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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(2): e2023017, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438504


In tropical developing regions, such as Brazil, animal welfare (AW) has been gaining increasing attention, while stockperson job satisfaction, which is intimately related to AW, is often neglected. This research evaluated the effects of AW training on stockpersons' attitudes and behaviour towards dairy cows and the impact on cows' fear of humans. Ten dairy farms with pasture-based systems where animal handlers are farm owners or employees were selected from three regions of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The experiment consisted of four stages: 1) Selection of pasture-based dairy farms; 2) First assessment of attitudes, human behaviour, and cows' flight distance (day one ­ D1); 3) Pre-assessment of owners' and employees' AW knowledge, and training (day two ­ D2); and 4) Final assessment of attitudes, human behaviour, cows' flight distance, and owners' and employees' AW knowledge (day three ­ D3), focusing on the training's effects on human attitudes and behaviour, and cows' fear of humans. Among owners and employees, positive attitudes were more often expressed, and negative attitudes were less frequent on day three (D3) after training. Nevertheless, the expression of positive attitudes by farm owners was less common compared to employees. Stockpersons manifested positive behaviour more frequently at D3 than on day one (D1), before training, in contrast to negative behaviour at D1. Taking all cow handling observations together, including those before and after training, the greatest percentage of negative behaviour was at the time of moving the cows from the holding area to the milking stalls (18% of all observed human behaviour), followed by moving cows out of the milking parlour (17%), positioning cows for milking (15%) and placing/removing the milking suction devices (1%). Positive human behaviour usually occurred when moving cows from the holding area to the milking stalls (21%) and during the positioning of cows for milking (19%). After training, cows' flight distances decreased. In conclusion, the training may have promoted positive human behaviour and reduced the number of fearful cows. Therefore, AW training may positively influence human behaviour, technical expertise, the reduction of fear in cows, and stockpersons' attitudes.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fazendeiros , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469167


Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: Aloe, Burns and treatment. 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.

Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: Aloe, Burns and treatment. Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249209, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339360


Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.

Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.

Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Aloe , Cicatrização , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Estudos Transversais
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238665, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153463


Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vector's behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Humanos , Animais , Psychodidae , Leishmaniose Cutânea/epidemiologia , Paquistão/epidemiologia , População Rural , População Urbana , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Estudos Transversais
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468627


Abstract Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vectors behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

Resumo A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Rev. CFMV (Online) ; 2(91): 51-56, 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437643


Em saúde animal, ainda são poucos os estudos com ênfase na pesquisa qualitativa, o que reduz a capacidade de compreensão do processo saúde/doença sob a ótica dos atores sociais envolvidos na produção familiar, dificultando assim a construção de propostas para a elaboração de modelos mais eficientes de atenção à saúde animal e uma consequente melhoria dos níveis de produtividade e qualidade de vida no campo. Assim, torna-se necessário incrementar estudos epidemiológicos com abordagens qualitativas em Medicina Veterinária, visando uma análise mais ampla e minuciosa da realidade não quantificável da cadeia produtiva como um todo, ou seja, visando identificar o universo de significados, motivos, aspirações, crenças, paradigmas, dificuldades, necessidades, valores e atitudes dos proprietários, assim como aqueles dos profissionais da área de saúde animal que os assistem. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a revisão do referencial teórico e a problematização desse tema, engendrando a construção histórica do paradigma científico em epidemiologia e sua complementaridade com a abordagem qualitativa, visando contribuir para o avanço de um processo transdisciplinar, ao perceber os processos de saúde/doença animal a partir de um novo paradigma.

In animal health, there are still few studies with emphasis on qualitative research, which reduces the capacity to understand the health/disease process from the perspective of the social actors involved in family production, making it difficult to construct proposals for the elaboration of more efficient models of health in attention to animal health and a consequent improvement in levels of productivity and quality of life in the field. Thus, it is necessary to increase epidemiological studies with qualitative approaches in veterinary medicine, aiming at a broader and more detailed analysis of the non-quantifiable reality of the production chain as a whole, that is, aiming to identify the universe of meanings, motives, aspirations, beliefs, paradigms, difficulties, needs, values and attitudes of the owners, as well as those of the animal health professionals who assist them. This study aimed to review the theoretical framework and discuss this topic, engendering the historical construction of the scientific paradigm in epidemiology and its complementarity with the qualitative approach, in order to the contribute to the advancement of a transdisciplinary process, by understanding the health processes /animal disease from a new paradigm.

Animais , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Saúde Pública Veterinária , Doenças dos Animais
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(7): e20200781, 2022. tab, ilus, mapa
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369615


This research evaluated farmers' decisions to adopt organic farming. It was first introduced by developed countries to minimize environmental impacts originated by intensive use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to enhance production yield. Although, organic farming offers environmentally sound methodologies for crop production, but Asian farmers are reluctant to adopt organic farming. In this study, a survival analysis (SA) was employed to determine the reasons for and the time is taken by farmers to adopt organic agriculture. This research studied the farmers' goals, agricultural policies, and attitude towards risk, as covariates in the survival analysis. A multiple criteria decision-making method based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to evaluate the farmers' goals. Data were collected from agricultural farms located in three districts in Punjab, Pakistan. A questionnaire was used to collect empirical evidence. This study reported that the farmers' goals were crucial to their acceptance of organic farming; furthermore, young farmers and farmers with risk-inclined attitudes were more prone to adopting organic farming. The study also determined that change in policy and introduce special package for organic agriculture can encouraged the adoption of organic methods.

O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar as decisões dos agricultores de adotar a agricultura orgânica. Foi introduzido pela primeira vez por países desenvolvidos para minimizar os impactos ambientais originados pelo uso intensivo de fertilizantes sintéticos e pesticidas para aumentar o rendimento da produção. Embora a agricultura orgânica ofereça metodologias ambientalmente corretas para a produção agrícola, os agricultores asiáticos relutam em adotar a agricultura orgânica. Neste estudo, uma análise de sobrevivência (SA) foi empregada para determinar os motivos e o tempo que os agricultores levam para adotar a agricultura orgânica. Esta pesquisa estudou os objetivos dos agricultores, as políticas agrícolas e a atitude em relação ao risco, como covariáveis na análise de sobrevivência. Um método de tomada de decisão de múltiplos critérios com base no Processo de Hierarquia Analítica foi usado para avaliar os objetivos dos agricultores. Os dados foram coletados em fazendas agrícolas localizadas em três distritos de Punjab, Paquistão. Um questionário foi usado para coletar evidências empíricas. Este estudo descobriu que os objetivos dos agricultores eram cruciais para aceitação da agricultura orgânica; além disso, jovens agricultores e agricultores com atitudes inclinadas ao risco eram mais propensos a adotar a agricultura orgânica. O estudo também determinou que a mudança na política e a introdução de um pacote especial para a agricultura orgânica podem estimular a adoção de métodos orgânicos.

24444 , Análise de Sobrevida , Inquéritos e Questionários , Agricultura Orgânica/economia
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 16(3): 211-219, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1392713


A survey was conducted on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Equidae breeders in the municipality of Soure, Marajó Island, Pará, regarding animal health problems in the properties, especially glanders and adoption of sanitary measures that are pertinent to their combat, to elaborate on educational technical material with the appropriate methodology. The study included 50 interviewees from urban and rural areas of this municipality. Regarding data collection, structured interviews containing 22 multiple choice questions on the socioeconomic characteristics of breeders and/or owners of Equidae, breeding habits and models, and conceptions about sanitary control and their relationship with the animal health defense agency were conducted. From the qualitative analysis of data, 66% (33/50) interviewees were identified as literate, which facilitates the choice of the best language to use for communication. Regarding the choice of the best language for the transfer of information, 62% (31/50) interviewees said that a mobile phone is currently the best tool for transmitting information. Further, 40% (20/50) interviewees breed their Equidae extensively, raising an alert for epidemiological surveillance, and only 10% (5/50) interviewees turned to ADEPARÁ when the animals were sick. Based on the study results, Equidae breeders need guidance regarding the actions of the animal health defense services, and sanitary education is a fundamental measure for raising awareness and clarification of glanders to mitigate damage to public health and animal welfare, avoiding its spread in the State.(AU)

Foi realizado um levantamento sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e comportamentos dos criadores de equídeos do município de Soure, na Ilha do Marajó, Pará, quanto aos problemas sanitários nas propriedades, em especial, ao mormo e a adoção de medidas sanitárias pertinentes ao seu combate - elaboração de material técnico educativo com metodologia ade-quada ao público-alvo trabalhado. A pesquisa contou com 50 entrevistados pertencentes às zonas urbana e rural desse muni-cípio. Quanto a coleta de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas contendo 22 questões de múltipla escolha referentes às características socioeconômicas dos criadores e/ou proprietários de equídeos; aos hábitos e aos modos de criação; às con-cepções sobre o controle sanitário e a relação destes com o órgão de defesa sanitária animal. Da análise qualitativa dos dados, observou-se que 66% (33/50) dos entrevistados são alfabetizados; o que facilita a escolha da melhor linguagem para o repasse de informações; 62% (31/50) elencou que o celular, atualmente, é a melhor ferramenta para a transmissão de informações; 40% (20/50) cria seus equídeos de maneira extensiva, representando um alerta à vigilância epidemiológica e apenas 10% (5/50) recorre à ADEPARÁ quando os animais adoecem. Com base no estudo, foi possível concluir que os criadores de equídeos necessitam de orientações quanto às ações do serviço de defesa sanitária animal, sendo a educação sanitária medida fundamen-tal para conscientização e esclarecimento deles sobre o mormo, de maneira a mitigar seus danos à saúde pública e ao bem-estar dos animais, evitando sua propagação no Estado.(AU)

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Equidae , Brasil , Coleta de Dados/instrumentação , Perfis Sanitários
Arq. Inst. Biol. (Online) ; 89: e00042021, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416750


In the last decades, the global incidence of arboviruses transmitted by the vector Aedes aegypti has increased dramatically with the increased oh human mobility and urbanization. The study of the mosquito population is of great importance for public health in countries where climatic and environmental conditions are favorable for the spread of these diseases transmitted by A. aegypti. This was a cross-sectional study that assessed causal relationships between why mosquitoes are prevalent in the region studied and socioeconomic variables, practices, knowledge, attitudes, and the effect of the cause in two regions chosen according to vulnerability (São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index). Of the 435 residents interviewed, 95% (413/435) were informed about vector control and claimed to contribute to the day-to-day sanitary practices necessary to combat it, in addition to being able to identify it. Most participants in both regions believed they were at risk, but vector control practices did not match those recorded in the survey. A correlation was found between the population's level of education and the practices observed. Despite the high levels of knowledge and the perceptions of the interviewed population about A. aegypti, the erroneous behavior of the residents persisted, thus hindering disease prevention and vector control actions, promoting the conditions conducive to the proliferation of the vector, and, consequently, increasing the risk of disease. The study indicated that one of the most effective means to control the A. aegypti vector is a society informed about preventive measures in the surveillance sectors.

Humanos , Animais , Saúde da População Urbana/educação , Controle de Infecções/instrumentação , Aedes , Dengue/prevenção & controle , Brasil , Prática de Saúde Pública , Insetos Vetores
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468440


Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vector's behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Humanos , Animais , Controle de Mosquitos/normas , Leishmaniose Cutânea/prevenção & controle , Leishmaniose Cutânea/transmissão , Mosquitos Vetores/parasitologia , Psychodidae/parasitologia , Doenças Negligenciadas/prevenção & controle
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(3): 1269-1282, maio.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369498


This study aimed to obtain information about the knowledge and attitudes of veterinarians in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, regarding the care of abused animals, the profile of possible aggressors, and their perceptions of the relationship between animal maltreatment and interpersonal violence. For this purpose, an online survey containing 21 questions was made available to veterinarians registered in the Regional Veterinary Medicine Council of Paraíba (CRMV - PB). The chi-square test with a 5% significance level (p < 0.05) was used for statistical analysis. According to the interviewees, 70.7% (53/75) of the abuse victims were small animals. Negligence (68% [51/75]) and the absence of medical care (68% [51/75]) were the most evident forms of abuse. Furthermore, 82.7% (62/75) of them believed in the relationship between animal maltreatment and interpersonal violence. In addition, 90.7% (68/75) of the interviewees responded that they have not experienced technical difficulty in identifying maltreatment. However, 48% (36/75) stated to not know the animal abuse law, 90.7% (68/75) did not report the aggressors, and 81.3% (61/75) stated that the absence of measures by the competent public bodies makes it harder to report the abuse. This study concluded that these professionals will, at some point in their clinical routine, encounter situations of animal maltreatment and human violence, as they are in a privileged position to identify such acts. However, they need more normative knowledge about animal abuse crimes.(AU)

Objetivou-se com esse estudo a obtenção de informações a respeito do conhecimento e atitudes dos Médicos Veterinários do estado da Paraíba, Brasil, acerca dos atendimentos de animais vítimas de maustratos, o perfil dos possíveis agressores e de suas percepções a respeito da conexão entre maus-tratos animais e violência interpessoal. Para tanto foi disponibilizada pesquisa online contendo 21 questões a todos Médicos Veterinários inscritos no Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária da Paraíba (CRMV-PB). Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de Qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5% (p<0.05). Segundo os Médicos Veterinários entrevistados, 70,7% (53/75) das vítimas de maus-tratos eram pequenos animais, sendo a negligência [68% (51/75)] e a ausência de atendimento médico [68% (51/75)] os maustratos mais evidenciados. Adicionalmente, 82,7% (62/75) deles acreditavam na conexão entre maustratos animais e violência interpessoal e 90,7% (68/75) responderam não sentir dificuldade técnica em identificar maus-tratos, porém, 48% (36/75) não conheciam a lei que trata sobre os maus-tratos animais, 90,7% (68/75) não realizaram denúncia contra os agressores, e 81,3% (61/75) afirmaram que a ausência de providências por parte dos órgãos públicos competentes dificulta a denúncia. Conclui-se que esses profissionais irão em algum momento de sua rotina clínica se deparar com situações de maus-tratos a animais e violência humana, pois estão em posição privilegiada para identificar tais atos, entretanto, precisam de mais conhecimento normativo sobre os crimes de maus-tratos aos animais.(AU)

Animais , Percepção , Violência , Inquéritos e Questionários , Violência Doméstica , Médicos Veterinários/legislação & jurisprudência
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31783


Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vector's behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.(AU)

A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Leishmaniose Cutânea/prevenção & controle , Leishmaniose Cutânea/transmissão , Psychodidae/parasitologia , Mosquitos Vetores/parasitologia , Controle de Mosquitos/normas , Doenças Negligenciadas/prevenção & controle
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200003, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442796


With the objective of identifying the concerns, attitudes, and opinions of meat buyers and their relationship with their choice of place of purchase (supermarkets, free fair, or butchers), 381 consumers in the city of Garanhuns, Brazil, were interviewed. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and discriminant analysis, complemented by stepwise regression, Wilks' Lambda test, and Fisher's linear test. Most of the respondents expressed that inadequate commercialization of meat occurred in free fairs, and the lack of hygiene and the fact that meat was exposed in the environment without refrigeration were the main preoccupations. They also reported that meat consumption without inspection could lead to disease transmission, with pork being considered the most dangerous. Based on the theory of planned behavior, buyers agreed that their attitudes toward the purchase of meat (concern with food safety, price, animal welfare, environment, and slave labor) influenced their purchasing decisions. Regarding the subjective norms, the results indicated that purchase intention could be modulated by the opinion and judgment that other people exercise on the buyer's choice decision. Regarding perceived control, the respondents said that they were confused at the time of purchase and got irritated after making a purchase that did not satisfy their desires. The factors that differentiated consumers who prefer to buy meat in supermarkets from those who prefer butchers and free fairs are mainly the price of the product, custom/tradition, customer service, and hygiene of the establishment. Buyers who have a lower level of schooling and live in rural areas also tended to buy meat in free fairs.

Humanos , Saneamento de Mercados , Comportamento do Consumidor/estatística & dados numéricos , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , Carne/microbiologia , Brasil , Alimentos de Origem Animal
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 647-654, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492718


For the past years, there is an increased interest for maternal behavior in human’s best friend – the dog. Indeed, studies show that the quality of mothering is not only important for the survival of the puppies during the first weeks of life, for the bonding process but recently it shows that it might have a long-lasting impact on the puppies’ future performance. However, how to define and measure maternal behavior? From the early studies to nowadays, the display of acts from the bitch right prior to parturition (preparation phase), and then continuously toward the puppies until weaning are the repertoire of actions that define maternal behavior. For the scientific community, maternal care is quantified as a principal component assessing attitudes that are easy to measure from the dam to the puppies such as: the time spent in contact, time and/or frequency of licking/grooming and time and position of nursing. Though, there is still a need to elucidate different aspects of maternal behavior in the dog, for example the effect of genetics, the impact of the emotional state of the bitch and the quality of maternal behavior, the role of hormones, the possibility to improve maternal behavior, there is some information to share. The idea is to give an overview of maternal behavior that permits veterinarians, breeders to identify and prevent problems to optimize the dog welfare.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Comportamento Materno
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-17, Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763911


Although zoos are committed to wildlife conservation and have a long-term positive impact on visitors' attitudes towards wildlife, the question of whether maintaining wild animals in human care is justified remains as animal welfare concerns grow and human understanding of animal intelligence and capacities broadens. Zoos have always been the subject of debate, with conflicts between those who argue they save endangered species and educate visitors, and animal rights activists who believe that conditions of wild animals are inadequate and that zoos should not exist. In this review, we do not discuss the moral side of the issue, but the scientific one. This manuscript aims to show the scope of literature available on the strengths and weaknesses of modern zoos regarding wild animal welfare. We provide information useful to argue why zoos are important in modern society and factors that influence welfare are examined. Some potentially stressful stimuli may diminish animal welfare in zoo animals, while some of the benefits zoos offer to conservation and science include the opportunity to study and learn about different aspects necessary to improve management practices; the possibility of breeding wild animals in zoos has been a key factor in the recovery of species that have improved their conservation status. Animal welfare is an essential part of wildlife conservation, so efforts should be directed to ensure the best possible quality of life and optimum conditions of all zoo animals in our care.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Comportamento Animal/ética , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-17, Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32985


Although zoos are committed to wildlife conservation and have a long-term positive impact on visitors' attitudes towards wildlife, the question of whether maintaining wild animals in human care is justified remains as animal welfare concerns grow and human understanding of animal intelligence and capacities broadens. Zoos have always been the subject of debate, with conflicts between those who argue they save endangered species and educate visitors, and animal rights activists who believe that conditions of wild animals are inadequate and that zoos should not exist. In this review, we do not discuss the moral side of the issue, but the scientific one. This manuscript aims to show the scope of literature available on the strengths and weaknesses of modern zoos regarding wild animal welfare. We provide information useful to argue why zoos are important in modern society and factors that influence welfare are examined. Some potentially stressful stimuli may diminish animal welfare in zoo animals, while some of the benefits zoos offer to conservation and science include the opportunity to study and learn about different aspects necessary to improve management practices; the possibility of breeding wild animals in zoos has been a key factor in the recovery of species that have improved their conservation status. Animal welfare is an essential part of wildlife conservation, so efforts should be directed to ensure the best possible quality of life and optimum conditions of all zoo animals in our care.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Comportamento Animal/ética , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(2): 1-17, Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484352


Although zoos are committed to wildlife conservation and have a long-term positive impact on visitors' attitudes towards wildlife, the question of whether maintaining wild animals in human care is justified remains as animal welfare concerns grow and human understanding of animal intelligence and capacities broadens. Zoos have always been the subject of debate, with conflicts between those who argue they save endangered species and educate visitors, and animal rights activists who believe that conditions of wild animals are inadequate and that zoos should not exist. In this review, we do not discuss the moral side of the issue, but the scientific one. This manuscript aims to show the scope of literature available on the strengths and weaknesses of modern zoos regarding wild animal welfare. We provide information useful to argue why zoos are important in modern society and factors that influence welfare are examined. Some potentially stressful stimuli may diminish animal welfare in zoo animals, while some of the benefits zoos offer to conservation and science include the opportunity to study and learn about different aspects necessary to improve management practices; the possibility of breeding wild animals in zoos has been a key factor in the recovery of species that have improved their conservation status. Animal welfare is an essential part of wildlife conservation, so efforts should be directed to ensure the best possible quality of life and optimum conditions of all zoo animals in our care.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Comportamento Animal/ética , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia
Ci. Rural ; 50(10): e20191025, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29546


An adequate supply of fresh, high quality and accessible vegetables is essential for a healthy food system. In Latin America, these are mostly produced by smallholder farmers. The objective of this research was to characterize the productive and commercial development of small-scale vegetable growers and to further understand and explain their attitudes on their business. A total of 335 farmers in Central Chile area were surveyed. The data was processed using descriptive and multivariate techniques. Results showed that farmers have a positive self-assessment of their technical performance, production quality and the contribution of farming to their household income. They express uncertainty about the future, as well as some disappointment with the prices they receive for their produce and their access to public support programs. There are significant differences between farmers within the sample; however, which allow two distinct clusters to be identified: conformist (69.05%) and critical (30.95%). These results suggested that these small-scale vegetable growers have certain generalizable attitudes and other divergent. The differences in attitudes coincide with differences in objective characteristics, including age, education, farm size and technology.(AU)

O fornecimento de vegetais frescos, de qualidade e acessíveis, são essenciais para um sistema alimentar saudável. Na América Latina, essa produção está principalmente nas mãos dos pequenos agricultores. O objetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o desenvolvimento produtivo e comercial de pequenos produtores de hortaliças e entender e explicar melhor suas atitudes em relação à atividade. No total, foram pesquisados 335 agricultores no centro do Chile. Os dados coletados foram processados usando técnicas descritivas e multivariadas. Como resultados, se encontraram uma avaliação geral positiva do desempenho técnico, da qualidade da produção e da contribuição para a renda familiar, embora acompanhada de uma incerteza sobre o futuro. Os entrevistados expressaram decepções sobre alguns aspectos, como preço de venda e acesso a programas de apoio público. No entanto, existem diferenças significativas na amostra que permitem a identificação de dois grupos: conformistas (69,05%) e crítico (30,95%). Esses resultados sugerem que, no caso analisado, os pequenos produtores de hortaliças têm certas atitudes generalizáveis e outras divergentes. As diferenças de atitudes são coincidentes com as características objetivas, como idade, escolaridade, tamanho da fazenda e tecnologia.(AU)

Verduras , Jardinagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Chile
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 08(03): 196-205, July 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763890


This is a literature review of the effects of humans' relationships with farm animals on animal productivity andwelfare, including the following topics: definition of the concept and description of different tests that have beendeveloped to measure human-animal relationship (HAR). Temperament and tameness, which have been considered as farm animal characteristics that are important in HAR, as are stockperson attitudes. Some international farm animal welfare protocols are also described, together with negative andpositive stimuli that affect farm animal welfare and productivity. In addition to some factors affecting the qualityof HAR. We conclude that even with improved precision farming and automation: a) a good HAR is still fundamental to improve farm animal welfare with associated health andproduction benefits and b) with the numerous tests assessing fear of humans, many are not commercially applicable.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Comportamento/fisiologia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 8(3): 196-205, July 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484318


This is a literature review of the effects of humans' relationships with farm animals on animal productivity andwelfare, including the following topics: definition of the concept and description of different tests that have beendeveloped to measure human-animal relationship (HAR). Temperament and tameness, which have been considered as farm animal characteristics that are important in HAR, as are stockperson attitudes. Some international farm animal welfare protocols are also described, together with negative andpositive stimuli that affect farm animal welfare and productivity. In addition to some factors affecting the qualityof HAR. We conclude that even with improved precision farming and automation: a) a good HAR is still fundamental to improve farm animal welfare with associated health andproduction benefits and b) with the numerous tests assessing fear of humans, many are not commercially applicable.

Humanos , Animais , Comportamento/fisiologia , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia