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Foodborne Pathog Dis ; 20(12): 570-578, 2023 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37722022


Milk is an important source of food, and it is also a nutrient-rich medium, which can harbor multiple microorganisms. Staphylococcus aureus is an important foodborne pathogen in food-producing animals, and there have been many reports on its infection and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which has significant global public health concerns. This study was designed to isolate, characterize, and analyze the AMR pattern of S. aureus from milk samples collected in Chennai, India. A total of 259 raw milk samples from 3 groups: dairy farms, local vendors, and retail outlets were analyzed, and it was found that 34% (89/259) were positive for S. aureus. Positive isolates were further characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and isolates recovered from different sources, study areas, and locations showed high genetic diversity with no similarity. The presence of AMR has been further assessed by phenotypic methods as per CLSI-M100 performance standards, and all the isolates were susceptible to ampicillin/sulbactam, mupirocin, and tylosin. Additionally, all of the isolates were resistant to ampicillin. There were 28 isolates categorized as multidrug-resistant, which showed resistance to more than 2-3 classes of antimicrobials. This is the first report of inducible clindamycin resistance and mupirocin sensitivity pattern from S. aureus isolates recovered from milk. This study established the occurrence varied with genetic diversity in the isolates prevalent in the study area and divergence pattern of AMR S. aureus. The AMR in these isolates and with methicillin-resistant S. aureus could pose a serious threat to food safety and economic implications.

Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina , Infecções Estafilocócicas , Animais , Staphylococcus aureus/genética , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Leite , Mupirocina , Prevalência , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Índia/epidemiologia , Infecções Estafilocócicas/epidemiologia , Infecções Estafilocócicas/veterinária , Ampicilina
Int J Environ Health Res ; 32(2): 406-416, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32452215


The aim of this study was to compare the antibiotic susceptibility of eighty Escherichia coli isolates from vegetables and food products of animal origin in Tunisia, and to study their genes encoding antibiotic resistance and in vitro biofilm forming capacity. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined, as well as PCR investigation of genes associated with antibiotic resistance. Biofilm formation was tested using four different methods: the microtiter plate-, MTT-staining-, XTT-staining-, and the Congo Red Agar assays. High antibiotic resistance rates were observed for amoxicillin (68.7%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (73.7%), gentamicin (68.7%), kanamycin (66.2%), nalidixic acid (36.2%), streptomycin (68.7%) and tetracycline (35%). The majority of isolates was multidrug resistant and biofilm producer. MTT testing showed that vegetables isolates were significantly higher biofilm producers compared to foods of animal origins. This study showed that E. coli isolates from food products were reservoirs of genes encoding antibiotic-resistance and have a high propensity to produce biofilm.

Escherichia coli , Verduras , Animais , Biofilmes , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Escherichia coli/genética , Humanos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Tunísia
Lett Appl Microbiol ; 57(4): 373-9, 2013 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23809061


UNLABELLED: The present study was conducted to investigate the presence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in food samples of animal origin and to detect its virulence genes by immunomagnetic separation technique and multiplex PCR (mPCR). A total of 500 samples (consisting of diced meat, minced meat, burger, raw cow's milk and raw cow's milk cheese) were analysed. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was detected in 5 (1%) of 500 analysed samples including two diced meat, one minced meat and two raw-milk cheese. None of the burger samples tested contained E. coli O157:H7. Three isolates obtained from minced and diced meat were found to carry stx1 , stx2 , hlyA and eaeA genes whereas two isolates from raw-milk cheese were found to harbour the stx1 , eaeA and hlyA genes. The results of this study suggest that raw meat and raw-milk cheese tested could pose public health problems in consumers with regard to their virulence factors. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 is an important human pathogen. Escherichia coli 0157:H7 infections have been associated with consumption of uncooked meat and meat products, as well as unpasteurized dairy products. This study demonstrated that without specific tests for E. coli virulence factors raw meat and raw-milk cheese could pose public health problems to Turkish consumers.

Laticínios/microbiologia , Escherichia coli O157/isolamento & purificação , Microbiologia de Alimentos , Separação Imunomagnética/métodos , Carne/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex/métodos , Animais , Bovinos , Escherichia coli O157/química , Escherichia coli O157/genética , Proteínas de Escherichia coli/análise , Proteínas de Escherichia coli/genética , Turquia , Fatores de Virulência/análise , Fatores de Virulência/genética
Vet World ; 12(1): 146-154, 2019 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30936669


AIM: This study aims to study the significance of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) typing in heterogeneity analysis of Salmonella serovars, isolated from foods of animal origin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Salmonella serovars isolated and identified from different foods of animal origin such as meat, milk, and egg by standard bacteriological methods. DNA isolated from all 10 isolates which are confirmed by biochemical and serotyping methods and then RAPD was performed using the primers OPB 10, primer 1290, NSC I, NSC II, and primer 3. Then, RAPD data were analyzed using the BioNumerics software, Belgium, Germany. RESULTS: RAPD polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using five primers, namely OPB 10, primer 1290, NSC I, NSC II, and primer 3, classified the 10 isolates into 9, 10, 10, 7, and 10 RAPD-PCR types with discriminating powers of 0.1987, 0.423, 0.50889, 0.1842, and 0.2582, respectively. The phylogram constructed with NSC I profile classified isolates based on geographical origin. Primer 1290, NSC II, and primer 3 produced some uniform bands in all isolates indicating their binding ability in conserved genomic region. This study revealed that RAPD profile can be best used for finding out the heterogeneity at molecular level of Salmonella isolates in combination with other molecular and phenotypic typing techniques. Thus, our results support earlier observation of its significance by different workers on different Salmonella serotypes. CONCLUSION: Repeatability of RAPD-PCR is insufficient to distinguish genetic differences among Salmonella serovars.

Se Pu ; 37(9): 1011-1018, 2019 Sep 08.
Artigo em Chinês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31642307


In this study, ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole electrostatic field orbitrap mass spectrometry was used to establish a high-throughput screening method for 20 ß -blockers and their metabolites in foods of animal origin. The sensitivity and applicability of the established method were improved by optimizing the instrument and pretreatment conditions. The samples were purified by high speed centrifugation at low temperature, and the compounds were separated by a C8 column. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the compounds were performed in full MS/dd-MS2 (data-dependent MS2) mode. Twenty compounds showed a good linear relationship in the range 0.1-10 µg/L, with correlation coefficients (r2) greater than 0.99. The limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 1 to 5 µg/kg, while the limits of quantification (LOQs) ranged from 2 to 10 µg/kg. The average recoveries were 60.37%-100.84%, with relative standard deviations less than 10%. The method is operationally simple and has good reproducibility and high accuracy, which are essential for ß -blockers and metabolite residue screening in foods of animal-origin.

Antagonistas Adrenérgicos beta/análise , Resíduos de Drogas/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Animais , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Limite de Detecção , Espectrometria de Massas , Carne/análise , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(1): e00097723, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528220


Abstract: The strict sanitary inspection legislation of animal source food has been considered a trade barrier for smallholder farmers and small-scale producers in Brazil. In this sense, law flexibilization is suggested to facilitate national trade of these products. We conducted a social and sanitary analysis, presenting the current Brazilian conjuncture and difficulties for animal source food Brazilian inspection law flexibilization. By discussing inequalities, human rights issues, animal source food legislation, and international food safety standards, we evidenced critical barriers for legislative reform in Brazil. Among these barriers, the main ones are social inequalities; high zoonotic risk of animal source food products; the Brazilian political structure and its reflection on different inspection practices among country jurisdictions; and the lack of inspection services in most Brazilian municipalities. At the same time, we present positive updates in the normative framework, and point out game-changers to modify the actual safety and trade situations of Brazilian small-scale and artisanal animal source food products, including policies to strengthen state and municipal inspection services and harmonization initiatives based on international standards and national legislation. We also suggest policies to implement inspection services in municipalities, whether by municipal action or by a consortium, as well as policies to strengthen technical assistance and rural extension for small-scale and artisanal producers. These policies aim to reduce technical and sanitary education inequalities and build a fairer animal source food system.

Resumo: A rigorosa legislação de inspeção sanitária de alimentos de origem animal tem sido considerada uma barreira comercial para agricultores familiares e pequenos produtores no Brasil. Nesse sentido, sugestiona-se a flexibilização das leis para facilitar o comércio nacional destes produtos. Realizamos uma análise sociosanitária, apresentando a atual conjuntura brasileira e apontando as dificuldades para a flexibilização da lei de inspeção de alimentos de origem animal. Discutindo as desigualdades brasileiras, os direitos humanos, a legislação brasileira sobre alimentos de origem animal e as normas internacionais de segurança de alimentos, evidenciamos pontos críticos que constituem o desafio para a reforma da legislação, sendo eles: desigualdades sociais; alto risco zoonótico de produtos de origem animal; a estrutura política brasileira e seu reflexo nas diferentes práticas de fiscalização entre as jurisdições do país; e a falta de inspeção oficial na maioria dos municípios brasileiros. Ao mesmo tempo, apresentamos atualizações positivas no arcabouço normativo e apontamos divisores de águas para modificar a real situação de segurança e comércio dos produtos de origem animal brasileiros de pequena escala e artesanais, incluindo políticas relacionadas ao fortalecimento dos serviços de inspeção estaduais e municipais e iniciativas de harmonização com base em padrões internacionais e legislação nacional; políticas de implantação dos serviços de inspeção oficial nos municípios, seja por ação municipal ou por consórcio; e políticas de fortalecimento da assistência técnica e extensão rural para pequenos produtores e produtores artesanais, em prol da redução das desigualdades na educação técnica e sanitária e construção de um sistema alimentar de origem animal mais justo.

Resumen: La estricta legislación de inspección sanitaria de alimentos de origen animal ha sido considerada una barrera comercial para los agricultores familiares y pequeños productores en Brasil. En ese sentido, se sugiere flexibilizar la ley para facilitar el comercio nacional de estos productos. Realizamos un análisis sociosanitario, presentando la coyuntura actual brasileña y señalando las dificultades para flexibilizar la ley de Inspección de alimentos de origen animal. Al discutir las desigualdades brasileñas, los derechos humanos, la legislación brasileña sobre alimentos de origen animal y las normas internacionales de seguridad alimentaria, destacamos puntos críticos que constituyen el desafío para la reforma de la legislación, a saber: desigualdades sociales; alto riesgo zoonótico de los productos de origen animal; la estructura política brasileña y su reflejo en las diferentes prácticas de inspección entre las jurisdicciones del país; y la falta de inspección oficial en la mayoría de los municipios brasileños. A la vez, presentamos actualizaciones positivas en el marco normativo y señalamos parteaguas para cambiar la situación real de seguridad y comercio de los productos de origen animal brasileños de pequeña escala y artesanía, incluidas políticas relacionadas con el fortalecimiento de los servicios de inspección estatales y municipales e iniciativas de armonización con base en normas internacionales y legislación nacional; políticas para la implementación de servicios oficiales de inspección en los municipios, ya sea por acción municipal o por consorcio; y políticas para fortalecer la asistencia técnica y la extensión rural a pequeños productores y productores artesanos, para reducir las desigualdades en la educación técnica y sanitaria y construir un sistema de alimentos de origen animal más justo.

Nutrients ; 9(10)2017 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29027960


Life-course diet patterns may impact risk of disease, but little is known about dietary trends with aging. In a retrospective longitudinal analysis we estimated lifetime intake of animal products and adherence to vegetarian dietary patterns among 51,082 Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) subjects using data from a reliable life-course dietary (meats, dairy, eggs) questionnaire. Results showed a marked tendency to consume fewer animal products (in total) in older years and to reduce consumption of meat, poultry and fish, but not eggs or dairy. Among the 29% of elderly subjects who during their lifetime kept the same dietary pattern (LTS) were: LTS-vegans (1.1%), LTS-lacto-ovo vegetarians (31.2%), LTS-pesco vegetarians (0.49%), LTS-semi vegetarians (3.7%), and LTS-non-vegetarians (63.5%). Among the 71% of switchers were "Converters" (59.7%) who moved towards and "Reverters" (9.1%) who moved away from vegetarian diets, and Multiverters (31.2%), who had moved in both directions. LTS-non-vegetarians, and also reverters, were more overweight and showed a less healthy lifestyle than others. We conclude that the dietary patterns are dynamic with strong trends to reduce animal foods and to adopt more vegetarian patterns with aging. The disease experience of subjects with different lifetime dietary patterns can be compared.

Envelhecimento , Dieta Saudável/tendências , Dieta Vegetariana/tendências , Comportamento Alimentar , Carne , Protestantismo , Adolescente , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Animais , Canadá , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Carne/efeitos adversos , Produtos da Carne , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Avaliação Nutricional , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Estado Nutricional , Aves Domésticas , Estudos Prospectivos , Comportamento de Redução do Risco , Alimentos Marinhos , Fatores de Tempo , Estados Unidos , Adulto Jovem
Food Chem ; 221: 1226-1231, 2017 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27979082


In this study, a magnetic graphene-based dispersive solid phase extraction method was developed that was combined with high performance liquid chromatography to determine the residues of fluoroquinolone drugs in foods of animal origin. During the experiments, several parameters possible influencing the extraction performance were optimized (amount of magnetic graphene, sample pH, extraction time and elution solution). This extraction method showed high absorption capacities (>6800ng) and high enrichment factors (68-79-fold) for seven fluoroquinolones. Furthermore, this absorbent could be reused for at least 40 times. The limits of detection were in the range of 0.05-0.3ng/g, and the recoveries from the standards fortified blank samples (bovine milk, chicken muscle and egg) were in the range of 82.4-108.5%. Therefore, this method could be used as a simple and sensitive tool to determine the residues of fluoroquinolones in foods of animal origin.

Antibacterianos/análise , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Fluoroquinolonas/análise , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Grafite/química , Magnetismo , Extração em Fase Sólida/métodos , Animais , Bovinos
Anal Chim Acta ; 982: 185-192, 2017 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28734358


In this study, two novel fluorescence quenching immune chromatographic strips (FQICS) were developed to detect sulfaquinoxaline (SQX) in foods of animal origin. These proposed FQICSs were based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from fluorescence donors (quantum dots or upconversion nanoparticles) to fluorescence acceptors (colloidal gold nanoparticles). Compared with traditional colloidal gold-based immune chromatographic strips (ICS), these FQICSs showed positive correlation between the fluorescent signals and the targets, and allowed user to get test results from weak fluorescent signals. The visual detection limits of these two FQICSs were both 1 ng mL-1 in standard solution and 8 µg kg-1 in samples, while the visual detection limit of the colloidal gold-based ICS was 10 ng mL-1 in standard solution and 80 µg kg-1 in samples. Besides, the results we obtained by the use of FQICS showed high agreement with those obtained by the use of commercial ELISA kits, indicating the good accuracy of these strips. As a conclusion, these proposed FQICS based on quantum dots and upconversion nanoparticles can be applied in sensitive, rapid and on-site detection of SQX in foods of animal origin.

Cromatografia de Afinidade , Análise de Alimentos/instrumentação , Nanopartículas Metálicas , Pontos Quânticos , Sulfaquinoxalina/análise , Animais , Transferência Ressonante de Energia de Fluorescência , Limite de Detecção
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28278127


The world population is increasing and there is a growing demand for food, leading to intensification of farming methods and a requirement for more coadjuvants. Potential high profits sometimes lead to fraudulent use of drugs and pesticides. Veterinary drugs in particular can pose a real risk to human health if their residues are allowed to enter the food chain. Parent drugs and their metabolites can occur in foodstuffs individually or as multicomponent mixtures with enhanced adverse effects. In order to protect consumer safety, the European Union has established lists of forbidden substances, maximum residue limits for authorised drugs and precise criteria for confirmation analyses and interpretation of the results. Due to their nature and potential danger, the 'best available technique' should always be applied. Following this principle, this review examines the procedures and techniques applied to monitoring pharmaceutical products of major concern (e.g. anthelmintics, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, coccidiostats) in foods of animal origin, discussing advances over the past five years and future trends in the field of food safety. Our goal was both to focus attention on this important topic and to provide a selection of the most relevant recent papers on drug residues in foodstuffs.

Cromatografia Líquida/métodos , Resíduos de Drogas/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Praguicidas/análise , Drogas Veterinárias/análise , Animais , Inocuidade dos Alimentos
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(3): 146-165, jul.-set.2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510777


Objetivo: analisar a regulação de alimentos de origem animal realizada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) e pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) sob a perspectiva da teoria processual administrativa da regulação, bem como casos normativos sobre substâncias químicas em alimentos de origem animal. Metodologia: foram realizados dois estudos de caso ­ um sobre os atos normativos da Anvisa sobre resíduos de medicamentos veterinários em alimentos de origem animal; e outro sobre a decisão do MAPA pelo fim das análises oficiais de amostras de água em indústrias de alimentos de origem animal de forma rotineira ­ a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa da composição institucional e normativa da Anvisa e do MAPA, sob a ótica da teoria processual administrativa da regulação. Resultados: a Anvisa tem adotado mecanismos condizentes com a teoria processual administrativa da regulação, como autonomia, estabilidade funcional dos agentes reguladores e participação social. Em relação ao MAPA, seu ambiente institucional detém menor autonomia e tem formalmente adotado, desde 2015, elementos processuais compatíveis com tal teoria, mas que podem ser desconsiderados durante a produção normativa interna. Conclusão: o modelo regulatório brasileiro, que divide a regulação dos alimentos de origem animal entre dois órgãos, pode gerar decisões que não levam em conta o interesse público e a participação social, o que pode ser percebido na produção normativa do MAPA, mesmo com a adoção formal de boas práticas regulatórias.

Objective: to analyze the regulation of food of animal origin carried out by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa, in Portuguese) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA, in Portuguese) from the perspective of a process-oriented approach to regulation, with a specific emphasis on cases involving chemical substances in food of animal origin. Methods: this research conducted two case studies. The first case study examined Anvisa's normative acts regarding residues of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin. The second case study analyzed MAPA's decision to discontinue routine official analyses of water samples in the animal food industry. The research approach was qualitative, focusing on investigating the institutional and normative composition of Anvisa and MAPA from the perspective of a process-oriented approach to regulation. Results: the analysis revealed that Anvisa has successfully implemented mechanisms consistent with a process-oriented approach to regulation, including regulatory autonomy, functional stability of regulatory bodies, and administrative procedures to promote social participation. On the other hand, MAPA's institutional-legal environment exhibits less autonomy and formally adopted procedural elements consistent with a process-oriented approach to regulation since 2015. However, there is a concern that these elements might be eliminated when drafting internal regulations. Conclusion: the Brazilian regulatory model divides animal food regulation between two agencies, potentially resulting in decisions that overlook the public interest and social participation. This is evident in the normative production of MAPA, despite their formal adoption of good regulatory practices.

Objetivo: analizar la regulación de alimentos de origen animal realizada por la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (Anvisa) y por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Abastecimiento (MAPA, en portugués) en la perspectiva de la teoría procesal administrativa de la regulación, así como normativa casos sobre sustancias químicas en alimentos de origen animal. Metodología: se realizaron dos estudios de caso ­ uno sobre los actos normativos de Anvisa sobre residuos de medicamentos veterinarios en alimentos de origen animal; y otro sobre la decisión del MAPA de poner fin a los análisis oficiales de muestras de agua en las industrias de alimentos para animales de forma rutinaria ­ basado en un enfoque cualitativo de la composición institucional y normativa de Anvisa y MAPA, en la perspectiva de la regulación administrativa de la teoría procesal. Resultados: Anvisa ha adoptado mecanismos consistentes con la teoría procesal administrativa de la regulación, como la autonomía, la estabilidad funcional de los agentes reguladores y la participación social. Respecto al MAPA, su ámbito institucional tiene menor autonomía y ha adoptado formalmente, desde 2015, elementos procedimentales compatibles con dicha teoría, pero que pueden ser desestimados durante la producción normativa interna. Conclusión: el modelo regulatorio brasileño, que divide la regulación de los alimentos de origen animal entre dos órganos, puede generar decisiones que no toman en cuenta el interés público y la participación social, lo que se puede ver en la producción normativa del MAPA, incluso con la adopción formal de buenas prácticas regulatorias.

Direito Sanitário
J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci ; 1017-1018: 187-194, 2016 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26990733


A new method using solid phase extraction (SPE) combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been developed for the determination of six polyether antibiotics, including lasalocid, salinomycin, monensin, narasin, madubamycin and nigericin residues, in foods of animal origin. The samples were extracted with acetonitrile and purified by ENVI-Carb SPE columns after comparing the impurity effect and maneuverability of several SPE cartridges. Subsequently, the analytes were separated on a Hypersil Gold column (2.1×150mm, 5µm) and analyzed by MS/MS detection. The limit of quantization (LOQ) for milk and chicken was 0.4µg/kg, and for chicken livers and eggs, it was 1µg/kg. The linearity was satisfactory with a correlation coefficient of >0.9995 at concentrations ranging from 2 to 100µg/L. The average recoveries of the analytes fortified at three levels ranged from 68.2 to 114.3%, and the relative standard deviations ranged from 4.5 to 12.1%. The method was suitable for quantitative analysis and confirmation of polyether antibiotic residues in foods of animal origin.

Antibacterianos/análise , Cromatografia Líquida/métodos , Resíduos de Drogas/análise , Alimentos , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem/métodos , Animais , Limite de Detecção , Extração em Fase Sólida , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização por Electrospray
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol ; 100: 16-24, 2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26921971


BACKGROUND: Several studies investigated whether the consumption of foods of animal origin affects the risk of haematological malignancies, with conflicting results. To help clarify this issue, we performed a meta-analysis of observational studies published until November 2014 that investigated the association between the consumption of foods of animal origin (red, processed and white meat, fish and seafood, dairy products and eggs) and the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and its major subtypes and multiple myeloma among adults. METHODS: We calculated summary relative risks (SRR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) by using random effect models with maximum likelihood estimation. RESULTS: Overall, 16,525 non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 3665 multiple myeloma cases from thirty-three independent studies were included. We found an association between consumption of red meat and the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SRR 1.22, 95% CI 1.03-1.44, I(2)=35%). The consumption of fish and seafood was inversely associated with the risk of multiple myeloma (SRR 0.71, 95% CI 0.51-1.00, I(2)=82%), although the between-studies heterogeneity was high. Finally, the consumption of dairy products was positively associated, with borderline significance, with the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SRR 1.26, 95% CI 0.99-1.60, I(2)=49%). CONCLUSIONS: Foods of animal origin likely play a role in the aetiology of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma, with red meat and dairy tending to increase the risk, and fish that tends to decrease it. Our findings reinforce the recommendations to reduce the consumption of red meat by replacing it with vegetables, legumes and fish.

Dieta/efeitos adversos , Linfoma não Hodgkin/etiologia , Carne/efeitos adversos , Mieloma Múltiplo/etiologia , Animais , Humanos , Funções Verossimilhança , Linfoma não Hodgkin/epidemiologia , Mieloma Múltiplo/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco
Talanta ; 160: 400-409, 2016 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27591630


In the present research, a carrier mediated hollow fiber based liquid-phase microextraction approach (HF-LPME) prior to high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was developed for the simultaneous determination of the antibacterial residues of four tetracyclines (TCs) and five quinolones (QNs), which are commonly used as veterinary medicines. In order to obtain high extraction efficiency, the parameters affecting HF-LPME were optimized using a three-factor and three-level Box-Behnken design under response surface methodology. This method was validated according to the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and, for the first time, successfully applied to a wide range of animal source food samples such as fish, milk, and honey as well as the liver and muscles of lamb and chicken. Analytical performance was determined in terms of linearity, intra- and inter-assay precision, detection and quantification limits, matrix effect, accuracy, and drug stability in real samples. Detection and quantitation limits for the different antibiotics ranged between 0.5-20ngg(-1) and 1.25-40ngg(-1), respectively. Intra and inter-day repeatability, expressed as the relative standard deviation, were in the ranges of 3.4-10.7% and 5.0-11.5%, respectively. The procedure allows good preconcentration factors of 175-700. The results of the validation process proved that the method is suitable for determining TCs and QNs residues in surveillance programs. Finally, the applicability of the proposed method was successfully confirmed by the extraction and determination of nine antibiotics in various animal source food samples. The importance of this methodology relies on the combination of HF-LPME/HPLC-DAD second-order data with multivariate curve resolution-alternative least squares (MCR-ALS) algorithm, which improves the resolution of some overlapped chromatograms and, hence, increases the accuracy and repeatability of drug determination.

Antibacterianos/análise , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Mel/análise , Carne/análise , Leite/química , Quinolonas/análise , Tetraciclinas/análise , Animais , Galinhas , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Peixes , Microextração em Fase Líquida , Fígado/química , Músculos/química , Ovinos
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 80: e37280, dez. 2021. graf, tab


Leite é fonte importante de proteínas de alto valor biológico, vitaminas e minerais, porém, questões de alergia ou intolerância e um estilo de vida vegano ou vegetariano, têm levado à substituição por bebidas à base de vegetais. avaliar se a substituição é pertinente, este trabalho comparou os rótulos dos leites de origem animal e as bebidas vegetais disponíveis nos principais supermercados da Grande Vitória, ES. Foram avaliadas 56 embalagens de leite UHT (ultra high temperature) de vaca e de cabra, nas suas diferentes versões, e 41 de bebidas vegetais de amendoim, amêndoas, arroz, aveia, castanhas, coco, espelta, nuts e soja. As bebidas vegetais apresentaram, em geral, presença de fibras, maior teor de ácidos graxos insaturados e menor teor de sódio. Os leites se destacaram pela presença de colesterol, maior aporte proteico, de cálcio e das vitaminas A e D. As bebidas vegetais também apresentaram maiores quantidades de carboidratos e valor calórico. Sendo assim, se não há restrições para o consumidor, seja por questões de saúde, cultura ou hábito, a substituição de leite por bebidas vegetais não é equivalente. No entanto, o consumo de leites integrais deve ser equilibrado devido seu elevado teor de gorduras saturadas e de sódio. (AU)

Milk is an important source of high biological value proteins, vitamins and minerals, however, allergy or ntolerance issues, and a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, have led its replacement by vegetables-based beverages. To evaluate weather this substitution is relevant; this study compared the labels of animal origin milk and the vegetable beverage available in the main supermarkets of Greater Vitória, ES. Fifty-six packages of cow and goat UHT milks, in their diferent versions, and 41 packages of vegetable beverages of peanuts, almonds, rice, oats, nuts, coconut, spelt, walnuts and soybeans were evaluated.The vegetable beverages presented, in general, the presence of fibers, higher content of unsaturated fatty acids and lower sodium content. Milks stood out due to the presence of cholesterol, higher protein intake, calcium and vitamins and D.Vegetable beverages also presented higher amount of carbohydrates and higher caloric value. Therefore, if there is no restriction, whether for health, culture or habit reasons, it is not equivalent to replace milks vegetable beverages.However, the consumption of whole milk should be balanced due to its high content of saturated fats and sodium. (AU)

Qualidade dos Alimentos , Substitutos do Leite , Leite , Informação Nutricional , Rotulagem de Alimentos , Valor Nutritivo
Open Access Maced J Med Sci ; 3(2): 202-8, 2015 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27275222


BACKGROUND: IgE may be considered the hallmark of allergic disorders. It is easily detected in serum and can be measured as total IgE and as allergen-specific IgE. In fact, the serum IgE assay is used to diagnose an allergy. AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate, investigate and present the distribution of total serum IgE levels, determined with UniCap system, in food-allergy suspected patients in a Republic of Macedonia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study we analyzed retrospectively 8898 consecutive patients that were admitted for allergy testing at the Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics during the ten year period between 01.01.2001 and 01.01.2011. Total IgE levels in patient sera were detected with the in vitro system UniCAP100 (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). RESULTS: When we analyzed the number of patients according to the total IgE groups, we noted that most of the patients have normal levels of total IgE in serum. However, we also discovered a group of patients with elevated levels of total IgE that are greater than 200 kU/L. The average concentration of total serum IgE is higher in women in the age group 6 (6-7 years), followed by a steep decrease in the age group 9 (9-10 years), and after that the average concentrations of total IgE were mostly constant with the exception of a partial increase in the age group 21 (65-69 years). For men, the average serum concentrations of total IgE were highest in the age group of 6 (6-7 years), which was significantly higher than the average concentrations of total IgE in all other age groups. CONCLUSION: The large number of enrolled patients, a particular strength of this study, revealed that average concentrations of total IgE in men are higher than in women and that total IgE did not decrease with age. On the contrary, increased total IgE levels were found in patients aged 65 and 69 of both genders. We continue our work with analyses of the specific IgE antibodies values toward food and the correlation with total IgE values.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1861-1873, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131559


The present study aimed to calculate the quality of life scores (Short Form-36) of veterinary students in Turkey and review their scores with regards to different socio-demographic characteristics. A total of 1211 students studying veterinary medicine in 26 different faculties in Turkey were selected by stratified sampling method and were asked questions concerning their consumption of and expenditures on foods of animal origin using the SF-36 questionnaire between October and December 2018. Significant differences were found between SF-36 components in terms of year level, gender, accommodation status, income level, and level of expenditures on foods and foods of animal origin (P<0.01). With the increase in the size of the budget set aside for animal products, the scores in the domains of physical functioning, vitality, mental health, pain, and general health perception also enhanced, and statistically significant differences were found (P<0.01). The low quality of life scores of the veterinary students can be improved by increasing their income level and consumption of foods of animal origin. This will ensure that they are energetic and have the desired level of mental and general health perceptions.(AU)

O presente estudo teve como objetivo calcular os escores de qualidade de vida (SF-36) de estudantes de veterinária na Turquia e revisar seus escores no que diz respeito a diferentes características sociodemográficas. Um total de 1211 estudantes de medicina veterinária em 26 faculdades diferentes na Turquia foram selecionados pelo método de amostragem estratificada e foram questionadas sobre o consumo e as despesas com alimentos de origem animal usando o questionário SF-36 entre outubro e dezembro de 2018. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre os participantes do SF-36 em termos de nível do ano, gênero, status de acomodação, nível de renda e nível de gastos com alimentos e alimentos de origem animal (P <0,01). Com o aumento do orçamento reservado para produtos de origem animal, as pontuações nos domínios de funcionamento físico, vitalidade, saúde mental, dor e percepção geral de saúde também aumentaram e foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P <0,01). Os baixos índices de qualidade de vida dos veterinários podem ser melhorados, aumentando o nível de renda e o consumo de alimentos de origem animal. Isso garantirá mais energia e que tenham o nível desejado de percepção mental e geral de saúde.(AU)

Humanos , Qualidade de Vida , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Controle de Custos/estatística & dados numéricos , Alimentos de Origem Animal , Renda , Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária/estatística & dados numéricos , Turquia
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 77(4): 351-356, 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038222


Introducción. La anemia en embarazadas es problema de salud pública en Perú. Una estrategia para prevenirla es la diversificación dietaria que incluya alimentos de origen animal (AOA) , fuentes de hierro y otros nutrientes de alta biodisponibilidad. Los beneficios y barreras percibidos para consumir estos alimentos pueden ser diferentes según nivel socioeconómico. Objetivo. Comparar los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre consumo de AOA entre embarazadas de diferente nivel socioeconómico. Diseño. Estudio cualitativo, diseño fenomenológico. Institución. Un establecimiento de Salud ubicado en Carabayllo (nivel socioeconómico bajo: NSEB) y otro en Magdalena del Mar (nivel socioeconómico medio: NSEM). Muestra. 20 embarazadas por nivel socioeconómico, elegidas intencionalmente según edad, paridad, peso corporal. Intervenciones. Entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales, previo consentimiento informado. Principales medidas de resultados. Beneficios y barreras para consumir AOA durante la gestación: carnes y derivados, pescados, lácteos, huevos. Resultados. Se hallaron más beneficios similares que diferentes entre ambos grupos de embarazadas, alto valor nutritivo, buenos para bebe y madre, evitan la anemia, los huevos y el pollo son versátiles y prácticos en preparar, el pescado y el hígado son más nutritivos entre las carnes. También hubo barreras similares: poca accesibilidad por costo, desagrado, poca costumbre de consumo, escasa higiene e inocuidad y características organolépticas intensas (olor, sabor). Confusión del valor nutritivo en NSEB, poca habilidad en preparación de alimentos en NSEM. Conclusiones. Hubo más similitudes que diferencias en los beneficios y barreras percibidos sobre alimentos de origen animal entre embarazadas participantes de diferente nivel socioeconómico.

Introduction. Anemia in pregnant women is a public health problem in Peru. One strategy to prevent it is dietary diversity, including foods of animal origin (FAO), iron sources and other nutrients of high bioavailability. The benefits and perceived barriers to eat these foods may differ according to socioeconomic status. Objective. To compare the benefits and perceived barriers regarding eating food of animal origin (FAO) among pregnant women of different socioeconomic status. Design. Qualitative study, phenomenology designo Institution. A health establishment located in Carabayllo (Iow socioeconomic status: LSES) and another one in Magdalena del Mar (medium socioeconomic status: MSES). Sample. 20 pregnant women of each socioeconomic status, chosen by age, number of children, body weight. Interventions. In-depth interviews and focus groups alter informed consent. Main outcome measures. Benefits and barriers of eating FAO during pregnancy: meats and derivatives, fish, dairy products and eggs. Results. We found more similar benefits than different ones among both groups of pregnant women. FAO had high nutritional value, were good for the baby and mother, prevented anemia, eggs and chicken were versatile and practical to prepare, fish and liver were more nutritious among meats. There were similar barriers: poor accessibility due to cost, distaste, infrequent consumption, poor safety and intense organoleptic characteristics (smell, taste). Confusion about nutritional value in LSES and little food preparation skills in MSES. Conclusions. Participating pregnant women of different socioeconomic status (medium and low) perceived more similarities than differences in benefits and barriers regarding eating FAO.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(3): 290-298, July-Sept. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1009448


O Brasil se destaca na produção mundial de alimentos de origem animal, sendo que cada vez mais os mercados consumidores buscam alimentos seguros e inócuos para a saúde. Nesse contexto, torna-se fundamental a prevenção das zoonoses, que podem ser transmitidas através dos alimentos de origem animal, que muitas vezes são consumidos sem o devido preparo ou por populações mais vulneráveis. Nesta revisão bibliográfica, serão abordadas importantes enfermidades parasitárias de caráter zoonótico que ocorrem atualmente pela via de transmissão alimentar: a toxoplasmose, o complexo teníase-cisticercose, criptosporidiose, anisacose, difilobotriose e triquinelose.(AU)

Brazil is one of the most important countries in the production of animal source foods, and the consumers are looking for safe and innocuous products for health. In this context, it is necessary to prevent zoonosis that can be transmitted by animal source foods, which are sometimes consumed without proper cooking or made by vulnerable populations. On this review, important parasitic zoonotic diseases will be covered, which currently occur by this transmission route: toxoplasmosis, taeniasis-cysticercosis complex, cryptosporidiosis, anisakiasis, diphyllobothriasis and trichinosis.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Zoonoses , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Carne , Produtos da Carne , Brasil , Higiene dos Alimentos , Abastecimento de Alimentos
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 50(6): 430-446, 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-789910


Biogenic amines (BAs) are formed as a result of specific free amino acid decarboxylation. Analysis of these metabolitesmay be of great importance to determine food quality and for monitoring the levels of biogenic amines such as histamineand tyramine related to intoxication episodes in humans. Chromatography is a chemistry separation technique usedto characterize biogenic amines in foods. Variations of this technique (liquid, thin layer and gas chromatography)have been widely applied; however, the food matrix complex requires that changes in the methodology of extraction,derivatization and detection must be performed according to each group of foods. High-performance liquidchromatography is the most widely used chromatographic method applied for biogenic amines in foods. However, dueto the current importance of biogenic amines in quality control and consumer safety, researchers try to develop newmethods for a fast, reliable analysis of foods in the market. This review presents some chromatographic techniquesapplied to monitoring BAs in different foods of animal origin...

Aminas biogênicas são formadas como resultado da descarboxilação de aminoácidos livres específicos. A análise dessesmetabólitos é de grande importância na determinação da qualidade e monitoramento de biogênicas como histamina etiramina relacionadas com episódios de intoxicação em humanos. A cromatografia é uma técnica de separação químicausada para caracterizar aminas biogênicas. Variações da técnica (cromatografia líquida, em camada delgada e gasosa)têm sido amplamente usadas, porém a complexidade da matriz alimentar faz com que sejam realizadas mudanças nosprocessos de extração, derivatização e detecção em concordância com cada grupo de alimento. A cromatografia líquidade alta eficiência (CLAE) é o método mais utilizado na determinação de aminas biogênicas em alimentos. Contudo,devido à importância das aminas biogênicas no controle da qualidade e a segurança do consumidor, os pesquisadorestentam desenvolver novos métodos com o intuito de uma análise mais rápida e precisa para o controle de alimentos nomercado. O objetivo da revisão é apresentar algumas técnicas cromatográficas aplicadas no monitoramento de aminasbiogênicas em produtos de origem animal...

Humanos , Aminas Biogênicas/análise , Aminas Biogênicas/toxicidade , Cromatografia Líquida/veterinária , Alimentos de Origem Animal , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Métodos Analíticos de Preparação de Amostras/veterinária