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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 657-664, July-Aug. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447340


Pacas (Cuniculus paca) are highly hunted animals because of the flavor of their meat, and commercial breeding is recommended. However, this species has a relatively low reproductive rate. This study aimed to collect semen from pacas through electroejaculation and obtain the sperm parameters of this species for the first time. Seven male pacas were used, submitted to an anesthetic protocol before stimulation by an electroejaculator appropriate for the species. The stimulus protocol was performed in three series: series I, 10 stimuli with 1 and 2 V; series II, 10 stimuli with 3 and 4 V; and series III, 10 stimuli with 5 V and interval between series of 2 s. The collected material was evaluated for color, volume, motility, vigor, and concentration. The sperm parameters collected showed a mean volume of 0.43±0.33 mL, concentration of 45.5±42.44×106 sperm/mL, motility of 33.33±32.14%, and mean vigor of 2.6±1.15. In this study, the anesthetic protocol did not seem to favor semen collection by electroejaculation in the pacas. The electrical stimulation protocol was able to stimulate all animals in the study; however, there were few samples with sperm cells and a low rate of motility and vigor in most ejaculates.

Pacas (Cuniculus paca) são animais altamente caçados devido ao sabor de sua carne, sendo a criação comercial delas, recomendada. Entretanto, é uma espécie com baixa taxa reprodutiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi efetuar coleta de sêmen em pacas por meio da eletroejaculação e da obtenção, pela primeira vez, dos parâmetros espermáticos dessa espécie. Foram utilizadas sete pacas machos, as quais, antes dos estímulos por eletroejaculador apropriado para a espécie, foram submetidas a protocolo anestésico. O protocolo de estímulo foi realizado em três séries: série I, 10 estímulos com 1 e 2V; série II, 10 estímulos com 3 e 4V; série III, 10 estímulos com 5V, e intervalo entre as séries de dois segundos. O material coletado foi avaliado quanto à cor, ao volume, à motilidade, ao vigor e à concentração. Os parâmetros espermáticos coletados demonstraram volume médio de 0,43±0,33mL, concentração de 45,5±42,44x106 espermatozoides/mL, motilidade de 33,33±32,14% e vigor médio de 2,6±1,15. Neste estudo, o protocolo anestésico parece não ter favorecido a coleta de sêmen por eletroejaculação em pacas. Entretanto, o protocolo de estímulos elétricos foi capaz de estimular todos os animais do estudo. Assim, chegou-se ao resultado de poucas amostras com a presença de células espermáticas, bem como baixo índice de motilidade e vigor na maioria dos ejaculados.

Animais , Reprodução , Sêmen , Biotecnologia , Cuniculidae
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1918, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443931


Background: The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) is a measure of quantitative anesthetic potency and has become the standard index for the evaluation and comparison of volatile anesthetics, in addition to guiding dose administration. Black-tufted marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) are primates present in the clinical and surgical routine of veterinary hospitals, as well as experimental models, especially in neuroscience. Few studies have evaluated the potency of the main volatile anesthetics in this species. This study aimed to determine the MAC of isoflurane and sevoflurane in C. penicillata using the up-and-down method and to evaluate the effects of these drugs on the quality of anesthetic induction, maintenance, and recovery. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-four animals of undetermined age were used. All marmosets were healthy according to hematological and physical evaluation. The animals were randomly divided into 2 groups: ISOMAC and SEVOMAC. Each animal was induced to general anesthesia in an anesthetic box with oxygen (5 L/min) and sevoflurane at 7% in the SEVOMAC group or isoflurane at 5% in the ISOMAC. Upon reaching lateral decubitus, orotracheal intubation was performed. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane diluted in oxygen (0.8 L/min) using a non-rebreathing delivery system under spontaneous ventilation. As defined in the pilot study, the first animal from ISOMAC started the maintenance of anesthesia with 2.6% isoflurane, while the first animal in SEVOMAC received 4% sevoflurane. After finishing the instrumentation to assess heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, pulse oximeter oxygen saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration, and rectal temperature, a 15-min wait to reach anesthetic equilibrium was allowed, and then an electrical noxious stimulation (50 mA and 50 Hz) was performed on the lateral aspect of the thigh (a faradic current of 3 consecutive single stimuli, followed by 2 continuous stimuli). The animals' responses to the electrical stimulus were observed. The presence of a positive response (gross movement of the limbs, head, or vocalization) or a negative response (absence of gross movements) determined the increase or reduction, respectively, of the inhalation anesthetic concentration by 10% in the subsequent marmoset. The quality of anesthetic induction and recovery from anesthesia was evaluated using a scale that measured the intensity of agitation, coughing, nausea, and vomiting. Physiological variables were recorded before (M0) and after (M1) applying the nociceptive stimulus. Isoflurane and sevoflurane MAC values in C. penicillata were 2.29 ± 0.10% and 3.93 ± 0.61 % respectively. Physiological parameters, quality of anesthetic induction and recovery did not differ significantly between groups. However, isoflurane caused irritation of the airway and ocular mucous membranes, more coughing episodes, and tearing at induction. There was no difference between groups for time to extubation and recovery time to regain sternal position. Discussion: Previous studies in primates found lower MAC values for both anesthetics, except for Lemur catta. Those findings may be explained by the use of different nociceptive stimuli and the MAC determination method employed, although no differences in MAC values have been described between bracketing or up-and-down methods in human primates and dogs. It is unlikely that the stimulus and technique alone are the determining factors for the high concentration of isoflurane and sevoflurane observed in the present study since MAC was high with both halogenates, indicating that dose extrapolation from other species can lead to the wrong anesthetic dosage.

Animais , Alvéolos Pulmonares , Callithrix , Sevoflurano/administração & dosagem , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , Halogênios
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(1): e2505, jan-jun. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399590


A reabilitação animal na medicina veterinária é um campo recente, porém crescente a cada dia. Neste sentido, a fisioterapia veterinária atua trazendo inúmeros benefícios, como melhoria dos movimentos, redução da dor, edema e outras. Interfere ainda no tempo de recuperação, redução de custos para o proprietário, podendo ser hoje utilizada como um tratamento na recuperação pós-cirúrgica. Desta forma, objetivou-se relatar o uso da fisioterapia em uma bezerra com poliartrite e paresia neuromuscular. O animal apresentou um aumento de volume nas articulações cárpicas e társicas após histórico de onfalite, permanecendo em decúbito esternal por vários dias. O proprietário resolveu aplicar ferro dextrano na região glútea do animal, o que causou uma lesão de nervo isquiático. Foram instituídos protocolos medicamentosos e fisioterápicos, que culminaram no estímulo da marcha, propriocepção, além de hipertrofia muscular. Porém, em virtude de complicações resultantes de onfalite, o animal veio a óbito.(AU)

Animal rehabilitation in veterinary medicine is a recent field, but growing every day. In this sense, veterinary physiotherapy works bringing numerous benefits, such as improved movements, reduced pain, edema and others. Reducing the recovery time, reducing costs for the owner, and today it can be used as a treatment in post-surgical recovery. In this sense, the objective was to report the use of physiotherapy in a heifer with polyarthritis and neuromuscular paresis. The animal showed an increase in volume in the carpal and tarsal joints after a history of omphalitis, remaining in sternal decubitus for several days. The owner decided to apply iron dextran to the animal's gluteal region, which caused an injury to the sciatic nerve. Medicinal and physical therapy protocols were instituted, which culminated in the stimulation of gait, proprioception, in addition to muscle hypertrophy. However, due to complications resulting from omphalitis, the animal died.(AU)

La rehabilitación animal en medicina veterinaria es un campo reciente, pero en crecimiento cada día. En este sentido, la fisioterapia veterinaria actúa aportando numerosos beneficios, como mejora de los movimientos, reducción del dolor, edemas y otros. Disminución del tiempo de recuperación, reducción de costos para el propietario, pudiendo ser utilizado hoy en día como tratamiento en la recuperación posquirúrgica. En ese sentido, el objetivo fue reportar el uso de fisioterapia en una vaquilla con poliartritis y paresia neuromuscular. El animal presentó un aumento de volumen en las articulaciones del carpo y del tarso tras un antecedente de onfalitis, permaneciendo en decúbito esternal durante varios días. El propietario decidió aplicar hierro dextrano en la región glútea del animal, lo que provocó una lesión en el nervio ciático. Se instauraron protocolos farmacológicos y de fisioterapia, que culminaron con estimulación de la marcha, propiocepción, además de hipertrofia muscular. Sin embargo, debido a complicaciones derivadas de la onfalitis, el animal falleció.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Paresia/terapia , Artrite/terapia , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/veterinária , Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica/métodos , Cinesiologia Aplicada/métodos , Manifestações Neuromusculares , Hipertermia Induzida/métodos , Massagem/métodos
Acta cir. bras. ; 36(1): e360103, 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30536


Purpose: Histologically evaluate the effects of low frequency electrical stimulation in the treatment of Achilles tendon injuries in rats. Methods: Thirty-four rats underwent Achilles tendon tenotomy and tenorrhaphy. They were randomly allocated in two groups. Half of the sample constituted the experiment group, whose lesions were stimulated with 2 Hz, nonpolarized current and 1 mA, for 14 days. The other animals formed the control group. They were evaluated at 2, 4 and 6 weeks. The histological study was carried out, the collagen density and the wound maturity index were measured. Results: The healing score was higher in the group stimulated at the 6th week (p = 0.018). The density collagen 1 was higher in the group treated at the three times (p = 0.004) and that collagen 3 was higher in the group treated at 6 weeks (p = 0.004). Together, collagen 1 and 3 were higher in the group stimulated at 4 and 6 weeks (p = 0.009, p = 0.004). The maturity index was higher in this group at the three moments (p = 0.017 p = 0.004 and p = 0.009). Conclusion: Low frequency electric stimulation improved healing and increased the quantity of collagen.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Estimulação Elétrica/efeitos adversos , Cicatrização , Tendão do Calcâneo , Colágeno
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 732, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366499


Background: The treatment for urethral obstruction in cats consists of catheterization, and for this, the cat must be sedated or anesthetized. Sacococcygeal epidural block has the advantage of being close to receptors related to nociception located in the spinal cord and it is safer because it represents lower risk of spinal cord injury or inadvertent application in the subarachnoid space, when compared to the lumbosacral epidural. Nerve stimulation through the neurolocator to identify the epidural space increases the accuracy of this technique. Thus, the objective is to report a case of epidural anesthesia with a sacrococcygeal approach guided by neurostimulation in a cat with urethral obstruction. Case: A 4-year-old male Siamese cat, weighing 4 kg, was referred to the veterinary care with a history of apathy and anorexia for 2 days. From the physical exam, the clinical diagnosis of urethral obstruction was made, and to desobstruction, we chose to perform sacrococcygeal epidural block. Initially, the patient was anesthetized with propofol (4 mg/kg) and midazolam (0.3 mg/kg). To perform the anesthetic block, the cat was placed in sternal decubitus with the hind limbs extended cranially to perform sacrococcygeal epidural block. The positive pole (cathode) was connected to the skin of the right inguinal region at the caudal aspect of the thigh and the neurostimulator was turned on and adjusted to 0.7 mA of stimulating current intensity, 0.1 ms duration and 1 Hz frequency. The needle for electrical neurolocation was introduced in the dorsal midline, perpendicular to the skin surface, between the spinous processes of S3-Cd1 in the skin. The exact injection point was obtained observed by the muscular response of the middle and distal third of the animal's tail with the neurostimulator adjusted to 0.3 mA of intensity, in the same duration and frequency as before. The total volume of 0.9 mL (0.22 mL/kg) of solution containing the combination of 0.6 mL of 0.75% levobupivacaine and 0.3 mL of 2% lidocaine was injected. The success of the block was confirmed by the loss of reflexes of the pelvic limbs and anal sphincter 10 min after the administration of the anesthetic solution. Discussion: In this case, the use of the neurolocator helped to perform an effective sacrococcygeal block, allowing urethral catheterization without the addition of other analgesic agents. This technique desensitizes and relaxes muscles in the regions of the perineum, anus, distal colon and penis, being useful for performing urethral catheterization. The use of smaller anaesthetic volumes to perform sacrococcygeal block makes it possible to achieve a more localized anesthesia, without affecting the motor function of the pelvic limbs. However, in our report, using a combination of levobupivacaine and lidocaine, the pelvic limb block was also verified despite the low volume applied. A hypothesis that could justify the different responses in relation to the pelvic limb block compared to other studies would be due to the different physicalchemical properties of the drugs used. Lidocaine is known to be less fat-soluble than bupivacaine, so it tends to spread more through the epidural space, in order to result in more extensive blocks. The use of a neurostimulator using a fixed electric current of 0.7 mA, pulse 0.1 ms and a frequency of 1 Hz allowed the correct identification of the needle position for the application of the anesthetic.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Obstrução Uretral/cirurgia , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea/veterinária , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária , Região Sacrococcígea , Levobupivacaína/administração & dosagem , Lidocaína/administração & dosagem
Acta cir. bras. ; 35(11): e351103, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30320


Purpose: To evaluate the effects of low-frequency electric stimulation on biomechanics following surgical treatment of the Achilles tendon in rats. Methods: Forty-two rats were divided into two groups. One was given electric stimulation and the other was not. All were submitted to Achilles tenotomy and tenorrhaphy performed with a modified Kessler stitch. The experiment group underwent electric stimulation with 2 Hz, a nonpolarized current of 1 mA intensity for 14 days. The animals were euthanized at 2, 4 and 6 weeks for the biomechanical study. Results: The work performed, that is, the tendons capacity to absorb energy until rupture, was greater in the electrically stimulated group in the 2nd (p = 0.032) and in the 6th week (p = 0.010). The maximum tension, which is the capacity to support a load, was higher in the treated group in the 2nd (p = 0.030) and the 6th week (p = 024). These results indicate greater resistance of the electrically stimulated tendons. An analysis of the elastic module showed no differences. Conclusion: Low-frequency electric stimulation increased the resistance of the tendons at 2 and 6 weeks of evolution in rats.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Tendão do Calcâneo/cirurgia , Estimulação Elétrica , Fenômenos Biomecânicos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1744-Jan. 30, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458267


Background: The acupuncture points are considered a point in the skin of sensitivity to stimulation. The acupuncture meridians represent the communication between acupuncture points and internal organs. The giant anteater (Mirmecophaga tridactyla) is routinely attended in veterinary centers, and is pivotal to know its morphology and therapies such as acupuncture that, probably, can be used in medical practice. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological substrate in regions that correspond to the transposition of acupuncture points of the Bladder Meridian using radiography, ultrasonography, electrical impedance and histology in the giant anteater. Materials, Methods & Results: Seven giant anteaters (six males and one female) were used. The animals were from the Center of Medicine and Research in Wild Animals (CEMPAS), School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo. The acupoints of Bladder Meridian evaluated were Bladder 11 (B-11), Bladder 18 (B-18), Bladder 23 (B-23), Bladder 25 (B-25), and Bladder 28 (B-28). The locations of the acupoints were transposed based on the location of these acupuncture points in dogs. Four animals were live and were used for radiographic, ultrasonographic, and electrical impedance analysis. Three animals were died and the fragments of this acupoints were destined to histological routine with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and Masson’s Trichrome stains. The giant anteaters studied had fifteen thoracic vertebrae, three lumbar vertebrae, and five sacral vertebrae fused in a single bone. The acupuncture points were characterized by presence of abundant connective tissue at the superficial and intermuscular level, muscular fascia, and many neurovascular bundles in the dermal layer. These bundles consisted of nerves...

Animais , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Meridianos , Pontos de Acupuntura , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Impedância Elétrica , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa/métodos , Radiografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 21: e, 23 mar. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1473773


The application of biotechnology in animal reproduction has enabled the production of young forms in both quantity and quality. Increasing the number of viable gametes produced by reproducers, among other factors, through an ideal diet, can ensure higher production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of three diets on the sperm survival of Macrobrachium acanthurus. To this end, 24 M. acanthurus males were used, distributed randomly and equally among treatments. Their diets were composed of 100% fresh food (fish and squid muscle - 14% protein), 100% dry feed (commercial feed - 50% protein) and a mixture of these diets containing 30% protein. Spermatophores were extracted through electrical stimulation every 15 days, and the controls consisted of spermatophores obtained directly from nature. No significant difference between diets was observed comparing shrimp and spermatophore weights. The 100% fresh diet provided the best sperm survival performance.

A aplicação de biotecnologias na reprodução animal tem possibilitado produzir formas jovens em quantidade e qualidade. O aumento da quantidade de gametas viáveis produzidos pelos reprodutores, mediante uma dieta ideal, entre outros fatores, pode garantir uma maior produção. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito de três dietas quanto à sobrevivência espermática de Macrobrachium acanthurus. Para tanto, 24 machos de M. acanthurus foram utilizados, sendo distribuídos ao acaso e de forma igual entre os tratamentos. As dietas foram compostas por 100% de alimento fresco (músculo de peixe e lula - 14% de proteína), 100% de alimento seco (ração comercial - 50% de proteína) e uma mescla dessas dietas contendo 30% de proteína. Os espermatóforos foram extraídos por eletroestimulação a cada 15 dias, sendo o controle aqueles obtidos diretamente da natureza. Não houve diferença significativa entre as dietas quando comparado os pesos dos camarões e dos espermatóforos. A alimentação 100% fresca proporcionou o melhor desempenho para a sobrevivência espermática.

Masculino , Animais , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Espermatogônias , Palaemonidae/fisiologia
Ci. Anim. bras. ; 21: e-60022, Sept. 9, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32040


The application of biotechnology in animal reproduction has enabled the production of young forms in both quantity and quality. Increasing the number of viable gametes produced by reproducers, among other factors, through an ideal diet, can ensure higher production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of three diets on the sperm survival of Macrobrachium acanthurus. To this end, 24 M. acanthurus males were used, distributed randomly and equally among treatments. Their diets were composed of 100% fresh food (fish and squid muscle - 14% protein), 100% dry feed (commercial feed - 50% protein) and a mixture of these diets containing 30% protein. Spermatophores were extracted through electrical stimulation every 15 days, and the controls consisted of spermatophores obtained directly from nature. No significant difference between diets was observed comparing shrimp and spermatophore weights. The 100% fresh diet provided the best sperm survival performance.(AU)

A aplicação de biotecnologias na reprodução animal tem possibilitado produzir formas jovens em quantidade e qualidade. O aumento da quantidade de gametas viáveis produzidos pelos reprodutores, mediante uma dieta ideal, entre outros fatores, pode garantir uma maior produção. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito de três dietas quanto à sobrevivência espermática de Macrobrachium acanthurus. Para tanto, 24 machos de M. acanthurus foram utilizados, sendo distribuídos ao acaso e de forma igual entre os tratamentos. As dietas foram compostas por 100% de alimento fresco (músculo de peixe e lula - 14% de proteína), 100% de alimento seco (ração comercial - 50% de proteína) e uma mescla dessas dietas contendo 30% de proteína. Os espermatóforos foram extraídos por eletroestimulação a cada 15 dias, sendo o controle aqueles obtidos diretamente da natureza. Não houve diferença significativa entre as dietas quando comparado os pesos dos camarões e dos espermatóforos. A alimentação 100% fresca proporcionou o melhor desempenho para a sobrevivência espermática.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Palaemonidae/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Espermatogônias , Dieta/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.361-2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458125


Background: The use of distinct drugs and techniques for establishing balanced anesthesia protocols has shown promisingresults in birds. The techniques of locoregional block can be incorporated to these protocols, thereby providing intra- andpost-operative analgesia and reducing the requirement for general anesthesia. Additionally, the use of neurostimulatorsincreases the chances of success and reduces the risk of toxicity; however, there are limited reports in the literature of itsapplicability in wild birds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the brachial plexus block technique guidedusing a neurolocalizer in a striped owl (Asio clamator) submitted for right wing amputation.Case: A striped owl weighing 400 g with a history of exposed fracture of the right wing was supplied by the clinical sectorat the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia. Following hydration and stabilization of vital signs, theanimal was referred to the surgical center for amputation of the limb. Dexmedetomidine (10 µ−1 IM) was administeredas premedication, and after 20 min, anesthetic induction was performed using sevoflurane (FiO2 = 100%) via a mask followed by maintenance using the same drug. The animal was positioned in a left lateral decubitus position with access to thebrachial plexus determined by palpation and identification of the border of the following muscles: pectoral, cranial branchof the brachial biceps, and dorsal branch of the ventral serratus. The brachial plexus nerves are situated in the subcutaneous site craniodorsal to the axillary depression. For the block, a neurolocalizer was used, fixing the positive electrode toapproximately 5 cm from the needle insertion site (21G × 2’”) in the axillary depression, which remained connected to theneurostimulator by the second electrode. At first, the needle was attached to the peripheral nerve stimulator using a pulsefrequency of 1 Hz with an...

Animais , Anestésicos Locais , Dexmedetomidina , Estimulação Elétrica , Estrigiformes , Nervos Periféricos , Plexo Braquial , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 361, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738860


Background: The use of distinct drugs and techniques for establishing balanced anesthesia protocols has shown promisingresults in birds. The techniques of locoregional block can be incorporated to these protocols, thereby providing intra- andpost-operative analgesia and reducing the requirement for general anesthesia. Additionally, the use of neurostimulatorsincreases the chances of success and reduces the risk of toxicity; however, there are limited reports in the literature of itsapplicability in wild birds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the brachial plexus block technique guidedusing a neurolocalizer in a striped owl (Asio clamator) submitted for right wing amputation.Case: A striped owl weighing 400 g with a history of exposed fracture of the right wing was supplied by the clinical sectorat the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia. Following hydration and stabilization of vital signs, theanimal was referred to the surgical center for amputation of the limb. Dexmedetomidine (10 µ−1 IM) was administeredas premedication, and after 20 min, anesthetic induction was performed using sevoflurane (FiO2 = 100%) via a mask followed by maintenance using the same drug. The animal was positioned in a left lateral decubitus position with access to thebrachial plexus determined by palpation and identification of the border of the following muscles: pectoral, cranial branchof the brachial biceps, and dorsal branch of the ventral serratus. The brachial plexus nerves are situated in the subcutaneous site craniodorsal to the axillary depression. For the block, a neurolocalizer was used, fixing the positive electrode toapproximately 5 cm from the needle insertion site (21G × 2”) in the axillary depression, which remained connected to theneurostimulator by the second electrode. At first, the needle was attached to the peripheral nerve stimulator using a pulsefrequency of 1 Hz with an... (AU)

Animais , Plexo Braquial , Estimulação Elétrica , Nervos Periféricos , Dexmedetomidina , Estrigiformes , Anestésicos Locais , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.398-2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458162


Background: Locoregional anesthesia techniques enable the performance of procedures in the distal portion of the limbs,through the parenteral administration of local anesthetic nerve block. There are devices that can increase the effectivenessof these blocks by accurately locating the nerves. These devices include peripheral nerve stimulators, which enable anesthetic to be injected near the plexus, thus reducing the volume of anesthetic required and allowing for the specific blockadeof a nerve branch by desensitizing exclusively the area of interest. This paper describes the use of nerve stimulator in thebrachial plexus block (BPB) of a calf subjected to amputation of the left foreleg.Case: A newborn calf weighing 30 kg, with a history of injury to the left foreleg, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital ofthe Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region. Clinical and X-ray examinations revealed a fracture in the medialportion of the metacarpus and radiographic alterations indicative of osteomyelitis, so amputation of the affected limb wasrecommended. Prior the beginning, during and after the surgical procedure, the animal was submitted to the evaluation ofits physiological parameters (heart and respiratory rate, capillary refill time, diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure andrectal temperature). Because it is a newborn animal, it was decided not to pre-operatively fast. After applying preanestheticmedication (xylazine 0.01 mg/kg IV), anesthesia was induced with ketamine (2 mg/kg IV) and midazolam (0.3 mg/kg IV)and maintained with isoflurane. For the brachial plexus block, 0.4 mL/kg (1.5 mg/kg) of 0.375% bupivacaine was usedand aided by a peripheral nerve stimulator to generate 10 mA current, 1 HZ frequency and 100 μs pulse duration, coupledto a nerve stimulation needle, it was possible to observe flexion movements...

Animais , Bovinos , Amputação Cirúrgica/métodos , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Bloqueio do Plexo Braquial/veterinária , Estimulação Elétrica , Nervos Periféricos , Membro Anterior/lesões
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 398, July 3, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21124


Background: Locoregional anesthesia techniques enable the performance of procedures in the distal portion of the limbs,through the parenteral administration of local anesthetic nerve block. There are devices that can increase the effectivenessof these blocks by accurately locating the nerves. These devices include peripheral nerve stimulators, which enable anesthetic to be injected near the plexus, thus reducing the volume of anesthetic required and allowing for the specific blockadeof a nerve branch by desensitizing exclusively the area of interest. This paper describes the use of nerve stimulator in thebrachial plexus block (BPB) of a calf subjected to amputation of the left foreleg.Case: A newborn calf weighing 30 kg, with a history of injury to the left foreleg, was treated at the Veterinary Hospital ofthe Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region. Clinical and X-ray examinations revealed a fracture in the medialportion of the metacarpus and radiographic alterations indicative of osteomyelitis, so amputation of the affected limb wasrecommended. Prior the beginning, during and after the surgical procedure, the animal was submitted to the evaluation ofits physiological parameters (heart and respiratory rate, capillary refill time, diastolic, systolic and mean blood pressure andrectal temperature). Because it is a newborn animal, it was decided not to pre-operatively fast. After applying preanestheticmedication (xylazine 0.01 mg/kg IV), anesthesia was induced with ketamine (2 mg/kg IV) and midazolam (0.3 mg/kg IV)and maintained with isoflurane. For the brachial plexus block, 0.4 mL/kg (1.5 mg/kg) of 0.375% bupivacaine was usedand aided by a peripheral nerve stimulator to generate 10 mA current, 1 HZ frequency and 100 μs pulse duration, coupledto a nerve stimulation needle, it was possible to observe flexion movements...(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Amputação Cirúrgica/métodos , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Bloqueio do Plexo Braquial/veterinária , Nervos Periféricos , Estimulação Elétrica , Anestesia Local/veterinária , Membro Anterior/lesões
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1089-1098, jul.-ago. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-916472


Este estudo retrospectivo teve como objetivo demonstrar as modalidades fisioterapêuticas empregadas no tratamento de cães com doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar após descompressão cirúrgica da medula espinhal, bem como relatar os fatores que determinaram as alterações das modalidades. Foram incluídos 30 cães que apresentavam sinais neurológicos desde paraparesia ambulatória a paraplegia com dor profunda na primeira sessão de fisioterapia. As modalidades utilizadas nos protocolos de todos os pacientes foram a crioterapia, massagem, alongamento passivo, movimentação passiva articular, estímulo do reflexo flexor e estimulação elétrica neuromuscular. A inclusão ou exclusão de exercícios terapêuticos, como a tipoia corporal, a plataforma proprioceptiva circular, a natação, a hidroesteira, os obstáculos e a caminhada em colchão, foi de acordo com a evolução clínica e a adaptação de cada paciente. Oitenta por cento (80%) dos cães alteraram o grau de disfunção neurológica antes de iniciar a fisioterapia e 93% retornaram à habilidade de caminhar (paraparesia ambulatória) ao final da fisioterapia. O número de sessões e o tempo de recuperação foram maiores quanto pior foi o grau de lesão do paciente.(AU)

This retrospective study aimed to demonstrate the physiotherapeutic modalities used in the treatment of dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) after surgical spinal cord decompression and to report elements that determined the modalities changes. Thirty dogs with deep pain perception were selected in the first physiotherapy session, presenting a range of clinical signs from ambulatory paraparesis to paraplegia. The modalities used in the protocols of all patients were cryotherapy, massage, passive stretching, passive range of motion, flexor reflex stimulation and neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The inclusion or exclusion of the therapeutic exercises how body sling (walking sling), circular proprioceptive platform, swimming, underwater treadmill, cavaletti rails and foam mattress walking were according to the clinical evolution and acceptance of each patient. Eighty percent (80%) of the dogs manifested improvement in their neurological dysfunction degree before starting physical therapy and 93% were able to walk again (ambulatory paraparesis) at the end of physiotherapy. The number of sessions and recovery times were higher in patients with higher neurological dysfunction degrees.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Disco Intervertebral/fisiopatologia , Reabilitação , Especialidade de Fisioterapia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1089-1098, jul.-ago. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20494


Este estudo retrospectivo teve como objetivo demonstrar as modalidades fisioterapêuticas empregadas no tratamento de cães com doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar após descompressão cirúrgica da medula espinhal, bem como relatar os fatores que determinaram as alterações das modalidades. Foram incluídos 30 cães que apresentavam sinais neurológicos desde paraparesia ambulatória a paraplegia com dor profunda na primeira sessão de fisioterapia. As modalidades utilizadas nos protocolos de todos os pacientes foram a crioterapia, massagem, alongamento passivo, movimentação passiva articular, estímulo do reflexo flexor e estimulação elétrica neuromuscular. A inclusão ou exclusão de exercícios terapêuticos, como a tipoia corporal, a plataforma proprioceptiva circular, a natação, a hidroesteira, os obstáculos e a caminhada em colchão, foi de acordo com a evolução clínica e a adaptação de cada paciente. Oitenta por cento (80%) dos cães alteraram o grau de disfunção neurológica antes de iniciar a fisioterapia e 93% retornaram à habilidade de caminhar (paraparesia ambulatória) ao final da fisioterapia. O número de sessões e o tempo de recuperação foram maiores quanto pior foi o grau de lesão do paciente.(AU)

This retrospective study aimed to demonstrate the physiotherapeutic modalities used in the treatment of dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) after surgical spinal cord decompression and to report elements that determined the modalities changes. Thirty dogs with deep pain perception were selected in the first physiotherapy session, presenting a range of clinical signs from ambulatory paraparesis to paraplegia. The modalities used in the protocols of all patients were cryotherapy, massage, passive stretching, passive range of motion, flexor reflex stimulation and neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The inclusion or exclusion of the therapeutic exercises how body sling (walking sling), circular proprioceptive platform, swimming, underwater treadmill, cavaletti rails and foam mattress walking were according to the clinical evolution and acceptance of each patient. Eighty percent (80%) of the dogs manifested improvement in their neurological dysfunction degree before starting physical therapy and 93% were able to walk again (ambulatory paraparesis) at the end of physiotherapy. The number of sessions and recovery times were higher in patients with higher neurological dysfunction degrees.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Disco Intervertebral/fisiopatologia , Reabilitação , Modalidades de Fisioterapia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(1): 39-47, jan.-fev. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-690998


A atividade elétrica cardíaca pode ser registrada por meio do eletrocardiograma (ECG), registro capaz de captar as alterações do percurso elétrico. Na literatura científica, não existe descrição de padrões eletrocardiográficos de ratos Wistar desde a fase de recém-nascidos até serem considerados envelhecidos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o padrão eletrocardiográfico de ratos Wistar desde a fase de recém-nascidos até serem considerados envelhecidos, no intuito de que os resultados possam contribuir como referencial dos padrões da espécie. Foram utilizados ratos Rattus novergicus albinus, da linhagem Wistar. Os ratos foram divididos em cinco grupos experimentais, sendo definidos de acordo com a idade e assim denominados: grupo 21 dias (21D), dois meses (2M), três meses (3M), sete meses (7M) e 18 meses (18M), sendo n=20 por grupo. Para a realização do ECG, eletrodos conectados aos canais do eletrocardiógrafo foram posicionados nos animais e captaram o sinal elétrico do coração em seis derivações. Os dados foram agrupados e submetidos a comparação por meio de ANOVA e teste de Tukey-Kramer, P≤0,05. Os resultados mostraram que, de forma geral, as modulações ao longo do processo de envelhecimento diante dos parâmetros relacionados ao ECG se iniciam a partir do período 2M, com aparente estabilidade até 3M e/ou 7M, seguindo por exacerbação das modulações em 7M e/ou 18M, a depender da variável eletrocardiográfica em questão. Em relação à frequência cardíaca (FC), concomitantemente, nota-se um padrão similar, ou seja, diminuição dela a partir do período 2M, com estabilidade até 7M, seguindo por diminuição mais pronunciada em 18M. Os resultados sugerem que, devido ao processo de envelhecimento, o coração de ratos Wistar apresenta modificações na condução do estímulo elétrico, bem como redução na FC, fatores que merecem atenção enquanto indicadores de inclusão/exclusão de animais em grupos experimentais por parte de [...].(AU)

The cardiac electrical activity can be recorded through the electrocardiogram (ECG), this recording is able to capture the changes in the electric route. In the scientific literature, there is no description of electrocardiographic patterns of Wistar rats at the stage of newborn to be considered aged. The aim of this study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic pattern of Wistar rats at various stages of growth, in order for the results to contribute as a standard reference. Rattus norvegicus albinus rats of the Wistar lineage were used. The rats were divided into 5 experimental groups being defined according to age and named as follows: group 21 days (21D), 2 months (2M), 3 months (3M), 7 months (7M) and 18 months (18M), where n = 20 per group. For the realization of ECG, electrodes connected to the electrocardiograph channels were positioned in animals to capture the electrical signal of the heart in 6-lead. The data were grouped and subjected to comparison by ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test, P=0.05. The results showed that, overall, the modulations along the front aging process, related to the ECG, are initiated from 2M period, apparent stability by 3M and/or 7M, followed by exacerbation of modulations in 7M and/or 18M, depending on the electrocardiographic variable in question. Front of heart rate (HR), concomitantly, there is a similar pattern, that is, decreasing from 2M period with stability until 7M, followed by more pronounced decrease in 18M. The results suggest that due to the aging process, the heart of Wistar rats shows changes in the conduction of electrical stimulation and reduction in heart rate, factors that deserve attention as indicators of inclusion / exclusion of animals in experimental groups by researchers using that species as a model.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Frequência Cardíaca
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 69(1): 39-47, jan.-fev. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-834084


A atividade elétrica cardíaca pode ser registrada por meio do eletrocardiograma (ECG), registro capaz de captar as alterações do percurso elétrico. Na literatura científica, não existe descrição de padrões eletrocardiográficos de ratos Wistar desde a fase de recém-nascidos até serem considerados envelhecidos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o padrão eletrocardiográfico de ratos Wistar desde a fase de recém-nascidos até serem considerados envelhecidos, no intuito de que os resultados possam contribuir como referencial dos padrões da espécie. Foram utilizados ratos Rattus novergicus albinus, da linhagem Wistar. Os ratos foram divididos em cinco grupos experimentais, sendo definidos de acordo com a idade e assim denominados: grupo 21 dias (21D), dois meses (2M), três meses (3M), sete meses (7M) e 18 meses (18M), sendo n=20 por grupo. Para a realização do ECG, eletrodos conectados aos canais do eletrocardiógrafo foram posicionados nos animais e captaram o sinal elétrico do coração em seis derivações. Os dados foram agrupados e submetidos a comparação por meio de ANOVA e teste de Tukey-Kramer, P≤0,05. Os resultados mostraram que, de forma geral, as modulações ao longo do processo de envelhecimento diante dos parâmetros relacionados ao ECG se iniciam a partir do período 2M, com aparente estabilidade até 3M e/ou 7M, seguindo por exacerbação das modulações em 7M e/ou 18M, a depender da variável eletrocardiográfica em questão. Em relação à frequência cardíaca (FC), concomitantemente, nota-se um padrão similar, ou seja, diminuição dela a partir do período 2M, com estabilidade até 7M, seguindo por diminuição mais pronunciada em 18M. Os resultados sugerem que, devido ao processo de envelhecimento, o coração de ratos Wistar apresenta modificações na condução do estímulo elétrico, bem como redução na FC, fatores que merecem atenção enquanto indicadores de inclusão/exclusão de animais em grupos experimentais por parte de pesquisadores que utilizam a referida espécie como modelo de estudo.(AU)

The cardiac electrical activity can be recorded through the electrocardiogram (ECG), this recording is able to capture the changes in the electric route. In the scientific literature, there is no description of electrocardiographic patterns of Wistar rats at the stage of newborn to be considered aged. The aim of this study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic pattern of Wistar rats at various stages of growth, in order for the results to contribute as a standard reference. Rattus norvegicus albinus rats of the Wistar lineage were used. The rats were divided into 5 experimental groups being defined according to age and named as follows: group 21 days (21D), 2 months (2M), 3 months (3M), 7 months (7M) and 18 months (18M), where n = 20 per group. For the realization of ECG, electrodes connected to the electrocardiograph channels were positioned in animals to capture the electrical signal of the heart in 6-lead. The data were grouped and subjected to comparison by ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test, P=0.05. The results showed that, overall, the modulations along the front aging process, related to the ECG, are initiated from 2M period, apparent stability by 3M and/or 7M, followed by exacerbation of modulations in 7M and/or 18M, depending on the electrocardiographic variable in question. Front of heart rate (HR), concomitantly, there is a similar pattern, that is, decreasing from 2M period with stability until 7M, followed by more pronounced decrease in 18M. The results suggest that due to the aging process, the heart of Wistar rats shows changes in the conduction of electrical stimulation and reduction in heart rate, factors that deserve attention as indicators of inclusion / exclusion of animals in experimental groups by researchers using that species as a model.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Ratos Wistar/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frequência Cardíaca
Acta cir. bras. ; 31(2): 138-142, fev. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-20439


PURPOSE:To describe a novel approach for implanting intramuscular electrodes in the diaphragm through videolaparoscopy.METHODS:We used twelve pigs for this videolaparoscopic technique, which permits at the same time to explore the diaphragm, to locate its motor points and to fix the electrodes in the diaphragm bilaterally. In this technique we used three trocars: one portal for a 10-mm 0° viewing angle laparoscope, one portal for the manipulation of structures and another for electrode implantation.RESULTS:All animals survived the procedure without pneumothorax/capnothorax or other complication. Implanted electrodes provided an appropriate interface between the muscle and the electrical current generator, and electroventilation was satisfactorily generated in all animals.CONCLUSION:This videolaparoscopic technique with three trocars enables the exploration and identification of motor points and an efficient fixation of one or two electrodes in each hemidiaphragm.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/cirurgia , Eletrodos Implantados/veterinária , Diafragma/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Marca-Passo Artificial/veterinária
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-218329


A existência de variabilidade na concentração de calpastatina entre indivíduos do mesmo grupo genético (Bos taurus indicus) contribui para a falta de padronização da maciez dos cortes cárneos oriundos desses animais e resulta em menor valor agregado ao produto, o que afeta negativamente a competitividade do setor brasileiro no mercado mundial. A estimulação elétrica das carcaças e a maturação tem sido importantes ferramentas tecnológicas utilizadas com o intuito de melhorar a maciez da carne bovina. O objetivo do presente estudo foi associar a expressão do gene da calpastatina (CAST) e suas isoformas (CAST 1 e CAST 2) com a dureza da carne de bovinos Nelore submetidos à estimulação elétrica (EE) e à maturação. Foram selecionadas 10 carcaças inteiras, onde as meias carcaças esquerdas foram estimuladas eletricamente, enquanto as suas respectivas direitas, não. Dois grupos experimentais foram formados com base nos valores de força de cisalhamento (WBSF, Warner-Bratzler shear force) das amostras de carnes com 48 horas post-mortem (meias carcaças direitas), sendo: Carne moderadamente dura(CMD, 5,0 ± 0,17 kg) e Carne muito dura (CD, 7,28 kg ± 0,43). Amostras do M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum de ambas meias carcaças foram submetidas à maturação (7, 14, 21 e 28 dias) e análise da qualidade da carne (48 horas, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias). Amostras de M. longissimus thoracis das meias carcaças direitas foram utilizadas para avaliação da expressão gênica de CAST, CAST 1 e CAST 2. As expressões gênicas de CAST 1 e CAST 2 foram maiores no grupo de CD comparada ao CMD (P < 0,05) e se mostraram superiores à CAST (P < 0,05), independente do grupo experimental. A EE acelerou o declínio do pH nas primeiras 9 horas postmortem, influenciou (P < 0,05) os parâmetros L*, a*, b*, saturação e tonalidade da carne de ambos os grupos experimentais e eliminou as diferenças de WBSF entre os grupos CD e CMD já com 48 horas post-mortem. Os presentes resultados sugerem que a EE e maturação contribuem para a redução da dureza da carne de bovinos Nelore mesmo daquelas que apresentam maior expressão de CAST 1 e CAST 2.

The existence of variability in the concentration of calpastatin among individuals of the same genetic group (Bos taurus indicus) contributes to the lack of standardization of the tenderness of meat cuts from these animals and results in lower added value to the product, which negatively affects the competitiveness of the sector Brazilian market in the world. The electrical stimulation of carcasses and maturation have been important technological tools used in order to improve the tenderness of beef. The aim of the present study was to associate the expression of the calpastatin gene (CAST) and its isoforms (CAST 1 and CAST 2) with the toughness of meat from Nellore cattle submitted to electrical stimulation (EE) and maturation. Ten whole carcasses were selected, where the left half carcasses were electrically stimulated, while their respective right half carcasses were not. Two experimental groups were formed based on the values of shear force (WBSF, Warner-Bratzler shear force) of meat samples with 48 hours post-mortem (right half carcasses), as follows: Moderately tough meat (CMD, 5.0 ± 0.17 kg) and Very tough meat (CD, 7.28 kg ± 0.43). Samples of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum from both half carcasses were submitted to maturation (7, 14, 21 and 28 days) and meat quality analysis (48 hours, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days). Samples of M. longissimus thoracis from the right half carcasses were used to evaluate the gene expression of CAST, CAST 1 and CAST 2. Gene expressions of CAST 1 and CAST 2 were higher in the CD group compared to CMD (P < 0.05 ) and were superior to CAST (P < 0.05), regardless of the experimental group. The EE accelerated the pH decline in the first 9 hours post-mortem, influenced (P < 0.05) the parameters L*, a*, b*, saturation and meat hue of both experimental groups and eliminated the WBSF differences between CD and CMD groups with 48 hours post-mortem. The present results suggest that EE and maturation contribute to the reduction of meat toughness in Nellore cattle, even those with higher expression of CAST 1 and CAST 2.

Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-219770


DIETZE, W. Determinação da concentração alveolar mínima (CAM) de isoflurano e sevoflurano em Saguis-de-tufo preto (callithrix penicillata). 2021, 64p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Lages, 2021. A CAM é uma medida de potência anestésica quantitativa, necessária para abolir movimentos em 50% dos pacientes, em resposta a um estímulo supramáximo. Devido a suas características e a facilidade de mensurar o agente anestésico expirado, a CAM é o índice padrão de avaliação e comparação dos anestésicos voláteis, além de orientar a administração de dose. Os saguis-de tufo preto (Callithrix penicillata) são primatas presentes na rotina clínica e cirúrgica de hospitais veterinários, além de serem utilizados como modelos em experimentos, principalmente na neurociência. Mesmo apresentando tanta importância, poucos trabalhos avaliaram a potência dos principais anestésicos voláteis nesta espécie. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar neste estudo prospectivo e experimental, utilizando o método up-and-down, a concentração alveolar mínima de sevoflurano e isoflurano, nestes primatas, através estímulo elétrico. Foram utilizadas 7 famílias de saguis-de-tufo preto, que totalizaram 24 animais, 11 fêmeas e 13 machos, com idade indeterminada, sendo a higidez comprovada por meio de exames hematológicos e avaliação física. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de forma aleatória, chamados de grupo ISOCAM e grupo SEVOCAM, e individualmente induzidos em caixa anestésica com oxigênio (5 L/min) juntamente com 7 V% de sevoflurano no SEVOCAM ou 5 V% de isoflurano no grupo ISOCAM. Quando os animais atingiam o decúbito, foram intubados com tubo endotraqueal e mantidos com oxigênio (0,8 L/min) e o halogenado eleito para o grupo, em circuito aberto sem reinalação de gases. Definido em estudo piloto, o primeiro animal do ISOCAM iniciou a manutenção com 2,6 V% de isoflurano e SEVOCAM com a concentração de 4 V% de sevoflurano. Realizado a instrumentação para avaliar FC, FR, PAS, SpO2, EtCO2, TR e EtISO ou EtSEV, aguardou-se 15 minutos para equilíbrio anestésico, e posteriormente foi realizado estímulo elétrico (50 mA e 50 hertz) em face lateral da coxa, no modo farádico (3 estímulos simples consecutivos, seguidos de 2 estímulos contínuos). Realizado o estímulo, foi observada a resposta, quando positiva (movimentos de membros, cabeça ou vocalização) e negativa (não apresentou movimentos) a concentração anestésica foi aumentada ou reduzida em 10%, respectivamente, no próximo sagui. A indução dos animais bem como a recuperação anestésica foi avaliada utilizando escala apropriada. Variáveis fisiológicas foram aferidas antes (M0) e depois (M1) do estímulo nociceptivo. A CAM foi calculada utilizando a técnica de up-and-down e cálculo de média dos cruzamentos. Os valores das variáveis fisiológicas foram pareados e submetidos ao teste t. Para a comparação entre grupos utilizou-se do teste Anova com pós teste de Bonferroni. O teste de Qui-quadrado serviu para analisar a categóricas (escala de indução e retorno anestésico). A correlação de Pearson foi utilizada para determinar associações entre as concentrações dos halogenados e os parâmetros de M0 e M1. As CAMs de isoflurano e sevoflurano em Callithrix penicillata foram de 2,29 V% e de 3,93 V% respectivamente. Os parâmetros fisiológicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Na avaliação de indução e recuperação, ambos apresentaram resultados semelhantes. Porém o isoflurano causou irritação das vias aéreas e mucosas oculares, provocando mais tosse e lacrimejamento.

DIETZE, W. Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane and sevoflurane in marmosets (Callithrix penicillata). 2021, 64p. Dissertation (Master in Animal Science) - University of the State of Santa Catarina. Graduate Program in Animal Science, Lages, 2021. MAC is a measurement of quantitative anesthetic potential necessary to abolish movements in 50% of patients in response to a supramaximal stimulus. Due to its characteristics and the ease of measuring the expired anesthetic agent, MAC is the standard index for evaluating and comparing volatile anesthetics, in addition to guiding dose administration. Black-tufted marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) are primates present in the clinical routine of veterinary hospitals and used as models in few experiments to evaluate the potency of the primary volatile anesthetics in this species. The objective of this prospective and experimental study was to assess, using the up-and-down method, the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane and isoflurane, in these primates, through electrical stimulation. Seven families of black-tufted marmosets were elected, totaling 24 animals, 11 females and 13 males of undetermined age. Hematological exams and physical evaluation confirmed their health. The animals were randomly divided into two groups, called the MACISO group and the MACSEVO group, and individually induced in an anesthetic box with oxygen (5 L/min) and 7 V% sevoflurane in MACSEVO or 5 V% isoflurane in the MACISO group. When the animals reached the decubitus position, they were intubated with an endotracheal tube, maintained with oxygen (0.8 L/min), and the halogenate chosen for the group in an open circuit without gas rebreathing. Defined in a pilot study, the first MACISO animal started maintenance with 2.6 V% isoflurane and MACSEVO with a concentration of 4 V% sevoflurane. The instrumentation was performed to measure heart rate (HR), Respiratory rate(RR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), SpO2, EtCO2, Temperature, and FE'Iso or FE'Sevo, waited 15 minutes for anesthetic balance, and then electrical stimulation (50 mA and 50 hertz) was implemented on the subcutaneous region of the tibia at faradic mode ( three consecutive simple stimuli, followed by two continuous stimuli). After the stimulation, the primate response was observed if positive (movements of limbs, head, or vocalization) and negative (no movements), subsequently in the next marmoset, the anesthetic concentration was increased or reduced by 10%, respectively. Animal induction and anesthetic recovery were evaluated using an appropriate scale; also, physiological variables were measured before (M0) and after (M1) the nociceptive stimulus. The MAC was calculated using the up-and-down technique; calculating the average of the crossings and the values of physiological variables were paired and submitted to the t-test. For the comparison between groups, the ANOVA test with Bonferroni post-test was used, the Chi-square test was used to analyze the categorical (anesthetic induction and return scale). Pearson's correlation was used to determine associations between isoflurane and sevoflurane concentrations and M0 and M1 parameters, and the MAC of isoflurane and sevoflurane in Callithrix penicillata were 2.29 V% and 3.93 V%, respectively. Concerning physiological parameters similar to groups, the evaluation of induction and recovery presented excellent results with no statistical difference; however, isoflurane irritated the airways and ocular mucous membranes, appearing more cough and tear.