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An. psicol ; 40(2): 280-289, May-Sep, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232722


Antecedentes: La escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) es un instrumento que evalúa emociones discretas experimentadas por el profesorado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión breve española de la escala Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI-BSV) en una muestra de 567 profesores (65.5% son mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 65 años (M = 46.04; DT = 9.09). Método: Tras su adaptación mediante traducción inversa, el profesorado completó una batería que incluía el TEI-BSV, un cuestionario de inteligencia emocional, dos escalas de bienestar subjetivo, una escala sobre burnout y una escala sobre engagement. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una consistencia interna adecuada de las subescalas del TEI-BSV. Los análisis factoriales (exploratorio y confirmatorio) proporcionaron pruebas de que el TEI-BSV tiene una estructura de cuatro factores con un buen ajuste, frente a la estructura de cinco factores original. Se han hallado evidencias de validez convergente, así como de validez criterial e incremental del TEI-BSV. Conclusiones: el TEI-BSV podría ser una herramienta útil para la evaluación ecológica de las emociones discretas del profesorado en su contexto laboral.(AU)

Background: The Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI) scale is an instrument that evaluates discrete emotions experienced by teachers in the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the brief Spanish version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory scale (TEI-BSV) using a sample of 567 teachers (65.5% women), aged between 25 and 65 years (M= 46.04; SD= 9.09). Methods: After adaptation through back-translation, the teachers com-pleted a battery of tests included in the TEI-BSV: an emotional intelli-gence questionnaire, two subjective well-being scales, a burnout scale and a scale on engagement. Results: The data revealed adequate internal consistency of the TEI-BSV subscales, and exploratory and confirma-tory factor analyses provided evidence that the TEI-BSV has a four-factor structure with good adjustment, as opposed to the original five-factor structure proposed. There was evidence of convergent validity of the TEI-BSV, as well as criterion and incremental validity. Conclusions: The TEI-BSV could be a useful instrument for the ecological assess-ment of teachers' discrete emotions in the context of their workplace.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicometria , Emoções , Estresse Psicológico , Esgotamento Psicológico , Inteligência Emocional
An. psicol ; 40(2): 300-309, May-Sep, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232724


En el presente artículo analizamos y discutimos la dimension emocional que las personas LGBT asocian al ejercicio de la maternidad/paternidad. Basadas en las teorías feministas y las contribuciones de la subalternidad y la interseccionalidad, aplicamos el método biográfico, en un proceso de investigación dialógico-recursivo. Las personas participantes fueron 21 personas LGBT e informantes clave, pertenecientes a la academia, la psicoterapia, la política, y el activismo de la diversidad, de Chile (16), Mexico (4), y Colombia (1); entre 21 y 57 años, con una media de edad de 37.19 y una desviación estándar de 10.03. Encontramos emociones relacionadas al mandato social de “ser una buena madre/un buen padre”; emociones resultantes de la situación de desprotección social y legal; y emociones devenidas de la experiencia de parentalidad. Concluimos que las dinámicas de represión/resistencia atraviesan los cuerpos y las emociones son un aspecto fundamental de esta encarnación; dado ello, el desarrollo de investigaciones enfocadas en emociones puede abrir caminos para alcanzar sociedades más justas a través del cultivo de la sentimentalidad como elemento base de las relaciones que nos mantienen como miembros dignos de la sociedad y considerando el efecto performativo de las demandas emocionales.(AU)

In this article, we analyze and discuss the emotional dimension that LGBT people associate with the exercise of motherhood/fatherhood. Based on feminist theory and subalternity and intersectionality theory con-tributions, we applied the biographical method to a dialogical-recursive in-vestigative process. Participants were 21 LGBT people and key informants, belonging to academia, psychotherapy, politics, and diversity activism, over 18 years old, from Chile (16), Mexico (4), and Colombia (1); the partici-pantswere people between 21 and 57 years of age, with a mean age of 37.19 and a standard deviation of 10.03. We found emotions related to the social mandate to "be a good mother/father"; emotions resulting from so-cial situations such as discrimination and legal lack of protection, and emo-tions derived from the parenting experience. We conclude that repres-sion/resistance dynamics go through the bodies, and emotions are funda-mental to this incarnation. Given this, the development of research fo-cused on emotion can open ways to achieve more just societies through cultivated sentimentality, societies aware of the type of bonds that keep us as worthy members of a society and the performative effect of our emo-tional demands.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Emoções , Poder Familiar , Paternidade , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero
An. psicol ; 40(2): 335-343, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232726


El presente estudio investigó si la satisfacción con la vida se predice a partir de la felicidad subjetiva, afectos positivos y negativos, alteración psicológica y emociones de gratitud y si la emoción de gratitud está mediando la relación con la felicidad subjetiva, los afectos y la satisfacción con la vida. Se hicieron correlación de Pearson, pruebas de regresión lineal múltiple y modelos de mediación en una muestra de 1537 adultos españoles, 73.6% mujeres y 26.4% hombres, edad 18-88 años (M = 42.56 años; DT = 16.29). Se halló que las emociones de gratitud median la relación entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción con la vida y entre los afectos positivos y la satisfacción con la vida. Los afectos positivos son los que más se relacionan con la satisfacción con la vida, seguidos por la felicidad subjetiva y las emociones de gratitud. Los hombres están más satisfechos con la vida cuando sienten menos afecto negativo. Además, las emociones de gratitud median la relación entre felicidad subjetiva y satisfacción con la vida y entre los afectos positivos y la satisfacción con la vida. La diferencia principal radica en que las emociones de gratitud son más fuertes en las mujeres que en los hombres.(AU)

This study aims to examine the predictability of satisfaction with life on the basis of subjective happiness, positive and negative affect, psy-chological disturbance and emotion of gratitude. It also seeks to assess whether the emotion of gratitude is a mediating variable withsubjective happiness, affect, and satisfaction with life. Statistical analyses of Pearson'scorrelation, multiple linear regression tests, and mediation models were conducted on asample of 1537 Spanish adults, 73.6% were females, 26.4% males, age between 18-88 yearsold (M = 42.56; SD = 16.29). The emo-tions of gratitude were found to mediate therelationship between subjec-tive happiness and satisfaction with life and between positiveaffect and satisfaction with life. Of the variables studied, positive affect is the most related tosatisfaction with life, followed by subjective happiness and emo-tions of gratitude. Maleparticipants are more satisfied with life when they feel the less negative affect. Regardingmediation models, emotions of grat-itude mediate the relationship between subjectivehappiness and satisfac-tion with life and between positive affect and satisfaction with life. Themaindifferenceis thatemotions of gratitudearestronger infemalesthan in males.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Satisfação Pessoal , Felicidade , Emoções , Sintomas Afetivos , Espanha
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 26(1): e1972, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-232355


A comunicação clínica, com foco nas competências emocionais, é uma habilidade que requer treinamento devido à necessidade de reconhecer expressões emocionais dos pacientes e dar uma resposta adequada. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma ferramenta para avaliação da comunicação emocional dos profissionais de saúde, abordando as principais definições teóri-cas sobre a temática e pesquisas baseadas em evidências que aplicaram a ferramenta Codifica-ção de Verona para Sequências Emocionais(VR-CoDES). Baseado numa pesquisa de levantamen-to bibliográfico, o estudo analisa a comunicação emocional dos profissionais de saúde e o uso dessa ferramenta, tendo em vista que a comunicação é a componente chave na alta qualidade do tratamento, com impacto na satisfação e adesão dos pacientes. O estudo discute a impor-tância do reconhecimento de pistas e preocupações emocionais de pacientes em tratamentos de saúde e destaca as lacunas e desafios sobre os treinamentos de habilidades de comunicação emocional nos contextos de saúde. (AU)

Emotional communication in health is a tool to improve communication skills regarding the need to recognize patients’ emotional expressions and give them an adequate response. This study aims to show a tool to assess the emotional communication of health professionals, ad-dressing the main theoretical definitions and evidence-based research that applied the Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES) methodology. Based on bibliographic research, the study analyzes the use of the VR-CoDES on emotional communication of health professionals, considering that communication is the key component in the high quality of treatment, with an impact on patient satisfaction and compliance. The study discusses the importance of recognizing patients’ emotional cues and concerns in health care and highlights the gaps and challenges in training emotional communication skills in health contexts. (AU)

Humanos , Comunicação , Pessoal de Saúde , Emoções Manifestas , Emoções , Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
Cult. cuid ; 27(67): 99-116, Dic 11, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-228577


Introduction: Brazilian nursing seems to have reached important levels of learning during the pandemic, not only because of the need to control the circulation of the new coronavirus and care for the sick. Objective: To know the learning generated from the COVID-19 pandemic among nurses. Methods: exploratory and qualitative study, carried out in August and September 2021, with tertiary health care nurses who were on the front line during the pandemic, in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Individual interviews were carried out, based on guiding questions. For data analysis, the collective subject discourse was used. Results: As learnings generated, the participants pointed out professional aspects (theoretical/practical), as well as personal aspects (reflection of the value of the human being, family and professional fulfillment). Conclusion: The learning provided by the pandemic, while contributing to the perception that in the face of insecurity and uncertainty it is possible to learn and develop, highlights the strength of nurses, who were initially weakened during the pandemic, but which potentiated the sensitivity to new discoveries, confrontations and strengthening of their individual and collective resources.(AU)

Introducción: La enfermería brasileña parece haber alcanzado importantes niveles de aprendizaje durante la pandemia, no solo por la necesidad de controlar la circulación del nuevo coronavirus y cuidar a los enfermos. Objetivo: Conocer los aprendizajes generados a partir de la pandemia de COVID-19 entre las enfermeras. Métodos: estudio exploratorio y cualitativo, realizado en agosto y septiembre de 2021, con enfermeros de tercer nivel de salud que estuvieron en primera línea durante la pandemia, en el Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales, a partir de preguntas orientadoras. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el discurso del sujeto colectivo. Resultados: Como aprendizajes generados, los participantes señalaron aspectos profesionales (teórico/práctico), así como aspectos personales (reflejo del valor del ser humano, familia y realización profesional). Conclusión: Los aprendizajes proporcionados por la pandemia, si bien contribuye a la percepción de que ante la inseguridad y la incertidumbre es posible aprender y desarrollarse, enfatiza la condición de fortaleza del enfermero, que inicialmente durante la pandemia se vio debilitado, pero que se potenció la sensibilidad a nuevos descubrimientos, confrontaciones y fortalecimiento de sus recursos individuales y colectivos.(AU)

Introdução: A enfermagem brasileira parece ter alcançado importantes níveis de aprendizados durante a pandemia, não somente por necessidade de controle da circulação do novo coronavirus e do cuidado aos doentes. Objetivo: Conhecer os aprendizados gerados a partir da pandemia da COVID-19 entre enfermeiros. Métodos: estudo exploratório e qualitativo, realizado em agosto e setembro de 2021, com enfermeiros da atenção terciária a saúde que estavam na linha de frente durante a pandemia, no Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Procedeuse entrevistas individuais, baseado em questões norteadoras. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se o discurso do sujeito coletivo. Resultados: Como aprendizados gerados, os participantes apontaram aspectos profissionais (teórico/prático), bem como aspectos pessoais (reflexão do valor do ser humano, família e realização profissional). Conclusão: Os aprendizados oportunizados pela pandemia, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a percepção de que diante da insegurança e incerteza é possível aprender e desenvolver, ressalta a condição de fortaleza do enfermeiro, que inicialmente durante a pandemia foram fragilizados, mas que potencializou a sensibilidade para novas descobertas, enfrentamentos e fortalecimento de seusrecursos individuais e coletivos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , /enfermagem , Aprendizagem , Cuidados de Enfermagem/psicologia , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Emoções , Brasil , Enfermagem , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiquiatr ; 43(144): 163-182, julio-diciembre 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229013


A partir de una experiencia en común, se intenta resaltar alguna característica personal descollante de Carlos Castilla del Pino que le permitió resistir la atonía socio-cul-tural y profesional del franquismo y desarrollar, a pesar de todo, una vida profesional y teó-rica relevante. Tuvo que resistir esa atonía y amordazamiento de la larga noche de piedra y argamasa del franquismo en una ciudad de provincias duramente represaliada durante la guerra y posguerra civil española, dominada por tanto durante decenios por el fascismo institucional e ideológico. A pesar de ello, Carlos Castilla logró desarrollar una obra teórica (en especial en psicopatología, antropología e ideología) sumamente avanzada, coherente y arriesgada, para cuya compresión propongo un marco pragmático. El lema republicano, resistir es vencer, podría ser un buen resumen de su vida profesional y teórica, aunque es más dudoso que tal afirmación pueda tener el mismo valor para su vida personal. (AU)

Based on a common experience, we try to highlight some outstanding perso-nal characteristic of Carlos Castilla del Pino that allowed him to resist the socio-cultural and professional lethargy of Francoism and develop, despite everything, a relevant pro-fessional and theoretical life. To do so, he had to resist that lethargy and gagging of the long night of stone and mortar of Francoism and, on top of that, in a provincial city hars-hly retaliated during and after the Spanish civil war; therefore dominated for decades by institutional and ideological fascism. Despite this, Castilla del Pino managed to develop a highly advanced, coherent and risky theoretical work, especially in psychopathology, anthropology and ideology, for whose understanding I propose a pragmatic framework. The Republican motto, “to resist is to win”, could be a good summary of his professional and theoretical life, although it is more doubtful that such statement can have the same value for his personal life. (AU)

Humanos , Psicopatologia , Psiquiatria , Emoções , Saúde Mental , História
Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiquiatr ; 43(144): 201-209, julio-diciembre 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229016


A partir de la Teoría de los Sentimientos de Castilla del Pino, se intenta situar el papel de la afectividad en el modelo de sujeto. Se analiza su relación con la cultura y el lenguaje, discutiendo su ubicación comparada con algunas teorías de la afectividad planteadas posteriormente desde las neurociencias. (AU)

Based on his Theory of Feelings, an attempt is made to situate the role of affect in Castilla del Pino ́s subject model. Its relationship with culture and language is discus-sed, as well as its place in relation to some affective theories proposed subsequently from neurosciences. (AU)

Humanos , Emoções , Comportamento , Afeto , Conhecimento , Saúde Mental , Idioma , Cultura
Clin. transl. oncol. (Print) ; 25(12): 3492-3500, dec. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-227294


Introduction This study investigated the impact of systemic cancer therapy on the quality of life, mental well-being, and life satisfaction of cancer patients. Methods This prospective study was promoted by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) and enrolled patients with localized, resected, or unresectable advanced cancer from 15 Spanish medical oncology departments. Patients completed surveys on quality of life (EORTC-QoL-QLQ-C30), psychological distress (BSI-18) and life satisfaction (SWLS) before and after systemic cancer treatment. Results The study involved 1807 patients, 944 (52%) having resected, localized cancer, and 863 with unresectable advanced cancer. The mean age was 60 years, and 53% were female. The most common types of localized cancer were colorectal (43%) and breast (38%), while bronchopulmonary (32%), non-colorectal digestive (23%), and colorectal (15%) were the most frequent among those with advanced cancer. Before systemic treatment, patients with advanced cancer had poorer scores than those with localized cancer on physical, role, emotional, cognitive, social limitations, symptoms, psychological distress, and life satisfaction (all p < 0.001), but there were no differences in financial hardship. Patients with localized cancer had greater life satisfaction and better mental well-being than those with advanced cancer before systemic treatment (p < 0.001). After treatment, patients with localized cancer experienced worsening of all scales, symptoms, and mental well-being (p < 0.001), while patients with advanced disease had a minor decline in quality of life. The impact on quality of life was greater on all dimensions except economic hardship and was independent of age, cancer location, and performance status in participants with resected disease after adjuvant chemotherapy (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Colorretais/terapia , Neoplasias Colorretais/psicologia , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Emoções
An. psicol ; 39(3): 465-477, Oct-Dic, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224948


La soledad, poco estudiada en las residencias de ancianos, puede afectar a la salud física y mental. Nuestro objetivo es analizar los factores asociados a la soledad global, social y emocional de un total de 65 residentes de 5 residencias de la Cataluña Central (España), y comprobar su prevalencia. La muestra estuvo formada por 81.5% mujeres con una edad media de 84±7.13 años. El estudio transversal incluyó a adultos mayores de 65 años y con estado cognitivo preservado. Se utilizó la Escala de Soledad de De Jong Gierveld para evaluar la soledad general y sus subtipos; y se recogieron variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas con la salud. Se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado (o de Fisher) y la regresión logística para el análisis bivariante y multivariante, respectivamente. La prevalencia de la soledad global fue del 70.7% (IC 95%: 58.2-81.4), la soledad social del 44.6% (IC 95%: 33.1-56.6) y la soledad emocional del 46.2% (IC 95%: 34.5-58.1). La soledad global se asoció con una menor calidad de vida percibida (Odds Ratio-OR = 5.52, IC 95%: 1.25-24.38) y las residencias concertadas (OR = 0.19, IC 95%: 0.05-0. 74); la soledad social con tener 0-1 hijos (OR = 0.25, IC 95%: 0.08-0.77), y la soledad emocional con la depresión (OR = 4.54, IC 95%: 1.28-16.08) y la incontinencia urinaria (UI) (OR = 4.65, IC 95%: 1.23-17.52). La soledad estuvo presente en casi el 71% de los residentes y se asoció con el tipo de residencia y la peor calidad de vida, la emocional con la depresión y la IU y la social con tener menos de 2 hijos.(AU)

Loneliness, little studied in Nursing Homes (NHs), can affect physical and mental health. We aimed to analyze the factors associated with overall, social, and emotional loneliness in 65 residents of 5 NHs from Central Catalonia (Spain), and to verify its prevalence. The sample consisted of 81.5% women with a mean age of 84±7.13 years. The cross-sectional study included older adults aged 65 or over and with preserved cognitive status. De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale was used to assess overall loneliness and itssubtypes; and sociodemographic and health-related variables were collected. The chi-square (or Fisher’s) test and lo-gistic regression were used for bivariate and multivariate analysis respec-tively. Prevalence of overall loneliness was 70.7% (95%CI:58.2-81.4), social loneliness 44.6% (95% CI: 33.1-56.6) and emotional loneliness 46.2% (95% CI: 34.5–58.1). Overall loneliness was associated with lower per-ceived quality of life (Odds Ratio-OR = 5.52, 95% CI:1.25-24.38) and NHswith state subsidized places (OR =0.19, 95% CI: .05-.74); social loneliness with having 0-1 children (OR = .25, 95% CI: .08-.77), and emotional lone-liness with depression (OR = 4.54, 95% CI: 1.28-16.08) and urinary incon-tinence (UI) (OR = 4.65, 95% CI: 1.23-17.52). Loneliness was present in almost 71% of residents and was associated with type of NH and poorer quality of life, the emotional with depression and UI and the social one with having less than 2 children.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Solidão , Saúde do Idoso , Casas de Saúde/ética , Isolamento Social , Emoções , Espanha , Estudos Transversais , Psicologia , Psicologia Clínica , Saúde Mental , Prevalência
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 23(3)sep.-dic. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225476


La práctica deportiva y la Inteligencia Emocional en jóvenes se están convirtiendo en constructos muy estudiados en los últimos años. La evidencia disponible revela que, tanto la práctica deportiva como la Inteligencia Emocional, producen beneficios físicos y psicológicos. No obstante, los estudios que analizan la relación entre Inteligencia Emocional y práctica deportiva aún siguen siendo escasos. El objetivo de este estudio se centró en verificar si existe algún tipo de relación entre ambas variables mediante la revisión del estado de la cuestión en este ámbito, permitiendo de esta manera abrir nuevas líneas de investigación sobre esta temática. Se seleccionaron tres bases de datos (WOS, Scopus y PubMed) para la extracción de documentos científicos, analizando los documentos obtenidos con la metodología PRISMA y un análisis de la calidad de la muestra final obtenida. Finalmente fueron revisados 38 artículos. Además, se llevó a cabo una evaluación del contenido de los artículos, realizando un análisis descriptivo de la información mediante el uso de tablas de contingencia y sus índices estadísticos. Los resultados, en concordancia con la literatura examinada, reflejaron la existencia de una asociación positiva entre la Inteligencia Emocional y la práctica deportiva. (AU)

The practice of sports and emotional intelligence in young people have become very much studied constructs in recent years. The aim of this study focused on verifying whether there is any kind of relationship between the two variables by reviewing the state of the art in this field, thus allowing new lines of research to be opened up on this subject. Three databases (WOS, Scopus, and PubMed) were selected for the extraction of scientific documents, analyzing the documents obtained with the PRISMA methodology and an analysis of the quality of the final sample obtained, finally 38 articles were selected. An analysis of the content of the articles was carried out and a descriptive analysis of the information was performed using comparative tables and their statistical indices. The results showed the existence of a positive association between emotional intelligence and sports practice. (AU)

A prática do desporto e a inteligência emocional nos jovens tornaram-se trmas muito estudadas nos últimos anos. O objectivo deste estudo centrou-se em verificar se existe algum tipo de relação entre as duas variáveis através da revisão do estado da arte neste campo, permitindo assim a abertura de novas linhas de investigação sobre este assunto. Foram seleccionadas três bases de dados (WOS, Scopus e PubMed) para a extracção de documentos científicos, analisando os documentos obtidos com a metodologia PRISMA e uma análise da qualidade da amostra final obtida, onde foram incluidos 38 artigos. Foi realizada uma análise do conteúdo dos artigos e uma análise descritiva da informação, utilizando tabelas de comparação e os seus índices estatísticos. Os resultados mostraram a existência de uma associação positiva entre a inteligência emocional e a prática desportiva. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Inteligência Emocional , Esportes/fisiologia , Esportes/psicologia , Atletas , Emoções
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 23(3)sep.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225484


El confinamiento social debido al brote por COVID-19 pudo alterar los estados emocionales de las personas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las diferencias en los estados emocionales (EE) positivos y negativos de acuerdo con diferentes formas de involucrarse en la actividad física (AF), con la cantidad de horas dedicadas a dicha actividad durante el confinamiento por COVID-19 y con el sexo de los participantes. Se envió a los participantes, 360 universitarios (126 hombres y 234 mujeres), una versión en línea de la Escala de Afectos Positivos y Negativos (PANAS) y un cuestionario diseñado ex profeso para indagar cómo éstos se involucraban en la AF. Mediante un análisis de varianza no paramétrico se evaluaron las diferencias entre los EE positivos y negativos en función de la AF realizada, las horas de AF y el sexo de los participantes. En general, se encontró: mayor nivel de EE positivos en quienes realizaban AF antes y durante el confinamiento en comparación con quienes no realizaban AF, con un tamaño del efecto mediano (g=0.768); mayores EE positivos en quienes realizaban más de ocho horas por semana de AF en comparación con quienes realizaban de cuatro a seis horas, con un tamaño del efecto grande (g=0.926); y mayores EE positivos en los hombres, con un tamaño del efecto mediano (g=0.402). La práctica constante de AF parece benéfica en el afrontamiento de situaciones aversivas como el confinamiento social, de manera que sería relevante diseñar programas que permitan a la población realizar AF de manera regular. (AU)

Social confinement due to the COVID-19 outbreak could have altered people's emotional states. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in positive and negative emotional states (ES) according to different ways of engaging in physical activity (PA), with the number of hours dedicated to such activity during confinement by COVID-19, and with the sex of the participants. The participants, 360 university students (126 men and 234 women), were sent an online version of the Scale of Positive and Negative Affects (PANAS) and a questionnaire specifically designed to find out how they get involved in PA. Using a non-parametric analysis of variance, the differences between the positive and negative ES were evaluated based on the PA performed, the hours of PA and the sex of the participants. In general, the following was found: a higher level of positive ES in those who performed PA before and during confinement compared to those who did not perform PA, with a medium effect size(g=0.768); greater positive ES in those who performed more than eight hours per week of PA compared to those who performed 4 to 6 hours, with a large effect size (g=0.926); and higher positive ES in men, with a medium effect size (g=0.402). The constantpractice of PA seems beneficial in coping with aversive situations such as social confinement, so it would be necessary to design relevant programs that allow the population to perform PA on a regular basis. (AU)

O confinamento social devido ao surto de COVID-19 pode ter alterado o estado emocional das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as diferenças nos estados emocionais (EE) positivos e negativos de acordocom diferentes formas de praticar atividade física (AF), com o número de horas dedicadas a tal atividade durante o confinamento por COVID-19 e com o sexo dos participantes. Os participantes, 360 estudantes universitários (126 homens e 234 mulheres), receberam uma versão online da Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (PANAS) e um questionário especialmente elaborado para descobrir como eles estavam envolvidos na AF. Usando uma análise de variância não paramétrica, as diferenças entre os EE positivos enegativosforamavaliadas com base na AF realizada, nas horas de AF e no sexo dos participantes. De uma forma geral, verificou-se o seguinte: maior nível de EE positivo naqueles que realizaram AF antes e durante o confinamento face aos que não realizaram AF, com tamanho de efeito médio (g=0,768); maior EE positivo naqueles que praticavam AF por mais de oito horas semanais em comparação aos que realizavam AF de quatro a seis horas, com tamanho de efeito grande (g=0,926); e maior EE positivo em homens, com tamanho de efeitomédio (g=0,402). A prática constante de AF parece benéfica no enfrentamento de situações aversivas como o confinamento social, por isso seria relevante desenhar programas que permitam à população praticar AF de forma regular. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pandemias , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Atividade Motora , Quarentena , Saúde Mental , Coronavírus Relacionado à Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave , Universidades , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Emoções
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 23(4)oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226353


Objective: Dropout from psychological treatment is an important problem that substantially limits treatment effectiveness. A better understanding of this phenomenon, could help to minimize it. Therefore, we performed a systematic review of meta-analyses (MA) on dropout from psychological treatments to (1) determine the estimated overall dropout rate (DR) and (2) to examine potential predictors of dropout, including clinical symptoms (anxiety and depression) and sociodemographic factors. Method: A literature search of the PubMed PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus and Google Scholar databases was conducted. We identified 196 MAs on dropout from psychological treatment carried out primarily in adult patients or mixed samples (adults and children) between 1990 and 2022. Of these, 12 met all inclusion criteria. Two forest plots were created to visualize the DR and the relationship between DR and the disorder. Results: The DR ranged from 15.9% to 46.8% and was significantly moderated by symptoms of emotional disorders. The highest DR were observed in younger, unmarried patients, and those with lower educational and income levels. Conclusions: DR in patients undergoing psychological treatment is highly heterogeneous, but higher in individuals presenting symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, especially the latter. Given that high DR undermine the effectiveness of psychological interventions, it is clear that greater efforts are needed to reduce dropout, particularly among individuals with symptoms of emotional disorders. (AU)

Humanos , Pacientes Desistentes do Tratamento/psicologia , Emoções , Ansiedade , Depressão , Fatores Sociológicos
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 23(4)oct.-dic. 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226354


The prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in cognitive processes, both during anticipatory and reactive modes of cognitive control. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) can modulate these cognitive resources. However, there is a lack of research exploring the impact of tDCS on emotional material processing in the prefrontal cortex, particularly in regard to proactive and reactive modes of cognitive control. In this study, 35 healthy volunteers underwent both real and sham tDCS applied to the right prefrontal cortex in a counterbalanced order, and then completed the Cued Emotion Control Task (CECT). Pupil dilation, a measure of cognitive resource allocation, and behavioral outcomes, such as reaction time and accuracy, were collected. The results indicate that, as compared to sham stimulation, active right-sided tDCS reduced performance and resource allocation in both proactive and reactive modes of cognitive control. These findings highlight the importance of further research on the effects of tDCS applied to the right prefrontal cortex on cognitive engagement, particularly for clinical trials utilizing the present electrode montage in combination with cognitive interventions. (AU)

Humanos , Estimulação Transcraniana por Corrente Contínua/efeitos adversos , Córtex Pré-Frontal , Emoções , Alocação de Recursos , Voluntários Saudáveis
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 23(4)oct.-dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226365


Background: Both trait and state mindfulness are associated with less depression and anxiety, but the mechanisms remain unknown. Distress tolerance, an important transdiagnostic factor of emotional disorders, may mediate the relationship between mindfulness and depression/anxiety. Method: Study 1 examined the mediation model at the between-person level in a large cross-sectional sample (n = 905). In Study 2, a daily diary study (n = 110) was conducted to examine within-person changes. Participants were invited to complete daily diaries measuring daily mindfulness, distress tolerance, depression and anxiety for 14 consecutive days. Results: In Study 1, results of simple mediation analyses indicated that distress tolerance mediated the relationship between mindfulness and depression/anxiety at the between-person level. In Study 2, results of multilevel mediation analyses indicated that, in both the concurrent model and time-lagged model, daily distress tolerance mediated the effects of daily mindfulness on daily depression/anxiety at both the within- and between-person level. Conclusions: Distress tolerance is a mechanism underlying the relationship between mindfulness and depression/anxiety. Individuals with high or fluctuating depression and anxiety may benefit from short-term or long-term mindfulness training to increase distress tolerance. (AU)

Humanos , Atenção Plena , Depressão , Ansiedade , Emoções , Estudos Transversais , Permissividade
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 23(4)oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226371


Background/objective: Individuals with broad autism phenotype (BAP) showed a diminished ability to recognize emotion. This study aims to examine whether their decline in emotion recognition ability could be more clearly identified as task complexity increased and whether their decline could be influenced by their eye-gaze patterns. Method: 41 individuals with BAP and 40 healthy controls performed two types of emotion recognition tasks. After confirming conditions wherein the BAP group did not perform well compared to the control group, we compared gaze proportion on faces and context between groups when performing the conditions. Results: The more difficult the task, the clearer the significant relationships between the level of autistic traits and emotion recognition ability. The BAP group showed lower accuracy compared to the control group when a face with mild emotional intensity was presented with context. In terms of gaze proportion, the BAP group looked less at faces when recognizing emotions compared to the control group. Conclusion: These findings indicate that diminished emotion recognition ability in individuals with BAP may be influenced by face gaze. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Emoções , Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Fenótipo , Voluntários Saudáveis , Inquéritos e Questionários , Transtorno Autístico , República da Coreia
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 23(4)oct.-dic. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226385


The ability to recognize others’ facial emotions has become increasingly important after the COVID-19 pandemic, which causes stressful situations in emotion regulation. Considering the importance of emotion in maintaining a social life, emotion knowledge to perceive and label emotions of oneself and others requires an understanding of affective dimensions, such as emotional valence and emotional arousal. However, limited information is available about whether the behavioral representation of affective dimensions is similar to their neural representation. To explore the relationship between the brain and behavior in the representational geometries of affective dimensions, we constructed a behavioral paradigm in which emotional faces were categorized into geometric spaces along the valence, arousal, and valence and arousal dimensions. Moreover, we compared such representations to neural representations of the faces acquired by functional magnetic resonance imaging. We found that affective dimensions were similarly represented in the behavior and brain. Specifically, behavioral and neural representations of valence were less similar to those of arousal. We also found that valence was represented in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontal eye fields, precuneus, and early visual cortex, whereas arousal was represented in the cingulate gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex, fusiform gyrus, and early visual cortex. In conclusion, the current study suggests that dimensional emotions are similarly represented in the behavior and brain and are presented with differential topographical organizations in the brain. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Emoções , Expressão Facial , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Comportamento , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Rede Nervosa
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 28(6): e607-e613, nov. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-227381


Background: The aim of our study is to evaluate the usability of the Free Gingival Graft (FGG) procedure, which is included in YouTube videos, in both patient information and student education. Material and Methods: A search was performed on YouTube on December 1, in 2022, using the search term ‘‘Free Gingival Graft’’. First 150 videos were pre-evaluated, and 67 videos were included in the study. The length of the videos, the number of views, the number of likes, the presence of animation and the number of months after uploading were evaluated. The quality of the videos was evaluated and analyzed with The Global Quality Score (GQS), Usefulness Score (US) and The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) scores. Results: A positive correlation was found between viewer interaction, video duration and quality scores. The median values of the quality scores were 2 for the GQS, 2 for the JAMA score and 1 for the Usefulness score. The level of quality scores was found to be insufficient (poor quality). There is a high level, positive and statistically significant correlation between the GQS and the Usefulness score (r=0.858 and p<0.001). Conclusions: YouTube videos containing the FGG procedure were found to be insufficient for both student education and patient information purposes. (AU)

Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais , Mídias Sociais , Assistência Odontológica , Emoções , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Transplantes , Gravação em Vídeo
Hosp. domic ; 7(4): 167-178, 2023-11-27. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228171


Objetivo: Identificar de manera no supervisada mediante topic modeling los temas de mayor in-terés en el campo de la Salud Laboral y los Ser-vicios de Atención a Domicilio de los artículos científicos publicados en la materia.Método: Este estudio empleó el algoritmo de Machine Learning no supervisado Asignación Latente de Dirichlet para el topic modeling y el lexicón NRC para la realización del análisis de sentimientos del corpus de las fichas docu-mentales obtenidas de MEDLINE (vía PubMed) usando los descriptores “Salud Laboral” y “Ser-vicios de Atención de Salud a Domicilio”.Resultados: Del total de 70 fichas documenta-les analizadas, se obtuvo que la intensidad de las emociones en los textos era baja (oscilando en valores de 5 a 10), teniendo una mayor re-presentación los sentimientos positivos frente a los negativos en una relación de 60/40. No hubo una variación de las proporciones de las emo-ciones con respecto al período del estudio. Se identificaron los cuatro temas de mayor interés en los artículos analizados: cuidado domicilia-rio y satisfacción de los cuidadores, período de lactancia, programas de rehabilitación, y activi-dad física para mitigación del dolor.Conclusiones: Se ha podido constatar que las metodologías del procesado de lenguaje natu-ral pueden ser una gran herramienta de apoyo al análisis de artículos científicos. Concretamen-te, se ha logrado determinar de manera clara y no supervisada los temas de mayor interés en el campo de la Salud Laboral y la Atención de Salud a Domicilio. (AU)

Objective: To identify in an unsupervised man-ner through topic modeling the topics of great-est interest in the field of Occupational Health and Home Care Services from the scientific arti-cles published on the subject.Method: The study used the unsupervised Ma-chine Learning algorithm Dirichlet Latent Assign-ment for topic modeling and the NRC lexicon to carry out the sentiment analysis of the corpus of document files obtained from MEDLINE (via PubMed) using the descriptors “Occupational Health” and “Home Care Services”.Results: Of the total of 70 documentary files analyzed, it was obtained that the intensity of the emotions in the texts was low (ranging in val-ues from 5 to 10), with positive feelings having a greater representation compared to negative ones in a ratio of 60/ 40. There was no variation in the proportions of emotions with respect to the study period. The four topics of greatest interest were identified in the articles analyzed: home care and caregiver satisfaction, breastfeeding period, rehabilitation programs, and physical activity to mitigate pain.Conclusions: It has been confirmed that natural language processing methodologies can be a great support tool for the analysis of scientific articles. Specifically, it has been possible to de-termine in a clear and unsupervised manner the topics of greatest interest in the field of Occupa-tional Health and Home Care Services. (AU)

Saúde Ocupacional/tendências , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar , Emoções , Inteligência Artificial , MEDLINE , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
Rev. esp. patol. torac ; 35(3): 202-210, oct. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-227389


Introducción y objetivos: La valoración del efecto de la rehabilitación respiratoria domiciliaria (PRRD) en bronquiectasias no fibrosis quística (BQ no FQ) es un campo poco explorado hasta la fecha. El objetivo fue evaluar cómo influye un PRRD piloto en la disnea, la calidad de vida y en los trastornos del estado de ánimo así como su relación con la gravedad de la enfermedad. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico no farmacológico en pacientes con BQ no FQ del Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena. Se aleatorizó en: 1) grupo estudio (GE): programa de entrenamiento (resistencia y fuerza) en domicilio durante 8 semanas, 2) grupo control (GC): medidas educacionales por escrito. Se evaluó la gravedad de la enfermedad con el E-FACED, síntomas (cuestionario de Leicester (LCQ) y disnea (escala mMRC)), la calidad de vida (cuestionario de enfermedades respiratorias de Saint George (SGRQ)) y ansiedad y depresión (cuestionario hospitalario de ansiedad y depresión (HADS). Resultados: Después de 8 semanas en el GE existió mejoría en disnea de 0,46 ± 0,80, p = 0,010 y en la esfera física del LCQ de -0,68 ± 1,2, p = 0,043. Se produjo una mejoría en SGRQ actividad (-9 puntos, p = 0,025) y en el SGRQ total un cambio clínicamente relevante (-7 puntos, p = 0,063). La escala de depresión descendió 2,3 ± 4,2 puntos, p = 0,044. La gravedad no se relacionó con ninguna variable. Conclusiones: El PRRD mostró un claro beneficio en calidad de vida, síntomas y depresión de nuestros pacientes con BQ no FQ. (AU)

Introduction and objectives: the assessment of the effect of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation programmes (HPRP) in noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (non-CF BQ) is a field that has been little explored to date. Our objective was to evaluate how a pilot HPRP influences dyspnoea, quality of life and mood disorders and their relationship the severity of the disease. Material and methods: we present non-pharmacological clinical trial in patients with non-CF BQ at the Virgen Macarena University Hospital. It was randomized into1) study group (SG): received training program (resistance and strength) at home for 8 weeks and 2) control group (CG): received written educational measures. We assessed the impact of the program on disease severity (E-FACED), symptoms (Leicester Questionnaire (LCQ) and dyspnea (mMRC scale)), and quality of life (Saint George RespiratoryQuestionnaire) and anxiety and depression (Anxiety and Depression Hospital (HAD)). Results: after 8 weeks there was an improvement in dyspnoea of 0.46 ± 0,80, p = 0.010 and in the physical sphere of the LCQ of -0.68 ± 1.2, p = 0.043.There was an improvement in SGRQ activity (-9 points, p = 0.025) and in the total SGRQ a clinically relevant change (-7 points, p = 0.063).The depression scale decreased 2.3 ± 4.2 points, p = 0.044. There was no relationship between severity and any of the variables studied. Conclusions: the PRRD showed a clear benefit in quality of life, symptoms and depression of our patients with non-CF BQ. KeywordsMesH: Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, homebased respiratory rehabilitation, impact quality of life. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Bronquiectasia/reabilitação , Dispneia/reabilitação , Qualidade de Vida , Emoções , Espanha , Grupos Controle , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 70(8): 447-457, Octubre 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225927


Introducción La simulación médica está asociada a emociones intensas, que influyen en el comportamiento humano. Nuestro objetivo fue investigar el modo en que el prebriefing repercute en las emociones de los alumnos durante una sesión de simulación de alta fidelidad (SAF). Métodos Estudio controlado aleatorizado prospectivo. Se asignó aleatorizadamente a los participantes para recibir un prebriefing estandarizado (grupo PE) o no recibirlo (grupo NPE). Se utilizó en ambos grupos el debriefing tras el enfoque de «buen juicio», estructurado en fases de reacciones, comprensión y resumen. A fin de evaluar las emociones, utilizamos el modelo circunflejo de afecto aplicando la escala Affect grid antes del prebriefing, tras el desempeño del caso y tras el debriefing. También se evaluaron los tiempos de debriefing. Resultados Participaron 128 facultativos en el estudio (64 frente a 64). Tras el desempeño del caso, la experiencia de esta sesión de SAF reflejó emociones significativamente más agradables en comparación con el nivel basal, que se mantuvieron durante el debriefing (p<0,01), mientras que el nivel de alerta se incrementó tras el desempeño del caso y disminuyó tras el debriefing (p<0,01). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos. En el grupo NPE, los tiempos totales del debriefing (p=0,003) y de la fase de comprensión (p=0,002) fueron significativamente más prolongados. Conclusiones La experiencia de esta sesión de SAF fue agradable y con elevado nivel de alerta, sin impacto emocional específico atribuible al prebriefing, lo que da lugar a un debriefing con un flujo más libre. (AU)

Introduction Medical simulation is associated with intense emotions which influence human behavior. We aim to investigate how prebriefing impacts on learnerś emotions during a high-fidelity simulation (HFS) session. Methods This is a prospective randomized controlled study. Participants were randomly allocated to receive a standardized prebriefing (SP group) versus not receiving it (NSP group). Debriefing following the «good judgment» approach, structured in reactions, understanding and summary phases, was used in both groups. In order to assess emotions, we used the circumplex model of affect applying the Affect Grid scale, which was performed prior to prebriefing, following case performance and following debriefing. Debriefing times were also assessed. Results A total of 128 physicians participate in the study (64 vs. 64). Following case performance, this HFS session was experienced with significantly more pleasant emotions compared to baseline, that were maintained during debriefing (P<0.01) while alertness increased after case performance diminishing after debriefing (P<0.01). There were no statistical significant differences between groups. In the NSP group, total debriefing (P=0.003) and understanding phase (P=0.002) times were significantly longer. Conclusions This HFS session was experienced as pleasant with high alertness with no specific emotional impact attributable to prebriefing. Prebriefing leads to a freer flowing debriefing. (AU)

Humanos , Emoções , 28574 , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia