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Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 119-153, Ene 2, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229623


Permitir seleccionar la intensidad del ejercicio se ha propuesto como un método para apoyar la adherencia al ejercicio, pero no se encontró ninguna exploración extensa que contrastara este enfoque con un método de intensidad impuesta. Esta revisión sistemática explora la relación entre la intensidad del ejercicio seleccionada por el usuario y los resultados afectivos, cognitivos y conductuales en contextos de actividad física. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos PubMed, SPORTDiscus y PsycINFO con los criterios de inclusión: (1) experimentales y no experimentales; (2) publicados en una revista revisada por pares; (3) escritos en inglés; (4) que exploraran la autoselección de intensidad y/o la autorregulación en contextosde ejercicio; (5) muestras con individuos de entre 18 y 64 años; y (6) centrados en individuos aparentemente sanos. Veintinueve estudios (N=749 participantes) fueron incluidos para revisión, 25 explorando el ejercicio aeróbico y cuatro de resistencia. En general, la intensidad de ejercicio autoseleccionada mostró mejores resultados afectivos, cognitivos y conductuales positivos en comparación con la prescripción de intensidad de ejercicio impuesta, pero la alta heterogeneidad en los métodos y resultados justifica la precaución al interpretar los resultados. La autoselección de la intensidad puede promover la mejora de las respuestas afectivas, las percepciones de autonomía, la autoeficacia, la intención de ser físicamente activo, y más minutos de participación en el ejercicio. Las discrepancias en los métodos de autoselección de la intensidad, las diferencias en los protocolos de ejercicio y las características de las muestras ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de realizar más estudios.(AU)

Allowing to select the exercise intensity has been proposed as a method to support exercise adherence, but no extensive exploration was found contrasting this approach to an imposed intensity method. For this matter, this systematic review aimed to explore the relationship between self-selected exercise intensity and affective, cognitive, and behaviouraloutcomes in physical activity settings, and whenever possible, compare this approach to other forms of exercise intensity prescription. Search wasconductedin the PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and PsycINFO databases (last search date July 2022) with the following inclusion criteria: (1) experimental and non-experimental; (2) published in a peer-reviewed journal; (3) written in English; (4) exploring intensity self-selection and/or self-regulation in exercise settings; (5) samples with individuals aged between 18 and 64 years; and (6) focused on apparently healthy individuals. Twenty-nine studies (N=749 participants) were included in this review, 25 exploring aerobic exercise and four resistance training activities. Overall, self-selected exercise intensity showed better positive affective, cognitive, and behaviouraloutcomes compared to imposed exercise intensity prescription, but high heterogeneity on the methods and outcomes warrant caution when interpreting the results. Self-selected intensity may promote improved affective responses, autonomy perceptions, self-efficacy, intention to be physically active,and more minutes of exercise participation. However, discrepancy on the intensity self-selection methods, exercise protocol differences, and samples characteristics, highlight the need for further studies on the topic to better understand the possible magnitude of this effect.(AU)

Permitir a seleção da intensidade do exercício tem sido proposto como um método para apoiar a adesão ao exercício, mas não foi encontrada nenhuma exploraçãoextensiva que contrastasse esta abordagem com um método de intensidade imposta. Por esta razão, esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo explorar a relação entre a intensidade do exercício autosselecionada e os resultados afetivos, cognitivos e comportamentais em contextos de atividade física e, sempre que possível, comparar esta abordagem comoutrasformas de prescrição da intensidade do exercício. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, SPORTDiscus e PsycINFO (última data de pesquisa em julho de 2022) com os seguintes critérios de inclusão:(1) experimentais e não-experimentais; (2) publicados numa revista com revisão por pares; (3) escritos em inglês; (4) que explorassem a autosseleção da intensidade e/ou a autorregulação em contextos de exercício; (5) amostras com indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 64 anos; e (6) focados em indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis. Vinte e nove estudos (N=749 participantes) foram incluídos nesta revisão, 25 explorando o exercício aeróbico e quatro atividades de treino de resistência. Em geral,a intensidade de exercício autosselecionada mostrou melhores resultados positivos a nível afetivo, cognitivo e comportamental em comparação com a prescrição de intensidade de exercício imposta, mas a elevada heterogeneidade dos métodos e dos resultados justifica cautela na interpretação dos resultados. Aintensidade autosselecionada pode promover melhores respostas afetivas, perceções de autonomia, autoeficácia, intenção de ser fisicamente ativo e mais minutos de participação no exercício. No entanto, a discrepância entre os métodos de autosseleção da intensidade, as diferenças entre os protocolos de exercício e as características das amostras, realçam a necessidade de mais estudos sobre o tema para melhor compreender a possível magnitude deste efeito.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Exercício Físico , Esforço Físico , Autoeficácia , Autonomia Pessoal , Prazer , Afeto , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 23(3)sep.-dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-225474


El grit implica una actitud apasionada y persistente, ser capaz de mantener el enfoque y la determinación incluso frente a obstáculos y fracasos. La perseverancia en el esfuerzo contribuye al logro de la maestría y la consistencia en los intereses promueve el compromiso con la práctica deliberada en prol de la excelencia. El objetivo del presente estudio fue validar la Escala Portuguesa Grit-S en el contexto del deporte. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 446 atletas federados (328 hombres y 190 mujeres; edad M = 17,60 años; SD = 6,27). Después de eliminar un ítem de la Grit-S, el análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró que la escala de estructura de dos factores es aceptable en la muestra portuguesa. El modelo de medición comprobó su invariabilidad en función del género. Asimismo, encontramos una correlación negativa significativa entre la consistencia de los intereses y la perseverancia en el esfuerzo. En conclusión, la versión portuguesa de la escala reducida del Grit (Grit-S), adaptada para el contexto deportivo, presentó dos factores con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para ser aplicados en este contexto. Por lo tanto, puede ser aplicable y útil en contextos deportivos de habla portuguesa por parte de entrenadores y psicólogos. (AU)

Grit involves a passion and persistent attitude and being able to sustain focus and determination even in the face of obstacles and failures.Perseverance in effort contributes to the achievement of mastery and consistency in interests promotes the commitment to deliberate practice in pursuit of excellence. The goal of the study was to validate the Portuguese Short Grit Scale specifically within the context of sports.The researchers gathered a sample of 446 federated athletes(328 males and 190 females; M age = 17,60 years; SD = 6,27). After removing one item from the Grit–S, the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the two-factor structure of the scale is appropriate in the Portuguese context. The measurement model was found be invariant in function of gender. Additionally, we found a significant negative correlation between consistency of interests and persistence. This suggests that the adapted Portuguese Short Grit Scale is a reliable and valid tool that can be used by coaches and sport psychologists to assess grit among portuguese athletes. (AU)

O grit envolve paixão e uma atitude persistente, bem como a capacidade de mantero foco e a determinação apesar dos obstáculos e das falhas. A perseverança no esforço contribui para a conquista da mestria e a consistência nos interesses promove o compromisso com a prática deliberada em prol da excelência. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar a versão reduzida da escala portuguesa de Grit (Grit-S) no contexto do desporto. A amostra foi constituída por 446 atletas federados (328 homens e 190 mulheres; idade M = 17,60 anos; DP = 6,27. O modelo de medida revelou ser invariante em função do sexo. Encontramos uma correlação negativa significativa entre a consistência de interesses e a perseverança no esforço. Em suma, a versão portuguesa da escala de Grit (Grit-S) adaptada para o contexto desportivo, apresentou dois fatores com propriedades psicométricas adequadas-possibilitando a sua aplicação em contextos desportivos de língua portuguesa, por treinadores e psicólogos do desporto. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Esportes , Esforço Físico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Portugal , Atletas
Sportis (A Coruña) ; 9(3): 513-526, sept. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224920


The aims of this research were (a) to examine the effect of fatigue on shooting accuracy and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in basketball, and (b) to compare the shooting accuracy and RPE after fatigue between age categories. 89 male basketball players from different age categories participated in the research. The 20 m shuttle run test was applied to create fatigue. RPE and shooting accuracy were measured before and after fatigue protocol. While there was no significant difference in shooting accuracy before and after fatigue in all age categories, RPE was significantly higher. Shooting accuracy quantitatively increased with age before fatigue (except U14). Shooting accuracy after fatigue was significantly different between the groups. As a result; although shuttle run was perceived as “hard-very hard” difficulty in basketball players, it did not create a fatigue that would significantly affect shooting accuracy. However, it was determined that the shooting accuracy after fatigue changed with increasing age. Therefore, this research presents important findings in terms of determining the age categories in which fatigue affects shooting performance in basketball. (AU)

Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron (a) examinar el efecto de la fatiga en la precisión del tiro y el índice de esfuerzo percibido (RPE) en baloncesto, y (b) comparar la precisión del tiro y el RPE después de la fatiga entre categorías de edad. Participaron en la investigación 89 jugadores masculinos de baloncesto de diferentes categorías de edad. Se aplicó la prueba de carrera de ida y vuelta de 20 m para crear fatiga. El RPE y la precisión de tiro se midieron antes y después del protocolo de fatiga. El RPE fue significativamente mayor, aunque no hubo una diferencia significativa en la precisión de tiro antes y después de la fatiga en todas las categorías de edad. La precisión de tiro aumentó cuantitativamente con la edad antes de la fatiga (excepto U14). La precisión de tiro después de la fatiga fue significativamente diferente entre los grupos. Como resultado; aunque la carrera de ida y vuelta se percibía como una dificultad "difícil-muy difícil" en los jugadores de baloncesto, no creaba una fatiga que afectara significativamente la precisión del tiro. Sin embargo, se determinó que la precisión de tiro después de la fatiga cambiaba con el aumento de la edad. Por lo tanto, esta investigación presenta hallazgos importantes en términos de determinar las categorías de edad en las que la fatiga afecta el rendimiento de tiro en baloncesto. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Basquetebol , Fadiga , Esforço Físico , Estudos Transversais , Desempenho Atlético
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 16(1/2): 43-53, Agos. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-224428


El estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática, con el fin de mapear la asociación entre la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, el tiempo de pantalla y el estado de peso en niños y adolescentes, así como verificar la dirección de estas relaciones. La búsqueda se realizó de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de PRISMA, en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y Medline. Se incluyeron estudios completos y originales, publicados entre 2000 y marzo de 2021, que evaluaban las variables citadas en conjunto y / o asociaciones. Se identificaron 152 artículos y, después del refinamiento según los resultados, se evaluaron cualitativamente 30 documentos. Se puede observar que las variables de salud, como aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, tiempo de pantalla y estado de peso, continúan con datos negativamente alarmantes en esta población, y que están fuertemente correlacionadas, demostrando que la modificación de una de ellas puede interferir con las otras. mejorando así el estado de salud de niños y adolescentes.(AU)

O estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática, com intuito de mapear as relações entre aptidão cardiorrespiratória, tempo de tela eestado nutricional em crianças e adolescentes, bem como verificar qual a direção dessas relações. A busca foi realizada de acordo com as recomendaçõesPRISMA, nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, e no Medline. Foram incluídos estudos completos e originais, publicados entre 2000 e março de 2023,e que avaliassem as variáveis citadas de forma concomitante e/ou associações. Foram identificados 210 artigos, e após refinamento conforme desfechos,34 documentos avaliados de forma qualitativa. Pode-se verificar que as variáveis de saúde, como aptidão cardiorrespiratória, tempo de tela e estadonutricional, seguem com dados negativamente alarmantes nesta população, e que elas estão correlacionadas fortemente, demonstrando que amodificação de uma delas pode vir a interferir nas demais, melhorando assim o status de saúde de crianças e adolescentes.(AU)

The study aimed to carry out a systematic review, with the aim of mapping the relationships between cardiorespiratory fitness, screen time andnutritional status in children and adolescents, as well as verifying the direction of these relationships. The search was carried out according to thePRISMA recommendations, in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Medline databases. Complete and original studies, published between 2000 and March2023, that evaluated the variables cited concomitantly and / or associations were included. 210 articles were identified, and after refinement accordingto outcomes, 34 documents were evaluated qualitatively. It can be seen that the health variables, such as cardiorespiratory fitness, screen time andweight status, continue with negatively alarming data in this population, and that they are strongly correlated, demonstrating that the modification of oneof them may interfere with the others , thus improving the health status of children and adolescents.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Obesidade Infantil , Tempo de Tela , Esforço Físico , Fadiga , Saúde da Criança , Obesidade , Medicina Esportiva
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(1): 148-160, May 3, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-225014


Cognitive performance is an essential aspect of sports. Still, few studies provide reliable cognitive tests for training and evaluating cognitive aspects related to sports, particularly in a healthy and/or youthful population. This study assessed the intraday and interday reliability of a cognitive test battery related to sports performance. In the research, seventeen healthy volunteers participated. DynavisionTMD2, Bassin Anticipation Timer, Go/No-Go, Eriksen Flanker, and the Trail Making Test (TMT) were analyzed. TMT-A and TMT-B (intraday), as well as the following variables in the interday analysis, exhibited significant differences: "Physical RT - Fastest" (Test 1), "Visual RT - Fastest" and "Physical RT - Fastest" (Test 2), "Visual RT - Fastest" (Test 4) and TMT-A. Thirteen of the thirty-one variables analyzed on the intraday exam had moderate Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), six were good, and one was exceptional. In the interday analysis, 15 variables with moderate ICC and 5 variables with excellent ICC were identified. Reliable tests include "Reaction Time" (Tests 5 and 6) and "Red and Green Lights" of the DynavisionTMD2, the 15 mph speed of the Bassin Anticipation Timer, and the Go/No-Go, Eriksen Flanker, and TMT tests.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Desempenho Atlético/psicologia , Desempenho Psicomotor , Testes de Estado Mental e Demência , Tempo de Reação , Esforço Físico , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Esportes , Esportes/psicologia , Psicologia do Esporte
Arch. med. deporte ; 40(1): 9-16, Ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-218777


Introducción: El deporte extraescolar representa una estrategia para aumentar las horas de actividad física (AF) y estimularhábitos saludables. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la asociación de la AF extraescolar con la condición física (CF), el estilode vida, la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS), y el expediente. Material y método: Los participantes 199 escolares (51,3% niñas) con una edad media de 9,9 (desviación estándar [DE] 1,4)años de 3 colegios de Soria, cumplimentaron cuestionarios validados para recoger hábitos de práctica deportiva y el estilo devida. Se realizaron diferentes pruebas para evaluar la CF y el centro proporcionó información sobre el expediente académico. Resultado: La media de horas semanales de AF practicada por el total de la muestra fue de 3,3 (DE 1,6) horas, y el 51,3%de los escolares realizaban AF extraescolar. Los resultados del estudio demostraron diferencias significativas (p <0,05) en elíndice de masa corporal, las horas de pantalla, y el expediente académico entre los alumnos de que realizan AF extraescolary los que no la practicaban. Se observó una correlación negativa moderada entre las horas de AF semanales y las horas depantalla semanales (r=-0,46, p <0,001) y positiva moderadamente fuerte para el expediente académico (r=0,56, p <0,001). Elmodelo logístico de regresión multivariada determinó que los niños tienen una probabilidad más elevada de practicar AF(odds ratio [OR] 3,59, intervalo de confianza [IC] 95% 1,17-11,05) que las niñas. Además, la realización de AF extraescolar, seasoció significativamente con un menor número de horas de pantalla semanales (OR 0,68, IC 95% 0,57-1,81) y con un mejorexpediente académico (OR 3,63, IC 95% 2,07-6,37). Conclusión: Estos resultados refuerzan la necesidad de establecer estrategias de promoción y de gestión de entornos, quefavorezcan el aumento de la AF extraescolar.(AU)

Introduction: The practice of physical activity (PA) triggers positive adaptations on health. Extracurricular sport activitiesrepresent a strategy to increase hours of PA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of extracurricular PA on physicalcondition (PC), health-related quality of life (HRQoL), screen time, and academic level. Material and method: In collaboration with three educational centers of Soria, the participants of the study completedseveral validated questionnaires related to PA information and lifestyle. Different physical tests were conducted to assesspupils’ PC and the centers provided information related to academics. Result: A total of 199 students (51.3% females), mean age 9.9 (standard deviation [ED] 1.4) years, were included in the study.Average weekly of PA hours was 3.3 (DE 1.6), and 51.3% of the pupils performed extracurricular sport activities. The resultsof the study showed statistically differences (P <0.05) on body mass index, screening time, and academic records betweenthose pupils that performed extracurricular sport activities and those that did not perform any extracurricular activity. Weobserved a moderate negative correlation between weekly PA hours and screen time (r = -0.46, P <0.001) and a moderatestrong positive correlation for academic records (r=0.56, P <0.001). The multivariate logistic regression model revealed thatboys had a higher likelihood (odds ratio [OR] 3.59, confidence interval [CI] 95% 1.17-11.05) of practicing extracurricular sportactivities compared to girls. Moreover, practicing extracurricular sport activities was significantly associated with lower screentime (OR 0.68, CI 95% 0.57-1.81) and better performance on academics (OR 3.63, CI 95% 2.07-6.37). Conclusion: Our results reinforce the need to develop strategies for the promotion and management of environments thatpromote extracurricular sport activities.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Atividade Motora , Estilo de Vida , Esportes , Tempo de Tela , Qualidade de Vida , Esforço Físico , Estudos Transversais , Medicina Esportiva
J. negat. no posit. results ; 7(4): 328-341, Oct-Dic. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-216536


Objective: The aim of this study was compared and correlate kinematics and physiological parameters in four maximal swimming tests of two groups of young swimmers.Methods: Twelve swimmers, separated in two groups by age (percentile > 50th (n = 6): 15.4 ± 1.11 years old as group 1, and < 50th (n = 6): 12.1 ± 0.83 as group 2) performed four tests during two different sessions. . They performed front crawl trials at maximum intensity: 50 and 200 meters on first day and 100 and 400 m meters on second day. Anthropometric characteristics were measured. Stroke rate, stroke length, stroke index, swimming speed and critical speed were obtained by video analysis. Moreover, were measured the blood lactate concentration, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion.Results: There are no differences at anthropometric characteristics. We found difference between group 1 and group 2. Better results for performance, swimming speed, stroke length and stroke index in group 1. Swimming speed and stroke index show strong correlation in all tests for group 1 and in 50 and 100 meters for group 2. To measure the swimmer profile is essential to verify the benefits that the training program is or is not providing.Conclusion: The parameters evaluated seem related to age and capacities of the swimmers.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Natação , Atletas , Ácido Láctico , Esforço Físico , Desempenho Atlético , Esportes , Antropometria , Fisiologia
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 22(87): 615-633, sept. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211092


El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar las relaciones existentes entre los parámetros de carga interna (objetiva y subjetiva) y externa. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 15 partidos disputados en el Eurobasket femenino U-16, donde participaron un total de nueve árbitros (6 masculinos y 3 femeninos). Las variables analizadas de carga interna fueron la frecuencia cardiaca y la percepción subjetiva de esfuerzo. Las variables de carga externa se dividieron en cinemáticas y neuromusculares, medidas a través de dispositivos inerciales. Los resultados explican que existen relaciones entre los valores de carga interna objetiva y carga externa, así como entre las variables de carga externa. En cambio, no existen relaciones entre la carga interna subjetiva y las variables de carga interna y externa objetiva, exceptuando el PowerMetabolic. Estos resultados demuestran que la competición y el nivel de los árbitros influyen en gran medida en las variables subjetivas. (AU)

The aim of the present paper consists in analysing the relations between internal (objective and subjective) and external load parameters. The sample was composed of a total of 15 matches played in the women’s U16 Eurobasket championship, in which a total of nine referees (6 men and 3 women) participated. The internal load variables analysed were heart rate and the subjective rating of perceived exertion. The external load variables were divided into kinematic and neuromuscular variables, measured using inertial devices. The results show that there are associations between the values of objective internal load and external load, as well as between the variables of external load. In contrast, there is no relation between internal subjective load and the variables of objective internal and external load, except regarding Metabolic Power. These results indicate that the competition and the level of the referees greatly influence the subjective variables. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Basquetebol , Frequência Cardíaca , Esforço Físico , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Estudos Transversais , Europa (Continente)
Rev. psicol. deport ; 31(2): 93-102, Mayo 14, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-210815


Middle-aged and elderly people sports participation is favorably connected with their body image. The link of sports participation of Middle-aged and elderly people is based on the nature of the sport and how Middle-aged and elderly people perceive their body size, and they will have a calculating attitude about whether the effect of their participation will be beneficial or negative. As a result, the sports interest has a significant impact on the participation of women in sporting activities. One of the impediments to Middle-aged and elderly people participating in sports is the patriarchal attitude that women should not participate in hard physical activity in front of their male counterpart. This study has analyzed the correlation between sports participation and sports interest. Where, sports participation is used as independent variable and sports interest is used as dependent variable. The data was collected from 60 sports women. This paper has used SEM PLS 3 and AMOS 26 for data analysis. The results indicated that there is a significant association between sports participation and sports interest. The results for Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite Reliability were also significant.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Atividade Motora , Exercício Físico , Esforço Físico , Aptidão Física , Imagem Corporal , Androcentrismo , Atletas , Feminismo , Direitos da Mulher , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes , Análise Multivariada , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Rev. psicol. deport ; 31(2): 239-247, Mayo 14, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-210829


The objective of this study is to address the role of sports in physical fitness. To achieve this objective, the relationship between sports, stress control, physiological motivation and physical fitness was examined. To check these relationships, seven hypotheses were proposed. Data were collected from players related to the various games in China such as football, hockey, basketball etc. The primary data were collected with the help of questionnaire. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used for data analysis. It is found that; sports have positive effect on physical fitness. Sports also has positive effect on stress control. Furthermore, sports have positive effect on physiological motivation. The stress control has positive effect on physical motivation. Finally, physiological motivation also has positive effect on physical fitness. Therefore, this study shows that sports has important contribution towards physical fitness. Sports increases the physiological motivation with the help of stress control and physiological motivation. Both the stress control and physiological motivation has positive role to transfer the effect of sports on physical motivation.(AU)

Humanos , Aptidão Física , Exercício Físico , Esforço Físico , Estresse Psicológico , Psicofisiologia , Estresse Fisiológico , Futebol , Hóquei , Basquetebol , Motivação , China , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Análise de Dados
Rev. psicol. deport ; 31(2): 276-284, Mayo 14, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-210832


This study examines the impact of physical exercise on the mental health status of medical social workers in China. This research employs a questionnaire to investigate the mental and physical fitness of 200 medical personnel in China and assesses their mental health and degree of physical fitness. The questionnaire's reliability was evaluated by selecting sixty medical personnel from the species. The data were handled with SPSS11.5 statistical software, including Pearson's product-difference correlation analysis and variance ANOVA, among other analyses. The effective percentage of recovery for the questionnaire is 97%. Fewer individuals engage in exercise and have the goal to exercise, the greater the prevalence of stress. Medical social workers' experience of stress is inversely connected with their willingness and engagement in physical activity. The mental health status of medical social workers is strongly correlated with their athletic participation. The mental health status of medical social workers who regularly engage in physical activity is significantly superior to that of those who do not engage in physical activity or who rarely engage in physical activity. The introduction of medical social work provides a foundation for advancing the transformation of the medical model, the growth of medicine as a whole, and the government's efforts to improve the architecture of the medical and health service system.(AU)

Humanos , Pessoal de Saúde , Exercício Físico , Aptidão Física , Esforço Físico , Saúde Mental , Esgotamento Profissional , Atividade Motora , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes , China , Inquéritos e Questionários , Correlação de Dados
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 22(85): 59-70, mar.-mayo 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-205428


El presente estudio tiene por objetivo comparar la demanda física y fisiológica en jóvenes jugadores de fútbol en juegos oficiales y juegos reducidos. Participaron 17 jugadores (16,0 ± 0,2 años de edad) siendo evaluados en siete juegos reducidos (3X3+porteros) y dos partidos oficiales. En los juegos reducidos, en 71,9% del tiempo se trabajó al 90% de la FC máx., versus el 44,4% en los juegos oficiales. La FC máx. fue mayor (p <0,01) en la situación oficial del juego y la media de FC no difirió significativamente (p ≥0,05). El número de sprints y la distancia recorrida fueron mayores en los juegos reducidos (p <0,01). Durante ambas situaciones de juego, los jugadores tienen respuestas físicas y fisiológicas intensas. Sin embargo, el modelo 3X3+porteros exige más esfuerzos de alta intensidad y mayores cargas externas por minuto jugado que los juegos oficiales. (AU)

Present study aims to compare the physical and physiological demands of youth football players in official match and small-sided game. 17 players (16.0 ± 0.2 years of age) participated in the study. Seven small-sided games (GK3-3GK) and two official matches were monitored. In small-sided games, 71.9% of the time was spent above 90% of HRmax, against 44.4% in the official matches. The HRmax was higher (p <0.01) in the official match situation and the HRmean did not differ significantly (p ≥0.05). Sprints and total distance were higher in the small-sided game (p <0.01). During both situations, players present intense physical and physiological responses. However, the GK3x3GK elicits more efforts in high intensity and superior external demand per playing minute than official matches. (AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Futebol/fisiologia , Esforço Físico , Exercício Físico , Atletas , 28599 , Treinamento Resistido
Apunts, Med. esport (Internet) ; 57(213)Jan.-Mar.,2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-202720


The quantification of training loads provides valuable information to reduce overtraining and detecting the risk of injury. The present study looks into the evolution of the training load using the RPE and s-RPE method and describes the injuries observed. It is an observational study based on 9 subjects of the Pardinyes basketball team (Leb Plata category) who, in each practice and match, recorded their RPE. This value, together with the volume (in minutes), provides the s-RPE. All injuries and their typology were also recorded during the first round of the competition. A total of 124 sessions were registered and 14 injuries were described in the period that went from 09/19/2019 to 02/15/2020. The load evolution of each player has been compared to the team average and to the one perceived by the coach. The lower extremity was, by far, the most injured one (13/14 injury events). The highest percentage of injuries was registered during the last part of the training sessions and matches, coinciding with the highest physical and psychological fatigue, and 64% of them were due to microtrauma. These inexpensive and easy-to-use methods (RPE and s-RPE) provide valuable data for planning, in order to adjust loads and prevent overtraining and injuries. It is necessary to manage workload to provide the player with the ideal stimulus, minimizing the risk of injury and, at the same time, maximizing their performance.

Humanos , Medicina Esportiva , Basquetebol/lesões , Exercício Físico , Esforço Físico , Traumatismos em Atletas
Apunts, Med. esport (Internet) ; 56(212)October - December 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-215075


Introduction: Understanding how external and internal loads relate during a competitive season in high performance athletes, and identifying which capacities have more influence on the perception of effort, can help to better plan training and monitor competitive performance.Material and MethodsIn this study we followed a professional male futsal team (n = 11) over a 37-week competitive season to determine variables that influence the perceived effort in periods of low and high training loads. External load indicators (strength, power, cognitive performance, sleep quality, and cardiorespiratory fitness) and the perception of effort were monitored regularly. The significance level adopted for this study was p <0.05.ResultsIn the period of low accumulated load, poor cognitive performance was directly related to the perception of effort at a greater extent (rho = 0.60; p = 0.048), while in the period of high load the power production capacity was inversely related with perceived effort (r = - 0.72; p = 0.02).ConclusionsBoth cognitive performance and explosive force production should be monitored throughout the regular season, but planning should seek to enhance these specific factors at different times of the season. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Treinamento Resistido , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Teste de Esforço , Esforço Físico/fisiologia , Cognição , Futebol
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 14(4): 204-209, 2021-12-10. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-227729


Objetivo: Valorar la aplicabilidad del índice de esfuerzo percibido como herramienta para el control de la carga interna en baloncesto femenino y masculino.Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, observacional y prospectivo durante una temporada completa. En cada sesión de entrenamiento se registraron tiempo de exposición, índice de esfuerzo percibido, carga de trabajo, lesionabilidad y el rendimiento durante la competición.Resultados: El equipo femenino mostró una media de esfuerzo percibido de 4.8 ± 1.52 y 9 lesiones “time-loss” y el masculino un esfuerzo percibido de 4.24 ± 2.23 y 7 lesiones “time-loss”. Las variables analizadas se comportaron de manera independiente entre los equipos (p<0.01). Se observaron correlaciones significativas en ambos equipos: grandes y moderadas para esfuerzo percibido y tiempo de exposición (p<0.01); bajas para esfuerzo percibido y valoración (p<0.01); moderadas y triviales para esfuerzo percibido y victoria (p<0.023) y bajas para carga de trabajo y valoración (p<0.01). Además, fueron triviales para esfuerzo percibido y lesión “physio attention” en el equipo femenino (p<0.01) y para esfuerzo percibido y lesiones “time-loss” en el masculino (p<0.002).Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que el índice de esfuerzo percibido es una herramienta útil para el control de carga interna en baloncesto, asociada al rendimiento y la lesionabilidad. (AU)

Objective: To assess the applicability of the Rating of Perceived Exertion as a tool to control internal loads in female and male basketball.Method: a descriptive, observational and prospective study was carried out during a full season. Exposure time, rating of perceived exertion, workload, lesionability and performance during the competition were registered in each training session.Results: The women's team showed an average of perceived exertion of 4.8 ± 1.52 and 9 injuries time-loss and the men's team an average of 4.24 ± 2.23 and 7 injuries time-loss. The variables analyzed behaved independently between the teams (p<0.01). Significant correlations were observed in both teams: Between perceived exertion and exposure time (p<0.01) were large and moderate; between perceived exertion and performance in game (p<0.01) were low, between perceived exertion and victory (p<0.01) were moderate and trivial and between workload and performance in game (p<0.01) were small. Plus they were trivial between perceived exertion and injuries physiotherapist attention in the female team (p<0.01) and between perceived exertion and injuries time-loss in the male team (p <0.002).Conclusions: The results suggest that rate of perceived exertion is a tool that can be used to obtain useful information about internal load in basketball, associated with performance and the incidence of injuries. (AU)

Objectivo: Avaliar a aplicabilidade do índice de esforço percebido como uma ferramenta para controlar a carga interna no basquete feminino e masculino.Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, observacional e prospectivo durante toda a época. Em cada sessão de treinamento foram registrados o tempo de exposição, índice de esforço percebido, carga de trabalho, lesionabilidade e desempenho durante a competição.Resultados: A equipe feminina apresentou uma média de esforço percebido de 4.8 ± 1.52 e 9 lesões por perda de tempo e a equipe masculina um esforço percebido de 4.24 ± 2.23 e 7 lesões por perda de tempo. As variáveis analisadas se comportaram de forma independente entre as equipes (p<0.01). Correlações significativas foram observadas em ambas as equipes: grandes e moderadas para percepção de esforço e tempo de exposição (p<0.01); baixas por esforço percebido e avaliação (p<0.01); moderado e trivial para percepção de esforço e vitória (p<0.023) e baixo para carga de trabalho e avaliação (p<0.01). Além disso, foram triviais para a percepção de esforço e lesão da atenção do fisioterapeuta na equipe feminina (p<0.01) e para a percepção de lesão por esforço e perda de tempo na equipe masculina (p<0.002).Conclusioes: Os resultados sugerem que o índice de esforço percebido é uma ferramenta útil para controlar a carga interna no basquete, associada ao desempenho e lesões. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Esforço Físico , Teste de Esforço/métodos , Basquetebol/lesões , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Ferimentos e Lesões , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 14(4): 221-227, 2021-12-10. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-227732


Objetivo: Descrever intensidades de esforço (frequência cardíaca e percepção subjetiva de esforço) de uma sessão de dança de salão (i.e., forró), relacionando com a reativação parassimpática (e.g., recuperação da frequência cardíaca) e aptidão cardiorrespiratória (e.g., máxima velocidade aeróbia) em mulheres.Método: Estudo observacional, com a participação de 17 mulheres saudáveis com idade de 18-24 anos. No primeiro encontro realizou-se a sessão de Forró de 40 minutos (nove músicas; variações de xote e baião; monitoramento da frequência cardíaca e percepção subjetiva de esforço). Com intervalo de 24-48 horas, realizou-se teste incremental máximo para determinação da máxima velocidade aeróbia em esteira.Resultados: A intensidade da sessão de forró variou entre moderada e vigorosa com diferenciação entre as intensidades do xote (ritmo lento, moderada intensidade) e baião (ritmo rápido, vigorosa intensidade) a partir do percentual de frequência cardíaca máxima e com aumento linearizado para a percepção subjetiva de esforço. A máxima velocidade aeróbia foi inversamente correlacionada (moderadas/elevadas correlações) às respostas da: i) frequência cardíaca em cinco músicas; ii) percentual de frequência cardíaca máxima em três músicas; iii) percepção subjetiva de esforço em uma música. Não houve associação entre reativação parassimpática e as respostas fisiológicas/perceptuais à sessão de forró.Conclusão: A intensidade de uma sessão de forró varia entre moderada e vigorosa com melhor caracterização de intensidade de diferentes estilos (xote e baião) pelo percentual de frequência cardíaca máxima em comparação à percepção subjetiva de esforço. O forró pode ser usado para promover melhoras à saúde já que apresenta estímulo suficiente para tal. (AU)

Objetivo: describir la intensidad del esfuerzo (frecuencia cardíaca y percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo) de una sesión de baile de salón (es decir, forró), relacionando con la reactivación parasimpática (p. Ej., Recuperación de la frecuencia cardíaca) y la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (p. Ej., velocidad aeróbica máxima) de mujeres.Método: Estudio observacional, con la participación de 17 mujeres sanas de 18 a 24 años. En la primera reunión, se realizó una sesión de 40 minutos de Forró (nueve canciones; variaciones de xote y baião; monitoreo de la frecuencia cardíaca y percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo). Con un intervalo de 24-48 horas, se realizó una prueba incremental máxima para determinar la velocidad aeróbica máxima en cinta rodante.Resultados: la intensidad de la sesión de forró varió entre moderada y vigorosa con una clara diferenciación entre la intensidad de esfuerzo del “xote” (paso lento, intensidad moderada) y “baião” (paso acelerado, intensidad vigorosa), en función del porcentaje de frecuencia cardíaca máxima y con un aumento lineal de la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. La velocidad aeróbica máxima se correlacionó inversamente (correlaciones moderadas / altas) con las respuestas de: i) frecuencia cardíaca en cinco canciones; ii) frecuencia cardíaca máxima en tres canciones; iii) percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo en una canción. No hubo asociación entre la reactivación parasimpática y las respuestas fisiológicas/perceptivas a la sesión de forró.Conclusión: La intensidad de una sesión de forró varía entre moderada y vigorosa, con una mejor diferenciación de la intensidad de los estilos (xote y baião), usando la frecuencia cardíaca máxima, en comparación con la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. El forró puede usarse para promover mejoras en la salud ya que induce suficiente estímulo para eso. (AU)

Objective: To describe exercise intensities (heart rate and rating of perceived exertion) over a ballroom dance session (i.e., forró) and to relate to parasympathetic reactivation (e.g., heart rate recovery) and cardiorespiratory fitness (e.g., maximum aerobic speed) in women.Method: Observational study, involving 17 healthy women aged 18 to 24 years. On the first visit was held a 40-minute Forró session (nine songs; xote and baião variations; heart rate monitoring and rating of perceived exertion). With intervals of 24-48 hours, the participants perform a maximal incremental test to determine treadmill maximum aerobic speed.Results: The intensity of a forró session ranged from moderate to vigorous with clear differentiation between “xote” (slow pace, moderate intensity) and “baião” (fast pace, vigorous intensity) intensities when monitored by percentage of maximal heart rate and a linear increase when monitored by rating of perceived exertion. The maximum aerobic speed was inversely correlated (moderate/high correlation) to the responses of: i) heart rate in five songs; ii) percentage of maximal heart rate in three songs; iii) rating of perceived exertion in one song. There was no association between parasympathetic reactivation and physiological/perceptual responses to the forró session.Conclusion: The intensity of a forró session ranges from moderate to vigorous, with better characterization of intensity in different styles (xote and baião) by percentage of maximal heart rate compared to rating of perceived exertion. Forró can be used to promote health, as it promotes enough stimulus. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Frequência Cardíaca/fisiologia , Dança/fisiologia , Teste de Esforço/métodos , Esforço Físico/fisiologia
Rev. psicol. deport ; 30(2): 145-151, Ago 9, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-213815


The present study seeks to analyse the physiological responses, differential perceived exertion and perceived load of wheelchair basketball (WB) players during a small sided games (SSG) and to analyse the existence or not of differences studied variables according to whether or not they have a spinal cord injury and the age of the players. This study makes a total of 128 observations of a single format SSG (4 vs. 4 players with a duration of 4 min). The players with a spinal cord injury obtain a lower mean heart rate (HR Mean) and a lower peak HR (HR Peak) in the SSG than players without a spinal cord injury (p < 0.001; ES = 0.9 to 1.1; large). However, players with a spinal cord injury show higher respiratory (RPE res) and muscular (RPE mus) perceived exertion than players without a spinal cord injury as well as record a higher respiratory (RPE res TL) and muscular (RPE mus TL) load (p < 0.001; ES = -0.7 to -0.8, moderate-large). Related to age groups, the results obtained demonstrate that players < 30 years old obtain higher HR Mean, HR Peak, tympanic temperature (p < 0.001; ES = -1.1; high), RPE res, RPE mus, RPE res TL and RPE mus TL (p < 0.001; ES = -0.7 to -0.9; moderate-large) than players > 30 years in the SSG. The impairment (whether they have a spinal cord injury or not) and the age of the players can affect the internal load in a SSG and the perceived exertion method can provide additional information about the load, especially among players with a spinal cord injury.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Desempenho Atlético , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Atletas , Equipamentos Esportivos , Esportes , Cadeiras de Rodas , Basquetebol , Esforço Físico , Medula Espinal , 50293 , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Espanha
Rev. psicol. deport ; 30(2): 292-297, Ago 9, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-213829


The aim of the study is to understand the impact of certain situational variables (game location, season phase, game outcome, score-line and quality of opposition) on the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of women players of Liga Femenina 2 in competition. 24 matches played by 12 players of a team from group B of Liga Femenina 2 of the Spanish Basketball Federation during the 2019/2020 season were analysed. The RPE of the players was collected between 20 and 30 minutes after the end of the game. A multiple regression analysis was performed, considering the five situational variables as predictors of RPE. The results show that 44.61% of the RPE values are explained by these situational variables in a statistically significant way. Of the 5 situational variables analysed, the game location and the quality of opposition are dependent on the RPE. Playing away and against a weaker opponent is directly related to a higher RPE of the players in competition.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Basquetebol , Atletas , Esforço Físico , Desempenho Atlético , Espanha , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes