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Psicosom. psiquiatr ; (26): 6-18, Juli-Sept. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226007


Introducción: Diferentes estudios surgidos desde el año 2020 indican que 5,2 millones de niños y niñas han perdido al menos un progenitor o cuidador como consecuencia de la pandemia de COVID-19. Estos datos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de educar en el duelo a los niños y adolescentes y protegerlos de posibles complicaciones en la elaboración del duelo.Objetivo: Analizar si hasta el momento se han realizado investigaciones que avalúen los efectos de los programas de educación emocional en la elaboración del duelo por la pérdida de un ser querido.Método: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática siguiendo las directrices PRISMA que ha permitido identificar 8 estudios localizados en las bases de datos PsycInfo, Pubmed, ERIC y Dialnet que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados indican que la educación emocional sí influye en la relación que los niños y adolescentes establecen con el duelo, la pérdida y la muerte. Asimismo, la falta de claridad en algunos resultados y el uso de instrumentos no específicos para avaluar el duelo, hace que estos deban ser valorados con precaución y hace aconsejable más investigación que supere las limitaciones de la actual.(AU)

Introduction: Several studies published since 2020 claim that about 5.2 million children have lost at least one parent or parental figure to COVID-19. These data support the importance of grief psychoeducation with children and adolescents as this may be an effective intervention to protect them from eventual complications, such as prolonged grief disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, or others. Aim: To analyse whether research has been conducted up to date on the effects of grief psychoeducation or emotional education programs on grief processes following the death of a parent or another loved one in children and adolescents. Materials and Methods: A PRISMA-driven systematic review has been carried out using databases PsycInfo, Pubmed, ERIC and Dialnet. 8 studies meeting all inclusion criteria have been identified and analysed.Results and conclusions: Results suggest that emotional education significantly impacts grieving processes in children and adolescents, besides shaping their relationships with bereavement, loss and death. Nonetheless, some of the located study results lack clarity and many studies did not use specific instruments to evaluate grief. This calls for prudence when interpreting positive results and encourages future research that hopefully overcomes limitations identified in previous studies.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Luto , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/mortalidade , Pesar , Terapia Focada em Emoções , Saúde do Adolescente , Psicologia da Criança , Psicologia do Adolescente , Medicina Psicossomática , Psiquiatria , Psiquiatria Infantil
Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 43(2): [100302], Abr-Jun 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-221019


Introducción: La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desmielinizante de origen autoinmune que afecta al sistema nervioso central. Entre los daños que ocasiona se encuentran las alteraciones del habla, lo que compromete la capacidad comunicativa de las personas con esta enfermedad, disminuyendo así su calidad de vida. Objetivo: Analizar cómo influyen los trastornos de habla de las personas con esclerosis múltiple en las medidas de calidad de vida. Material y método: Participaron 45 personas con esclerosis múltiple, 14 (31.11%) con alteraciones del habla y 31 (68.88%) sin ellas. A todos se les pasó el Protocolo de Evaluación del Habla (PEH) y 2pruebas de calidad de vida (QoL-Dys y FAMS). Resultados: No se observaron diferencias en la calidad de vida general entre los participantes con y sin alteraciones del habla, pero sí en los ítems referidos a los índices de tristeza y depresión y en la prueba de calidad de vida específica respecto al habla. Conclusiones: Las personas con esclerosis múltiple muestran una reducción del tiempo máximo de fonación independientemente de que tengan o no disartria. Cuando esta está presente, la percepción que tienen sobre su calidad de vida se ve más afectada, especialmente respecto a las reacciones percibidas de terceras personas y a los índices de tristeza y depresión.(AU)

Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of autoimmune origin that affects the central nervous system. Among the damages it causes are the alterations of speech, which compromises the communicative capacity of people with this disease, thus decreasing their quality of life. Objective: To analyze how speech disorders of people with multiple sclerosis influence quality of life measures. Material and method: 45 people with multiple sclerosis participated, 31 (68.88%) with no speech alterations and 31 (68,88%) with them. A speech assessment protocol (PEH), and 2quality of life test (QoL-Dys and FAMS) were applied to all the participants. Results: There are no differences in the general quality of life between participants with and without speech alterations, but there are differences in the items related to the rates of sadness and depression; and in the specific quality of life test regarding speech. Conclusions: People with multiple sclerosis show a reduction in maximum phonation time regardless of whether or not they have dysarthria. When this is present, their perception of their quality of life is more affected, especially with regard to the perceived reactions and the levels of sadness and depression.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade de Vida , Esclerose Múltipla , Distúrbios da Fala , Disartria , Fonação , Afasia , Luto , Depressão , Espanha , Transtornos da Comunicação , Audiologia , Fonoaudiologia
Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 20(1): 103-119, 11 abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-219021


Introduction: The health care offered to children and adolescents with cancer has been expanded, giving space to orthothanasia and palliative care, with a comprehensive look at the subject facing the threat to the continuity of life, as well as challenging professionals to access issues related to grief. Objectives: In orderto explore this reality, this study intended to analyze how professionals experience grieving processes in the exercise of palliative care in pediatric oncology. Method: A qualitative research was conducted with the participation of 23 health professionals working in palliative oncology and pediatric care, who responded to a semi-structured interview script, whose analyses were performed with the support of the IRaMuTeQ (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires) software. Results: The results were organized in four classes: in class 1, the specificities of the treatment of children with cancer and other aspects related to chronic illness are portrayed; class 2 shows that health trainings do not prepare professionals to deal with death and with patients with no possibility of cure, and these professionals have (pre-) concepts about palliative care; class 3 highlights the principles of palliative care and other factors of the work in this therapy; and class 4 deals with the bonds formed by professionals and their grieving experiences. Conclusions: Cure must not be a requirement for the provision of care in relation to children with cancer that can benefit from the adoption of palliative care therapy and the validation of the sensitivity of professionals (AU)

Introducción: La asistencia en salud ofertada a los niños y jóvenes con cáncer han sido ampliada, dando espacio a la ortotanasia y a los cuidados paliativos, con una mirada integral sobre el sujeto delante de la amenaza de la continuidad de la vida, y desafiando profesionales accedan cuestiones relacionadas al luto. Objetivo: Para explorar esa realidad, el presente estudio tuvo como propósito analizar como los profesionales viven la experiencia de los procesos de luto en el ejercicio de los cuidados paliativos en oncología pediátrica. Método: Se llevó a cabo una pesquisa cualitativa que ha contado con la participación de 23 profesionales de salud que actúan en cuidados paliativos oncológicos y pediátricos, que contestaron una hoja de ruta de entrevista semiestructurada, cuyos análisis fueron realizadas con el apoyo del software IRaMuTeQ (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires). Resultados: Los resultados se organizaron en cuatro categorías: en la categoría 1 son retratadas las especificidades del tratamiento del niño con cáncer y otros aspectos relacionados a la enfermedad crónica; la categoría 2 muestra que las formaciones en salud no preparan los profesionales para hacer frente con la muerte y con pacientes fuera de la posibilidad de curación, que presentan prejuicios sobre cuidados paliativos; la categoría 3 señala los principios de los cuidados paliativos y otros factores del trabajo en esa terapéutica; y la categoría 4 aborda sobre los vínculos formados por los profesionales y sus experiencias de luto. Conclusiones: La cura no debe ser un requisito para la prestación de cuidados ,bien como los niños con cáncer que pueden beneficiarse con la terapéutica de los cuidados paliativos y validación de la sensibilidad de los profesionales (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Atitude Frente a Morte , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Neoplasias , Luto , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Entrevistas como Assunto
Matronas prof ; 24(3): [1-10], 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228217


Objetivo: Realizar la adaptación transcultural de la escala Perinatal Bereavement Care Confidence Scale (PBCCS) al contexto español, así como evaluar la validez de contenido. Método: La traducción y la adaptación transcultural se realizaron mediante la técnica de traducción y retrotraducción, con la participación de un panel de diez expertas. La evaluación de la validez de contenido se llevó a cabo por el mismo grupo de expertas; se calcularon el índice de validez de contenido (CVI), el coeficiente estadístico Kappa (K) y la razón de validez de contenido (CVR) a partir de los resultados de la evaluación. El proceso se realizó en comunicación constante con los autores de la escala original. Resultados: La versión castellana obtenida, la Escala de Confianza frente al Cuidado del Duelo Perinatal (ECCDP), obtuvo un S-CVI/Ave de 0,93 y consta de un total de 43 ítems, clasificados en cuatro dimensiones, manteniendo la misma estructura que la escala original. De los 43 ítems, 37 mostraron un I-CVI con valores por encima de 0,78, y 42 ítems tuvieron un valor de CVR positivo. Conclusiones: La escala ECCDP mantiene la equivalencia con la versión original y es un instrumento con suficiente validez de contenido para medir el nivel de confianza de las matronas y enfermeras en la atención al duelo perinatal en España. Se recomienda un estudio multidisciplinar de validación para evaluar el resto de las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento. (AU)

Objective: To carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the scale Perinatal Bereavement Care Confidence Scale (PBCCS) to the Spanish context, as well as to evaluate its content validity. Methodology: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were carried out using the translation and back-translation technique with the participation of a panel of ten experts. The evaluation of content validity was carried out by the same group of experts; the content validity index (CVI), the Kappa statistical coefficient (K) and the content validity ratio (CVR) were calculated. The process was carried out in constant communication with the original scale authors. Results: The Spanish version obtained (ECCDP, Escala de Confianza frente al Cuidado del Duelo Perinatal) had an S-CVI/Ave of 0.93 and consisted of 43 total items, classified into four dimensions, maintaining the same structure as the original scale. 37 of 43 items showed an I-CVI with values above 0.78. Forty-two items had a positive CVR value. Conclusions: The ECCDP scale preserves the equivalence with the original version and is an instrument with sufficient content validity to measure the level of confidence of midwives and nurses in perinatal bereavement care in Spain. A multidisciplinary validation study is recommended to evaluate the remaining psychometric properties of this scale. (AU)

Humanos , Assistência Perinatal/normas , Luto , Morte Perinatal , Traduções , Psicometria/instrumentação , Transculturação
Cult. cuid ; 26(64): 1-7, 3º Cuatrimestre 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-213743


The aim of this story is to reflect on the death of a pet, the pain it generates and the feelingof emptiness after an absence that comes after a time of coexistence and reciprocal contemplation.At the same time, the narrative is positioned as an instrument to become aware of the feelings between people and their pets, contemplating its use for the progressive approach of children and young people to the phenomenon of death and the feelings it generates. (AU)

El objetivo de este relato consiste en reflexionar sobre la muerte de una mascota, el dolorque genera y la sensación de vacío tras una ausencia sobrevenida tras un tiempo de convivencia ycontemplación recíproca. Paralelamente, se posiciona la narrativa como un instrumento para tomarconciencia de los sentimientos entre las personas y sus mascotas contemplando su empleo para elacercamiento progresivo de niños y jóvenes al fenómeno de la muerte y los sentimientos que genera. (AU)

O objectivo desta história é reflectir sobre a morte de um animal de estimação, a dor quegera e o sentimento de vazio após uma ausência que surge após um tempo de coexistência e contemplação recíproca. Ao mesmo tempo, a narrativa é posicionada como um instrumento para tomarconsciência dos sentimentos entre as pessoas e os seus animais de estimação, contemplando a suautilização para a abordagem progressiva de crianças e jovens ao fenómeno da morte e aos sentimentos que este gera. (AU)

Humanos , Atitude Frente a Morte , Animais de Estimação/psicologia , Amor , Pesar , Luto
Rev. psicol. deport ; 31(2): 248-259, Mayo 14, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-210830


The performance of students and educational institutions would be negatively impacted by teachers' negative emotions, requiring an urgent response. To discover a solution to this problem, the present study examines the influence of teaching quality and sports activities on the negative feelings of Vietnam's teachers. In addition, the article investigates the moderating effect of psychological dependency on teaching quality, sports activities, and negative emotions among Vietnam's teachers. Using questionnaires, the study collected data from the selected teachers. The report also used PLS-SEM using smart-PLS to examine the relationship between the study's variables. The data demonstrated a negative relationship between the teaching quality and sports activities and teachers' negative feelings in Vietnam. The results also revealed that psychological dependency strongly mediates the relationship between teaching quality, sports activities, and negative feelings among Vietnam's teachers. The study aids policymakers in formulating strategies to improve teachers' moods through good teaching qualities and athletic activities.(AU)

Humanos , Ensino , Emoções , Docentes , Medo , Ira , Luto , Ansiedade , Afeto , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes , Vietnã , Coleta de Dados , Inquéritos e Questionários
Eur. j. psychiatry ; 36(1): 60-63, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-203051


Background and objectives. The impact of death by suicide represents an important public health issue. The current study reports data relating depressive symptoms and psychological well-being to exposure to suicide in the family. Methods. A final Portuguese community sample of 266 participants answered a protocol presented on a Google platform. Two groups were defined: a suicide exposure group (n = 45) and a control group (n = 210) who responded to the Échelle de Mesure des Manifestations du Bien-Être Psychologique (Psychological Well-being Manifestation Measure Scale) and to the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Scale to access psychological well-being and depressive symptoms, respectively. Results. roups differ significantly on psychological well-being, even when contorting for unemployment and having physical disease, differed on depressive symptoms and tended to differ on depressive symptoms when contorting for unemployment and chronic physical disease. Conclusion. Based on results, we suggest that therapeutic interventions should focus not only on reducing depressive symptoms in exposed individuals, but as well as promoting well-being. Limitations include the size of the sample and the cross-sectional nature of the design.

Humanos , Ciências da Saúde , Suicídio/psicologia , Luto , Saúde da Família , Depressão , Família/psicologia
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 22(1): 1-9, jan.-apr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-203391


Background/Objective: Although the literature suggested that impaired psychological well-being (PWB) is associated with obesity, evidence on the role of PWB in weight outcomes is limited and inconclusive.This research aimed to investigate the joint role of PWB in achieving clinically significant weight loss (CWL; loss of 5% of the initial weight) through a comprehensive lifestyle intervention for obesity using a broad-based evaluation. Method: This study is a prospective cohort of 96 patients with obesity attending a comprehensive lifestyle intervention for weight loss. Data on weight, lifestyle, PWB, and distress, were collected before and after the intervention. Results: 30.5% of the participants achieved CWL at the end of treatment. A more pronounced increase in autonomy (odds ratio = 0.80 [95% CI: 0.68, 0.93], p ≤ .01) and somatization (odds ratio = 0.83 [95%CI: 0.70, 0.98], p ≤ .05) from pre- to post-treatment were independently associated with a lower probability of CWL. Conclusions: Unbalanced dimensions of PWB, in particular exceedingly high autonomy, may contribute to a poor weight loss outcome. This study paves the way for the addition of psychotherapeutic strategies geared to euthymia in comprehensive lifestyle intervention.

Antecedentes/Objetivo: Aunque la literatura sugiere que el deterioro del bienestar psi-cológico (BP) está asociado con obesidad, la evidencia sobre el papel del BP en el peso es limitada. Se investiga el papel del BP en el logro de pérdida de peso clínicamente signi-ficativa (PPCS; pérdida del 5% del peso inicial) a través de una intervención integral sobre el estilo de vida con respecto a la obesidad. Método: Cohorte prospectiva de 96 pacientes con obesidad que asisten a una intervención integral sobre el estilo de vida para la pér-dida de peso. Se recolectaron datos sobre peso, estilo de vida, BP y angustia, antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: El 30,5% de los participantes lograron pérdida de peso al final del tratamiento. Mayor aumento de autonomía (razón de momios = 0,80 [ICdel 95%: 0,68, 0,93], p ≤ 0,01) y somatización (razón de momios = 0,83 [IC del 95%: 0,70, 0,98], p ≤ 0,05) de antes a después del tratamiento se asociaron de forma independiente con menor probabilidad de PPCS. Conclusiones: Las dimensiones desequilibradas del BP, en particular la autonomía excesivamente alta, pueden contribuir a una pérdida de peso insuficiente. Se allana el camino para añadir estrategias psicoterapéuticas orientadas a la eutimia en la intervención integral en el estilo de vida.

Humanos , Ciências da Saúde , Autonomia Pessoal , Redução de Peso , Transtornos Somatoformes , Luto , Ansiedade
An. psicol ; 37(1): 28-34, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-200647


There are some life circumstances that can interfere with a normal mourning process. In order to identify these factors, the Inventory of Life Factors Interfering Grief and Complicated Grief (ILFIG) was first published in 2017. The present study aims to validate a briefer version of the questionnaire, the ILFIGv2. In this second version, the six dimensions of the questionnaire (Guilt, Inheritance, Economy, Sexuality, Immortality and Sense of presence) were hidden, and the items were reduced to 24. With a total sample of 248 respondents, a six-factor structure was tested. Confirmatory factor analysis model obtained reasonable goodness of fit indices: χ2(237) = 383.409, p < .001; CFI = 0.984, TLI = 0.981; RMSEA = 0.050, 95% CI [0.041 - 0.059], providing validity evidences based on the internal structure of the test. Validity evidences based on the relation with other variables were also provided by external criteria correlation. Regarding reliability, all the subscales of the ILFIGv2 obtained Cronbach's alpha and omega coefficients above .70 and .80, respectively. A brief version of ILFIG has been validated. It heralds a potential means to prevent and avoid grief lengthening, as it can measure unexpressed aspects which, according to grievers, demand attention

Existen algunas circunstancias vitales que pueden interferir el proceso de duelo normal. El Inventario de Factores Vitales que Interfieren Duelo y Duelo Complicado (IFVID) se publicó por primera vez, con el fin de identificar estos factores, en 2017. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo validar una versión breve del cuestionario, el IFVIDv2. En esta segunda versión, las seis dimensiones del cuestionario (Culpa, Herencia, Economía, Sexualidad, Inmortalidad y Sensación de presencia) se ocultaron y se redujeron a 24 el número de ítems. Con una muestra total de 248 encuestados, se contrastó una estructura de seis factores mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio. El modelo resultante obtuvo índices de ajuste razonables: χ2(237) = 383.409, p < .001; CFI = 0.984, TLI = 0.981; RMSEA = 0.050, 95% CI [0.041 - 0.059], aportando pruebas de validez basadas en la estructura interna del inventario. También se obtuvieron pruebas de validez basadas en la relación con otras variables por asociación con criterio externo. En cuanto a la fiabilidad, todas las subescalas del IFVIDv2 obtuvieron coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y omega por encima de .70 y .80, respectivamente. Se ha validado una versión breve de IFVID que constituye un instrumento con posibilidad de prevenir y evitar el prolongamiento del duelo, ya que es capaz de detectar aspectos no expresados que, según los dolientes, necesitan atención

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesar , Adaptação Psicológica , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Luto , Análise Fatorial , Fatores Sexuais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida
Rev. psicol. clín. niños adolesc ; 8(1): 16-23, ene. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-200365


Entre los países de habla hispana existen limitantes cuando se desea investigar el rol de la tristeza en la adolescencia debido a que no existen instrumentos en español válidos y confiables que permitan evaluar la regulación de ésta emoción en población en desarrollo. Por esta razón se realizó la adaptación lingüística y validación psicométrica de la Escala Infantil para el Manejo de la Tristeza CSMS (Zeman, Shipman, & Penza-Clyve, 2001) con una muestra de 597 adolescentes Colombianos entre 11 y 18 años de edad (48% sexo femenino). A partir del método del comité se hicieron adecuaciones en el lenguaje de la prueba para su ajuste cultural a la población hispanoparlante. El comportamiento psicométrico de la escala fue analizado en dos pasos: en el primero se observaron diez modelos factoriales posibles (Análisis Factorial Exploratorio), y en el segundo se descartaron los de menor ajuste (Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio), hasta elegir el óptimo. Los resultados señalan que la versión en español del CSMS-E ("E" por Español), mantiene validez de constructo comparable a la original, con una estructura de tres componentes que revisan estrategias adaptativas y maladaptativas para regular la tristeza: afrontamiento, inhibición y desregulación. Se ofrece un baremo para su corrección

Among the Spanish-speaking countries there are constraints for studying the roll of sadness in adolescence due to the absence of valid instruments in Spanish for evaluating the regulation of this emotions during the development. For this reason, following the committee procedure we adapted to Spanish the Children's Sadness Management Scale CSMS (Zeman et al., 2001), and conducted its psychometric validation with a sample of 597 Colombian adolescents, between 11 and 18 years of age (48% girls). The psychometric analyses were performed in two steps: (a) observing ten possible models (Exploratory Factor Analysis), (b) discarding those with least adjustment (Confirmatory Factor Analysis), and retaining the structure of best statistical fit. The results indicated that the optimal factorial model is a structure of three components, comparable to the original CSMS. The CSMS-E scale (E for Spanish) maintains comparable construct validity as the American version, and has attested to be a reliable tool in the assessment of adaptive and maladaptive strategies for the regulation of sadness: coping, inhibition and dysregulation. We offer a scoring notation table

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adaptação Psicológica , Luto/psicologia , Linguística , Psicometria/instrumentação , Testes de Personalidade/normas , Depressão/diagnóstico , Depressão/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise Fatorial , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica
Rev. med. cine ; 16(4): 279-288, dic. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-199493


En la década de 1970, en una ciudad norteamericana, cinco hermanas entre los trece y los diecisiete años cometieron suicidio, comenzado por Cecilia, la menor de las hermanas Lisbon. Una ola de tristeza plagada de interrogantes inundó las mentes de aquellos que convivieron con ellas y de todos aquellos fueron testigos de cómo poco a poco fueron perdiendo su alegría, sus motivaciones y su esencia hasta convertirse en sombras inexpresivas de lo que una vez fueron. Ante las peculiaridades descritas entre las muertes de las hermanas en las Vírgenes suicidas de Sofía Coppola 1999, el espectador puede plantearse diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el manejo sanitario adecuado y el papel del personal de salud para abordar de manera óptima la salud mental durante la adolescencia y de las medidas de prevención recomendables tanto en lo individual como en lo colectivo. El presente artículo se ofrece como un análisis a propósito de las conductas suicidas ficticias reportadas en el filme, como si de algún modo, las hermanas Lisbon pudiesen atenderse con los recursos y conocimientos que tienen en la actualidad los médicos contemporáneos a través

In the 1970s, in the suburbs of a US city, five sisters between thirteen and seventeen years of age committed suicide, starting with Cecilia, the youngest of the Lisbon sisters. A wave of sadness plagued with questions invaded the minds of those who lived with them and of all those who witnessed how little by little they lost their joy, their motivations and their essence until they became inexpressive shadows of what they once were. Given the peculiarities described between the deaths of the sisters in the Suicide Virgins of Sofia Coppola 1999, the expectation may ask several questions related to proper health approach and the role of health personnel to optimally address mental health in adolescence and of preventive measures recommended in both, individual and collective levels. This article is offered as an analysis of the fictional suicidal behaviors reported in the film, as if in some way, the Lisbon sisters could be treated with the resources and knowledge that contemporary doctors have in present time through the healthcare system, without ignoring the conditions in which their tragic deaths occurred

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Filmes Cinematográficos , Ideação Suicida , Suicídio/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Luto , Estados Unidos , Fatores de Risco , Irmãos/psicologia , Condições Sociais
Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 20(3): 343-351, oct. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-200327


Frustration is a negative state triggered by unexpected reward loss with behavioral, emotional and motivational components. Frustration Intolerance (FI) has been considered a vulnerability marker for psychopathology, its impact being modulated by personality dimensions. In this study, the relationship between FI and personality dimensions was analyzed in 640 undergraduate students. The reduced version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory and the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire assessed personality dimensions. The Investigative Scale of Tolerance to Frustration, the Frustration Discomfort Scale, and the Frustrative Nonreward Responsiveness Scale assessed the behavioral, emotional and motivational components of FI, respectively. Descriptive, reliability, Pearson and partial correlation analyses were conducted. Regardless of the frustration component assessed, FI consistently and positively correlated with Neuroticism, Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward. The relationship between FI and other personality dimensions seemed to be dependent on the particular FI assessment instrument used and on the corresponding component involved: Behavioral FI correlated positively with Extraversion and negatively with Openness and Agreeableness, whereas the relationship between these personality dimensions and emotional and motivational FI was not so clear. Therefore, a systematic analysis of the components of FI seems to be necessary to understand its relationship with personality

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Frustração , Determinação da Personalidade , Transtornos da Personalidade/psicologia , Inventário de Personalidade/estatística & dados numéricos , Punição/psicologia , Neuroticismo/classificação , Recompensa , Psicometria/instrumentação , Luto , Testes Psicológicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 51(3): 47-60, jul.-sept. 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-198059


El duelo puede definirse como el conjunto de procesos psicológicos y psicosociales que siguen a la pérdida de un ser querido con el que la persona en duelo estaba psicológicamente vinculada, tratándose de una reacción comportamental y emocional causada por la ruptura del vínculo afectivo y manifestándose en forma de sufrimiento. El presente estudio pretende analizar cienciométricamente la producción científica de mayor impacto sobre el duelo y la pérdida en personas con discapacidad intelectual en las principales bases de datos de carácter multidisciplinar: Scopus y Web of Science (WoS). Para ello se delimitaron tres descriptores: "grief", "bereavement" e "intellectual disability". El procedimiento se realizó mediante una búsqueda combinada a tres, analizando la información en torno a ocho variables: publicaciones entre los años 2009-2019, número de registros en la producción científica desde los años 2009 a 2019, número de registros por tipología de documentos publicados, número de registros por títulos de las fuentes procedentes de la literatura científica de mayor impacto, número de registros por países, número de registros por instituciones, número de registros por autores y número de citas en artículos. Los resultados muestran que nos encontramos con un campo científico en vías de desarrollo. Es importante trabajar en investigaciones para conocer de manera detallada las características en el proceso de duelo, junto a una herramienta de uso profesional que ayude a determinar las necesidades de apoyo de las personas con discapacidad intelectual

Grief can be defined as the set of psychological and psychosocial processes that follow the loss of a loved one with whom the grieving person was psychologically linked, being a behavioral and emotional reaction caused by the breakdown of the emotional bond manifesting itself in a way of suffering. The present study intends to scientifically analyze the scientific production with the greatest impact on grief and bereavement of people with intellectual disabilities in the main multidisciplinary data-bases: Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), for this purpose three descriptors were delimited: "grief", "bereavement" and "intellectual disability". The procedure was carried out by means of a combined search by triplets, analyzing the information around eight variables: publications between the years 2009-2019, number of records in the scientific production from the years 2009 to 2019, number of records by type of documents published, number of records by titles of the sources from the scientific literature, number of records by countries, number of records by institutions, number of records by authors and number of citations in articles. The results show that we find a scientific field in development. It is important to work in research to know in detail the characteristics in the grieving process, together with a professional use tool that helps determine the support needs of people with intellectual disabilities

Humanos , Pesar , Luto , Deficiência Intelectual , Bibliometria , Fatores de Tempo , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas/estatística & dados numéricos
Med. paliat ; 27(3): 226-233, jul.-sept. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-197376


La población con enfermedad avanzada al final de la vida, la más vulnerable, ha sufrido sobremanera la escasa atención presencial durante la pandemia. Describimos tres experiencias diferentes en relación con la atención domiciliaria de esta población no COVID

The population with advanced disease at the end of life, the most vulnerable one, has suffered greatly from the limited in-person care during the pandemic. We describe three different experiences in relation to home care for this non-COVID population

Humanos , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar/organização & administração , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Planos de Contingência , Atenção Primária à Saúde/organização & administração , Infecções por Coronavirus/prevenção & controle , Cuidados Paliativos na Terminalidade da Vida/métodos , Pesar , Luto/psicologia
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 32(2): 197-203, mayo 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-197258


BACKGROUND: Despite the abundant research on emotion recognition in schizophrenia, there are still some issues about which there is no conclusive data. The present study examined one these issues: the role that sex plays in emotion recognition. Method: The sample consisted of 440 participants, 220 patients with schizophrenia and 220 controls. Measures of the six basic emotions, psychopathology, and cognitive functioning were taken. The data were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. RESULTS: Controls perceived all emotions, except happiness, better than patients. In the patient group three main results were obtained: 1) men recognized disgust and neutral expressions better than women; 2) happiness and sadness were better recognized on female faces, while disgust and neutral expressions were better recognized on male faces; and 3) a significant interaction was seen between the stimulus sex and the participant sex only for the fear emotion. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained support the hypothesis that deficits in the recognition of emotions is a core feature of schizophrenia that affects both men and women to the same extent. There is no clear pattern of interaction between the sex of the perceiver and the sex of the photograph used as a stimulus

ANTECEDENTES: a pesar de haber abundante investigación sobre el reconocimiento de emociones en esquizofrenia, hay algunas cuestiones sobre las que no hay datos concluyentes. El presente estudio valoró una de esas cuestiones: el papel del género en el reconocimiento de emociones. MÉTODO: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 440 sujetos, 220 pacientes con esquizofrenia y 220 controles. Se tomaron medidas de las seis emociones básicas, psicopatología y funcionamiento cognitivo. Los datos se analizaron mediante un ANOVA de medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: los controles percibieron todas las emociones mejor que los pacientes, excepto la alegría. En los pacientes destacaron tres resultados: 1) los hombres reconocieron mejor el asco y la expresión neutra; 2) las emociones de alegría y tristeza se reconocieron mejor en caras femeninas, y el asco en masculinas; 3) se observó un efecto de interacción entre el género de la fotografía y del participante solo para la emoción de miedo. CONCLUSIONES: los resultados apoyan que el déficit en el reconocimiento de emociones es un rasgo característico de la esquizofrenia, que afecta tanto a hombres como a mujeres. No se observa un patrón claro de interacciones entre el género del participante y el género de la imagen usada como estímulo

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Emoções , Psicologia do Esquizofrênico , Fatores Sexuais , Análise de Variância , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Asco , Expressão Facial , Felicidade , Luto
Educ. med. (Ed. impr.) ; 21(2): 112-117, mar.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-194478


INTRODUCCIÓN: Shadowing patients es una de las propuestas educativas para mantener y experimentar empatía en estudiantes de Medicina. Se trata de observar, sin intervenir, a un paciente durante una visita médica. El objetivo de este estudio piloto es analizar las emociones percibidas y observadas en los pacientes durante la experiencia de shadowing patients y su relación con la empatía médica. MÉTODOS: Veintitrés estudiantes de quinto de Medicina (69,6% mujeres, edad 22,6 ± 1,1 años) participaron en el taller teórico-práctico basado en la observación e identificación de las emociones de los pacientes en una sala de espera hospitalaria. Se aplicó la Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (Hojat, 2002) y la Self-Assessment Manikin (Bradley y Lang, 1994) RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los estudiantes experimentaron tristeza (87%) y observaron en los pacientes tristeza (87%) e impaciencia (8,7%). No se objetivó correlación estadísticamente significativa entre empatía médica y valencia/arousal de las emociones experimentadas. DISCUSIÓN: El taller de shadowing patients es de bajo coste y de fácil implementación, consigue estimular la capacidad de observación para identificar las emociones de los pacientes y ayuda al estudiante de Medicina a ser más consciente de sus habilidades empáticas, por lo que complementa la formación teórica de este

INTRODUCTION: Shadowing patients is one of the educational proposals to maintain and experience empathy in medical students. It is about observing, from the sidelines, a patient during a medical visit. The objective of this pilot study is to analyze the perceived and observed patients' emotions during the experience of shadowing patients, and their relationship with medical empathy. METHODS: Twenty-three fifth-year medical students (69.6% women, aged 22.6±1.1 years) participated in the theoretical-practical workshop based on the observation and identification of patients' emotions in a hospital waiting room. The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (Hojat, 2002) and the Self-Assessment Manikin (Bradley and Lang, 1994) were applied. RESULTS: Most students experienced sadness (87%), and observed sadness (87%) and impatience (8.7%) in the patients. No statistically significant correlation between medical empathy and valence/arousal of experienced emotions was observed. DISCUSSION: The workshop of shadowing patient was low cost and easy to implement, stimulated the observation ability to identify the patients' emotions, helped medical student to be more aware of their empathic skills, and complemented the theoretical training of medical students

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Empatia/fisiologia , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Educação Médica/métodos , Emoções , Luto/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Inteligência Emocional
Rev. Rol enferm ; 43(1,supl): 164-170, ene. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-193177


Introduction: Sadness as a basic of the human being emotion. It can be associated with the intrinsic of the younger's characteristics and their context. It may manifest as discouragement, unwillingness to perform routine and social activities, low self-esteem or aloneness. Hopelessness arises when there is no sight of possibilities, confi-dence in others or future, enthusiasm for life being. That can inhibit the set goals and energy mobilization. These feelings may be signs of more complex problems, such as depressive disorders when associated with loss of interest or pleasure, changes in appetite, sleep and concentration and suicidal ideation thoughts. Aims: To identify the sadness and hopelessness feelings perceived by the younger ́s and the associations between these feelings and demographic, educational and family characteristics. Method: Descriptive correlational study with 1377 Portuguese younger ́s, which go into high school, aged 14-21 years, average age 17 years and mostly female. Was used the survey "Comportamentos de saúde, comportamentos de risco e envolvimento dos jovens com a escola e a família". Results: Sadness and hopelessness were not noticed by most younger ́s. However, there is a higher risk in younger's with negative school performance, who relate good relationship with colleagues, have never felt threatened by their colleagues, when they become involved with school and family and even if they are perceived the family as functional. Conclusions: Health professionals should identify early, value feelings of sadness and hopelessness in younger ́s and have a transdisciplinary and inclusive practice in health education, in school and family contexts

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Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Luto/psicologia , Depressão/epidemiologia , Cuidados de Enfermagem/tendências , Sintomas Afetivos/enfermagem , Portugal/epidemiologia , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Correlação de Dados , Características da Família , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Educação em Saúde/tendências , Promoção da Saúde/tendências
Psicológica (Valencia. Internet) ; 41(1): 21-38, ene. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-193628


The current study focuses on how different scales with varying demands can affect our subjective assessments. We carried out 2 experiments in which we asked participants to rate how happy or sad morphed images of faces looked. The two extremes were the original happy and original sad faces with 4 morphs in between. We manipulated language of the task-namely, half of the participants carried it out in their native language, Spanish, and the other half in their foreign language, English-and type of scale. Within type of scale, we compared verbal and brightness scales. We found that, while language did not have an effect on the assessment, type of scale did. The brightness scale led to overall higher ratings, i.e., assessing all faces as somewhat happier. This provides a limitation on the foreign language effect, as well as evidence for the influence of the cognitive demands of a scale on emotionality assessments

El estudio actual se centra en cómo escalas diferentes con demandas cognitivas variadas pueden afectar nuestras evaluaciones subjetivas. Se realizaron dos experimentos en los que se les pidió a los participantes que evaluaran cuán felices o tristes les resultaban las expresiones de algunas caras. Los dos extremos eran las caras tristes y felices originales, con cuatro variaciones en el medio. Manipulamos el idioma de la tarea, de tal manera que la mitad de los participantes realizaron el estudio en su idioma nativo (español) y la otra mitad en su idioma extranjero (inglés), y también variamos el tipo de escala. Comparamos dos tipos de escalas de valoración: verbales y de brillo (gris). Encontramos que, si bien la lengua no tuvo un efecto en la evaluación, el tipo de escala sí lo tuvo: la escala de brillo llevó a calificaciones más altas en general. Es decir, los participantes evaluaron todas las caras como algo más felices con la escala de brillo. Esto ofrece una limitación al impacto de los efectos de lenguas extranjeras, proporcionando evidencia sobre la influencia que tienen las demandas cognitivas de la escala en las evaluaciones de emocionalidad

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Percepção/fisiologia , Emoções/fisiologia , Felicidade , Luto/psicologia , Sorriso/fisiologia , Comunicação não Verbal/fisiologia , Sorriso/psicologia , Comunicação não Verbal/psicologia