population inhabiting Abu-Rawash, Embaba, North Giza that could be attributed to the bioaccumulation of soil heavy metals in testes. Higher carbohydrate accumulation in the former lizards' population was confirmed by the high availability and diversity of diet in El-Faiyum habitat. Thus we concluded that T. quinquetaeniata inhabiting Abu-Rawash, Embaba, North Giza is more active, energetic and adaptable in its habitat than T. quinquetaeniata inhabiting Garfas-Senoures, El-Faiyum.

Lagartos/metabolismo , Animais , Ecossistema , Egito , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/metabolismo , Fígado/metabolismo , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/fisiologia , Músculos/metabolismo , Caracteres Sexuais
J Fish Biol ; 90(5): 2214-2219, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28345142


In this study, the results of conventional stomach-content analysis are compared with the recent DNA metabarcoding approach on faeces to identify fish species consumed by non-native European catfish Silurus glanis in the Garonne River (south-western France), with a special emphasis on anadromous prey. Fourteen prey species were identified in the stomach contents or faeces, including four anadromous fish species. Despite higher intestine than stomach emptiness, more species were identified through faecal analysis (11 of 14) than through stomach-content analysis (five of 14) suggesting that DNA metabarcoding on faeces is an efficient, non-intrusive technique to study the diet of predatory fishes.

Peixes-Gato/genética , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico/veterinária , DNA/genética , Dieta/veterinária , Fezes/química , Animais , Peixes-Gato/classificação , DNA/química , Análise de Alimentos , França