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An. psicol ; 40(1): 131-138, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229035


Las fortalezas del carácter y la autorregulación de las emociones son recursos psicológicos relevantes para ayudar a los trabajadores a hacer frente a las demandas actuales en trabajo. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo probar la asociación y el poder predictivo de las fortalezas del carácter con respecto a la autorregulación emocional. Un total de 203 participantes con edades entre 18 y 68 años respondieron el cuestionario sociodemográfico, la Escala de Fortaleza del Carácter - Breve (EFC-Breve) y la Escala de Autorregulación Emocional - Adulto (EARE-AD). Los resultados indicaron asociaciones de débiles a fuertes entre los factores CSS-Brief y ESRS-AD. La fortaleza intrapersonal y las fortalezas intelectuales e interpersonales predijeron las estrategias de autorregulación emocional susceptibles de ser adoptadas por los trabajadores. La evidencia recopilada sugirió diferencias significativas en ESRS-AD y CSS-Brief con respecto a las características sociodemográficas de los participantes. Estos resultados se han producido independientemente del nivel jerárquico y del departamento de trabajo de los trabajadores.(AU)

Character strengths and emotion self-regulation are relevant psychological resources to help workers cope with current demands in the workplace. The present investigation aimed to test the association with and the predictive power of the character strengths regarding emotion self-regulation. A total of 203 participants aged 18 to 68 years answered the so-ciodemographic questionnaire, Character Strength Scale –Brief (CSS-Brief), and the Emotion Self-Regulation Scale –Adult (ESRS-AD). The findings indicated weak to strong associations between the CSS-Brief and ESRS-AD factors. The intrapersonal strength and the intellectual and in-terpersonal strengths predicted the emotion self-regulation strategies likely to be adopted by the workers. The gathered evidence suggested significant differences in the ESRS-AD and CSS-Brief regarding the participants’ so-ciodemographic features. These results have occurred regardless of the workers’ hierarchical level and job department.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Saúde Ocupacional , Ocupações , Otimismo , Esgotamento Profissional , Psicologia , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários
An. psicol ; 40(1): 150-162, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229037


Este estudio presenta distintos tipos de evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Autenticidad (AS) en una muestra de Brasil y Portugal. El estudioconsiste en una encuesta con 1.077 brasileños y 622 portugueses. Se testó el modelo con tres factores correlacionados (autoalienación, vivir auténtico y aceptación de la influencia externa), el modelo unidimensional y el modelo bifactorial. Se retuvo el modelo con tres factores correlacionados, con las tres subescalas alcanzando confiabilidad moderada a buena. Análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo sugirió invariancia escalar para cultura, género, edad, educación, ocupación y preocupación e impacto relacionados con Covid. Los ítems fueron evaluados por graded response model(GRM), sugiriendo que las tres subescalas no discriminan las personas con altos rasgos de autenticidad. GRM y estadísticas descriptivas indican que la escala de puntuación es inapropiada, particularmente para la subescala vivir auténtico, que es afectada por efecto techo. Las asociaciones con presencia de sentido mostraron evidencia adicional de validez. A pesar de las limitaciones, la AS es una medida adecuada para evaluar la autenticidad en diferentes grupos. Se discuten posibles modificaciones para el aprimoramiento de la AS.(AU)

This study introduces distinct types of validity and reliability evidence of the Authenticity Scale (AS) in a sample from Brazil and Portugal. It consists of an online survey with 1,077 Brazilian citizens and 622 Portuguese citizens. The study tested the model with three correlated factors (self-alienation, authentic living, and accepting external influence), the unidimensional model, and the bifactor model. The model with three correlated factors was retained, with the three subscales demonstrating moderate to good reliability. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis suggested scalar invariance across culture, gender, age, education, occupation, and Covid-related concern and impact. The items were assessed by graded response model (GRM), which suggested that the three subscales are not able to distinguish respondents with high authenticity traits. GRM and descriptive statistics indicated that the rating-scale is inappropriate, particularly for authentic living subscale, which is affected by ceiling effect. Associations with presence of meaning showed additional validity evidence. Despite the limitations, the AS is an effective measure to assess authenticity across different groups. Potential modifications for the improvement of the AS are discussed.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Autoimagem , 35111 , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Valor da Vida , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Psicologia , Psicologia Social , Inquéritos e Questionários , Brasil , Portugal , Análise Fatorial
Nutr. hosp ; 41(2): 426-432, Mar-Abr. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232659


Background: the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people’s behaviors and mental health around the world. Aim: to verify the mediating role of physical activity (PA) level in the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and anxiety and depression symptoms in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: this is a cross-sectional study with Brazilian adults aged ≥ 18 years (N = 2000, 59.6 % women) selected by the nonprobabilistic snowball method through digital means of communication (WhatsApp®, Telegram®, Facebook®, Twitter®, e-mails). Linear regression models were fitted for PA level mediation analyses in the relationship between BMI and anxiety/depression symptoms. Results: significant differences were found between the active/not overweight group and the other three groups (active/overweight, insufficiently active/not overweight and insufficiently active/overweight [p < 0.001]) for anxiety/depression after adjusting for age, sex, chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, and smoking. When testing the mediating role of daily PA in the association between BMI and anxiety/depression symptoms, BMI was negatively associated with daily PA in the first regression equation (p < 0.001); in the second, BMI was positively related to anxiety/depression symptoms (p < 0.001); and in the third, daily PA showed an inverse relationship with anxiety/depression symptoms (p < 0.001), and although BMI remained negatively associated with anxiety/depression symptoms, these associations maintained their statistical significance. Conclusions: the results suggest that the effect of BMI on anxiety and depression was partially mediated by daily PA.(AU)

Introducción: la pandemia de covid-19 ha afectado el comportamiento y la salud mental de las personas en todo el mundo. Objetivo: verificar la mediación del nivel de actividad física (af) en la relación entre el índice de masa corporal (imc) y los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en adultos durante la pandemia covid-19. Métodos: estudio transversal, con adultos brasileños con edad ≥ 18 años (n = 2.000, 59,6 % mujeres), seleccionados por el método no probabilístico de bola de nieve, a través de medios de comunicación digitales (whatsapp®, telegram®, facebook®, twitter®, correos electrónicos).se ajustaron modelos de regresión lineal para los análisis de la mediación del nivel de actividad física en la relación entre el imc y los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el grupo activo/sin exceso de peso y los otros tres grupos (activo/con exceso de peso, insuficientemente activo/sin exceso de peso e insuficientemente activo/con exceso de peso [p < 0,001]) para ansiedad/depresión después de ajustar por edad, sexo, enfermedades, consumo de alcohol y tabaquismo. al probar el papel mediador de la af diaria en la asociación entre el imc y los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión, en la primera ecuación de regresión, el imc se asoció negativamente con la af diaria (p < 0,001); en la segunda, el imc se relacionó positivamente con los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión (p < 0,001); y en la tercera, la af diaria mostró una relación inversa con los síntomas de ansiedad/depresión (p < 0,001), y aunque el imc mantuvo una asociación negativa con dichos síntomas, estas asociaciones conservaron su significación estadística. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren que el efecto del imc sobre la ansiedad y la depresión estuvo parcialmente mediado por la actividad física diaria.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , /psicologia , Ansiedade , Exercício Físico , Depressão , Saúde Mental , Comportamento Alimentar , /epidemiologia , Brasil , Ciências da Nutrição , Estudos Transversais
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 179-188, Abr 10, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232321


Introducción: Maria José Bezerra, Maria Soldado, mujernegra nacida en la ciudad de Limeira, São Paulo, heroína ysímbolo de la Revolución Constitucionalista de 1932, fueuna enfermera de guerra reconocida por su fuerza, valor,patriotismo y abnegación.Objetivo: historiar la trayectoria vital personal y profesionalde Maria José Bezerra. Metodología: Investigación biográficarealizada a partir de registros bibliográficos y documentales.Resultados: Maria José Bezerra sirvió como enfermeramiembro de la Legión Negra en la Guerra Civil de la RevoluciónConstitucionalista de 1932, destacando por sus logros, con unacontribución activa a la construcción de la historia del país.Conclusión: La invisibilidad negra traduce la injusticia, laincoherencia de los derechos y también los actos que tratande deshonrar al individuo en sus aspectos individuales ycolectivos. El estudio de la trayectoria de esta mujer luchadorase constituye como una estrategia para dar voz, fuerza ysentido a hacer pública la historia de una representantede la población negra, y también debería incluirse en loscurrículos académicos.(AU)

Introduction: Maria José Bezerra, a black woman born inthe city of Limeira, São Paulo, hero and symbol of the 1932Constitutionalist Revolution, was a war nurse recognized forher strength, courage, patriotism and abnegation.Objective: To historicize Maria José Bezerra's personal andprofessional life trajectory. Methodology: Biographical research based on bibliographicand documentary records.Results: Maria José Bezerra acted as a nurse member ofthe Black Legion in the Civil War of the ConstitutionalistRevolution of 1932, stood out for her achievements, withactive contribution in the construction of the country's history.Conclusion: Black invisibility translates as injustice, inconsistencyof rights, and even acts that try to discredit the individualin their individual and collective aspects. The study of thetrajectory of this woman fighter constitutes a strategy togive voice, strength and meaning to make public the historyof a representative of the black population, and the themeshould also be included in academic curricula.(AU)

Introdução: Maria José Bezerra, a Maria Soldado, uma mulhernegra nascida na cidade de Limeira, São Paulo, heroína esímbolo da Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932, foi umaenfermeira de guerra reconhecida pela força, coragem,patriotismo e abnegação.Objetivo: Historicizar a trajetória de vida pessoal e profissionalde Maria José Bezerra.Metodologia: Pesquisa biográfica realizada a partir de registrosbibliográficos e documentais.Resultados: Maria José Bezerra atuou como enfermeiramembro da Legião Negra na Guerra Civil da RevoluçãoConstitucionalista de 1932, destacou-se pelos seus feitos,com contribuição ativa na construção da história do país.Conclusão: A invisibilidade negra traduz a injustiça, incoerênciade direitos e, ainda, atos que tentam desabonar o indivíduoem seus aspectos individuais e coletivos. O estudo da trajetóriadessa mulher lutadora constitui-se como estratégia de darvoz, força e sentido de tornar público a história de umarepresentante da população negra, devendo ainda ser inclusaa temática nos currículos acadêmicos.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , História da Enfermagem , Papel do Profissional de Enfermagem , Militares , Racismo , Brasil , Enfermagem
Ars pharm ; 65(2): 116-125, mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231948


Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado la necesidad de ajustes y adaptaciones en diversas áreas, desde el comportamiento hasta la normativa, con grandes repercusiones en términos de salud pública. Objetivo: Comparar los consumos promedio mensuales (CPM) de medicamentos de control especial utilizados para la salud mental antes y durante la pandemia en una Unidad Básica de Salud (UBS) en el Distrito Federal, Brasil. Métodos: Los consumos se obtuvieron a través del sistema de gestión de inventarios local y el CPM (±desviación estándar) se calculó sin tener en cuenta los meses de desabastecimiento, considerando el período de 2020 a 2022. Como parámetro comparativo, se utilizó el CPM±DE de 2019. Resultados: Se analizaron los consumos de 32 medicamentos, siendo la mayoría antiepilépticos (N=10; 31,2 %), antidepresivos (N=10; 31,2 %) y antipsicóticos (N=8; 25,0 %). Se observó que más de la mitad de los medicamentos analizados (n=18; 56,3 %) mantuvieron un aumento en el consumo a lo largo de los años de la pandemia. Conclusión: Hubo una variación significativa en el consumo de medicamentos sujetos a control especial en la UBS durante la pandemia. Estos resultados pueden estar asociados a diversos factores, como el aumento de los cuadros clínicos que justifican su prescripción, en línea con la literatura actual sobre el impacto potencial del aislamiento social y las medidas tomadas por las autoridades competentes para contener la propagación del virus SARS-COV-2. (AU)

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has generated the need for adjustments and adaptations in various areas, from behaviour to regulations, with significant repercussions in terms of public health. Objective: To compare the monthly average consumption (MAC) of special control medications used for mental health before and during the pandemic in a Basic Health Unit (UBS) in the Federal District, Brazil. Methods: Consumption data were obtained through the local inventory management system, and the MAC (±stan-dard deviation) was calculated excluding months of stockouts, considering the period from 2020 to 2022. The MAC±SD of 2019 was used as a comparative parameter. Results: Consumption of 32 medications was analyzed, with the majority being antiepileptics (N=10; 31.2 %), anti-depressants (N=10; 31.2 %), and antipsychotics (N=8; 25.0 %). It was observed that more than half of the analyzed medications (n=18; 56.3 %) maintained an increase in consumption throughout the pandemic years. Conclusion: There was a significant variation in the consumption of special control medications at the UBS during the pandemic. These results may be associated with various factors, such as the increase in clinical conditions justi-fying their prescription, in line with current literature on the potential impact of social isolation and measures taken by competent authorities to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. (AU)

Atenção Primária à Saúde , Assistência Farmacêutica/estatística & dados numéricos , Medicamentos de Controle Especial , Saúde Mental , Brasil , Estudos Transversais
Enferm. nefrol ; 27(1): 21-28, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-232071


Introdução: Pessoas com doença renal crônica podem ter redução da qualidade de vida associada aos custos do tratamento. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde e a relação com a toxicidade financeira de pessoas com doença renal crônica em tratamento hemodialítico. Material e Método: Estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal realizado com 214 pessoas, cuja coleta de dados ocorreu de fevereiro a maio de 2022, em quatro clínicas especializadas em diálise na região sul do Brasil. Utilizouse os questionários sociodemográfico e clínico, COmprehesive Score for Financial Toxicity e o Kidney Disease Quality Of Life–Short Form. Os dados das variáveis da caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, foram analisados descritivamente com frequências absolutas e relativas; para os escores da toxicidade financeira e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi usado a correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Quatro itens do questionário Kidney Disease Quality Of Life – Short Form tiveram média abaixo de 50, sendo consideradas com escore ruim de qualidade de vida, são eles: “Saúde geral” (10,75), “Limitações das funções físicas” (29,93), “Sobrecarga da doença renal” (37,76) e “Situação de trabalho” (39,49), e compostos físico (34,49) e mental (49,19). A relação da toxicidade financeira e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, evidenciou que um pior escore de toxicidade financeira foi associado à maior número de dimensões prejudicadas. Houve correlação significativa entre a toxicidade financeira e a dimensão saúde mental e a efeitos da doença renal. Conclusão: Os participantes tiveram comprometimento da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, havendo correlação positiva com a toxicidade financeira. (AU)

Introdución: Las personas con enfermedad renal crónica pueden tener una calidad de vida reducida asociada a los costes del tratamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y la relación con la toxicidad financiera en personas con enfermedad renal crónica sometidas a tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Material y Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 214 personas, con datos recogidos entre febrero y mayo de 2022 en cuatro clínicas especializadas en diálisis del sur de Brasil. Fueron utilizados los cuestionarios sociodemográfico y clínico, el COmprehesive Score for Financial Toxicity y el Kidney Disease Quality Of Life - Short Form. Los datos de las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas se analizaron descriptivamente con frecuencias absolutas y relativas; se utilizó la correlación de Pearson para las puntuaciones de toxicidad financiera y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Resultados: Cuatro ítems del cuestionario Kidney Disease Quality Of Life - Short Form obtuvieron una puntuación media inferior a 50, y se consideró que tenían una mala calidad de vida, a saber: “Salud general” (10,75), “Limitaciones de las funciones físicas” (29,93), “Carga de la enfermedad renal” (37,76) y “Situación laboral” (39,49), y compuestos: físico (34,49) y mental (49,19). La relación entre la toxicidad financiera y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud mostró que una peor puntuación de toxicidad financiera se asociaba con un mayor número de dimensiones deterioradas. Existía una correlación significativa entre la toxicidad financiera y la dimensión de salud mental y los efectos de la enfermedad renal. Conclusión: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de los participantes se vio comprometida y hubo una correlación positiva con la toxicidad financiera. (AU)

Introduction: Individuals with chronic kidney disease may experience reduced quality of life associated with treatment costs. Objective: To evaluate health-related quality of life and its relationship with financial toxicity in individuals with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Material and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study involving 214 individuals was carried out, with data collected from February to May 2022 at four specialized dialysis clinics in the southern region of Brazil. Sociodemographic and clinical questionnaires, the Comprehensive Score for Financial Toxicity, and the Kidney Disease Quality of Life - Short Form were utilized. Descriptive analysis with absolute and relative frequencies was conducted for sociodemographic and clinical variables, and Pearson correlation was used for financial toxicity and health-related quality of life scores. Results: Four items of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form questionnaire had an average score below 50, indicating poor quality of life: “General health” (10.75), “Limitations in physical functioning” (29.93), “Burden of kidney disease” (37.76), and “Work status” (39.49), with physical (34.49) and mental (49.19) composite scores. The relationship between financial toxicity and health-related quality of life revealed that a worse financial toxicity score was associated with a greater number of impaired dimensions. There was a significant correlation between financial toxicity, the mental health dimension, and the effects of kidney disease. Conclusion: Participants experienced compromised health-related quality of life, with a positive correlation with financial toxicity. (AU)

Humanos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Qualidade de Vida , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Brasil
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 162(4): 163-169, Feb. 2024. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230572


Objectives: COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, has spread around the world since 2019. In severe cases, COVID-19 can lead to hospitalization and death. Systemic arterial hypertension and other comorbidities are associated with serious COVID-19 infection. Literature is unclear whether antihypertensive therapy with angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors affect COVID-19 outcomes. We aim to assess whether ACEI/ARB therapy is a risk factor for worse respiratory outcomes related to COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. Methods: Retrospective study enrolling admitted COVID-19-diagnosed patients by RT-PCR at the Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, Brazil, during 2021. Patient medical records, sociodemographic, and clinical data were analyzed. Chest CT images were analyzed using CAD4COVID-CT/Thirona™ software. Results: A total of 294 patients took part in the study. A cut-off point of 66% of pulmonary involvement was found by ROC curve, with patients having higher risk of death and intubation and lower 60-day survival. Advanced age (RR 1.025, P=0.001) and intubation (RR 16.747, P<0.001) were significantly associated with a higher risk of death. Advanced age (RR 1.023, P=0.001) and the use of noninvasive ventilation (RR 1.548, P=0.037) were associated with a higher risk of intubation. Lung involvement (>66%) increased the risk of death by almost 2.5-fold (RR 2.439, P<0.001) and by more than 2.3-fold the risk of intubation (RR 2.317, P<0.001). Conclusions: Altogether, our findings suggest that ACEI or ARB therapy does not affect the risk of death and disease course during hospitalization.(AU)

Objetivos: La COVID-19, causada por el SARS-CoV-2, se ha extendido por todo el mundo desde 2019. En casos graves, la COVID-19 puede provocar hospitalización y muerte. La hipertensión arterial sistémica y otras comorbilidades se asocian con una infección grave por COVID-19. La literatura no está clara si la terapia antihipertensiva con bloqueadores de los receptores de angiotensina (BRA) e inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (ECA) afecta los resultados de la COVID-19. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar si la terapia BRA/ECA es un factor de riesgo de peores resultados respiratorios relacionados con COVID-19 en pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo que incluyó pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de COVID-19 mediante RT-PCR en el Hospital General de Fortaleza, Brasil, durante 2021. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes, datos sociodemográficos y clínicos. Las imágenes de TC de tórax se analizaron utilizando el software CAD4COVID-CT/ThironaTM. Resultados: Participaron en el estudio un total de 294 pacientes. Mediante curva ROC se encontró un punto de corte del 66% de afectación pulmonar, teniendo los pacientes mayor riesgo de muerte e intubación y menor supervivencia a 60 días. La edad avanzada (RR 1,025; P=0,001) y la intubación (RR 16,747; P<0,001) se asociaron significativamente con un mayor riesgo de muerte. La edad avanzada (RR 1,023; P=0,001) y el uso de ventilación no invasiva (RR 1,548; P=0,037) se asociaron con un mayor riesgo de intubación. La afectación pulmonar (>66%) aumentó el riesgo de muerte casi 2,5 veces (RR 2,439; P<0,001) y más de 2,3 veces el riesgo de intubación (RR 2,317, P<0,001). Conclusiones: Se concluyó que el tratamiento con BRA o ECA no afecta el riesgo de muerte y el curso de la enfermedad durante la hospitalización.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , /diagnóstico , Bloqueadores do Receptor Tipo 1 de Angiotensina II/uso terapêutico , Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/uso terapêutico , Hipertensão , Comorbidade , /epidemiologia , Medicina Clínica , Estudos Retrospectivos , Brasil , Anti-Hipertensivos/efeitos adversos , Inteligência Artificial
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 122-129, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230891


Introduction: malnutrition in cancer patients is quite common and can cause various types of harm such as reduced tolerance to therapeuticmeasures and increased hospital stay. Identification of nutritional risk for these patients may minimize these problems. NUTRISCORE screeninghas been associated with Global Subjective Assessment Produced by Patient (ASG-PPP) screening, which is considered as the gold standardin cancer patients. No study has evaluated its predictive value in relation to weight loss and length of hospital stay in Brazil. Thus, the presentstudy aims to analyze the NUTRISCORE tool, translated and adapted to the Brazilian population, as a predictor of longer hospital stays, as wellas greater hospital weight loss.Methods: first, the NUTRISCORE tool was translated and adapted to the Brazilian population and subsequently applied to patients of both sexes,over 20 years old, admitted to the Cancer Hospital of Pernambuco. The patients were screened and classified as nutritionally “at risk” or “not atrisk”, their weight was measured at the time of admission and time of discharge from the hospital, and they were followed up throughout theirstay to assess their weight loss and length of hospital stay.Results: one hundred and one patients participated in the study, with a higher prevalence of adults and males. The NUTRISCORE showed thatpatients “at nutritional risk” had a higher risk of greater weight loss (p = 0.001) and longer hospital stay (p = 0.007).Conclusion: NUTRISCORE proved to be a good predictor of longer hospital stay and greater weight loss among hospitalized patien.(AU)

Introducción: la desnutrición en pacientes con cáncer es bastante común y puede causar diversos daños, como la reducción de la toleranciaa las medidas terapéuticas y el aumento de la estancia hospitalaria. Por tanto, es fundamental identificar a los pacientes con riesgo nutricionalpara minimizar estos problemas. El tamizaje NUTRISCORE tiene una buena asociación con el tamizaje Global Subjective Assessment Producedby Patient (ASG-PPP), que se considera el estándar de oro en pacientes con cáncer, y ningún estudio evaluó su valor predictivo en relacióncon la pérdida de peso y la duración de la estancia hospitalaria en Brasil. Así, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la herramientaNUTRISCORE, traducida y adaptada a la población brasileña, como predictor de estancias hospitalarias más prolongadas, así como de mayorpérdida de peso hospitalario.Métodos: primero, la herramienta NUTRISCORE fue traducida y adaptada a la población brasileña y posteriormente aplicada a pacientes deambos sexos, mayores de 20 años, internados en el Hospital del Cáncer de Pernambuco. Los pacientes fueron tamizados y clasificados comonutricionalmente “de riesgo” o “sin riesgo”, se midió su peso al momento del ingreso y el alta del hospital y se les hizo seguimiento durante todasu estadía para evaluar su pérdida de peso y el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria.Resultados: participaron en el estudio 101 pacientes, con mayor prevalencia de adultos y de sexo masculino. El NUTRISCORE mostró que lospacientes “en riesgo nutricional” tenían mayor riesgo de mayor pérdida de peso (p = 0,001) y mayor estancia hospitalaria (p = 0,007).Conclusión: NUTRISCORE demostró ser un buen predictor de mayor estancia hospitalaria y mayor pérdida de peso entre los pacientes hospitalizados.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Neoplasias , Desnutrição , Pacientes , Redução de Peso , Programas de Rastreamento , Avaliação Nutricional , Brasil , Ciências da Nutrição , Tempo de Internação , Estado Nutricional
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 175-185, Ene-Feb, 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230897


Introducción: la epidemiología nutricional busca comprender la relación entre el consumo de alimentos y la ocurrencia de enfermedades.Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el Estudio Longitudinal de Salud del Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) utilizó un Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Alimentos(CFA) reducido para comparar la calidad de la dieta en diferentes etapas de la cohorte.Objetivo: desarrollar y validar un índice creado a partir de un score (o puntuación) de calidad alimentaria (SCA) utilizando el CFA del ELSA-Brasil.Métodos: estudio transversal realizado entre agosto de 2020 y marzo de 2021 con 4262 participantes. Para cada categoría de frecuencia deconsumo de alimentos indicadores de alimentación saludable y no saludable, se otorgó una puntuación. La validez y la fiabilidad se estimaronmediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, el análisis de componentes principales (ACP) y la alfa de Cronbach. Se realizaron pruebaspara verificar las diferencias entre las características individuales y la SCA.Resultados: el ACP indicó una variabilidad total del 42,5 %. Las mujeres y los individuos con mayor edad, actividad física e ingreso per cápitaobtuvieron un valor de SCA más alto, mientras que aquellos que reportaron un mayor consumo de alcohol y tabaquismo obtuvieron una puntuaciónmás baja. La alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,47.Conclusión: la SCA mostró una validez y confiabilidad satisfactorias y se asoció con datos socioeconómicos y de estilo de vida. Por lo tanto, esuna herramienta útil para comparar la información dietética, contribuyendo a los futuros análisis en epidemiología nutricional.(AU)

Introduction: nutritional epidemiology seeks to understand the relationship between food consumption and the occurrence of diseases. Duringthe COVID-19 pandemic, the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) used a reduced Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to comparediet quality between cohort stages.Objective: to develop and validate an index created using a food quality score (FQS) using the FFQ of ELSA-Brasil.Methods: a cross-sectional study carried out between August 2020 and March 2021 with 4262 participants. For each frequency of consumptionof healthy and unhealthy food markers, a score was given. Validity and reliability were tested using Pearson’s correlation, principal componentanalysis (PCA) and Cronbach’s alpha. Tests were performed to verify differences between individual characteristics and FQS.Results: the PCA indicated a total variability of 42.5 %. Women and individuals with higher age, physical activity and per capita income had ahigher FQS, while those who reported higher consumption of alcohol and being smokers had a lower score. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.47.Conclusion: the FQS showed a satisfactory validity and reliability and was associated with socioeconomic and lifestyle data. Therefore, it is auseful tool for comparing dietary information, thus contributing to nutritional epidemiology.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Dieta Saudável , Epidemiologia Nutricional , Dieta , /epidemiologia , Brasil , Ciências da Nutrição , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Longitudinais , Estilo de Vida Saudável
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 137-142, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231296


Introducción: En varios de los deportes la composicióncorporal (CC) es una característica importante que se evalúaperiódicamente en los atletas, al ser considerada un indicadorimportante de la condición física. Objetivo: Identificar los índices antropométricos que permiten predecir la masa libre de grasa (MLG) en seleccionados universitarios de basquetbol 3x3 pertenecientes a Federación Internacional del Deporte Universitario (FISU). Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal en jóvenes basquetbolistas de 5 selecciones universitarias pertenecientes a la FISU (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, México y Perú). Participaron de formavoluntaria 46 basquetbolista (24 hombres y 22 mujeres) conun rango de edad de 18 a 23 años. Se evaluó el peso, la es-tatura y la MLG por biompedancia eléctrica. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC), índice tri-ponderal (IPT), y elárea de superficie corporal (ASC). Resultados: El promedio de edad de los hombres fue21.1±1.9 años y de mujeres 21.3±2.0 años. El poder de ex-plicación entre MLG con el ASC en ambos sexos fueron elevados (hombres R2= 79%, y en mujeres 80<%). El IMC y elITP mostraron valores inferiores que oscilaron desde R2=0.07 hasta R2= 36%). Lolos mejores ajustes del RMSE fueronpara el ASC y en ambos sexos (RMSE= 3,2 hasta 4,3). Conclusión: Los resultados del estudio han evidenciado que el ASC es el mejor predictor de la MLG en relación al IMCe ITP. Estos hallazgos sugieren el uso del ASC para estimar la MLG en jóvenes basquetbolistas 3x3 de ambos sexos.(AU)

Introduction: In several sports, body composition (BC) isan important characteristic that is periodically evaluated inathletes, as it is considered an important indicator of physicalcondition.Objective: To identify the anthropometric indices thatallow predicting fat-free mass (FFM) in selected university 3x3basketball players belonging to the International University Sports Federation (FISU). Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was de-signed in young basketball players from 5 university teamsbelonging to FISU (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru). Forty-six basketball pla-yers (24 males and 22 females) with an age range of 18 to 23 years participated voluntarily. Weight, height and FFM wereevaluated by electrical bioimpedance. Body mass index (BMI),tri-ponderal index (TPI), and body surface area (BSA) werecalculated. Results: The mean age of males was 21.1±1.9 years andof females 21.3±2.0 years. The explanatory power betweenFFM with BSA in both sexes were high (males R2= 79%, andin women 80<%). BMI and TPI showed lower values rangingfrom R2= 0.07 to R2= 36%). The best fits of the RMSE werefor BSA and in both sexes (RMSE= 3.2 to 4.3). Conclusion: The results of the study have shown that ASCis the best predictor of FFM in relation to BMI and TPI. Thesefindings suggest the use of BSA to estimate the FFM in young3x3 basketball players of both sexes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Composição Corporal , Antropometria , Atletas , Basquetebol , Índice de Massa Corporal , Gordura Abdominal , Ciências da Nutrição , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Esportes , Ciências da Nutrição e do Esporte , Peru , México , Costa Rica , Colômbia , Chile , Argentina , El Salvador , Brasil
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 156-163, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-231306


La obesidad es un factor de riesgo para enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como Diabetes Mellitus 2, Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica, entre otras. La gastroplastia se encuentra entre las alternativas terapéuticas con buena respuesta a la pérdida de peso cuando el ejercicio físico y la dieta no fueron eficientes, resultando en un mejor control clínico de las comorbilidades asociadas. Por tanto, analizar la evolución clínica y nutricional de pacientes sometidos a cirugía bariátrica, 12 meses después del procedimiento, con el fin de observar los impactos de esta terapia. Se realizó una serie de casos, que incluyeron individuos sometidos a cirugía bariátrica y que presentaban alguna comorbilidad asociada al exceso de peso. La recolección de datos se realizó en Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira – IMIP, ubicado en la ciudad de Recife-Pernambuco, período de mayo de 2021 a octubre de 2021. Se obtuvieron datos antropométricos, clínicos y bioquímicos. Se incluyeron en el estudio cuarenta personas con una edad media de 43 ± 11,7 años, siendo la técnica quirúrgica más utilizada el Bypass Gástrico (77,5%). Se observó una reducción de la Hemoglobina Glicada de 5,8% ± 0,5 en el preoperatorio a 5,1% ± 0,2 a los 12 meses (p = <0,001), y una reducción del Colesterol Total de 199,0 mg/dL a 167,0 mg/dL (p = <0,001) antes y 12 meses después de la gastroplastia, respectivamente. Además de estas, observamos una mejora estadísticamente significativa en todas las variables antropométricas y bioquímicas analizadas, excepto la glucemia en ayunas. Estos resultados pueden explicarse por cambios en la secreción de hormonas intestinales, que ayudan a mejorar el control de la glucosa, los lípidos y la presión arterial, además de la pérdida de peso. Por tanto, la cirugía bariátrica parece tener un impacto positivo en la evolución bioquímica y antropométrica en el primer año tras la cirugía.(AU)

Introdução: A obesidade é fator de risco para doençascrônicas não transmissíveis como Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2,Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica, dislipidemias, entre outras. Agastroplastia está entre as alternativas terapêuticas com boaresposta sobre a perda ponderal quando exercício físico edieta não foram eficientes, resultando em melhor controle clí-nico de comorbidades associadas. Portanto, analisar a evolu-ção clínica e nutricional de pacientes submetidos à cirurgiabariátrica em um hospital de referência no estado dePernambuco, 12 meses após o procedimento, a fim de obser-var os impactos desta terapêutica. Material e métodos: Foi realizado uma série de casos,que incluiu indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica e quepossuíam alguma comorbidade associada ao excesso ponde-ral. A coleta de dados foi realizada no ambulatório de nutri-ção do Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira– IMIP, localizado na cidade de Recife-Pernambuco, períodode maio de 2021 a outubro de 2021. Sendo obtidos dados an-tropométricos, clínicos e bioquímicos. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 40 indivíduos comidade média de 43 ± 11,7 anos, com predominância do sexo feminino (92,5%), sendo a técnica cirúrgica mais realizada oBypass Gástrico (77,5%). Foi observado redução daHemoglobina Glicada de 5,8% ± 0,5 no pré-operatório para5,1% ± 0,2 aos 12 meses (p = <0,001), e redução doColesterol Total de 199,0mg/dL para 167,0mg/dL (p = <0,001)antes e 12 meses após a gastroplastia, respectivamente. Alémdestas, observamos melhora estatisticamente significativa emtodas as variáveis antropométricas e bioquímicas analisadas,exceto a glicemia em jejum. Discussão: Tais resultados podem ser explicados a partirdas alterações da secreção de hormônios intestinais, que au-xiliam no melhor controle glicídico, lipídico e pressórico, alémda perda ponderal...AU)

Introduction: Obesity is a risk factor for chronic non-com-municable diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, SystemicArterial Hypertension, dyslipidemia, among others. Gastroplast is among the therapeutic alternatives with a good response toweight loss when physical exercise and diet were not efficient,resulting in better clinical control of associated comorbidities. Therefore, analyze the clinical and nutritional evolution of pa-tients undergoing bariatric surgery in a reference hospital in thestate of Pernambuco, 12 months after the procedure, in orderto observe the impacts of this therapy. Material and methods: A series of cases was carried out,which included individuals who underwent bariatric surgeryand who had some comorbidity associated with excessweight. Data collection was carried out at the nutrition out-patient clinic of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof.Fernando Figueira – IMIP, located in the city of Recife-Pernambuco, period from May 2021 to October 2021.Anthropometric, clinical and biochemical data were obtained. Results: 40 individuals were included in the study with amean age of 43 ± 11.7 years, with a predominance of fema-les (92.5%), with the most common surgical technique beingGastric Bypass (77.5%). A reduction in Glycated Hemoglobinwas observed from 5.8% ± 0.5 in the preoperative period to5.1% ± 0.2 at 12 months (p = <0.001), and a reduction inTotal Cholesterol from 199.0mg/dL to 167.0mg/dL (p =<0.001) before and 12 months after gastroplasty, respecti-vely. In addition to these, we observed a statistically signifi-cant improvement in all anthropometric and biochemical va-riables analyzed, except fasting blood glucose. Discussion: These results can be explained based onchanges in the secretion of intestinal hormones, which helpwith better glucose, lipid and blood pressure control, in addi-tion to weight loss...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cirurgia Bariátrica , Redução de Peso , Comorbidade , Obesidade , Avaliação Nutricional , Estado Nutricional , Brasil , Ciências da Nutrição , Fatores de Risco , Doença Crônica
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 31-38, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231328


Introduction: Chronic liver diseases induce changes in the intermediary metabolism of macronutrients and micronutrients, related to the degree of liver impairment, influencing the nutritional status of patients. Thus, the reduction in dietary intake is one of the main etiological components of malnutrition, being a clinical-social pathology. These factors have impactful consequences on the evolution of the patient’s clinical status, worsening the prognosis, with an increase in the length of hospital stay and the incidence of complications.Objective: To evaluate the dietary intake and nutritionalstatus of patients with liver disease.Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional studycarried out with patients with chronic liver disease, treated at the hepatology outpatient clinic of Instituto de MedicinaProfessor Fernando Figueira (IMIP) between December 2020and May 2021. The sample was selected for convenience. and with patients older than 18 years. Data were obtainedthrough interviews covering information about the socioeconomic and demographic profile, food consumption, lifestyle and medical history. The assessment of habitual food consumption was performed using the semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire validated.Results: Fifty-six patients were evaluated, in which 44.6%were overweight when evaluating the body mass index (BMI), and eutrophy according to the corrected arm muscle area (AMBC), arm circumference (AC), arm muscle circumference (AMC) and calf circumference (CP). A correlation was observed between higher consumption of oilseeds (p=0.009), cereals, tubers and roots (p=0.008), sweets and sweets (p=0.005), with AMBc adequacy, in addition to higher consumption of sweets and sweets, associated with adequacy according to the parameters of AC (p=0.043) and CP (p=0.040). Thus, a positive correlation was observed only between these parameters...(AU)

Introdução: As doenças hepáticas crônicas induzem altera-ções no metabolismo intermediário dos macronutrientes e mi-cronutrientes, relacionados ao grau de comprometimento do fí-gado, influenciando negativamente no estado nutricional dospacientes. Assim, a redução da ingestão dietética é um dos prin-cipais componentes etiológicos da desnutrição, sendo uma pa-tologia de caráter clínico-social. Esses fatores provocam conse-quências impactantes no estado clínico e evolução do paciente,piorando o prognóstico, com aumento no tempo de internaçãohospitalar e na incidência de infecções e complicações. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo alimentar e o estado nutricional de pacientes com doenças hepáticas. Materiais e Métodos: Tratase de um estudo transversalrealizado com os pacientes com doença hepática crônica,atendidos no ambulatório de hepatologia do Instituto de Medicina Professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP) entre dezembrode 2020 a maio de 2021. A amostra foi selecionada por con-veniência e com pacientes maiores de 18 anos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista abrangendo informaçõessobre o perfil socioeconômico, demográfico, o consumo ali-mentar, estilo de vida e história clínica. A avaliação do con-sumo alimentar habitual foi realizada pelo Questionário deFrequência Alimentar Semiquantitativo validado. Resultados: Foram avaliados 56 pacientes, em que 44,6%apresentaram excesso de peso ao avaliar o índice de massacorporal e eutrofia de acordo com a área muscular do braçocorrigido, circunferência de braço, circunferência muscular dobraço e circunferência da panturrilha. Foi observada uma correlação entre o maior consumo de oleaginosas, cereais, tu-bérculos e raízes, doces e guloseimas, além do maior consumo de doces e guloseimas. Assim, sendo observada umacorrelação positiva apenas entre esses parâmetros...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estado Nutricional , Ingestão de Alimentos , Nutrientes , Micronutrientes , Hepatopatias , Avaliação Nutricional , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Antropometria
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 91-106, jan. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230945


The aim of research is determined that impact of urbanization on the physical activity related to the Brazilian youth. Brazil's population's surroundings and way of life have seen tremendous changes as a result of urbanisation, with young people's habits of physical activity being most affected. An overview of the main effects of urbanisation on young Brazilians' physical activity is given in this research. The built environment has changed due to rapid urbanisation, which has an impact on the availability of areas that are good for physical exercise. For measuring the research used SPSS software and generate informative result included correlation coefficient, model summary, regression analysis, also that chi square analysis between them. A more sedentary lifestyle is a result of shifting social and cultural standards, as well as an increased reliance on motorised transportation. Socioeconomic differences exacerbate health-related issues by affecting resources for physical exercise. Comprehensive approaches that include community involvement, public health programmes, and urban planning are required to solvethese issues. Urbanisation can have a negative impact on Brazilian youth physical activity levels, but it can be lessened by prioritising the establishment of safe and accessible areas, encouraging active transportation, and putting inclusive policies into place. A comprehensive strategy is essential for the youth of Brazil's changing urban context to have a healthy and active future (AU)

Humanos , Exercício Físico , Urbanização , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Brasil/epidemiologia
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 235-250, jan. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230954


Based on current research and broad concepts, this research provides an overview of the possible effects of community-based sports programs on mental health in Brazilian favelas. The research study aims to determine the effectiveness of community-based sports programs on mental health in the Brazilian favelas. Although there may not be as many particular studies on this subject, a larger body of research indicates that physical activity, especially sports, might improve mental health by lowering stress levels and generating endorphins. Beyond just providing physical activity,community-based sports programs in Brazilian favelas promote social ties, community participation, and empowerment, all essential for building resilience in difficult socioeconomic contexts. For measuring, the research study used smart PLS software and generated results, including descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients, explaining the smart PLS Algorithm model between them. With an emphasis on goal-setting, discipline,and collaboration, the programs support the healthy development of young people and may even serve as a deterrent to dangerous behavior. However, efficacy varies depending on elements likecultural relevance and program design. Overall, the result found a positive and significant link between community-based sports programs and mental health in Brazilian favelas. Recent research on community-based sports programs in Brazilian favelas and their unique mental health effects is advised to better comprehend these dynamics (AU)

Humanos , Áreas de Pobreza , Saúde Mental , Esportes , Brasil
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 289-305, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230957


Indigenous groups in the Amazon have long practiced physical activity and fitness, which is ingrained in their culture and reflects a harmonious coexistence with the natural world, traditional knowledge,and spiritual beliefs. The research study highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in health treatments and examines the various factors that shape physical activity in these communities. Native American customs include a wide range of activitiesthat promote physical health and social cohesiveness, such as traditional hunting and fishing techniques and group dances rooted in spiritual expression. These activities' communal aspect strengthens social relationships and highlight a holistic approach to health that considers mental and spiritual aspects in addition to physical fitness. When outside influences infiltrate local communities, a careful balance must be established between protecting traditional history and adjusting to modern problems. Given this, interventions should be cooperative, respectful of, and integrated with Indigenous viewpoints to maintain relevance and sustainability. The research highlights the importance of general health methods that consider all the interrelated facets of wellbeing and recognize the distinct cultural settings in which Indigenous populations in the Amazon engage in physical activity (AU)

Humanos , Características Culturais , Exercício Físico , Indígenas Sul-Americanos , Brasil
Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 24(94): 393-408, jan. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230963


The research aims to determine the influence of Brazil's public health policies on promoting physical activity in urban areas. An overview of the impact of Brazilian public health initiatives on encouraging physical exercise in metropolitan areas is given in the study. Brazil has put in place a wide range of regulations to combat non-communicable disease and promote healthy living. The cornerstone of the approach is the National Health Promotion Policy, which highlights the incorporation of physical exercise into everyday activities. Research used smart PLS software to measure the research and generated informative results, including descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, and smart PLS Algorithm model. The goal of infrastructure development, urban planning, and educational initiatives is to provide settings that support active living. Campaigns for health promotion and community involvement support these initiatives by raising awareness and encouraging behavioral change. These policies will only be successful if they are implemented well, are continuously assessed, and are flexible. Overall result found the positive and significant influence of Brazil's public health policies on physical activity promotion in the urban areas. Brazil's dedication to encouraging physical exercise indicates the global recognition of the significance of preventative health measures. Sustained endeavors towards this end might foster a more robust and engaged urban populace in Brazil (AU)

Humanos , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Exercício Físico , Saúde da População Urbana , Política Pública , Brasil
Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Internet) ; 29(1): e87-e94, Ene. 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229192


Background: This study aimed to evaluate facial photoanthropometric parameters in patients with OI.Material and Methods: We selected 20 Brazilian patients diagnosed with OI treated at the Extension Service forMinors in Need of Specialized Treatment of the Dentistry Course at the Federal University of Ceará (Fortaleza,Brazil), of both sexes, without age restriction, and able to understand and sign the informed consent form (ICF).As a control group, 38 non-syndromic Brazilian individuals, categorized as ASA I, able to understand and sign theICF, matched by sex, age, and Legan and Burstone facial profile were selected. The exclusion criteria were: previ-ous orthodontic treatment, craniofacial trauma and/or surgery, and the presence of any other systemic diseases.Photoanthropometric analysis of the 18 facial parameters proposed by Stengel-Rutkowski et al. (1984), previouslyestablished in the literature for craniofacial syndromes, were conducted. A single examiner digitally performedall effective and angular measurements with the CorelDRAWX7® software.Results: Horizontally shortened ears (p<0.001) but larger in height in relation to the face (p=0.012) were shownto be alterations belonging to individuals with OI.Conclusions: OI patients present distinct photoanthropometric parameters inherent in this condition.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Osteogênese Imperfeita , Assimetria Facial , Anormalidades Craniofaciais , Brasil
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 56(1): [102780], Ene. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229204


Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de las instituciones en el funcionamiento de los consejos locales de salud. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio. Emplazamiento: Dos servicios de atención primaria de salud de un municipio del interior del estado de São Paulo, Brasil.Participantes: Veinticuatro miembros de los consejos locales de salud y 4 informantes clave. Método: Basado en el marco teórico y metodológico del análisis institucional. Los datos fueron producidos a través de 28 entrevistas individuales con preguntas semiestructuradas, observación, participación en las actividades de los consejos y registro en el diario de investigación. Los datos fueron organizados por el proceso de transcripción, transposición y reconstitución. Resultados: Las instituciones actúan en los territorios representados por actores sociales que ocupan cargos y funciones dentro de los servicios de atención primaria de salud, evidenciando la perpetuación de la jerarquización con valorización de los discursos de los profesionales y gestores en detrimento de los pacientes y predominio de reuniones burocratizadas. Los actores sociales reproducen los ideales del colectivo al que pertenecen en estos espacios. Conclusión: No siempre los equipos de gestión de salud reconocen las diferentes fuerzas que actúan en el territorio de salud, sin embargo, estas fuerzas interfieren en las actividades desarrolladas y en la atención de la salud. Los grupos actúan tanto en espacios formales a través de representantes oficiales que se reúnen y discuten temas en colegiados como en espacios informales y constituyen fuerzas en disputa en el territorio de salud.(AU)

Objective: To analyze the influences of the institutions in the operation of the Local Health councils. Design: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. Study setting: 02 Primary Health Care services of a municipality in the inland of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Participants: twenty-four members of the Local Health Councils and 4 key informants. Methods: Supported by the theoretical methodological framework of Institutional Analysis. Data were produced through 28 semi-structured interviews, observation and participation in the activities of the councils and recording in the research diary. Data were organized and analyzed by the process of transcription, transposition and reconstitution. Results: The institutions act in the territories represented by social actors who occupy positions and functions within the Primary Health Care services, evidencing the perpetuation of hierarchization with valorization of the speeches of professionals and managers to the detriment of patients and predominance of bureaucratized meetings. The social actors reproduce the ideals of the collective to which they belong in these spaces. Conclusions: The health management teams do not recognize the different forces that act in the health territory, however, these forces interfere in the activities performed and in health care. The groups act both in formal spaces through official representatives who meet and discuss issues in collegiate meetings and in informal spaces, and constitute forces in dispute in the health territory.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Conselhos de Saúde/organização & administração , Participação Social , Organizações , Sistema Único de Saúde , Participação da Comunidade , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Brasil
Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 26(1): e1995, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-232357


A Teoria dos Fundamentos Morais postula que liberais e conservadores são orientados por fun-damentos morais distintos, o que pode ser usado como estratégia de persuasão política, bem como influenciar no comportamento de voto. No presente trabalho, realizamos quatro estudos. Os participantes responderam a um instrumento online composto pelo Questionário de Funda-mentos Morais, uma medida de intenção de votos e informaram dados demográficos. Nos estu-dos foram identificados que a tendência individualizante influenciou a intenção de votos a can-didatos de esquerda, enquanto a tendência coesiva influenciou a intenção para candidatos de direita nas eleições presidenciais de 2018 e 2022. Conclui-se que a TFM é um modelo robusto para compreensão de aspectos do comportamento político brasileiro. (AU)

The Moral Foundations Theory postulates that liberals and conservatives are guided by distinct moral foundations, which can be used as a strategy for political persuasion, as well as influ-encing voting behavior. In the present paper, we carried out four studies. Participants re-sponded to an online instrument composed of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, their in-tention to vote, to assign the position to candidates for the presidency, and their demographic data. The studies identified that the individualizing foundations influenced the intention to vote for left-wing candidates, while the binding foundations influenced the intention to vote for right-wing candidates in Brazil's 2018 and 2022 presidential elections. Therefore, the MFT is a robust model for understanding aspects of Brazilian political behavior. (AU)

Humanos , Princípios Morais , Política , Direitos Civis , Brasil