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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507799


Introducción: La serpiente marina de vientre amarillo (Hydrophis platurus, anteriormente Pelamis platurus) se encuentra distribuida a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico de América Central. Sin embargo, no existe registros in situ sobre esta especie en la costa del Pacífico de Nicaragua. Objetivo: Reportar las primeras observaciones in situ de la serpiente marina de vientre amarillo en tres ocasiones durante el 2020 frente a la costa suroeste del Pacífico de Nicaragua. Métodos: Los registros se realizaron de manera oportunista durante avistamientos de cetáceos en la zona. Las serpientes marinas fueron fotografiadas para su identificación a nivel de especie en base a su morfología. Durante cada avistamiento se registró la temperatura de la superficie del mar, el estado del mar y la distancia a la costa como descriptores del hábitat. Resultados: Se registraron tres serpientes marinas de vientre amarillo en distintas ocasiones. Los avistamientos ocurrieron a menos de 30 km entre sí y a 3.3 km de la costa. La temperatura media de la superficie del mar fue de 26.6° C con oleaje y estado de la mar bajos. Conclusiones: El presente estudio brinda nuevo conocimiento sobre la distribución de la serpiente de vientre amarillo en la costa del Pacífico de Centroamérica, contribuyendo al registro de biodiversidad en Nicaragua.

Introduction: The yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus, formerly Pelamis platurus) is known to occur along the Pacific coast of Central America. However, there are no marine records of this species off the coast of Nicaragua. Objective: Report the first in situ marine observations of the yellow-bellied sea snake observed on three occasions in 2020 during cetacean surveys off the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Methods: During the sightings, photographs were taken which allowed the identification of the species based on morphology. Sea surface temperature, sea state, and distance to the coast are presented as descriptors of the habitat of the records. Results: Three field observations of yellow-bellied sea snakes were recorded on separate occasions. Sightings occurred within 30 km of each other and 3.3 km from the coast. Average sea surface temperature was 26.6 °C with low swell and sea state. Conclusions: The present information offers new knowledge about the presence of the yellow-bellied sea snake on the Pacific coast of Central America, contributing to the biodiversity record in Nicaragua.

Animais , Répteis , Elapidae/classificação , Nicarágua
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 45: e55, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252036


ABSTRACT Objectives. To assess the productivity and visibility in research, clinical studies, treatment, use and production of antivenoms against poisonous snakes, scorpions and spiders. Methods. Bibliometric analysis of research and other activities. Articles on venoms and antivenoms published between 2000 and 2020 were retrieved from the Scopus database. The records were analyzed by bibliometric indicators including number of documents per year, journals, authors, and citation frequency. VOSviewer® v.1.6.13 was used to construct bibliometric networks for country co-authorships and co-occurrence of terms. Results. Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica and India were among the six top countries with most documents and were selected for more detailed analysis. Costa Rica was the country with the largest percentage of its publications dedicated to antivenom production and venomics. Only a few papers dealt with the issues of quality, safety, and efficacy of antivenoms or the role of the national regulatory authorities. The use of VOSviewer® allowed visualization through joint publications of networking between countries. Visualization by co-occurrence of terms showed differences in the research carried out. Conclusions. Working in a collaborative and coordinated manner these four countries could have a major impact on envenoming globally. Attention should be given not only to antivenom production but also to strengthening regulatory oversight of antivenom products.

RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar la productividad y la visibilidad en la investigación, los estudios clínicos, el tratamiento, el uso y la producción de antivenenos contra las picaduras de serpientes, arañas y escorpiones venenosos. Métodos. Análisis bibliométrico de la investigación y de las otras actividades. Se tomaron los artículos sobre venenos y antivenenos publicados entre el 2000 y el 2020 en la base de datos de Scopus. Estos documentos se analizaron mediante indicadores bibliométricos como el número de documentos por año, revistas, autores o frecuencia en las citas. Se utilizó VOSviewer® v.1.6.13 para crear una red bibliométrica para coautorías de países y coapariciones de términos. Resultados. Australia, Brasil, Costa Rica e India estaban entre los seis primeros países con más documentos y se seleccionaron para un análisis más detallado. Costa Rica fue el país con el mayor porcentaje de sus publicaciones dedicadas a la producción de antivenenos y la venómica. Solo unos pocos artículos trataban los temas de la calidad, la seguridad y la eficacia de los antivenenos, o la función de las autoridades regulatorias nacionales. Gracias a VOSviewer® pudimos visualizar las publicaciones conjuntas de las colaboraciones entre países. La visualización por la coaparición de términos arrojó diferencias en la investigación realizada. Conclusiones. Si estos cuatro países trabajasen de forma colaborativa y coordinada, podrían tener una repercusión mayor en los envenenamientos por picaduras en el mundo. El foco no debe ponerse solo en la producción de antivenenos, sino también en fortalecer la supervisión regulatoria de estos productos.

RESUMO Objetivos. Avaliar a produtividade e visibilidade em pesquisa, estudos clínicos, tratamento, uso e produção de antivenenos contra peçonhas de serpentes, escorpiões e aranhas. Métodos. Análise bibliométrica de pesquisas e outras atividades. Artigos sobre venenos e antivenenos publicados entre 2000 e 2020 foram obtidos da base de dados Scopus. O conteúdo foi analisado segundo indicadores bibliométricos, como número de artigos por ano, periódicos, autores e frequência de citação. Utilizou-se o software VOSviewer® v.1.6.13 para construir redes bibliométricas de coautoria de países e co-ocorrência de termos. Resultados. Austrália, Brasil, Costa Rica e Índia figuraram entre os seis principais países com o maior número de artigos e, assim, foram selecionados para uma análise mais aprofundada. A Costa Rica teve a maior porcentagem de publicações dedicadas à produção de antivenenos e pesquisa em venômica. Apenas um pequeno número de artigos tratou de questões relacionadas à qualidade, segurança e eficácia dos antivenenos ou ao papel das autoridades nacionais reguladoras. O software VOSviewer® permitiu visualizar, através das publicações conjuntas, as redes formadas entre diferentes países. A visualização por co-ocorrência de termos revelou diferenças nas pesquisas realizadas. Conclusões. Trabalhando de forma colaborativa e coordenada, esses quatro países tiveram uma influência importante em nível mundial no campo de acidentes por animais peçonhentos. Deve-se atentar não apenas à produção de antivenenos, mas também ao fortalecimento da fiscalização regulatória destes.

Animais , Peçonhas/intoxicação , Mordeduras e Picadas/terapia , Bibliometria , Animais Peçonhentos/classificação , Antídotos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Escorpiões , Aranhas , Elapidae , Bibliometria , Jornais como Assunto
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210024, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340183


The Malayan blue coral snake, Calliophis bivirgata flaviceps, is a medically important venomous snake in Southeast Asia. However, the complexity and diversity of its venom genes remain little explored. Methods: To address this, we applied high-throughput next-generation sequencing to profile the venom gland cDNA libraries of C. bivirgata flaviceps. The transcriptome was de novo assembled, followed by gene annotation, multiple sequence alignment and analyses of the transcripts. Results: A total of 74 non-redundant toxin-encoding genes from 16 protein families were identified, with 31 full-length toxin transcripts. Three-finger toxins (3FTx), primarily delta-neurotoxins and cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like proteins, were the most diverse and abundantly expressed. The major 3FTx (Cb_FTX01 and Cb_FTX02) are highly similar to calliotoxin, a delta-neurotoxin previously reported in the venom of C. bivirgata. This study also revealed a conserved tyrosine residue at position 4 of the cardiotoxin-like/cytotoxin-like protein genes in the species. These variants, proposed as Y-type CTX-like proteins, are similar to the H-type CTX from cobras. The substitution is conservative though, preserving a less toxic form of elapid CTX-like protein, as indicated by the lack of venom cytotoxicity in previous laboratory and clinical findings. The ecological role of these toxins, however, remains unclear. The study also uncovered unique transcripts that belong to phospholipase A2 of Groups IA and IB, and snake venom metalloproteinases of PIII subclass, which show sequence variations from those of Asiatic elapids. Conclusion: The venom gland transcriptome of C. bivirgata flaviceps from Malaysia was de novo assembled and annotated. The diversity and expression profile of toxin genes provide insights into the biological and medical importance of the species.(AU)

Animais , Fosfolipases , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Víboras/toxicidade , Expressão Gênica , Elapidae/fisiologia
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 68(3): 453-462, July-Sept. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1143735


Abstract Introduction: Snakes of the genus Micrurus have fossorial habits, passive temperament and scarce production of powerful venom with neurotoxic characteristics that block the synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. Objective: To present an overview of the neurotoxicity of the Micrurus snake venom, and its functional characterization by ex vivo analysis methods. Materials and methods: A literature review was conducted in MedLine and ScienceDirect using specific terms and their combinations. Search strategy: type of studies: articles on the neurotoxicity of Micrurus snake venom and techniques to determine its neurotoxic activity by in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo models; publication period: articles published until June 2018; publication language: English and Spanish. Results: Out of 88 studies identified in the initial search, 28 were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria (based on reading their titles and abstracts). 8 additional articles (books and reports) were included, since, according to the authors' opinion, they complemented the information reported by the selected studies. The studies included in the review (n=68) were original research papers (n=44), review articles (n = 16), and book chapters, reports, guides and online consultations (n=8). Conclusions: Studies performed using ex vivo muscle and nerve preparations to evaluate the effect of neurotoxins provide a good model for the characterization of the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic effect of the venom produced by snakes of the genus Micrurus.

Resumen Introducción. Las serpientes del género Micrurus son animales de hábitos fosoriales, de temperamento pasivo y escasa producción de un potente veneno con características neurotóxicas que bloquean la transmisión sináptica en la placa neuromuscular. Objetivo. Presentar un panorama general de la neurotoxicidad del veneno de las serpientes Micrurus y su caracterización funcional mediante métodos de análisis ex vivo. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura en MedLine y ScienceDirect usando términos específicos y sus combinaciones. Estrategia de búsqueda: tipo de estudios: artículos sobre la neurotoxicidad del veneno de serpientes Micrurus y técnicas para determinar su actividad neurotóxica mediante modelos in vitro, in vivo y ex vivo; periodo de publicación: sin límite inicial a junio de 2018; idiomas: inglés y español. Resultados. De los 88 estudios identificados en la búsqueda inicial, se excluyeron 28 por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión (basándose en la lectura de títulos y resúmenes); además, se incluyeron 8 documentos adicionales (libros e informes), que, a criterio de los autores, complementaban la información reportada por las referencias seleccionadas. Los estudios incluidos en la revisión (n=68) correspondieron a las siguientes tipologías: investigaciones originales (n=44), artículos de revisión (n=16) y capítulos de libros, informes, guías y consultas en internet (n=8). Conclusiones. Los estudios que describen el uso de preparaciones ex vivo de músculo y nervio para evaluar el efecto de neurotoxinas ofrecen un buen modelo para la caracterización del efecto presináptico y postsináptico del veneno producido por las serpientes Micrurus.

Humanos , Elapidae , Cobras Corais , Junção Neuromuscular , Fosfolipases A2
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200037, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135157


Proteases play an important role for the proper physiological functions of the most diverse organisms. When unregulated, they are associated with several pathologies. Therefore, proteases have become potential therapeutic targets regarding the search for inhibitors. Snake venoms are complex mixtures of molecules that can feature a variety of functions, including peptidase inhibition. Considering this, the present study reports the purification and characterization of a Kunitz-type peptide present in the Dendroaspis polylepis venom as a simultaneous inhibitor of elastase-1 and cathepsin L. Methods: The low molecular weight pool from D. polylepis venom was fractionated in reverse phase HPLC and all peaks were tested in fluorimetric assays. The selected fraction that presented inhibitory activity over both proteases was submitted to mass spectrometry analysis, and the obtained sequence was determined as a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor homolog dendrotoxin I. The molecular docking of the Kunitz peptide on the elastase was carried out in the program Z-DOCK, and the program RosettaDock was used to add hydrogens to the models, which were re-ranked using ZRANK program. Results: The fraction containing the Kunitz molecule presented similar inhibition of both elastase-1 and cathepsin L. This Kunitz-type peptide was characterized as an uncompetitive inhibitor for elastase-1, presenting an inhibition constant (Ki) of 8 μM. The docking analysis led us to synthesize two peptides: PEP1, which was substrate for both elastase-1 and cathepsin L, and PEP2, a 30-mer cyclic peptide, which showed to be a cathepsin L competitive inhibitor, with a Ki of 1.96 µM, and an elastase-1 substrate. Conclusion: This work describes a Kunitz-type peptide toxin presenting inhibitory potential over serine and cysteine proteases, and this could contribute to further understand the envenomation process by D. polylepis. In addition, the PEP2 inhibits the cathepsin L activity with a low inhibition constant.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeos , Serina , Venenos de Serpentes , Cisteína Proteases , Elapidae , Peptídeo Hidrolases/isolamento & purificação , Espectrometria de Massas
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 48(4): 261-265, oct.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1098951


RESUMEN Introducción: El trastorno por excoriación está incluido en el DSM - 5 dentro de la categoría Recibido el 4 de abril de 2017 de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo y trastornos relacionados. Se define como la urgencia Aceptado el 18 de marzo de 2018 de tocar, rascar, frotar, restregar, friccionar, apretar, morder o excavar la piel de forma On-line el 7 de mayo de 2018 recurrente hasta producirse lesiones cutáneas. Es un trastorno poco frecuente (1.4 - 5.4% de la población) y se presenta principalmente en mujeres. Presentación de caso: Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 31 años quien fue valorada por dermatología y ortopedia por presencia de lesiones ulceradas e infectadas en miembros inferiores, junto con otras lesiones superficiales por rascado en tórax, brazos, antebrazos, espalda y cabeza; además reportando síntomas ansiosos, razón por la cual es valorada por el servicio de Psiquiatría de enlace Discusión: El rascado cutáneo, conducta normal en los mamíferos, cobra valor patológico desde el punto de vista psiquiátrico al ser un acto repetitivo y persistente, como la conducta que se presenta en el trastorno por excoriación. Dada la relación descrita con el espectro obsesivo - compulsivo, se recomienda el uso de inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina y la terapia cognitivo conductual.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Excoriation (skin picking) disorder is included in the DSM-5 in the obsessive compulsive and related disorders category. It is defined as the recurrent urge to touch, scratch, scrape, scrub, rub, squeeze, bite or dig in the skin, leading to skin lesions. It is a rare disorder (1.4-5.4% of the population) and occurs mainly in women. Case report: this article reports the case of a 31-year-old female patient, initially assessed by dermatology and orthopaedics for the presence of infected ulcerated lesions on her lower limbs, with other superficial lesions from scratching on her chest, arms, forearms, back and head. The patient also reported symptoms of anxiety, so was assessed by consultation-liaison psychiatry. Discussion: skin picking, normal behaviour in mammals, becomes pathological from a psychiatric point of view when it is repetitive and persistent, as in the case of excoriation disorder. In view of the reported relationship with the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive behavioural therapy are recommended.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Poliarterite Nodosa , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo , Ansiedade , Psiquiatria , Pele , Mordeduras e Picadas , Inibidores Seletivos de Recaptação de Serotonina , Elapidae
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 42: 23-29, Nov. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087353


Background: Snakes are found on every continent in the world except Antarctica, and on smaller land masses. Being ecologically important, they also cause a large number of bites, leading to millions of deaths. Mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences are being used to identify, characterize, and infer genetic biodiversity among different snake species. Furthermore, phylogenetics helps in inferring the relationships and evolutionary histories among these species. Black cobra is one of the four most venomous snakes in Pakistan. Four mitochondrial (ND4, Cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA) and four nuclear (C-mos, RAG-1, BDNF, and NT3) genes were used to trace diversity and infer the phylogenetic relationship of black cobra in Pakistan. Results: Almost similar phylogenies were obtained through maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, showing two species of cobra in Pakistan, namely, black cobra (Naja naja) and brown cobra (Naja oxiana). All Naja species were divided into three clades: black cobra (N. naja) and brown cobra (N. oxiana) cladding with different species of Naja; N. naja (Pakistan) cladding with N. naja from Nepal; and N. oxiana showed close relationship with Naja kaouthia from Thailand and Naja siamensis from Thailand. Conclusion: It was confirmed genetically that there are two cobra species in Pakistan, i.e., black and brown cobras. This study will help in not only genetic conservation but also developing anti-venom against snake species.

Naja naja/genética , Paquistão , Filogenia , Especificidade da Espécie , DNA Mitocondrial , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Elapidae/genética , Biodiversidade
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 25: e143018, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1002498


This paper aims to highlight and analyze discrepancies in reporting of deaths due to venomous animals in Brazil, from 2001 to 2015, between two national information systems: The Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - SINAN) and the Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade - SIM). Methods: Descriptive and comparative study of the SINAN and SIM information systems, was conducted via the following steps: collecting the death notices from SINAN and SIM; constructing tables and comparative graphics; and, only in scorpion sting fatalities, analyzing the distribution of deaths by age group as described in the specialized literature. Results: While SINAN identifies strong growth in the number of deaths from scorpion stings, SIM shows greater increase in the number of reported deaths from bee stings, especially in the South and Southeast regions. Notably, bees are the sole etiological agent that received more reports in SIM than in SINAN for every year in the period studied. The age-group distribution of the data on deaths from scorpion stings reinforced the indication of problems occurring in their registration in SINAN, especially since 2007, which may have an effect on analyses based on these data. Conclusion: Comparative analysis of these databases permits identification of important differences between profiles presented by these systems, which have equal relevance for Brazil as a whole and for its regions. These differences may influence the construction of various scenarios.(AU)

Animais , Escorpiões , Abelhas , Mordeduras e Picadas , Sistemas de Informação , Picadas de Escorpião , Animais Peçonhentos , Atestado de Óbito , Elapidae
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 51(3): 338-346, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-957429


Abstract INTRODUCTION Brazil has the largest number of snakebite cases in South America, of which the large majority is concentrated in the Midwest and North. METHODS In this descriptive observational study, we assessed the epidemiological and clinical snakebite cases referred to the Centro de Medicina Tropical de Rondônia from September 2008 to September 2010. RESULTS We followed up 92 cases from admission until discharge, namely 81 (88%) men and 11 (12%) women, with a mean age of 37 years, and mainly from rural areas (91.3%). The snakebites occurred while performing work activities (63%) during the Amazon rainy season (78.3%). The vast majority of individuals presented from the Porto Velho microregion (84.7%). Approximately 95.6% of the snakebites were caused by snakes of the genus Bothrops, followed by two lachetics and two elapidics cases. Surgery was performed in 10 cases (9 fasciotomies in the lower limb and 1 amputation). No deaths were reported in this study, but 4 cases (4.3%) developed sequelae in the lower limb. CONCLUSIONS This study can contribute to a better understanding of envenomation in the state of Rondônia and thus can be useful for identifying real conditions that can increase the incidence of snakebites in this region. Moreover, the study results can serve as a basis for improving educational campaigns designed to prevent these types of snakebites, as well as for preserving snakes.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Mordeduras de Serpentes/epidemiologia , Estações do Ano , Mordeduras de Serpentes/complicações , Mordeduras de Serpentes/tratamento farmacológico , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Brasil/epidemiologia , Antivenenos/administração & dosagem , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Incidência , Elapidae , Bothrops , Notificação de Doenças , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 24(1): 49-57, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-902094


Resumen: la insuficiencia cardiaca es un síndrome clínico de etiología multifactorial de alta prevalencia en la población mundial y latinoamericana debido al aumento en la expectativa de vida. Actualmente el diagnóstico de este se basa en los hallazgos de pruebas diagnósticas como el ecocardiograma o pépticos natriuréticos, pero es importante para el personal médico conocer e identificar de manera clara los signos y síntomas que presentan los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca, pues es una tendencia actual el desconocer datos semiológicos importantes que fueron descritos y refinados durante los siglos XIX y XX, y que ahora son validados por la medicina basada en la evidencia. Lo anterior cobra importancia pues el papel que debe tener la creciente tecnología no es acabar o desplazar el conocimiento clínico, si no ser una herramienta complementaria para el buen cuidado del paciente y así llegar al mejor desenlace posible. Este artículo pretende brindar datos basados en la evidencia para hacer de la clínica la parte fundamental del proceso diagnóstico y de la relación médico paciente. También intenta ser una guía útil para estudiantes de medicina o médicos que se desenvuelven en sitios con pocos recursos económicos, ya que la elección adecuada de un examen diagnóstico solo puede ser llevada a cabo mediante un buen interrogatorio y examen físico.

Abstract: heart failure is a clinical syndrome with multifactorial etiology of high prevalence in the world and Latin American population due to the increase in life expectancy. Currently the diagnosis of this is based on the findings of diagnostic tests such as echocardiogram or natriuretic peptic, but it is important for the medical staff to know and clearly identify the signs and symptoms that patients with heart failure present, as it is a current trend To ignore important semiological data that were described and refined during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and which are now validated by evidence-based medicine. This is important because the role of growing technology is not to end or displace clinical knowledge, if not to be a complementary tool for good patient care and thus reach the best possible outcome. This article aims to provide data based on the evidence to make the clinic the fundamental part of the diagnostic process and the patient medical relationship. It is also intended to be a useful guide for medical students or physicians operating in poorly funded areas, as the proper choice of a diagnostic examination can only be carried out through a thorough examination and physical examination.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Síndrome , Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Insuficiência Cardíaca , Estudantes de Medicina , Expectativa de Vida , Colômbia , Elapidae , Natriuréticos , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina , Assistência ao Paciente , Corpo Clínico
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 24: 1-11, 2018. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484741


Background Sperm contains a wealth of cell surface receptors and ion channels that are required for most of its basic functions such as motility and acrosome reaction. Conversely, animal venoms are enriched in bioactive compounds that primarily target those ion channels and cell surface receptors. We hypothesized, therefore, that animal venoms should be rich enough in sperm-modulating compounds for a drug discovery program. Our objective was to demonstrate this fact by using a sperm-based phenotypic screening to identify positive modulators from the venom of Walterinnesia aegyptia. Methods Herein, as proof of concept that venoms contain interesting compounds for sperm physiology, we fractionated Walterinnesia aegyptia snake venom by RP-HPLC and screened for bioactive fractions capable of accelerating mouse sperm motility (primary screening). Next, we purified each compound from the positive fraction by cation exchange and identified the bioactive peptide by secondary screening. The peptide sequence was established by Edman sequencing of the reduced/alkylated compound combined to LC-ESI-QTOF MS/MS analyses of reduced/alkylated fragment peptides following trypsin or V8 protease digestion. Results Using this two-step purification protocol combined to cell phenotypic screening, we identified a new toxin of 7329.38 Da (actiflagelin) that activates sperm motility in vitro from OF1 male mice. Actiflagelin is 63 amino acids in length and contains five disulfide bridges along the proposed pattern of disulfide connectivity C1-C5, C2-C3, C4- C6, C7-C8 and C9-C10. Modeling of its structure suggests that it belongs to the family of three finger toxins with a noticeable homology with bucandin, a peptide from Bungarus candidus venom. Conclusions This report demonstrates the feasibility of identifying profertility compounds that may be of therapeutic potential for infertility cases where motility is an issue.

Humanos , Animais , Elapidae , Fármacos para a Fertilidade Masculina , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Sêmen , Venenos Elapídicos/isolamento & purificação , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem/métodos , Reações Bioquímicas
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 24: 1-5, 2018. tab, map, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484747


Background Bites provoked by the genus Micrurus represent less than 1% of snakebite cases notified in Brazil, a tiny fraction compared with other genus such as Bothrops and Crotalus, which together represent almost 80% of accidents. In addition to their less aggressive behavior, habits and morphology of coral snakes are determinant factors for such low incidence of accidents. Although Micrurus bites are rare, victims must be rescued and hospitalized in a short period of time, because this type of envenoming may evolve to a progressive muscle weakness and acute respiratory failure. Case Presentation We report an accident caused by Micrurus corallinus involving a 28-year-old Caucasian sailor man bitten on the hand. The accident occurred in a recreational camp because people believed the snake was not venomous. The victim presented neurological symptoms 2 h after the accident and was taken to the hospital, where he received antielapidic serum 10 h after the bite. After the antivenom treatment, the patient presented clinical evolution without complications and was discharged 4 days later. Conclusions We reinforce that it is essential to have a health care structure suitable for the treatment of snakebite. Besides, the manipulation of these animals should only be carried out by a team of well-equipped and trained professionals, and even so with special attention.

Humanos , Animais , Elapidae , Intoxicação , Mordeduras de Serpentes/complicações , Venenos Elapídicos/intoxicação , Brasil , Venenos/efeitos adversos
Rev. med. Risaralda ; 23(2): 38-42, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-902079


La amplia distribución de los bacilos gram negativos no fermentadores en medios ambientales como el agua y especies vegetales cobra importancia al ser reconocidos como agentes causales de enfermedades en pacientes inmunocomprometidos, de allí la relevancia del porque debemos conocer la prevalencia y perfil de susceptibilidad de estos microorganismos en ambientes no hospitalarios. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, realizado en muestras hídricas de fuentes naturales y artificiales de almacenamiento para el consumo humano en la ciudad de Bogotá y municipios aledaños. La identificación se realizó a través de pruebas IMVIC y el perfil de resistencia a través del método de kirby bauer o E-TEST®. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 42 muestras, 7 (16,6%) con aislamientos de interés: 3 (60%) Pseudomonas spp, 2 (20%) Acinetobacter spp, 1 (10%) Sphingomonas paucimobilis y 1 (10%) Pantoea spp. El 70% presento resistencia a la ceftriaxona, el 30% a cefoxitina, 20% a gentamicina, 10% a ciprofloxacina y 10% a piperacilina-tazobactam. No se presentó resistencia a imipenem. Conclusión: 5 de 7 aislamientos revelaron un BGNNF de importancia en infección en humanos, siendo importante la resistencia encontrada a la ceftriaxona.

The wide distribution of non-fermenting gram negative bacilli in environmental media such as water and plants becomes important as they are recognized a cause of diseases in immunocompromised patients, that’s the reason why we should to know the prevalence and the susceptibility profile of these microorganisms in non-hospital environments. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study done with samples of natural and artificial water storage for human consumption in the city of Bogotá and surrounding municipalities. The identification was made through IMVIC tests and the resistance profile through the kirby bauer or E-TEST® method. Results: 42 samples were obtained, 7 (16.6%) with isolates of interest: 3 (60%) Pseudomonas spp, 2 (20%) Acinetobacter spp, 1 (10%) Sphingomonas paucimobilis and 1 (10%) Pantoea spp. The 70% had resistance to ceftriaxone, 30% to cefoxitin, 20% to gentamicin, 10% to ciprofloxacin and 10% to piperacillin-tazobactam. No resistance to imipenem was shown. Conclusion: 5 of 7 isolates revealed a BGNNF of importance in infection in humans, with an important resistance to ceftriaxone.

Humanos , Pseudomonas , Acinetobacter , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Armazenamento de Água , Meio Ambiente , Bactérias Gram-Negativas , Piperacilina , Ceftriaxona , Gentamicinas , Ciprofloxacina , Cefoxitina , Imipenem , Estudos Transversais , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Elapidae , Sphingomonas , Pantoea , Orlistate , Combinação Piperacilina e Tazobactam , Tazobactam , Hospitais
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(3): 365-373, May-June 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-896971


Abstract INTRODUCTION: The coral snake Micrurus surinamensis, which is widely distributed throughout Amazonia, has a neurotoxic venom. It is important to characterize the biological and molecular properties of this venom in order to develop effective antitoxins. METHODS: Toxins from the venom of M. surinamensis were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their neurotoxic effects in vivo were evaluated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Most proteins in the venom had masses < 14kDa, low phospholipase A2 activity, and no proteolytic activity. The toxins inhibited the coagulation cascade. The venom had neurotoxic effects in mice, with a median lethal dose upon intravenous administration of 700 µg/kg. Immunogenic studies revealed abundant cross-reactivity of antielapidic serum with 14kDa toxins and limited cross-reactivity with toxins < 10kDa. These results indicate that antielapidic serum against M. surinamensis venom has weak potency (0.35mg/ml) in mice.

Animais , Elapidae , Venenos Elapídicos/enzimologia , Venenos Elapídicos/genética , Venenos Elapídicos/química , Fosfolipases A2/metabolismo , Reações Cruzadas , Eletroforese , Fosfolipases A2/química , Dose Letal Mediana , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954790


Background The cysteine-rich neurotoxins from elapid venoms are primarily responsible for human and animal envenomation; however, their low concentration in the venom may hamper the production of efficient elapid antivenoms. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to produce fully active elapid neurotoxic immunogens for elapid antivenom production. Method Cysteine-rich neurotoxins showed recombinant expression in two strains of E. coli, and were purified using affinity chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC (rpHPLC). Results The cDNA of the four disulfide-bridged peptide neurotoxin Mlat1 was cloned into a modified expression vector, pQE30, which was transfected into two different E. coli strains. The recombinant toxin (HisrMlat1) was found only in inclusion bodies in M15 strain cells, and in both inclusion bodies and cytoplasm in Origami strain cells. The HisrMlat1 from inclusion bodies from M15 cells was solubilized using guanidine hydrochloride, and then purified by rpHPLC. It showed various contiguous fractions having the same molecular mass, indicating that HisrMlat1 was oxidized after cell extraction forming different misfolded disulfide bridge arrangements without biological activity. In vitro folding conditions of the misfolded HisrMlat1 generated a biologically active HisrMlat1. On the other hand, the HisrMlat1 from the cytoplasm from Origami cells was already soluble, and then purified by HPLC. It showed a single fraction with neurotoxic activity; so, no folding steps were needed. The in vitro folded HisrMlat1 from M15 cells and the cytoplasmic soluble HisrMlat1from Origami cells were indistinguishable in their structure and neurotoxicity. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised up against biologically active HisrMlat1 recognized the native Mlat1 (nMlat1) from the whole venom of M. laticorallis. In addition, HisrMlat1 was recognized by horse polyclonal antibodies obtained from the immunization of elapid species from sub-Saharan Africa. Conclusion HisrMlat1 shows increased biological activities compared to the native peptide, and may be used as an immunizing agent in combination with other toxic components such phospholipases type A2 for elapid antivenom production.(AU)

Dobramento de Proteína , Elapidae , Venenos Elapídicos , Anticorpos , Neurotoxinas
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 261-272, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958138


Abstract Within the months of January-February 2010 and July-August 2011, 55 daily sighting surveys were conducted in Golfo Dulce, a tropical fiord-like embayment in the South Pacific region of Costa Rica. The research objective was to collect baseline data on several marine vertebrates that enter or reside in the Gulf and determine spatial distribution during the study periods. Sighting surveys mainly focused on whales, dolphins, sea turtles and sea snakes. A total of 458 recorded sightings, representing at least 30 marine species, were acquired during 423.7 observation hours across all areas of the embayment. These data, along with information garnered from 82 interviews with local fishermen and tour boat guides, confirmed a wide array of marine species utilizing the inlet for the purposes of foraging, mating, resting and socializing. GIS analyses allowed comparisons of spatial distribution and revealed high-density areas for marine fauna within Golfo Dulce. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 261-272. Epub 2015 April 01.

Resumen Durante los meses de enero-febrero del 2010 y julio-agosto del 2011, se realizaron 55 muestreos de avistamientos diarios en el Golfo Dulce, una ensenada considerada un fiordo tropical en la región del Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. El objetivo de la investigación fue recolectar datos de línea base en relación con las especies marinas que entran o residen en el Golfo, incluida la distribución espacial durante los períodos de estudio. El enfoque principal del estudio fue en especies de ballenas, delfines, tortugas marinas y serpientes marinas; sin embargo, se registraron observaciones de otras especies. Se documentaron un total de 458 avistamientos, que representan por lo menos 30 especies marinas, durante 423.7h de observación en todas las áreas del Golfo. Estos datos, junto con la información obtenida a partir de 82 entrevistas a pescadores locales y guías de barcos turísticos, sugieren que una gran variedad de vertebrados marinos utilizan el Golfo con el propósito de buscar alimento, aparearse, descansar y socializar. El análisis de los datos mediante SIG permite la comparación de la distribución espacial, la cual reveló áreas de alta densidad de fauna marina en el Golfo Dulce.

Animais , Tartarugas/classificação , Vertebrados/classificação , Baleias/classificação , Golfinhos/classificação , Elapidae/classificação , Costa Rica
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 56(1): 61-66, Jan-Feb/2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-702059


The production of anti-snake venom from large mammal's blood has been found to be low-yielding and arduous, consequently, antivenom immunoglobulins for treatment are achieved regularly as polyvalent serum. We have standardized an undemanding technique for making purified immunoglobulin IgY antivenom consisting of polyclonal antibodies against coral snake venom in the egg yolk of immunized hens. We have adapted a reported process of antibody purification from egg yolks, and achieved 90% antibody purity. The customized technique consisted of the removal of lipids from distilled water-diluted egg yolks by a freeze–thaw sequence. The specific immunoglobulins were present in the egg yolk for up to 180 days postimmunization. Therefore, by means of small venom quantities, a significant amount of immunoglobulins were found in an adequately purified state (The obtained material contained about 90% pure IgY). The antigen binding of the immunoglobulins was detected by a double immunodiffusion test. Titers of antibodies in the yolk were estimated with a serum protection assay (Median effective dose = ED50) (ED50= 477 mg/kg). Given that breeding hens is economically feasible, egg gathering is noninvasive and the purification of IgY antibodies is quick and easy, chicken immunization is an excellent alternative for the production of polyclonal antibodies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first coral snake antivenom prepared in birds.

La producción de antiveneno de serpiente usando sangre de grandes mamíferos se ha encontrado que es de bajo rendimiento y de trabajo arduo, en consecuencia, las inmunoglobulinas antiveneno para el tratamiento se obtienen generalmente, como suero polivalente. Hemos estandarizado una técnica poco exigente para la fabricación de inmunoglobulina purificada IgY, que consistió en generar anticuerpos policlonales contra el veneno de la serpiente coral en huevos de gallinas inmunizadas. La técnica consistió en la eliminación de lípidos de las yemas del huevo, diluidas en agua y en una secuencia de congelación-descongelación. Las inmunoglobulinas específicas estuvieron presentes en la yema de huevo hasta 180 días después de la inmunización. La unión del antígeno a las inmunoglobulinas se detectó mediante un ensayo de inmunodifusión doble. Los títulos de anticuerpos en la yema fueron estimados con un ensayo de protección (dosis efectiva media = ED50). Dado que las gallinas reproductoras son económicamente viables, la recolección de huevos es no invasiva y la purificación de anticuerpos IgY es rápida y fácil, la inmunización de la gallina es una excelente alternativa para la producción de anticuerpos policlonales. A nuestro entender, esta es el primer anti-veneno contra serpiente de coral preparado en aves.

Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Elapidae , Gema de Ovo/imunologia , Imunização/métodos , Imunoglobulinas/biossíntese , Antivenenos/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida , Imunoglobulinas/isolamento & purificação , Testes de Neutralização
Braz. j. biol ; 73(3): 645-647, ago. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-689850


A parasitological survey was conducted in specimens of the semiaquatic coral snake Micrurus surinamensis, a poorly known South American elapid. Four specimens collected at the southern Amazon region in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso were analyzed for endoparasites. Three parasite species were recovered from the snake hosts: the pentastomid Sebekia oxycephala, the nematode Physaloptera sp. and the trematode Opisthogonimus lecithonotus. This represents new locality and host record for S. oxycephala and O. lecithonotus.

Um estudo parasitológico foi conduzido em espécimes da cobra coral semiaquática Micrurus surinamensis, espécie de elapídeo sulamericano pouco conhecida. Quatro exemplares coletados na região sul da Amazônia, no norte do estado de Mato Grosso foram analisados quanto a presença de endoparasitas. Três espécies de parasitas foram encontradas: o pentastomídeo Sebekia oxycephala, o nematódeo Physaloptera sp. e o trematódeo Opisthogonimus lecithonotus. Isso representa novo registro de localidade e hospedeiro para S. oxycephala e O. lecithonotus.

Animais , Feminino , Elapidae/parasitologia , Nematoides/isolamento & purificação , Pentastomídeos , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/parasitologia , Trematódeos/isolamento & purificação , Brasil
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 19: 1-8, maio 2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-686611


Background: Venomous snakes are among the most serious health hazards for rural people in tropical regions of the world. Herein we compare the monthly activity patterns of eight venomous snake species (Elapidae and Viperidae) with those of rural people in the Niger Delta area of southern Nigeria, in order to identify the periods of highest potential risk for persons, and the human group actually at greater risk of snakebite. Results: We documented that above-ground activity of all venomous snakes peaked in the wet season, and that high snake activity and high human activity were most highly correlated between April and August. In addition, we documented that women and teenagers were at relatively higher risk of encountering a venomous snake than adult males, despite they are less often in the field than men. Conclusions: Our results suggest that future programs devoted to mitigate the social and health effects of snakebites in the Niger Delta region should involve especially women and teenagers, with ad-hoc education projects if appropriate. We urge that international organizations working on social and health problems in the developing world, such as IRD, DFID, UNDP, should provide advice through specific programs targeted at especially these categories which have been highlighted in comparatively potential higher threat from snakebites than adult men.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , População Rural , Mordeduras de Serpentes/etnologia , Viperidae , Elapidae , Estações do Ano , Nigéria
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-686620


Background In Guinea Elapids are responsible for 20% of envenomations. The associated case fatality rate (CFR) ranged 15-27%, irrespective of treatment. Results We studied 77 neurotoxic envenomations divided in 3 groups: a set of patients that received only traditional or symptomatic treatments, and two other groups that received either 2 or 4 initial vials of Antivipmyn® Africa renewed as necessary. CFR was 27.3%, 15.4% and 17.6%, respectively. Although antivenom treatment was likely to reduce CFR, it didn’t seem to have an obvious clinical benefit for the patients, suggesting a low treatment efficacy. Mean delay to treatment or clinical stages were not significantly different between the patients who recovered and the patients who died, or between groups. Interpretation of these results is complicated by the lack of systematic studies under comparable conditions. Of particular importance is the absence of assisted ventilation, available to patients in all the other clinical studies of neurotoxic envenomation. Conclusion The apparent lack of clinical benefit may have several causes. The hypothesis of a limited therapeutic window, i.e. an insufficient formation of antigen-antibody complexes once toxins are bound to their targets and/or distributed beyond the reach of antivenom, should be explored. .

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Venenos Elapídicos/toxicidade , Elapidae , Antivenenos/efeitos adversos , Guiné/epidemiologia , Neurotoxinas , Intoxicação/mortalidade