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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 62-64, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, MOSAICO - Saúde integrativa | ID: biblio-1519121


A Homeopatia é uma das ciências médicas complementares mais utilizadas para pacientes com Câncer, sendo também utilizada durante o tratamento de crianças com a referida moléstia, havendo relato e debate de seu uso na literatura médica. Visando construir o conhecimento e dividir experiências, relatamos seis casos de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, para os quais realizamos tratamento homeopático, em nossa experiência na cidade de São Paulo. Além da diversidade de sexos e idade, os casos apresentam diagnósticos oncológicos diferentes, bem como momentos diferentes no tratamento, sendo curativo ou paliativo, e os medicamentos homeopáticos, baseados tanto na totalidade sintomática característica quanto no modo reacional para cada indivíduo, puderam ser utilizados para todos com satisfação de famílias e pacientes, mesmo quando o desfecho letal foi a via final no estado paliativo. Assim, a Homeopatia pode também ser prescrita para os casos oncológicos infantis como terapia complementar ao tratamento convencional, sendo a pesquisa neste campo vasta e possível.

Homeopathy is one of the most used complementary medical sciences for cancer patients, and is also used duringtreatment of children with the aforementioned disease, with reports and debate of its use in medical literature. Aiming to build knowledge and sharing experiences, we report six cases of children and adolescents with cancer, for which we carry out homeopathic treatment, in our experience in the city of São Paulo. In addition to the diversity of sexes and age, the cases present different oncological diagnoses, as well as as different moments in the treatment, being curative or palliative, and homeopathic medicines, based both on symptomatic totality characteristic and in the reactional mode for each individual, could be used for everyone with the satisfaction of families and patients, even when the lethal outcome was the final route in the palliative state. Therefore, Homeopathy can also be prescribed for oncological cases children as complementary therapy to conventional treatment, research in this field is vast and possible.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Medicamento Homeopático , Terapêutica Homeopática , Neoplasias/terapia , Ópio , Fósforo , Medula Óssea , Arsenicum Album , Lapis Albus , Silicea Terra , Stannum Metallicum , Thuya occidentalis , Arnica , Conium , Cadmium Sulphuratum , Aconitum
Homeopatia Méx ; 89(720): 26-36, ene.-mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147662


El cáncer es una de las principales causas de mortalidad. Algunos experimentos recientes con preparaciones altamente diluidas han mostrado efectos anticáncer en modelos in vitro e in vivo. Este principio fundamental de la Homeopatía sugiere que las sustancias capaces de ocasionar ciertas enfermedades podrían tener la capacidad de alterar el mismo mal si se utiliza dicha sustancia de forma ultra diluida y potenciada. Esta hipótesis llevó a examinar a ciertos carcinógenos por su potencial eficacia anticáncer. La prueba de sulfurodamina B resulta útil para determinar la citotoxicidad en estudios basados en células para evaluar agentes anticancerosos. En el protocolo estuvieron involucradas la preparación de diluciones homeopáticas, incubación de células con diluciones homeopáticas, unión de SRB y la medición de absorbancia. Las células fueron tratadas con potencias 30C de: nosode de VIH, nosode de hepatitis C, Carcinosinum, nosode de cáncer y etanol, así como un control positivo (adriamicina). Las preparaciones fueron evaluadas en cultivos de células: HeLa, HepG2, A549, MCF, 7 T 24, Jurkat, SCC 40 y también HL-60. La actividad anticáncer de las preparaciones homeopáticas se han medido mediante porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento, y todas mostraron actividad anticáncer en celulas HeLa, HepG2, A 549, T 24 y HL-60. El Carcinosinum mostró actividad anticáncer en las células SCC 40, mientras que el nosode de Hepatitis C, el Carcinosinum y el nosode de cáncer fueron efectivos contra los cultivos de células de cáncer de mama MCF-7. Sin embargo, ninguna de las preparaciones mostró actividad alguna contra los cultivos de célula de leucemia. A manera de conclusión, preparaciones altamente diluidas y potencializadas han demostrado efectos anticáncer y citotóxicos en cultivos celulares, lo cual sustenta el razonamiento del principio homeopático fundamental de la Ley de los Semejantes, y trazando el camino para ampliar su aplicación en los servicios de salud.(AU)

Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality. The recent experiments with highdiluted preparations have shown anticancer effects in in vitro and vivo models. The fundamental principle of homeopathy suggests that the substances capable of producing certain diseases may have a capacity to alter the same disease if used in the ultra-dilute-potentized form. This hypothesis led certain carcinogens for examining their potential anti-cancer efficacy. Sulforhodamine B assay is useful in determining the cytotoxicity in cell-based studies in evaluating anticancer agents. The protocol involved preparation of homeopathy dilutions, incubation of cells with homeopathy dilutions, SRB binding, and measurement of absorbance. Cells were treated with 30 potencies of HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, Cancer nosode, and Ethanol along with positive control (Adriamycin). The preparations were tested in HeLa, HepG2, A549, MCF 7, T 24, Jurkat, SCC 40, and HL-60 cell-lines. The homeopathic preparations have shown the anticancer activity measured as percentage growth inhibition. All the homeopathy preparations studied, exhibited anticancer activity on HeLa, HepG2, A 549, T 24, and HL-60 cells. Carcinosin showed the anticancer activity on the SCC 40 cells. Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, and Cancer nosode have shown the anticancer activity on breast cancer cell line MCF-7. None of the preparations exhibited anticancer activity on Human Leukemia Cell Line. High-dilution, potentized preparations of certain carcinogens have demonstrated anti-cancer, cytotoxic effects in the cell-line model, supporting the rationale of the fundamental homeopathic principle the Law of Similars, opening windows to its wider applications in healthcare. (AU)

Altas Potências , Princípio da Similitude , Neoplasias , Fármacos Anti-HIV , Hepatite C Crônica
Int. j. high dilution res ; 18(1): 12-27, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050028


Background Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality. The recent experiments with high-diluted preparations have shown anticancer effects in in-vitro and vivo models. The fundamental principle of homeopathy suggests that the substances capable of producing certain diseases may have a capacity to alter the same disease if used in the ultra-dilute-potentized form. This hypothesis led certain carcinogens for examining their potential anti-cancer efficacy. Method Sulforhodamine B assay is useful in determining the cytotoxicity in cell-based studies in evaluating anticancer agents. The protocol involved preparation of homeopathy dilutions, incubation of cells with homeopathy dilutions, SRB binding, and measurement of absorbance. Cells were treated with 30 potencies of HIV nosode, Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, Cancer nosode, and Ethanol along with positive control (Adriamycin). The preparations were tested in HeLa, HepG2, A549, MCF 7, T 24, Jurkat, SCC 40, and HL-60 cell-lines. Results The homeopathic preparations have shown the anticancer activity measured as percentage growth inhibition. All the homeopathy preparations studied, exhibited anticancer activity on HeLa, HepG2, A 549, T 24, and HL-60 cells. Carcinosin showed the anticancer activity on the SCC 40 cells. Hepatitis C nosode, Carcinosin, and Cancer nosode have shown the anticancer activity on breast cancer cell line MCF-7. None of the preparations exhibited anticancer activity on Human Leukemia Cell Line. Conclusion High-dilution, potentized preparations of certain carcinogens have demonstrated anti-cancer, cytotoxic effects in the cell-line model, supporting the rationale of the fundamental homeopathic principle the Law of Similars, opening windows to its wider applications in healthcare. (AU)

Homeopatia , Neoplasias , HIV , Hepatite C
Int. j. high dilution res ; 18(1): 28-34, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050029


Nosodes are ultra-dilute preparations made from diseased tissues or organisms used in homeopathy since 1830, more frequently used since 1880. Carcinosin is a commonly used nosode prepared over 100 years ago from cancer tissues in the last part of the nineteenth century, of which the exact scientific information on the histopathological characterization of the source material is not available. The current therapeutic indications of Carcinosin have been largely empirical and clinically derived. In such a scenario, understanding the paramount importance of the Cancer nosode, it's revamping in the light of current scientific knowledge has been identified by the author. Specific cancerous tissue samples were sourced for nosode preparation. Identified pieces of tissue were histopathologically diagnosed, thoroughly washed, quantified and triturated with powder of Saccharum lactis to prepare decimal potencies, as per standard method suggested in the Homoeopathy Pharmacopoeia of India. Centesimal potencies were prepared using electromechanical potentizer, documenting the force parameters. The Cancer nosodes from specific cancer tissues were prepared in a systematic manner, which could be used for research as well as in clinical practice. The author has attempted scientific preparation of new Cancer nosodes making them available to the profession. On similar lines, more of cancer tissues could be explored for making other nosodes. (AU)

Carcinosinum/uso terapêutico , Homeopatia , Neoplasias
Homeopatia Méx ; 87(712): 30-35, ene. - mar. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-995356


Producto de una conferencia dictada durante la celebración del XXXI Congreso Nacional de Medicina Homeopática (30 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2010, en Guanajuato) la autora de este trabajo rememora cómo, desde la década de los cincuenta, en México y el resto del mundo se hablaba de los radioisótopos, de su costosa y complicada fabricación, de los padecimientos y graves lesiones cancerosas que eran capaces de producir, y también de sus posibles usos en la Medicina. Actualmente, los radioisótopos se utilizan para tratar las enfermedades tiroideas, para aliviar el dolor de artritis y el dolor asociado al cáncer de hueso, así como los tumores de hígado y el cáncer de próstata, mama, ojo y cerebro. También son muy eficaces para el diagnóstico de la aterosclerosis coronaria y la necrosis de miocardio Este documento ofrece información por demás relevante acerca de la coincidencia que guarda la medicina homeopática y la terapéutica basada en la acción de los radioisótopos, elementos que, según el doctor Alfonso Reyna Topete, experto en la materia y protagonista de este artículo, cumplen con los mismos principios. (AU)

Result of a conference held in the XXXI National Congress of Homeopathic Medicine (September 30-October 2 2010, Guanajuato) the author of this work recalls how, since the fifties, in Mexico and the rest of the world spoke of radioisotopes, their costly and complicated manufacture, the sufferings and serious cancerous lesions that they were able to produce, and also of their possible uses in Medicine. Currently, radioisotopes are used to treat thyroid diseases, to relieve arthritis pain and pain associated with bone cancer, as well as liver tumors and prostate, breast, eye and brain cancers. They are also very effective for the diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis and myocardial necrosis. This document offers other relevant information about the coincidence of homeopathic medicine and therapeutics based on the action of radioisotopes, elements that, according to Dr. Alfonso Reyna Topete, expert in the subject and protagonist of this article, comply with the same principles. (AU)

Radioatividade , Radioisótopos , Homeopatia/história , Neoplasias
Int. j. high dilution res ; 17(3/4): 20-41, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1050007


Introduction: The aim of the present study was to describe different biological aspects of Ehrlich tumor in mice, such as body weight evolution, tumor growth rate, histological organization and systemic immune response after treatment with high-diluted thymulin (10-9 M, named 5CH). Methods: Tumor assessment was focused on macro- and microscopic aspects; parameters included occurrence of necrosis, embolism and tumor development, in addition to quantitative analysis of apoptosis (caspase-3), cell proliferation (Ki-67) and angiogenesis (vascular endothelial growth factor - VEGF) by means of specific immunohistochemistry markers. Spleen cell populations were evaluated by flow cytometry analysis. Results: Mice treated with thymulin 5CH exhibited changes in the tumor microenvironment, such as reduced micro-embolism incidence and cytokeratin expression, with increased caspase-3 expression in the tumor cells. These findings indicate some apoptotic activity by the tumor cells induced by the treatment, even though no reduction of the macroscopic tumor mass occurred. No changes in the systemic immune response were detected, as the balance among spleen cell populations remained unchanged. Conclusions: The results indicate that treatment of mice bearing Ehrlich tumor with thymulin 5CH induces some specific changes in the tumor environment. However, it did not influence systemic immunity parameters. Adjuvant use of thymulin 5CH in oncological clinical practice is still a matter of discussion. (AU)

Animais , Camundongos , Carcinoma de Ehrlich , Altas Potências , Thymolum , Neoplasias
Homeopatia Méx ; 85(702): 7-15, mayo-jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-11646


Desde 2008 el cáncer es la principal causa de muerte en el mundo y las estimaciones muestran que el número de casos irá en aumento en los próximos años; el abordajedel paciente generalmente es multidisciplinario y esto incluye: tratamiento quirúrgico, dosis altas de radiación y/o quimioterapia, lo cual incrementa la toxicidad tanto aguda como tardía. En este devenir, los pacientes buscan terapias coadyuvantes a su tratamiento y en un alto porcentaje recurren a la Homeopatía por diferentes motivos: reforzar las defensas del organismo, soportar mejor los tratamientos anticancerosos y tratar la enfermedad en sí; lo que es innegable es que la Homeopatía representa para el paciente una gran oportunidad para mejorar su estado general, disminuir la fatiga y reducir los efectos secundarios intensos de la quimioterapia y la radioterapia. Al aportar un sostén y un alivio al paciente, le permitimos autonomía y confianza para enfrentar los grandes retos que el cáncer representa en su vida. (AU)

Since 2008, cancer is the main cause of death in the world, and the estimates show that it will keep rising in the following years; the general patient approach ismultidisciplinary and this includes: surgical treatment, high doses of radiation and/ or chemotherapy, which have increased both acute and late toxicity. In this process, patients seek adjuvant therapies to their treatment and a high percentage of them seek homeopathic treatment for many reasons: to strengthen the body´s defenses, to better with stand oncologic treatments and to treat disease itself; what is undeniable is that homeopathy represents a great opportunity for the patient to improve his/her overall condition, reduce fatigue and the intense side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. By bringing support and relief to the patients, we allow them autonomy and confidence to face the challenge that cancer represents in their lives (AU)

Humanos , Homeopatia , Neoplasias , Cuidados Paliativos , México , Prevenção de Doenças , Medicamento Homeopático
São Paulo; Interfarma; 2013. 431 p tab.
Monografia em Português | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, SESSP-ISACERVO | ID: biblio-1023652


A utilização dos medicamentos biológicos para o tratamento de seres humanos nas diversas manifestações das enfermidades não é propriamente um fato novo. Pesquisas e desenvolvimento de substâncias baseadas em sistemas biológicos vivos datam do início do século XX, mas os avanços obtidos pela ciência nas últimas décadas transformaram estes produtos em esperança para milhões de pacientes portadores de doenças, desde as mais simples até as mais complexas.

Humanos , Produtos Biológicos , Biotecnologia , Medicina Geral , Hepatite , Neoplasias
Pesqui. homeopática ; 27(1): 3-8, jan.-jun. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10761


Revisão bibliográfica cujo objetivo é analizar as representações sociais do câncer e com base nessa análise mostrar os aspectos simbólicos na abordagem dessa doença. Há milênios a humanidade vem convivendo com o aumento gradativo das mais variadas formas de Câncer, pois seu aparecimento é tão remoto quanto a psora, citada por Moisès nas escrituras. Contudo apesar do progresso da ciência Genética, dos avanços em biologia molecular e do câncer ja ter sido debelado "in vitro", a doença esta conosco há mais de 2000 anos e os mecanismos de cura são complexos, pois a doença é multifatorial, o que nos leva imaginar que a psora foi transmitidae mantida geneticamente e posteriormente agravada pela supressão trazida pela vida moderna, vacinações e da revolução industrial. Cabe a nós homeopatas prevenir e tratar as supressões dando condições ideais para a afluência da energia vital.(AU)

Neoplasias/história , História da Medicina , Miasma Psórico
Int. j. high dilution res ; 10(36): 145-146, september 30, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10717


The World Health Organization states that deaths from cancer are increasing reaching an estimated 12 million deaths by 2030 [1]. In Brazil will be about 480,000 new cases by the end of 2011 [2]. For the treatment of cancer conventional therapies are used, such as chemotherapy[3] and radiotherapy [4] which can cause many adverse reactions. Complementary therapies such as homeopathy can be combined to traditional cancer treatment with the aim of minimizing these adverse reactions, relieving the symptoms of the disease itself and its treatment. Other complementary therapies which can aid in cancer treatment are electrotherapy, acupuncture and electroacupuncture, nutritional supplements, probiotics, phytotherapy, among others[5]. The literature shows the homeopathic medicines can be prescribed using the patient?s physical constitution as one strategy to help cancer patients [6-11]. This work aims to compile the literature review done with in vitro and in vivo models describing the mechanisms of action of homeopathic medicines used to treat different kinds of cancer. The research findings showed that homeopathy can help the patient to come to terms with the disease, after cancer diagnosis which often brings with itself denial, fear and a host of psychological disorders that cause an unbalance in the body. In addition, some works done with in vitro and in vivo models have shown that homeopathic medicines can modulate the immune system, activating macrophages and inducing the release of cytokines. These and other effects may help the body to overcome the cancer. The use of homeopathic therapy as complementary to conventional cancer treatment has promising results and should be further investigated.(AU)

The World Health Organization states that deaths from cancer are increasing reaching an estimated 12 million deaths by 2030 [1]. In Brazil will be about 480,000 new cases by the end of 2011 [2]. For the treatment of cancer conventional therapies are used, such as chemotherapy[3] and radiotherapy [4] which can cause many adverse reactions. Complementary therapies such as homeopathy can be combined to traditional cancer treatment with the aim of minimizing these adverse reactions, relieving the symptoms of the disease itself and its treatment. Other complementary therapies which can aid in cancer treatment are electrotherapy, acupuncture and electroacupuncture, nutritional supplements, probiotics, phytotherapy, among others[5]. The literature shows the homeopathic medicines can be prescribed using the patient?s physical constitution as one strategy to help cancer patients [6-11]. This work aims to compile the literature review done with in vitro and in vivo models describing the mechanisms of action of homeopathic medicines used to treat different kinds of cancer. The research findings showed that homeopathy can help the patient to come to terms with the disease, after cancer diagnosis which often brings with itself denial, fear and a host of psychological disorders that cause an unbalance in the body. In addition, some works done with in vitro and in vivo models have shown that homeopathic medicines can modulate the immune system, activating macrophages and inducing the release of cytokines. These and other effects may help the body to overcome the cancer. The use of homeopathic therapy as complementary to conventional cancer treatment has promising results and should be further investigated.(AU)

Terapias Complementares , Neoplasias , Medicamento Homeopático
Pesqui. homeopática ; 26(2): 32-39, 2011.
Artigo em Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10647


Este experimento clínico relata o resultado do tratamento de oito animais com tipos variados de neoplasias que foram tratados com uma combinação de medicamentos homeopáticos injetáveis, Arnica montana, Lachesis muta, thuya occidentalis, Echinacea e o Viscum album - um antineoplásico que estimula o sistema imune - e possuem efeitos citotóxicos, sendo uma alternativa ao tratamento convencional empregado nos animais domestícos. O resultado obtido no decorrer de 12 meses de acompanhamento indica que a medicação estuda auxilia na qualidade de vida demostrando ser uma possibilidade terapêutica auxiliando no controle da evolução da doença neoplásica em cães e gatos.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Neoplasias/terapia , Viscum album , /uso terapêutico , Lachesis muta/uso terapêutico , Thuya occidentalis/uso terapêutico , Echinacea
Gujarat; R. P. Patel Institute of Homeopathy; 6 ed; 2010. 460 p.
Monografia em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10499
Boletín informativo (Barcelona) ; 23: 25-33, abr.-mayo-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10841
São Paulo; s.n; 2008. 104 p.
Tese | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-10342


O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a revisão e o estudo do medicamento Carcinosinum, considerado um nosódio do câncer em relação ao Cancerinismo. Após o estudo foi analisada a existência de indicação “única” do medicamento para indivíduos predispostos ao Cancerinismo, ou seja, indivíduos suscetíveis ao desenvolvimento de câncer em seu estágio máximo. Para tanto foram consultadas obras de Foubister , Vijinovsky, José Laércio do Egito, Julien Haffen, Leon Vannier, Nebel, entre outros. Como resultado, as autoras observaram que Carcinosinum não é um medicamento exclusivo do Cancerinismo e concluíram que cada caso deve ser individualizado para reconhecimento de sinais e sintomas que permitirão construir a totalidade sintomática.(AU)

Carcinosinum , Neoplasias , Miasma
Int. j. high dilution res ; 7(23): 118-119, 2008. graf
Artigo em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-9205


In the last decades, it has been observed a gradual increase in the diagnosis of neoplasm in both human beings and animals. This can be attributed to the advances in research and technology, which facilitated detection, promoting, thus, survival. On the other hand, the current incidence of cancer may also be attributed to an excess of chemicals in food products, radiation arising from antennae, environmental pollutants, indiscriminate use of hormone therapies, besides genetic alterations. Conventional oncologic treatments traditionally employ chemotherapic drugs. Later on, vegetal immunomodulators were also introduced, such as Viscum album. In the present study, the effectiveness of injectable extract Viscum album was tested in vitro in Caco-2 cells, in dilutions D3 (0.1ìg/ml ), D6 (0.1 ng/ml), D9 (0.1x10-³ ng/ml), D12 (0.1x10-6 ng/ml) and D30 (0.1x10-6 ng/ml). The optical method used was the Dispersive Raman Spectroscopy at 830nm by comparison to MTT Assay. The results showed that Viscum album has an action on mitochondrial activity, reducing cellular viability in Caco-2 cells in dilutions D3, D6 and D9. Correlation of Raman spectrum to the values obtained in the MTT test was statistically analyzed by PLS, revealing a sensitive tool for the detection of changes in the mitochondrial activity of Caco-2 cells. Raman spectroscopy is a non invasive diagnostic procedure, allowing for real-time diagnosis and reduction of costs, besides indicating the best therapy for each type of tumor as well as modifications in the therapeutic strategy.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Homeopatia , Neoplasias , Células Cultivadas , Análise Espectral Raman , Viscum album
Int. j. high dilution res ; 7(24): 152-158, 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-9225


The most common vaginal neoplasias in old dogs are leiomyoma and fibroma. Although surgical excision is the indicated treatment, it does not eliminate potential complications that may lead to death or poor quality of life. This paper reports the case of a 9 year-old female Doberman dog with vaginal leiomyoma attended by copious and recidivating colporrhagia homeopathically treated between March and December 2005. Homeopathic approach was the one designed at Homeopathic Unit of the Veterinary Hospital, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The progress of disease was assessed through clinical evaluation, laboratory exams and ultrasonography. Hemorrhage decreased while the general clinical state of the animal improved. After 7 months of homeopathic treatment, the tumor was spontaneously eliminated through violent abdominal contractions, which was followed by recovery of the animal’s state of health.(AU)

As neoplasias vaginais mais comuns em cadelas velhas são o leiomioma e o fibroma. Embora a excisão cirúrgica é o tratamento indicado, não elimina complicações potenciais que podem levar ao óbito ou baixa qualidade de vida. O presente artigo relata o caso de uma cadela Doberman de 9 anos de idade, com leiomioma vaginal, apresentando colporragia copiosa e recidivante, tratada entre março e dezembro de 2005. A abordagem homeopática utilizada foi a desenvolvida na Unidade Homeopática do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A evolução da doença foi acompanhada através de avaliação clínica, testes de laboratório e ultrassonografia. A hemorragia diminuiu e o estado geral melhorou. Depois de 7 meses de tratamento homeopático, o tumor foi espontaneamente eliminado através de violentas contrações abdominais, seguido de recuperação do estado de saúde do animal.(AU)

Animais , Homeopatia , Medicina Veterinária , Neoplasias , Leiomioma , Vagina , Cães
Homeopatia Méx ; 75(641): 40-52, marc.-abr.2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-8053


Con el presente proyecto de investigacíon se pretende evaluar la hipóteses basada en los principios homeopáticos de demostrar que el virus del Papiloma Humano que se encuentra en el 100% de las lesiones avanzadas de Cáncer Cérvico-uterino puede ser utilizado en estadios tempranos de la enfermidad para revertir la proliferacíon y tranformación de dicho tejido.

Infecções por Papillomavirus , Genética , Neoplasias
Homeopathy (Londres 2002) ; 93(2): 99-102, 2004.
Artigo em Inglês | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-7812


Theree cases of cancer in which homepathic treatment was used in a complementary role are described: a 64 years old male with mtastic adenocarcinoma of the rectum. The patient refused surgery. He was treated constitutionally with Lycopodium. He survied nealy 3 years with no further hospitalization or othr complication. A 77 year old female with terminal squamous cell carcinoma of the cheek previously treated adiotheapy... (AU)

Neoplasias/terapia , Cuidados Paliativos , Terapêutica Homeopática , Lycopodium clavatum , Calcarea Carbonica , Ferrum Phosphoricum
Homeopatia (Buenos Aires) ; 69(4): 387-392, 2004.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: hom-9274


El objetivo del presente trabajo es el e compartir nuestra experiencia clínica obtenida a través del tratamiento homeopático en pacientes que presentaban enfermedades "terminales". Se describe cada caso en particular con su dianóstico, tratamiento y evolución, la que fue sumamente satisfactoria teniendo en cuenca las expectativas para la medicina clásica y además porque en todos los casos se obtuvo una muy buena calidad de vida.

Animais , Cães , Homeopatia , Cuidados Paliativos , Neoplasias/terapia , Neoplasias/veterinária , Terapia Trombolítica