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Braz. j. oral sci ; 17: e18159, 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-970623


Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological profile for dental caries in primary school students in the public education system in Barcelos, as well as to verify its association with the visual acuity assessed. Methods: This is an observational and cross-sectional study of 1,102 students aged 6 to 17 registered in primary school in the public education system. The evaluation of dental caries complies with the method informed by the World Health Organization, on the school patio in natural light and were carried out by a previously calibrated team (Kappa inter-rater from 0.70 to 0.89). Visual acuity was assessed using the Snellen optometric scale. For the analysis, when the normality hypothesis was accepted by means of the Shapiro-Wilk test, average and standard deviation (SD) were calculated and the parametric tests t-student and Analysis of Variance ­ ANOVA ­ were applied. When the normality hypothesis was rejected Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Waliis non-parametric tests were applied. For the analysis of categorical variables, the Pearson chi-square test was applied. Results: 1,102 students took part in the tests, of whom 556 (50.5%) were male. The prevalence of dental caries found was 72.1% in students aged 6 to 11 and 65.7% in students aged 12 to 17. The study found an association between Visual Acuity (<0.8) and dental caries in students aged 6 to 11 (p=0.023), and between females and dental caries in students aged 12 to 17 (p=0.025). Conclusion: This study suggests the need for wider oral health coverage in the town of Barcelos in order to provide better access to children and adolescents to restoration treatments so as to prevent the worsening of oral health conditions. Health promotion actions for awareness and the prevention of dental caries must be created taking into account the risk factors found in Barcelos

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Perfil de Saúde , Acuidade Visual , Índice CPO , Cárie Dentária/epidemiologia , Promoção da Saúde , Estudantes
Full dent. sci ; 6(21): 103-111, dez. 2014. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: lil-750189


O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a rela‡Æo entre os m‚todos utilizados na obten‡Æo da cor dental e acuidade visual. O estudo foi realizado em 43 acadˆmicos do quinto ano do curso de Odontologia - UNOESC - Joa‡aba. Cada entrevistado avaliou a cor dental com o guia de cores Vita 3-D Master e com a escala Vitapan Cl ssica. Um aparelho espectrofot“metro (EasyShade©) foi utilizado como padrÆo para avaliar a escolha da cor pelos entrevistados. O resultado obtido foi avaliado antes e ap¢s os mesmos receberem um treinamento sobre sele‡Æo de cores. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos testes estat¡sticos Exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado, ao n¡vel de significƒncia de 5%. Utilizando-se a escala Vita 3D Master constatou-se que antes do treinamento 4,65% dos entrevistados apresentaram resultado coincidente com oEasyShadee ap¢s o treinamento 39,5% dos entrevistados mostraram coincidˆncia. O aumento da concordƒncia foi significativo (p <0,001). Com a utiliza‡Æo da escala Vitapan Cl ssica, antes do treinamento, 20,9% apresentaram coincidˆncia e ap¢s o treinamento 41,9% apresentaram coincidˆncia entre as escalas e o espectrofot“metro, sendo este resultado significativo (p = 0,037). Os resultados tamb‚m mostraram que seguindo a t‚cnica correta nÆo houve aumento do tempo gasto para sele‡Æo de cor e nem houveram diferen‡as significativas de resultado em rela‡Æo ao sexo masculino e feminino. Ao serem utilizadas de maneira correta, ambas as escalas apresentaram uma quantidade semelhante de acertos na escolha da cor.

The aim of the current study was to analyze the relation between the applied methods and visual acuity on the obtainment of the dental color. The study was carried out with 43 students from the fifth year of the Dentistry Course (UNOESC – Joa‡aba). Each one of them evaluated the dental color with the scale Vita 3-D and the scale Vitapan Cl ssica. A spectro photometer device (EasyShade©) was used as a pattern to evaluate the color chosen by the students. The obtained result was assessed before and after they received training on selection of colors. The obtained data were submitted to the Fisher’s exact test and Chi-square test, signification level of 5%. Using Vita 3D scale it was observed that, before training 4.65% of the students obtained results in accordance to EasyShade while after treatment this number increased to 39.5%. The increase of the accordance was significant (p <0.001). For Vitapan Classical Scale the results in line with EasyShade were of 20.9% before training and 41.9% after training, with significant difference (p = 0.037). The results also showed that using proper technique there was no increase in the time spent on color selection, nor significant differences regarding the gender of the patients. When properly used, both scales presented accuracy on the choice of the color.(au)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cor , Percepção de Cores , Satisfação do Paciente , Acuidade Visual , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Espectrofotometria