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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 26-26, May 6, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1396705


Drugs at high dilution (HD) produce therapeutic effect on man, animals and plants. Experimental evidence shows that free water molecules and hydrogen bond strength of OH groups constitute the physical basis of HDs which are otherwise devoid of original drug molecules. HDs are produced in aqueous EtOH by serial dilution of a substance with mechanical agitation or succussion in each step, and are called potencies. Three potencies 6 cH, 12 cH and 30 cH of two drugs Anacardium orientale and Natrum muriaticum(NaCl) and their mother tincture (MT) are used in this study. Electronic spectra of these MTs and potencies, all in 90% EtOH, were taken in the wavelength region of 190 nm ­350 nm. The objective is to find out any additional physical-chemical entities in potencies besides the aforesaid two factors. It was reported earlier that charge transfer (CT) interaction accompanies potentization of drugs. This study focused on the CT interaction. The results indicate that spectral pattern and absorbance intensities of the test samples vary from each other. Natm 6cH (absorbance 0.30 at 196.53nm), 12cH (abs. 0.06 at 196.53nm) and 30cH (abs. 1.32 at 196.5nm). Anac 6cH (abs. 0.33 at 203nm), 12cH (abs. 0.61 at 208nm) and 30cH (abs. 0.09 at 200.67nm). The spectrum of each potency shows two peaks. The 2nd peak at higher wave length belongs to CT interaction. Anac 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Insersections at 197.14nm with abs. 0.05, and 290nm with abs. 0.01. Anac 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Intersections at 196.93nm with abs. 0.06, and 273nm with abs. 0.00. Anac 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersections at 194.42nm with abs. -0.05, 238.03nm with abs. -0.01, 252.15nm with abs. -0.002, and 261nm with abs. 0.004. Natm 6cH suc, 7cH unsuc. Intersection at 199.44nm with Abs -0.11. Natm 12cH suc, 13cH unsuc. Instersection at 200.48nm with abs. -0.11. Natm 30cH suc, 31cH unsuc. Intersection at 204.24nm with abs. -0.08. Potentization involves CT interaction in consecutive potencies. Water and EtOH do not form a homogeneous mixture and have aggregates of EtOHand water molecules. CT interactions occur in these individual aggregates and are mostly inter molecular within EtOH or water. These aggregates vary from each other in the test samples. The spectra of test samples were analysed for margin of error (MOE). The MOE is very small (0.001-0.002%), and for this reason the difference between the spectra is significant. Besides that the intersection between consecutive spectra vary in number and position. It is concluded that water and EtOH aggregates and their relative distribution constitute additional physical-chemical basis of potencies.

Espectrofotometria , Escalas de Preparação , Medicamento Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 87(715): 28-39, out. - dez. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-995979


El aumento de la frecuencia de uso de los medicamentos homeopáticos en la población en general implica que la calidad en la elaboración de los mismos debe indagarse para evitar situaciones adversas en la población que los consume. En Colombia existen procesos legales para obtener el permiso de producción y venta; sin embargo, en éstos no hay verificación del producto terminado contrastándolo con un control. Los medicamentos homeopáticos se elaboran mediante ultradiluciones de sustancias que actúan basados en el principio similia similibus curantur. La Nux vomica es un medicamento homeopático de uso frecuente, dado su carácter de policresto para diferentes patologías, y por lo tanto es importante tener un control de calidad de dicho medicamento. En este estudio se realizaron mediciones de la concentración de Nux vomica 6CH, 7CH y 30CH comprada en diferentes farmacias (FAR) y vendida como producto terminado, comparándolos con un medicamento elaborado por las autoras de este trabajo, utilizando para ello la espectrofotometría UV/Vis, no encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos después de aplicar energía cinética. (AU)

The increasing use of homeopathic medicines in the general population implies that the quality in the preparation of those should be investigated to avoid adverse situations in the people who consumes them. In Colombia, there are legal processes to obtain the production and sale license, however, there is no verification of the finished product against a control. Homeopathic medicines are made by ultradilutions of substances that act based on the Similia similibus curentur principle. The Nux vomica is a homeopathic medicine of frequent use, given its character of policresto, for different pathologies and therefore it's important to have a quality control of that medication. In this study, measurements were made of Nux vomica 6CH, 7CH and 30CH concentration purchased in different pharmacies (FAR) and sold as a finished product, comparing them with a drug elaborated by the authors using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. No statistically significant differences were found between them. after applying kinetic energy. (AU)

Espectrofotometria , Qualidade dos Medicamentos Homeopáticos , Homeopatia , Colômbia