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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(2): e17178, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38332577


Climate change and anthropogenic stressors are redistributing species and altering community composition globally. Protected areas (PAs) may not sufficiently protect populations of species undergoing distributional shifts, necessitating that we evaluate existing PAs and identify areas for future protection to conserve biodiversity across regional and temporal scales. Coastal waterbirds are important indicators of marine ecosystem health, representing mobile, long-lived, higher trophic-level consumers. Using a 20-year citizen science dataset (1999-2019) with a before-after control-intervention sampling framework for habitat protection, we applied dynamic occupancy models to assess winter occupancy trends along the Pacific coast of Canada. Specifically, we sought to understand potential drivers of regional declines, spatial commonalities among guilds, and changes in habitat use before and after PA designation, as well as between PAs and non-PAs. Occupancy trends varied regionally, with greater declines in the south compared to the north. Regional differences underlined potential range shifts, particularly for species with traits linked to temperature tolerance, movement, and high productivity foraging, as cold-tolerant, migratory benthivores and piscivores wintered farther north relative to 20 years ago or retreated to cold-water fjords. While 21 of 57 (36.8%) species responded positively to PA designation (before-after), greater occupancy declines tended to occur in PAs established pre-1999 relative to non-PAs (control-intervention). Since PAs are currently concentrated in the south, negative associations were most apparent for species retreating northward, but existing PAs may have a stabilizing or transitory effect on southern wintering species shifting into the region from farther south. We emphasize that conservation strategies must balance persistence of current communities with preserving the climate-adapted biodiversity of tomorrow by accounting for community-level effects of species moving into and out of existing PAs. Incorporating range shifts into PA planning by predicting distributional changes will allow conservation practitioners to identify priority habitats, such as cold-water refugia, for persistent wildlife communities.

Le changement climatique et les facteurs de stress anthropiques redistribuent les espèces et modifient la composition des communautés à l'échelle mondiale. Les zones protégées (ZP) ne protègent peut-être pas suffisamment les populations d'espèces qui subissent des changements de répartition, ce qui nous oblige à évaluer les ZP existantes et à identifier les zones à protéger à l'avenir pour conserver la biodiversité à l'échelle régionale et temporelle. Les oiseaux côtiers sont des indicateurs importants de la santé des écosystèmes marins, car ils représentent des consommateurs mobiles, ont une longue durée de vie et représente le niveau trophique supérieur. En utilisant un ensemble de données de science participative sur 20 ans (1999-2019) avec un échantillonnage avant-après contrôle-intervention (AACI) pour la protection de l'habitat, nous avons appliqué des modèles d'occupation dynamiques pour évaluer les tendances de l'occupation hivernale le long de la côte pacifique du Canada. Plus précisément, nous avons cherché à comprendre les moteurs potentiels des déclins régionaux, les points communs spatiaux entre les guildes et les changements dans l'utilisation de l'habitat avant et après la désignation de le ZP, ainsi qu'entre les ZP et les non-ZP. Les tendances en matière d'occupation varient d'une région à l'autre, avec des déclins plus importants dans le sud que dans le nord. Les différences régionales soulignent les déplacements potentiels de l'aire de répartition, en particulier pour les espèces dont les caractéristiques sont liées à la tolérance à la température, aux déplacements et à la recherche de nourriture à rendement élevé, car les benthivores et les piscivores migrateurs tolérants au froid ont hiverné plus au nord qu'il y a 20 ans ou se sont retirés dans les fjords aux eaux froides. Alors que 21 des 57 (36,8 %) espèces ont réagi positivement à la désignation des aires protégées (avant-après), les baisses d'occupation ont eu tendance à être plus importantes dans les aires protégées créées avant 1999 que dans les aires non protégées (contrôle-intervention). Comme les aires protégées sont actuellement concentrées dans le sud, les associations négatives étaient plus évidentes pour les espèces qui se retirent vers le nord, mais les aires protégées existantes peuvent avoir un effet stabilisateur ou transitoire sur les espèces hivernant dans le sud qui se déplacent dans la région à partir d'une région plus au sud. Nous soulignons que les stratégies de conservation doivent trouver un équilibre entre la persistance des communautés actuelles et la préservation de la biodiversité adaptée au climat de demain, en tenant compte des effets au niveau des communautés des espèces qui entrent dans les aires protégées existantes ou qui en sortent. L'intégration des changements d'aire de répartition dans la planification des aires protégées en prédisant les changements de distribution permettra aux praticiens de la conservation d'identifier les habitats prioritaires, tels que les refuges d'eau froide, pour les communautés d'espèces sauvages persistantes.

Aves , Ecossistema , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática , Água
Front Zool ; 21(1): 24, 2024 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39327595


BACKGROUND: Rapidly expanding human activities have profoundly changed the habitat use of both large carnivores and their prey, but whether and how human activities affect the interactions between them has received relatively less attention. In this study, we conducted a systematically designed camera-trapping survey on an endangered large carnivore (North Chinese leopard Panthera pardus japonensis) and its wild ungulate prey (Siberian roe deer Capreolus pygargus and wild boar Sus scrofa) in the Taihang Mountains of central North China. Using conditional two-species occupancy model based on data derived from the extensive sampling effort (15,654 camera-days at 102 camera sites), we examined the relationship of spatial use between leopards and each prey species under the effects of human presence, free-ranging cattle, roads and settlements. RESULTS: Humans and cattle had contrasting effects on the relationship of spatial use between leopard and roe deer, with higher and lower spatial segregation between them at human and cattle-frequented sites, respectively. Roads might create a shelter for wild boar from leopard predation, with less spatial segregation between them at sites close to the roads. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that human activities are reshaping the spatial overlap between large carnivores and their prey, and have non-equivalent effects among different types of human activity. Such effects may further alter the strength of interspecific interactions between predator and prey, with far-reaching influences on the community and ecosystem that require more research.

Med Vet Entomol ; 2024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39258964


The soft tick Ornithodoros turicata Duges (Acari: Argasidae) is a potential vector of African swine fever virus (ASFV). We evaluated the efficacy of two methods to collect soft ticks rapidly and efficiently from gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrows, which are ubiquitous throughout large regions of the southeastern United States and their burrows are a known microhabitat of O. turicata. Burrow vacuuming was an effective and efficient tick collection method; no tick was captured employing CO2 trapping. Using an occupancy modelling framework, we estimated that the probability of detecting ticks from an infested burrow each time a sample was taken with this method was 58% and increased with the average relative humidity. With the occupancy model, we estimated that 70% of the burrows in the study area were infested with O. turicata. Manual sifting of the burrow material yielded more ticks (6.6 individuals/sample) than using a set of three sieves (2.9 individuals/sample), yet the probability of detecting the species was not different between the two methods (Pval = 0.7). These methods can inform the development of ASF vector surveillance and outbreak response plans in areas of high risk for ASFV introduction in the region.

Ecol Lett ; 26 Suppl 1: S140-S151, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37303299


How the complexity of food webs depends on environmental variables is a long-standing ecological question. It is unclear though how food-chain length should vary with adaptive evolution of the constitutive species. Here we model the evolution of species colonisation rates and its consequences on occupancies and food-chain length in metacommunities. When colonisation rates can evolve, longer food-chains can persist. Extinction, perturbation and habitat loss all affect evolutionarily stable colonisation rates, but the strength of the competition-colonisation trade-off has a major role: weaker trade-offs yield longer chains. Although such eco-evo dynamics partly alleviates the spatial constraint on food-chain length, it is no magic bullet: the highest, most vulnerable, trophic levels are also those that least benefit from evolution. We provide qualitative predictions regarding how trait evolution affects the response of communities to disturbance and habitat loss. This highlights the importance of eco-evolutionary dynamics at metacommunity level in determining food-chain length.

Ecol Appl ; 33(1): e2745, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36107138


Estimating habitat and spatial associations for wildlife is common across ecological studies and it is well known that individual traits can drive population dynamics and vice versa. Thus, it is commonly assumed that individual- and population-level data should represent the same underlying processes, but few studies have directly compared contemporaneous data representing these different perspectives. We evaluated the circumstances under which data collected from Lagrangian (individual-level) and Eulerian (population-level) perspectives could yield comparable inference to understand how scalable information is from the individual to the population. We used Global Positioning System (GPS) collar (Lagrangian) and camera trap (Eulerian) data for seven species collected simultaneously in eastern Washington (2018-2020) to compare inferences made from different survey perspectives. We fit the respective data streams to resource selection functions (RSFs) and occupancy models and compared estimated habitat- and space-use patterns for each species. Although previous studies have considered whether individual- and population-level data generated comparable information, ours is the first to make this comparison for multiple species simultaneously and to specifically ask whether inferences from the two perspectives differed depending on the focal species. We found general agreement between the predicted spatial distributions for most paired analyses, although specific habitat relationships differed. We hypothesize the discrepancies arose due to differences in statistical power associated with camera and GPS-collar sampling, as well as spatial mismatches in the data. Our research suggests data collected from individual-based sampling methods can capture coarse population-wide patterns for a diversity of species, but results differ when interpreting specific wildlife-habitat relationships.

Animais Selvagens , Ecossistema , Animais , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Telemetria
Conserv Biol ; 37(5): e14091, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37021393


Understanding how habitat fragmentation affects individual species is complicated by challenges associated with quantifying species-specific habitat and spatial variability in fragmentation effects within a species' range. We aggregated a 29-year breeding survey data set for the endangered marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) from >42,000 forest sites throughout the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and northern California) of the United States. We built a species distribution model (SDM) in which occupied sites were linked with Landsat imagery to quantify murrelet-specific habitat and then used occupancy models to test the hypotheses that fragmentation negatively affects murrelet breeding distribution and that these effects are amplified with distance from the marine foraging habitat toward the edge of the species' nesting range. Murrelet habitat declined in the Pacific Northwest by 20% since 1988, whereas the proportion of habitat comprising edges increased by 17%, indicating increased fragmentation. Furthermore, fragmentation of murrelet habitat at landscape scales (within 2 km of survey stations) negatively affected occupancy of potential breeding sites, and these effects were amplified near the range edge. On the coast, the odds of occupancy decreased by 37% (95% confidence interval [CI] -54 to 12) for each 10% increase in edge habitat (i.e., fragmentation), but at the range edge (88 km inland) these odds decreased by 99% (95% CI 98 to 99). Conversely, odds of murrelet occupancy increased by 31% (95% CI 14 to 52) for each 10% increase in local edge habitat (within 100 m of survey stations). Avoidance of fragmentation at broad scales but use of locally fragmented habitat with reduced quality may help explain the lack of murrelet population recovery. Further, our results emphasize that fragmentation effects can be nuanced, scale dependent, and geographically variable. Awareness of these nuances is critical for developing landscape-level conservation strategies for species experiencing broad-scale habitat loss and fragmentation.

Efectos de la fragmentación sobre las especies en peligro a lo largo de un gradiente desde el interior hasta el borde de su distribución Resumen Es complicado entender el efecto de la fragmentación del hábitat sobre las especies individuales debido a los retos asociados con la cuantificación de hábitats específicos por especie y la variabilidad espacial de los efectos de la fragmentación dentro de la distribución de la especie. Combinamos los datos de un censo reproductivo realizado durante 29 años para el mérgulo jaspeado (Brachyramphus marmoratus) de >42,000 sitios boscosos a lo largo del noroeste del Pacífico (Oregón, Washington, y el norte de California, EE. UU.). Construimos un modelo de distribución de especie (MDE) en el cual los sitios ocupados estuvieron vinculados con imágenes de Landsat para cuantificar el hábitat específico del mérgulo y después usamos los modelos de ocupación para comprobar la hipótesis de que la fragmentación afecta negativamente la distribución reproductiva de la especie y que estos efectos se amplifican con la distancia entre el hábitat de forrajeo marino y el borde de la distribución de anidación de la especie. El hábitat del mérgulo declinó en la zona en un 20% a partir de 1988, mientras que la proporción de hábitat que comprende bordes incrementó en un 17%, lo que indica un aumento en la fragmentación. Además, la fragmentación del hábitat del mérgulo a escala de paisaje (a de 2 km de las estaciones de censo) afectó negativamente a la ocupación de sitios potenciales de reproducción y estos efectos se amplificaron cerca del borde de la distribución. La probabilidad de ocupación disminuyó en un 37% (95% IC -54 a 12) por cada 10% de incremento en el hábitat de borde (es decir, fragmentación) en la costa, pero en el borde de la distribución (88 km tierra adentro), esta probabilidad disminuyó en un 99% (95% IC 98 a 99). De forma contraria, la probabilidad de ocupación incrementó en un 31% (95% IC 14 a 52) por cada 10% de incremento en el hábitat de borde local (a 100 m de las estaciones de censo). La evasión de la fragmentación a gran escala y el uso de hábitats con calidad reducida y fragmentados a nivel local podría explicar la falta de recuperación poblacional del mérgulo. Más allá, nuestros resultados resaltan que los efectos de la fragmentación pueden estar matizados, depender de la escala y tener variación geográfica. Es importante tener conciencia de estos matices para desarrollar estrategias de conservación a nivel paisaje para las especies que experimentan fragmentación y pérdida del hábitat a gran escala.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Ecossistema , Florestas , Washington
Am J Primatol ; 85(11): e23544, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37572084


Monitoring populations is critical for understanding how they respond to anthropogenic disturbance and for management of protected areas. The use of passive acoustic monitoring can improve monitoring efforts as it allows for collection of data on vocal animals at spatial and temporal scales that are difficult using only human observers. In this study, we used a multiseason occupancy model to monitor occurrence, apparent extinction, and colonization probabilities of a northern yellow-cheeked gibbon, Nomascus annamensis population with acoustic data collected from mobile smartphones in Dakrong Nature Reserve, Vietnam. Forty-five sites were randomly selected for repeated surveys in 2019 and 2022. At each site, a mobile smartphone was attached to a tree and recorded sounds for 4.2 days and 3.89 days on average, in 2019 and 2022, respectively. We manually annotated spectrograms for the presence of gibbon calls, and we detected gibbons at 24 and 12 recording posts in 2019 and 2022, respectively. Estimated local apparent extinction from occupancy models was high with 67% of occupied sites in 2019 becoming unoccupied in 2022. Apparent colonization was low with ~25% of unoccupied sites in 2019 becoming occupied in 2022. As a result, the apparent occurrence probability declined from 0.58 in 2019 to 0.30 in 2022. If the absence of calls indicates that cells are unoccupied this would mean an alarming decline of the gibbon population in the nature reserve. We suggest that in the areas with high hunting pressure, monitoring intervals should be shortened to at least yearly. In addition, urgent actions, such as patrolling, or gun confiscation, should be implemented to conserve the gibbon populations in Dakrong Nature Reserve and other protected areas with the same management context.

Proc Biol Sci ; 289(1973): 20212681, 2022 04 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473373


In the face of a growing human footprint, understanding interactions among threatened large carnivores is fundamental to effectively mitigating anthropogenic threats and managing species. Using data from a large-scale camera trap survey, we investigated the effects of environmental and anthropogenic variables on the interspecific interaction of a carnivore guild comprising of tiger, leopard and dhole in Bhutan. We demonstrate the complex effects of human settlement density on large carnivore interactions. Specifically, we demonstrate that leopard-dhole co-occupancy probability was higher in areas with higher human settlement density. The opposite was true for tiger-leopard co-occupancy probability, but it was positively affected by large prey (gaur) abundance. These findings suggest that multi-carnivore communities across land-use gradients are spatially structured and mediated also by human presence and/or the availability of natural prey. Our findings show that space-use patterns are driven by a combination of the behavioural mechanism of each species and its interactions with competing species. The duality of the effect of settlement density on species interactions suggests that the benefits of exploiting anthropogenic environments are a trade-off between ecological opportunity (food subsidies or easy prey) and the risk of escalating conflict with humans.

Canidae , Carnívoros , Panthera , Animais , Bovinos , Ecossistema , Humanos , Simpatria
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(24): 7205-7216, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36172946


The spatial aggregation of species pairs often increases with the ecological similarity of the species involved. However, the way in which environmental conditions and anthropogenic activity affect the relationship between spatial aggregation and ecological similarity remains unknown despite the potential for spatial associations to affect species interactions, ecosystem function, and extinction risk. Given that human disturbance has been shown to both increase and decrease spatial associations among species pairs, ecological similarity may have a role in mediating these patterns. Here, we test the influences of habitat diversity, primary productivity, human population density, and species' ecological similarity based on functional traits (i.e., functional trait similarity) on spatial associations among tropical forest mammals. Large mammals are highly sensitive to anthropogenic change and therefore susceptible to changes in interspecific spatial associations. Using two-species occupancy models and camera trap data, we quantified the spatial overlap of 1216 species pairs from 13 tropical forest protected areas around the world. We found that the association between ecological similarity and interspecific species associations depended on surrounding human density. Specifically, aggregation of ecologically similar species was more than an order of magnitude stronger in landscapes with the highest human density compared to those with the lowest human density, even though all populations occurred within protected areas. Human-induced changes in interspecific spatial associations have been shown to alter top-down control by predators, increase disease transmission and increase local extinction rates. Our results indicate that anthropogenic effects on the distribution of wildlife within protected areas are already occurring and that impacts on species interactions, ecosystem functions, and extinction risk warrant further investigation.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Animais , Humanos , Florestas , Mamíferos , Densidade Demográfica
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(13): 3998-4012, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35535680


Recent climate and land-use changes are having substantial impacts on biodiversity, including population declines, range shifts, and changes in community composition. However, few studies have compared these impacts among multiple taxa, particularly because of a lack of standardized time series data over long periods. Existing data sets are typically of low resolution or poor coverage, both spatially and temporally, thereby limiting the inferences that can be drawn from such studies. Here, we compare climate and land-use driven occupancy changes in butterflies, grasshoppers, and dragonflies using an extensive data set of highly heterogeneous observation data collected in the central European region of Bavaria (Germany) over a 40-year period. Using occupancy models, we find occupancies (the proportion of sites occupied by a species in each year) of 37% of species have decreased, 30% have increased and 33% showed no significant trend. Butterflies and grasshoppers show strongest declines with 41% of species each. By contrast, 52% of dragonfly species increased. Temperature preference and habitat specificity appear as significant drivers of species trends. We show that cold-adapted species across all taxa have declined, whereas warm-adapted species have increased. In butterflies, habitat specialists have decreased, while generalists increased or remained stable. The trends of habitat generalists and specialists both in grasshoppers and semi-aquatic dragonflies, however did not differ. Our findings indicate strong and consistent effects of climate warming across insect taxa. The decrease of butterfly specialists could hint towards a threat from land-use change, as especially butterfly specialists' occurrence depends mostly on habitat quality and area. Our study not only illustrates how these taxa showed differing trends in the past but also provides hints on how we might mitigate the detrimental effects of human development on their diversity in the future.

Borboletas , Odonatos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Clima , Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente)
Theor Popul Biol ; 145: 22-37, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35271912


We introduce a new model for plant metapopulations with a seed bank component, living in a fragmented environment in which local extinction events are frequent. This model is an intermediate between population dynamics models with a seed bank component, based on the classical Wright-Fisher model, and Stochastic Patch Occupancy Models (SPOMs) used in metapopulation ecology. Its main feature is the use of "ghost" individuals, which can reproduce but with a very strong selective disadvantage against "real" individuals, to artificially ensure a constant population size. We show the existence of an extinction threshold above which persistence of the subpopulation of "real" individuals is not possible, and investigate how the seed bank characteristics affect this extinction threshold. We also show the convergence of the model to a SPOM under an appropriate scaling, bridging the gap between individual-based models and occupancy models.

Ecossistema , Banco de Sementes , Ecologia , Extinção Biológica , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Densidade Demográfica , Dinâmica Populacional
Ecol Appl ; 32(7): e2647, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35535608


To mitigate human-wildlife conflict it is imperative to know where and when conflict occurs. However, standard methods used to predict the occurrence of human-wildlife conflict often fail to recognize how a species distribution likely limits where and when conflict may happen. As such, methods that predict human-wildlife conflict could be improved if they could identify where conflict will occur relative to species' underlying distribution. To this end, we used an integrated species distribution model that combined presence-only wildlife complaints with data from a systematic camera trapping survey throughout Chicago, Illinois. This model draws upon both data sources to estimate a latent distribution of species; in addition, the model can estimate where conflict is most likely to occur within that distribution. We modeled the occupancy and conflict potential of coyote (Canis latrans), Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and raccoon (Procyon lotor) as a function of urban intensity, per capita income, and home vacancy rates throughout Chicago. Overall, the distribution of each species constrained the spatiotemporal patterns of conflict throughout the city of Chicago. Within each species distribution, we found that human-wildlife conflict was most likely to occur where humans and wildlife habitat overlap (e.g., featuring higher-than-average canopy cover and housing density). Furthermore, human-wildlife conflict was most likely to occur in high-income neighborhoods for Virginia opossum and raccoon, despite the fact that those two species have higher occupancy in low-income neighborhoods. As such, knowing where species are distributed can inform guidelines on where wildlife management should be focused, especially if it overlaps with human habitats. Finally, because this integrated model can incorporate data that have already been collected by wildlife managers or city officials, this approach could be used to develop stronger collaborations with wildlife management agencies and conduct applied research that will inform landscape-scale wildlife management.

Animais Selvagens , Guaxinins , Animais , Cidades , Ecossistema , Humanos , Gambás
Ecol Appl ; 32(5): e2594, 2022 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35343015


Mountain headwater streams have emerged as important climate refuges for native cold-water species due to their slow climate velocities and extreme physical conditions that inhibit non-native invasions. Species persisting in refuges often do so as fragmented, relict populations from broader historical distributions that are subject to ongoing habitat reductions and increasing isolation as climate change progresses. Key for conservation planning is determining where remaining populations will persist and how habitat restoration strategies can improve biological resilience to enhance the long-term prospects for species of concern. Studying bull trout, a headwater species in the northwestern USA, we developed habitat occupancy models using a data set of population occurrence in 991 natal habitat patches with a suite of novel geospatial covariates derived from high-resolution hydroclimatic scenarios and other sources representing watershed and instream habitat conditions, patch geometry, disturbance, and biological interactions. The best model correctly predicted bull trout occupancy status in 82.6% of the patches and included effects for: patch size estimated as habitat volume, extent of within-patch reaches <9°C mean August temperature, distance to nearest occupied patch, road density, invasive brook trout prevalence, patch slope, and frequency of high winter flows. The model was used to assess 16 scenarios of bull trout occurrence within the study streams that represented a range of restoration strategies under three climatic conditions (baseline, moderate change, and extreme change). Results suggested that regional improvements in bull trout status were difficult to achieve in realistic restoration strategies due to the pervasive nature of climate change and the limited extent of restoration actions given their high costs. However, occurrence probabilities in a subset of patches were highly responsive to restoration actions, suggesting that targeted investments to improve the resilience of some populations may be contextually beneficial. A possible strategy, therefore, is focusing effort on responsive populations near more robust population strongholds, thereby contributing to local enclaves where dispersal among populations further enhances resilience. Equally important, strongholds constituted a small numerical percentage of patches (5%-21%), yet encompassed the large majority of occupied habitat by volume (72%-89%) and their protection could have significant conservation benefits for bull trout.

Ecossistema , Truta , Animais , Mudança Climática , Rios , Estações do Ano
Ecol Appl ; 32(8): e2714, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36184581


A clear connection between basic research and applied management is often missing or difficult to discern. We present a case study of integration of basic research with applied management for estimating abundance of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Montana, USA. Estimating wolf abundance is a key component of wolf management but is costly and time intensive as wolf populations continue to grow. We developed a multimodel approach using an occupancy model, mechanistic territory model, and empirical group size model to improve abundance estimates while reducing monitoring effort. Whereas field-based wolf counts generally rely on costly, difficult-to-collect monitoring data, especially for larger areas or population sizes, our approach efficiently uses readily available wolf observation data and introduces models focused on biological mechanisms underlying territorial and social behavior. In a three-part process, the occupancy model first estimates the extent of wolf distribution in Montana, based on environmental covariates and wolf observations. The spatially explicit mechanistic territory model predicts territory sizes using simple behavioral rules and data on prey resources, terrain ruggedness, and human density. Together, these models predict the number of packs. An empirical pack size model based on 14 years of data demonstrates that pack sizes are positively related to local densities of packs, and negatively related to terrain ruggedness, local mortalities, and intensity of harvest management. Total abundance estimates for given areas are derived by combining estimated numbers of packs and pack sizes. We estimated the Montana wolf population to be smallest in the first year of our study, with 91 packs and 654 wolves in 2007, followed by a population peak in 2011 with 1252 wolves. The population declined ~6% thereafter, coincident with implementation of legal harvest in Montana. Recent numbers have largely stabilized at an average of 191 packs and 1141 wolves from 2016 to 2020. This new approach accounts for biologically based, spatially explicit predictions of behavior to provide more accurate estimates of carnivore abundance at finer spatial scales. By integrating basic and applied research, our approach can therefore better inform decision-making and meet management needs.

Lobos , Animais , Humanos , Ecossistema , Densidade Demográfica , Comportamento Social , Montana
Ecol Appl ; 32(1): e02482, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34674337


Apex predators drive top-down effects in ecosystems and the loss of such species can trigger mesopredator release. This ecological process has been well documented in human-modified small areas, but for management and conservation of ecological communities, it is important to know which human factors affect apex predator occurrence and which mediate mesopredators release at large scales. We hypothesized that mesopredators would avoid spatial and temporal overlap with the apex predator, the puma; but that human perturbations (i.e., cattle raising and trophy hunting) would dampen top-down effects and mediate habitat use. We installed 16 camera traps in each of 45, 10 × 10 km grid cells in the Caldén forest region of central Argentina resulting in 706 total stations covering 61,611 km2 . We used single-season occupancy and two-species co-occurrence models and calculated the species interaction factor (SIF) to explore the contributions of habitat, biotic, and anthropic variables in explaining co-occurrence between carnivore pairs. We also used kernel density estimation techniques to analyze temporal overlap in activity patterns of the carnivore guild. We found that puma habitat use increased with abundance of large prey and with proximity to protected areas. Geoffroy's cats and skunks spatially avoided pumas and this effect was strong and mediated by distance to protected areas and game reserves, but pumas did not influence pampas fox and pampas cat space use. At medium and low levels of puma occupancy, we found evidence of spatial avoidance between three pairs of mesocarnivores. All predators were mostly nocturnal and crepuscular across seasons and mesopredators showed little consistent evidence of changing activity patterns with varying levels of puma occupancy or human interference. We found potential for mesopredator release at large scale, especially on the spatial niche axis. Our results suggest that a combination of interacting factors, in conjunction with habitat features and intervening human activities, may make mesopredator release unlikely or difficult to discern at broad scales. Overall, we believe that promoting the creation of new protected areas linked by small forest patches would likely lead to increased predator and prey abundances, as well as the interactions among carnivores inside and outside of protected areas.

Efeitos Antropogênicos , Carnívoros , Florestas , Animais , Bovinos , Comportamento Predatório , Estações do Ano , Análise Espacial
J Anim Ecol ; 91(10): 2050-2060, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35871483


Connectivity is a fundamental concept linking dispersal to the emergent dynamics and persistence of spatially structured populations. Functional measures of connectivity typically seek to integrate aspects of landscape structure and animal movement to describe ecologically meaningful connectedness at the landscape and population scale. Despite this focus on function, traditional measures of landscape connectivity assume it is a static property of the landscape, hence abstracting out the underlying spatiotemporal population dynamics. Connectivity is, arguably, a dynamic property of landscapes, and is inherently related to the spatial distribution of individuals and populations across the landscape. Static representations of connectivity potentially overlook this variation and therefore adopting a dynamic approach should offer improved insights about connectivity and associated ecological processes. Using a large-scale, long-term time series of occupancy data from a metapopulation of water voles Arvicola amphibius, we tested competing hypotheses about how considering the dynamic nature of connectivity improves the ability of spatially explicit occupancy models to recover population dynamics. Iteratively relaxing standing assumptions of connectivity metrics, these models ranged from spatially and temporally fixed connectivity metrics that are widely applied, to the more flexible, but lesser used model that allowed temporally varying connectivity measures that incorporate spatiotemporally dynamic patch occupancy states. Our results provide empirical evidence that demographic weighting using patch occupancy dynamics and temporal variability in connectivity measures are important for describing metapopulation dynamics. We highlight the implications of commonly held assumption in connectivity modelling and demonstrate how they result in different and highly variable predictions of metapopulation capacity. Thus, we argue that the concept of connectivity and its potential applications would benefit from recognizing inherent spatiotemporal variation in connectivity that is explicitly linked to underlying ecological state variables.

Arvicolinae , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Ecossistema , Dinâmica Populacional
Behav Res Methods ; 54(5): 2381-2397, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35352300


Observers can quickly estimate the quantity of sets of visual elements. Many aspects of this ability have been studied and the underlying system has been called the Approximate Number Sense (Dehaene, 2011). Specific visual properties, such as size and clustering of the elements, can bias an estimate. For intermediate numerical quantities at low density (above five, but before texturization), human performance is predicted by a model based on the region of influence of elements (occupancy model: Allïk & Tuulmets, 1991). For random 2D configurations we computed ten indices based on graph theory, and we compared them with the occupancy model: independence number, domination, connected components, local clustering coefficient, global clustering coefficient, random walk, eigenvector centrality, maximum clique, total degree of connectivity, and total edge length. We made comparisons across a range of parameters, and we varied the size of the region of influence around each element. The analysis of the pattern of correlations suggests two main groups of graph-based measures. The first group is sensitive to the presence of local clustering of elements, the second seems more sensitive to density and the way information spreads in graphs. Empirical work on perception of numerosity may benefit from comparing, or controlling for, these properties.

Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos , Humanos , Análise de Componente Principal , Análise por Conglomerados
Mol Ecol ; 30(13): 3340-3354, 2021 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33063415


We demonstrate the power of combining two emergent tools for resolving rangewide metapopulation dynamics. First, we employed environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys to efficiently generate multiseason rangewide site occupancy histories. Second, we developed a novel dynamic, spatial multiscale occupancy model to estimate metapopulation dynamics. The model incorporates spatial relationships, explicitly accounts for non-detection bias and allows direct evaluation of the drivers of extinction and colonization. We applied these tools to examine metapopulation dynamics of endangered tidewater goby, a species endemic to California estuarine habitats. We analysed rangewide eDNA data from 190 geographically isolated sites (813 total water samples) surveyed from 2 years (2016 and 2017). Rangewide estimates of the proportion of sites that were occupied varied little between 2016 (0.52) and 2017 (0.51). However, there was evidence of extinction and colonization dynamics. The probability of extinction of an occupied site (0.106) and probability of colonization of an unoccupied site (0.085) were nearly equal. Stability in site occupancy proportions combined with nearly equal rates of extinction and colonization suggests a dynamic equilibrium between the 2 years surveyed. Assessment of covariate effects revealed that colonization probability increased as the number of occupied neighbouring sites increased and as distance between occupied sites decreased. We show that eDNA surveys can rapidly provide a snapshot of a species distribution over a broad geographic range and, when these surveys are paired with occupancy modelling, can uncover metapopulation dynamics and their drivers.

DNA Ambiental , Perciformes , Animais , Ecossistema , Modelos Biológicos , Dinâmica Populacional
Ecol Appl ; 31(2): e02249, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33140872


Community occupancy models estimate species-specific parameters while sharing information across species by treating parameters as sampled from a common distribution. When communities consist of discrete groups, shrinkage of estimates toward the community mean can mask differences among groups. Infinite-mixture models using a Dirichlet process (DP) distribution, in which the number of latent groups is estimated from the data, have been proposed as a solution. In addition to community structure, these models estimate species similarity, which allows testing hypotheses about whether traits drive species response to environmental conditions. We develop a community occupancy model (COM) using a DP distribution to model species-level parameters. Because clustering algorithms are sensitive to dimensionality and distinctiveness of clusters, we conducted a simulation study to explore performance of the DP-COM with different dimensions (i.e., different numbers of model parameters with species-level DP random effects) and under varying cluster differences. Because the DP-COM is computationally expensive, we compared its estimates to a COM with a normal random species effect. We further applied the DP-COM model to a bird data set from Uganda. Estimates of the number of clusters and species cluster identity improved with increasing difference among clusters and increasing dimensions of the DP; but the number of clusters was always overestimated. Estimates of number of sites occupied and species and community-level covariate coefficients on occupancy probability were generally unbiased with (near-) nominal 95% Bayesian Credible Interval coverage. Accuracy of estimates from the normal and the DP-COM was similar. The DP-COM clustered 166 bird species into 27 clusters regarding their affiliation with open or woodland habitat and distance to oil wells. Estimates of covariate coefficients were similar between a normal and the DP-COM. Except sunbirds, species within a family were not more similar in their response to these covariates than the overall community. Given that estimates were consistent between the normal and the DP-COM, and considering the computational burden for the DP models, we recommend using the DP-COM only when the analysis focuses on community structure and species similarity, as these quantities can only be obtained under the DP-COM.

Algoritmos , Ecossistema , Teorema de Bayes , Simulação por Computador
J Anim Ecol ; 90(2): 330-342, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32895962


The integration of citizen scientists into ecological research is transforming how, where, and when data are collected, and expanding the potential scales of ecological studies. Citizen-science projects can provide numerous benefits for participants while educating and connecting professionals with lay audiences, potentially increasing the acceptance of conservation and management actions. However, for all the benefits, collection of citizen-science data is often biased towards areas that are easily accessible (e.g. developments and roadways), and thus data are usually affected by issues typical of opportunistic surveys (e.g. uneven sampling effort). These areas are usually illuminated by artificial light at night (ALAN), a dynamic sensory stimulus that alters the perceptual world for both humans and wildlife. Our goal was to test whether satellite-based measures of ALAN could improve our understanding of the detection process of citizen-scientist-reported sightings of a large mammal. We collected observations of American black bears Ursus americanus (n = 1,315) outside their primary range in Minnesota, USA, as part of a study to gauge population expansion. Participants from the public provided sighting locations of bears on a website. We used an occupancy modelling framework to determine how well ALAN accounted for observer metrics compared to other commonly used metrics (e.g. housing density). Citizen scientists reported 17% of bear sightings were under artificially lit conditions and monthly ALAN estimates did the best job accounting for spatial bias in detection of all observations, based on AIC values and effect sizes ( ß^  = 0.81, 0.71-0.90 95% CI). Bear detection increased with elevated illuminance; relative abundance was positively associated with natural cover, proximity to primary bear range and lower road density. Although the highest counts of bear sightings occurred in the highly illuminated suburbs of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan region, we estimated substantially higher bear abundance in another region with plentiful natural cover and low ALAN (up to ~375% increased predicted relative abundance) where observations were sparse. We demonstrate the importance of considering ALAN radiance when analysing citizen-scientist-collected data, and we highlight the ways that ALAN data provide a dynamic snapshot of human activity.

Ciência do Cidadão , Ursidae , Animais , Humanos , Variações Dependentes do Observador