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Sensors (Basel) ; 22(7)2022 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35408354


This work focuses on the assessment of UT1-UTC estimates from various types of sessions during the CONT17 campaign. We chose the CONT17 campaign as it provides 15 days of continuous, high-quality VLBI data from two legacy networks (S/X band), i.e., Legacy-1 (IVS) and Legacy-2 (VLBA) (having different network geometry and are non-overlapping), two types of Intensive sessions, i.e., IVS and Russian Intensives, and five days of new-generation, broadband VGOS sessions. This work also investigates different approaches to optimally compare dUT1 from Intensives with respect to the 24 h sessions given the different parameterization adopted for analyzing Intensives and different session lengths. One approach includes the estimation of dUT1 from pseudo Intensives, which are created from the 24 h sessions having their epochs synchronized with respect to the Intensive sessions. Besides, we assessed the quality of the dUT1 estimated from VGOS sessions at daily and sub-daily resolution. The study suggests that a different approach should be adopted when comparing the dUT1 from the Intensives, i.e., comparison of dUT1 value at the mean epoch of an Intensive session. The initial results regarding the VGOS sessions show that the dUT1 estimated from VGOS shows good agreement with the legacy network despite featuring fewer observations and stations. In the case of sub-daily dUT1 from VGOS sessions, we found that estimating dUT1 with 6 h resolution is superior to other sub-daily resolutions. Moreover, we introduced a new concept of sub-daily dUT1-tie to improve the estimation of dUT1 from the Intensive sessions. We observed an improvement of up to 20% with respect to the dUT1 from the 24 h sessions.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(6)2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35336479


This paper presents the new cable delay measurement system (CDMS) designed at Yebes Observatory (IGN, Spain), which is required for the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) stations. This system measures the phase difference between the 5 MHz reference signal from the hydrogen maser and the 5 MHz signal that reaches the broadband receiver through a coaxial cable, for the generation of calibration tones. As a result, the system detects the changes in the length of that coaxial cable due to temperature variations along the cable run and flexures caused by VGOS radio telescope movements. This CDMS outperforms the previous versions: firstly, it does not require a frequency counter for phase/delay measurements; secondly, it largely reduces the use of digital circuits; hence, reducing digital noise; and thirdly, it has a remotely controlled automatic calibration subsystem. The system was tested in the laboratory and in the radio telescope, and the measurements of both set-ups are shown. These measurements include the total noise, accuracy, hysteresis, and stability. The results in the radio telescope can be correlated with the different factors that affect the cable, such as temperature and flexures. The system allows to achieve an RMS noise of less than 0.5 ps, significantly improving the requirements established in VGOS. The system is currently installed in the Red Atlántica de Estaciones Geodinámicas y Espaciales (RAEGE)Yebes VGOS 13.2 m radio telescope, and will be installed in the Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) twin VGOS radio telescopes, in the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) VGOS station and in the RAEGE Santa María VGOS radio telescope (Açores, Portugal).

Sensors (Basel) ; 21(8)2021 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33920073


This paper shows a simultaneous tri-band (S: 2.2-2.7 GHz, X: 7.5-9 GHz and Ka: 28-33 GHz) low-noise cryogenic receiver for geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (geo-VLBI) which has been developed at Yebes Observatory laboratories in Spain. A special feature is that the whole receiver front-end is fully coolable down to cryogenic temperatures to minimize receiver noise. It was installed in the first radio telescope of the Red Atlántica de Estaciones Geodinámicas y Espaciales (RAEGE) project, which is located in Yebes Observatory, in the frame of the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS). After this, the receiver was borrowed by the Norwegian Mapping Autorithy (NMA) for the commissioning of two VGOS radiotelescopes in Svalbard (Norway). A second identical receiver was built for the Ishioka VGOS station of the Geospatial Information Authority (GSI) of Japan, and a third one for the second RAEGE VGOS station, located in Santa María (Açores Archipelago, Portugal). The average receiver noise temperatures are 21, 23, and 25 Kelvin and the measured antenna efficiencies are 70%, 75%, and 60% in S-band, X-band, and Ka-band, respectively.

Earth Planets Space ; 72(1): 87, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32587462


To support monitoring subtle effects in the Earth system such as a mean sea level rise of 3 mm/year, a next-generation VLBI system, the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS), has been developed and a new VGOS station network is being built. However, the geometry of the current VGOS network and its planned extension suffer from a lack of stations in the southern hemisphere. In this investigation, we identify optimal locations for additional VGOS radio telescopes with a new method based on bulk observing schedule generation and subsequent large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations. The location of the additional station is varied over 477 possible locations, homogeneously distributed over land areas on the globe. For each antenna location, several schedules have been generated and simulated to minimize the effects of scheduling and the randomness of simulations. Thereby, it is possible to judge, in which regions an additional VGOS station would have the biggest impact on the precision of the estimated geodetic parameters, in our case assessed by the repeatabilities of the estimated Earth orientation parameters (EOPs). To generate highly optimized schedules and to remove effects due to non-optimized scheduling, a total of 93 thousand schedules were iteratively generated, investigating over 300 billion scans and 2.4 trillion observations. Each schedule was further simulated 1000 times, leading to over 5 trillion simulated and analyzed observations. Although the optimum location of a future VLBI station depends on the EOP of interest and the geometry of the existing network, it is shown that the more the VGOS network grows, the more the lack of southern stations becomes prominent. The best location for an additional VGOS station for most EOP components and especially in the case of future VGOS networks would be the southern part of South America. It is further shown that the location of the additional antenna highly determines the expectable precision of the EOP estimates. For a 6-station network, the location of an additional seventh antenna can improve the precision of the EOP by a factor of 2.4 to 3.8. For an 18-station network, the location of an additional 19th station still improves the repeatability by a factor of 1.6. It is also found that adding a station at some locations will not improve the precision at all.

Sensors (Basel) ; 15(8): 18767-800, 2015 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26263991


Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) uses radio telescopes as sensor networks to determine Earth orientation parameters and baseline vectors between the telescopes. The TWIN Telescope Wettzell 1 (TTW1), the first of the new 13.2 m diameter telescope pair at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, Germany, is currently in its commissioning phase. The technology behind this radio telescope including the receiving system and the tri-band feed horn is depicted. Since VLBI telescopes must operate at least in pairs, the existing 20 m diameter Radio Telescope Wettzell (RTW) is used together with TTW1 for practical tests. In addition, selected long baseline setups are investigated. Correlation results portraying the data quality achieved during first initial experiments are discussed. Finally, the local 123 m baseline between the old RTW telescope and the new TTW1 is analyzed and compared with an existing high-precision local survey. Our initial results are very satisfactory for X-band group delays featuring a 3D distance agreement between VLBI data analysis and local ties of 1 to 2 mm in the majority of the experiments. However, S-band data, which suffer much from local radio interference due to WiFi and mobile communications, are about 10 times less precise than X-band data and require further analysis, but evidence is provided that S-band data are well-usable over long baselines where local radio interference patterns decorrelate.

J Geod ; 95(5): 54, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33903786


We present results from observation, correlation and analysis of interferometric measurements between the three geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) stations at the Onsala Space Observatory. In total, 25 sessions were observed in 2019 and 2020, most of them 24 h long, all using X band only. These involved the legacy VLBI station ONSALA60 and the Onsala twin telescopes, ONSA13NE and ONSA13SW, two broadband stations for the next-generation geodetic VLBI global observing system (VGOS). We used two analysis packages: ν Solve to pre-process the data and solve ambiguities, and ASCOT to solve for station positions, including modelling gravitational deformation of the radio telescopes and other significant effects. We obtained weighted root mean square post-fit residuals for each session on the order of 10-15 ps using group-delays and 2-5 ps using phase-delays. The best performance was achieved on the (rather short) baseline between the VGOS stations. As the main result of this work, we determined the coordinates of the Onsala twin telescopes in VTRF2020b with sub-millimetre precision. This new set of coordinates should be used from now on for scheduling, correlation, as a priori for data analyses, and for comparison with classical local-tie techniques. Finally, we find that positions estimated from phase-delays are offset ∼ + 3  mm in the up-component with respect to group-delays. Additional modelling of (elevation dependent) effects may contribute to the future understanding of this offset.

J Geod ; 94(1): 12, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31983813


Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) scheduling is a challenging optimization problem. With the development of the new VLBI global observing system (VGOS) consisting of smaller but very fast slewing antennas, new opportunities arise. In this work, we give a deep insight into optimized VGOS scheduling using a newly developed VLBI scheduling software called VieSched++, and we show how different scheduling parameters and approaches affect the precision of geodetic results. Therefore, the results of over one thousand generated schedules and over one million simulated sessions are analyzed. The simulations reveal that the most important parameters to optimize VGOS schedules with VieSched++ are the so-called weight factors. A proper selection of individually optimized weight factors can improve the quality of a schedule significantly. It is shown that the values of the weight factors used to generate the schedule are highly correlated with the expected precision of the geodetic parameters. We highlight the benefit of selecting schedules based on large-scale Monte Carlo simulations and show why scheduling statistics like the number of observations or the sky-coverage are not necessarily the best metric to evaluate schedules.