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Urban Ecosyst ; 20(6): 1181-1190, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29230087


Investigations of urbanization effects on birds have focused mainly on breeding traits expressed after the nest-building stage (e.g. first-egg date, clutch size, breeding success, and offspring characteristics). Urban studies largely ignored how and why the aspects of nest building might be associated with the degree of urbanization. As urban environments are expected to present novel environmental changes relative to rural environments, it is important to evaluate how nest-building behavior is impacted by vegetation modifications associated with urbanization. To examine nest design in a Mediterranean city environment, we allowed urban great tits (Parus major) to breed in nest boxes in areas that differed in local vegetation cover. We found that different measures of nest size or mass were not associated with vegetation cover. In particular, nests located adjacent to streets with lower vegetation cover were not smaller or lighter than nests in parks with higher vegetation cover. Nests adjacent to streets contained more pine needles than nests in parks. In addition, in nests adjacent to streets, nests from boxes attached to pine trees contained more pine needles than nests from boxes attached to other trees. We suggest that urban-related alterations in vegetation cover do not directly impose physical limits on nest size in species that are opportunistic in the selection of nesting material. However, nest composition as reflected in the use of pine needles was clearly affected by habitat type and the planted tree species present, which implies that rapid habitat change impacts nest composition. We do not exclude that urbanization might impact other aspects of nest building behaviour not covered in our study (e.g. costs of searching for nest material), and that the strengths of the associations between urbanization and nest structures might differ among study populations or species.

Ecol Evol ; 11(24): 18460-18466, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35003684


Biologists commonly use nest boxes to study small arboreal mammals, including the forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula). Hibernating dormouse species often experience pronounced seasonal variations in body mass, which might lead to sampling biases if it is not taken into account when designing nest boxes. In my study of the forest dormouse, I noticed that the entrance hole of nest boxes had been gnawed. I hypothesized that this behavior was exhibited by the individual dormice of higher body mass, who were unable to pass through the entrance holes.To test my hypothesis, I categorized the individual dormice present inside nest boxes based on their body mass and then compared the seasonal body mass dynamics with the timing of the gnawing behavior. I also compared nest box occupancy by the forest dormouse before and after the gnawing behavior.Interestingly, I found that the gnawing behavior was displayed exclusively when part of the dormouse population increased considerably in body mass, which supports my hypothesis. Additionally, nest box occupancy decreased significantly from 20% before to 4.6% after the gnawing behavior.I suggest that researchers include nest boxes with entrance holes larger than 4 cm in future studies of the forest dormouse to prevent the possible exclusion of the conspecifics that have higher body mass before hibernation. This type of sampling bias might also concern studies of other species, such as the fat dormouse, that similarly show pronounced seasonal variations in body mass. I recommend that biologists consider the seasonal body mass dynamics of the target species when designing nest boxes to minimize bias in ecological data and improve management actions.