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An. psicol ; 40(2): 242-253, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232719


Objetivo: La Escala de Fatiga de Chalder (CFS) es una escala breve para evaluar fatiga que se utiliza en España, pero que no ha sido validada en su población. El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la CFS (Sp-CFS). Método: La muestra la conformaron 3,671 participantes (3.190 de la población general y 481 pacientes), con edades entre 18 y 86 años (M = 28.43; DT = 12.71), siendo el 67.6% mujeres. Las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se probaron en un diseño transversal utilizando validación cruzada (análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio) y estimación de la invarianza (sexo y condición clínica). Resultados: Un modelo de cuatro factores (baja energía, problemas de sueño, problemas de concentración y disfunción cognitiva subjetiva) en lugar de un modelo original de dos factores (fatiga física y mental) proporcionó mejores índices de bondad de ajuste a los datos. La consistencia interna y la estabilidad de la escala fueron excelentes. Su validez convergente se apoyó en su asociación significativa con la ansiedad, la depresión, el estrés y los síntomas positivos y negativos del espectro de la psicosis. El instrumento no mostró diferencias significativas entre sexos ni condiciones clínicas, y discriminó entre la población general y los pacientes, obteniendo estos últimos puntajes significativamente mayores. Conclusiones: Sp-CFS es una escala fiable y válida para medir la fatiga en población general y clínica española.(AU)

Objective:The Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFS) is a brief self-report screening scale for fatigue that is used in Spain but has not been validated for the Spanish population. The aim of this study was to adapt and evalu-ate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the CFS (Sp-CFS). Method:The sample consisted of 3,671 participants (3,190 from the general population and 481 patients), aged 18 to 86 years (M=28.43; DT=12.71), 67.6% of whom were women. Psychometric properties of the scale were tested in a cross-sectional design using cross-validation (explora-tory and confirmatory factor analysis) and estimation of invariance (sex and clinical condition). Results:A four-factor model (low energy, sleep problems, concentration problems and subjective cognitive dysfunction) rather than an original two-factor model (physical and mental fatigue) pro-vided better indices of goodness of fit to the data. The internal consistencyand stability of the scale were excellent. Its convergent validity was sup-ported by its significant association with anxiety, depression, stress, and the positive and negative symptoms of the psychosis spectrum. The instru-ment did not show significant differences between sexes or clinical condi-tions, and it discriminated between the general population and the patients, with the latter obtaining significantly greater scores. Conclusions: Sp-CFS is a reliable and valid scale for measuring a transdiagnostic construct such as fatigue in Spanish general and clinical populations.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicometria , Fadiga , Disfunção Cognitiva , Atenção , Espanha , Psicologia , Estudos Transversais
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 39(2): 178-179, Mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230872


La fatiga es un síndrome multidimensional, complejo y frecuente en los pacientes con daño cerebral sobrevenido, influyendo negativamente en el proceso de neurorrehabilitación. Aparece desde etapas tempranas luego de la lesión y puede permanecer en el tiempo, recuperadas o no las secuelas del daño. La fatiga depende de circuitos neuronales superiores y se define como una percepción anómala de sobreesfuerzo. Tiene una prevalencia de 29% a 77% tras el ictus, 18% a 75% tras el traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) y 47% a 97% tras tumores cerebrales. La fatiga se asocia a factores como sexo femenino, edad avanzada, familia disfuncional, antecedentes patológicos específicos, estado funcional (p. ej. fatiga previa a la lesión), comorbilidades, estado anímico, discapacidad secundaria y uso de ciertos fármacos. Su estudio se realiza sobre todo a partir de escalas como la Escala de severidad de fatiga (Fatigue Severity Scale). Hoy en día existen avances en herramientas de imagen para su diagnóstico como la resonancia magnética funcional. En cuanto a su tratamiento, no existe aún terapia farmacológica definitiva, sin embargo, existen resultados positivos con terapias dentro de la neurorrehabilitación convencional, terapia lumínica y el uso del neurofeedback, estimulación eléctrica y magnética transcraneal. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo ayudar al profesional dedicado a la neurorrehabilitación a reconocer factores asociados modificables, así como terapias a su alcance para disminuir sus efectos nocivos en el paciente. (AU)

Fatigue is a complex, multidimensional syndrome that is prevalent in patients with acquired brain damage and has a negative impact on the neurorehabilitation process. It presents from early stages after the injury, and may persist over time, regardless of whether sequelae have resolved. Fatigue is conditioned by upper neuronal circuits, and is defined as an abnormal perception of overexertion. Its prevalence ranges from 29% to 77% after stroke, from 18% to 75% after traumatic brain injury, and from 47% to 97% after brain tumours. Fatigue is associated with factors including female sex, advanced age, dysfunctional families, history of specific health conditions, functional status (eg, fatigue prior to injury), comorbidities, mood, secondary disability, and the use of certain drugs. Assessment of fatigue is fundamentally based on such scales as the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Advances have recently been made in imaging techniques for its diagnosis, such as in functional MRI. Regarding treatment, no specific pharmacological treatment currently exists; however, positive results have been reported for some conventional neurorehabilitation therapies, such as bright light therapy, neurofeedback, electrical stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. This review aims to assist neurorehabilitation professionals to recognise modifiable factors associated with fatigue and to describe the treatments available to reduce its negative effect on patients. (AU)

Fadiga , Encefalopatia Traumática Crônica/complicações , Dano Encefálico Crônico/complicações , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas , Neoplasias Encefálicas
Inf. psiquiátr ; (253): 9-22, 1er trim. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232365


La Covid-19 es una enfermedad causada por el virus SARS-Cov-2. Más allá de los síntomas respiratorios característicos de la enfermedad, se produce una afectación multisistémica, que incluye al Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC). El 15.2% de las personas infectadas experimentan la persistencia de los síntomas o el desarrollo de nuevos síntomas relacionados con la infección tras la recuperación de la fase aguda. La fatiga y el deterioro cognitivo destacan entre los síntomas principales de las personas con Long Covid/Covid Persistente, quienes refieren sobre todo dificultades atencionales, mnésicas y ejecutivas. Este conjunto de síntomas cognitivos ha recibido el término de “niebla mental”. Todo ello, junto a las alteraciones psicopatológicas - ansiedad, depresión y/o trastornos del sueño - tiene un impacto significativo en el funcionamiento diario y en la calidad de vida de las personas afectadas. El progreso en el conocimiento de los síntomas mentales de la Long Covid es imprescindible para diseñar intervenciones terapéuticas. Su reconocimiento también es importante en la valoración de la capacidad laboral. El objetivo de esta revisión es presentar de forma didáctica la información disponible sobre disfunción cognitiva y alteraciones psicopatológicas post Covid-19. (AU)

Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARSCov-2 virus. Beyond the respiratory symp toms characteristic of the disease, there is multisystem involvement, including the Central Nervous System (CNS). 15.2% of infected people experience persistence of symptoms or development of new infection-related symptoms after recovery from the acute phase. Fatigue and cognitive impairment are among the main symptoms of people with Long Covid/Persistent Covid, who report mainly attentional, memory and executive difficulties. This set of cognitive symptoms has been given the term "brain fog". Together with psychopathological disturbances - anxiety, depression and/or sleep disorders - they have a significant impact on the daily functioning and quality of life of those affected. Progress in the knowledge of the mental symptoms of Long Covid is essential to design therapeutic interventions. Their recognition is also important in the assessment of work capacity. The aim of this review is to present in a didactic way the available information on cognitive dysfunction and psychopathological alterations post Covid-19. (AU)

Humanos , Disfunção Cognitiva , Fadiga , Ansiedade , Depressão , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 24(1): [100418], Ene-Mar, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230357


Background/Objective: The aim was to investigate the extent and longitudinal determinants of post-traumatic growth (PTG) in cancer survivors. Methods: A sample of 1316 cancer survivors with various cancer types was examined using the EORTC QLQ-FA12 to assess fatigue, the EORTC QLQ-C30 pain items to assess pain and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4) to assess emotional distress two years after diagnosis (t0). Additionally, patients rated how well they felt informed about fatigue at t0. PTG was assessed with the 21-item PTG-Inventory four years after diagnosis (t1) comprising the five subdimensions appreciation of life, relation to others, personal strengths, new possibilities and spiritual change. Results: Regarding the extent of PTG, most positive developments were experienced in the PTG subdimension appreciation of life whereas the subdimension spiritual change was the least pronounced domain. Fatigue, pain and emotional distress were longitudinal but non-linear predictors of long-term PTG. Additionally, poor informedness about fatigue was associated with less PTG. Conclusions: PTG can be perceived even years after a traumatic cancer event and is longitudinally associated with common cancer side effects like fatigue, emotional distress and pain. Further research into the role of individuals' informedness contributing to PTG is needed.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Crescimento Psicológico Pós-Traumático , Sobreviventes de Câncer/psicologia , Fadiga , Medição da Dor , Ansiedade/psicologia , Psicologia Clínica , Saúde Mental , Inquéritos e Questionários , Psico-Oncologia
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 16(3-4)dic.-2023. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-ADZ-364


El Síndrome de Dolor Glúteo Profundo lo puede causar una fractura de fatiga del sacro. Objetivo: Facilitar el diagnóstico del Síndrome de Dolor Glúteo Profundo exponiendo un caso clínico y revisión bibliográfica de fractura de fatiga del sacro. Metodología: Búsqueda bibliográfica en PubMed sobre fractura de fatiga del sacro en atletas y descripción de un caso clínico de ésta. Resultados: Los principales factores predisponentes de una fractura de fatiga del sacro son las cargas desproporcionadas, baja densidad mineral ósea, alteraciones biomecánicas y una superficie de carrera dura. Estas fracturas son más frecuentes en corredores de larga distancia. El diagnóstico de elección es la Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. El tratamiento consiste en reposo de la actividad causante, suplementación con vitamina D y calcio y magnetoterapia. Se describe la clínica, exploraciones complementarias y evolución de un duatleta con fractura de fatiga de sacro. (AU)

Humanos , Fraturas Ósseas , Sacro , Dor , Nádegas , Fadiga
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226349


Context: Parental burnout increases the risk of deleterious consequences on parents’, couples’, and children's physical and mental health. Methods: The current study (N = 134) aimed to assess the effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioural Stress Management (CBSM) group programme in terms of parental burnout reduction. In total 67 parents attended the 8-week CBSM intervention groups, and another 67 parents were assigned to the waiting-list control group. We compared the effectiveness of the CBSM intervention with a waiting-list control group directly after the end of the programme and at three-months follow-up. Results: The results showed that compared to the control group the CBSM programme contributed to the reduction of parental burnout symptoms with statistically significant and small effect size. Moreover, the contrast analyses showed that the reduction in parental burnout severity was maintained at 3 month-follow-up. The reduction in parental burnout scores was mediated by the decrease in stress and the increase in unconditional self-kindness. Conclusions: These results highlight the potential benefits of the CBSM programme for parental burnout prevention and reduction. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fadiga/prevenção & controle , Estresse Psicológico , Pais , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Comportamento de Redução do Risco
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(3): 320-329, Sept 3, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229812


Cancer constitutes a significant global contributor to morbidity and mortality, inducing adverse effects that impact individuals both during and after treatment. Noteworthy among these effects are depression, anxiety, fatigue, and diminished quality of life. This study aims to ascertain the association between quality of life, fatigue, depression, and anxiety variables and engagement in physical exercise within a cohort of cancer patients and survivors affiliated with the Spanish Association Against Cancer of Cantabria. Additionally, the investigation seeks to identify barriers contributing to physical inactivity in this demographic. Employing a descriptive research design, this study endeavours to illuminate the interplay between these factors in the specified population. A survey was conducted to assess variables such as physical exercise levels, quality of life, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and barriers to physical activity. The findings indicated correlations between physical exercise and depression (p=0.002), anxiety (p< 0.001), fatigue (p< 0.001), and quality of life (p< 0.001) in both cancer patients and survivors. Similarly, survivors exhibited associations between physical exercise and depression (p<0.001), anxiety (p<0.001), fatigue (p<0.001), and quality of life (p<0.001). Conversely, patients and survivors demonstrated significant differences in individual (p<0.001), interpersonal (p=0.002), community-institutional (p=0.001), and time-obligations (p=0.002) barriers. The outcomes affirm the impact of physical exercise on depression, anxiety, fatigue, and quality of life among both cancer patients and survivors, while also elucidating the barriers that rationalize physical inactivity within this demographic.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade de Vida , Fadiga , Depressão , Exercício Físico , Ansiedade , Sobreviventes de Câncer/psicologia , Espanha , Esportes/psicologia , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Neoplasias/psicologia
Sportis (A Coruña) ; 9(3): 513-526, sept. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224920


The aims of this research were (a) to examine the effect of fatigue on shooting accuracy and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in basketball, and (b) to compare the shooting accuracy and RPE after fatigue between age categories. 89 male basketball players from different age categories participated in the research. The 20 m shuttle run test was applied to create fatigue. RPE and shooting accuracy were measured before and after fatigue protocol. While there was no significant difference in shooting accuracy before and after fatigue in all age categories, RPE was significantly higher. Shooting accuracy quantitatively increased with age before fatigue (except U14). Shooting accuracy after fatigue was significantly different between the groups. As a result; although shuttle run was perceived as “hard-very hard” difficulty in basketball players, it did not create a fatigue that would significantly affect shooting accuracy. However, it was determined that the shooting accuracy after fatigue changed with increasing age. Therefore, this research presents important findings in terms of determining the age categories in which fatigue affects shooting performance in basketball. (AU)

Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron (a) examinar el efecto de la fatiga en la precisión del tiro y el índice de esfuerzo percibido (RPE) en baloncesto, y (b) comparar la precisión del tiro y el RPE después de la fatiga entre categorías de edad. Participaron en la investigación 89 jugadores masculinos de baloncesto de diferentes categorías de edad. Se aplicó la prueba de carrera de ida y vuelta de 20 m para crear fatiga. El RPE y la precisión de tiro se midieron antes y después del protocolo de fatiga. El RPE fue significativamente mayor, aunque no hubo una diferencia significativa en la precisión de tiro antes y después de la fatiga en todas las categorías de edad. La precisión de tiro aumentó cuantitativamente con la edad antes de la fatiga (excepto U14). La precisión de tiro después de la fatiga fue significativamente diferente entre los grupos. Como resultado; aunque la carrera de ida y vuelta se percibía como una dificultad "difícil-muy difícil" en los jugadores de baloncesto, no creaba una fatiga que afectara significativamente la precisión del tiro. Sin embargo, se determinó que la precisión de tiro después de la fatiga cambiaba con el aumento de la edad. Por lo tanto, esta investigación presenta hallazgos importantes en términos de determinar las categorías de edad en las que la fatiga afecta el rendimiento de tiro en baloncesto. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Basquetebol , Fadiga , Esforço Físico , Estudos Transversais , Desempenho Atlético
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 16(1/2): 1-7, Agos. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224422


Objective: High-Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) is nowadays widely used due to low time demand and efficiency to improve performance and health. The dynamics of recovery of muscle damage and physical fitness after a HIFT in individuals with different fitness status provide a practical informationfor coaches and practitioners. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the muscle damage and performance recovery responses after an acute HIFTsession in healthy young men with different fitness status. Method: Sixteen recreationally trained participants (age: 23.4 ± 2.4 y; body mass index: 24.6 ± 2.4 kg·m-2; 1RM back squat: 120.1 ± 19.9 kg) were dividedinto two groups according to their maximum strength (higher-trained [HT] and lower-trained group [LT]), and performed a single HIFT session. Muscledamage (creatine kinase [CK] and lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]) and physical fitness tests (strength, power, and oxygen consumption) were analyzedbefore, immediately after, 24h and 48h after the HIFT session. The internal training load for both groups was equalized using the Rating of PerceivedExertion method (RPE) and the percentage 1 repetition maximum (1RM). Results: Biochemical markers and performance indicators showed that both groups suffered exercise-induced muscle damage. There was a trend towardsfaster muscle damage recovery in HT group.Conclusions: HT group showed higher muscle damage recovery compared to the LT group. A longer recovery time to complete muscle recovery might beexpected in the LT group.(AU)

Objetivo: El Entrenamiento Funcional de Alta Intensidad (HIFT) se utiliza hoy en día ampliamente debido a la baja demanda de tiempo y la eficiencia para mejorar el rendimiento y la salud. La dinámica de recuperación del daño muscular y la forma física después de un HIFT en individuos con diferentes estados de forma proporcionan una información práctica para entrenadores y profesionales. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue verificar el daño muscular y las respuestas de recuperación del rendimiento después de una sesión aguda de HIFT en hombres jóvenes sanos con diferentes estados de forma física. Método: Dieciséis participantes entrenados de forma recreativa (edad: 23,4 ± 2,4 y; índice de masa corporal: 24,6 ± 2,4 kg-m-2; 1RM back squat: 120,1 ± 19,9 kg) se dividieron en dos grupos en función de su fuerza máxima (grupo de mayor entrenamiento [HT] y grupo de menor entrenamiento [LT]), y realizaron una única sesión de HIFT. Se analizaron el daño muscular (creatina quinasa [CK] y lactato deshidrogenasa [LDH]) y las pruebas de aptitud física (fuerza, potencia y consumo de oxígeno) antes, inmediatamente después, 24h y 48h después de la sesión de HIFT. La carga de entrenamiento interna para ambos grupos se igualó utilizando el método de Valoración del Esfuerzo Percibido (RPE) y el porcentaje de 1 repetición máxima (1RM). Resultados: Los marcadores bioquímicos y los indicadores de rendimiento mostraron que ambos grupos sufrieron daños musculares inducidos por el ejercicio. Hubo una tendencia a una recuperación más rápida del daño muscular en el grupo HT. Conclusiones: El grupo HT mostró una mayor recuperación del daño muscular en comparación con el grupo LT. Podría esperarse un mayor tiempo de recuperación hasta la recuperación muscular completa en el grupo LT.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Atletas , Terapia por Exercício , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Desempenho Atlético , Traumatismos em Atletas/reabilitação , Aptidão Física , Medicina Esportiva , Esportes , Exercício Físico , Fadiga
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 16(1/2): 43-53, Agos. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-224428


El estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática, con el fin de mapear la asociación entre la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, el tiempo de pantalla y el estado de peso en niños y adolescentes, así como verificar la dirección de estas relaciones. La búsqueda se realizó de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de PRISMA, en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y Medline. Se incluyeron estudios completos y originales, publicados entre 2000 y marzo de 2021, que evaluaban las variables citadas en conjunto y / o asociaciones. Se identificaron 152 artículos y, después del refinamiento según los resultados, se evaluaron cualitativamente 30 documentos. Se puede observar que las variables de salud, como aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, tiempo de pantalla y estado de peso, continúan con datos negativamente alarmantes en esta población, y que están fuertemente correlacionadas, demostrando que la modificación de una de ellas puede interferir con las otras. mejorando así el estado de salud de niños y adolescentes.(AU)

O estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática, com intuito de mapear as relações entre aptidão cardiorrespiratória, tempo de tela eestado nutricional em crianças e adolescentes, bem como verificar qual a direção dessas relações. A busca foi realizada de acordo com as recomendaçõesPRISMA, nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, e no Medline. Foram incluídos estudos completos e originais, publicados entre 2000 e março de 2023,e que avaliassem as variáveis citadas de forma concomitante e/ou associações. Foram identificados 210 artigos, e após refinamento conforme desfechos,34 documentos avaliados de forma qualitativa. Pode-se verificar que as variáveis de saúde, como aptidão cardiorrespiratória, tempo de tela e estadonutricional, seguem com dados negativamente alarmantes nesta população, e que elas estão correlacionadas fortemente, demonstrando que amodificação de uma delas pode vir a interferir nas demais, melhorando assim o status de saúde de crianças e adolescentes.(AU)

The study aimed to carry out a systematic review, with the aim of mapping the relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness, screen time andnutritional status in children and adolescents, as well as verifying the direction of these relationships. The search was carried out according to thePRISMA recommendations, in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Medline databases. Complete and original studies, published between 2000 and March2023, that evaluated the variables cited concomitantly and / or associations were included. 210 articles were identified, and after refinement accordingto outcomes, 34 documents were evaluated qualitatively. It can be seen that the health variables, such as cardiorespiratory fitness, screen time andweight status, continue with negatively alarming data in this population, and that they are strongly correlated, demonstrating that the modification of oneof them may interfere with the others , thus improving the health status of children and adolescents.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Obesidade Infantil , Tempo de Tela , Esforço Físico , Fadiga , Saúde da Criança , Obesidade , Medicina Esportiva
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 23(91): 119-133, jul. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226921


The purpose of the present study was to analyze the chronotropic and cardiac autonomic response of a motorcyclist during the 7th race week of the FIM-CEV Repsol Moto2 European Championship through heart rate (HRAVG) and sympathetic-parasympathetic ratio (RS-Ps). The effect and relationships of sessions, laps and track segments were analyzed by MANOVA test with Bonferroni post-hoc and Pearson’s r. A low effect of the segments in RS-Ps (p<.01; wp2=0.03), and high effect of the sessions (p<.01; wp2=0.72), laps (p<.01; wp2=0.95) and the interaction between sessions and laps (p<.01; wp2=0.62) in HRAVG were found. Also, a tendency of increasing HRAVG was found with sessions (r=.315; p<0.01) and laps (r=.280; p<0.01). No significant correlations were found with RS-Ps. While HRAVG can be used as a fatigue index during motorcycling competition, RS-Ps indicates the significant rider’s stress at specific segments of the track, being important both variables for improving the riders’ performance. (AU)

El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la respuesta cronotrópica y cardiaca autónoma de un piloto de motociclismo durante la 7a prueba del Campeonato de Europa FIM-CEV Repsol Moto2 mediante frecuencia cardíacamedia (FCMEDIA) y ratio simpático-parasimpático (RS-Ps). El efecto y relaciones de las sesiones, vueltas y segmentos del circuito fue analizado mediante MANOVA conpost-hoc Bonferroni y r de Pearson. Se encontró bajo efecto de los segmentos enRS-Ps (p<.01; ωp2=0.03), y alto efecto de sesiones (p<.01; ωp2=0.72), vueltas (p<.01; ωp2=0.95) e interacción sesiones-vueltas (p<.01; ωp2=0.62) en FCMEDIA. Además, se hallo una tendencia de incremento de FCMEDIA respecto a sesiones (r=.315; p<.01) y vueltas (r=.280; p<.01). No se encontraron correlaciones significativas con RS-Ps. La FCMEDIA puede utilizarse como un indicador de fatiga durante la competición, mientras que el RS-Ps indicaría el estrés significativo del piloto en segmentos específicos del circuito, siendo ambas variables importantes para mejorar el rendimiento del piloto. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Frequência Cardíaca , Estresse Psicológico , Europa (Continente) , Fadiga
Enferm. nefrol ; 26(2): 133-138, Abr-Jun 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-222842


Introducción: El síndrome de fragilidad en pacientes en diá-lisis puede deteriorar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud.Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre el síndrome de fragili-dad y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes en diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria.Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, realizado en la Ciudad de México. La muestra por convenien-cia incluyó a 106 pacientes del programa de diálisis perito-neal, de los cuales 62% eran hombres. Se registraron edad, estado civil, ocupación, escolaridad, índice de masa corporal, creatinina y albumina. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud se evaluó con KDQOL SF-36 y la fragilidad mediante la Batería Corta de Rendimiento Físico (BCRF).Resultados: Las puntuaciones de la BCRF mostraron corre-lación significativa con ciertas categorías de KDQOL SF-36, como efectos de la enfermedad renal, carga de la enfermedad renal y componente físico. Las puntuaciones de la prueba de velocidad de marcha no se asociaron a ninguna categoría de KDQOL SF-36. Tampoco hubo asociaciones entre las puntua-ciones obtenidos en el componente mental de KDQOL SF-36 y los de las pruebas de la BCRF. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud fue menor en los pacientes con fragilidad, edad avanzada o hipoalbuminemia, Conclusiones: Los pacientes en diálisis peritoneal tienen una alta prevalencia del síndrome de fragilidad y disminución de la calidad de vida. Además, la alta tasa de fragilidad está aso-ciada a peor calidad de vida, especialmente en el rendimiento físico.(AU)

Introduction: The frailty syndrome in dialysis patients can deteriorate the health-related quality of life.Objective: To analyze the association between frailty syndrome and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.Materials and Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Mexico City. The convenience sample included 106 patients from the peritoneal dialysis program, of which 62% were male. Age, marital status, occupation, education level, body mass index, creatinine, and albumin were recorded. Health-related quality of life was assessed using KDQOL SF-36 and frailty syndrome through the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB).Results: SPPB scores showed a significant correlation with certain categories of KDQOL SF-36, such as kidney disease effects, kidney disease burden, and physical components. Gait speed test scores were not associated with any category of KDQOL SF-36. There were also no associations between the scores obtained in the mental component of KDQOL SF-36 and those of the SPPB tests. Health-related quality of life was lower in patients with frailty, advanced age, or hypoalbuminemia.Conclusions: Patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis have a high prevalence of frailty syndrome and decreased quality of life. Furthermore, the high frailty rate is associated with poorer quality of life, especially in physical performance.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Diálise Peritoneal Ambulatorial Contínua , Qualidade de Vida , Fragilidade , Fadiga , Velocidade de Caminhada , Nefrologia , Nefropatias , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , México
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(2): 10-18, Jun 20, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-222928


The primary objective of this research study is to ascertain the connection between top athletes' motivation and athletic burnout. This study uses particular questions about the variables as main data analysis for this aim. Athletic burnout is a mediator between motivation, the key independent variable, and this relationship. Elite athletes are the major dependent variable for assessing the research study with smart PLS software and producing data about them. The significant analysis between independent and dependent variables, the descriptive statistic analysis, the correlation analysis, the co-linearity statistic analysis, etc. In an athlete's career, motivation initially plays a beneficial role by encouraging them to set objectives, train assiduously, and pursue greatness. However, an athlete may be at a higher risk of burnout if they become overly fixated on receiving accolades or validation from other sources, such as winning championships or making money. This is especially true for elite athletes who frequently experience tremendous pressure to perform at a high level. The overall research study found that there is a positive relationship between motivation and athletic burnout among elite athletes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Fadiga , Desempenho Atlético , Atletas , Motivação , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Esportes , Psicologia do Esporte , Pesquisa
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 160(10): 428-433, mayo 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-220531


Background and objective The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between disease activity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) considering the increased interest in the management of this disease. Materials and methods HRQoL was measured at clinic visits during a 12-month follow-up period using questionnaires on fatigue (FACIT-FATIGUE); quality of life, EuroQol 5-dimension (EQ-5D-5L) health questionnaire with 5 levels; disability, Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), and a Global Health Status (GHS) scale. Disease activity, organ damage and other clinical factors that could affect HRQoL were recorded. The association between disease activity and HRQoL was assessed using Bayesian linear regression models with monotonic effects. Results Data from 70 patients at the baseline visit and 42 patients with 1 year of follow-up were analyzed. At baseline, 28.57% of patients presented Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI)>6. In the 70 baseline patients, disease activity was associated with HRQoL in all four parameters. In the 42 patients with 12 months of follow-up, the positive association of disease activity with GHS, FACIT-FATIGUE and EQ-5D-5L and the negative association with HAQ was maintained.Patients who are smokers and those receiving immunosuppressant therapy presented low GHS and FACIT-FATIGUE scores. Moreover, older age at inclusion was significantly associated to low GHS, while low leucocyte and 25-OH-vitamin D levels were associated to fatigue perception in SLE patients. Conclusion Our results showed a statistically significant association between disease activity and HRQoL parameters. (AU)

Objetivo El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación entre la actividad clínica y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES).Material y métodos La CVRS se evaluó en la visita basal y durante 12 meses de seguimiento mediante un cuestionario de fatiga (FACIT-FATIGUE), calidad de vida (EQ-5D-5L), discapacidad (HAQ) y una escala analógica visual de estado general de salud (EVA). La actividad clínica, el daño acumulado y otros factores clínicos que pudieran afectar a la CVRS se analizaron mediante un modelo de regresión lineal bayesiano con efectos monotónicos. Resultados Se analizaron los datos de 70 pacientes incluidos en la visita basal y los 42 con 12 meses de seguimiento seleccionados aleatoriamente. En la visita basal el 28,57% de los pacientes presentaban un índice SLEDAI>6. La actividad clínica medida mediante el índice SLEDAI se asociaba de forma estadísticamente significativa a los 4 parámetros de CVRS. En los 42 pacientes con un año de seguimiento la relación directa entre la actividad clínica y el FACIT-FATIGUE, EVA y EQ-5D-5L, así como la relación indirecta con el HAQ, se mantuvieron. Los pacientes fumadores y aquellos bajo tratamiento inmunosupresor presentaban valores disminuidos de EVA y FACIT-FATIGUE. Además, los pacientes con edades más avanzadas presentaban valores disminuidos de EVA, y aquellos con niveles bajos de vitamina D o leucopenia presentaban mayor percepción de fatiga. Conclusión La actividad clínica se asocia a diferentes dominios de la CVRS, apoyando la evaluación de la CVRS como complemento en el manejo del LES. (AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico , Qualidade de Vida , Exercício Físico , Fadiga , Inquéritos e Questionários , Seguimentos
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 23(89): 1-15, mar. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-219867


The purpose of this study was to determine the foot strike pattern (FSP), inversion (INV) and spatial-temporal variables in a large sample of recreational runners during a long-distance competition, according to sex and changes in the classification race. A total of 368 men and 67 women, who participated in the XVII International Half Marathon of Cordoba (Spain) were analysed. It was recorded at km 5 and km 15, where high-speed camcorder and 2D-photogrammetric techniques were used to measure FSP, INV, contact time (CT) and flight time (FT). The group that worsened their classification at km 15 increase RFS prevalence and INV asymmetry. A Pearson analysis indicates that variation of the classification in the race between the marks km 5 and km 15 is related with CT (r=0.429, p<0.001) and FT (r=-0.360, p<0.001). RFS prevalence and spatial-temporal parameters showed different patterns depending on whether the runners improved or worsened their ranking. (AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el patrón de pisada, inversión y variables espaciotemporales para una amplia muestra de corredores amateurs, durante una carrera de larga distancia, según sexo y posición de clasificación. Se analizaron 368 hombres y 67 mujeres, que participaron en la XVII Media Maratón Internacional de Córdoba (España). Se registró el km 5 y km 15, utilizando técnicas de fotogrametría 2D de alta velocidad para medir la pisada, la inversión, el tiempo de contacto (TC) y el tiempo de vuelo (TV). El grupo que empeoró su clasificación en el km 15 aumentó la prevalencia de FSP y la asimetría del INV. Un análisis de Pearson indica que la variación de la clasificación en la carrera está relacionada con TC (r=0,429, p<0,001) y TV (r=-0,360, p<0,001). La prevalencia de retropié y los parámetros espaciotemporales mostraron diferentes patrones dependiendo de si los corredores mejoraron o empeoraron su clasificación. (AU)

Humanos , Corrida , Resistência Física , Fadiga , Espanha , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Desempenho Físico Funcional
Arch. med. deporte ; 40(1): 24-29, Ene. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-218779


Introducción: Debido a los cambios demográficos de fecundidad y mortalidad se predice que en el año 2050 la proporciónde la población mundial de 60 años y más, aumentará del 11% al 22%.Objetivo: Analizar los efectos del entrenamiento intervalado de alta-intensidad en el adulto mayor sano. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las siguientes bases de datos Pubmed, Scielo y ScienceDirect,con la utilización de los términos boleanos High-intensity Interval excercise OR High-intensity interval training OR high intensityinterval activity AND aged OR older adult OR elderly. Se utilizó la estrategia PICoR para definir criterios de elegibilidad (P) Adultosmayores sanos, (I) Utilizar Entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad (HIIT), (C) ser sometidos a evaluación mediante la escalade PEDRO y obtener en esta un puntaje igual o superior a 6 puntos, (O) efecto del entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensi-dad en el Adulto Mayor sano (S) estudios con grupos control u otras intervenciones, publicados entre los años 2016 a 2021.Resultados: Se identificaron 1.516 artículos, pero solo se incluyeron los que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión (7estudios). Se obtuvieron mejoras significativas en la calidad de sueño, fatiga y composición corporal combinando un entre-namiento HIIT con apoyo nutricional. Otras mejoras se obtuvieron en fuerza, hormonas anabólicas, lípidos en sangre, Vo2máx,tolerancia al ejercicio y PA sistólica solo utilizando entrenamiento HIIT.Conclusión: El entrenamiento HIIT adaptado, es aplicable a adultos mayores sanos y provoca mejoras significativas en estegrupo etario.(AU)

Introduction: Due to demographic changes in fertility and mortality, it is predicted that in 2050 the proportion of the worldpopulation aged 60 and over will increase from 11% to 22%.Objective: To analyze the effects of high-intensity interval training in healthy older adults. Material and method: A bibliographic search was carried out in the following Pubmed, Scielo and ScienceDirect databases,using the Boolean terms High-intensity interval excercise OR High-intensity interval training OR high intensity interval activityAND aged OR older adult OR elderly. The PICoR strategy was used to define eligibility criteria (P) Healthy Older Adults, (I) UseHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), (C) be subjected to evaluation using the PEDRO scale and obtain a score equal to orgreater than 6 points, (O) effect of high-intensity interval training in Adults Healthy elderly (S) studies with control groups orother interventions, published between the years 2016 to 2021.Results: 1.516 articles were identified, but only those that met the inclusion criteria (7 studies) were included. Significantimprovements in sleep quality, fatigue, and body composition were obtained by combining HIIT training with nutritionalsupport. Other improvements were obtained in strength, anabolic hormones, blood lipids, VO2max, exercise tolerance, andsystolic BP using only HIIT training.Conclusion: The adapted HIIT training is applicable to healthy older adults and causes significant improvements in this agegroup.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Treinamento Intervalado de Alta Intensidade , Exercício Físico , Qualidade de Vida , Atividade Motora , Fadiga , Saúde do Idoso , Medicina Esportiva
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-223902


Esta pesquisa avaliou a frequência de burnout em profissionais de saúde. Aplicou-se o Spanish Burnout Inventorye questionário de dados sociodemográficos e laborais a 300 profissionais de um hospital público da região norte de Moçambique, majoritariamente do sexo feminino (n=165; 55%), com idades entre 24 a 59 anos. A análise estatística de dados indicou que 95 (31,6%) participantes apresentaram baixos níveis na ilusão pelo trabalho, 232 (77,3%), 216 (72%) e 68 (22,6%) altos níveis em desgaste psíquico, indolência e culpa, respetivamente. Quan-to ao perfil, 44 (14,6%) da amostra enquadraram-se no perfil 1 e seis (2,0%) no perfil 2. Verifi-cou-se associação positiva entre as variáveis sexo, trabalho em regime de turnos e especialida-de com as dimensões indolência e desgaste psíquico. A implantação de políticas de atenção à saúde do trabalhador pode contribuir na redução da vulnerabilidade ao burnoute na melhoria de qualidade de vida destes profissionais. (AU)

This research evaluated the frequency of burnout in health professionals. The Spanish Burnout Inventory and sociodemographic and labor data questionnaire were applied to 300 profession-als from a public hospital in the northern region of Mozambique, mostly female (n=165; 55%), aged between 24 and 59 years. Statistical data analysis indicated that 95 (31.6%) partic-ipants had low levels of illusion about work, 232 (77.3%), 216 (72%) and 68 (22.6%) high levels of psychic exhaustion, indolence and guilt, respectively. As for the profile, 44 (14.6%) of the sample fit profile 1 and six (2.0%) in profile 2. There was a positive association between the variables sex, shift work and specialty with the dimensions of indolence and psychic exhaus-tion. The implementation of workers’ health care policies can contribute to reducing vulnera-bility to burnout and improving the quality of life of these professionals. (AU)

Humanos , Fadiga , 16360 , Pessoal de Saúde , Saúde Ocupacional , Esgotamento Psicológico