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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 237-241, Mar.-Apr. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427487


A case of infection with Dirofilaria immitis in a cat is reported here with clinical signs of apathy, anorexia, dyspnea, polypnea, slight dehydration and pale mucus membranes. The radiographic examination showed cardiomegaly, lobar arteries dilation of the cranial lobes and tortuosity, enlargement of the caudal lobar arteries. In the right lobe of the lung parenchyma, interstitial pulmonary opacification tending to alveolar opacification was seen. The clinical signs, the movements, and the morphology of the microfilariae in the direct examination of fresh blood, peripheral blood smear and Knott's modified test supported the diagnosis. We alert to the need for clinicians to consider feline heartworm diseases as a differential diagnosis in endemic areas when cats show respiratory signs.

Descreve-se um caso de infecção por Dirofilaria immitis em gato com sinais clínicos de apatia, anorexia, dispneia, polipneia, leve desidratação e mucosas pálidas. O exame radiográfico demonstrou cardiomegalia, dilatação da artéria lobar cranial e tortuosidade, alargamento dos lobos caudais da artéria lobar. No lobo direito do parênquima pulmonar, opacificação pulmonar intersticial tendendo à opacificação foi observada. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, nos movimentos e na morfologia das microfilárias detectadas no exame de sangue a fresco, no esfregaço de sangue periférico e no teste de Knott modificado. Alertou-se para a necessidade de os clínicos considerarem a dirofilariose felina como diagnóstico diferencial em áreas endêmicas quando os gatos apresentam sinais respiratórios.

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Dirofilaria immitis/patogenicidade , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Ecossistema Amazônico
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(2): e000223, 2023. mapas, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428788


The canine filarial parasite Dirofilaria immitis has not been reported in Brazil´s Amazonas state capital, Manaus, for over a century. Here, we report one imported and 27 autochthonous D. immitis infections from a microfilarial survey of 766 domestic dog blood samples collected between 2017 and 2021 in Manaus. An Overall prevalence estimate of 15.44% (23/149) was calculated from our two rural collection sites; a prevalence of 1.22% (4/328) was estimated at our periurban collection site, and an overall prevalence of 0.35% (1/289) was calculated from our two urban clinic collections. Our data suggest that in the urban areas of Manaus, where the parasites are very likely vectored by the same species of mosquito that historically vectored Wuchereria bancrofti (Culex quinquefasciatus), prevalence levels are very low and possibly maintained by an influx from rural areas where sylvatic reservoirs and/or more favorable vector transmission dynamics maintain high prevalences.(AU)

O parasita filarial canino, Dirofilaria immitis, causa doença zoonótica, mas não tem sido registrado em Manaus, capital do estado do Amazonas, há mais de um século. Neste trabalho, foi relatado uma infecção por D. immitis alóctone e 27 autóctones de um levantamento de microfilárias em 766 amostras de sangue em cães domésticos, coletados entre 2017 e 2021 em Manaus. A prevalência de 15,44% (23/149) foi estabelecida em áreas rurais, 1,22% (4/328) para áreas periurbanas e de 0,35% (1/289) para duas clínicas veterinárias localizadas na zona urbana da cidade. Estes dados sugerem, portanto, que nas áreas urbanas de Manaus, nas quais o parasita é provavelmente vetorizado pela mesma espécie de mosquito que, historicamente, transmitiu Wuchereria bancrofti (Culex quinquefasciatus). Também os níveis de prevalência são baixos e, possivelmente, mantidos por um influxo de áreas rurais onde reservatórios silvestres e/ou dinâmicas de transmissão vetorial mais favoráveis mantêm uma prevalência mais elevada.(AU)

Animais , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Cães/parasitologia , Brasil , Área Urbana , Dirofilaria immitis/patogenicidade
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(2): e001423, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1441362


The aim of this study was to report on the presence of microfilariae of Dirofilaria immitis causing nodular pyogranulomatous dermatitis in a dog in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. A 4-year-old male dachshund dog with lesions in the nostrils and left dorsolateral regions was treated. Tests were requested to aid in making the diagnosis, such as skin cytology, Knott's test, thick smear and histopathology of the lesions. From these, presence of a diffuse pyogranulomatous process was observed and, amidst the cellular material, microfilariae of Dirofilaria spp. A conventional polymerase chain reaction test on tissue samples from the lesions revealed the presence of the species D. immitis. Treatment based on ivermectin (3mg) was administered at a single oral dose of 0.6 mg/kg. In the first seven days there was regression of the lesions, but after 30 days there was recurrence. A new treatment was administered, consisting of 10% imidacloprid + 2.5% moxidectin (4-10 mg/kg), with one application per month for 6 months, and doxycycline (100 mg), 10 mg/kg, 1 tablet, 2 times a day, for 30 days. In conclusion, D. immitis microfilariae caused pyogranulomatous lesions in the subcutaneous tissue of a dog. This had not previously been described in Brazil.(AU)

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a presença de microfilárias de Dirofilaria immitis causando dermatite nodular piogranulomatosa em cão no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, região Nordeste do Brasil. Um cão de 4 anos, da raça Dachshund, foi atendido com lesões nas regiões das narinas e dorsolateral esquerda. Foram realizados exames de citologia cutânea, teste de Knott, gota espessa e histopatologia das lesões, sendo observada a presença de um processo piogranulomatoso difuso e microfilárias de Dirofilaria spp. Na reação em cadeia da polimerase convencional constatou-se a espécie D. immitis nas amostras de tecido das lesões. Foi efetuado um tratamento à base de Ivermectina (3mg) 0,6 mg/kg - 1 aplicação, via oral. Nos sete primeiros dias, houve regressão das lesões, porém, depois de 30 dias, houve recidiva. Foi efetuado um novo tratamento com imidacloprida 10% + moxidectina 2,5% (4-10 mg/kg), 1 aplicação por mês durante 6 meses, e Doxiciclina (100 mg), 10 mg/kg, 1 comprimido, duas vezes ao dia, por 30 dias. Em conclusão, microfilárias de D. immitis causaram lesões piogranulomatosas em tecido subcutâneo de um cão, relato anteriormente não descrito no Brasil.(AU)

Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Cães/parasitologia , Brasil , Dirofilaria immitis , Microfilárias
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(2): e8868, jul-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418968


A dirofilariose é uma enfermidade antropozoonótica que acomete, frequentemente, cães em regiões litorâneas, locais que favorecem a multiplicação de vetores transmissores de Dirofilariaspp. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a possível ocorrência do primeiro caso autóctone de dirofilariose em cão doméstico, no município de Cambé, Paraná, distante cerca de 500 km do litoral. O paciente, um Lhasa Apso de 9 meses de idade e 4,8 Kg, foi atendido em clínica particular com histórico de apatia, hiporexia, êmese ecansaço intenso após exercício. O diagnóstico de dirofilariose foi confirmado a partir do Teste SNAP 4Dx Plus. O animal foi tratado com Doxiciclina 50 mg/kg/SID durante 30 dias, Moxidectina injetável e omeprazol 10 mg/kg uma vez ao dia, durante 30 dias. No retorno, um mês após o início do tratamento, o canino apresentou melhoras nas condições gerais e remissão de todos os sinais clínicos antes apresentados, evidenciando sucesso no protocolo farmacológico adotado. A ocorrência dessa doença em região não endêmica é preocupante, pois revela expansão da área de ocorrência, acompanhada, possivelmente, do número de insetos transmissores, responsáveis, também, pela disseminação de arboviroses, como a dengue. Assim, medidas de controle contra esses vetores e pesquisas a respeito da ocorrência de dirofilariose em áreas não endêmicas fazem-se necessárias.(AU)

Heartworm is a zoonotic disease that often affects dogs in coastal regions, places with favorable temperature conditions and humidity for Dirofilariaspp.' vectors replication. The aim of this study was to report the possible occurrence of the first autochthonous case of heartworm disease in a domestic dog, in the municipality of Cambé, Paraná, about 500 km from the coast. The patient, a 9-month-old Lhasa Apso weighing 4.8 Kg, was attended at a private clinic with a medical history of apathy, hyporexia, emesis and intense tiredness after exercise. The diagnosis of heartworm was confirmed by the SNAP 4Dx Plus Test. The animal was treated with Doxycycline 50 mg/kg/once a day for 30 days, injectable Moxidectin every six months and omeprazole 10 mg/kg once a day for 30 days. On return, 30 days after the start of treatment, the canine showed improvement in general conditions and remission of all clinical signs previously presented, evidencing success in the pharmacological protocol adopted. The occurrence of this disease in a non-endemic region is worrying and revels an expansion of the occurrence area, possibly accompanied by the number of transmitting insects, which are also responsible for the arboviruses spread, such as dengue. Therefore, control measures against this vectors and research on the occurrence of heartworm disease in non-endemic areas are necessary.(AU)

La dirofilariosis es una enfermedad antropozoótica que afecta, frecuentemente, a perros en regiones costeras, lugares que favorecen la multiplicación de vectores transmisores de Dirofilaria spp. El objetivo de este trabajo fue informar la posible ocurrencia del primer caso autóctono de dirofilariosis en perro doméstico, en la ciudad de Cambé, Paraná, distante cerca de 500 km del litoral. El paciente, un Lhasa Apso de 9 meses y 4,8 kg de peso, fue atendido en una clínica privada con una historia de apatía, hiporexia, emesis y cansancio intenso después del ejercicio. El diagnóstico de dirofilariosis se confirmó con la prueba SNAP 4Dx Plus. El animal fue tratado con Doxiciclina 50 mg/kg/SID durante 30 días, Moxidectina inyectable y omeprazol 10 mg/kg una vez al día durante 30 días. A su regreso, un mes después del inicio del tratamiento, el canino presentó una mejoría en su estado general y la remisión de todos los signos clínicos que presentaba anteriormente, lo que demuestra el éxito del protocolo farmacológico adoptado. La aparición de esta enfermedad en una región no endémica es preocupante, ya que revela una expansión del área de ocurrencia, posiblemente acompañada de un aumento del número de insectos que transmiten la enfermedad, que también son responsables de la diseminación de arbovirosis, como el dengue. Por ello, es necesario adoptar medidas de control contra estos vectores e investigar la aparición de la dirofilariosis en zonas no endémicas.(AU)

Animais , Dirofilaria/patogenicidade , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/transmissão , Omeprazol/administração & dosagem , Brasil , Doxiciclina/administração & dosagem , Cães/parasitologia , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07041, 2022. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1406218


Dirofilaria immitis is a heart and large vessel parasite that mainly affects domestic dogs and has shown a re-emerging zoonosis in recent years. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, associated factors, and geographic areas of D. immitis in dogs in the city of Sousa, Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. A total of 320 dogs were selected and evaluated, 160 domiciled and 160 wandering, from the 32 districts of the city. Clinical examination, blood collection, and epidemiological data retrieval were performed for each animal. The sanitation conditions of the environment were visually observed at the time of evaluation. Three methods were used to investigate the morphometric diagnosis of microfilariae: capillary blood smear (ESC), peripheral blood smear (ESP), and modified Knott test. The data were subjected to univariate and multivariate statistics for the observation of risk factors and qualitative assessment of the examinations. Of the 17.5% (56/320) of animals testing positive for D. immitis, 25% (40/160) were wandering and 10% (16/160) were domiciled dogs. Positive dogs were found in 24 of the 32 neighborhoods evaluated, with Angelim and Doutor Zezé having the highest percentages of 1.56% (5/320) each. Only the categories of cardiac alterations (OR 6.231 [1,539-25,236]) and stray dogs (OR 2.463 [1,281-4,735]) demonstrated potential risk factors for infection. Of the 56 positive animals, 28 were positive in the three tests, and another 28 showed variance between methods and/or between prepared slides. No other filaridae were observed. The city of Sousa is considered to have a significant prevalence of infection by D. immitis, and forms of control and prophylaxis are required to reduce the risks of transmission to animals, as well as to humans.

Dirofilaria immitis é um parasito de coração e de grandes vasos que acomete principalmente cães domésticos, também causador de uma zoonose reemergente nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência, fatores associados e áreas geográficas de D. immitis em cães na cidade de Sousa, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Para isso, foram selecionados e avaliados 320 cães, sendo 160 domiciliados e 160 errantes, provenientes dos 32 bairros da cidade. Foi realizado o exame clínico, coleta de sangue e dados epidemiológicos de cada animal. O ambiente foi observado visualmente quanto as condições de saneamento no momento de avaliação. Para pesquisa de microfilárias, foram realizados três métodos: esfregaço sanguíneo capilar (ESC), periférico (ESP) e teste de Knott-modificado, associado ao diagnóstico morfométrico das microfilárias. Os dados foram submetidos a estatísticas uni e multivariadas para observação de fatores de risco e avaliação qualitativa dos exames. Obteve-se prevalência de 17,5% (56/320) de animais positivos para D. immitis, sendo 25% (40/160) errantes e 10% (16/160) domiciliados. Dos 32 bairros avaliados, em 24 foram encontrados cães positivos, sendo Angelim e Doutor Zezé, os bairros com maior percentual 1,56% (5/320) cada. Somente as categorias de alterações cardíacas (OR 6,231 [1.539-25.236]) e cães errantes (OR 2,463 [1.281-4.735]) demonstraram potencial fator de risco para infecção. Dos 56 animais positivos, 28 apresentaram positividade nos três testes, e outros 28 demonstraram variância entre métodos e/ou entre lâminas confeccionadas. Não foram observados outros filarídeos. Considerou-se que a cidade de Sousa apresenta prevalência significativa de infecção por D. immitis, sendo necessário estabelecer formas de controle e profilaxia, para reduzir os riscos da transmissão para animais, como também para humanos.

Animais , Cães , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Brasil , Dirofilaria immitis , Cães/parasitologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(2): 351-358, Mar.-Apr. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374424


A canine patient, 13-year-old mixed breed male, 24kg, was seen at a private clinic in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The main reason for consultation was the evaluation of a mass in the right knee and neck that had previously been cytologically diagnosed of neoplastic origin by another team of veterinarians through fine needle puncture and cytology. The contacts were asymptomatic. At the time of the consultation, a detailed exploration and complementary methods were performed that included hematological and urinary exams, mass cytology, serological test, chest radiography and biopsy for further histopathological study. The final diagnosis was a cutaneous granuloma due to microfilariae of Acanthocheilonema spp. and its subsequent surgical and medical treatment with excellent results. The canine heartworm is a cosmopolitan disease caused by nematodes of the genus Dirofilaria, with D. immitis being the best-known species. Less frequently, the species Acanthocheilonema spp., found in this patient, is also reported in Americas, with little knowledge about it. This is the first report of its kind hoping that it will serve as a basis for future studies.

Foi atendido, em uma clínica particular, na cidade de Guaiaquil, Equador, um paciente canino, sem raça definida, de 13 anos de idade, macho, não castrado, de 24kg. O motivo da consulta foi a avaliação de uma massa em região de articulação de joelho direito e de pescoço, que havia sido previamente diagnosticada como de origem neoplásica por outra equipe de médicos veterinários, mediante punção por agulha fina e citologia. Os contactantes eram assintomáticos. No momento da consulta, realizaram-se detalhadas avaliações clínica e complementar, que incluíram exames hematológicos, urinálise, citologia da massa, teste sorológico, radiografia torácica e biopsia para posterior estudo histopatológico. O diagnóstico final foi granuloma cutâneo por microfilária de Acanthocheilonema spp., para o qual os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico apresentaram excelentes resultados. A dirofilariose é uma enfermidade cosmopolita causada por nematódeos do gênero Dirofilaria, sendo a espécie D. immitis a mais conhecida. Em menor frequência, a espécie Acanthocheilonema spp. encontrada neste paciente é também relatada na América, existindo pouco conhecimento a seu respeito. Este é o primeiro relato de caso sobre este tema e espera-se que sirva como base para futuros estudos.

Animais , Cães , Dirofilariose/cirurgia , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Acanthocheilonema/isolamento & purificação , Granuloma/etiologia , Equador , Microfilárias
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e186835, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33054


Dirofilariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis, a nematode found mainly in the pulmonary artery and right chambers of the heart, lungs, and large vessels of dogs. This parasitism also occasionally occurs in cats, causing an amicrofilaremic and asymptomatic infection, resulting in severe illness and rapid death. In this case report, it was described acute clinical signs and histopathological alterations in a domestic cat with heartworm disease from the city of Mossoró, the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The nematode species, D. immitis, was confirmed by morphological and molecular analyses. This is the first documented and full report of feline heartworm disease in northeastern Brazil.(AU)

A dirofilariose é uma doença zoonótica causada por Dirofilaria immitis, um nematódeo que parasita cães, principalmente a artéria pulmonar e as câmaras direitas do coração, pulmões e grandes vasos. Este parasita também ocorre ocasionalmente em gatos, geralmente causando uma infecção amicrofilarêmica e assintomática, que pode resultar em doença grave e morte rápida. Neste relato de caso, são apresentados os sinais clínicos agudos e alterações histopatológicas em um gato doméstico do município de Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, com dirofilariose. A espécie de nematóide, D. immitis, foi confirmada por análises morfológicas e moleculares. Este é o primeiro relato documentado e completo de dirofilariose felina no Nordeste do Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Dirofilaria immitis/patogenicidade , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Gatos/parasitologia
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e186835, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363083


Dirofilariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis, a nematode found mainly in the pulmonary artery and right chambers of the heart, lungs, and large vessels of dogs. This parasitism also occasionally occurs in cats, causing an amicrofilaremic and asymptomatic infection, resulting in severe illness and rapid death. In this case report, it was described acute clinical signs and histopathological alterations in a domestic cat with heartworm disease from the city of Mossoró, the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The nematode species, D. immitis, was confirmed by morphological and molecular analyses. This is the first documented and full report of feline heartworm disease in northeastern Brazil.(AU)

A dirofilariose é uma doença zoonótica causada por Dirofilaria immitis, um nematódeo que parasita cães, principalmente a artéria pulmonar e as câmaras direitas do coração, pulmões e grandes vasos. Este parasita também ocorre ocasionalmente em gatos, geralmente causando uma infecção amicrofilarêmica e assintomática, que pode resultar em doença grave e morte rápida. Neste relato de caso, são apresentados os sinais clínicos agudos e alterações histopatológicas em um gato doméstico do município de Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, com dirofilariose. A espécie de nematóide, D. immitis, foi confirmada por análises morfológicas e moleculares. Este é o primeiro relato documentado e completo de dirofilariose felina no Nordeste do Brasil.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Dirofilaria immitis , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Evolução Fatal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 687, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363214


Background: Canine vector borne diseases (CVBD) are common in tropical countries where the climate favors arthropods abundance. Comorbidity with one or more CVBD are reported as clinical complication and worsen prognostic. Canine visceral leishmaniosis (CanL) is an endemic zoonotic disease in Brazil caused by Leishmania infantum, with several restrictions to canine treatment and suggestion of reservoirs euthanasia for disease control. Heartworm (HW) is a helminthic disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs. It is a chronic heart disease, which can lead to death by congestive heart failure. Canine ehrlichiosis (CE) is caused by Ehrlichia canis bacterial infection with a zoonotic potential and fatal to dogs in acute and chronic presentations. Exposed the above, this study aims to describe a successful treatment and management of a dog with CanL, CE, and HW comorbidity. Case: A 3-year-old male uncastrated black Labrador dog, weighing 35 kg, was admitted to the veterinary clinic due to immunochromatographic CanL positive test performed by municipal zoonosis control center active surveillance. Clinical exam showed a mild shedding, intermittent eye white/yellow discharge and popliteal lymph nodes enlargement. After positive for CanL, veterinary requested more laboratorial exams. IFAT and ELISA were positive for CanL, blood smear showed presence of microfilaria, and bone marrow cytology showed Ehrlichia spp. morulae and microfilaria. Initial treatment prescribed was oral doxycycline, omeprazole, ranitidine, and domperidone for 30 days, and allopurinol and ivermectin until further recommendation. Additionally, repellent collar, repellent spray and vitamin supplement was indicated. After first month, marbofloxacin for 30 days and three doses of immunostimulant drug were administrated. After three months of treatment, dog still positive for heartworm, ehrlichiosis, and CanL. Doxycycline protocol was repeated. Dog became consistently negative for all pathogens one year later with persistent thrombocytopenia but without clinical signs, ergo allopurinol and ivermectin were discontinued. After 4 years of follow up, the animal had an acute pancreatitis and died, with unremarkable total blood count and negative for all pathogens. Discussion: CVBD coinfections are commonly reported as worsen prognostic in endemic regions. The pathogens reported here share a host immunomodulation competence. L. infantum and Ehrlichia spp. downregulates Th1 response, whereas D. immitis increase as Th2 profile. The therapeutic protocol was iniciated by staging CanL. Since the patient had clinical signs, allopurinol was prescribed as a well-established drug for CanL. Marbofloxacin was added due to its high safety drug in clinical improvement of infected dogs with and without renal disease and in vitro effectiveness against L. infantum. Domperidone was used to promote Th1 cytokine profile as INF-γ, IL-2, IL-12, and TNF-α. We used an immunostimulant protocol to favor polarization to the Th1 profile comprised by 30 days of domperidone protocol followed by a vaccine and an immunomodulator. Doxycycline was used successfully for Ehrlichia spp. and HE clearance after 2 treatment courses and 1 year of ivermectin every 15 days. The animal presented intermittent coughing episodes on the first treatment course, but no medical intervention was needed besides exercise restriction. Our report shows the successful management of one dog with CanL, CE and HE comorbidity. This success was possible due to early detection and good therapeutic choice.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Ehrlichiose/terapia , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Dirofilariose/terapia , Coinfecção/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/terapia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Leishmania infantum/isolamento & purificação , Ehrlichia canis/isolamento & purificação , Dirofilaria immitis/isolamento & purificação , Doenças Transmitidas por Vetores/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1841, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363601


Capybaras have found favorable conditions for survival and reproduction in green urban environments. In recent years, the population of these large rodents has been increasingly abundant in several brazilian cities such as Uberlândia, a municipality of the southeastern region with a Cerrado biome. Capybaras are important in the Brazilian Spotted Fever epidemiological chain, by amplifying infection rates of the vector population. However, knowledge of this host's physiology is scarce. Thus, the aim of this work was to describe hematological and biochemical parameters of free-living capybaras groups in urbanized areas in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Capybaras were captured in 4 different locations of Uberlândia city, Minas Gerais state, including 1 Condominium (P1), 1 Private Market Garden (P2), 1 Private Club (P3) and 1 Municipal Park (P4). The animals were baited into an octagonal iron corral and chemically contained with anesthetic darts. After sedated, blood was collected from the femoral vein in tubes with and without EDTA. Biochemical evaluation, hematological analysis with differential leukocyte counts and search for Dirofilaria sp. were done. The blood count and biochemistry values obtained from animals of different ages, sex and sectors (P1, P2, P3 and P4) were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, considering 95% significance. Values that had a normal distribution were subjected to ANOVA tests followed by Student's t-test. Values that did not follow normality were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test, to obtain a P-value, with a significance level of 95%. A total of 19 capybaras were captured: 4 in P1, 6 in P2, 4 in P3 and 5 in P4. From the 19 animals, 13 were females (68.42%) and 6 were males (31.57%), 12 adults (63.15%) and 7 juveniles (36.84%). Apart from occasional skin scars and moderate to intense Ambyomma spp. tick infestations, all captured animals were healthy on a broad examination. From 5 animals captured in P4, despite the use of anticoagulant, blood from 4 animals clotted fast. No microfilariae were found in the thick drop test in any of the 19 animals sampled, and in 2 adult female capybaras captured in P1, Kurloff cells were observed. Hematological and biochemical values presented no major differences when comparing sex and age. Nevertheless, differences in liver and kidney profile were observed between the capybara groups, including ALT, alkaline phosphorus, BUN and creatinine. Blood from 4 animals clotted fast, despite the use of EDTA tubes. Blood clotting of samples with anticoagulant in this work could be associated with some physiological features inherent to capybaras. Many attempts were required to obtain enough blood from each individual due to the rapid hemostasis, what come in accordance with reports in literature. Kurloff cells were observed in 2 adult female capybaras captured in P1, which can be found in peripheral blood of female rodents during follicular phase of estrous cycle. Hematological and biochemical values differences in liver enzymes such as ALT and alkaline phosphorus, and kidney profile enzymes including BUN and creatinine could be associated to capture stress or dietetic variation between groups. Despite statistical relevant, the values were still in accordance with other works, although comparisons should be done with caution since various environments exert a diverse array of stimulus upon the animals such as parasitic, infective, stress, nutritional, social and undoubtedly blood parameters mirror them. In conclusion, this work contributes to the standardization of free-living capybaras' physiological parameters in urban areas.(AU)

Animais , Rickettsia rickettsii , Roedores/fisiologia , Roedores/sangue , Infestações por Carrapato/epidemiologia , Febre Maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas/epidemiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 711, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363891


Background: Pneumothorax is a clinical condition which can cause respiratory distress. It can have as its origin traumatic causes or even classified as spontaneous, mainly related to diseases of the lung parenchyma. Lipoid pneumonia is rarely described in dogs, and it is characterized by globules of lipid in the alveolar spaces. Endogenous lipoid pneumonia (EnLP) occurs when lesions on pulmonary cells release cholesterol and other lipids in the alveoli. There is no clinical approach established for EnLP in veterinary patients. The aim of this report is to describe a case of a young Maltese dog, with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax in which EnLP was diagnosed post mortem. Case: A 2-year-old sexually intact male Maltese dog was evaluated for restrictive dyspnea. Clinicopathologic findings included cyanotic, muffled chest auscultation with hypersonic thoracic percussion. Chest x-ray demonstrated an increase in pleuropulmonary radio transparency and a floating-looking heart, indicating pneumothorax. Complete blood counts and biochemical panel results were normal. Dirofilaria immitis antigen test results were negative. Computed tomography demonstrated slightly hyper-expanded pulmonary fields, with slightly enlarged reticular marking with areas of mild multicentric panlobular emphysema and a fracture on the sixth left rib. The treatment was focused on improving the breathing pattern through sedation, supplementation with oxygen, and thoracentesis. Owing to the reserved prognosis of the case, the unknown etiology of the recurrent pneumothorax, and the clinical worsening of the patient, the owner opted for euthanasia. Necropsy displayed multiple, circular whitish areas in the lungs, distributed over the surface of all lobes. Histopathological examination revealed pulmonary tissue with the subpleural micronodular foci, multifocal to coalescent, with a moderate accumulation of foamy intra-alveolar macrophages, occasionally multinucleate, associated with cholesterol crystals compatible with endogenous lipid pneumonia. Discussion: The patient presented with clinical signs and physical examination characteristics of pneumothorax at the first visit. After the pneumothorax diagnosis, and clinical stabilization of the patient. No predisposing factor for the formation of the pneumothorax was identified as the radiography revealed only bronchitis and blood tests were normal, the patient was thus discharged after 24 h, with the recommendations for observing the breathing pattern. Initially, spontaneous pneumothorax was suspected. The antibiotics were administered since bacterial pneumonia, although not confirmed on chest x-ray, is the main cause of pneumothorax in dogs is lung parenchyma disease. With the worsening of the clinical condition of the patient, CT was performed and did not demonstrate any findings that would justify the presence of pneumothorax. Despite the placement of the chest tube for facilitating the management of thoracentesis, there was no stabilization of the condition, enhancing the frequency of centesis procedures, which led to the decision to euthanize. The microscopic examination of the pulmonary alterations was decisive for the diagnostic conclusion. The visualization of the accumulation of foamy intra-alveolar macrophages, occasionally multinucleate, associated with cholesterol crystals, was responsible for the diagnosis of EnLP. This condition is rarely described in dogs and as in the present report, it is a noninfectious inflammatory condition, characterized by intra- or extracellular globules of lipid in the alveolar spaces. In the present report, although it was not possible to determine the etiology of EnLP, we can conclude that although rare, it can affect dogs and can generate severe clinical repercussions.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Pneumonia Lipoide/veterinária , Pneumotórax/diagnóstico , Pneumotórax/veterinária , Colesterol/análise , Dispneia/veterinária , Pneumopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 717, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363945


Background: The histiocytic sarcoma (HS) complex is a set of malignant neoplasms originating from interstitial dendritic cells or macrophages. When it involves macrophages of the splenic red pulp and bone marrow, it is referred to as hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma (HHS). HHS behaves more aggressively than HS and is usually fatal. HHS can be diagnosed by cytological and histopathological examination of neoplastic tissue. HHS is confirmed by immunohistochemistry using an anti-CD11d antibody. This neoplasm is often confused with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or Evans syndrome due to erythrophagocytosis and platelet consumption. The clinical presentation of the animals progresses with evident anemia and thrombocytopenia, leading to signs such as prostration, inappetence, and pale mucosa, making diagnosis challenging and often late. This study aimed to report the clinic-pathological aspects of a canine with atypical hemophagocytic splenic HS. Case: A 4-year-old male Shih-Tzu canine was referred to the Veterinary Hospital with a history of prostration and anorexia. Pale mucous membranes were observed on physical examination. Blood tests revealed non-regenerative anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Serum protein levels were below the reference values for the species in biochemical examinations. Hemoparasitosis was suspected; however, the result of the polymerase chain reaction was negative. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a splenomegaly with heterogeneous parenchyma and a slightly irregular surface, but no visible mass in the spleen. Due to the difficulty of stabilizing the patient, even after successive transfusions, the animal underwent exploratory laparotomy with medial access and posterior splenectomy. Subsequently, the spleen was surgically removed, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and processed routinely. Macroscopically, it had an irregular reddish-brown capsular surface. Histopathological examination of the spleen revealed a densely cellular neoplasm composed of round to spindle cells (histiocytes) arranged haphazardly in variably sized sheets separating the pre-existing spleen stroma. These histopathological findings were consistent with a histiocytic malignant neoplasm. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to better define the origin of the histiocytic neoplasm. Neoplastic cells showed positive immunostaining of more than 80% of tumor cells for the CD11d antibody and weak immunostaining for CD11c and lysozyme. The patient survived for less than 30 days after the first hospital visit. Discussion: The diagnosis of HHS was based on the histological characteristics and positive immunostaining of more than 80% of the tumor cells for the CD11d antibody. HHS is an extremely aggressive and rare tumor that affects elderly dogs of any breed. In this study, HHS had atypical histologic characteristics, in which erythrophagocytosis and hemosiderin were not observed within macrophages. HHSs arise from macrophages of the red pulp of the spleen or bone marrow and express the b2 integrin, CD11d, and have low expression of CD1 and CD11c, which are predominantly expressed by non-hemophagocytic HS. The hematological and biochemical changes observed in this case were similar to those described in other dogs with HHS. Treatment of HHS is only palliative. Erlichia ewingii, E. canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, A. platys, Borrelia burgdorferi, Dirofilaria immitis, Leishmania infantum and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia are the main differential diagnoses because they cause anemia and thrombocytopenia accompanied by splenomegaly.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Células Dendríticas/patologia , Sarcoma Histiocítico/veterinária , Esplenectomia/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1772-Jan. 30, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458295


Background: Dirofilaria immitis is vector borne parasite of carnivores, with zoonotic potential, endemic in many parts of the world, including Europe. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs from shelters, especially compared to their lifestyle. Dogs living in shelters in Serbia may be at high risk of acquiring vector borne pathogens, mainly because most of them live outside in pens and backyards, in contact with vectors. Also, dogs in shelters are not always regularly treated against ectoparasites, thus, representing an easy feeding source for the vectors. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs from 5 shelters in South Bačka and Central Banat districts, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Northern part of Serbia. Also, the objective was to compare the relation of infection with Dirofiaria immitis with age, sex, type of keeping the animals and preventive treatment in dogs. Materials, Methods & Results: Between May 2017 and October 2019, blood samples were collected from 336 randomly selected dogs from 5 shelters in 2 districts, South Bačka and Central Banat districts, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Northern part of Serbia. The epidemiological survey has been conducted with all of the dogs involved in this research. The survey was designed to collect data about sex, age, lifestyles, food type, treatment against mosquitoes with insecticides and filarioid worms with macrocyclic lactones, regular testing for Dirofilaria infections. The presence of circulating microfilariae was examined using a modified Knott’s test. For the presence of circulating adult female Dirofilaria immitis antigen, serum samples were tested by commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which reacts to antigen of female Dirofilaria. In total, 336 dogs were examined for the presence of Dirofilaria...

Animais , Cães , Dirofilaria immitis/isolamento & purificação , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Abrigo para Animais , Sérvia
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 29(3): e008420, ago. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29698


Cats are less susceptible to Dirofilaria immitis infection than dogs. Although rare, the feline disease can be fatal even with low parasitic loads. The infection is often asymptomatic or has non-specific symptoms that are mainly associated with the death of immature worms. Microfilaremia is rare and transient. Normally, microfilaremia, when present, lasts for not more than 33 days. This study describes a feline case presenting with non-specific clinical signs and prolonged microfilaremia. Case: a random bred cat infected by feline leukemia virus (FeLV) that was found to be microfilaremic by chance. The infection was detected by the presence of microfilariae in a blood smear and was confirmed by antigen test (SNAP Feline Triple Test, Idexx®) and echocardiogram.(AU)

Gatos são menos susceptíveis à infecção por Dirofilaria immitis do que cães. Apesar de rara, a doença nos gatos pode ser fatal mesmo com baixas cargas parasitárias. Muitas vezes, a doença é assintomática ou apresenta sintomas inespecíficos, principalmente associados com a morte de formas parasitárias imaturas. Microfilaremia é rara e transitória. Normalmente, quando ocorre microfilaremia, ela permanece por, no máximo, 33 dias. Este estudo descreve o caso de um felino que apresentava sinais inespecíficos e microfilaremia prolongada: um gato sem raça definida, portador de infecção pelo vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV) que foi diagnosticado como microfilaremico ao acaso. A infecção foi detectada pela presença de microfilárias em esfregaço sanguíneo e, posteriormente, confirmada pelo teste de antígenos (SNAP Feline Triple Test, Idexx®) e por ecocardiograma.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Dirofilaria immitis/parasitologia , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Gatos/parasitologia
R. bras. Parasitol. Vet. ; 29(1): e017219, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25910


Heartworm disease is a health problem for dogs and cats, especially in tropical and subtropical coastal regions of the world. Some studies have compared the efficacy of the diagnostic techniques used to detect this parasitosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare parasitological optical microscopy (POM), serological and molecular techniques for diagnosing canine heartworm infection. Samples were collected between July 2015 and April 2016 from 103 dogs in Cabo Frio, RJ, Brazil. The wet fresh blood, thick smears, thin smears and modified Knotts test were used to detect microfilariae. ELISA (Snap 4Dx ® IDEXX) was used to detect antigens and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect DNA and enable sequencing for species differentiation and confirmation. 19.4% of samples were positive according to microscopy. Through PCR, 15.5% of the total were positive. Using ELISA, the positivity rate was 29.1%. Occult heartworm infection was detected in 11.6% of the samples. ELISA sensitivity was shown to be higher than PCR or microscopy (P = 0.001). Sequencing of samples confirmed the presence of Dirofilaria immitis and Acanthocheilonema reconditum . ELISA was more effective for serological diagnosis canine heartworm and should be used in clinical and epidemiological studies.(AU)

A dirofilariose é um problema de saúde para cães e gatos, especialmente nas regiões costeiras tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. Alguns estudos compararam a eficácia das técnicas de diagnóstico usadas para detectar esta parasitose. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a microscopia óptica (OM), técnicas sorológicas e moleculares para o diagnóstico de infecção por Dirofilaria immitis . Foram coletadas, entre julho de 2015 e abril de 2016, amostras de 103 cães em Cabo Frio, RJ, Brasil. O exame direto, distensão espessa, distensão delgada e o teste de Knott modificado foram usados para detectar microfilárias. O ELISA (Snap 4Dx ® IDEXX) foi usado para detectar antígenos e a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) foi usada para detectar DNA e o sequenciamento para diferenciação e confirmação de espécie. Das amostras, 19,4% foram positivas de acordo com a microscopia. Por PCR, 15,5% do total foram positivos. Utilizando o ELISA, a taxa de positividade foi de 29,1%. Dirofilariose oculta foi detectada em 11,6% das amostras. A sensibilidade ao ELISA mostrou-se superior à PCR ou microscopia (P = 0,001). O sequenciamento das amostras confirmou a presença de Dirofilaria immitis e Acanthocheilonema reconditum . O ELISA foi mais eficaz no diagnóstico sorológico de dirofilariose canina e deve ser usado em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/genética , Dirofilariose/imunologia , Cães/anormalidades , Dirofilaria immitis/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 14(3): 152-155, set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453226


Dirofilariosis is an emerging zoonosis with a wide distribution worldwide. In Brazil, it is caused by the nematode, Dirofilaria immitis, and transmitted by different species of culicide mosquitoes. The present work aimed to report the first case of canine dirofilariasis in the municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. On September 6, 2018, a 14-year-old female canine poodle with a history of traveling to the coastal region was seen at a private veterinary clinic in Campo Grande, with hypertension and eosinophilia. The animal was medicated with dipyrone and anlodipine for control of the hypertension and, after nine days, it returned with worsening of the clinical picture (êmese, melena, tacquicardia, tacquipnea). Complementary laboratory tests were requested, observing cardiac, hepatic, renal and pancreatic alterations, besides the presence of microfilaria, morphologically identified and confirmed as D. immitis by serological and molecular tests. The animal was hospitalized, but died on the fifth day after hospitalization. The fact that the animal has a report of a trip to the coastal region, without prophylactic treatment, characterizes the case as an allochthonous of dirofilariasis in the region.

A dirofilariose é uma zoonose emergente de ampla distribuição mundial. No Brasil, é causada pelo nematódeo, Dirofilaria immitis,e transmitida por diferentes espécies de mosquitos culicídeos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo relatar o primeiro caso de dirofilariose canina no município de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. No dia 6 de setembrode 2018, um canino, fêmea, poodle, de 14 anos de idade, com histórico de viagem para região litorânea,foi atendido em uma clínica veterinária particular de Campo Grande, apresentando hipertensão arterial e eosinofilia. O animal foi medicado com dipirona e anlodipino para controle da hipertensão arterial e, após nove dias, retornou com piora do quadro clínico (êmese, melena, taquicardia, taquipneia). Exames laboratoriais complementares foram solicitados, observando-se alterações cardíacas, hepáticas, renais e pancreáticas, além da presença de microfilárias, identificadas morfologicamente e confirmada como D. immitispor teste sorológico e molecular. O animal foi internado, mas veio a óbito no quinto dia após internação. O fato de o animal possuir relato de viagem para região litorânea, sem realização de tratamento profilático, caracteriza o caso como alóctone de dirofilariose na região.

Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Dirofilariose , Microfilárias
Acta Vet. bras. ; 14(3): 152-155, set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28567


Dirofilariosis is an emerging zoonosis with a wide distribution worldwide. In Brazil, it is caused by the nematode, Dirofilaria immitis, and transmitted by different species of culicide mosquitoes. The present work aimed to report the first case of canine dirofilariasis in the municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. On September 6, 2018, a 14-year-old female canine poodle with a history of traveling to the coastal region was seen at a private veterinary clinic in Campo Grande, with hypertension and eosinophilia. The animal was medicated with dipyrone and anlodipine for control of the hypertension and, after nine days, it returned with worsening of the clinical picture (êmese, melena, tacquicardia, tacquipnea). Complementary laboratory tests were requested, observing cardiac, hepatic, renal and pancreatic alterations, besides the presence of microfilaria, morphologically identified and confirmed as D. immitis by serological and molecular tests. The animal was hospitalized, but died on the fifth day after hospitalization. The fact that the animal has a report of a trip to the coastal region, without prophylactic treatment, characterizes the case as an allochthonous of dirofilariasis in the region.(AU)

A dirofilariose é uma zoonose emergente de ampla distribuição mundial. No Brasil, é causada pelo nematódeo, Dirofilaria immitis,e transmitida por diferentes espécies de mosquitos culicídeos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo relatar o primeiro caso de dirofilariose canina no município de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. No dia 6 de setembrode 2018, um canino, fêmea, poodle, de 14 anos de idade, com histórico de viagem para região litorânea,foi atendido em uma clínica veterinária particular de Campo Grande, apresentando hipertensão arterial e eosinofilia. O animal foi medicado com dipirona e anlodipino para controle da hipertensão arterial e, após nove dias, retornou com piora do quadro clínico (êmese, melena, taquicardia, taquipneia). Exames laboratoriais complementares foram solicitados, observando-se alterações cardíacas, hepáticas, renais e pancreáticas, além da presença de microfilárias, identificadas morfologicamente e confirmada como D. immitispor teste sorológico e molecular. O animal foi internado, mas veio a óbito no quinto dia após internação. O fato de o animal possuir relato de viagem para região litorânea, sem realização de tratamento profilático, caracteriza o caso como alóctone de dirofilariose na região.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dirofilariose , Cães/parasitologia , Microfilárias
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.544-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458371


Background: Malignant tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath (MTPNS`s) are considered rare tumors that can affect soft tissues. In dogs, the occurrence is more common in the nerves of the brachial plexus, but they can affect the lumbosacral plexus and cranial nerves. Rarely, they can affect spinal nerves and nerve roots and the urinary tract, especially in kidneys. The present report aims to describe a clinical case of a 10-year-old sterilized female whippet, who had a history of persistent hematuria for months, with subsequent diagnosis of MTPNS as the cause of hematuria. Case: The patient came for evaluation with a history of persistent hematuria. Evaluation of abnormal elements and sedimentation, showed the description of numerous red blood cells and the presence of proteinuria. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a left kidney with enlarged dimensions, irregular contour, loss of corticomedullary definition. The urinary vesicle showed an increase in cellularity. On physical examination, the patient had vital parameters within the normal range. A Snap 4DX® Plus exam was requested, which showed a reaction for Dirofilaria immitis. With this result, it was initially suspected that renal vasculitis. After starting the treatment, the patient started to present normal colored urine. However, after the end of this period, the patient returned to hematuria. After six months of treatment and without justification for the permanence of hematuria, urethrocystoscopy was indicated, which revealed a urinary vesicle with a hemorrhagic focus. A urinary bladder wall biopsy was performed, which showed no changes. Four months after the urethrocystoscopic exam, the patient had her first azotemic crisis. This time that the left renal neoformation observed on ultrasound examination. With the discovery of the origin of the problem, a therapeutic approach could be instituted, consisting of the left...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Rim/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 544, 3 nov. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765370


Background: Malignant tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath (MTPNS`s) are considered rare tumors that can affect soft tissues. In dogs, the occurrence is more common in the nerves of the brachial plexus, but they can affect the lumbosacral plexus and cranial nerves. Rarely, they can affect spinal nerves and nerve roots and the urinary tract, especially in kidneys. The present report aims to describe a clinical case of a 10-year-old sterilized female whippet, who had a history of persistent hematuria for months, with subsequent diagnosis of MTPNS as the cause of hematuria. Case: The patient came for evaluation with a history of persistent hematuria. Evaluation of abnormal elements and sedimentation, showed the description of numerous red blood cells and the presence of proteinuria. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a left kidney with enlarged dimensions, irregular contour, loss of corticomedullary definition. The urinary vesicle showed an increase in cellularity. On physical examination, the patient had vital parameters within the normal range. A Snap 4DX® Plus exam was requested, which showed a reaction for Dirofilaria immitis. With this result, it was initially suspected that renal vasculitis. After starting the treatment, the patient started to present normal colored urine. However, after the end of this period, the patient returned to hematuria. After six months of treatment and without justification for the permanence of hematuria, urethrocystoscopy was indicated, which revealed a urinary vesicle with a hemorrhagic focus. A urinary bladder wall biopsy was performed, which showed no changes. Four months after the urethrocystoscopic exam, the patient had her first azotemic crisis. This time that the left renal neoformation observed on ultrasound examination. With the discovery of the origin of the problem, a therapeutic approach could be instituted, consisting of the left...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Rim/patologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 56(2): [e152987], ago. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1025072


Dirofilaria immitis, the cause of heartworm infestation (HWI) or dirofilariasis, affects members of the Canidae and remains a worldwide clinical problem. In Iraq, dirofilariasis was believed absent until 2009, when the Karbala Governorate was reported as an endemic area for canine dirofilariasis. Consequently, this study intended to investigate the occurrence of Dirofilaria immitis in police dogs in one police academy in Iraq and to study the gross and histopathological changes in 5 dead dogs, as well as to identify the species of the causative parasite using PCR technique. Thirty-nine police dogs, aged between 6 months and 12 years were included in this study. For the microfilariae investigation, 5 ml blood samples were collected from all dogs in EDTA tubes and examined by Knott's method. The systemic necropsy performed in five dead dogs showed severe clinical signs of dirofilariasis and tissue specimens were sent for routine histopathological processing. For the molecular analysis, adult worms of the detected Dirofilaria spp. were used for DNA extraction and amplification of the cox1 gene. Fifteen of 39 (38.46%) dogs were diagnosed with moderate to severe microfilariasis. The dead dogs revealed typical severe clinical signs of dirofilariasis. Moreover, typical gross and histopathological changes were also seen, accompanied by generalized thromboembolic lesions, suggesting the occurrence of the caval syndrome. The PCR investigation confirmed that D. immitis was the species present in Iraq. In conclusion, this study establishes that Iraq is a newly reported endemic area for dirofilariasis. Moreover, the infestation occurring in these cases most probably happened inside Iraq. The authors recommend doing further epidemiological studies concerning the occurrence of D. immitis in local dogs as well as in the imported dogs in all Iraqi governorates to better understand the epidemiological map of this disease and to introduce an active treatment and preventive program. Awareness and education regarding this disease should be provided to the veterinarians, dog guiders and people in direct contact with dogs, as this disease is one of the important zoonotic diseases.(AU)

A Dirofilaria immitis, causadora da infestação pelo verme do coração (IVC) ou dirofilariose afeta os membros da família Canidae e ainda é um problema clínico mundial. Até o ano de 2009, acreditava-se que o Iraque fosse livre da dirofilariose, porém nessa ocasião a governadoria de Kerbala foi relatada como uma área endêmica de dirofilariose. Assim, o presente trabalho foi realizado para investigar a ocorrência da Dirofilaria immitis em cães policiais em uma academia de polícia do Iraque, estudar as alterações macroscópicas e histopatológicas em cinco cães mortos, bem como, identificar as espécies do parasita causador com o emprego da técnida de PCR. Trinta e nove cães policiais com 6 meses a 12 anos de idade foram incluídos no estudo. Amostras de sangue de cinco mililitros foram colhidas por animal, em tubos com EDTA e foram examinadas pelo método de Knott. A necropsia sistêmica foi realizada em cinco cães que haviam apresentado sinais clínicos severos de dirofilariose e espécimens dos seus tecidos foram enviados para o processamento histopatológico de rotina. Para a análise molecular dos vermes adultos de Dirofilaria spp, foi empregada a extração do DNA e a amplificação do gene cox1. Quinze de 39(38,46%) cães foram diagnosticados com uma microfilariase variável de moderada para severa. As alterações macroscópicas e histopatológicas foram acompanhadas por lesões generalizadas tromboembólicas sugestivas da ocorrência da síndrome da veia cava. A investigação de PCR confirmou que a D.immitisera a espécie presente no Iraque. A conclusão do estudo estabeleceu que o Iraque deve passar a ser considerado como uma nova área endêmica da dirofilariose. Além da infestação registrada nos casos descritos é provável que ela também esteja presente em outras regiões do Iraque. Os autores recomendam a realização de estudos epidemiológicos para investigar a ocorrência de D.immitis tanto nos cães locais bem como em cães importados em todas as governadorias do Iraque, para ser construído o mapa epidemiológico da distribuição da doença e implantadas as ações de tratamento e de um progrma preventivo. Ações de educação em saúde sobre a doença deverão ser dirigidas para os veterinários, tratadores de cães e para pessoas em geral que tenham contato com os cães, pois esta doença é uma importante zoonose.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dirofilaria immitis/classificação , Dirofilaria immitis/patogenicidade , Cães/parasitologia , Microfilárias/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase