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Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-218504


Farinha de Vísceras de Aves (FVA) é uma das principais fontes proteicas utilizadas na fabricação de ração para animais e alimentos pet. Porém, a qualidade da FVA ainda não é padronizada e muitos fatores interferem nesse controle. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os fatores que afetam a qualidade das FVA do processamento na indústria ao produto acabado concomitantemente avaliar e validar novos métodos de controle de qualidade. Durante o processamento foram medidas a temperatura do digestor, pressão e o tempo de processamento. No produto acabado foram analisadas o teor de MS, a atividade de água, crescimento microbiano, residual de antioxidantes sintéticos, coloração, concentração de aminas biogênicas (Histamina), e hidroxiprolina (Colágeno Total) que foram consideradas como variáveis independentes e a sua relação com a oxidação proteica e digestibilidade in vitro da FVA, consideradas como variáveis dependente, que foram: Os resultados obtidos foram analisados por Análise Multivariada e para isto, as variáveis independentes foram submetidas a uma Análise Fatorial Exploratória e agrupadas, e, então verificadas as influências das variáveis independentes (fatores) sobre a oxidação proteica e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica. Todos os resultados foram considerados significativos a 5% de probabilidade. Na segunda etapa (validação de metodologias) dentre as análises propostas, as aminas biogênicas foram analisadas pelo método convencional de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (HPLC) e correlacionada com o Kit Elisa (teste rápido) de Histamina. O Kit Elisa teve alta correlação com o a metodologia de HPLC, porém, não apresentou boa estimativa. O processamento não influenciou na Digestibilidade in vitro nem na Oxidação proteica e a matéria-prima foi a principal componente de qualidade que diferencia o tipo de FVA fabricada, low e high ash.

Poultry by-product meal (PBM) is one of the main protein sources used in pet food manufacturing. However, the poultry offal meal quality is not yet standardized and many factors interfere in this control. Considering that, the objective of this work is to analyze the factors that affect the PBM quality from processing in industry to the finished product and evaluation new quality control methods. In the processing, the digester temperature, pressure, processing time were measured. In the finished product, the bromatological composition, humidity, water activity, residual synthetic antioxidants, coloring, concentration of biogenic amines (Histamine) and hydroxyproline (Total Collagen) were analyzed. These are considered independent variables in the study and their relationship with two dependent variables has been studied, which are: protein oxidation and in vitro digestibility of PBM. For the analysis of results the Multivariate Analysis was used, for this, the independent variables were submitted to an Exploratory Factor Analysis and grouped. Then the dependent variables were grouped by means of hierarchical clusters and the influences of the independent variables (factors) on the products of protein oxidation and in vitro digestibility of organic matter were verified. All results were considered significant at 5% probability. Among the proposed analyzes, the biogenic amines were validated using the High Efficiency Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) as a conventional method to correlate with the Histamine Elisa Kit (rapid test) and the effect of temperature on protein oxidation using the method Spectrofluorimetry was evaluated. Processing did not influence in vitro digestibility or protein oxidation. This study showed that the studied plant presents good process conditions without interfering in the PBM quality, being the raw material the main quality component in which it differentiates the type of PBM manufactured, low and high ash.

Ci. Rural ; 45(12): 2233-2238, Dec. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28819


This study evaluated the effects of millet and corn oil additions to sorghum-based diets on the performance, carcass yields and prime cuts (i.e., wings, breasts, thighs and drumsticks) and the relative weights of edible offal (i.e., gizzard, heart, and liver) of broiler chickens. A total of 684 Hubbard Flex chickens, including 342 broilers of each sex, were housed. The design was completely randomized, and the following diets were supplied: A) sorghum and soybean meal + soybean oil (control); B) sorghum and soybean meal + corn oil; and C) sorghum and soybean meal + millet and soybean oil. Six replicates with 38 birds each (19 males and 19 females) were evaluated regarding each experimental diet. At 14, 21, 35 and 42 days of age, the feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and viability of the chickens were evaluated. At 42 days, the live weight, carcass yield, prime cuts and relative weight of the edible offal were measured. The dietary inclusion of either millet or corn oil did not affect any of the parameters. In conclusion, additions of millet and corn oil to sorghum-based diets of broilers do not compromise poultry performance.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de milheto e óleo de milho em dietas a base de sorgo sobre o desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e de cortes nobres (asas, peito, coxa e sobrecoxa) e peso relativo das vísceras comestíveis (moela, coração e fígado) de frangos de corte. Foram alojadas 684 aves, sendo 342 de cada sexo, da linhagem Hubbard Flex. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualisado, composto pelas dietas: A) sorgo+farelo de soja/óleo de soja (controle), B) sorgo+farelo de soja/óleo de milho e C) sorgo+farelo de soja/milheto+óleo de soja. Cada dieta experimental foi avaliada em seis repetições de 38 aves cada (19 machos e 19 fêmeas). Aos 14, 21, 35 e 42 dias de idade das aves, avaliou-se o consumo de ração, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e viabilidade. Aos 42 dias, foi obtido o peso vivo, rendimento de carcaça e de cortes nobres, além do peso relativo das vísceras comestíveis. A inclusão de milheto ou óleo de milho nas dietas não alterou nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. Concluiu-se que, em dietas a base de sorgo para frangos de corte, o milheto e o óleo de milho podem ser adicionados sem comprometer a produtividade das aves.(AU)

Animais , Milhetes , Óleo de Milho , Sorghum , Ração Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Aves Domésticas
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-217812


Há uma intensa busca por ingredientes proteicos que possam ser usados nas formulações das rações para aquicultura. Além de atender as exigências nutricionais dos peixes, espera-se que os ingredientes proteicos sejam passíveis ao processo de extrusão, resultando em péletes de qualidade. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar como a inclusão de diferentes fontes proteicas de origem vegetal e animal em rações para peixes onívoros influencia no processo de extrusão e nas características físicas dos péletes. Inicialmente, foram formuladas quatro rações experimentais isoproteicas (28% PB) e isoenergéticas (3600 kcal de EB/Kg) de acordo com a exigência nutricional do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) durante a fase de engorda. As rações foram formuladas com 20% de cada ingrediente teste, sendo dois de origem vegetal (CPS: concentrado proteico de soja e GM: glúten de milho) e dois de origem animal (FPM: farinha de peixe marinho e FVA: farinha de vísceras de aves). Todas as rações foram extrudadas em extrusora monorosca, com temperaturas da água no pré-condicionador e no canhão em 80 e 100 ºC, respectivamente. Os péletes das rações foram avaliados quanto ao teor de umidade (UM), densidade aparente (DA), flutuabilidade (F), taxa de expansão (TE), índice de absorção de água (IAA), índice de solubilidade em água (ISA), resistência à água (RA), índice de durabilidade do péletes (IDP) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os maiores valores de DA foram das rações FVA 334,02 ± 6,61 g/L e CPS com 325,99 ± 3,86 g/L. Os péletes apresentaram maiores valores de TE nas rações elaboradas com fonte proteica de origem vegetal, 65,81 e 58,65% para CPS e GM, respectivamente. Todas as rações apresentaram flutuabilidade de 100%. Na avaliação do IAA, para as rações CPS e GM foram observados os valores 5,46 ± 0,50 e 5,37±0,29 g/g respectivamente, assim como as rações CPS e GM apresentaram os melhores valores para ISA, 2,51 ± 0,38 e 2,40 ± 0,29%, demonstrando que os péletes das rações com fonte proteica de origem vegetal têm a menor desintegração de péletes na água. A capacidade de RA das rações CPS e FPM foi semelhante com valores de 81,92 ± 3,78, 79,18 ± 2,02%, respectivamente, diferindo das rações GM e FVA. As rações testadas apresentaram IDP inferiores a 1% e na avaliação da MEV, os péletes das rações CPS e GM apresentaram poros com câmaras de ar sem deformação e uniformes, ao passo que as rações FVA e FPM apresentaram péletes com poros e câmaras de ar deformadas e desuniformes. Entretanto, não foram observadas diferenças na superfície dos péletes de todas as rações. Apesar das combinações de 20% de ingredientes proteicos de origem vegetal ou animal com 21% de amido proporcionarem péletes com alta qualidade física, as rações CPS e GM destacaram-se se por apresentarem melhores ISA, IAA e TE além de microestrutura dos poros mais uniformes.

There is an emerging need for protein ingredients to produce aquafeeds. In addition to meeting the fish nutritional requirements, it is expected that the protein ingredients are amenable to the extrusion process, resulting in high quality pellets. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate how the inclusion of different protein sources of vegetable and animal origin in omnivorous fish feeds influences the extrusion process and the physical characteristics of the pellets. Initially, four experimental isoproteic (28% CP) and isoenergetic (3600 kcal EB / Kg) diets were formulated according to the nutritional requirement of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) during the fattening phase. The diets were formulated with 20% of each test ingredient, two of vegetable origin (SPC: soy protein concentrate and CG: corn gluten) and two of animal origin (MFM: marine fishmeal and POM: poultry offal meal). All feeds were extruded in a single screw extruder with water at 80º C from the preconditioner and extruding chamber at 100 ºC. Feed pellets were evaluated for moisture content (MC), bulk density (BD), buoyancy (B), expansion rate (ER), water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), water resistance (WR), pellet durability index (PDI) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The highest values of BD were from POM 334.02 ± 6.61 g / L and CPS 325.99 ± 3.86 g / L. The pellets showed higher ER values in diets prepared with protein source of vegetable origin, 65.81 and 58.65% for SPC and CG, respectively. All diets showed 100% of buoyancy pellets. The SPC and CG diets presented 5.46 ± 0.50 and 5.37 ± 0.29 g / g for WAI, respectively, as well as the SPC and CG diets showed the best values for WSI, 2.51 ± 0.38 and 2.40 ± 0.29%.These values demonstrates that the feed pellets with protein source of vegetable origin have the lowest loss of pellet disintegration to water. The WR capacity of the SPC and MFM was similar with values of 81.92 ± 3.78 and, 79.18 ± 2.02%, respectively, differing significantly from CG and OMB diets. The tested diets showed PID less than 1%. SPC and CG pellets showed pores with unformed and uniform air chambers in SEM, whereas the POM and MFM showed pellets with deformed and uneven pores and air chambers. However, for SEM, no significant differences were observed in pellet surface of all diets. Despite the combinations of 20% of protein ingredients of vegetable or animal origin with 21% of starch provide pellets with high physical quality, the SPC and CG diets presented higher quality for WSI, WAI, ER and uniform pore microstructure.

Sci. agric ; 71(3): 188-194, Mai-Jun. 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497413


An outstanding feature of poultry production that provides animal protein yield for human feeding is its short production cycle. This characteristic has a linear relationship with waste production. Increasing the inclusion of this residue in diets in the near future is desirable in step with the growth of poultry production since it offers a better environmental and nutritional alternative to current methods. We evaluated the effects on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens produced by the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in their feed. Treatments consisted of a control diet (corn, Zea mays and soybean, Glycine max) and four diets with inclusion of 30, 60, 90 and 120 g kg-1 of POM. The diets were formulated based on the level of digestible amino acid once categorized as isocalcic, isophosphoric, isosodic, isoenergetic and isonutritive for protein, methionine+cystine, lysine and threonine. The feed's electrolytes were corrected so that each diet had the same electrolytic balance. The variables analyzed were feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, body weight, carcass yield, chicken cut yield and abdominal fat. Feed intake was not affected by the quantities of POM added. The weight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield and noble cuts presented quadratic responses to the treatments. Abdominal fat increased linearly. The performance of the poultry, and carcass characteristics were maximized by the inclusion of 53 and 65 g kg-1, respectively, of POM in the diet, and the inclusion of 120 g kg-1 of POM provided greater disposition of abdominal fat.

Animais , Aminoácidos/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal , Vísceras
Sci. Agric. ; 71(3): 188-194, Mai-Jun. 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27495


An outstanding feature of poultry production that provides animal protein yield for human feeding is its short production cycle. This characteristic has a linear relationship with waste production. Increasing the inclusion of this residue in diets in the near future is desirable in step with the growth of poultry production since it offers a better environmental and nutritional alternative to current methods. We evaluated the effects on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens produced by the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in their feed. Treatments consisted of a control diet (corn, Zea mays and soybean, Glycine max) and four diets with inclusion of 30, 60, 90 and 120 g kg-1 of POM. The diets were formulated based on the level of digestible amino acid once categorized as isocalcic, isophosphoric, isosodic, isoenergetic and isonutritive for protein, methionine+cystine, lysine and threonine. The feed's electrolytes were corrected so that each diet had the same electrolytic balance. The variables analyzed were feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, body weight, carcass yield, chicken cut yield and abdominal fat. Feed intake was not affected by the quantities of POM added. The weight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield and noble cuts presented quadratic responses to the treatments. Abdominal fat increased linearly. The performance of the poultry, and carcass characteristics were maximized by the inclusion of 53 and 65 g kg-1, respectively, of POM in the diet, and the inclusion of 120 g kg-1 of POM provided greater disposition of abdominal fat.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aminoácidos/administração & dosagem , Vísceras , Ração Animal
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-746012


The objective of the present study was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in the diet of meat-type quails reared for a long period using the technique of stable isotopes. A number of 320 quails were randomly distributed into eight treatments: vegetable diet (T1), and a diet containing 8% POM were fed until the end of the experimental period (T2) or replaced by the vegetable diet on day 42 (T3), 56 (T4), 70 (T5), 84 (T6), 98 (T7), and 112 (T8). Breast muscle samples were collected from four birds randomly selected per treatment every 14 days. The obtained isotope results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the aid of the GLM procedure of statistical SAS program. Treatments were different from T1 when birds were sacrificed at least two weeks after the diet was changed. T2 results were different from T1 in all evaluated periods. It was concluded that it is possible to trace poultry offal meal inclusion in a strictly vegetable diet after the diet was changed for at least 14 days.

Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 15(1): 65-70, jan.-mar. 2013. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489987


The objective of the present study was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in the diet of meat-type quails reared for a long period using the technique of stable isotopes. A number of 320 quails were randomly distributed into eight treatments: vegetable diet (T1), and a diet containing 8% POM were fed until the end of the experimental period (T2) or replaced by the vegetable diet on day 42 (T3), 56 (T4), 70 (T5), 84 (T6), 98 (T7), and 112 (T8). Breast muscle samples were collected from four birds randomly selected per treatment every 14 days. The obtained isotope results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the aid of the GLM procedure of statistical SAS program. Treatments were different from T1 when birds were sacrificed at least two weeks after the diet was changed. T2 results were different from T1 in all evaluated periods. It was concluded that it is possible to trace poultry offal meal inclusion in a strictly vegetable diet after the diet was changed for at least 14 days.

Animais , Coturnix/fisiologia , Coturnix/metabolismo , Isótopos de Nitrogênio , Ração Animal/análise
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 15(1): 65-70, jan.-mar. 2013. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28455


The objective of the present study was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in the diet of meat-type quails reared for a long period using the technique of stable isotopes. A number of 320 quails were randomly distributed into eight treatments: vegetable diet (T1), and a diet containing 8% POM were fed until the end of the experimental period (T2) or replaced by the vegetable diet on day 42 (T3), 56 (T4), 70 (T5), 84 (T6), 98 (T7), and 112 (T8). Breast muscle samples were collected from four birds randomly selected per treatment every 14 days. The obtained isotope results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the aid of the GLM procedure of statistical SAS program. Treatments were different from T1 when birds were sacrificed at least two weeks after the diet was changed. T2 results were different from T1 in all evaluated periods. It was concluded that it is possible to trace poultry offal meal inclusion in a strictly vegetable diet after the diet was changed for at least 14 days.(AU)

Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Isótopos de Nitrogênio
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-215784


Objetivou-se determinar a composição química e energética de farinhas de origem animal, e contribuir com o conhecimento sobre o potencial de uso de equações de predição utilizando o princípio da meta-análise para a predição de valores energéticos da farinha de vísceras de aves (FVA) e da farinha de carne e ossos (FCO), e avaliar o efeito desses ingredientes sobre o desempenho, metabolizabilidade de nutrientes e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte. Para isso, foram realizados dois experimentos sendo um ensaio de metabolismo nas fases pré-inicial (1 a 8 dias), inicial (14 a 22 dias) e crescimento (28 a 36 dias), com 840 frangos de corte Cobb 500, criados em piso até atingirem a idade proposta para os ensaios, quando foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas, e utilizado o método de coleta parcial de excretas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 7 tratamentos, e seis repetições com 10, 6 e 4 aves nas respectivas fases experimentais. Os tratamentos foram uma dieta referência e seis dietas teste compostas de 80% da ração referência mais 20% de um dos alimentos teste (FVA 1, 2 e 3 e FCO 1, 2 e 3), com os resultados do experimento, foram elaboradas equações de predição da EMAn das farinhas por meio de regressões múltiplas e do método backward. Os valores de EMAn das FVA variaram de 3189,7 a 3342,9 kcal/kg, e para as FCO esses valores foram de 2292,1 a 2345,4 kcal/kg. Logo após esse experimento, Foi realizada uma meta-análise de estudos sobre os valores de EMAn e composição química dos alimentos: proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), Energia bruta (EB), matéria mineral (MM), cálcio (Ca) e fosforo (P). Também foram catalogados e formados grupos de acordo com o sexo e idade das aves. Foram analisadas as correlações químicas e utilizado o modelo de regressão linear múltipla com procedimento de Stepwise para estudar a associação entre as variáveis. As melhores equações, de acordo com os coeficientes de determinação para estimar a EMAn da FVA e da FCO são respectivamente: EMAn = 6139 - 45,5 PB + 0,356 EB - 123,5 MM com R2 de 83,02% e EMAn = 2267 + 19,9 PB + 67,9 EE - 44,4 MM com R2 de 90,21%. Para validar as equações propostas na tese, e avaliar o uso das farinhas de origem animal sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte, realizou-se um experimento de desempenho concomitante a um metabolismo onde foram utilizados 648 frangos distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 (2 farinhas de origem animal, FVA e FCO e 3 métodos de predição da energia metabolizável dessas farinhas A B e C). Sendo as dietas A, formadas por equações de predição elaboradas a partir de dados de ensaio de metabolismo anterior, dietas B, formadas por equações de predição obtidas por meta-análise dos dados de composição química das farinhas determinados em experimentos realizados no Brasil, e dietas C, elaboradas por valores tabelados por Rostagno et al. (2011). Para as variáveis de desempenho na fase de 1 a 7 dias, o consumo de ração foi maior para as dietas contendo FVA; as dietas A B e C, não afetaram o ganho de peso dos animais, já a conversão alimentar (CA) foi melhor para as dietas com a FCO. A metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes em todas as fases foi significativa para o fator farinha, tendo maiores resultados para a (FCO). Comparando as diferenças entre os valores de EMAn predita e determinada o modelo que melhor estimou a EMAn da (FVA) e da (FCO) foi o modelo (A) que leva em consideração a idade da ave. Esses resultados mostram a importância do conhecimento da composição química dos alimentos para utilizar a EMAn apropriada e formular rações adequadas ao nível de energia exigido pela ave, sem excessos, minimizando o custo da ração.

The objective was to determine the chemical and energetic composition of flours of animal origin and contribute to the knowledge about the potential of using prediction equations using the meta-analysis principle for the prediction of energetic values of poultry offal meal (POM) and meat and bone meal (MBM), and to evaluate the effect of these ingredients on the performance, nutrient metabolizability and carcass yield of broilers. For this, two experiments, being a test of metabolism in the pre-initial (1 to 8 days), initial (14 to 22 days) ) and growth (28 to 36 days), with 840 broiler chickens,Cobb 500 reared up to the age proposed for the trials when housed in metabolic cages, and using the partial excreta collection method. The experimental design was completely randomized with 7 treatments, and six replicates with 10, 6 and 4 birds in the respective experimental phases. The treatments were a reference diet and six test diets composed of 80% of the reference feed plus 20% of one of the test foods (POM 1, 2 and 3 and MBM 1, 2 and 3), with the results of the experiment, equations were elaborated to predict AMEn of the flours by means of multiple regressions and the backward method. AMEn values of POM varied from 3189.7 to 3342.9 kcal / kg, and for MBM these values were from 2292.1 to 2345.4 kcal / kg. After this experiment, a meta-analysis was performed on the AME values and chemical composition of the foods: crude protein (CP), ethereal extract (EE), crude energy (CE), mineral matter (MM), calcium Ca) and phosphorus (P). Groups were also cataloged and formed according to the sex and age of the birds. The chemical correlations were analyzed and the multiple linear regression model was used with Stepwise procedure to study the association between the variables. The best equations, according to the determination coefficients to estimate the AMEn of the POM and the MBM are respectively: AMEn = 6139 - 45.5 CP + 0.356 CB - 123.5 MM with R2 of 83.02% and AMEn = 2267 + 19.9 CP + 67.9 EE - 44.4 MM with R2 of 90.21%. In order to validate the equations proposed in the thesis, and to evaluate the use of animal meal on the performance of broiler chickens, a performance experiment was carried out concomitant with a metabolism in which 648 chickens were distributed in a completely randomized outline factorial 2 x 3 (2 animal meal, POM and MBM and 3 methods to predict the metabolizable energy of these flours A, B and C). As the diets A, formed by prediction equations elaborated from previous metabolism test data, diets B, formed by prediction equations obtained by meta-analysis of the data of chemical composition of the flour determined in experiments carried out in Brazil, and diets C, elaborated by values tabulated by Rostagno et al. (2011). For the performance variables in the 1 to 7 days phase, the feed intake was higher for the POM-containing diets; the diets A B and C did not affect the animals' weight gain, since feed conversion (FC) was better for MBM diets. The metabolizability of the nutrients at all stages was significant for the flour factor, with higher results for the MBM. Comparing the differences between the predicted and estimated AMEn values, the model that best estimated the AMEn of POM and MBM was the model (A) that takes into account the age of the bird. These results show the importance of knowing the chemical composition of the food to use the appropriate EMAn and formulate adequate rations at the level of energy required by the bird, without excess, minimizing the cost of the ration.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717977


The objective of this study was to verify if the dietary inclusion of sugarcane yeast at levels commonly used in broiler diets influences the traceability of cattle meat meal and poultry offal meal, using the technique of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the breast muscle of chickens. A number of 325 one-d-old male broilers were randomly distributed into 13 treatments with 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet based on corn and soybean meal, and the inclusion of 1, 2, 4, or 6% meat and bone meal, poultry offal meal or sugarcane yeast. At 42 days of age, six birds per treatment were randomly selected, sacrificed, and their breast muscle was collected for isotopic ration analysis. The isotopic ratio of birds fed the diet with inclusion of 6% sugarcane yeast was different from those fed the control treatment, but not from those fed diets with the inclusion of 2, 4 and 6% meat and bone meal or 4 and 6% poultry offal meal. The inclusion of 6% sugarcane yeast in broiler diets based on corn and soybean meal may affect the traceability of animal by product meals.

Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 14(1): 51-55, 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400446


The objective of this study was to verify if the dietary inclusion of sugarcane yeast at levels commonly used in broiler diets influences the traceability of cattle meat meal and poultry offal meal, using the technique of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the breast muscle of chickens. A number of 325 one-d-old male broilers were randomly distributed into 13 treatments with 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet based on corn and soybean meal, and the inclusion of 1, 2, 4, or 6% meat and bone meal, poultry offal meal or sugarcane yeast. At 42 days of age, six birds per treatment were randomly selected, sacrificed, and their breast muscle was collected for isotopic ration analysis. The isotopic ratio of birds fed the diet with inclusion of 6% sugarcane yeast was different from those fed the control treatment, but not from those fed diets with the inclusion of 2, 4 and 6% meat and bone meal or 4 and 6% poultry offal meal. The inclusion of 6% sugarcane yeast in broiler diets based on corn and soybean meal may affect the traceability of animal by product meals.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Leveduras , Saccharum/fisiologia , Isótopos
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-201390


Com o objetivo de caracterizar as possíveis variações na composição química das farinhas de vísceras foi realizado este trabalho para estudar as possíveis variáveis que podem provocar variações e afetar a qualidade final da farinha de vísceras de aves tendo como foco a sua utilização na indústria de rações para frangos de corte. Para tal experimento foi escolhido um abatedouro avícola comercial de grande porte que processa as vísceras imediatamente após o abate das aves em uma planta processadora de farinha de vísceras, unidade esta localizada na região central do estado de Goiás. As amostras foram coletadas e analisadas semanalmente durante um período de doze meses compreendido entre junho de 2014 e junho de 2015. Para caracterizar as possíveis variações na composição química das farinhas de vísceras foram estudas o efeito da temperatura, pressão, umidade, peso e tempo de processamento e para avaliar as farinhas obtidas os parâmetros utilizados foram os testes qualitativos (índice de acidez, índice de peróxido e teste de Éber), a avaliação proximal (extrato etéreo, proteína bruta, umidade, cálcio e fósforo), além deste foram realizados testes de granulometria, cor textura e odor. Para tal avaliação adotou-se o programa estatístico R utilizando-se o método estatístico de correlações de Pearson.

In order to characterize the possible variations in the chemical composition of the viscera meal was carried out this work to study the possible variables that can cause variations and affect the final quality of poultry by products focusing on their use in the feed industry broilers. For this experiment was chosen a large commercial poultry abattoir processing viscera immediately after slaughter of birds in a processing plant poultry meal, unit is located in central Goiás state. The samples were collected and analyzed weekly for a period of twelve months between June 2014 and June 2015. in order to characterize the possible variations in the chemical composition of the viscera flour were studied the effect of temperature, pressure, humidity, weight and processing time and to assess the flours obtained the parameters were qualitative tests (acidity index, peroxide index and Eber test), the proximal evaluation (ether extract, crude protein, moisture, calcium and phosphorus), and this grading tests were performed, color texture and odor. For such an assessment adopted the statistical program R using the statistical method of Pearson correlations.

Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 5(2): 108-118, 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413945


No processo de abate de frangos, partes dos mesmos são descartadas por serem impróprias para o consumo humano. Esses materiais de descarte devem ser encaminhados para um destino que não promova nenhum risco ao meio ambiente e principalmente, que esteja de acordo com a legislação que regula o destino final dos resíduos. No entanto, visando o esgotamento dessas alternativas de descarte, normalmente os resíduos têm sido transformados em subprodutos, a fim de atenuar o problema da falta de matéria prima para rações de aves, proporcionando um melhor aproveitamento dos mesmos até pela própria indústria avícola que não há obstrução do uso de farinhas de origem animal na dieta de não ruminantes pelo mercado interno. No Brasil os primeiros estudos científicos sobre a utilização de subprodutos de abatedouro de aves como fonte de proteína em rações para frangos de corte se iniciaram a partir da década de 1960 e essas informações foram utilizadas por muito tempo para formulação de rações, mas a necessidade de melhorar os rebanhos fomentou a busca pelo aprimoramento nas tecnologias para formulações de dietas precisas. Objetivou-se com este artigo revisar alguns aspectos sobre a composição físico-química, valores de energia e suas variantes, bem sua utilização em rações para frangos de corte.

In the process of slaughtering chickens, parts of them are discarded because are unfit for human consumption. These wastes should be directed to a destination that does not promote any risk to the environment and above all, according with the laws regulating waste disposal. So, the wastes are transformed into byproducts for utilization in the animal nutrition, poultry and swine feeding, but cannot use for ruminant feed, only non-ruminant feeding. In Brazil, the first scientific studies on the use of by-products of poultry slaughter as a protein source in diets for broiler chickens were started in the 1960's, and these results were used for a long time for food formulation, but the need to improve the herds stimulated the search for improvement in technologies for more accurate diet formulations. The objective of this article is to review some aspects of the physic-chemical composition, energy values and their use in diets for broilers.

Animais , Vísceras , Galinhas , Resíduos de Alimentos , Ração Animal/análise
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489892


This study aimed at evaluating live performance and carcass yield of broilers fed vegetarian diets or containing different animal byproduct meals after 8 days of age. In the experiment, 1080 one-day-old male chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with 6 treatments with 6 replicates. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal, and included or not animal meals, maintaining constant levels of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, and sodium) and amino acids (methionine, cystine, lysine, and threonine), The following treatments were applied: T1. Control (corn and soybean diet); T2. Inclusion of 5% meat and bone meal (MBM); T3. Inclusion of 5% blood meal (BM); T4. Inclusion of 5% feather meal (FM); T5. Inclusion of 5% poultry offal meal (OM); T6. Combination of meat and bone meal, feather meal, offal meal, and blood meal. Broiler weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, livability and carcass yield were evaluated. At 35 days of age, it was verified that the combination of the four animal meals compromised weight gain. Broiler performance at 42 days of age was influenced by treatments, and the worst weight gain and true feed conversion were observed in birds fed diets with the combination of the four animal meals. The inclusion of 5% BM negatively affected the weight gain. It is concluded that MBM, FM, and OM inclusion can be individually used with no negative influence on broiler performance or carcass yield. In addition, it reduces feed costs.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717902


This study aimed at evaluating live performance and carcass yield of broilers fed vegetarian diets or containing different animal byproduct meals after 8 days of age. In the experiment, 1080 one-day-old male chicks were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with 6 treatments with 6 replicates. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal, and included or not animal meals, maintaining constant levels of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, and sodium) and amino acids (methionine, cystine, lysine, and threonine), The following treatments were applied: T1. Control (corn and soybean diet); T2. Inclusion of 5% meat and bone meal (MBM); T3. Inclusion of 5% blood meal (BM); T4. Inclusion of 5% feather meal (FM); T5. Inclusion of 5% poultry offal meal (OM); T6. Combination of meat and bone meal, feather meal, offal meal, and blood meal. Broiler weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, livability and carcass yield were evaluated. At 35 days of age, it was verified that the combination of the four animal meals compromised weight gain. Broiler performance at 42 days of age was influenced by treatments, and the worst weight gain and true feed conversion were observed in birds fed diets with the combination of the four animal meals. The inclusion of 5% BM negatively affected the weight gain. It is concluded that MBM, FM, and OM inclusion can be individually used with no negative influence on broiler performance or carcass yield. In addition, it reduces feed costs.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489888


Our goal was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (OM) in diets by using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotopic ratios of different tissues in order to contribute for the development of an independent technology for the certification of the feeding of broilers reared on diets with no addition of animal ingredients. Eighty one-day-old chicks were randomly distributed into five experimental treatments, that is, diets containing increasing levels of OM inclusion (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16% OM), with four replicates of four birds each. At 42 days of age, four birds per treatment (n=4) were randomly selected, weighed, and sacrificed to collect breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel and tibia samples to determine their isotopic ratios (13C/12C e 15N/14N). It was observed that 13C and 15N enrichment increased as a function of increasing OM inclusion in all diets. The analyses of the Pectoralis major showed that that only treatments with 8 and 16% OM dietary inclusion were different form those in the control group (0% OM). On the other hand, when the keel and tibia were analyzed, in addition to 8 and 16% OM), the treatment with 4% OM inclusion was also different from the control group. The use of isotopic ratios of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes is an alternative to trace OM inclusion in broiler diets as it is capable of tracing OM levels below those usually practiced by the poultry industry in Brazil.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717898


Our goal was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (OM) in diets by using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) isotopic ratios of different tissues in order to contribute for the development of an independent technology for the certification of the feeding of broilers reared on diets with no addition of animal ingredients. Eighty one-day-old chicks were randomly distributed into five experimental treatments, that is, diets containing increasing levels of OM inclusion (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16% OM), with four replicates of four birds each. At 42 days of age, four birds per treatment (n=4) were randomly selected, weighed, and sacrificed to collect breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel and tibia samples to determine their isotopic ratios (13C/12C e 15N/14N). It was observed that 13C and 15N enrichment increased as a function of increasing OM inclusion in all diets. The analyses of the Pectoralis major showed that that only treatments with 8 and 16% OM dietary inclusion were different form those in the control group (0% OM). On the other hand, when the keel and tibia were analyzed, in addition to 8 and 16% OM), the treatment with 4% OM inclusion was also different from the control group. The use of isotopic ratios of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes is an alternative to trace OM inclusion in broiler diets as it is capable of tracing OM levels below those usually practiced by the poultry industry in Brazil.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489829


The aim of this study was to trace the inclusion of animal meals in layer diets by analyzing eggs and their fractions (yolk and albumen) using the technique of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Two-hundred and eighty-eight (288) 73-week-old Shaver White layers, never fed animal ingredients, were randomly distributed in six treatments with six replicates each. The treatments were: control - corn and soybean meal based diet and five other experimental diets including bovine meat and bone meal (MBM); poultry offal meal (POM); feather meal (FM); feather meal and poultry offal meal (OFM), and poultry offal meal, feather meal, and meat and bone meal (MBOFM). The isotopic results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance. Ellipses were determined through an error matrix (95% confidence) to identify differences between treatments and the control group. In the albumen and yolk of all experimental treatments were significantly different from the control diet (p 0.05). In summary, the stable isotope technique is able to trace the animal meals included in layer feeds in the final product under these experimental conditions.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-717845


The aim of this study was to trace the inclusion of animal meals in layer diets by analyzing eggs and their fractions (yolk and albumen) using the technique of carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Two-hundred and eighty-eight (288) 73-week-old Shaver White layers, never fed animal ingredients, were randomly distributed in six treatments with six replicates each. The treatments were: control - corn and soybean meal based diet and five other experimental diets including bovine meat and bone meal (MBM); poultry offal meal (POM); feather meal (FM); feather meal and poultry offal meal (OFM), and poultry offal meal, feather meal, and meat and bone meal (MBOFM). The isotopic results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance. Ellipses were determined through an error matrix (95% confidence) to identify differences between treatments and the control group. In the albumen and yolk of all experimental treatments were significantly different from the control diet (p 0.05). In summary, the stable isotope technique is able to trace the animal meals included in layer feeds in the final product under these experimental conditions.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489804


Studies on the detection of animal by-products in poultry meat are rare, and non-existent on quail meat. This study aimed at detectiong increasing levels of poultry offal meal (POM) in quail meat, using carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) stable isotopes technique. Sixty four on-day-old male quails derived from a commercial farm were randomly distributed into seven different groups, which were fed experimental diets containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 15% of POM. Diets were formulated to contain equal energy, protein, and amino acid levels. Four individuals per treatment were sacrificed at 42 days of age for breast muscle (Pectoralis major), keel, and tibia collection, which were subsequently submitted to analyses. Isotopic 13C and 15N enrichment was observed in all analyzed tissues, with the lowest detection level of 3% dietary inclusion of poultry offal meal.