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Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 17(4): 515-522, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488282


One of the main factors related to the quality of edible vegetable seedlings is the type of substrate used. The growth variables of cucumber seedlings grown on alternative substrates to the commercial substrate, having increasing levels of coffee drying residues (chaff). The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications, where: T1: commercial substrate (CS); T2: 0% chaff (CH) + 40% carbonized rice husk (CRH) + 15% coconut fiber (CF) + 5% eggshell (ES) + 40% CS; T3: 10% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 30% CS; T4: 20% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 20% CS; T5: 30% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 10% CS; T6: 40% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 0% CS. The variables evaluated were electrical conductivity of substrates, dry mass of the root system and the aerial part, seedling height, stem diameter and number of leaves. Increasing proportions of chaff also increase the electrical conductivity of the substrate. Proportions around 15 to 20% of chaff in the composition of the substrate present the highest values of stem diameter, dry mass of the root system and of the aerial part. Proportions up to 30% of the substrate constituted by 40% rice husk, 15% coconut fiber, 5% egg husk and 10% commercial substrate can also be used without loss in the growth variables of cucumber seedlings.

Um dos principais fatores relacionados à qualidade das mudas de olerícolas é o tipo de substrato utilizado. Avaliaram-se as variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino produzidas em substratos com níveis crescentes de resíduo da secagem dos grãos de café (moinha) em substituição ao uso exclusivo do substrato comercial. O experimento foi realizado no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e dez repetições,  sendo: T1: Substrato comercial (SC); T2: 0% de moinha (MO)+ 40% de casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) + 15% de fibra de coco (FC) + 5% de casca de ovo (CO) + 40% de SC; T3: 10% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO+ 30% de SC; T4: 20% de MO+ 40% de CAC+ 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 20% de SC ; T5: 30% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 10% de SC; T6: 40% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% CO + 0% SC. Avaliou-se condutividade elétrica dos substratos, matéria seca do sistema radicular e parte aérea, altura de plântula, diâmetro de caule e número de folhas. Proporções crescentes de moinha acarretam no aumento da condutividade elétrica do substrato. Proporções em torno de 15 a 20% de moinha na composição do substrato apresentam os maiores valores de matéria seca da parte aérea, de raiz e diâmetro do caule. Proporções de até 30% de moinha em substrato composto por 40% de CAC, 15% de FC, 5% de CO e 10% de SC, também podem ser utilizados sem que haja prejuízo nas variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino.

R. Ci. agrovet. ; 17(4): 515-522, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738601


One of the main factors related to the quality of edible vegetable seedlings is the type of substrate used. The growth variables of cucumber seedlings grown on alternative substrates to the commercial substrate, having increasing levels of coffee drying residues (chaff). The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications, where: T1: commercial substrate (CS); T2: 0% chaff (CH) + 40% carbonized rice husk (CRH) + 15% coconut fiber (CF) + 5% eggshell (ES) + 40% CS; T3: 10% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 30% CS; T4: 20% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 20% CS; T5: 30% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 10% CS; T6: 40% CH + 40% CRH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 0% CS. The variables evaluated were electrical conductivity of substrates, dry mass of the root system and the aerial part, seedling height, stem diameter and number of leaves. Increasing proportions of chaff also increase the electrical conductivity of the substrate. Proportions around 15 to 20% of chaff in the composition of the substrate present the highest values of stem diameter, dry mass of the root system and of the aerial part. Proportions up to 30% of the substrate constituted by 40% rice husk, 15% coconut fiber, 5% egg husk and 10% commercial substrate can also be used without loss in the growth variables of cucumber seedlings.(AU)

Um dos principais fatores relacionados à qualidade das mudas de olerícolas é o tipo de substrato utilizado. Avaliaram-se as variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino produzidas em substratos com níveis crescentes de resíduo da secagem dos grãos de café (moinha) em substituição ao uso exclusivo do substrato comercial. O experimento foi realizado no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e dez repetições,  sendo: T1: Substrato comercial (SC); T2: 0% de moinha (MO)+ 40% de casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) + 15% de fibra de coco (FC) + 5% de casca de ovo (CO) + 40% de SC; T3: 10% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO+ 30% de SC; T4: 20% de MO+ 40% de CAC+ 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 20% de SC ; T5: 30% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% de CO + 10% de SC; T6: 40% de MO + 40% de CAC + 15% de FC + 5% CO + 0% SC. Avaliou-se condutividade elétrica dos substratos, matéria seca do sistema radicular e parte aérea, altura de plântula, diâmetro de caule e número de folhas. Proporções crescentes de moinha acarretam no aumento da condutividade elétrica do substrato. Proporções em torno de 15 a 20% de moinha na composição do substrato apresentam os maiores valores de matéria seca da parte aérea, de raiz e diâmetro do caule. Proporções de até 30% de moinha em substrato composto por 40% de CAC, 15% de FC, 5% de CO e 10% de SC, também podem ser utilizados sem que haja prejuízo nas variáveis de crescimento de mudas de pepino.(AU)

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 17(4): 491-497, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488275


In the production of quality vegetables, the formation of seedlings is one of the most important phases for the crop cycle, directly influencing the final performance of the plant, both from a nutritional and productive point of view. One of the decisive factors to obtain seedlings with quality and consequent increase in productivity is the type of substrate used. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of increasing proportions of residues from the drying of coffee beans (chaff) on alternative substrates constituted by coconut fiber, eggshell and commercial substrate, in the growth variables of cabbage seedlings. The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design, with five treatments and ten replicates, with the following treatments: T0: commercial substrate (control); T1: 10% chaff (CH) + 15% coconut fiber (CF) + 5% eggshell (ES) + 70% commercial substrate (CS); T2: 20% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 60% CS; T3: 30% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 50% CS; T4: 40% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 40% CS. The evaluated variables were substrate electrical conductivity, collection diameter, number of leaves, height of plants and dry matter of shoot, root, and total plant. The highest values obtained from the variables analyzed were obtained in the treatment 4, in which 40% of woodwool + 15% coconut fiber + 5% eggshell + 40% commercial substrate were used.

Na produção de hortaliças de qualidade a formação de mudas é uma das fases mais importantes para o ciclo da cultura, influenciando diretamente no desempenho final da planta, tanto do ponto de vista nutricional como produtivo. Um dos fatores decisivos para obtenção de mudas com qualidade e consequente aumento de produtividade é o tipo de substrato utilizado. O estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de proporções crescentes de resíduos da secagem de grãos de café (moinha) em substratos alternativos compostos de fibra de coco, casca de ovo e substrato comercial, nas variáveis de crescimento de mudas de repolho. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo os tratamentos: T0: substrato comercial (testemunha); T1: 10% de moinha (MO) + 15% fibra de coco (FC) + 5% casca de ovo (CO) + 70% substrato comercial (SC); T2: 20% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 60% SC; T3: 30% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 50% SC; T4: 40% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 40% SC. As variáveis avaliadas foram condutividade elétrica do substrato, diâmetro de coleto, número de folhas, altura de plantas e matérias secas da parte aérea, raiz e total de planta. Os maiores valores obtidos das variáveis analisadas foram obtidos no tratamento 4, no qual se utilizou-se 40% de moinha + 15% fibra de coco + 5% casca de ovo + 40% substrato comercial.

R. Ci. agrovet. ; 17(4): 491-497, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738594


In the production of quality vegetables, the formation of seedlings is one of the most important phases for the crop cycle, directly influencing the final performance of the plant, both from a nutritional and productive point of view. One of the decisive factors to obtain seedlings with quality and consequent increase in productivity is the type of substrate used. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of increasing proportions of residues from the drying of coffee beans (chaff) on alternative substrates constituted by coconut fiber, eggshell and commercial substrate, in the growth variables of cabbage seedlings. The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design, with five treatments and ten replicates, with the following treatments: T0: commercial substrate (control); T1: 10% chaff (CH) + 15% coconut fiber (CF) + 5% eggshell (ES) + 70% commercial substrate (CS); T2: 20% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 60% CS; T3: 30% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 50% CS; T4: 40% CH + 15% CF + 5% ES + 40% CS. The evaluated variables were substrate electrical conductivity, collection diameter, number of leaves, height of plants and dry matter of shoot, root, and total plant. The highest values obtained from the variables analyzed were obtained in the treatment 4, in which 40% of woodwool + 15% coconut fiber + 5% eggshell + 40% commercial substrate were used.(AU)

Na produção de hortaliças de qualidade a formação de mudas é uma das fases mais importantes para o ciclo da cultura, influenciando diretamente no desempenho final da planta, tanto do ponto de vista nutricional como produtivo. Um dos fatores decisivos para obtenção de mudas com qualidade e consequente aumento de produtividade é o tipo de substrato utilizado. O estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de proporções crescentes de resíduos da secagem de grãos de café (moinha) em substratos alternativos compostos de fibra de coco, casca de ovo e substrato comercial, nas variáveis de crescimento de mudas de repolho. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo os tratamentos: T0: substrato comercial (testemunha); T1: 10% de moinha (MO) + 15% fibra de coco (FC) + 5% casca de ovo (CO) + 70% substrato comercial (SC); T2: 20% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 60% SC; T3: 30% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 50% SC; T4: 40% de MO + 15% FC + 5% CO + 40% SC. As variáveis avaliadas foram condutividade elétrica do substrato, diâmetro de coleto, número de folhas, altura de plantas e matérias secas da parte aérea, raiz e total de planta. Os maiores valores obtidos das variáveis analisadas foram obtidos no tratamento 4, no qual se utilizou-se 40% de moinha + 15% fibra de coco + 5% casca de ovo + 40% substrato comercial.(AU)

Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 11(3): 157-163, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453098


The use of poultry litter is key to the commercial poultry industry. Among its many functions, it is fundamental to provide comfort to the birds, and wood shavings and rice husk are the most widely used raw materials. However, there has been a search for alternative materials, with the main purpose of reducing costs. Therefore, this paper assesses the use of chaff (charcoal processing waste) (with approximately five mm particle size) as chicken litter, in an experiment with 225 broiler chicks divided into three treatments (T1 = broiler chicks housed in wood shaving litter; T2 = broiler chicks housed in 50% wood shaving litter and 50% charcoal processing waste (chaff); T3 = broiler chicks housed in 100% chaff litter, with five replicates of 15 birds each. Performance (feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion) in periods of one to seven, one to 21, 21 to 41 and one to 41 days of age was assessed. The dry matter, ash, phosphorous and nitrogen levels on the litter were assessed at the end of the trial period (41 days of age). Sample fragments were taken from the trachea, lung and thymus to evaluate possible changes related to the presence of the chaff at the end of the trial period. There were no significant differences in the broiler performance. Also, no histopathological lesions were found on the organs of birds raised in litters. Keywords: Feed Conversion. Alternative Material

Acta Vet. bras. ; 11(3): 157-163, Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-17662


The commercial poultry industry requires the use of poultry litter. Therefore, the main purpose of using broiler litter is to provide comfort to the birds, with wood shaving and rice husk being the most widely used raw materials. On the other hand, there is a search for alternative materials in the main intention to reduce costs. Therefore, in order to evaluate the use of vegetable charcoal as broiler litter, an experiment with 225 broiler chicks divided into three treatments (T1 = broiler chicks housed in wood shaving (WS) litter; T2 = broiler chicks housed in 50% WS litter and 50% charcoal chaff (CC); T3 = broiler chicks housed in 100% CC, with five replicates of 15 birds each was performed. Performance (feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion) in periods of one to seven, one to 21, 21 to 41 and one to 41 days of age was assessed. The dry matter, ash, phosphorous and nitrogen levels on the litter were assessed at the end of the trial period. Sample fragments were taken from the trachea and lungs to evaluate possible changes related to the presence of chaff at the end of the trial period. There were no significant differences in the broiler performance. Also, no histopathological lesions were found on the organs of birds raised in litters. In the conditions this experiment has been developed, it can be concluded that it is possible to use CC as broiler litter since it has not affected the broiler performance and has not caused injury to the birds' respiratory tract.(AU)

Animais , Carvão Vegetal/análise , Galinhas , Bem-Estar do Animal , Traqueia/lesões , Resíduos Industriais
Semina Ci. agr. ; 36(3,supl.1): 2055-2066, 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28558


O estudo foi desenvolvido com objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade de utilização da borra de soja na terminação de novilhos confinados, com idade e peso médio inicial de 20 meses e 328,3 kg, respectivamente. Cada tratamento foi composto por seis animais experimentais, os quais receberam dieta com relação volumoso: concentrado, 40:60 (base na matéria seca), sendo o volumoso, a silagem de milho e concentrado a base de casca, farelo e borra de soja, milho, cloreto de sódio e calcário calcítico. Os novilhos foram distribuídos nos tratamentos: 00; 30; 60; 90 e 120 g de borra de soja por kg, na forma como o alimento foi oferecido, os quais continham 29,0; 47,3; 66,7; 86,8 e 106,8 g de extrato etéreo por kg de matéria seca, respectivamente. O consumo de matéria seca foi similar (P>0,05) entre os novilhos dos tratamentos estudados com média de 9,71 kg dia-1. Do mesmo modo, não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) no consumo de proteína bruta pelos animais entre os tratamentos, com média de 1,36 kg dia-1. Porém, houve diferença no consumo de extrato etéreo e fibras em detergente neutro e ácido, as quais decresceram linearmente com o aumento da inclusão de borra na ração (CEE=0,305+0,0061BS; CFDN=5,710,011BS; CFDA=3,890,008BS em kg dia-1, respectivamente). O desempenho dos novilhos foi semelhante (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, sendo o ganho médio diário de 1,542 kg, a conversão alimentar de 6,35 kg de MS kg-1 ganho de peso e o peso de abate de 457,95 kg. O uso da borra de soja até o limite de 120 g na dieta de bovinos confinados é viável.(AU)

This study was designed to evaluate the feasibility of using soybean dreg in finishing of confined steers, with age and initial body weight of 20 months and 328.3 kg, respectively. Each treatment consisted of six experimental animals, which were fed with forage: concentrate ratio, 40:60 (dry matter basis), being bulky corn silage and concentrate based of bark, chaff and soybean dreg, corn, sodium chloride and calcium limestone. The steers were distributed in the treatments: 00, 30, 60, 90 and 120 g of soybean dreg per kg of dry matter in the diet, which contained 29.0, 47.3, 66.7, 86.8 and 106.8 g of ether extract, respectively. The dry matter intake was similar (P> 0.05) among the studied treatments with an average of 9.71 kg day-1. Similarly, no differences were observed (P> 0.05) in crude protein intake with anaverage of 1.36 kg day-1. However, there were differences in the consumption of ether extract and neutral and acid detergent fibre, which decreased linearly with the increase in the inclusion of dreg in the diet (CEE=0,305+0,0061SD; CFDN=5.710,011SD; CFDA=3.890.008SD kg day-1, respectively). The performance of steers was similar (P>0.05) between treatments, being the average daily gain of 1.542 kg, the fed conversion of 6.35 kg DM kg-1 weight gain and slaughter weight of 457.95 kg. The use of soybean dreg until the limit of 120 g kg-1 in the diet of confined is feasible.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Glycine max , Ração Animal , Aumento de Peso
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 36(3,supl.1): 2055-2066, 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1500021


O estudo foi desenvolvido com objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade de utilização da borra de soja na terminação de novilhos confinados, com idade e peso médio inicial de 20 meses e 328,3 kg, respectivamente. Cada tratamento foi composto por seis animais experimentais, os quais receberam dieta com relação volumoso: concentrado, 40:60 (base na matéria seca), sendo o volumoso, a silagem de milho e concentrado a base de casca, farelo e borra de soja, milho, cloreto de sódio e calcário calcítico. Os novilhos foram distribuídos nos tratamentos: 00; 30; 60; 90 e 120 g de borra de soja por kg, na forma como o alimento foi oferecido, os quais continham 29,0; 47,3; 66,7; 86,8 e 106,8 g de extrato etéreo por kg de matéria seca, respectivamente. O consumo de matéria seca foi similar (P>0,05) entre os novilhos dos tratamentos estudados com média de 9,71 kg dia-1. Do mesmo modo, não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) no consumo de proteína bruta pelos animais entre os tratamentos, com média de 1,36 kg dia-1. Porém, houve diferença no consumo de extrato etéreo e fibras em detergente neutro e ácido, as quais decresceram linearmente com o aumento da inclusão de borra na ração (CEE=0,305+0,0061BS; CFDN=5,710,011BS; CFDA=3,890,008BS em kg dia-1, respectivamente). O desempenho dos novilhos foi semelhante (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, sendo o ganho médio diário de 1,542 kg, a conversão alimentar de 6,35 kg de MS kg-1 ganho de peso e o peso de abate de 457,95 kg. O uso da borra de soja até o limite de 120 g na dieta de bovinos confinados é viável.

This study was designed to evaluate the feasibility of using soybean dreg in finishing of confined steers, with age and initial body weight of 20 months and 328.3 kg, respectively. Each treatment consisted of six experimental animals, which were fed with forage: concentrate ratio, 40:60 (dry matter basis), being bulky corn silage and concentrate based of bark, chaff and soybean dreg, corn, sodium chloride and calcium limestone. The steers were distributed in the treatments: 00, 30, 60, 90 and 120 g of soybean dreg per kg of dry matter in the diet, which contained 29.0, 47.3, 66.7, 86.8 and 106.8 g of ether extract, respectively. The dry matter intake was similar (P> 0.05) among the studied treatments with an average of 9.71 kg day-1. Similarly, no differences were observed (P> 0.05) in crude protein intake with anaverage of 1.36 kg day-1. However, there were differences in the consumption of ether extract and neutral and acid detergent fibre, which decreased linearly with the increase in the inclusion of dreg in the diet (CEE=0,305+0,0061SD; CFDN=5.710,011SD; CFDA=3.890.008SD kg day-1, respectively). The performance of steers was similar (P>0.05) between treatments, being the average daily gain of 1.542 kg, the fed conversion of 6.35 kg DM kg-1 weight gain and slaughter weight of 457.95 kg. The use of soybean dreg until the limit of 120 g kg-1 in the diet of confined is feasible.

Animais , Bovinos , Aumento de Peso , Ração Animal , Glycine max
Jaboticabal; s.n; 24/04/2009. 95 p.
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-3401


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos sistemas de adubação (na pré-semeadura e na semeadura) e dos consórcios de culturas intercalares (milho + feijão-mucuna-cinza-anã, milho + feijão-guandu-anão e milho + feijão-lab-lab) na cultura do milho no primeiro ano; e no segundo ano avaliar a influência dos sistemas de adubação (na pré-semeadura e na semeadura) e dos manejos de resíduos (rolo-faca, roçadora e triturador de palhas) na cultura da soja. O experimento foi realizado na FCAV- UNESP utilizando-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso no esquema fatorial (2 x 3) com quatro repetições nos dois anos agrícolas. Os componentes avaliados foram na máquina, no solo e na planta. O diâmetro do colmo, a altura de inserção da primeira espiga e a altura de plantas de milho resultaram em maiores valores para o sistema de adubação na semeadura. O número de fileiras, espigas viáveis, índice de espiga, estande final, biomassa seca no solo, produtividade, fluxo de palha, fluxo de sabugo, fluxo de grãos e as perdas na colheita não foram afetados pelos sistemas de adubação e pelos consórcios, na cultura do milho. A avaliação da distribuição longitudinal de plantas de soja na semeadura, e o fluxo de material de soja na colhedora não foram afetados pelos sistemas de adubação e pelos manejos dos resíduos. As plantas de soja obtiveram maior altura de inserção da primeira vagem e número de vagens no manejo com rolo-faca. A produtividade da soja não foi afetada

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the fertilization systems (at pre-sowing and sowing) and those consorts of intercalated crops (corn + bean-Stizolobium deeringianum, corn + bean-Cajanus cajan and corn + bean-Dolichos lab lab) in corn crop during the first year; and to evaluate, in the second year, the influence of the fertilization systems (at pre-sowing and sowing) and the management of chaff (knife roller, rotary mower and straw crusher) in the soybean crop. The experiment was done at FCAV-UNESP with totally randomized delineation, on factorial scheme (2x3) with four repetitions during the two agricultural years. The components evaluated were: machine, soil and plant. The stalk diameter, the insertion height of the first cob and the height of corn plants presented higher values for the fertilization system at sowing. The number of rows, viable cobs, cob rate, final stand, dry mass on soil, productiveness, flow of straw, cob and grains and the losses in the harvest were not affected by the fertilization systems and by the consorts in the corn crop. The evaluation of longitudinal distribution of soy plants at sowing and the soybean material flow in the harvester were not affected by the fertilization systems and by the management of chaff. The soybean plants presented higher height of insertion of the first string bean and the number of string beans in the knife roller management. The soybean yield was not affected

Acta Vet. bras. ; 11(3): 157-163, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-722046


The use of poultry litter is key to the commercial poultry industry. Among its many functions, it is fundamental to provide comfort to the birds, and wood shavings and rice husk are the most widely used raw materials. However, there has been a search for alternative materials, with the main purpose of reducing costs. Therefore, this paper assesses the use of chaff (charcoal processing waste) (with approximately five mm particle size) as chicken litter, in an experiment with 225 broiler chicks divided into three treatments (T1 = broiler chicks housed in wood shaving litter; T2 = broiler chicks housed in 50% wood shaving litter and 50% charcoal processing waste (chaff); T3 = broiler chicks housed in 100% chaff litter, with five replicates of 15 birds each. Performance (feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion) in periods of one to seven, one to 21, 21 to 41 and one to 41 days of age was assessed. The dry matter, ash, phosphorous and nitrogen levels on the litter were assessed at the end of the trial period (41 days of age). Sample fragments were taken from the trachea, lung and thymus to evaluate possible changes related to the presence of the chaff at the end of the trial period. There were no significant differences in the broiler performance. Also, no histopathological lesions were found on the organs of birds raised in litters. Keywords: Feed Conversion. Alternative Material