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Can J Psychiatry ; : 7067437241261481, 2024 Jul 21.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39033429


OBJECTIVE: There are few tools capable of measuring the personal recovery of individuals presenting with mental disorders that take into account the various dimensions of recovery. Personal recovery encompasses several objectives at the level of autonomy, positive interpersonal relationships, mental and physical health, self-acceptance, the school/professional domain, as well as developing a life project. A team of practitioners and researchers from four countries (Canada, Belgium, France, and Switzerland) adapted the Client Assessment of Strengths, Interests, and Goals (CASIG) tool to more accurately measure these different aspects of personal recovery. This study aims to validate the revised version of CASIG (CASIG-rev) in French, in terms of construct validity, test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and clinical sensitivity to change. METHOD: A total of 272 individuals were recruited across different French-speaking countries to respond to the CASIG-rev online, as well as Ryff's well-being measure, the Recovery Assessment Scale, and the WHODAS. A subgroup of 29 individuals responded again to the CASIG-rev after 1 month (for temporal stability), and 24 again at six months (for sensitivity to change). RESULTS: The confirmatory factor analysis suggests a 5-factor model, very similar to the initially proposed model of 6 factors. Convergent validity was demonstrated between the subscales of tools measuring similar concepts, and test-retest reliability was proven for the majority of scales. The CASIG-rev also appears to be sensitive to clinical or rehabilitation changes, notably at the level of the life project. CONCLUSION: This study supports the use of the CASIG-rev in French to measure the recovery of individuals presenting with mental disorders, as well as to support practitioners in the evaluation of their programs and interventions. Limitations, as well as the tool's relevance, are presented. An English validation is underway to make the CASIG-rev available in Anglo-Saxon countries.

OBJECTIF: Il existe peu d'outils capables de mesurer le rétablissement des individus présentant des troubles mentaux en tenant compte des différentes dimensions du rétablissement. Cependant, le rétablissement englobe plusieurs objectifs au niveau de l'autonomie, des relations interpersonnelles positives, de la santé mentale et physique, de l'acceptation de soi, du domaine professionnel, ainsi que de la conception d'un projet de vie. Une équipe d'intervenants et de chercheurs provenant de quatre pays (Canada, Belgique, France et Suisse) a adapté l'outil CASIG dans le but de mesurer de façon plus précise ces différents aspects du rétablissement personnel. Cette étude a pour but de valider la version révisée de la CASIG (CASIG-rev) en français. MÉTHODE: Un total de 272 individus ont été recrutés en ligne pour répondre à la CASIG-rev, ainsi qu'à la mesure du bien-être de Ryff, la Recovery Assessment Scale, et le WHODAS. Un sous-groupe a répondu de nouveau à la CASIG-rev après un mois (pour la stabilité temporelle), puis à six mois (pour la sensibilité au changement). RÉSULTATS: L'analyse factorielle confirmatoire suggère un modèle à cinq facteurs, très similaire au modèle initial proposé. La validité de convergence a été démontrée entre les sous-échelles des outils mesurant des concepts similaires, et la fidélité test-retest a été prouvée pour la majorité des échelles. La version révisée de la CASIG semble également sensible aux changements cliniques ou de rétablissement, notamment au niveau du projet de vie. CONCLUSION: Cette étude appuie l'utilisation de la CASIG-rev en français pour mesurer le rétablissement des personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques, ainsi que pour soutenir les intervenants dans l'évaluation de leurs programmes et interventions. Les limites de l'étude ainsi que la pertinence de cet outil sont aussi présentées. Une validation anglaise de l'outil est en cours.

Infant Ment Health J ; 45(3): 318-327, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478551


Understanding deficits in recognition of infant emotions in mothers with mental illnesses is limited by the lack of validated instruments. We present the development and content validation of the infant facial emotion recognition tool (InFER) in India to examine the ability of mothers to detect the infants' emotions. A total of 164 images of infant faces in various emotional states were gathered from the parents of four infants (two male and two female: up to 12 months old). Infant emotion in each image was identified by the respective mother. Content validation was carried out by 21 experts. Images with ≥70% concordance among experts were selected. The newly developed tool, InFER, consists of a total 39 infant images representing the six basic emotions. This tool was then administered among mothers during their postpartum period-10 healthy mothers and 10 mothers who had remitted from any schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar affective disorder or major depressive disorder. The mean age and mean years of education for both groups were comparable (age∼25 years, education ∼15 years). A significant difference was found between the two groups in their ability to recognize infant emotions (Mann-Whitney U = 12.5; p = 0.004). InFER is a promising tool in Indian settings for understanding maternal recognition of infant emotions.

La comprensión de los déficits en el reconocimiento de las emociones del infante en madres con enfermedades mentales está limitada por la falta de instrumentos validados. Presentamos el desarrollo y la validación de contenido de una herramienta para reconocer la emoción facial del infante (InFER) en la India. para examinar la habilidad de las madres para detectar las emociones del infante. Se recogió un total de 164 imágenes de caras de infantes en varios estados emocionales, aportadas por los progenitores de 4 infantes (dos varones y dos niñas: de hasta 12 meses de edad). La mamá respectiva identificó la emoción del infante en cada imagen. La validación del contenido la llevaron a cabo 21 expertos. Para la construcción de esta herramienta se seleccionaron las imágenes que presentaban el ≥70% de concordancia entre los expertos. La recientemente desarrollada herramienta, InFER está compuesta de un total de 39 imágenes de infantes las cuales representan las seis emociones básicas. Esta herramienta entonces se puso en práctica entre madres durante su período de postparto ­10 madres saludables y 10 madres que habían sido remitidas en relación con cualquiera de los trastornos de la gama de la esquizofrenia, el trastorno afectivo bipolar o un trastorno depresivo mayor. El promedio de edad y el promedio de años de educación en ambos grupos eran comparables (edad ∼25 años, educación ∼15years). Una diferencia significativa se encontró entre los dos grupos en cuanto a su habilidad de reconocer las emociones del infante (Mann­Whitney U = 12.5; p = 0.004). InFER es una herramienta prometedora en entornos de la India para comprender el reconocimiento materno de las emociones del infante.

La compréhension des déficits dans la reconnaissance des émotions du bébé chez les mères ayant des maladies mentales est limitée par le manque d'instruments validés. Nous présentons le développement et la validation du contenu d'un outil de reconnaissance de l'émotion faciale du nourrisson (InFER) en Inde afin d'examiner la capacité des mères à détecter les émotions du bébé. Un total de 164 images de visages de bébés dans des états émotionnels variés ont été assemblées de parents de 4 bébés (deux garçons et deux filles: jusqu'à l'âge de 12 mois) L'émotion du bébé dans chaque image a été identifiée par la mère respective. La validation du contenu a été faite par 21 experts. Des images avec ≥70% de concordance entre les experts ont été sélectionnées pour la construction de l'outil. Ce nouvel outil, InFER, consiste en un total de 39 images de bébés représentant les six émotions de base. Cet outil a ensuite été utilisé chez des mères durant leur période postpartum ­ 10 mères en bonne santé et 10 mères s'étant remises soit d'un trouble du spectre schizophrénique, soit d'un trouble affectif bipolaire ou d'un trouble dépressif majeur. La moyenne d'âge et la moyenne d'années d'éducation pour les deux groupes étaient comparables (âge∼25ans, éducation ∼15ans). Une différence importante a été trouvée entre les deux groupes dans leur capacité à reconnaître les émotions du bébé (Mann­Whitney U = 12,5; p = 0,004). InFER est un outil prometteur dans les contextes de l'Inde pour comprendre la reconnaissance maternelle des émotions du bébé.

Emoções , Expressão Facial , Reconhecimento Facial , Mães , Período Pós-Parto , Humanos , Feminino , Lactente , Adulto , Período Pós-Parto/psicologia , Masculino , Mães/psicologia , Índia , Transtornos Mentais , Adulto Jovem , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia
Infant Ment Health J ; 2024 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126423


Communimetric screening tools help clinicians identify and communicate their patient's areas of need and the corresponding level of action. However, few tools exist to identify mental health (MH) and developmental needs in young children. We aimed to implement and evaluate a new communimetric MH and developmental screening tool for children under 6 (HEADS-ED Under 6) in a community MH agency in Ontario, Canada. Using a prospective cohort design, we explored how intake workers used the HEADS-ED Under 6 screening tool from November 2019 to March 2021. 94.5% of children (n = 535/566) were screened with the HEADS-ED at intake. Total HEADS-ED scores and domains were used to inform the intensity of recommended services. Three clinical domains (Eating & sleeping, Development, speech/language/motor, and Emotions & behaviors) also independently predicted a priority recommendation. The tool showed good concordance with the InterRAI Early Years for children under 4 years old. The HEADS-ED Under 6 was a brief, easy, and valid screening tool, and can be used to identify important MH and developmental domains early, rate level of action/impairment, communicate severity of needs, and help determine intensity of service required.

Les outils de dépistage communimétrique aident les cliniciens à identifier et à communicer les besoins et le niveau d'action correspondant de leur patient. Cependant il existe peu d'outil pour identifier les besoins en Santé Mentale (SM en français) et les besoins développentaux chez les jeunes enfants. Nous nous sommes donné pour but d'appliquer et d'évaluer un nouveal outil communimétrique de SM et développemental pour les enfants de moins de 6 ans (HEADS­ED de moins de 6 ans) dans une agence communautaire de SM dans l'Ontario au Canada. En utilisant une conception de cohorte prospective nous avons exploré la manière dont les préposés à l'accueil ont utilisé le HEADS­ED de moins de six ans de novembre 219 à mars 2021. 94,5% des enfants (n = 535­566) ont été dépister avec le HEADS­ED à l'accueil. Tous les scores et domaines HEADS­ED ont été utilisé pour éclairer l'intensité des services recommandés. Trois domaines cliniques (Manger et dormir, Développement/parole/langage/moteur, et les Emotions, comportements ont aussi prédit une recommandation de priorité indépendamment. L'outil a fait preuve d'une bonne concordance avec le InterRAI Early Years pour les enfants de moins de 4 ans. Le HEADS­ED de moins de 6 ans s'est avéré être un outil de dépistage valide, bref et facile, et peut être utiliser pour identifier des domaines de SM et des domaines du développement importants tôt, d'évaluer un niveau d'action/de dépréciation, de communiquer la sévérité de besoins, et aider à déterminer l'intensité des services requis. Kommunimetrische Screening­Instrumente helfen klinisch Tätigen dabei, die Bedürfnisse ihrer Patienten zu erkennen, zu kommunizieren und die entsprechenden Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Es gibt jedoch nur wenige Instrumente welche die Bedürfnisse von Kleinkindern hinsichtlich ihrer psychischen Gesundheit und Entwicklung ermitteln. Unser Ziel war es, ein neues kommunimetrisches Screening­Instrument für die psychische Gesundheit und Entwicklung von Kindern unter 6 Jahren (HEADS­ED unter 6 Jahren) in einer kommunalen Einrichtung der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung in Ontario, Kanada, einzuführen und zu evaluieren. In einer prospektiven Kohortenstudie untersuchten wir von November 2019 bis März 2021 wie die Mitarbeitenden der Einrichtung bei Aufnahmen das HEADS­ED­Screening­Tool für Kinder unter 6 Jahren einsetzten. 94,5 % der Kinder (n = 535/566) wurden bei Aufnahme mit dem HEADS­ED gescreent. Die HEADS­ED­Gesamtergebnisse und ­Domänen wurden verwendet, um die Intensität der empfohlenen Gesundheitsleistungen zu bestimmen. Ebenfalls sagten drei klinische Domänen (Essen und Schlafen, Entwicklung/Sprechen/Sprache/Motorik und Emotionen/Verhaltensweisen) unabhängig voneinander eine prioritäre Empfehlung voraus. Das Instrument zeigte eine gute Übereinstimmung mit dem InterRAI Early Years für Kinder unter 4 Jahren. Das HEADS­ED für Kinder unter 6 Jahren erwies sich als ein kurzes, einfaches und valides Screening­Instrument, das eingesetzt werden kann, um frühzeitig wichtige Bereiche psychischer Gesundheit und Entwicklung zu identifizieren, das Ausmaß von Interventionen/Beeinträchtigungen einzuschätzen, die Stärke dahingehender Bedürfnisse mitzuteilen und die notwendige Intensität von Gesundheitsleistungen zu bestimmen. コミュニメトリックスクリーニングツールは、臨床医が患者の必要な領域とそれに対応する行動レベルを特定し、伝えるのに役立つ。しかし、幼児のメンタルヘルス(MH)と発達のニーズを特定するツールはほとんど存在しない。本研究は、カナダ・オンタリオ州の地域MH機関において、6歳未満児を対象とした新しいコミュニメトリックMHおよび発達スクリーニングツール(HEADS­ED under 6)の導入および評価を目的とした。前向きコホートデザインを用いて、2019å¹´11月から2021å¹´3月に、インテイク担当者が6歳未満児スクリーニングツールHEADS­EDをどのように使用したかを調査した。94.5%の子ども(n = 535/566)がインテーク時にHEADS­EDでスクリーニングを受けた。HEADS­EDの総スコアと領域は、推奨されるサービスの程度を知るために使用された。また、3つの臨床領域(食欲と睡眠、発達・発語・言語・運動、感情/行動)が、個別の優先順位を予測した。このツールは、4歳未満児を対象とするInterRAI Early Yearsと良好な一致を示した。HEADS­ED Under 6は、簡潔で、簡単で、有効なスクリーニングツールであり、早期に重要な精神保健および発達領域を特定し、活動/障害のレベルを評価し、ニーズの重症度を伝え、必要なサービスの強度を決定するために使用することができる。.

Ann Pharm Fr ; 82(5): 916-923, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38641001


OBJECTIVES: In order to share their knowledge, sterilization unit managers publish the results of their work in journals or at scientific conferences. The aim of Enthalpies is to list all such work in a single database. The work presented describes the construction of this database and the assessment of its feasibility for the washing step. METHODS: The first step was to carry out a literature review. Only articles published over 10years (2013-2023) in connection with the ten-year washing stage were included. Then, each publication was categorized, coded, graded and summarized by a pharmacist-internal pair. All this data was collated in an Excel® spreadsheet, and from the data categorization a tree structure was created, enabling the interface between the user and the platform hosting Enthalpies to be understood. RESULTS: Eighty-one publications were identified. These were categorized into 6 themes and 27 sub-themes. A reading grid was drawn up for each publication. Genially®, an online platform, was chosen to host our database. CONCLUSION: Enthalpies was not designed to issue recommendations for best practice. However, by collating published scientific data, this tool can be used to assist decision-making. It represents an innovative solution for providing a literature review in the field of hospital sterilization.

Esterilização , Esterilização/métodos , Humanos , Bases de Dados Factuais
Ann Pharm Fr ; 82(3): 514-521, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000506


BACKGROUND: Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is increasing especially in new groups of patients. Despite advances in management, morbidity and mortality related to IA remain high. Thus, Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) dedicated to IA are needed to promote the optimal antifungal for each group of patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective multicenter cohort study involving intensive care units and medical units. Adult patients who received caspofungin, isavuconazole, itraconazole, liposomal amphotericin B, posaconazole, or voriconazole, for the treatment of IA were eligible for enrollment. The primary objective was the concordance between the clinician's prescription and the prescription recommended by the CDSS. The secondary objective was the concordance according to different hospitals, departments, and indications. RESULTS: Eighty-eight patients (n=88) from three medical hospitals were included. The overall concordance was 97% (85/88) including 100% (41/41) for center A, 92% (23/25) for center B, and 95% (21/22) for center C. There was no significant difference in concordance among the hospitals (P=0.973), the departments (P=1.000), and the indications (P=0.799). The concordance was 70% (7/10) for isavuconazole due to its use as an empirical treatment and 100% (78/78) for the other antifungals. DISCUSSION: The concordance rate was high whatever the hospital, the department, and the indication. The only discrepancy was attributed to the use of isavuconazole as an empirical treatment which is a therapeutic option not included in the CDSS. CONCLUSIONS: This new CDSS dedicated to IA is meeting the clinical practice. Its implementation in routine will help to support antifungal stewardship.

Soins Psychiatr ; 45(352): 23-27, 2024.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38719356


While we dream during sleep, our psyche gives free rein to its imagination during waking phases. During nursing interviews, should the patient be allowed to mobilize this imaginative capacity? One answer may come from the Palo Alto school of thought, which uses the imagination in a relational space, so that it becomes an active element in psychic change. In the practice of mental health nursing, it is possible to mobilize this imaginative part, supported by brief therapies, and turn it into a therapeutic path.

Imaginação , Psicoterapia Breve , Humanos , Sonhos/psicologia , Relações Enfermeiro-Paciente , Entrevista Psicológica
Rev Infirm ; 73(300): 37-39, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38644001


Cognitive disorders can have significant repercussions on the quality of care and daily life for patients. We have developed a new tool specifically designed for nursing practice to identify these problems in patients with brain tumors. The Cognitive Impairment Assessment Questionnaire for nursing practice is an objective, quick and easy-to-administer tool that is readily accepted by patients.

Transtornos Cognitivos , Humanos , Neoplasias Encefálicas/enfermagem , Transtornos Cognitivos/diagnóstico , Transtornos Cognitivos/enfermagem , Avaliação em Enfermagem/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Can J Diet Pract Res ; 84(4): 247-250, 2023 12 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37265086


Purpose: To examine the level of agreement between a patient-completed food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and assessment of usual intake by a registered dietitian (RD) to score adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MedD) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Methods: Patients with IBD completed a short FFQ and were subsequently interviewed by an RD. A 12-item MedD score (MDS), adapted from the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS), was calculated from the FFQ and RD assessments. To determine agreement between individual items, Cohen's kappa coefficients were calculated. Absolute agreement between assessment methods was quantified using a one-way random intra-class correlation coefficient for a single measure.Results: Forty-six patients with IBD participated. The mean FFQ-MDS was 4.59 (standard deviation [SD] = 1.65), and mean RD-MDS was 4.83 (SD = 1.53). Kappa coefficients for individual MEDAS items ranged from 0.41 to 0.78 (p < 0.01) between the FFQ- and RD-MDS. Most items demonstrated moderate to substantial agreement. The intra-class correlation coefficient for absolute agreement between the summed FFQ-MDS and RD-MDS was 0.71 (95% confidence interval: 0.52-0.83, p < 0.001), indicating moderate reliability.Conclusions: This patient-completed FFQ may be a promising tool in clinical practice and research and would benefit from additional evaluation to validate its use in patients with IBD.

Dieta Mediterrânea , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Registros de Dieta , Dieta , Inquéritos sobre Dietas
Ann Pharm Fr ; 81(6): 1054-1071, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37356663


Prescribing errors related to computerized physician order entry are current and may have serious consequences for patients. They can be detected by pharmacists during prescriptions analysis and lead to pharmacist's interventions. In France, few monocentric studies have studied Pharmacist Interventions triggered by prescribing errors identified as System-Related Errors (PISREs) in French hospitals. However, their respective analysis method prevent any comparison between computerized physician order entry systems in order to identify the safest and rule out the most dangerous. A computerized physician prescribing error related to the software is characterized by its causes, consequences and mechanism of occurrence. US researchers have developed and validated a tool to classify and illustrate these three characteristics. The objectives of this article are to present this tool, to propose a French adaptation and to describe the perspectives analyze and understand prescription errors related to computerized physician order entry based on data of Act-IP©. The adaptation was performed using PISREs extracted from the Act-IP© observatory of the French Society of Clinical Pharmacy. Each item of the codification is illustrated with an example of PI. We are considering a training plan in order to allow wide use of this tool. Once adopted this tool, the next step will be to organize a prospective multicenter study including as many computerized prescription order entry systems as possible. The aim of this study will be identifying the safest systems. Consequently, it will then be possible to have arguments to qualify the most dangerous and thus propose their withdrawal from the market.

Soins Pediatr Pueric ; 44(335): 35-41, 2023.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37980160


Welcoming migrant families into an early childhood unit forces professionals to reflect on their clinical practices. When faced with parents with whom the therapeutic alliance is hard to establish and with children with developmental delays, a psychologist and a childcare assistant turn to transcultural psychology to find adapted tools. This text presents the reflections, the set up and the beginning of a parent-child therapeutic group.

Psicoterapia de Grupo , Migrantes , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Pais/psicologia , Relações Pais-Filho
Infant Ment Health J ; 43(2): 256-265, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34390008


Research on reflective supervision and reflective consultation (RS/C) is limited, and has primarily relied on self-report measures and qualitative interviews. To our knowledge, no measures currently exist which provide a way to observationally measure what occurs during an RS/C session. Thus, the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS) was created as a way to more objectively measure the quality of RS/C. This study sought to provide initial evidence around the reliability and validity of the RIOS through a sample of child welfare workers (N = 40) who participated in six online group reflective consultation sessions and completed self-report surveys after their first and last session. The RIOS was used to code the first and last session each participant attended. Results showed that in this sample the RIOS Essential Elements had good variability and strong reliability. The data suggested that the five Elements could be condensed into three subscales, two of which showed significant change over time. The Self Openness subscale showed concurrent validity with existing self-report measures of RS/C. Results suggest that the RIOS shows promise as a measure that could contribute to a more rigorous evidence base for the practice of RS/C.

La investigación acerca de la supervisión con reflexión y la consulta con reflexión (RSC) es limitada y primariamente ha confiado en medidas de auto reporte y entrevistas cualitativas. Hasta donde alcanza nuestro conocimiento, no existen actualmente medidas que ofrezcan una manera de medir desde la perspectiva observacional lo que ocurre durante la sesión de RSC. Por tanto, la Escala de Observación de la Interacción con Reflexión (RIOS) se creó como una manera de medir más objetivamente la calidad de RSC. Este estudio se propuso proveer evidencia inicial acerca de la confiabilidad y validez de RIOS por medio de un grupo muestra de trabajadores den el campo del bienestar infantil (N = 40) que participaron en seis sesiones de grupo en línea sobre la consulta con reflexión y completaron encuestas de auto reporte después de su primera y última sesiones. RIOS se usó para codificar la primera y la última sesión a la que cada participante asistió. Los resultados muestran que en este grupo muestra los Elementos Esenciales de RIOS tuvieron buena variabilidad y una fuerte confiabilidad. La información sugiere que los cinco Elementos Esenciales pueden ser agrupados en tres subescalas, dos de las cuales muestras un cambio significativo con el pasar del tiempo. La escala de Auto Apertura mostró una validez concurrente con medidas existentes de auto reporte de RSC. Los resultados sugieren que RIOS es una medida prometedora que puede contribuir a una más rigurosa base de evidencia para la práctica de RSC.

Les recherches sur la supervision réflective et la consultation réflective (RSC) sont limitées et ont avant tout reposé sur des mesures d'auto-évaluation et des entretiens qualitatifs. A notre connaissance il n'existe actuellement aucune mesure qui offre une manière de mesurer par observation ce qui se passe durant une session de RSC. Par conséquent l'Echelle d'Observation de l'Interaction Réflective (abrégé RIOS en anglais) a été créée en tant que moyen de mesurer par observation la qualité de la RSC. Cette étude s'est donné pour but d'offrir des résultats préliminaires sur la fiabilité et la validité de RIOS au travers d'un échantillon d'employés de la protection de l'enfance (N = 40) ayant participé à des sessions de consultation réflective de groupe en ligne et rempli des questionnaires d'auto-évaluation après la première et la dernière session. RIOS a été utilisée pour coder la première et la dernière session à laquelle chaque participant a participé. Les résultats montrent que dans cet échantillon les éléments essentiels de RIOS avaient une bonne variabilité et une fiabilité forte. Les données suggèrent que les cinq éléments essentiels pourraient être condensés en trois sous-échelles, deux d'entre elles ayant fait preuve d'un changement important au fil du temps. Les sous-échelles d'Ouverture de Soi ont fait preuve d'une validité simultanée avec des mesures auto-rapportées de la RSC qui existaient déjà. Les résultats suggèrent que RIOS est prometteuse en tant que mesure qui pourrait contribuer à une base factuelle plus rigoureuse pour la pratique de la RSC.

Pessoal de Saúde , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Ann Pharm Fr ; 80(3): 340-362, 2022 May.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34656545


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop a tool for optimizing drug management related to clinical and therapeutic contexts of pediatric units in Côte d'Ivoire. METHODOLOGY: A list of Inappropriate prescribings (IPs) was developed from prescription review of inpatients and outpatients aged 1 month to 15 years and followed in pediatric units at 4 Teaching Hospitals of Abidjan during 16 months. A two-round Delphi method was used to validate a qualitative list of IPs by experts according to their level of agreement on a six-point Likert scale of 0-5 (0, no opinion; 5, strongly agree). Only propositions obtaining the agreement (rating 4 or 5) of>70% of experts who gave a non-zero rating for the first round and 80% for the second round were retained. Each IP of final list associated with "rationale", (justifying the inappropriateness of prescribing), and "recommendations and/or therapeutic alternative", used to elaborate items of a tool for helping to optimize drug prescriptions in pediatrics (GOPP tool). RESULTS: A qualitative list of 54 IPs was drawn up from 267 Drug related problems detected after prescription review of 4992 prescription lines for 881 patients. Twenty-three (23) experts rated IPs on this list during two-round Delphi survey. At the end of survey, final list of 52 IPs was retained for development GOPP tool items. Malaria (15%), rhinitis (12%) and bacterial infectious (8%) are mainly pathologies concerned by these items. CONCLUSION: GOPP tool developed in this study should help to improve drug management of patients in pediatric units in Côte d'Ivoire.

Prescrições de Medicamentos , Prescrição Inadequada , Criança , Côte d'Ivoire , Unidades Hospitalares , Hospitais de Ensino , Humanos
Rev Infirm ; 71(279): 16-18, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35397833


Vaccination remains a major public health tool, the only one that has enabled the eradication of an infectious disease, smallpox. In this fight, biotechnological innovations point to considerable progress in the development of new vaccines. However, whatever technical progress is made, the impact of a vaccination program will depend on its performance and on the support of the population.

Varíola , Vacinas , Humanos , Programas de Imunização , Saúde Pública , Varíola/epidemiologia , Varíola/prevenção & controle , Vacinação
Soins Gerontol ; 26(152): 12-15, 2021.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34836594


The ICOPE program proposed by the WHO to reduce the number of dependent subjects is composed of 5 steps that can be carried out in primary care: screening, integrated assessment, personalized care plan, monitoring of the plan care, community involvement and support for caregivers. The target population is independent seniors aged 60 years and over. Digital tools have been developed to facilitate the assessment and follow-up of the subjects included in this care project.

Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Farmacêuticos , Idoso , Humanos , Programas de Rastreamento , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Infant Ment Health J ; 41(1): 40-55, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31701571


Distorted maternal representations (DMRs)-mother's ideas, understanding, and feelings about the infant-shape early interaction and the emerging relationship. Distorted interactions reportedly affect infant attachment and socioemotional development and may be associated with maternal early adversity and trauma. Limited measures are available that could be used as screening tools of DMRs. The aims of this study were to (a) describe the development of the Mother-Infant Relationship Scale (MIRS) and (b) to evaluate its psychometric properties. The development and validation of the MIRS closely followed standard guidelines for the development of psychometric tests. Psychometric properties were examined across two samples: 78 adult psychiatric patients with features of borderline personality and 86 individuals from a nonclinical sample (N = 164). The scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's α = .91) for the clinical sample and adequate internal consistency (.78) for the nonclinical sample, excellent test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = .81), and good concurrent validity with an observational (Pearson's correlation coefficients = -.35 to -.54) and a representational measure (.53). Factor analysis revealed three components: DMRs specific to (a) maternal hostility/rejection of the infant, (b) issues about parenting/attachment, and (c) anxiety/helplessness about infant care. Findings suggest that the MIRS is a reliable and valid screening tool of DMRs. Potential uses in clinical and research settings are discussed.

Las Representaciones Maternas Distorsionadas (DMR) - ideas, comprensión y sentimientos de la madre sobre el infante - le dan forma a la temprana interacción y la naciente relación. Las interacciones distorsionadas, según se dice, afectan la unión afectiva y el desarrollo socio-emocional del infante y pudieran estar asociadas con la temprana adversidad y trauma maternos. Limitadas medidas están disponibles para ser usadas como herramientas de detección de DMR. Las metas de este estudio fueron (1) describir el desarrollo de la Escala de la Relación Madre-Infante (MIRS) y (2) evaluar sus propiedades sicométricas. El desarrollo y validación de MIRS siguió muy de cerca los parámetros estándares para el desarrollo de pruebas sicométricas. Las propiedades sicométricas fueron examinadas en 2 grupos muestras: 78 pacientes siquiátricos adultos con características de personalidad limítrofe y 86 individuos de un grupo muestra no clínico (N=164). La escala demostró una consistencia interna excelente (alfa de Cronbach .91) para el grupo muestra clínico y adecuada (.78) para el no clínico, una excelente confiabilidad de prueba y re-prueba (ICC .81), y una buena validez simultánea con una medida de observación (coeficientes de correlación de Pearson entre -.35 y -.54) y una de representación (.53). Los análisis de factores revelaron 3 componentes: específicas DMR para (1) hostilidad materna/rechazo del infante, (2) asuntos sobre crianza/afectividad, (3) ansiedad/sentirse sin ayuda acerca del cuidado del infante. Los resultados sugieren que MIRS es una herramienta de detección de DMR confiable y válida. Se discuten los posibles usos en escenarios clínicos y la investigación.

Les Représentations Maternelles Déformées (RMD en français) - les idées des mères, leur compréhension, leurs sentiments sur le nourrisson - donnent forme à l'interaction et à la relation qui émerge. Il semblerait que les interactions déformées affectent l'attachement du nourrisson et le développement socio-émotionnel et qu'elles pourraient être liées à l'adversité maternelle précoce et au trauma. Des mesures limitées sont disponibles qui pourraient être utilisées comme outils de dépistages des RMD. Dans ce contexte, les buts de cette étude étaient de (1) décrire le développement de l'Echelle de la Relation Mère-Nourrisson (MIRS en anglais) et (2) évaluer ses propriétés psychométriques. Le développement et la validation de la MIRS ont suivi attentivement les lignes directrices standard pour le développement de tests psychométriques. Les propriétés psychométriques ont été examinées au travers de 2 échantillons: 78 patients psychiatriques adultes avec des traits de la personnalité limite, et 86 individus d'un échantillon non-clinique (N=164). L'échelle a fait preuve d'une cohérence interne excellente (alpha de Cronbach ,91) pour l'échantillon clinique et adéquate (,78) pour l'échantillon non-clinique, ainsi que d'une fiabilité test-re-test excellente (ICC s81), tout comme d'une bonne validité simultanée avec une mesure d'observation (coefficients de corrélation de Pearson allant de -,35 à -,54) et une mesure de représentation (,53). L'analyse de facteurs a révélé 3 composantes spécifiques aux RMD (1) de l'hostilité/la rejection du nourrisson, (2) des problèmes de parentage/attachement, (3) de l'anxiété / du désarroi à propos du soin du nourrisson. Les résultats suggèrent que la MIRS est un outil fiable et valide de détection des RMD. Des utilisations possibles dans des milieux cliniques et des milieux de recherche sont discutés.

Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline , Cuidado do Lactente/psicologia , Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Adulto , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/diagnóstico , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/psicologia , Emoções , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Psicometria/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique ; 67(2): 126-134, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30658869


Physical activity is an important determinant of health in children and adults. Assessment of physical activity is therefore an important factor in the promotion of health and in several childhood and adulthood pathological situations. Physical activity can be estimated by various methods: pedometry, heart rate monitoring, questionnaires, the doubly labelled water method, and accelerometry. The choice of the type of device depends on the objectives of the clinician or researcher. Accelerometry currently represents the best objective method for measuring physical activity and is widely used in clinical or epidemiological studies. The purpose of this paper is to help practitioners and researchers to make better decisions when using accelerometry as a device for measuring physical activity measurement in order to obtain the most accurate and comparable information.

Acelerometria , Teste de Esforço , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Acelerometria/instrumentação , Acelerometria/métodos , Acelerometria/normas , Acelerometria/tendências , Adolescente , Adulto , Calibragem , Criança , Teste de Esforço/instrumentação , Teste de Esforço/métodos , Teste de Esforço/normas , Teste de Esforço/tendências , Humanos
Rev Infirm ; 68(252): 16-18, 2019.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31208590


In the field of healthcare, IT has been constantly evolving for decades. It has revolutionised and professionalised the practices of healthcare workers. It has helped to improve traceability, reliability, information exchange and continuity of care. New information and communication technologies have also contributed to the development of research.

Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Tecnologia da Informação/tendências , Humanos
Rev Infirm ; 68(254): 22-24, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31587845


To meet today's challenges and prepare for the future, our health system's "My Health 2022" strategic plan recommends development of prevention and health promotion and better access to quality care. This requires development of co-ordinated exercise between professionals and support structures and further development of digital and e-health.

Relações Interprofissionais , Enfermagem/organização & administração , Assistência Centrada no Paciente/organização & administração , Humanos
Infant Ment Health J ; 39(2): 153-169, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29485687


The Parent-Child Play Scale was developed as a scale that complements the Parent-Child Feeding Scale, created by I. Chatoor et al. (1997), to evaluate mother-infant/toddler interactions in two different caregiving contexts of a young child's everyday life, specifically play and feeding. This Play Scale can be used with infants and toddlers ranging in age from 1 month to 3 years and provides reliable global ratings of mother-child interactions during 10 min of videotaped free-play in a laboratory setting. The scale consists of 32 mother and infant/toddler interactive behaviors which are rated by trained observers from videotaped observations. Four subscales are derived: Dyadic Reciprocity, Maternal Unresponsiveness to Infant's/Toddler's Cues, Dyadic Conflict, and Maternal Intrusiveness. Construct validity and interrater and test-retest reliability of the Play Scale have been demonstrated. This Play Scale discriminates between children with and without feeding disorders as well as between children with different subtypes of feeding disorders as defined by the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, Revised (DC:0-3R) (Feeding Disorder of State Regulation, Feeding Disorder of Caregiver-Infant Reciprocity, and Infantile Anorexia). It can be used for research or clinical practice in the diagnosis and treatment of early feeding problems, to assess the pervasiveness of mother-infant/toddler difficulties and to monitor changes following therapy.

Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/psicologia , Comportamento do Lactente , Relações Mãe-Filho , Jogos e Brinquedos , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Saúde Mental , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Soins Gerontol ; 22(127): 34-39, 2017.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28917335


The hospital-community interface represents a real challenge in the care of elderly people. A lack of coordination and communication is the main obstacle to ensuring the fluidity of this pathway. On a definite territory, a new hospital-community liaison sheet was developed as the result of a collaborative approach and then evaluated. This simple, useful and effective cross-professional tool, is the first step towards improving communication between these two universes.

Serviços de Saúde Comunitária/organização & administração , Hospitais Comunitários , Alta do Paciente , Transferência de Pacientes/organização & administração , Melhoria de Qualidade/organização & administração , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , França , Humanos , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Colaboração Intersetorial , Auditoria de Enfermagem