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Artigo em Es | Desastres | ID: des-16196


El primer estudio sobre desgasificación difusa de CO2 en el volcán Irazú se realizó en el 2001 con el objetivo de evaluar el origen y la distribución espacial del flujo difuso de CO2 así como la tasa de emisión de CO2 a la atmósfera. La mayor parte del área de estudio presentó valores de fondo para el flujo difuso de CO2 inferiores a los 20 g m-2 d-1. El mayor valor medido fue de 316 g m-2 d-1, que es relativamente inferior a los mayores valores medidos en otros sistemas volcánicos asentados en el mismo ambiente volcano-tectónico. Los mayores valores de flujo difuso de CO2 se detectaron en el borde NE del cráter Principal y al N del cráter Diego de La Haya. La firma isotópica del carbono en el CO2 de la atmósfera del suelo presentó un amplio rango de valores ? 13C-CO2, entre -65,3 y -19,8

, que sugiere una importante contribución biogénica para la emisión difusa de CO2 en el Irazú. La tasa de emisión difusa de CO2 para el área de estudio en el Irazú se estimó en 44 t d-1. El estudio de los gases fumarólicos mostró una relación 3He/4He característica de volcanes relacionados con zonas de subducción (6,6 RA), y que el 90

del CO2 emitido procede de la incorporación de sedimentos calcáreos en el proceso de subducción.(AU)

Vulcões , Dióxido de Carbono , Costa Rica , Vigilância em Desastres , Desgasificação
Artigo em Es | Desastres | ID: des-16198


En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre desgasificación difusa de CO2 y vapor de mercurio (Hg0) en el volcán Miravalles, así como una estimación conservativa de la tasa de emisión de CO2 a la atmósfera. Valores relativamente altos de flujo difuso de CO2 y concentración de vapor de Hg0 se han observado en el volcán Miravalles, llegándose a alcanzar valores del orden de los 24 kg m-2 d-1 y 25 ppbV, respectivamente. Los resultados reflejan la existencia de una buena correlación espacial entre las anomalías de flujo difuso de CO2, concentración de vapor de Hg0, y las relaciones isotópicas de carbono en el CO2 de la atmósfera del suelo, con las principales características volcano-estructurales de Miravalles. La cantidad de CO2 emitida de forma difusa a la atmósfera por el área de estudio es de 12700 t d-1. Estos resultados son muy útiles para mejorar el programa geoquímico destinado a la vigilancia volcánica de Miravalles.(AU)

Vulcões , Dióxido de Carbono , Mercúrio , Costa Rica , Vigilância em Desastres , Desgasificação
Nottingham; British Geological Survey; 1992. 30 p. ilus, mapas, Tab.(Overseas Geology Series). (Technical Report WC/92/68).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-2597
In. Duplessy, J.C; Pons, A; Fantechi, R. Environment and quality of life : Climate and global change : Proceeding. Luxembourg, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.159-96, ilus, mapas, tab. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5405


use of climate models to underfund and predict climate change is described, using examples from numerical studies of the effects f enhanced atmospheric CO2 (AU)

Mudança Climática , Atmosfera , Efeito Estufa , Meio Ambiente , Dióxido de Carbono , Clima
In. Duplessy, J.C; Pons, A; Fantechi, R. Environment and quality of life : Climate and global change : Proceeding. Luxembourg, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.299-303. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5411
In. Fantechi, R; Maracchi, G; Almeida - Teixeira, M. E. Environment and quality of life : Climatic change and impacts : A general introduction : Proceedings. s.l, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.13-27, ilus. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5494


During the last 150.000 years, the earth's climate alternated from warm conditions to cold conditions. The peak of the last glaciation occurred about 18.000 years ago and a deglaciation led to the present climatic pattern. In order to reconstruct past climatic and past oceanographic conditions, geologists must define proxy - data, which describe various climatic parameters in the past and dermine the time scaleof the records of these proxy - data. The age of the sediment is determined by absolute dating either by the carbon - 14 method (for the last 40.000 years) or by uranium series disequilibrium (for the last 300.000 years). A good stratigraphy for marine sediments can also be deribed from the oxygen isotope record of planktonic and benthic faraminifera, which partly reflects the variations of the volume of ice stored over the high - latitude continents. (AU)

Mudança Climática , Oceanografia , Atmosfera , Meio Ambiente , Temperatura , Dióxido de Carbono
In. Fantechi, R; Maracchi, G; Almeida - Teixeira, M. E. Environment and quality of life : Climatic change and impacts : A general introduction : Proceedings. s.l, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.239-88, ilus. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5505
In. Fantechi, R; Maracchi, G; Almeida - Teixeira, M. E. Environment and quality of life : Climatic change and impacts : A general introduction : Proceedings. s.l, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.393-402, ilus, Tab. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5511


effect of long term exposure to elevated CO2 levels on biomass production at 18 herbaceous plant species was studied. The grain yield, CO2 gas exchange, and water uptake on plant communities of Trifolium pratense and festucs prstensis were examined at 340 represent ambient conditions, 450, 600 and 800 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentrations in mini - glasshouses under field conditions. Plant species grown at nearly doubling CO2 differed widely in the response to dry weight accumulation, all species together show an average increase of about 30

dry weight. (AU)

Carbono , Dióxido de Carbono , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Atmosfera , Gases , Agricultura , Meio Ambiente
In. Fantechi, R; Maracchi, G; Almeida - Teixeira, M. E. Environment and quality of life : Climatic change and impacts : A general introduction : Proceedings. s.l, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.445-47, ilus. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5520
In. Fantechi, R; Maracchi, G; Almeida - Teixeira, M. E. Environment and quality of life : Climatic change and impacts : A general introduction : Proceedings. s.l, Commission of the European Communities, 1991. p.449-53, ilus. (Environment and Quality of Life Series).
Monografia em En | Desastres | ID: des-5521
Strategic Issues ; : 40-9, s.f. tab
Artigo em En | Desastres | ID: des-4379


The issue of climate change is by its nature potentially divisive, so caution may be in everyone's long-term interest. International collaboration is essential as no single nation or egion is likely to want to bear all costs to mitigation and adjustment. The political obstacles to global collaboration are substantial, however, as different nations and regions have conflicting interests. Creating an effective international system for rationing and curtailing greenhouse gas emissions will take time. In the meantime, other opportunities for collaboration exist. The development community should outline a policy and research program for sustainable economic development that addresses the implications of the greenhouse effect. Clearly the energy sector should get strong attention, but such sectors as agriculture and urban systems are also of importance as emitters of various greenhouse gases and agriculture could be a sink for carbon (AU)

Mudança Climática , Poluentes Industriais , Poluição Ambiental , Ozônio , Dióxido de Carbono