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SEMERGEN, Soc. Esp. Med. Rural Gen. (Ed. Impr.) ; 50(3): [102134], Abr. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232205


Introducción: En Europa occidental el 20-40% de los niños con fiebre solicitan asistencia sanitaria. La mayoría presentan infecciones virales banales, sin embargo, es esencial en pediatría distinguir los pacientes que presentan una infección severa. Este proceso se inicia con el reconocimiento de la gravedad y la posterior búsqueda de atención médica por parte de los padres. Metodología: Estudio observacional analítico y transversal. Se seleccionaron 100 pacientes en 2 centros de salud. Se recogieron los datos sociodemográficos, junto con las respuestas de un checklist que contenía los signos y los síntomas ante los que solicitar asistencia sanitaria en caso de fiebre. Posteriormente se rellenó el checklist por parte del pediatra. Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes fue de 5,41 años. El 50% consultó en las primeras 48h de evolución de la fiebre. En el 42% la respuesta a todos los ítems del checklist fue exactamente la misma entre acompañante y pediatra. No existieron diferencias significativas según variables: primer episodio de fiebre (p=0,262), edad del paciente (p=0,859), tener hermano/as (p=0,880), parentesco familiar del acompañante (p=0,648) o grado de estudios del acompañante (p=0,828). Conclusiones: Las consultas médicas por fiebre en pediatría se realizan muy precozmente. Un alto porcentaje no presentan signos de alarma cuando consultan. Se plantea la necesidad ampliar la formación sobre los signos de alarma de la fiebre en todos los padres, independientemente del número de hijos, de la edad o del nivel educacional. El checklist como herramienta para la valoración en el domicilio de la fiebre ha recibido una alta puntuación en su utilidad.(AU)

Introduction: In Western Europe, 20%-40% of children with fever request health care. Most of them present trivial viral infections, however, it is essential in pediatrics to distinguish patients who present a severe infection. This process begins with the recognition of the seriousness and the subsequent search for medical attention by the parents. Methodology: Analytical and cross-sectional observational study. One hundred patients were selected in two health centers. Sociodemographic data were collected, together with the responses to a checklist containing the signs and symptoms to request health care in case of fever. Subsequently, the checklist was filled out by the pediatrician. Results: The mean age of the patients was 5.41 years. 50% consulted in the first 48h of fever evolution. In 42%, the response to all the items on the checklist was exactly the same between the companion and the pediatrician. There were no significant differences according to variables: first episode of fever (P=.262), age of the patient (P=.859), having a sibling (P=.880), family relationship of the companion (P=.648) or educational level of the companion (P=.828). Conclusions: Medical consultations for fever in pediatrics are carried out very early. A high percentage do not present alarm signs when they consult. There is a need to expand training on the alarm signs of fever in all parents, regardless of the number of children, age or educational level. The checklist as a tool for home assessment of fever has received high marks for its usefulness.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Características Culturais , Febre/tratamento farmacológico , Pais , Mães , Educação em Saúde , Estudos Transversais , Pediatria , Medicina de Família e Comunidade
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 198-221, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230952


The attention of the whole globe has been focused on major sporting occasions such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA globe Cup, and the Super Bowl. Sporting events have the potential to significant social and economic repercussions on host towns and countries. This study intends to examine the cultural, economic, and infrastructural variables that contribute to the varying impacts of large sports events on different countries. Our study takes a comparative approach, looking at how different host cities and countries have fared throughout the years. In this article, we explore the social, economic, and cultural effects of hosting major sports competitions and the differing degrees to impact various communities. In this study, we examine the beneficial effects of athletic mega-events by attributing them with characteristics like the ability to stimulate economic development, catalyze urban regeneration, inspire social change, and build destination brands, among others. Negative effect studies claim that sports mega-events can cause things like human rights violations, pollution, unbridled nationalism, corporate exploitation, and bribery of government officials.In the context of large-scale events, such as the Olympics or the World Cup of Football. Some of the biggest sporting events, like the Alpine and Biathlon World Championships have been able to go under the radar in the face of their more popular Mega counterparts.Chi-Square test is used to evaluate the performance of participants in mega sports events. Conclusions from this study show that the societal and economic effects of large-scale sporting events are intricate and situational. Ultimately, this study helps us better understand how big sporting events transform the socioeconomic landscape of host communities, which in turn improves our ability to plan and execute policies for future events (AU)

Humanos , Transculturação , Características Culturais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Esportes
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 289-305, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230957


Indigenous groups in the Amazon have long practiced physical activity and fitness, which is ingrained in their culture and reflects a harmonious coexistence with the natural world, traditional knowledge,and spiritual beliefs. The research study highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in health treatments and examines the various factors that shape physical activity in these communities. Native American customs include a wide range of activitiesthat promote physical health and social cohesiveness, such as traditional hunting and fishing techniques and group dances rooted in spiritual expression. These activities' communal aspect strengthens social relationships and highlight a holistic approach to health that considers mental and spiritual aspects in addition to physical fitness. When outside influences infiltrate local communities, a careful balance must be established between protecting traditional history and adjusting to modern problems. Given this, interventions should be cooperative, respectful of, and integrated with Indigenous viewpoints to maintain relevance and sustainability. The research highlights the importance of general health methods that consider all the interrelated facets of wellbeing and recognize the distinct cultural settings in which Indigenous populations in the Amazon engage in physical activity (AU)

Humanos , Características Culturais , Exercício Físico , Indígenas Sul-Americanos , Brasil
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 56(1): [102772], Ene. 2024. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229202


Objetivo: Conocer estadísticas reales sobre lactancia materna en España, así como factores socioculturales y perinatales que afectan a su inicio y mantenimiento. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, multicéntrico, longitudinal, de ámbito nacional (estudio LAyDI). Sitio: Consulta de pediatras de atención primaria. Participantes: Cohorte de recién nacidos entre abril de 2017 y marzo de 2018 en España que se siguieron hasta los dos años en ocho visitas. Medidas principales: Se analizaron las tasas de los diferentes tipos de lactancia en cada visita y también se analizaron variables relacionadas con la gestación, el parto, el período neonatal, sociales, económicas y biológicas. Resultados: Muestra inicial de 1.946 (50,1% varones). El 90,7% decidieron iniciar lactancia materna al nacimiento. La cifra de lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) fue del 66,4% a los 15días y del 35,2% a los 6meses. Cualquier tipo de lactancia materna (lactancia materna total [LMT]) a los 6meses fue del 61,7%. La supervivencia de LMT presentó una mediana de 6,0meses (IC95%: 6,0-6,1). Variables relacionadas con LME a los 15días: hijos previos, nivel de educación de madre, ausencia de enfermedad durante el embarazo, no separación madre e hijo al nacer, no utilización de chupete, no existencia de problemas en pezones, y momento de decisión tipo lactancia. Variables relacionadas con mayor duración LMT son: la relación mayor de 5años de los padres, no usar de chupete, colecho al mes de vida, decidir lactancia materna antes del embarazo, recibir información sobre lactancia durante el embarazo y utilizar apoyo de asociaciones. Conclusiones: El abandono temprano de la lactancia materna es un problema importante en las sociedades occidentales. Existen factores sobre los que se puede actuar para mejorar resultados.(AU)

Objective: To find out actual statistics on breastfeeding in Spain, as well as sociocultural and perinatal factors that affect its initiation and maintenance. Design: Prospective, multicentre, longitudinal, nationwide study (XXX study). Site: Primary care paediatricians’ office. Participants: Cohort of newborns born between April 2017 and March 2018 in Spain who were followed up to two years of age in 8 visits. Main measures: Rates of different types of breastfeeding were analysed at each visit and variables related to gestation, delivery, neonatal period, social, economic and biological variables were also analysed. Results: Initial sample of 1946 (50.1% male). 90.7% decided to initiate breastfeeding at birth. Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) was 66.4% at 15days and 35.2% at 6months. Any type of breastfeeding (total breastfeeding [TBF]) at 6months was 61.7%. Median survival from TBF was 6.0months (95%CI: 6.0-6.1). Variables related to EBF at 15days: previous children, mother's level of education, absence of illness during pregnancy, no separation of mother and child at birth, no dummy use, no nipple problems, and time of decision to breastfeed. Variables related to longer duration of TBF: relationship of parents older than 5years, no dummy use, co-sleeping at one month of life, deciding to breastfeed before pregnancy, receiving information on breastfeeding during pregnancy and using support from associations. Conclusions: Early abandonment of breastfeeding is a major problem in Western societies. There are factors that can be worked on to improve outcomes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Características Culturais , Fatores Culturais , Lactação , Aleitamento Materno/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Espanha , Estudos de Coortes , Fatores de Risco
Cult. cuid ; 27(67): 375-388, Dic 11, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228592


The purpose of the study was to understand the sociocultural configurations about diseases of a group of peasants in Córdoba, Colombia, through a micro-ethnographic design and the application of semi-structured interviews, conversations and observations to 20 members of the community, between October 2020 and March 2021. The interviews were transcribed and organized in matrices for their categorization and analysis using Bardin technique. The disease is conceived from two constructions: being sick is not being able to work and being sick is restlessness and anguish; Both configurations are built from the link between the opportunities to work and do activities from daily life, but they are altered by problems in the provision of the health service. It is concluded that the sociocultural configuration of the diseases overcomes the vision of physical imbalance because it is perceived into daily life activities, the ways of living, and the solidarity networks woven by the peasants as a strategy against the negligence of the state ineffectiveness of health system in Colombian rural areas.(AU)

El propósito del estudio fue comprender las configuraciones socioculturales sobre las enfermedades construidas por un grupo de campesinos en el Departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, mediante un diseño micro etnográfico y la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, conversaciones y observaciones a 20 miembros de la comunidad, entre octubre de 2020 y marzo de 2021. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas, organizadas en matrices y procesadas para su posterior organización, categorización y análisis con apoyo de la técnica de Bardin. Se develan dos construcciones para concebir la enfermedad: estar enfermo es no poder trabajar y estar enfermo es intranquilidad y angustia; ambas configuraciones se construyen a partir del vínculo con las oportunidades para trabajar y realizar acciones de la vida cotidiana, pero están permeadas por el déficit en la prestación del servicio de salud y las dificultades para acceder a este. Se concluye que la configuración sociocultural de las enfermedades supera la visión de desequilibrio físico del individuo al enunciarse en el ámbito de las prácticas cotidianas, los modos de vivir y las redes de solidaridad tejidas por los campesinos como estrategia de resistencia ante el olvido estatal y la ineficacia de los abordajes del sector salud en zonas rurales colombianas.(AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi compreender as configurações socioculturais sobre doenças de um grupo de camponeses em Córdoba, Colômbia, por meio de um desenho microetnográfico e da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas, conversas e observações a 20 membros da comunidade, entre outubro 2020 e março de 2021. As entrevistas foram transcritas e organizadas em matrizes para sua categorização e análise pela técnica de Bardin. A doença é concebida a partir de duas construções: estar doente é não poder trabalhar e estar doente é inquietação e angústia; Ambas as configurações são construídas a partir da ligação entre as oportunidades de trabalho e de realização das atividades do cotidiano, mas são alteradas por problemas na prestação do serviço de saúde. Concluise que a configuração sociocultural das doenças supera a visão do desequilíbrio físico, pois é percebida nas atividades do cotidiano, nos modos de viver e nas redes solidárias tecidas pelos camponeses como estratégia contra o descaso do Estado inefetividade da saúde sistema nas áreas rurais colombianas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Características Culturais , População Rural , Zona Rural , Doença , Antropologia Cultural , Formação de Conceito , Colômbia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Asclepio ; 75(2): e24, Juli-Dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228671


El artículo se explaya sobre el proceso de reclutamiento de profesoras de enseñanza primaria, popularmente llamadas normalistas, en la evolución de la formación en Brasil de las profesiones de salud (educadoras, visitadoras sanitarias y enfermeras). Las características socioculturales de las normalistas las convirtieron en el tipo ideal de mujeres para servir a las nuevas profesiones de salud. Además de la similitud de género (profesiones femeninas), las profesiones docentes primarias y de la salud compartían saberes y prácticas de matriz biomédica e higienista y un mismo campo profesional (escuelas, centros de salud y hogares), lo que determinó afinidades entre las políticas públicas de educación y de salud.(AU)

The article discusses the mobilization of primary teachers, popularly called normalists in the process of constitution, in Brazil, of the sanitary professions (educators or health visiters and nurses). The sociocultural characteristics of normalists made them the ideal type of women recruited to the new health professions. The sociocultural characteristics of normalists made them the ideal type of women recruited to the new health professions. In addition to the similarity of gender (female professions), the primary teaching and health professions shared knowledge and practices of biomedical and hygienist matrix and the same field of professional activity (schools, health posts and households), which translated the affinities between public policies for education and heal.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Saúde Pública/educação , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Docentes/educação , Mulheres/educação , Características Culturais , Professores Escolares , Brasil , Escolas de Enfermagem , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Educação em Enfermagem
Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 23(3): 301-312, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226100


The Work-Related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) is a self-report instrument that measures psychological flexibility at work. Although this scale has been validated in some languages, its psychometric properties in Colombia are unknown, making it challenging to assess work-related psychological flexibility in this country. The present study analyzed the psychometric properties and factor structure of the WAAQ in a sample of 985 Colombian workers. The internal consistency of the WAAQ measured through coefficient alpha was .88. The one-factor model with correlated error terms between items 4 and 7 showed a very good fit to the data (RMSEA= 0.033, CFI= .998, NNFI= .997, SRMR= 0.018). The WAAQ showed metric and scalar invariance across gender, age group, socioeconomic stratum, and hierarchical level. Furthermore, it correlated negatively with psychological inflexibility, psychological distress, emotional exhaustion, and cynicism and positively with professional efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. In conclusion, the WAAQ seems to be a valid self-report of work-related psychological flexibility in Colombian samples (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Características Culturais , 16360 , 16054/psicologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Psicometria , Tradução , Colômbia
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(2): 1-9, Jun 20, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-222927


The basic aim of this research study is to describe the dissemination of evolution related to the traditional ethnic sport culture. This research study depends on theoretical base analysis to determine the research used different websites linked to dissemination and evolution. The data collected related to the traditional ethnic sport culture research study based on theory and some data based on primary research. For this purpose, data collected through questions for measuring the research used smart PLS software, and run results included significant analysis and smart PLS Algorithm model related to the traditional ethnic sport culture. In conclusion, sports are cultural in a variety of ways. Participating in sports enables us to have and share culture, keeping us physically fit and healthy and enhancing our reputation via success. Furthermore, Sports help us develop a sense of self and community. Even better, we can introduce people to our culture. Sports participation is one of the few ways we can interact with and learn about another culture. Recognizing this fact enables us to use sports for good.(AU)

Humanos , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Esportes , Características Culturais , Cultura
Ene ; 17(3): 1-17, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231462


Introducción: Existen muchas culturas con sus propias creencias y costumbres con respecto a la lactancia materna. Estas costumbres pueden ser correctas o incorrectas, por tanto, el profesional debe hacer uso de la interculturalidad. Objetivo: Describir y analizar las prácticas culturales en la lactancia materna. Método: Revisión Integrativa de la literatura en las bases de datos: Scielo, ScienceDirect, PubMed, SpringerLink y BVS. Resultados: Los 16 artículos seleccionados, se analizaron en 5 categorías: Prácticas culturales que deben reestructurarse, razones para la introducción de otros alimentos, prácticas culturales que deben acomodarse, prácticas culturales que pueden mantenerse, influencia sociocultural. Conclusión: Existen prácticas culturales que deben reestructurarse (uso del agua, leche de vaca, cabra, mantequilla antes de los 6 meses de edad); otras que deben acomodarse (descarte del calostro) y otras que deben mantenerse (uso de alimentos que mejoran la producción láctea). Las personas cercanas a la madre (sus madres y suegras) son las que más influyen; por ello, lo que debe procurar el profesional de la salud, es ejecutar acciones interinstitucionales dirigidas a la promoción de la lactancia materna, con un enfoque intercultural. (AU)

Introduction: There are many cultures with their own beliefs and customs regarding breastfeeding. These customs can be correct or incorrect, therefore, the professional must make use of interculturality. Objective: Describe and analyze cultural practices in breastfeeding. Method: Integrative review of the literature in the databases: Scielo, ScienceDirect, PubMed, SpringerLink and BVS. Results: The 16 selected articles were analyzed in 5 categories: Cultural practices that must be restructured, reasons for the introduction of other foods, cultural practices that must be accommodated, cultural practices that can be maintained, sociocultural influence. Conclusion: There are cultural practices that must be restructured (use of water, cow's milk, goat's milk, butter before 6 months of age); others that must be accommodated (discarding colostrum) and others that must be maintained (use of foods that improve milk production). People close to the mother (her mothers and mothers-in-law) are the most influential; Therefore, what the health professional must seek is to execute inter-institutional actions aimed at promoting breastfeeding, with an intercultural approach. (AU)

Humanos , Aleitamento Materno , Características Culturais , Enfermagem Transcultural , Antropologia Cultural , Competência Cultural
Adicciones (Palma de Mallorca) ; 35(4): 469-482, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229129


El objetivo del estudio fue identificar los factores del entorno que influyen en el consumo de alcohol según la perspectiva de estudiantes universitarios, y evaluar la importancia y la frecuencia atribuida a cada factor. Se utilizó la metodología del Concept Mapping con una muestra de estudiantes de enfermería, que participaron en dos sesiones de recogida de datos. En la sesión 1, se obtuvo un consenso sobre los aspectos del entorno que influyen en su consumo de alcohol. En la sesión 2, los ítems obtenidos se clasificaron en función de la importancia y la frecuencia de estos factores en el consumo de alcohol (1 = mínimo; 5 = máximo). Todos los datos se analizaron con el RCMAP del paquete estadístico R 3.6.1.Alrededor de 60 estudiantes participaron en cada sesión. La mayoría eran mujeres de 20 a 24 años. En la sesión 1, se obtuvieron un total de 55 ítems que fueron clasificados en 7 grupos: Publicidad (9 ítems); Ambiente familiar (4 ítems); Presión social (12 ítems); Responsabilidades/normas (4 ítems); Vacaciones y tiempo libre (7 ítems); Situaciones emocionales (8 ítems); Accesibilidad (11 ítems). Los factores relacionados con la presión social, las vacaciones y el tiempo libre y la accesibilidad del alcohol, fueron considerados los más importantes y frecuentes en el consumo de alcohol. Contrariamente, la publicidad del alcohol fue considerada el factor menos importante (media 2,6 sobre 5) y frecuente (media 2,1 sobre 5). En conclusión, los factores considerados más relevantes entre los estudiantes coinciden con los que se destinan más recursos para la prevención y la promoción de la salud, a excepción de la publicidad del alcohol, que se percibió como menos importante y frecuente comparado con los otros factores. (AU)

The aim of the study was to identify the environmental factors that influence alcohol consumption, according to university students, and assess the relative importance and the frequency attributed to each factor. A study using Concept Mapping methodology was performed with a sample of nursing students, who participated in two face-to-face data collection sessions. In session 1, a consensus about the environmental aspects that influence their alcohol consumption was obtained. In session 2, the statements obtained were rated according to their relative importance and frequency in alcohol use (1 = minimum; 5 = maximum). Subsequently, all data were analyzed with the RCMAP of the statistical package R 3.6.1.Approximately 60 students participated in each session. Most were women aged 20 to 24. In session 1, a total of 55 statements were obtained and classified into 7 different clusters: Advertising (9 statements); Family environment (4 statements); Social pressure (12 statements); Responsibilities/norms (4 statements); Holidays and leisure time (7 statements); Emotional situations (8 statements); Accessibility (11 statements). Factors related to social pressure, holidays and leisure time, and alcohol accessibility were considered the most important and frequent in alcohol consumption. In contrast, alcohol advertising was considered the least important (mean 2.6 out of 5) and frequent (mean 2.1 out 5) factor. In conclusion, the factors considered most relevant among nursing students match those having more resources allocated for prevention and health promotion, except for alcohol advertising, which was perceived as less important and frequent compared with the other factors. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Consumo de Álcool na Faculdade/psicologia , Estudantes de Enfermagem/psicologia , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Classe Social , Características Culturais , Fatores de Risco , Fatores Culturais , Estilo de Vida
Gerokomos (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 34(3): 201-209, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226442


Objetivo: Realizar la adaptación transcultural del PZ-PUKT al español y un análisis descriptivo, bivariante y psicométrico del PZ PUKT en español. Metodología: En primer lugar, se realizó una adaptación transcultural siguiendo las etapas de la International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, estimando la validez aparente y la de contenido. Después, se realizó un estudio observacional con análisis descriptivo, bivariante y psicométrico: Rasch, fiabilidad, estabilidad y validez mediante técnica de grupos conocidos. Resultados: El PZ-PUKT en español tiene buena equivalencia semanticoconceptual con el cuestionario original, así como muy buena validez aparente y validez de contenido (x–: 0,96; R: 0,87-1). La muestra fue de 123 sanitarios, con una media de 44,2 años y 105 mujeres (85,4%). La puntuación promedio fue del 73,5%, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre puntuación y variables sociodemográficas. Los ítems tienen un buen ajuste del modelo de Rasch y un amplio rango de dificultad (R: –5,07-2,62). El coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0,956 y la estabilidad representada con el diagrama de Bland-Altman, aceptable. El grupo de expertos puntuó mejor que el de noveles (p = 0,009). Conclusiones: El PZ-PUKT en español tiene buena validez aparente y de contenido con respecto a la versión original, mostrando unas características psicométricas apropiadas. Precisa de estudios que evalúen sus propiedades en otras muestras y la posibilidad de dividir el instrumento en 3 subescalas, pero es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir el conocimiento sobre lesiones por presión (AU)

Objective: Carry out a cross-cultural adaptation of PZ-PUKT to Spanish and a descriptive, bivariate and psychometric analysis of the Spanish PZ-PUKT. Methodology: First, a cross-cultural adaptation was carried out following the stages of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, estimating face and content validity. Afterwards, a observational study was carried out with descriptive, bivariate and psychometric analysis: Rasch, reliability, stability and validity using the known groups technique. Results: The Spanish PZ-PUKT has good semantic-conceptual equivalence with the original questionnaire, as well as very good face validity and content validity (x–: 0.96; R: 0.87-1). The sample consisted of 123 health workers, with a mean age of 44.2 years and 105 women (85.4%). The average score was 73.5%, with significant differences between scores and sociodemographic variables. The items have a good fit of the Rasch model and a wide range of difficulty (R: –5.07-2.62). The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.956 and the stability represented by the Bland-Altman diagram was acceptable. The expert group scored better than the novice group (p = 0.009). Conclusions: The Spanish PZ-PUKT has good face and content validity with respect to the original version, showing appropriate psychometric characteristics. It requires studies that evaluate its properties in other samples and the possibility of dividing the instrument into 3 subscales, but it is a valid and reliable instrument to measure knowledge about pressure injuries (AU)

Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Características Culturais , Úlcera por Pressão , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Estudos Transversais , Psicometria , Tradução , Espanha
Cult. cuid ; 26(64): 1-15, 3º Cuatrimestre 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-213751


Introduction: Some inappropriate cultural practices cause long-term diseases prevalent inchildhood such as: acute respiratory, diarrheal, dermal and parasitic. Objectives: To describe anddiscuss the cultural practices of oral hygiene and hand washing in schoolchildren in a marginalurban area. Methodology: Qualitative research, with a descriptive approach, the scenario was thehomes of schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years, who reside in marginal urban areas of Ferreñafe, Peru;the sample was, 8 schoolchildren and 8 mothers, delimited by saturation and redundancy and nonprobabilistic sampling selected by snowball. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and processed according to content analysis, applying triangulation of subjects, prior informed consent of the participants and approval of a Research Ethics Committee. Results: a) Cultural practices of oral hygiene and b) Cultural practices of hand washing. Conclusions: Participants know the correct procedure of oral hygiene and hand washing, key moments, use basic andcultural materials and recognize diseases caused by lack of healthy practices. Their assessment is necessary to achieve effective intercultural interventions. (AU)

Algunas prácticas culturales inadecuadas ocasionan a largo plazo enfermedades prevalentes en la infancia como: respiratorias agudas, diarreicas, dérmicas y parasitarias. Objetivos: Describir y discutir las prácticas culturales de higiene bucal y lavado de manos en escolares de una zonaurbano marginal. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa, con abordaje descriptivo, el escenario fueron los hogares de los escolares en edades de 9 a 11 años, quienes residen en zonas urbano marginales de Ferreñafe, Perú; la muestra fue, 8 escolares y 8 madres, delimitada por saturación y redundancia y el muestreo no probabilístico seleccionada por bola de nieve. Los datos se recolectaronmediante entrevista semiestructurada y procesados según el análisis de contenido, aplicando triangulación de sujetos, previo consentimiento informado de los participantes y aprobación de un Comité de ética en investigación. Resultados: a) Prácticas culturales de higiene bucal y b) Prácticasculturales de lavado de manos. Conclusiones: Los participantes conocen el procedimiento correctode la higiene bucal y lavado de manos, los momentos claves, emplean materiales básicos y culturalesy reconocen enfermedades ocasionadas por falta de prácticas saludables. Siendo necesarios su valoración para lograr intervenciones interculturales efectivas. (AU)

Introdução: Algumas práticas culturais inadequadas causam doenças a longoprazo predominantes na infância, tais como: respiratória aguda, diarreia, dérmica e parasitária. Objetivos: Descrever e discutir as práticas culturais de higiene oral e lavagem dasmãos em crianças em uma área urbana marginal. Metodologia: Investigação qualitativa,com uma abordagem descritiva, o cenário foram as casas de estudantes dos 9 aos 11 anos,que residem em zonas urbanas marginais de Ferreñafe, Peru; a amostra foi, 8 estudantese 8 mães, delimitadas por saturação e redundância e amostras não probabilísticas selecionadas por bola de neve. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e processados de acordo com a análise de conteúdos, aplicando a triangulação de indivíduos, consentimento prévio informado dos participantes e aprovação de uma Comissão de Ética da Investigação. Resultados: a) Práticas culturais de higiene oral e b) Práticasculturais de lavagem manual. Conclusões: Os participantes conhecem o procedimentocorreto de higiene oral e lavagem das mãos, momentos-chave, utilizam materiais básicose culturais e reconhecem doenças causadas pela falta de práticas saudáveis. A sua avaliação é necessária para conseguir intervenções interculturais eficazes. (AU)

Humanos , Criança , Higiene Bucal , Higiene das Mãos , Áreas de Pobreza , Características Culturais , Peru
Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 22(3): 277-287, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-209995


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by instability that often leads to Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) and greater healthcare utilization. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is useful although its long duration and the need for specialized therapists make it difficult to implement in low-resources settings, so brief interventions can complement DBT. The objective of the present study was to undertake cultural adaptation of a Brief, Manualized Intervention to reduce NSSI in the Mexican population with BPD. An experimental design with a single-case pilot study with replicas was used with seven women with a BPD diagnosis. Five to six online sessions were implemented and emotional dysregulation, experiential avoidance and NSSI were measured weekly. NAP index was calculated to assess the effect of the intervention. Most participants showed a large effect size in reducing NSSI and a moderate effect size in reducing emotional dysregulation. Moderate and small effect sizes were obtained in experiential avoidance. The intervention adapted and validated seems to be useful and serve as an additional therapeutically tool to complement usual treatment of patients with BPD (AU)

Humanos , Transtorno da Personalidade Borderline/terapia , Terapia do Comportamento Dialético/métodos , Características Culturais , Manuais como Assunto , Traduções
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 54(7): 102378, Jul 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-205881


Objetivo: Identificar las raíces socioculturales que explican la mayor frecuencia de diagnósticos de depresión y/o ansiedad y de prescripción de psicofármacos en las mujeres, con el fin de proponer un marco explicativo preliminar para la investigación de las desigualdades de género en la salud mental y su medicalización. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo con un diseño descriptivo-interpretativo, a través de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas en enero y febrero de 2021. Emplazamiento Las entrevistas se realizaron en diversas ciudades del País Vasco, Barcelona y Madrid. Participantes y/o contexto: Se incluyeron 12 personas expertas en género y salud mental del ámbito clínico (Atención Primaria y Salud Mental), académico y asociativo. Método: Muestreo intencional, siguiendo la técnica de bola de nieve, hasta cubrir la diversidad de perfiles previamente identificados y la saturación del discurso. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático partiendo de una perspectiva epistemológica crítica-realista. Resultados: Los factores principales identificados que pueden explicar las desigualdades de género en los diagnósticos de depresión o ansiedad y de prescripción de psicofármacos fueron 1) La subordinación material y simbólica de las mujeres, 2) el papel de las ciencias «psi» en la patologización de lo femenino, 3) los sesgos epistemológicos y androcéntricos de la biomedicina, y 4) la agencia activa de las mujeres en los procesos de medicalización. Conclusiones: La reducción de las desigualdades de género en los diagnósticos y la prescripción de psicofármacos requerirá de la intervención conjunta en los planos clínico, comunitario y estructural que, desde una perspectiva feminista, logren revertir la posición de vulnerabilidad socioeconómica, simbólica y epistémica de las mujeres.(AU)

To identify the sociocultural roots that explain the higher frequency of diagnoses of depression and/or anxiety and the prescription of psychotropic drugs in women, in order to propose a preliminary explanatory framework for the investigation of gender inequalities in mental health and its medicalization. Qualitative study with a descriptive–interpretive design, through in-depth interviews conducted in January and February 2021. Interviews were held in various cities of the Basque Country, Barcelona and Madrid. 12 experts in gender and mental health from the clinical (Primary Care and Mental Health), academic and associative fields. Intentional sampling, following the snowball technique, until covering the diversity of previously identified profiles and the saturation of the discourse. An analysis of thematic content was carried out starting from a critical-realistic epistemological perspective. The main dimensions to explain gender inequalities in diagnoses of depression or anxiety and prescription of psychoactive drugs were: 1) the material and symbolic subordination of women, 2) the role of «psi» sciences in the pathologization of the feminine identity, 3) the epistemological and androcentric biases of biomedicine, and 4) the active agency of women in medicalization processes. The reduction of gender inequalities in the diagnoses and prescription of psychotropic drugs will require joint intervention at the clinical, community and structural levels that, from a feminist perspective, manage to reverse the socioeconomic, symbolic and epistemic vulnerability of women.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , 57433 , Medicalização , Saúde Mental , Características Culturais , Depressão/diagnóstico , Ansiedade/diagnóstico , Psicofarmacologia , 50334 , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Inquéritos e Questionários , Espanha , Atenção Primária à Saúde
Enferm. glob ; 21(67): 221-235, jul. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-209763


Introducción: Cuando la primera infancia recibe cuidados inadecuados, puede experimentar efectos dañinos a largo plazo, en ellos, sus familias y comunidades. En este sentido, las creencias y las prácticas culturales de las madres son esenciales, sobre todo cuando se trata de adolescentes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer las creencias y las prácticas culturales de las madres adolescentes en el cuidado de sus hijos menores de 5 años en un municipio del Departamento de Bolívar (Colombia), durante el segundo periodo de 2020. Material y Método: Estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico y hermenéutico, con 16 adolescentes madres de niños menores de 5 años como informantes clave, a las cuales se les aplicó entrevista semi-estructurada hasta alcanzar saturación de información, guardando el rigor ético y metodológico correspondiente. Resultados: Las creencias sobre los cuidados se caracterizaron porque las madres piensan que debe ser algo integral, que implica mucha atención y sirven para prevenir enfermedad. Al cuidar a los niños experimentan sentimientos de cariño, ternura y agradecimiento con Dios. La enseñanza de la familia está impregnada de mitos, supersticiones y creencias infundadas. Las prácticas comprendieron la lactancia materna y proporcionar alimentación complementaria tempranamente. Y los familiares influenciaron la alimentación del niño, sobre todo madres, abuelas y médicos. Conclusión: Las creencias y las prácticas culturales de las madres adolescentes estuvieron conformadas por pensamientos y sentimientos favorables, con prácticas que propenden por el bienestar de los hijos. (AU)

Introduction: When early childhood is given inadequate care, it can experience long-term damaging effects. In this sense, the cultural beliefs and practices of mothers are essential, especially when it comes to adolescents. The objective of this work was to know the beliefs and cultural practices of adolescent mothers in charge of taking care of their children under 5 years of age in a municipality of the Department of Bolívar (Colombia), during the second period of 2020. Method: Qualitative, phenomenological, and hermeneutical study, with 16 adolescent mothers of children under 5 years of age as key informants, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied until information saturation was reached, keeping the corresponding ethical and methodological rigor. Results: Beliefs about care were characterized because mothers think that it should be something integral, that it implies a lot of attention, and it helps to prevent disease. When taking care of their children, they experience feelings of affection, tenderness and gratitude to God. The teaching of the family is marked by myths, superstitions, and unfounded beliefs. The practices included breastfeeding and providing early complementary feeding. The relatives influenced the child's diet, especially mothers, grandmothers, and doctors. Conclusion: The cultural beliefs and practices of the adolescent mothers were shaped by favorable thoughts and feelings, with practices that favor the well-being of their children. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Características Culturais , Mães , Educação Infantil , Colômbia
Rev. psicol. trab. organ. (1999) ; 38(1): 27-42, Abr 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-210299


This meta-analysis examined the differences across countries/regions, and the moderator effects of the study type (cross-sectional vs. longitudinal) on the SWB-job performance relationship. The database consists of 78 independent samples (N = 18,853), located through electronic and manual searches. The results showed that overall SWB (ρ = .37), cognitive SWB (ρ = .27), and affective SWB (ρ = .37) are predictors of job performance. Evidence of cross-cultural effects showed that the magnitude of the SWB-job performance relationship was larger in the Asia-Pacific region than in Europe and the US-Canada region (Asia-Pacific ρ = .41, Europe ρ = .33, USA ρ = .23). Moderator analyses indicated that, on average, cross-sectional (concurrent) and longitudinal (predictive) studies showed similar validity (ρ = .33 vs. ρ = .32). Lastly, we discuss the main contributions, and some practical implications and some limitations of the study are mentioned.(AU)

Este metaanálisis examinó las diferencias entre países/regiones y los efectos moderadores del tipo de estudio (transversal vs. longitudinal) en la relación entre bienestar subjetivo (SWB) y desempeño en el trabajo. La base de datos consta de 78 muestras independientes (N = 18,853), localizadas mediante búsquedas electrónicas y manuales. Los resultados mostraron que el SWB global (ρ = .37), el SWB cognitivo (ρ = .27) y el SWB afectivo (ρ = .37) son predictores del desempeño laboral. La evidencia de los efectos transculturales mostró que la magnitud de la relación entre el BS y el desempeño laboral era mayor en la región de Asia-Pacífico que en Europa y en la región de Estados Unidos-Canadá (Asia-Pacífico ρ = .41, Europa ρ = .33, Estados Unidos ρ = .23). Los análisis de moderadores indicaron que, en promedio, los estudios transversales (concurrentes) y los longitudinales (predictivos) mostraron una validez semejante (ρ = .33 frente a ρ = .32). Por último, se discuten las principales contribuciones y se indican algunas implicaciones prácticas y las limitaciones del estudio.(AU)

Avaliação de Desempenho Profissional , 16360 , Características Culturais , Comparação Transcultural , Satisfação Pessoal , Satisfação no Emprego , Equilíbrio Trabalho-Vida , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Longitudinais , Psicologia , Trabalho , Organizações
Psicol. conduct ; 30(1): 309-331, abr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-204164


El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las relaciones entre las creencias patriarcales y sexistas, las actitudes favorables a la violencia física, psicológica y sexual hacia las mujeres y hacia los hombres, y la presencia de la violencia en el noviazgo. Participaron 774 universitarios mexicanos (52,33% mujeres). Los resultados mostraron que los hombres han desarrollado más actitudes favoreciendo el uso de la violencia física, psicológica y sexual en contra de las mujeres a partir de la influencia de las creencias patriarcales y sexistas. Las mujeres con mayor adhesión a las creencias patriarcales y sexistas presentaron más actitudes favorables a la violencia física, psicológica y sexual hacia ellas mismas. Las mujeres que tuvieron puntuaciones más altas en las actitudes que favorecen la violencia hacia ellas tuvieron un mayor nivel de victimización. En conclusión, los cuatro modelos de análisis de trayectorias revelaron el impacto que tienen las creencias patriarcales y sexistas en la violencia en el noviazgo por medio de las actitudes que favorecen la violencia hacia las mujeres y hacia los hombres.

Dating violence research needs to examine the perspective and experience that women and men have of this type of violence and the cognitive factors associated with it. In order to fill this gap, the objective of this research was to analyze the relations between patriarchal and sexist beliefs, attitudes favorable to physical, psychological, and sexual violence towards women and men, and the prevalence of dating violence. A total of 774 Mexican university students (52.33% women and 47.67% men) participated answering five instruments. In order to examine the data obtained, four path analysis models were created. The results showed that men have developed more attitudes supporting the use of physical, psychological, and sexual violence against women from the influence of patriarchal and sexist beliefs. Likewise, women who reported greater adherence to patriarchal and sexist beliefs presented more favorable attitudes towards physical, psychological, and sexual violence towards themselves. In turn, it was found that female participants who reported higher scores in the attitudes supporting sexual, psychological, and sexual violence towards themselves had a higher level of victimization. In conclusion, the four models revealed the impact that patriarchal and sexist beliefs have on dating violence through attitudes supporting violence towards women and men.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Exposição à Violência/estatística & dados numéricos , Sexismo , Características Culturais , México , Violência Doméstica/psicologia , Violência contra a Mulher , Exposição à Violência/psicologia , Síndromes Ligadas à Cultura
Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 19(1): 63-80, 28 mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-203938


Objetivo:Describir el proceso de adaptación cultural del programa CASCAdE en línea para padres de supervivientes de cáncer infantil mexicanos. Método: Se utilizó el Modelo Ecológico de Validación (MEV), en dos fases: la primera consistió en la traducción (inglés-español) y adaptación cultural de los contenidos del programa; la segunda fue la evaluación del contenido e integridad del tratamiento. Resultados:Se realizaron cambios en la redacción del texto, se modificó el uso de la segunda persona del singular por la tercera persona del singular “usted”. Del MEV se eligieron para adaptación de materiales: Lenguaje, Personas, Metáforas o dichos, Narrativa y Conceptos. Entre los cambios más relevantes se encuentran el uso de la tercera persona del singular (aceptabilidad) y la adaptación de metáforas que fueran entendibles en este contexto (relevancia). Para la intervención se adaptaron: Métodos, contexto y objetivos, dando como resultado la aplicación individual, cambios en el diseño gráfico e inclusión de iconografías llamativas y amigables para los padres (aceptabilidad). En la evaluación del contenido por jueces expertos se obtuvieron porcentajes del 50% de acuerdo en redacción de las sesiones de introducción del manual para el facilitador y 75% en redacción de la sesión cuatro del manual para padres. Conclusión: Este estudio muestra el proceso de adaptación cultural desde el MEV a fin de contar con los materiales necesarios para que la aplicación del programa CASCAdE en un contexto mexicano (AU)

Objective:Describe the process of the cultural adaptation of the CASCAdE intervention program for parents of childhood cancer survivors in Mexico. Method: The Ecological Validation Model (EVM) was used in two stages. The first consisted of the translation (from English to Spanish) and cultural adaptation of the program content while second involved the evaluation of the treatment content and integrity. Results. Changes were made in the wording of the text; the second person singular was changed to the third person singular “usted,” the formal way to say “you” in Spanish. The following were chosen from the EVM for the adaptation of materials: language, people, metaphors, or sayings, narrative and concepts. Among the most relevant changes are the use of the third person singular (acceptability) and the adaptation of metaphors to make them understandable in this context (relevance). The following aspects were adapted for the intervention: methods, context, and objectives, which resulted in individual application, changes in graphic design and the inclusion of attractive images for parents (acceptability). In the content evaluation by expert judges, 50% of agreement was obtained in the writing of the introductory sessions of the facilitator’s manual and 75% in the wording of session four of the parents’ manual. Conclusions. This study shows the process of cultural adaptation based on the EVM to obtain the necessary materials for the implementation of the CASCAdE program in a Mexican context (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Sobreviventes de Câncer/psicologia , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Pais/psicologia , Características Culturais , Traduções , México
Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 19(1): 111-122, 28 mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-203941


Objetivo: determinar las propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento de CV (CQoLC) y evaluar la calidad de vida (CV) de los cuidadores primarios (CPI) de pacientes con cáncer. Material y método:estudio tres fases: (1) evaluación de CV en CPI con un instrumento validado para población general y de pacientes que requieren atención médica (InCaViSa); (2) adaptación y piloteo del CQoLC y; (3) evaluación de confiabilidad, validez y normas del CQoLC. Se incluyeron 317 CPI de pacientes con diferentes diagnósticos oncológicos. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos de la CV reportada por los CPI. Para piloteo del instrumento se estimó el porcentaje de CPI que tuvieron dificultades para comprender algún reactivo. En la fase de validación se realizó un análisis factorial por ejes principales y la estructura propuesta se sometió a un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). La confiabilidad se obtuvo a través del Alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente Omega de McDonald’s. Finalmente, se estimaron los parámetros para calificación del CQoLC. Resultados: los CPI obtuvieron puntajes de “baja” a “muy baja” CV en la mayoría de las subescalas del InCaViSa. El CQoLC no mostró dificultades para su comprensión y se obtuvo una versión de nueve reactivos, distribuidos en cuatro indicadores, que explican el 45,62% de la varianza con adecuado ajuste en el AFC y adecuados índices de confiabilidad (Alfas de Cronbach de 0,496 a 0,866 y coeficiente Omega de McDonald’s = 0,868).Conclusiones:la CV de los CPI de pacientes con cáncer se encuentra afectada importantemente. El CQoLC es un instrumento especializado, que demostró ser adecuado como herramienta de cribado en las mediciones de auto-reporte (AU)

Objective: To determine the psychometric properties of a QoL instrument (CQoLC) and to assess the quality of life (QoL) of primary caregivers (PC) of cancer patients. Methods:Three-phase study: (1) assessment of QoL in PC with an instrument validated for general population and patients requiring medical care (InCaViSa); (2) adaptation and piloting of the CQoLC and (3) assessment of reliability, validity, and norms of the CQoLC. A total of 317 PCs of patients with different oncologic diagnoses were included. Descriptive analyses of the QOL reported by the PCs were performed. For piloting the instrument, the percentage of PCs who had difficulties in understanding any item was estimated. Factor analysis by main axes was performed in the validation phase, and the proposed structure was subjected to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Reliability was obtained through Cronbach’s Alpha and McDonald’s Omega coefficient. Finally, the parameters for CQoLC scoring were estimated. Results: The PCs obtained “low” to “deficient” QoL scores in most InCaViSa subscales. The CQoLC showed no difficulties in its comprehension, and a version of nine items was obtained, distributed in four indicators, which explain 45,62% of the variance with adequate adjustment in the AFC and adequate reliability indexes (Cronbach’s alphas from 0,496 to 0,866 and McDonald’s Omega coefficient = 0,868). Conclusions: The QoL of the CQoLC of cancer patients is significantly affected. The CQoLC is a specialized instrument, which proved to be adequate as a screening tool in self-report measurements (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cuidadores/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Neoplasias/terapia , Qualidade de Vida , Características Culturais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Traduções , Psicometria , México