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Av. odontoestomatol ; 38(4): 156-163, oct.-dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214559


Introducción: Inteligencia artificial (IA) es la automatización de actividades vinculadas con procesos de pensamiento humano. En ortodoncia se han desarrollado sistemas que asistidos por IA pueden tomar decisiones terapéuticas y realizar análisis. No existe un compendio actualizado sobre el uso de IA en ortodoncia. Objetivos: Describir los usos de IA en ortodoncia de acuerdo con la literatura actual. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión narrativa en las bases Medline y SciELO mediante la búsqueda: (orthodont*) AND (“machine learning” OR “deep learning” OR “artificial intelligence” OR “neural network”). Resultados: Se obtuvieron 19 artículos que mostraron que IA se ha desarrollado en cinco áreas: 1) Cefalometría asistida por IA, donde la localización de puntos y análisis cefalométricos mostraron una precisión igual a ortodoncistas. 2) Localización de dientes no erupcionados en CBCT, con resultados similares entre IA y ortodoncistas. 3) Determinación de edad y maduración ósea de forma más eficiente apoyada por IA, que por métodos convencionales, 4) Análisis facial, donde la IA permite una evaluación objetiva del atractivo facial, con aplicaciones en diagnóstico y planificación quirúrgica. 5) Decisiones terapéuticas con IA, para determinar la necesidad de exodoncias y dientes que serán extraídos. Discusión: La IA se está incorporando aceleradamente en ortodoncia, por lo que debe conocerse conceptos y posibilidades que brinda. (AU)Conclusiones:Un número creciente de artículos sobre usos de IA en ortodoncia muestran resultados similares con IA a los obtenidos por especialistas. Sin embargo, la evidencia aún es poca y principalmente experimental, por lo que la IA debiera usarse cautelosamente en ortodoncia.

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the automation of activities related to human thought processes. In orthodontics, systems have been developed which, assisted by AI, can make therapeutic decisions and perform analyses. There is no updated compendium on the use of AI in orthodontics. Objectives: To describe the uses of AI in orthodontics according to the current literature. Methodology: A narrative review was performed in the Medline and SciELO bases by means of the following search: (orthodont*) AND (“machine learning” OR “deep learning” OR “artificial intelligence” OR “neural network”). Results: 19 articles were obtained, showing that AI has been developed in four areas: 1) IA assisted cephalometry, where localization of cephalometric points and cephalometric analysis showed equal accuracy than orthodontists. 2) Unerupted tooth localization with CBCT, with similar results between AI and orthodontists. 3) Determination of skeletal age, which is more efficient with AI than with conventional methods. 4) Facial analysis, where AI allows an objective evaluation of facial attractiveness with applications in diagnosis and surgical planning. 5) Therapeutic decisions with AI, to determine the need for exodontia and teeth to be extracted. Discussion: AI is being incorporated rapidly in orthodontics, so we must know concepts and possibilities that it gives us in orthodontics. Conclusions: An increasing number of articles refer to the uses of AI in orthodontics, with similar results to those obtained by specialists. However, the evidence is still scarce and mainly experimental, so AI should still be used with caution in orthodontics. (AU)

Humanos , Inteligência Artificial , Ortodontia , Cefalometria
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 27(4): 1-9, July 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-209799


Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in craniofacial dimensions of newly diagnosed anduntreated acromegaly patients, patients with non-functional pituitary adenoma and healthy individuals on ConeBeam Computed Tomography (CBCT).Material and Methods: 50 newly diagnosed acromegaly patients who did not receive any treatment for acromegalywere included in the study (Group A). Twenty patients with nonfunctional pituitary adenoma (Group B) and 30healthy individuals were included (Group C). Linear, angular and volumetric measurements were performed.Results: Mandibular length showed significant difference in acromegaly patients, and maxillar length statisticallysignificant difference was found between the A-B and B-C (p> 0,05), no difference was found between the A-C(p<0,05). SNB and ANB angle was statistically different in all groups, while SNA angle was statistically different between group A-C and B-C. In volumetric measurements, a statistically significant difference was foundbetween groups a-c and groups A-B (p< 0,05), no difference was found between groups B-C (p>0,05).Conclusions: CBCT measurements showed that mandibular volume and length were increased in the acromegalygroup compared to the group B-C. Present study is the first research that compares acromegaly patients in respectto changes in maxillofacial dimensions. (AU)

Humanos , Acromegalia/diagnóstico por imagem , Cefalometria/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Hipofisárias , Prolactinoma
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 19(1): 17-32, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-202825


Objetivo: El propósito de este trabajo fueconocer la similitud estadística que existeentre la altura facial ideal propuesta en elmétodo cefalométrico Silva (MCS) y la altura facial obtenida utilizando el rectángulo áureo (o Rectángulo de Euclides).Método: Se utilizaron 100 imágenes cefalométricas de pacientes ortodónticosdel Departamento de Ortodoncia de laUniversidad Latinoamericana, campusValle de la Ciudad de México, de ambossexos, seleccionando aquellas que tuvieron características aptas para el trazadocefalométrico en cuestión, siendo ubicadas 85 de éstas en el programa Keynote(Apple®), realizando MCS y el trazado delRectángulo de Euclides, cuya correlaciónse estableció con el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson.Resultados: El análisis de Pearson obtuvo un resultado de correlación importante(r)=0.69058966Conclusiones: Los resultados estadísticos demuestran que la altura facial medida con el método cefalométrico Silva ycon el rectángulo de Euclides arrojan unacorrelación importante pero no perfecta(AU)

Objective: The purpose of this work wasto know the statistical similarity that existsbetween the ideal facial height proposedin the Silva cephalometric method (SCM)and the facial height obtained using thegolden rectangle (or Euclid’s Rectangle).Method: 100 cephalometric images oforthodontic patients of the Departmentof Orthodontics of the Latin AmericanUniversity, Valle campus in Mexico City,of both sexes were used, selecting thosethat had characteristics suitable for thecephalometric tracing in question, 85of these being located in the Keynoteprogram (Apple®), performing SCMand plotting the Euclid Rectangle, thecorrelation of which was established withPearson’s correlation coefficient.Results: Pearson’s analysis obtainedan important correlation result(r) = 0.69058966Conclusions: The statistical results showthat the facial height measured with thecephalometric method and the Euclideanrectangle shows an important but notperfect correlation(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ossos Faciais/anatomia & histologia , Assimetria Facial/diagnóstico por imagem , Cefalometria/métodos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 27(2): e159-e163, mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-204478


Background: The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of condylar and ramal asymmetry in patients with a cyst larger than 10 mm in the maxilla or mandible. Material and Methods: Condylar and ramal asymmetry index measurements of 47 patients (mean age: 28.85 ± 15.348) in the study group and 40 patients in the control group (mean age: 33.73 ± 13.095) were performed using panoramic radiographs. The study group consists of patients with cysts larger than 10 mm in diameter in the maxilla or mandible. The control group consisted of patients with no radiolucent lesions and no history of trauma. The possible statistical difference between the groups was evaluated by the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: No statistically significant difference was observed in asymmetry indices according to gender and the jaw (maxilla or mandible) in which the cyst was located. However, it was determined that CAI and RAI values were statistically significantly different between the study and control groups (p = 0.047 and p = 0.016, respectively). Conclusions: The presence of intraosseous cysts larger than 10 mm in the jaws was found to be associated with condylar and ramal asymmetry.(AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Assimetria Facial/complicações , Assimetria Facial/patologia , Mandíbula/patologia , Côndilo Mandibular/diagnóstico por imagem , Cefalometria , Radiografia Panorâmica
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 26(2): e151-e155, Mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224434


Background: To describe a technical feature that increases the stability of the intermediate splint in patients wherebimaxillary surgery with great maxillary/mandibular advancements are planned.Material and Methods: Prospective evaluation of the intermediate splint dental vertical penetration in patientsundergoing bimaxillary surgery where great sagittal discrepancy occur in the anterior sector between the upperand lower jaws when the intermediate splint is placed by adding an extra intermaxillary fixation (IMF) screw (2x9mm) placed between the central incisors of the maxilla and fixed to the most anterior aspect of the intermediatesplint following the direction of the sagittal maxillo-mandibular discrepancy from January to September 2018.Results: The postoperative evaluation comparing the accuracy of conventional fixation versus fixation with anextra anterior anchorage point through photographic assessment and intraoral digital scanner demonstrated betterdental penetration, and therefore improved intermediate splint precision with the latter in all casesConclusions: Our results suggest that this is a simple and safe technique that can be easily reproduced and opti-mizes the outcomes by increasing the accuracy of translation of the planned surgical movements to the operatingroom.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ferula , Parafusos Ósseos/efeitos adversos , Cirurgia Ortognática , Período Pós-Operatório , Cefalometria , Estudos Prospectivos , Cirurgia Bucal , Patologia Bucal , Método Duplo-Cego
Av. odontoestomatol ; 36(4): 200-207, sept.-dic. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-198590


INTRODUCCIÓN: En pacientes con crecimiento esqueletal clase II, el tratamiento ideal es etiológico modificando la cantidad y dirección de crecimiento mandibular. Con estos objetivos, se usan activadores funcionales (AF) que estimulan el crecimiento mandibular, redirigiéndolo posterosuperiormente a nivel condilar por medio del avance mandibular. Después del peak de crecimiento puberal, la corrección etiológica es quirúrgica. El objetivo del presente artículo es reportar un tratamiento exitoso de un paciente después de su peak de crecimiento puberal, tratado con un AF removible. MÉTODOS: Paciente de 13 años, 3 meses, braquifacial y con perfil facial convexo, presentaba clase II esqueletal debido a mandíbula retrognática. El paciente tenía dentición permanente completa, clase II de Angle, resalte incisivo y sobremordida aumentados, proinclinación incisiva bimaxilar y mordida en tijera de dientes #2.4 y #2.5. RESULTADOS: Después de ocho meses de tratamiento, se observó posición mandibular estable en clase I esqueletal, verificada mediante exámenes funcionales y radiográficos. Se logró resolución de la mordida en tijera. Mejoraron resalte incisivo y sobremordida, así como la proinclinación incisiva bimaxilar. CONCLUSIONES: El momento ideal para utilizar AF en tratamiento de clases II esqueletales es durante o ligeramente después del peak de crecimiento puberal. Sin embargo, los resultados clínicos del presente caso, permiten recomendar el avance mandibular con AF en pacientes braquifaciales clase II, a pesar de que se haya producido el peak de crecimiento puberal. En estos casos, el uso de AF está dirigido principalmente a beneficios dentarios, pero, al mismo tiempo, puede favorecer el crecimiento mandibular

INTRODUCTION: In growing skeletal class II patients, the ideal treatment is etiological and is obtained by modifying the amount and direction of mandibular growth. With this objective in mind, functional activators (FA) are used as they stimulate growth, redirecting it at the condylar level through forward mandibular advancement. After pubertal growth peak, etiological correction is surgical. OBJECTIVE: The present article aims to report a successful treatment in a patient after pubertal growth peak treated with a removable FA. METHODS: >A 13 years 3 months male patient, skeletal class II due to retrognathic mandible, brachyfacial and with a convex facial profile. The patient had complete permanent dentition, Angle class II, increased overjet and overbite. Maxillary and mandibular incisive proclination. Scissor bite of teeth #2.4 and #2.5. RESULTS: Treatment started using a FA for one year after first evaluation. Following eight months of treatment, stable mandibular position was observed in skeletal class I, verified by functional and radiographic examinations. Resolution of scissor bite was accomplished. Overjet and overbite, and bimaxillary incisive proclination were improved. CONCLUSIONS: The ideal time to use FAs for skeletal management in skeletal class II is during, or slightly after peak pubertal growth. However, the clinical results of present case, allows recommending the forward mandibular advancement in brachyfacial skeletal class II patients, even though pubertal growth peak had occurred. In these cases, the use of FA is primarily aimed at the dental benefits, but, at the same time, favoring mandibular growth

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/terapia , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Removíveis , Aparelhos Ativadores , Mandíbula/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Mandíbula/patologia , Maxila/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Maxila/patologia , Desenvolvimento Musculoesquelético/fisiologia , Cefalometria
Eur. j. anat ; 24(5): 415-428, sept. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-195279


In order to explain the evolutionary process of ancient human populations that inhabited a specific geographical region from quantitative skull traits, it is advisable to know the evolutionary potential of metric characters. For this reason, the proportion of the maximum genetic variance or maximum heritability (h2m) of the variables studied was estimated. In addition, it was evaluated whether h2m changes between regions of the skull (face, base and vault) and the degree of association between the phenotypic variance and the maximum genetic variance. Twenty-one symmetrical variables on the left and right sides of the skull were measured in 245 skulls from five prehistoric samples from northwestern Argentina. The upper limit of heritability was estimated using the repeated measurement method. To test whether there are differences between the h2m of each group, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The maximum genetic values of each variable were obtained through a regression analysis (right measure on left measure). The relationship between phenotypic and maxi-mum genetic values was evaluated by correlation analysis. Significant bilateral difference is demon-strated in six of 21 characters. The average h2m is 0.77 and ranges between 0.58 and 0.93. The aver-age correlation between phenotypic values and maximum genotypic values was 0.8 (R2=0.65), suggesting that it is possible to make inferences of the genetic structure of the population from phenotypic information. The high proportion of maximum observed genetic variance indicates an important evolutionary potential of the craniofacial complex in ancient populations of northwestern Argentina

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , História Medieval , História do Século XV , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Cefalometria , Variação Anatômica , Variação Genética , Fenótipo , Argentina , Antropologia/métodos , Variação Biológica da População/genética
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 17(2): 87-92, mayo-ago. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-195096


En la actualidad la relación entre oclusión y posturología despierta un gran interés científico, sobre todo de cara a la instauración de un tratamiento multidisciplinar. Sin embargo, la diversidad de estudios se refiere sobre todo a la población adulta y no hay un consenso común entre las diferentes investigaciones. En base a ello nos planteamos como objetivo estudiar la posición craneocervical en diferentes oclusiones en población en desarrollo. Mediante un diseño de carácter transversal fueron seleccionados 64 pacientes pediátricos con historia clínica completa y radiografías laterales de cráneo de calidad. Las variables analizadas mediante el software de ImageJ® y Nemoceph® fueron FP-MP, ángulo ANB, OPT-SN, CVT-SN y Ad1-Ba. El análisis estadístico descriptivo y comparativo se llevó a cabo mediante el programa programa IBM SPSS® hallan-do posteriormente la fiabilidad intraexaminador. Los valores p obtenidos para cada una de las variables fueron 0,846 para FP-MP, 0,008 para el ángulo ANB, 0,155 para OPT-SN, 0,415 para CVT-SN y 0,221 para Ad1-Ba. Por todo ello, creemos que la posición craneofacial en las diferentes oclusiones podría estar determinada por el hecho de que el desarrollo todavía no ha finalizado

Currently, the relationship between occlusion and posture arouses great scientific interest, especially during the establishment of a multidisciplinary treatment. However, the diversity of studies refers mostly to the adult population and there is no common agreement among the different investigations. Based on this, we aimed to study the craniocervical position in different occlusions in the developing pediatric population. Through a cross-sectional design, 64 pediatric patients with complete clinical history and high-quality lateral skull radiographs were selected. The variables analyzed by ImageJ® and Nemoceph® software's were FP-MP, ANB angle, OPT-SN, CVT-SN and Ad1-Ba. Descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics® software, subsequently finding intra-examiner agreement. P-values obtained for each of these variables were 0.846 for FP-MP, 0.008 for ANB angle, 0.155 for OPT-SN, 0.415 for CVT-SN, and 0.221 for CVT-SN. Based on these results, we believe that the craniofacial position in the different occlusions could be determined by the fact that the development has not yet been completed

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Vértebras Cervicais/diagnóstico por imagem , Vértebras Cervicais/fisiologia , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Crânio/fisiologia , Cefalometria/métodos , Deformidades Dentofaciais/diagnóstico por imagem , Intervalos de Confiança , Assimetria Facial/diagnóstico por imagem
Cient. dent. (Ed. impr.) ; 17(1): 57-63, ene.-abr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-189750


El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica para evaluar la posible relación entre los patrones de crecimiento facial con la maduración dental y esquelética en pacientes en crecimiento. La maduración dental y esquelética son dos indicadores que nos permiten es-tablecer en qué momento del desarrollo se encuentra el paciente en crecimiento. Actualmente, para la valoración de la maduración esquelética se emplea la visualización de las vértebras cervicales en la radiografía lateral de cráneo, ya que es un método que permite disminuir la exposición radiológica del paciente que se encuentra en estudio ortodóncico, en comparación con la radiografía de muñe-ca, la cual suponía la realización de una radiografía adicional. Para el análisis de la maduración dental, la radiografía panorámica es la más empleada mediante la visualización del desarrollo de los siete dientes mandibulares izquierdos. Los pacientes que se encuentran en edad infantil presentan diversos patrones de crecimiento facial, entre los que podemos encontrar, braquifacial, mesofacial y dolicofacial. Para poder establecer el patrón de crecimiento que presenta el paciente existen diversos métodos que, a través de mediciones cefalométricas, nos clasifican al paciente en uno de los tres grupos. Existen diversos trabajos que estudian la posible relación entre los patrones de crecimiento facial y la maduración dental y esquelética. Según la literatura revisada podemos concluir que los pacientes que presentan un patrón de crecimiento vertical muestran una maduración dental y esquelética más avanzada en comparación con los pacientes que presentan un patrón de crecimiento horizontal

The objective of this paper is to present a bibliographical review to evaluate the possible relationship between facial growth patterns and dental and skeletal maturation in growing patients.Dental and skeletal maturation are two indicators that allow us to establish at what point the patient is in his growth. Currently, for the evaluation of skeletal maturation, the visualisation of the cervical vertebrae in the lateral x-ray of the skull is used, since this is a method that diminishes the radiological exposure of the patient undergoing an orthodontic study, in comparison with the x-ray of the wrist, which means taking an additional x-ray.For the analysis of dental maturation, the panoramic x-ray is the most used through visualisation of the development of the seven left jaw teeth. Children in young ages present different facial growth patterns, among which we can find brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial. In order to establish the growth pattern the patient presents, there are different methods that, through cephalometric measurements, classify the patient in one of the three groups. Different papers study the possible relationship between facial growth patterns and dental and skeletal maturation. According to the reviewed literature, we can conclude that the patients who present a vertical growth pattern show more advanced dental and skeletal maturation in comparison with the patients who present a horizontal growth pattern

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Arco Dental/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Maxilofacial/fisiologia , Maxila/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ossos Faciais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Longitudinais , Radiografia Panorâmica , Cefalometria/métodos
Rev. esp. cir. oral maxilofac ; 41(4): 178-182, oct.-dic. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-191803


OBJETIVOS: Comparar la variación de la dimensión del espacio orofaríngeo (EO) en el prequirúrgico, postquirúrgico inmediato y postquirúrgico de 5 a 24 meses después de la cirugía de retroceso mandibular (CRM). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se evaluaron las radiografías cefalométricas prequirúrgicas, postquirúrgicas inmediatas y postquirúrgicas de 5 a 24 meses de 20 pacientes con CRM del Servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial de dos instituciones. Se cuantificó la dimensión del EO en diferentes momentos. RESULTADOS: No se encontraron diferencias de significación entre la cantidad de retroceso mandibular y la variación de la dimensión del EO. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una leve disminución de la dimensión del EO después de la CRM. No son estadísticamente significantes entre los momentos de evaluación. No se encontró correlación entre el retroceso mandibular y la disminución del EO

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the variation in the size of the oropharyngeal space (OS) in the preoperative, immediate postoperative and post-operative 5 to 24 months according to the amount of mandibular setback. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Variation were evaluated on cephalometric radiographs taken few days before the surgery (Rx1), immediate postoperative (Rx2) and postoperative long time (5 to 24 months) (Rx3). The subjects were 20 patients (18 - 36 years) in whom dentofacial deformity class III was corrected by bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy setback. Surgery was done in two Oral and Maxillofacial specialized institutions, since 2003 to 2010. We examined the size of the oropharyngeal space at different times before and after mandibular setback surgery. RESULTS: These shows no significant difference between the amount of mandibular setback and decrease the size of the oropharyngeal space. It was determined that the oropharyngeal space immediately after surgery increases and decreases over time as a result of soft and hard tissue adaptation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there is a slight decreased in the anteroposterior dimension of oropharynx after mandibular setback surgery, however the variations is no statistically significant difference between the moments of evaluation (the amount of mandibular recoil and the decrease in OS)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Osteotomia Mandibular/métodos , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Reconstrução Mandibular/métodos , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono/epidemiologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Ortodontia Corretiva/métodos , Osteotomia Mandibular/estatística & dados numéricos , Anormalidades da Boca/cirurgia , Reconstrução Mandibular/efeitos adversos , Cefalometria/métodos
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 24(5): e684-e690, sept. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-185687


Background: Surgical guiding templates provided a reliable way to transfer the simulation to the actual operation. However, there was no template designed for anterior segmental osteotomy so far. The study aimed to introduce and evaluate a set of 3D rapid prototyping surgical templates used in anterior segmental osteotomy. Material and methods: From August 2015 to August 2017, 17 patients with bimaxillary protrusions were recruited and occlusal-based multi-sectional templates were applied in the surgeries. The cephalometric analysis and 3D superimposition were performed to evaluate the differences between the simulations and actual post-operative out-comes. The patients were followed-up for 12 months to evaluate the incidence rate of complications and relapse. Results: Bimaxillary protrusion was corrected in all patients with no complication. In radiographic evaluations, there was no statistically significant difference between the actual operations and the computer-aided 3D simulations (p > 0.05, the mean linear and angular differences were less than 1.32mm and 1.72° consequently, and 3D superimposition difference was less than 1.4mm). The Pearson intraclass correlation coefficient reliabilities were high (0.897), and the correlations were highly significant (P < 0.001).Conclusions: The 3D printed surgical template designed in this study can safely and accurately transfer the computer-aided 3D simulation into real practice

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Humanos , Má Oclusão , Osteotomia , Cefalometria , Imageamento Tridimensional , Impressão Tridimensional
Cir. plást. ibero-latinoam ; 45(2): 127-138, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-184220


Introducción y objetivo. El planteamiento de una rinoplastia requiere una evaluación objetiva de la estética nasal y facial, principalmente en el perfil, que se puede llevar a cabo utilizando medidas antropométricas obtenidas con fotogrametría y cefalometría radiológica. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico vendrá dado por la comparación de las medidas obtenidas con otros parámetros establecidos Este inconveniente de estandarización de parámetros motivó el desarrollo de la Perfilografía Áurea, cuyo objetivo principal es hacer una evaluación estética personalizada del perfil facial del paciente, utilizando medidas estéticas obtenidas directamente de su perfil facial, evitando así el tener que comparar esos resultados con otros previamente establecidos y estandarizados. Material y método. La Perfilografía Áurea consiste en un dibujo del perfil vertical facial de proporciones estéticas obtenido a partir de una fotografía de perfil facial del paciente y ampliada a tamaño natural, de la que tomamos la medida equivalente al eje vertical nasal dividida por la sección áurea (entre 1.618). A partir de ahí e independientemente de la fotografía, obtenemos los planos, ángulos e inclinaciones que utilizaremos como guías para comparar las medidas de ambos perfiles. Así podemos obtener la similitud o diferencia morfológica del perfil del paciente, sin la desventaja de tener que recurrir a otros patrones comparativos. Resultados. Utilizamos la Perfilografía Áurea para realizar un estudio de evaluación estética a 18 pacientes candidatos a rinoplastia, por nariz grande. Medimos la proyección nasal y del mentón; el resultado obtenido, en general, fue una proyección menor de la áurea. En cuanto a la proyección del mentón, todos presentaron acortamiento, la mayoría con micrognatia y en menos casos con microgenia, que se traduce en desproporción estética y falta de armonía entre la mitad superior facial y la inferior, y condiciona un perfil facial convexo y una falsa imagen de nariz grande. Encontramos en la literatura medidas similares e igualdades obtenidas por otros medios, sobre todo con el de Farkas en mujeres consideradas como atractivas y muy atractivas. Conclusiones. La Perfilografía Áurea es un método objetivo para evaluar de forma personalizada la relación estética del perfil facial del paciente. Este perfil personalizado lo obtenemos a partir del propio paciente y comparado consigo mismo, de forma que, podemos concluir que cada humano cuenta con su propia fórmula personal para obtener su diagnóstico estético facial individualizado

Background and objective. Evaluation of nasal and facial aesthetics should be carried out when planning a rhinoplasty, especially of a side profile view that can be obtained through anthropometric measurements of photogrammetry and radiological cephalometry. Anyway, the resultant diagnosis will be done comparing established parameters. These inconvenience led to the development of the Golden Profilography, which aims to perform an aesthetic evaluation of the patient's facial profile trough direct measurements obtained from their own profile, without comparing with standardized patterns. Methods. Golden Profilography consists of a vertical facial profile drawn of esthetic proportions obtained from a picture of the patient's facial profile, enlarged to real size to obtain the equivalent measure to the vertical nasal axis divided by the golden section (between 1.618), and independently of the picture, the planes, angles and inclinations that serve as guides to compare the measurements of both profiles in order to obtain the similarity or morphological difference of the patient's facial profile without resorting to other comparative patterns. Results. Using Golden Profilography, an aesthetic evaluation study was conducted on 18 patients candidates for rhinoplasty motivated by having a large nose. Both nasal and chin projection were measured; the general result was a minor projection than the aurea one. The projection of the chin presented a shortening in all cases, mostly with micrognathia and in fewer cases with microgenia, which translates into an aesthetic disproportion and lack of harmony between the upper and lower half facial sides. This conditions a convex facial profile giving a false impression of a larger nose. We found in the literature similar findings, measurements and equalities obtained by other means, especially with the one referred by Farkas conducted in attractive women. Conclusions. Golden Profilography is an objective method of morphological diagnosis that allows evaluating the aesthetic correspondence of the facial profile of the patient obtained and compared from the patient itself. So, we can conclude that each human being has its own formula to obtain its own facial morphological diagnosis

Humanos , Fotogrametria/métodos , Cefalometria/métodos , Cirurgia Plástica , Antropometria , Rinoplastia
Neurocirugía (Soc. Luso-Esp. Neurocir.) ; 30(3): 115-123, mayo-jun. 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-183574


Introduction: Intracranial volume (ICV) is an important tool in the management of patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy (DC) surgery. The aim of this study was to validate ICV measurement applying the shape-based interpolation (SBI) method using open source software on computed tomography (CT) images. Methods: The pre- and post-operative CT images of 55 patients undergoing DC surgery were analyzed. The ICV was measured by segmenting every slice of the CT images, and compared with estimated ICV calculated using the 1-in-10 sampling strategy and processed using the SBI method. An independent t test was conducted to compare the ICV measurements between the two different methods. The calculation using this method was repeated three times for reliability analysis using the intraclass correlations coefficient (ICC). The Bland-Altman plot was used to measure agreement between the methods for both pre- and post-operative ICV measurements. Results: The mean ICV (±SD) were 1341.1±122.1ml (manual) and 1344.11±122.6ml (SBI) for the preoperative CT data. The mean ICV (±SD) were 1396.4±132.4ml (manual) and 1400.53±132.1ml (SBI) for the post-operative CT data. No significant difference was found in ICV measurements using the manual and the SBI methods (p=.983 for pre-op, and p=.960 for post-op). The intrarater ICC showed a significant correlation; ICC=1.00. The Bland-Altman plot showed good agreement between the manual and the SBI method. Conclusion: The shape-based interpolation method with 1-in-10 sampling strategy gave comparable results in estimating ICV compared to manual segmentation. Thus, this method could be used in clinical settings for rapid, reliable and repeatable ICV estimations

Introducción: El volumen intracraneal (ICV) constituye una importante herramienta para el tratamiento de los pacientes sometidos a craneotomía descompresiva (CD). El objetivo de este estudio fue validar la medición del ICV aplicando el método de interpolación basado en formas (SBI), utilizando software de código abierto en las imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC). Métodos: Se analizaron las imágenes pre- y postoperatorias de TC de 55 pacientes sometidos a CD. Se midió el ICV segmentando cada corte de las imágenes de TC, comparándose con el ICV estimado calculado utilizando la estrategia de muestreo 1 de 10, y procesándose mediante el método SBI. Se realizó una prueba t independiente para comparar las mediciones de ICV entre los 2 métodos. Se repitió 3 veces el cálculo con este método, para realizar el análisis de fiabilidad, utilizando el coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (ICC). Se utilizó el gráfico de Bland-Altman para medir el acuerdo entre ambos métodos, para las mediciones de ICV pre- y postoperatorias. Resultados: El ICV medio (±DE) fue de 1.341,1ml±122,1 (manual) y 1.344,11ml±122,6 (SBI) para los datos de la TC preoperatoria. El ICV medio (±DE) fue de 1.396,4ml±132,4 (manual) y 1.400,53ml±132,1 (SBI) para los datos de la TC postoperatoria. No se encontró diferencia significativa en cuanto a las mediciones de ICV utilizando los métodos manual y SBI (p=0,983 para preoperatoria, p=0,960 para postoperatoria). El ICC intra-evaluador reflejó una correlación significativa; ICC=1. El gráfico de Bland-Altman reflejó un buen acuerdo entre el método manual y el método SBI. Conclusión: El método de interpolación basado en formas con estrategia de muestreo 1 de 10 proporcionó resultados comparables a la hora de calcular el ICV, en comparación con la segmentación manual. Por tanto, este método podría utilizarse en el entorno clínico para realizar estimaciones del ICV rápidas, fidedignas y repetibles

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Cefalometria , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Craniectomia Descompressiva/métodos , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão , 28599
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 23(2): e168-e179, mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-171397


Background: Oral manifestations are common in neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), and include jaws and teeth alterations. Our aim was to investigate the craniomaxillofacial morphology of Brazilian children, adolescents and adults with NF1 using cone beam computed tomography. Material and Methods: This study was conducted with 36 Brazilian individuals with NF1 with ages ranging from 4 to 75. The participants were submitted to anamnesis, extra and intraoral exam and cephalometric analysis using cone beam computed tomography. Height of the NF1 individuals was compared to the length of jaws and skull base. The results of the cephalometric measurements of the NF1 group were compared with a control group paired by age, gender and skin color. Results: Individuals with NF1 had lower maxillary length (p<0.0001), lower mandibular length (p<0.0001), lower skull base length (p<0.0001. In children and adolescents, the mandible was more posteriorly positioned (p=0.01), when compared with the control group. There was no association between jaws and skull base length with the height of the individuals with NF1. Conclusions: Brazilian children, adolescents and adults with NF1 have short mandible, maxilla and skull base. Moreover, children and adolescents present mandibular retrusion (AU)

No disponible

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Neurofibromatose 1/diagnóstico por imagem , Neurofibromatose 1/patologia , Doenças Estomatognáticas/diagnóstico por imagem , Cefalometria/métodos , Tomografia/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , 28599
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 87(6): 301-310, dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-170126


Introducción: La restricción posnatal del crecimiento es considerada un problema universal en recién nacidos extremadamente prematuros (RNEP), generando gran preocupación debido a la posible relación entre nutrición, crecimiento posnatal subóptimo y alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. Objetivos: Describir la evolución de la ganancia posnatal de peso en RNEP y conocer los cambios en la longitud y el perímetro craneal (PC) al alta hospitalaria en los supervivientes. Pacientes y métodos: Se estudió a 4.520 RNEP de raza blanca, de gestaciones únicas y sin malformaciones, nacidos en los centros participantes en la red española SEN1500 (2002-2011). El peso se registró al nacimiento, 28 días, 36 semanas de edad posmenstrual y al alta hospitalaria. La longitud y el PC se estudiaron al nacimiento y al alta. Resultados: La velocidad de ganancia ponderal fue de 8,0 g/kg/día (nacimiento-28 días); 14,3 g/kg/día (28 días-36 semanas), y 11,7 g/kg/día (36 semanas-alta hospitalaria). Al alta, la restricción posnatal del crecimiento fue mayor para la longitud (z-score entre -1,78 y -2,42, en función de la edad gestacional), seguida del peso (-1,67 a -1,79) y, finalmente, el PC (-0,69 a -0,81). Conclusiones: Los RNEP presentan una velocidad de ganancia ponderal lenta en las primeras semanas tras el nacimiento y una restricción posnatal del crecimiento que afecta en mayor grado a la longitud y al peso. Además del peso, un control estrecho del crecimiento longitudinal y del PC es fundamental para la valoración nutricional y la detección de pacientes de riesgo respecto al crecimiento y el neurodesarrollo tras el alta hospitalaria (AU)

Introduction: Postnatal growth restriction is considered a universal problem in extremely premature infants (EPI), and causes great concern due to the possible relationship between nutrition, sub-optimal postnatal growth, and neurodevelopment delay. Objectives: To describe the weight gain in EPI and to determine the changes in the length and head circumference (HC) at hospital discharge in survivors. Patients and methods: The study included 4,520 Caucasian EPI from single pregnancies and without severe malformations, born in the centres participating in the Spanish SEN1500 network (2002-2011). The weight was recorded at birth, 28 days, 36 weeks post-menstrual age (PMA), and at discharge. The length and HC were measured at birth and at discharge. Results: The rate of weight gain (exponential method) was 8.0 g/kg/d (birth - 28 days); 14.3 g/kg/d (28 days - 36 weeks); and 11.7 g/kg/d (36 weeks - discharge). At discharge, postnatal growth restriction was greater for length (z-score between -1.78 and -2.42, depending on GA), followed by weight (-1.67 to -1.79), and HC (-0.69 to -0.81). Conclusions: Weight gain in the first weeks after birth is slow in EPI, and they exhibit an almost universal postnatal growth restriction that involves mainly length and weight. In addition to weight, a close control of longitudinal growth and HC are essential for nutritional assessment and detection of patients at risk for poor growth and neurodevelopment after hospital discharge (AU)

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente Extremamente Prematuro/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aumento de Peso , Alta do Paciente/estatística & dados numéricos , Peso Corporal , Cefalometria , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/estatística & dados numéricos , Peso ao Nascer
SD, Rev. med. int. Síndr. Down (Ed. castell.) ; 21(2): 27-32, mayo-ago. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-167361


Objetivo. Estudio de los valores antropométricos registrados en las historias clínicas de un grupo representativo de pacientes en edad pediátrica en la Unidad de Síndrome de Down del Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia, entre los años 2000 y 2014, inclusive. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio observacional descriptivo en una muestra de 140 pacientes de entre 1 y 13 años. La muestra se configuró a partir de los criterios de inclusión y de exclusión. Se extrajeron del informe de la primera visita, los datos relevantes referentes al nacimiento y, de las visitas sucesivas (643 mediciones), el estado del paciente en dicho momento. Resultados. Se estudiaron 103 pacientes con síndrome de Down portadores de trisomía regular, que superaron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, cuya distribución por sexos corresponde a 59 (57%) niños y 44 (43%) niñas. Posteriormente, se analizaron, obteniendo percentiles. Discusión. Se comparó la mediana con aquella de los percentiles propuestos por la Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down. Conclusiones. Presentamos un estudio observacional con las mediciones antropométricas de una muestra de pacientes menores con síndrome de Down de la población valenciana. Las medidas han sido inferiores a las de la población general, pero similares a las de los pacientes del estudio de la Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down. Se reafirma la necesidad de continuar empleando unas tablas percentiladas propias para la población con síndrome de Down, siendo necesaria una revisión periódica de dichas tablas (AU)

Objective. Study of anthropometric values in the medical records of a representative group of paediatric patients with Down Syndrome, from the Down Syndrome Unit of the Paediatric Department of Valencia's Hospital Clínico Universitario, from 2000 to 2014. Patients and methods. Descriptive observational study in a group of 140 patients between 1 and 13 years. The group was configured based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. We extracted data about birth from their first visit, and subsequently patient data at the time of each visit (643 measurements). Results. 103 patients with regular trisomy of Down syndrome were recorded and studied. There were 59 (57%) boys and 44 (43%) girls. The records were then analysed and percentiles were calculated. Discussion. The median was compared to that of percentiles from the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation. Conclusions. We present an observational study with anthropometric measurements of a group of Down syndrome children from Valencia. Measurements were lower than those of the WHO for the general population, but similar to those recorded by the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation. The need to continue using customised Down Syndrome percentiles is reaffirmed, with periodic review of these tables (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Antropometria/métodos , Síndrome de Down/complicações , Síndrome de Down/diagnóstico , Peso-Estatura , Cefalometria/métodos , Análise de Dados/métodos , Comorbidade , Valores de Referência , Cefalometria
Cir. pediátr ; 30(2): 105-110, abr. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-166519


Introducción. Desde 2007 hemos valorado en consulta a niños con deformidades craneales. La creciente demanda y la falta de profesionales dedicados nos obligaron a asumir el tratamiento de esta patología. Presentamos nuestra experiencia. Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los enfermos con deformidades craneales atendidos desde 2010 a 2015. Recopilamos datos sobre edad en la primera visita y al alta, medidas secuenciales del cráneo, tipo de tratamiento prescrito (postural, ortesis o ambos) e interconsulta a otras especialidades. En la primera etapa (2010-2012), cada cirujano prescribía el tratamiento que consideraba oportuno. Desde noviembre de 2012 se implementó un protocolo que incluye una hoja de actuación para el cirujano y otra para los padres con información sobre medidas posturales y gráficas para anotar las mediciones. Resultados. Hemos atendido a 261 pacientes afectos de deformidades craneales. Dos fueron diagnosticados de craneosinostosis. Del resto, solo 151 disponían de datos cuantitativos completos y se incluyeron en el estudio. Fueron 105 varones y 46 mujeres con edad media de 5,8 meses (± 1,9 meses). Veintitrés presentaban una braquicefalia pura, 126 formas mixtas y 2 presentaban plagiocefalia pura. Existía una importante disparidad entre observadores en la toma de medidas. Todos fueron sometidos a un tratamiento postural protocolizado. En 36 enfermos que no mejoraban se pautó ortesis craneal con buena respuesta: 66,8% pasaron a formas más leves. Los que se mantuvieron solo con tratamiento postural también mejoraron evolucionando a formas más leves en el 64,4%. Conclusiones. La introducción de un protocolo asistencial nos ha permitido unificar la atención y el seguimiento de estos enfermos. Las técnicas de medición craneal deben ser más precisas y reproducibles. Un buen tratamiento postural y empatía con la familia reducen la utilización de ortesis a casos muy seleccionados (AU)

Introduction. Since 2007, we have examined in our medical practice children with cranial deformities. The increasing demand and lack of professionals dedicated to it has forced us to assume the treatment of this disease. We present our experience. Material and methods. Retrospective study of patients with cranial deformities treated from 2010 to 2015. We collected data as age at the first visit and at discharge, sequential measurements of the skull and cranial index, type of treatment prescribed (postural, orthosis or both) and consultation requested to other specialties. In the first stage (2010-2012), each surgeon prescribed the treatment he considered appropriate. Since November 2012 a protocol has been implemented, it includes guideline sheets for the surgeon and parents with information on postural therapy and graphs to record the measurements. Results. We have treated 261 patients. Two were diagnosed with craniosynostosis. From the rest, only 151 possessed complete quantitative data and were included in the study with 105 men and 46 women and a mean age of 5.8 months (± 1.9 months). There were 23 pure brachycephaly, 126 mixed forms and 2 pure plagiocephaly. A significant disparity between observers’ measurements was noticed. All patients underwent a protocolized postural treatment. In 36 patients who did not improve with postural treatment, cranial orthosis was prescribed with good response: 66.8% became mild forms. Those who maintained only postural treatment also improved to milder forms in 64.4%. Conclusions. The implementation of a protocol has enabled us to unify the care and follow-up of these patients. Cranial measurement techniques should be more precise and reproducible. Good postural treatment and empathy with the family reduce the use of orthosis in carefully selected cases (AU)

Humanos , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/epidemiologia , Craniossinostoses/epidemiologia , Plagiocefalia não Sinostótica/epidemiologia , Protocolos Clínicos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Cefalometria/métodos , Aparelhos Ortopédicos , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/terapia
Rev. esp. cir. oral maxilofac ; 39(1): 7-14, ene.-mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-159490


Introducción. Los avances tecnológicos en planificación e impresión 3D permiten sinterizar productos sanitarios personalizados mediante un flujo de trabajo completamente digital. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar y evaluar un nuevo sistema posicionador para cirugía ortognática (SPO), basado en el uso de una guía hueso-soportada y una miniplaca personalizada, que permite posicionar el fragmento maxilar sin la necesidad de una férula oclusal intermaxilar. Material y métodos. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo observacional sobre 10 casos de cirugía bimaxilar en los que se ha seguido un protocolo de planificación inversa. Tanto la guía como la miniplaca personalizada fueron diseñadas con tecnología computer aided-desing/manufacturing (CAD-CAM) y fabricadas por sinterizado láser de polvo de titanio puro comercial. Para analizar la precisión obtenida, se realizó un estudio comparativo superponiendo la planificación con una tomografía computarizada realizada un mes posterior a la cirugía. Resultados. El SPO se pudo aplicar con éxito en todos los casos sin observarse fenómenos de intolerancia al material. Permitió simplificar notablemente el procedimiento y reducir los tiempos quirúrgicos, al evitar la fijación intermaxilar, el moldeado de la miniplaca y la necesidad de realizar mediciones intraoperatorias. En el estudio postoperatorio se obtuvo una precisión media del 68,1% ±1mm. Conclusiones. Los sistemas de posicionamiento para cirugía ortognática que incluyan sistemas personalizados de osteosíntesis pueden ser una opción de futuro que permita incrementar la precisión y la seguridad del procedimiento, así como reducir los tiempos quirúrgicos (AU)

Introduction. Technological advances in preoperative planning and 3D printing allow custom-made biomedical devices to be synthesised using a completely digital workflow. The aim of this paper is to present and critically evaluate a new Orthognathic Positioning System (OPS) for Orthognathic Surgery. The OPS used bone-supported guides and a custom mini-plate to allow maxillary fragment positioning and fixation without the need for an inter-maxillary occlusal splint. Materials and methods. A prospective observational study was conducted on 10 cases of bimaxillary surgery using an inverse planning protocol. The guide and the custom-made mini-plate were designed using CAD-CAM software and synthesised by laser from commercially pure titanium powder. Accuracy was evaluated by overlap comparison of the virtual planning and 1-month postoperative CT scan. Operation times, complications, and overall safety profile were analysed. Results. The OPS was successfully applied to all cases, and was well tolerated. Operation times were reduced by avoiding inter-maxillary fixation, mini-plate bending, and obviating the need for intra-operative measurements. A mean postoperative accuracy of 1mm was obtained in 68.1% of cases. Conclusions. The positioning systems for orthognathic surgery that involve custom made systems of osteosynthesis, can be a future option that could increase accuracy and the safety of the procedure, as well as the surgical times. We believe this novel technology is a step forward in optimising and improving the delivery of orthognathic surgery care (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia Ortognática/instrumentação , Cirurgia Ortognática/métodos , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/métodos , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono/complicações , Cirurgia Ortognática/organização & administração , Cirurgia Ortognática/normas , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão/instrumentação , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , Cefalometria/métodos
Rev. esp. cir. oral maxilofac ; 37(3): 123-131, jul.-sept. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-137104


Introducción. Los pacientes fisurados labio palatinos presentan con frecuencia hipoplasia maxilar. La osteogénesis por distracción (DO) de maxilar superior es una técnica alternativa para pacientes con hipoplasia maxilar severa. Se han evaluado los cambios producidos en tejidos duros y blandos y su estabilidad en el tiempo. Material y métodos. Se ha realizado DO de maxilar a 6 pacientes (5 mujeres y un hombre) fisurados labio palatinos, entre 16-25 años, con un distractor interno. Hemos evaluado mediante trazados cefalométricos en radiografías y fotografías los cambios esqueléticos y en tejidos blandos. El tiempo de seguimiento fue entre 2-8 años. Resultados. En 5 pacientes el punto A avanza entre 3-10 mm mejorando significativamente las relaciones maxilo-mandibulares. En un paciente fracasa la DO intraoral y se termina el caso con RED; en un paciente se evidencia poco avance y rotación maxilar. La recidiva observada entre 6-9 meses post DO es entre el 10 y el 15% tanto esquelética como en tejidos blandos. Conclusiones. La DO intraoral es una técnica alternativa exitosa para avance del maxilar en pacientes fisurados labio palatinos que necesiten un avance inferior a 10 mm. Produce mejoras en el perfil esquelético y blando. Los dispositivos internos no producen impacto psicológico. La contención más larga en el tiempo. La recidiva es difícil de definir y calcular (AU)

Introduction. Patients with cleft lip and palate usually present with maxillary hypoplasia. Upper jaw intraoral distraction osteogenesis (DO) is an alternative technique for patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia. An evaluation was made of the changes produced in hard and soft tissues and their stability over time. Material and methods. Six patients (5 female and 1 male) between 16 and 25 years old with cleft lip and palate underwent maxillary DO with an internal distractor. An evaluation was made of the skeletal and soft tissues changes using cephalometric studies with radiographs and photographs. Follow-up time was between 2 and 8 years. Results. There was Point A advancement between 3-10 mm in 5 patients, significantly improving maxillomandibular relationships. Intraoral DO failed in one patient, and the case was finished using rigid external distraction (RED). In another patient hardly any advancement and maxillary rotation was observed. The relapse observed between 6 and 9 months post DO was between 10-15% in both skeletal and soft tissues. Conclusions. Intraoral DO is a successful alternative technique in maxillary advancement in patients with cleft lip and palate who need an advancement less than 10 mm. It produces improvements in the skeletal and soft profile. Internal devices do not have any psychological impact and have longer consolidation phases. Relapse is difficult to determine and calculate (AU)

Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Palato Duro/anormalidades , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Palato Duro , Maxila/anormalidades , Maxila/cirurgia , Maxila , Técnicas de Fixação da Arcada Osseodentária , Osteogênese por Distração/métodos , Osteogênese por Distração , Osteogênese por Distração/instrumentação , Osteogênese por Distração/normas , Osteogênese por Distração/tendências , Cefalometria/instrumentação , Cefalometria , Mandíbula/anormalidades , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Mandíbula