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Plant Dis ; 2023 Apr 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37102729


Straightneck squash (Cucurbita pepo var. recticollis) is an important cucurbit crop in Florida. In early fall 2022, straightneck squash showing severe virus-like symptoms of yellowing, mild leaf crinkling (Supplementary Figure 1), unusual mosaic patterns and deformation on the surface of the fruit (Supplementary Figure 2), were observed in a ~15-ha straightneck squash field in Northwest FL with a disease incidence of ~ 30%. Based on the distinct symptoms and severity observed, multi-virus infection was hypothesized. Seventeen plants were sampled randomly for testing. Plants tested negative for zucchini yellow mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, and squash mosaic virus, using ImmunoStrips® (Agdia, USA). Total RNA was extracted from 17 squash plants using Quick-RNA Mini Prep (Cat No.11-327, Zymo, USA). A conventional OneTaq® RT-PCR Kit (Cat No. E5310S, NEB, USA) was used to test plants for cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) (Jailani et al., 2021a) and watermelon crinkle leaf-associated virus (WCLaV-1) and WCLaV-2 (Hernandez et al., 2021). Plants were negative for CCYV and 12 out 17 plants were positive for WCLaV-1 and WCLaV-2 (genus Coguvirus, family Phenuiviridae) using specific primers targeting both RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) and movement protein (MP) genes of both viruses (Hernandez et al., 2021). In addition, these 12 straightneck squash plants were also positive for watermelon mosaic potyvirus (WMV) based on RT-PCR and sequencing (Jailani et al., 2021b). The partial RdRP sequences for WCLaV-1 (OP389252) and WCLaV-2 (OP389254) shared 99% and 97.6% nt identity with isolates KY781184 and KY781187, respectively from China; the partial MP sequences for WCLaV-1 (OP389253) and WCLaV-2 (OP389255) shared 98.3% and 95.6% nt identity with isolate from Brazil (LC636069) and from China (MW751425), respectively. Additionally, the presence or absence of WCLaV-1 and WCLaV-2 were further confirmed using SYBR® Green-based real-time RT-PCR assay using different specific MP primers for WCLaV-1 (Adeleke et al., 2022), and newly designed specific MP primers for WCLaV-2 (WCLaV-2FP TTTGAACCAACTAAGGCAACATA/WCLaV-2RP-CCAACATCAGACCAGGGATTTA). Both viruses were detected in 12 out of 17 straightneck squash plants validating the conventional RT-PCR results. Co-infection of WCLaV-1 and WCLaV-2 with WMV resulted in more severe symptoms on leaves and fruits. Previously, both viruses were first reported in the USA on watermelon in Texas, (Hernandez et al., 2021), Florida (Hendricks et al., 2021), OK (Gilford and Ali., 2022), GA (Adeleke et al., 2022) and Zucchini in Florida (Iriarte et al., 2023). This is the first report of WCLaV-1 and WCLaV-2 on straightneck squash in the United States. These results indicate that WCLaV-1 and WCLaV-2 either in single or mixed infections are effectively spreading to other cucurbits beyond watermelon in FL. The need to assess mode(s) of transmission of these viruses is becoming more critical to develop best management practices.