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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 14-28, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562965


A Homeopatia é um sistema terapêutico baseado no princípio da similitude. A experimentação sistemática de substâncias em pessoas sadias permite conhecer os sintomas que elas provocam (patogenesia). A reunião de diferentes patogenesias forma as Matérias Médicas, dentre as quais destaca-se como referência até hoje The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, de Constantine Hering. Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância da experimentação atual de um medicamento homeopático (Agaricus muscarius) com os dados constantes em Matéria Médica de referência. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma experimentação patogenética breve no formato de um ensaio randomizado duplo- -cego, placebo-controlado com cross-over. Foi experimentado o medicamento Agaricus muscarius na dinamização 30 CH. A experimentação teve duração de 8 semanas. Os sintomas foram classificados, graduados e ordenados para análise estatística. Foram utilizados os testes de Kolgomorov- Smirnov para normalidade dos dados e t de Student e ANOVA para comparação entre grupos. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Resultados: Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os escores de correspondência de sintomas dos participantes com a Matéria Médica quando usaram medicamento e quando usaram placebo. Mais da metade dos sintomas teve um grau moderado a alto de correspondência com a Matéria Médica (59,4%) e um grau elevado de associação com o uso do medicamento (53,1%). Conclusão: A reexperimentação de Agaricus muscarius produziu sintomas em sua maioria correspondentes àqueles registrados em Matéria Médica de referência e com alto grau de associação ao uso do medicamento.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system based on the similitude principle, Systematic substance experimentation in healthy subjects allows knowing the symptoms they cause (pathogenesis). The assemblage of various pathogeneses yields homeopathic therapeutic compendia called Materia Medica, among which The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, by Constantine Hering, remains an important reference. Objective: Evaluate the concordance between the present experimentation of a homeopathic medicine (Agaricus muscarius) and the data from a referential Materia Medica. Methods: A brief pathogenetic experimentation was performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo- -controlled cross-over trial. The medicine Agaricus muscarius was experimented as 30 CH dynamization. The experimentation lasted for 8 weeks. Symptoms were classified, graded and ordered for statistical analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for data normality and t-Student test and ANOVA for between-group comparison. The research was approved by the Human Beings Research Ethics Committee from the Foundation Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Results: No significant differences in symptom correspondence scores were noted when participants were administered remedy vs placebo. More than half of experimentation pathogenesis symptoms had a moderate to high correspondence degree to the Materia Medica (59,4%) and a high association degree to the use of remedy (53,1%). Conclusion: Reexperimentation of Agaricus muscarius has produced symptoms mostly correspondent

Humans , Female , Adult , Agaricus muscarius/adverse effects , Experiment of Substances , Homeopathic Materia Medica
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 36-43, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562971


O inconsciente coletivo é um conceito formulado por Carl G. Jung que consiste de um nível de consciência primordial, compartilhado pelos membros de comunidade no âmbito familiar, racial, social, grupal, etc. e mediado por reações humanas instintivas ancestrais que não se baseiam na experiência individual. A assim chamada Ressonância Mórfica, elaborada por Rupert Sheldrake, amplia o conceito de inconsciente coletivo, pois opera em todo o universo, envolvendo elementos de todos os reinos da natureza. Representa uma memória coletiva auto-organizada influenciada por padrões semelhantes do passado. Poderíamos inferir que a totalidade de sintomas de uma patogenesia de uma substância é também um conjunto de símbolos e arquétipos. Cada substância está ligada aos seus ancestrais de uma mesma família botânica ou animal, como também ligada à formação geológica do nosso planeta. De forma semelhante, existe uma consciência de grupo que influencia todos os membros do sistema familiar. A verdadeira individualidade psíquica da criança é uma combinação de fatores coletivos, pois não apenas o corpo da criança, mas também sua alma, provém da série dos antepassados, no sentido de que ela não pode ser distinguida individualmente da alma coletiva da humanidade. Por estar espalhada por toda a parte na alma coletiva, a criança pequena "percebe" não apenas os condicionamentos mais profundos dos pais, mas também, em um âmbito mais extenso, o bem e o mal existentes nas profundezas da alma humana. Todos nós somos influenciados pelas dinâmicas sistêmicas do mundo que nos cerca. A tendência é repetir inconscientemente os problemas do passado e levá-los adiante. Desta forma, a noção de individualidade é relativizada. Ao estudarmos os medicamentos agregando-os por algum tipo de analogia para formar grupos ou famílias seja de origem mineral, vegetal ou animal, o conjunto de características, temas, arquétipos, sensações, sintomas comuns, etc. de um determinado grupo forma um campo mórfico no espaço-tempo, a qual os pacientes por ressonância ou similitude se ligam inconscientemente. O campo eletromagnético de cada indivíduo, mediado pelos seus sistemas de crenças e campos mórficos familiares, liga-se aos campos informacionais dos mitos, dos arquétipos e do inconsciente coletivo humano similares, podendo levar ao adoecimento.

The collective unconscious is a concept formulated by Carl G. Jung that consists of a primordial level of consciousness, shared by community members in the family, racial, social, group, etc. spheres and mediated by ancestral instinctive human reactions that are not based on individual experience. The so-called Morphic Resonance, elaborated by Rupert Sheldrake, expands the concept of the collective unconscious, as it operates throughout the universe, involving elements from all kingdoms of nature. It represents a self-organizing collective memory influenced by similar patterns from the past. We could infer that the totality of symptoms of a pathogenesis of a substance is also a set of symbols and archetypes. Each substance is linked to its ancestors from the same botanical or animal family, as well as linked to the geological formation of our planet. Similarly, there is a group consciousness that influences all members of the family system. The true psychic individuality of the child is a combination of collective factors, for not only the child's body, but also his soul, comes from the series of ancestors, in the sense that it cannot be distinguished individually from the collective soul of humanity. Because it is scattered everywhere in the collective soul, the young child "perceives" not only the deeper conditionings of the parents, but also, in a wider scope, the good and evil existing in the depths of the human soul. We are all influenced by the systemic dynamics of the world around us. The tendency is to unconsciously repeat the problems of the past and carry them forward. In this way, the notion of individuality is relativized. When we study medicines by aggregating them by some kind of analogy to form groups or families, whether of mineral, vegetable or animal origin, the set of characteristics, themes, archetypes, sensations, common symptoms, etc. of a given group forms a morphic field in space-time, to which patients by resonance or similarity unconsciously attach themselves. Each individual's electromagnetic field, mediated by their belief systems and familiar morphic fields, is linked to the informational fields of similar myths, archetypes, and the human collective unconscious, and can lead to illness.

Biotypology , Vital Force , Principle of Similarity , Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 129-136, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1416731


La valoración crítica de la seguridad de los medicamentos homeopáticos se ha desarrollado recientemente. Esta cuestión es relevante para la toma de decisiones de los médicos, pacientes y dependencias regulatorias de fármacos. A pesar de la aparente inverosimilitud de la acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos debido a los procesos farmacotécnicos de la dilución y agitación empleados para su preparación, existen reportes en la literatura médica convencional sobre la toxicidad de los medicamentos homeopáticos, incluyendo eventos que aparentemente ponen en riesgo la vida. Las revisiones sistemáticas de estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados muestran que los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan más efectos adversos que el placebo, aunque leves y transitorios. El establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo en línea para la recolección de datos sobre los efectos adversos de los medicamentos homeopáticos, herbolarios o convencionales, es relevante para una evaluación no sesgada de la información reunida a partir de los consumidores y proveedores de atención médica.

Critical appraisal of the safety of homeopathic medicines developed recently. This matter is relevant for decision making by doctors, patients and drug regulatory agencies. Despite the apparent implausibility of the action of homeopathic medicines due to the pharmacotechnical processes of dilution and agitation used for their preparation, there are reports in the conventional medical literature on the toxicity of homeopathic medicines, including apparently life-threatening events. Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials show that homeopathic medicines cause more adverse effects than placebo, albeit mild and transient. Establishing an online monitoring terapéusystem for collection of data on the adverse effects of homeopathic, herbal or conventional medicines is relevant for non-biased assessment of the information gathered from consumers and health care providers.

Homeopathic Remedy , Symptomatology , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Brazil
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 129-136, feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1416729


La valoración crítica de la seguridad de los medicamentos homeopáticos se ha desarrollado recientemente. Esta cuestión es relevante para la toma de decisiones de los médicos, pacientes y dependencias regulatorias de fármacos. A pesar de la aparente inverosimilitud de la acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos debido a los procesos farmacotécnicos de la dilución y agitación empleados para su preparación, existen reportes en la literatura médica convencional sobre la toxicidad de los medicamentos homeopáticos, incluyendo eventos que aparentemente ponen en riesgo la vida. Las revisiones sistemáticas de estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados muestran que los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan más efectos adversos que el placebo, aunque leves y transitorios. El establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo en línea para la recolección de datos sobre los efectos adversos de los medicamentos homeopáticos, herbolarios o convencionales, es relevante para una evaluación no sesgada de la información reunida a partir de los consumidores y proveedores de atención médica.

Critical appraisal of the safety of homeopathic medicines developed recently. This matter is relevant for decision making by doctors, patients and drug regulatory agencies. Despite the apparent implausibility of the action of homeopathic medicines due to the pharmacotechnical processes of dilution and agitation used for their preparation, there are reports in the conventional medical literature on the toxicity of homeopathic medicines, including apparently life-threatening events. Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials show that homeopathic medicines cause more adverse effects than placebo, albeit mild and transient. Establishing an online monitoring terapéusystem for collection of data on the adverse effects of homeopathic, herbal or conventional medicines is relevant for non-biased assessment of the information gathered from consumers and health care providers.

/drug effects , Homeopathic Remedy , Patient Safety
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 34-67, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1416730


La homeopatía emplea el denominado 'principio de similares' como método terapéutico ­ el cual consiste en administrar medicamentos que provocan ciertos síntomas en individuos sanos para tratar síntomas similares en individuos enfermos (similia similibus curantur) - para inducir una reacción curativa secundaria del cuerpo en contra de sus propios trastornos. Esta reacción secundaria (vital, homeostática o paradójica) del cuerpo se basa en el 'efecto de rebote' de los fármacos modernos, un tipo de evento adverso que se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos prescritos según el 'principio de los contrarios' (contraria contrariis curantur). Objetivo: La presente revisión ha buscado justificar científicamente el principio de curación homeopática frente a la farmacología clínica y experimental a través de un estudio sistemático del efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos o reacción paradójica del cuerpo. Métodos: Empleando como referencia estudios y revisiones sobre el tema publicados a partir de 1998, actualizamos los datos añadiendo estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: El efecto de rebote se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos con acción contraria a los síntomas de las enfermedades, exacerbándolos a niveles superiores a aquellos previos al tratamiento. Independientemente de la enfermedad, fármaco, dosis y duración del tratamiento, el fenómeno del rebote se manifiesta en una pequeña proporción de los individuos susceptibles. Siguiendo las premisas homeopáticas, los fármacos modernos también podrían usarse según el principio de la similitud terapéutica, empleando entonces el efecto de rebote (reacción paradójica) con propósito curativo. Conclusiones: Evidenciado por cientos de estudios que constatan la similitud de conceptos y manifestaciones, el efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos justifica científicamente el principio de la cura homeopática. Aunque el fenómeno de rebote es un evento adverso estudiado por la farmacología moderna, no es conocido por los profesionales de la atención médica, lo cual priva a los médicos de un conocimiento indispensable para el manejo seguro de los fármacos.

Homeopathy employs the so-called 'principle of similars' as therapeutic method - which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur) - to induce a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the 'rebound effect' of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the 'principle of contraries' (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference studies and revisions on the subject published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with action contrary to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals. Following the homeopathic premises, modern drugs might also be used according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, thus employing the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) with curative intent. Conclusions: Evidenced by hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by health care professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for safe management of drugs.

Pharmacodynamics of Homeopathic Remedy , /statistics & numerical data , Rebound Effect , Rebound Effect
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 74-76, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1425556


A homeopatia revolucionou os meios terapêuticos por ser um medicamento diluído em pequeníssimas doses, que tem como objetivo curar os sintomas de uma pessoa doente ao utilizar uma substância que tenha provocado esses mesmos sintomas em uma pessoa sadia. O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a disponibilidade no Sistema de Único de Saúde (SUS) no Estado de São Paulo, de medicamentos homeopáticos para a população. A metodologia utilizada foi quantitativa. A partir dos dados do DATASUS, foram selecionados os municípios que dispunham da intserção de PICs, e aqueles que atendiam a esse critério, foram contatados para confirmação do oferecimento de medicamentos homeopáticos pelo SUS. Os meios de contato utilizados foram e-mails, telefonemas e mensagens por redes sociais. Os resultados observados mostram que houve um declínio de 88,04 % na dispensação de medicamentos homeopáticos para a população desses municípios em relação ao ano de 2007. Esse declínio exorbitante deve-se a diversos fatores, como: preconceito com medicamentos homeopáticos, falta de profissionais qualificados na rede pública de saúde.

Homeopathy has revolutionized therapeutic means by being diluted in tiny doses that aimes to cure the symptoms of a sick person by using a substance that provoked the same symptoms in a healthy person. This article, has the goal to analyze the availability in the Health Single System (SUS) in the state of São Paul, of homeopathic medicines for the population. The methodology used was quantitative. Counties that had Integrative and Complementary Practices were select from DATASUS data and the counties that meet the criteria were contacted by e-mail, phonecalls and social media messages. The results showed a 88,04% decline in drug dispensing in relation to the year 2007. This exorbitant decline happened to a lot of factors, like prejudice with homeopathic medicines, lack of qualified professionals in public health.

Unified Health System , Homeopathic Remedy , National Drug Policy , Brazil
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 123-128, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1416733


La eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento homeopático fueron investigadas en niños con amigdalitis recurrente para la que se indicaba cirugía. Métodos: Estudio clínico prospectivo, aleatorizado, doble ciego, que incluyó 40 niños de entre 3 y 7 años de edad; 20 niños fueron tratados con medicación homeopática y otros 20 niños, con placebo. El seguimiento fue de 4 meses por niño. La evaluación de los resultados fue clínica mediante un cuestionario estándar y examen clínico el primer y último día de tratamiento. La amigdalitis recurrente se definió como ocurrencia de 5 a 7 episodios de amigdalitis bacteriana aguda al año. Resultados: Del grupo de 18 niños que completó el tratamiento homeopático, 14 no presentó episodio alguno de amigdalitis bacteriana aguda; del grupo de 15 niños que recibió placebo, 5 pacientes no presentaron amigdalitis. Esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,015). Ninguno de los pacientes presentó efectos secundarios. Conclusiones: El tratamiento homeopático fue efectivo en niños con amigdalitis recurrente, en comparación con el placebo; a 14 niños (78%) ya no se les indicó cirugía. El tratamiento homeopático no se asoció con eventos adversos.

The efficacy and safety of homeopathic treatment was investigated on children with recurrent tonsillitis justifying surgery. Methods: Prospective, randomized,double-blind clinical trial that included 40 children between ages of 3 to 7 years old;20 children were treated with homeopathic medication and 20 children with placebo. Follow up was 4 months per child. Assessment of results was clinical by means of a standard questionnaire and clinical examination on the first and last day of treatment.Recurrent tonsillitis was defined as 5 to 7 episodes of bacterial acute tonsillitis per year. Results: From the group of 18 children who completed homeopathic treatment, 14 did not present any episode of acute bacterial tonsillitis; from the group of 15 children whoreceived placebo 5 patients did not present tonsillitis; this difference was statistically significant (p= 0,015). None of the patient exhibited side effects. Conclusions: Homeopathic treatment was effective in children with recurrent tonsillitis compared to placebo, 14 children (78%) were no longer indicated surgery. Homeopathic treatment was not associated with adverse events.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Tonsillitis/drug therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Double-Blind Method
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 49-54, 2023. ilus.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519115


A Homeopatia é uma ciência fundamentada na observação dos fenômenos naturais. Segundo Hahnemann, a cura homeopática é aquela que acontece de acordo com as leis naturais, sendo uma delas a lei dos semelhantes, já descrita por muitos médicos desde a antiguidade, inclusive Hipócrates. Quando são seguidos os princípios estipulados por Hahnemann, considerando a totalidade sintomática, incluindo a escolha do medicamento, sua potência, dose e frequência de administração, o tratamento homeopático torna-se eficaz tanto em casos crônicos quanto nos agudos, "sendo capaz de aniquilar a doença sem produzir novos e sérios distúrbios". Este estudo tem como objetivo exemplificar como, seguindo os princípios estipulados, a Homeopatia pode ser eficaz no tratamento de um quadro agudo que não obteve sucesso com a terapêutica alopática convencional. Trata-se de um relato de caso de paciente de 64 anos, sem doença prévia instalada, com ferimento corto- -contuso em mão esquerda após queda da própria altura, mantendo sinais flogísticos e ausência de cicatrização 13 dias após a realização da sutura e de fazer uso regular de antibiótico e anti-inflamatório prescritos. Após a avaliação da totalidade sintomática, foi prescrito Belladonna 6cH, administrada pelo método plus, resultando em alívio imediato dos sintomas e cura total em 5 dias. Realizando com cautela o diagnóstico homeopático e a partir disso elegendo o medicamento mais similar ao caso, com potência, dose e frequência de administração adequadas, é possível obter resultados eficazes com o tratamento homeopático, sempre considerando a constituição do indivíduo.

Homeopathy is a science based on the observation of phenomena natural. According to Hahnemann, homeopathic cure is one that happens according to natural laws, one of which is the law of similars, already described by many doctors since ancient times, including Hippocrates. When the principles stipulated by Hahnemann, considering the symptomatic totality, including the choice of the medicine, its potency, dose and frequency of administration, the Homeopathic treatment becomes effective in both chronic and in acute cases, "being capable of annihilating the disease without producing new and serious disturbances." This study aims to exemplify how, following the stipulated principles, Homeopathy can be effective in treatment of an acute condition that has not been successful with therapy conventional allopathic. This is a patient case report 64 years old, with no previous illness, with a cut wound-bruise in the left hand after falling from a height, maintaining phlogistic signs and lack of healing 13 days after the procedure suture and regular use of prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. After evaluating the totality of symptoms, Belladonna was prescribed 6cH, administered by the plus method, resulting in immediate relief of symptoms and complete cure in 5 days. Carrying out the diagnosis with caution homeopathic and from there choosing the medicine most similar to the case, with adequate potency, dose and frequency of administration, it is possible to obtain effective results with homeopathic treatment, always considering the constitution of the individual.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Contusions/therapy , Atropa belladonna
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 77-83, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1426375


No dia 31 de dezembro de 2019, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) recebeu a primeira comunicação sobre um surto de pneumonia ocorrido na cidade de Wuhan, onde o agente causador foi determinado como um novo coronavírus. No Brasil, o primeiro caso foi registrado em 26 de fevereiro de 2020 e após 21 dias foi anunciado pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde da Paraíba o primeiro caso de COVID-19 nesse estado. Uma das opções utilizadas pela população para a chamada prevenção contra a COVID-19 foi o uso de medicamentos homeopáticos. Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar os medicamentos homeopáticos mais vendidos em farmácias homeopáticas do município de João Pessoa no período de janeiro a setembro de 2020. Para coleta dos dados foi realizada uma entrevista com os proprietários das farmácias homeopáticas que responderam a um questionário previamente elaborado. O estudo evidenciou um aumento expressivo na venda de medicamentos homeopáticos a partir do mês de março de 2020 nas farmácias pesquisadas. Os medicamentos mais comercializados por ordem de frequência foram: Camphora, Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Oscilococcinum, Influenzinum, Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo vegetabilis e Aviarium. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem que o fluxo de incidência de Oscilococcinum e Influenzinum foi maior nos meses iniciais da Pandemia, provavelmente, relacionado a sua indicação como preventivo, assim como o aumento expressivo de Camphora e Arsenicum álbum nos meses de abril, maio e junho de 2020, reflete a indicação desses medicamentos não apenas como preventivo, mas também nos casos da doença já instalada.

On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) received the first communication about a pneumonia outbreak in the city of Wuhan, which was caused by a new coronavirus. In Brazil, the first case was registered in February 26, 2020, and after 21 days the State Health Department of Paraíba announced the first case of COVID-19 in this state. One of the options used by the population to what was considered prevention against the COVID-19 was the homeopathic medicines. This research aimed to identify the best-selling homeopathic medicines in homeopathic drugstores in the municipality of João Pessoa, in the period from January to September 2020. The data was collected in an interview with the owners of the homeopathic drugstores, which answered to a previously designed questionnaire. The study evidenced an expressive enhance in the selling of homeopathic medicines starting from March 2020 in the research drugstores. The most commercialized medicines, in order of frequency, were: Camphora, Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Oscilococcinum, Influenzinum, Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo vegetabilis and Aviarium. The data found in this study suggest that the incidence flow of Oscilococcinum and Influenzinum was higher in the initial months of the Pandemic, probably, because of their indication as a preventive, and the expressive enhance of Camphora and Arsenicum álbum in the months of April, May and June, 2020 reflect the indication of these medicines not only as preventive, but also in the cases that the illness is confirmed.

Humans , Homeopathic Pharmacies , Homeopathic Remedy , Pharmaceutical Trade , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Camphora/therapeutic use , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 88-100, feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1416732


Entre los supuestos no convencionales de la homeopatía, el uso de medicamentos en diluciones altas (HD, por sus siglas en inglés) es una causa de objeciones y escepticismo entre la comunidad científica, formada dentro del paradigma de la dependencia de la dosis de la farmacología clásica. La investigación que busca evidenciar los efectos de las HD homeopáticas recurre a varios modelos experimentales (in vitro, plantas y animales). Objetivo: Describir los resultados de estudios con alta calidad metodológica que han demostrado los efectos positivos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas. Métodos: Tomando como fuente de referencia las revisiones publicadas hasta 2015, actualizamos la información añadiendo datos de estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: De los 167 estudios experimentales analizados, 48 cumplieron los criterios mínimos de calidad metodológica, de los cuales 29 detectaron efectos específicos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas mediante la comparación con controles adecuados. Conclusiones: A pesar de que la mayor parte de los experimentos presentaba una calidad metodológica por debajo del estándar, los estudios que emplearon sistemáticamente reproducibilidad y controles negativos demostraron indiscutibles efectos significativos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas.

Among the non-conventional assumptions of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions (HD) is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classic pharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic HD has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, plants and animals). Aim: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positive effects of homeopathic HD on plants. Methods: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through addition of data from recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: From 167 experimental studies analyzed, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison to adequate controls. Conclusions: Despite the substandard methodological quality of most experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant indisputable effects of homeopathic HD on plants.

Plants/drug effects , Dynamization , Homeopathic Remedy
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 71-73, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1425555


Hemoparasitoses constituem-se de enfermidades cosmopolitas que são causadas por parasitos intracelulares obrigatórios de células sanguínea. Os mais frequentemente encontrados nos cães são a babesiose, erliquiose e anaplasmose. O tratamento consiste no uso de antibiótico do grupo das tetraciclinas, sendo a doxiciclina o medicamento mais indicado. O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever o tratamento homeopático em um cão da raça shih-tzu, senil (8 anos de idade), cardiopata com trombocitopenia discreta secundário a hemoparasitose ­ ehrlichiose. O medicamento homeopático repertorizado foi Phosphorus 30 cH 3 glóbulos 2x ao dia por 3 dias. Foi administrado também a Calcarea Carbonica 6 cH 3 glóbulos 2x ao dia por 7 dias. Tal sucesso terapêutico foi atingido em 3 dias de tratamento, com melhora laboratorial da trombocitopenia e do quadro de dispnéia. Este estudo contribui com pesquisas existentes a caráter de novos tratamentos para a ehrlichiose canina.

Hemoparasitoses are cosmopolitan diseases that are caused by obligate intracellular parasites of blood cells. The most frequently found in dogs are babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. Treatment consists of the use of antibiotics from the tetracycline group, with doxycycline being the most indicated medication. The objective of this case report is to describe the homeopathic treatment in a dog of the shih-tzu breed, senile (8 years old), heart disease with mild thrombocytopenia secondary to hemoparasitosis - ehrlichiosis. The repertorized homeopathic medicine was Phosphorus 30 cH 3 globules 2x a day for 3 days. Calcarea Carbonica 6 cH 3 globules was also administered twice a day for 7 days. Such therapeutic success was achieved in 3 days of treatment, with laboratory improvement of thrombocytopenia and dyspnea. This study contributes to existing research on new treatments for canine ehrlichiosis.

Animals , Dogs , Thrombocytopenia/complications , Epidemic Gender , Homeopathic Remedy , Ehrlichiosis/complications , Phosphorus/therapeutic use
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 62-64, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1519121


A Homeopatia é uma das ciências médicas complementares mais utilizadas para pacientes com Câncer, sendo também utilizada durante o tratamento de crianças com a referida moléstia, havendo relato e debate de seu uso na literatura médica. Visando construir o conhecimento e dividir experiências, relatamos seis casos de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, para os quais realizamos tratamento homeopático, em nossa experiência na cidade de São Paulo. Além da diversidade de sexos e idade, os casos apresentam diagnósticos oncológicos diferentes, bem como momentos diferentes no tratamento, sendo curativo ou paliativo, e os medicamentos homeopáticos, baseados tanto na totalidade sintomática característica quanto no modo reacional para cada indivíduo, puderam ser utilizados para todos com satisfação de famílias e pacientes, mesmo quando o desfecho letal foi a via final no estado paliativo. Assim, a Homeopatia pode também ser prescrita para os casos oncológicos infantis como terapia complementar ao tratamento convencional, sendo a pesquisa neste campo vasta e possível.

Homeopathy is one of the most used complementary medical sciences for cancer patients, and is also used duringtreatment of children with the aforementioned disease, with reports and debate of its use in medical literature. Aiming to build knowledge and sharing experiences, we report six cases of children and adolescents with cancer, for which we carry out homeopathic treatment, in our experience in the city of São Paulo. In addition to the diversity of sexes and age, the cases present different oncological diagnoses, as well as as different moments in the treatment, being curative or palliative, and homeopathic medicines, based both on symptomatic totality characteristic and in the reactional mode for each individual, could be used for everyone with the satisfaction of families and patients, even when the lethal outcome was the final route in the palliative state. Therefore, Homeopathy can also be prescribed for oncological cases children as complementary therapy to conventional treatment, research in this field is vast and possible.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Homeopathic Remedy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Neoplasms/therapy , Opium , Phosphorus , Bone Marrow , Arsenicum Album , Lapis Albus , Silicea Terra , Stannum Metallicum , Thuya occidentalis , Arnica , Conium , Cadmium Sulphuratum , Aconitum
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 112-122, feb. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy), MTYCI | ID: biblio-1416736


Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del estrógeno potenciado en comparación con el placebo en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis (EAPP, por sus siglas en inglés). Diseño del estudio: El presente fue un estudio clínico aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas, el cual incluyó a 50 mujeres de entre 18 y 45 años de edad con diagnóstico de endometriosis infiltrante profunda con base en ultrasonido transvaginal o imágenes de resonancia magnética después de preparación intestinal, así como puntaje ≥ 5 en una escala visual analógica (VAS: rango de 0 a 10 puntos) para el dolor pélvico asociado con la endometriosis. Se administró estrógeno potenciado (12cH, 18cH y 24cH) o placebo dos veces al día por vía oral. La medida principal de resultado fue el cambio en la severidad de los puntajes parcial y global de EAPP (VAS) de la línea basal a la semana 24, determinada como la diferencia en el puntaje medio de cinco modalidades de dolor pélvico crónico (dismenorrea, dispareunia profunda, dolor pélvico no cíclico, dolor intestinal cíclico y/o dolor urinario cíclico). Las medidas secundarias de resultado fueron la diferencia media de puntaje para la calidad de vida evaluada con el Cuestionario de Salud SF-36, los síntomas de depresión en el Inventario de la Depresión de Beck (BDI) y los síntomas de ansiedad en el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI). Resultados: El puntaje global de EAPP (VAS: rango de 0 a 50 puntos) se redujo en 12.82 (p < 0.001) en el grupo tratado con estrógeno potenciado de la línea basal a la semana 24. El grupo que utilizó estrógeno potenciado también presentó una reducción en el puntaje parcial (VAS: rango de 0 a 10 puntos) en tres modalidades de EAPP: dismenorrea (3.28; p < 0.001), dolor pélvico no cíclico (2.71; p = 0.009) y dolor intestinal cíclico (3.40; p < 0.001). El grupo de placebo no mostró cambio significativo alguno en los puntajes global o parcial de EAPP. Además, el grupo de estrógeno potenciado mostró un mejoramiento significativo en tres de ocho ámbitos de SF-36 (dolor de cuerpo, vitalidad y salud mental) y síntomas de depresión (BDI). El grupo de placebo no mostró un mejoramiento significativo a este respecto. Estos resultados demuestran la superioridad del estrógeno potenciado sobre el placebo. Se asociaron pocos eventos adversos con el estrógeno potenciado. Conclusiones: El estrógeno potenciado (12cH, 18cH y 24cH) en dosis de 3 gotas dos veces al día durante 24 semanas fue significativamente más efectivo que el placebo para reducir el dolor pélvico asociado con la endometriosis. Registro del estudio clínico: Identificador:

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of potentized estrogen compared to placebo in homeopathic treatment of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain (EAPP). Study design: The present was a 24-week, randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled trial that included 50 women aged 18-45 years old with diagnosis of deeply infiltrating endometriosis based on magnetic resonance imaging or transvaginal ultrasound after bowel preparation, and score ≥ 5 on a visual analogue scale (VAS: range 0 to 10 points) for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) or placebo was administered twice daily per oral route. The primary outcome measure was change in the severity of EAPP global and partial scores (VAS) from baseline to week 24, determined as the difference in the mean score of five modalities of chronic pelvic pain (dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, non-cyclic pelvic pain, cyclic bowel pain and/or cyclic urinary pain). The secondary outcome measures were mean score difference for quality of life assessed with SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire, depression symptoms on Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and anxiety symptoms on Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results: The EAPP global score (VAS: range 0 to 50 points) decreased by 12.82 (p < 0.001) in the group treated with potentized estrogen from baseline to week 24. Group that used potentized estrogen also exhibited partial score (VAS: range 0 to 10 points) reduction in three EAPP modalities: dysmenorrhea (3.28; p < 0.001), non-cyclic pelvic pain (2.71; p = 0.009), and cyclic bowel pain (3.40; p < 0.001). Placebo group did not show any significant changes in EAPP global or partial scores. In addition, the potentized estrogen group showed significant improvement in three of eight SF-36 domains (bodily pain, vitality and mental health) and depression symptoms (BDI). Placebo group showed no significant improvement in this regard. These results demonstrate superiority of potentized estrogen over placebo. Few adverse events were associated with potentized estrogen. Conclusions: Potentized estrogen (12cH, 18cH and 24cH) at a dose of 3 drops twice daily for 24 weeks was significantly more effective than placebo for reducing endometriosis-associated pelvic pain.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Pelvic Pain/therapy , Endometriosis/complications , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Placebos , Double-Blind Method
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 34-35, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396469


Homeopathic ultra-diluted solutions surpass the threshold of matter dispersion and, consequently, their chemical constitution is similar to inert solvent. Nevertheless, randomized clinical trials have shown that the clinical effects of these homeopathic medicines are superior to placebo1. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is one of the most promising techniques to detect physicochemical alterations induced by homeopathic procedures2,3. Aims: To investigate T2 NMR relaxation times of Zincum metallicumand lactose dynamized samples. Methodology: Zincum metallicumsamples were ground until 6dH using lactose as an excipient. Subsequently, these samples were dynamized with ultrapure water to produce 8dH, 9dH, 10dH,and 11dH. Lactose dynamized samples (6dH-11dH) were used as control. Aliquots of 540µl of each sample were diluted with 60µl of deuterated water (D2O) in 5mm tubes. The analyses were carried out in Bruker Ascend TM 500MHZ spectrometer at 288 K. Results and discussion: The Zincum metallicumand lactose T2 relaxation times were very similar, except for Zincum metallicum8dH, which presented a value of 1.226 in comparison to 1.036 of lactose 8dH. The following T2 values were registered: 1.287 -9dH; 1.413 -10dH; 1.467 -11dH, and 1.303 -9dH; 1.400 ­10dH; 1.350 -11dH, for Zincum metallicumand lactose, respectively. The differences detected in 8dH samples are probably due to the presence of lactose in the first dilution step, in which 1 part of the 6dH triturated mixture was diluted in 9 parts of water, to prepare 7dH. Following this homeopathic procedure, 8dH solutions remain around 1% of lactose which could be influenced by the T2 values registered.Conclusion: These preliminary results showed the possibility to apply the NMR technique to evaluate the influence of dynamization in the relaxation parameters. Further studies should be carried out with other potencies and/or other homeopathic substances, in addition to the evaluation of T1 and the T1/T2 parameters, as previously described by other groups.

Preparation Scales , Zincum Metallicum/analysis , Homeopathic Remedy , Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 21-21, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396569


The purpose of this trial was to assess the influence of homeopathy products on the diet of quails based on egg quality when submitted to different storage periods. Methodology: Two hundred, 45 day old Japanese quails and 80% of production were used, in a completely randomized design comprised of a 4x3 factorial, and 4 diets (basal feed, inert vehicle and 2 homeopathic products: Fertsigo® (Sulphur10 CH, Sepia 15CH ) and Ovosigo® (Belladonna 12CH,Silicea 12 CH, Natrum mur. 30CH, Calcarea phos. 30CH, Sulphur 12CH) and 3 storage periods (0 days, 7 days and 14 days) with ten repetitions of three eggs per treatment. The weight, percentages of yoke, albumen and shell, albumen height and yolk color, specific gravity, Haugh unit, yolk index and shell thickness were evaluated. The data were submitted to variance analysis to verify whether there was a interaction effect between homeopathy factors and storage time, and when absent, the isolated effects. Results: An interaction between the homeopathic products and time was found for the parameters of albumen height and yolk, Haugh unit and yolk index, which reduced over time. For egg weight, yolk, albumen and shell, a significant effect (p<0.05) was found only in the case of homeopathy for the percentages of albumen and shell. For egg and albumen weights, yolk and albumen percentages, specific gravity and colorimetry there was an effect for time, however these parameters reduced over the storage time in days. The addition of the homeopathic based products Ovosigo® and FertSigo® are indicated for the diets of Japanese quail during the laying phase since it resulted in better weights for the egg and its components. Conclusion: The different homeopathic products did not have an influence on conserving the quality of the Japanese quail eggs during the periods evaluated.

Quail , Homeopathic Remedy , Eggs , Food, Organic
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 18-26, June 20, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396375


High dilutions (HD) of drugs used in homeopathy are mostly too dilute to contain original drug molecules. But evidences support their specific biological and therapeutic effects. The reason behind this is thought to be water structure characteristic of the original drug. Spectroscopic studies indicate that the specific water structure in HDs can be resolved into free water molecules, hydrogen bonding strength of water hydroxyl, number of hydrogen bonds and clathrate hydrate crystals (CHC). HDs are prepared in EtOH water solution by serial dilution and mechanical agitation, and are called potencies. The objective of the present study is to further confirm the presence of CHCs in the two potencies of three drugs. Electronic spectra of the HDs of the potencies indicate two broad peaks and marked difference in intensities of absorption. Furior Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the test potencies and their control show difference in intensity shift and contour shape of OH stretching and bending bands. All the experimental data indicate the presence of CHCs in varying amounts in the test potencies.

Homeopathic Remedy , Chloral Hydrate , Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet , Static Electricity
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 28-28, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396557


Homeopathic preparations in low potencies, containing still measurable quantities of the starting substance, constitute a unique research field in homeopathic basic research. Here a series of experiments is presented carried out by means of the droplet evaporation method (DEM), investigating the specificity of the method, and presumed effects of the succussion procedure applied in the production of homeopathic preparations. Methods:DEM analysis consisted in the evaporation of droplets of the potencies perse placed on microscope slides. Resulting patterns were photographed. Images were evaluated by means of ImageJ software, by measuring grey level distribution, texture, and fractality. The experimentation consisted of four series: (i) screening (1x­6x potencies from 19 substances), (ii) differentiation experiments (2x­6x potencies of Echinacea, Baptisia, Luffa, and Spongia), (iii) differentiation between succussed (100 or 10 times) and unsuccussed samples (Echinacea 2x, Baptisia 3x, Baptisia 4x, Luffa 4x, and Spongia 6x). (iv) investigation of the influence upon the patterns of single compounds present in a remedy complex. The experimental set-up stability was examined by systematic positive control experiments. Results:(i) Homeopathic preparations of mineral origin showed the greatest form variety, whereas those of vegetal origin created fractal patterns in the potency range 2x­4x. (ii) Differentiation of potencies of different origin at the same dilution level was possible from 2x to 4x. (iii) In all potency levels, succussed (100 and 10 times) and unsuccussed variants could be significantly differentiated. Significant differences between all variants were found in some cases in potency levels 4x and higher. In general, application of succussion reduced size, homogeneity, and complexity of the DEM patterns. (iv) Patterns of a remedy complex Luffa 4x -Mercurius bijodatum 9x showed a clear predominance of the Luffa 4x; however also the second component, present in a much lower concentration, influenced significantly the pattern of the remedy complex as also differed significantly from the pattern of succussed water control. Conclusions:The results suggest that DEM is a suitable tool for scientific investigation of homeopathic preparations in the low potency range. DEM might be applied to assess further research questions, such different potentization procedures (vessel shape, overhead volume, material), storing time, and difference between batches.

Low Potencies , Crystallization , Lipid Droplets
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 4-4, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396607


Solvatochromic dyes are probes to detect variations on the dipole moment of solvents after the insertion of homeopathic potencies. Recent studies have shown they can be useful tools in laboratory and field studies to detect the activity of homeopathic remedies.Objective: Determine whether solvatochromic dyes can be a diagnostic tool for cells infected by different agents and/or markers to identify the activity of homeopathic medicines. Methods: Ethilicum1cH, Siliceaterra6, 30, 200cH; Zincummetallicum6, 30, 200cH and Phosphorus6, 30 and 200cH were analyzed by pouring the samples (in a 1:60 rate) into a series of seven dyes (rhodamine, ET 33, ET 30, coumarin 7, NN DMIA, Nile red, methylene violet) diluted in absolute ethanol using pre-established working concentrations. Oscillations of dye absorbance were observed at visible light spectrophotometry according to the remedy and potency. Water and succussed water were used as controls. In a second moment, the absorbance profile of the remedies will be compared with those of biological samples (supernatants) and checked with the biological effect previously obtained from each treatment.Supernatants of RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated by Calmette-Guérin bacilli (BCG) or infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculiwill be analyzed. Results: Preliminary results have shown that Siliceaterra6cH, Phosphorus30 and 200cH and Zincummetallicum6, 30 and 200cH reduced the absorbance of methylene violet (p=0.01). Repetitions and analysis of supernatants are expected to be performed in the next steps of the study. Future perspectives: Establish a pattern of reactivity of the studied medicines with different dyes and the putative relation with the corresponding supernatants, as an attempt to obtain a "physicochemical signature" for each kind of infection and/or treatment.

Biomarkers , Homeopathic Remedy , Coloring Agents
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 26-26, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396705


Drugs at high dilution (HD) produce therapeutic effect on man, animals and plants. Experimental evidence shows that free water molecules and hydrogen bond strength of OH groups constitute the physical basis of HDs which are otherwise devoid of original drug molecules. HDs are produced in aqueous EtOH by serial dilution of a substance with mechanical agitation or succussion in each step, and are called potencies. Three potencies 6 cH, 12 cH and 30 cH of two drugs Anacardium orientale and Natrum muriaticum(NaCl) and their mother tincture (MT) are used in this study. Electronic spectra of these MTs and potencies, all in 90% EtOH, were taken in the wavelength region of 190 nm ­350 nm. The objective is to find out any additional physical-chemical entities in potencies besides the aforesaid two factors. It was reported earlier that charge transfer (CT) interaction accompanies potentization of drugs. This study focused on the CT interaction. The results indicate that spectral pattern and absorbance intensities of the test samples vary from each other. Natm 6cH (absorbance 0.30 at 196.53nm), 12cH (abs. 0.06 at 196.53nm) and 30cH (abs. 1.32 at 196.5nm). Anac 6cH (abs. 0.33 at 203nm), 12cH (abs. 0.61 at 208nm) and 30cH (abs. 0.09 at 200.67nm). The spectrum of each potency shows two peaks. The 2nd peak at higher wave length belongs to CT interaction. Anac 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Insersections at 197.14nm with abs. 0.05, and 290nm with abs. 0.01. Anac 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Intersections at 196.93nm with abs. 0.06, and 273nm with abs. 0.00. Anac 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersections at 194.42nm with abs. -0.05, 238.03nm with abs. -0.01, 252.15nm with abs. -0.002, and 261nm with abs. 0.004. Natm 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Intersection at 199.44nm with Abs -0.11. Natm 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Instersection at 200.48nm with abs. -0.11. Natm 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersection at 204.24nm with abs. -0.08. Potentization involves CT interaction in consecutive potencies. Water and EtOH do not form a homogeneous mixture and have aggregates of EtOHand water molecules. CT interactions occur in these individual aggregates and are mostly inter molecular within EtOH or water. These aggregates vary from each other in the test samples. The spectra of test samples were analysed for margin of error (MOE). The MOE is very small (0.001-0.002%), and for this reason the difference between the spectra is significant. Besides that the intersection between consecutive spectra vary in number and position. It is concluded that water and EtOH aggregates and their relative distribution constitute additional physical-chemical basis of potencies.

Spectrophotometry , Preparation Scales , Homeopathic Remedy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 17-17, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex (homeopathy) | ID: biblio-1396575


Homeopathy is a therapy that uses medications prepared with infinitesimal and dynamized dilutions. Current studies demonstrate in vitro activity of homeopathy on gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureusand Streptococcus pyogenes. Among bacterial infections, urinary tract infection (UTI) is frequent, leads to later consequences and the main causal agent is Escherichia coli(E. coli). In other publications, it has been reported inactivity of homeopathy on E. colicultures. Due to the divergence in the literature, the objective of this study was to evaluate gram-negative bacteria growth under homeopathy treatment. Methods:The medicines Atropabelladona, Cantharis, Staphysagria,and Colibacillinumwere tested at 6CH, 12CH and 30CH inE. coliATCC 25922 and EPEC (Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli) ATCC 43887. Two hundred and fifty microliters of the medicines in alcohol 30% were incubated at 37ºC with 3 mL of Müller Hinton broth (MH), 10 µL of cultures at 0.5 Macfarland and subsequent dilution at 1/10. Bacterial growth was evaluated in a spectrophotometer at 600nm, in the periods of 6, 12,and 20 hours of incubation. Resultsand Discussion:The results showed no inhibition of bacterial growth under the studied conditions. These data corroborate with studies already published that indicate the absence of action of homeopathy on E. colicultures. Considering other studies, it can be suggested that homeopathic medicines have direct activity on the growth of Gram-positive and not Gram-negative bacteria. Evaluating the two bacterial groups, it is possible to assume that the difference in homeopathy activity could be linked to differences in the bacterial wall structure. This hypothesis should be evaluated by other tests with the same bacterialstrains. Conclusion:The homeopathic medicines tested have no direct activity on Gram-negative bacteria cultures.

Urinary Tract Infections/therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Escherichia coli