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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20837, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420445


Abstract Aloe vera possesses a great therapeutic importance in traditional medicine. It has attracted the attention of modern medical fields due to its wide pharmacological applications. The bioactive substances in Aloe vera proved to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Taken into our consideration the long history of clinical applications of Aloe vera in traditional medicine, especially for promoting the healing of cutaneous wounds with rare adverse effects, it provides a cheap alternative to many expensive synthetic drugs. Recent techniques in tissue engineering created novel scaffolds based on Aloe gel extracts for wound healing applications. Nonetheless, further guided researche is required to foster the development of Aloe vera based scaffolds for the benefit of worldwide populations. Here, I systemically summarize the main events following wounding and the mechanism of action of Aloe vera in promoting the healing process. I hope to provide a solid piece of information that might be helpful for designing new research studies into this topic.

Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Ferimentos e Lesões/classificação , Aloe/efeitos adversos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e56548, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460990


White mold disease, caused by fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary., is a disease hard to control due to the high amount of sclerotia produced, which guarantees its survival in the soil for years leading to significant yield losses. Alternative techniques to control the pathogen have been researched, including homeopathy. The present work aimed to evaluate the in vitro antifungal effect of homeopathic medicines on S. sclerotiorum mycelial growth. Homeopathic medicines Sulphur, fungal sclerotium Nosode and Calcarea carbonica, in 30CH, 200CH and 1000CH dynamizations were tested. Assays were carried out in a completely randomized design, with four repetitions. Experiments were performed through the addition of homeopathic medicines on the surface of plates containing culture medium, followed by insertion of a disc containing fungus mycelia and incubation. Control treatment received no homeopathic medicine. The mycelial progression was monitored by seven halo diameter measurements during experiment period. All homeopathic medicines tested and their dynamizations were able to inhibit partially the development of the fungus. Calcarea carbonica at the dynamization of 1000 CH showed the best inhibitory effect on S. sclerotiorum, which under its effect produced a mycelial halo 40% smaller than the control treatment.

Antifúngicos , Ascomicetos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 88(718): 20-26, jul.-sept. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147355


Como bien es conocido en el ambiente académico, científico y de salud pública nacional e internacional, una limitante mayor para la aceptación y expansión de la Homeopatía es el desconocimiento de los mecanismos de acción de los fármacos o medicamentos a diluciones o dinamizaciones muy elevadas, o Ultra Diluciones Homeopáticas (UDH). Es un flanco por el cual la Homeopatía es atacada constantemente, ignorando las múltiples investigaciones de tipo clínico, así como los aspectos biofísicos del comportamiento de los solventes a niveles de ultradiluciones. Este texto intenta llevar al médico homeópata de habla hispana una monografía acerca del desarrollo de la investigación teórica y práctica de los mecanismos íntimos de acción de las ultra diluciones homeopáticas (UDH) en células, animales de laboratorio y humanos. A través de este texto trataremos de dar una visión retrospectiva del trabajo teórico-experimental realizado por dos académicos comprometidos con la Homeopatía en México. Me refiero al doctor Hugo Montfort Rubín, médico homeópata originario de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y al Doctor en Ciencias Ángel Salas Cuevas, ingeniero, físico y maestro de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía (ENMyH) del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Ambos personajes, ya fallecidos, dejaron amplias y profundas huellas en alumnos, médicos homeópatas e instituciones en las que participaron. Desearía poder incluir en esta pequeña aportación el gran trabajo que realizó el doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. en la década de 1960 acerca de la cristalografía de las altas diluciones homeopáticas, pero la falta de material confiable me lo impide. (AU)

As it is well known in both national and international scientific, academic and public health environments, one of the mayor limitations to the acceptance and expansion of Homeopathy is the ignorance of the mechanisms of action of homeopathic drugs or medications that are highly diluted or dynamized, also known as Ultra High Homeopathic Dilutions. This constitutes an angle from which Homeopathy is constantly attacked, and the multiple clinical-type investigations, as well as the biophysical aspects of the behavior of of solvents at an ultra-diluted level are both ignored. This written work attempts to lead the spanish-speaking homeopathic physician towards a monograph regarding the development of theoretical and practical investigation of the intimate mechanisms of action of Homeopathic ultradilutions in cells, laboratory animals and humans. Through this text, we will attempt to provide a retrospective vision of the theoretical and experimental work conducted by two academics who are committed to Homeopathy in Mexico. I am referring to Dr. Hugo Montfort Rubín, a Homeopathic physician from Monterrey, Nuevo León, and the doctor in science, Ángel Salas Cuevas, a physical engineer y teacher in the Nacional School of Medicine and Homeopathy in Mexico (ENMyH) of the Politechnical National Institute (IPN). Both characters, both deceased, left broad and deep marks in their students, Homeopathic physicians and the institutions they participated in their lifetime. I wish to include this small contribution to the great work of doctor Roberto Mendiola Q. during the 1960's, regarding the crystallography of high homeopathic dilutions, however, the lack of reliable material prevents me from doing so. (AU)

Altas Potências , Farmacotécnica Homeopática , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Medicamento Homeopático , México
Homeopatia Méx ; 88(716): 5-27, jan. - marc. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-995981


A tres décadas de la publicación del artículo científico que divulgó internacionalmente las investigaciones dirigidas por el doctor Jacques Benveniste en torno a la degranulación de basófilos disparada por anticuerpos altamente diluidos (fenómeno conocido de manera coloquial como "la memoria del agua"), el doctor Bernard Poitevin, quien fue colaborador en dichos estudios científicos, expone en este artículo su versión de la historia y sus puntos de vista sobre este episodio de especial trascendencia para la Homeopatía. En ese sentido, el presente documento nos contextualiza en el panorama que se vivía en torno a la medicina hahnemanniana en Francia desde finales de la década de 1970 y nos muestra ciertos detalles poco recordados sobre el trabajo de Benveniste: cómo se definió la metodología de la investigación, la forma en que se constituyó el equipo de trabajo y el papel que desempeñaron la industria farmacéutica homeopática, el sistema de salud francés y un lobby o grupo de presión contrario a la Homeopatía. Más aún, el artículo nos presenta al doctor Benveniste sin idealizaciones y nos sugiere que ciertos rasgos de su personalidad pudieron influir en el desarrollo de sus investigaciones y en la presentación de los resultados ante la comunidad científica, lo que a su vez pudo repercutir en las discusiones mediáticas que sucedieron en los siguientes años y cuyas consecuencias persisten hasta nuestros días. (AU)

Three decades after the publication of the scientific article on the research conducted by Dr. Jacques Benveniste on the degranulation of basophils triggered by highly diluted antibodies (a phenomenon known colloquially as "the memory of water"), Dr. Bernard Poitevin, who collaborated in the realization of such scientific studies, exposes in this article his version of history and his views on this episode of special significance for the Homeopathy. In this sense, the present document contextualizes us in the panorama that was lived around the Hahnemannian medicine in France since the end of the 1970s and shows us certain little-remembered details about the work directed by Benveniste: how the research methodology was defined, the way the research group was constituted and the role played by the homeopathic pharmaceutical industry, the health system of France and a lobby against Homeopathy. Moreover, the article presents a Dr. Benveniste without idealizations and suggests that certain features of his personality could influence the development of his research and the presentation of results to the scientific community, which in turn could affect the media discussions that happened in the following years and whose consequences persist to this day. (AU)

Altas Potências/história , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , História , Homeopatia , Medicina Baseada em Evidências
Int. j. high dilution res ; 16(2): 1-4, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-967651


The effect of homeopathic medicine on biological and physical system is directly related to its potency [1]. However, from physico-chemical point of view it is difficult to explain this effect at such high dilution, as then the existence of even trace amount of particle is questionable. It has been reported that during the process of potentization, a large amount of mechanical energy gets transferred to the medium due to succussion [2]. This energy in all probability reduces the size of the drug aggregates. The drug then penetrates easily through the membrane barrier, and thereby gives rise to enhanced activity of the medicine. It has been experimentally proved by us and supported by others that indeed a reduction of size of the aggregates takes place with increase in potency [3]. Using five different homeopathic medicines, their sizes at three different potencies have been estimated and a general mathematical expression relating the size of the particle (Y) and the corresponding potency (X) has been derived as follows Y = a X -n. (AU)

Farmacodinâmica do Medicamento Homeopático , Altas Potências , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Nanomedicina
Int. j. high dilution res ; 16(2): 5-10, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-967657


Background: Since its discovery by Samuel Hahnemann over two centuries ago homoeopathy has gifted us many incredible cures, apart from many more cures of simple diseases. Moreover, it offers cheapest medicines. Still, it lacks wide acceptability. Its main reason is lack of scientific explanation, particularly for higher potencies -- Where is their medicinal value and how do they work? In trying to throw some light on such mysteries of homoeopathy this article arrives at a new and unifying concept of medicine. Method: Taking an earnest view of innumerable cures by homoeopathy many scientists from different fields are searching answers for the fundamental questions stated above. This article analyses logically sound and promising investigations. Results and Discussion: Indication is obtained that water structure holds the key to unlock the mystery of homoeopathy. Action mechanism of some main-stream medicines also supports the structural model. Together they lead to a generalized concept of medicine. Conclusion: The above analysis points to the conclusion that medicinal value of both homoeopathic and non-homoeopathic medicines lies in structures. (AU)

Altas Potências , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 86(711): 19-23, 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, MOSAICO - Saúde integrativa | ID: biblio-880086


En la búsqueda de una solución al problema del VIH, el profesor Luc Montagnier exploró la posibilidad de un co-factor utilizando las herramientas del doctor Jacques Benveniste y su equipo de trabajo; descubrió entonces que el líquido de los cultivos de Mycoplasma pirum contenía señales electromagnéticas (SEM) capaces de dar origen nuevamente a dichos microorganismos, en caso de que se depositaran linfocitos sanos en ese líquido. Posteriormente demostró que los virus y bacterias patógenas emiten SEM de 20 y 100 nm, respectivamente. Consiguió llevar a cabo una transducción del ADN enviando su señal electromagnética por internet a Italia y logrando su recuperación en un laboratorio de biología molecular. Emitió la hipótesis de la existencia de infecciones frías, responsables de, al parecer, muchas enfermedades no consideradas hasta la fecha como infecciosas, lo que representa un aporte valiosísimo a la Homeopatía pues concuerda con los señalamientos de Samuel Hahnemann sobre las enfermedades crónicas. Todo esto se sustenta en la existencia de nanoestructuras de agua, las cuales permiten que se conserven las SEM en su interior. Con base en estos descubrimientos experimentales, Montagnier ha señalado el peligro que representa vivir en un ambiente saturado de SEM y el aumento de personas electrosensibles. Así, ha establecido nuevos paradigmas y ha planteado si seremos capaces de adaptarnos a estos cambios tan rápidos. Estas propuestas se complementan y contrastan con los descubrimientos de físicos como Sergey Leikin, quien asegura que el ADN inicia no como una molécula, sino como una onda; Fritz-Albert Popp, descubridor del papel de los fotones en los procesos biológicos y quien asegura que estas subpartículas son esenciales para la salud y el funcionamiento del ADN, y Vladimir Poponin, quien descubrió el efecto fantasma del ADN, que no es otra cosa que su capacidad organizativa aún cuando las moléculas de ADN ya no están presentes.

Humanos , História do Século XX , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Divulgação da Homeopatia , México
Int. j. high dilution res ; 15(3): 18-22, Oct.10 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-910733


Homeopathic medicines affect physical properties of matter which depend on the characteristic and the potency of the medicine1. These effects can be explained from two aspects: (a) classical and (b) quantum electrodynamical. Using three different sets of experiments where homeopathic medicines have affected the physical properties of matter, we have shown how the results can be interpreted from both these points of view. (AU)

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Nanopartículas , Teoria Quântica
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(696): 27-32, Mayo-jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-786711


Toda esta historia inició hace millones de años, pero fue hasta que Samuel Hahnemann desarrolló el método homeopático y propuso dinamizar los medicamentos homeopáticos (que no es otra cosa que triturar y mezclar con lactosa y diluir y agitar en alcohol/agua) que se empezó a estudiar el tema. Recientemente, el Dr. Luc Montaigner, ganador del Premio Nobel, demostró la capacidad que tiene el agua para guardar información electromagnética emitida por el ADN de ciertos microorganismos y conservarla. Una vez que los microorganismos fueron eliminados por filtrado del cultivo, se pudo ver que dicha información era capaz de favorecer la reaparición de los microorganismos que las emitieron. Esto se relaciona íntimamente con los trabajos de Jacques Benveniste, y éstos, a su vez, con los postulados de la Homeopatía emitidos por Samuel Hahnemann, hace doscientos años...

This history started a million years ago, but it was until Samuel Hahnemann developed the homeopathic method and proposed to Dynamise the homeopathic medicines (which is no other thing that to triturate and mix with lactose and dilute and shake in water /alcohol), that the matter began to be studied. Recently Dr. Luc Montaigner, Nobel Prize winner demonstrated the ability of water to store electromagnetic information issued by DNA from of certain microorganisms and keep it. Once the microorganisms were eliminated by culture filtrate, he saw that the electromagnetic information optained was capable of promoting the reappearance of microorganisms that had issued it. This is closely related to the work of Jacques Benveniste and these, in turn, with the principles of homeopathy issued by Samuel Hahnemann, two hundred years ago...

Humanos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Dinamização , Homeopatia , DNA , Radiação Eletromagnética , Genética , Nanoestruturas , RNA
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(694): 5-11, ene.-feb. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-762162


Dos de los obstáculos que han impedido la difusión e incorporación de la Homeopatía en los planos nacional e internacional, son comprender la estructura de las ultradiluciones así como entender y explicar cuál es, o cuáles son, los mecanismos de acción de dichas ultradiluciones para efectuar respuestas biológicas en organismos o cultivos celulares que llamamos respuestas curativas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar brevemente la información y los artículos científicos que permiten explicar y sustentar uno de los varios mecanismos de acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos en ultradiluciones, como es la modulación de la expresión genética.

Two of the obstacles that have prevented the dissemination and incorporation of Homeopathy at national and international levels , they are to understand the structure of the ultradiluciones and understand and explain what is , or what are the mechanisms ultradiluciones action to effect such biological responses in organisms or cell cultures we call healing responses . The objective ofthis paper is to briefly display the information and scientific articlesthat explain and support one of several mechanisms of action ultradiluciones homeopathic medicines , as is the modulation of expression gene .

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Dinamização , Expressão Gênica , Homeopatia , Arsenicum Album/uso terapêutico , Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda/genética
Int. j. high dilution res ; 14(4): 8-15, 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-783318


Using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) we have demonstrated that homeopathic potencies of Natrum mur, Cantharis, Nux vomica and Sulphur show differences with respect to the number of free water molecules and strength of hydrogen bonding. The purpose of the present study is to confirm this phenomenon in three potencies of two more drugs Calcarea carb and Silicea. Design: The potencies used for each of the two drugs were 30cH, 200cH and 1000cH. The control was 90% ethanol as also the potentized drugs. The control, as well as the potencies, were diluted with distilled water to reduce the level of ethanol to 0.03 molar fraction in each of them. FTIR spectra of all the potentized drugs, control and sterile distilled water (reference water) were taken in the wave number region of 4000-2800 cm-1. The full width at half maximum (fwhm) of OH band was measured for each spectrum. The width was divided into two in the middle. The difference spectrum (absorbance of drug solution - absorbance of reference water) for each potency and the control was obtained after normalization of the spectrum at 3410 cm-1. One difference spectrum so obtained for a potency was subtracted from another to find out if there is a difference between two different potencies. Results: The half width half maximum (hwhm) in both the high and low-frequency sides of the OH band is far less narrow in potencies than in the control as compared to that in water. The difference spectra for different potencies show different levels of fall in intensity at the wave number region of dip at 3630 cm-1...

Altas Potências , Calcarea Carbonica/farmacologia , Ligação de Hidrogênio , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Silicea Terra/farmacologia
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(693): 31-40, nov.-dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-754751


A través de un recorrido por los principios de la Homeopatía y la evolución de sus ideas es posible delimitar las líneas de investigación que podrían desarrollarse para responder las dudas e interrogantes que surgen de la aplicación de esta disciplina,situada entre las ciencias médicas, humanas, biológicas y físicas.A continuación se presenta el resumen de diversas investigaciones que han comprobado, por ejemplo, que los medicamentos homeopáticos sí actúan en células, modelos animales y seres humanos, aunque no se ha logrado explicarcómo; además, se pone de manifiesto que los criterios para evaluar no pueden ser idénticos a los que se emplean en la farmacología clásica, si bien existe cierta similitud.Se concluye que a pesar de que hay demasiados aspectos de la Homeopatía que siguen sin tener una explicación coherente en términos científicos clásicos, no deben rechazarse sin miramientos, sino estudiarse.

Through a tour of the principles of homeopathy and the evolution of his ideas is possible to delineate the lines of research that could be developed to answer the doubts and questions that arise from the application of this discipline, between the medical and social sciences, biological and physical.The summary of several studies that have found, for example is presented, that homeopathic medicines do act on cells, animal models and humans, but has not been able to explainhow; moreover, shows that the criteria for evaluating may not be identical to those used in classical pharmacology, while there is some similarity.We conclude that although there are too many aspects of homeopathy that still lack a coherent explanation in classical scientific terms, should not be rejected without consideration, but studied.

Animais , Ratos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Pesquisa Homeopática Básica , Silicea Terra , Anticorpos Anti-Idiotípicos , Basófilos , Método Duplo-Cego , Fator de Ativação de Plaquetas , Técnicas In Vitro , Macrófagos , Pesquisa , Silicea Terra/farmacologia
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(692): 5-11, sept.-oct. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-749367


Muchos aportes de la ciencia actual pueden servir para entender el funcionamiento de la Homeopatía; tal es el caso de la cronobiología y el conocimiento de los cicloscircadianos. El comprender que los ciclos circadianos no son un proceso pasivo que realiza el organismo ante los cambios ambientales que ocurren durante las 24 horas del día ha sido una labor difícil. La ciencia no sólo ha descubierto los sistemas neurológicos que permiten la permanencia de estos ciclos, incluso en organismos privados de la luz, sino que ha encontrado otros elementos que ayudan a perpetuar estas funciones; uno de ellos es el ciclo de los genes CLOCK y BMAL-1, agentes responsables de perpetuar el ciclo en diferentes grupos celulares de todo el organismo, independientemente del sistema nervioso central. Entender esos temas permite plantear hipótesis sobre el funcionamiento del medicamento homeopático y el porqué del predominio de horario en la aparición de los síntomas tanto en los enfermos como en las patogenesias.

Many contributions of modern science can be used to understand homeopathy and how it works, as in the case of chronobiology and knowledge of circadian cycles.Understanding that circadian cycles are not a passive process that happens in the individual due to environmental changes in 24 hrs has been a difficult task. Sciencehas not only discovered neurological systems that allow the permanence of these cycles in even organisms that have been deprived of light but it have found other items that help perpetuate these functions One of them is cycle of the CLOCK andBMAL-1 genes which are responsible for perpetuating the cycle in different cell groups throughout the body regardless of Central Nervous System. Understandingthese issues allows to develop hypotheses about the functioning of homeopathic medicine and may be the reason for the predominance certain hours of the day inthe onset of symptoms in both patients and in the medicine pathogenesis.

Humanos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Ritmo Circadiano , Proteínas CLOCK , Genes , Sistema Nervoso , Homeopatia
Homeopatia Méx ; 83(689): 5-8, mar.-abr. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-731446


En años recientes ha existido una demanda cada vez mayor de evidencia científica acerca de la Homeopatía. Varias hipótesis se han propuesto para explicarla en términos físicos y químicos. Publicaciones científicas recientes sugieren algunos posibles caminos para validar la realidad de toda una nueva clase de fenómenos fisicoquímicos relacionados con el agua. Este artículo intenta introducir algunas ideas para explicar este tema.

In recent years there has been an increasing demand for scientific evidenceabout homeopathy. Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain it in terms of conventional physics and chemistry. Recent scientific publications suggest some possible ways to validate the reality of a whole new class of physicochemical new phenomena concerning water. This paper makes an attempt to introduce some explanatory ideas about this item.

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Pesquisa Homeopática Básica , Homeopatia , Medicina Baseada em Evidências
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 77(1/2): 1-9, 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-716926


Introdução: As bactérias são os micro-organismos com maior potencial patogênico para o ser humano. As infecções causadas por elas são na sua maioria graves e devem ser tratadas com drogas antibacterianas. Uma dessas bactérias patogênicas é Streptococcus pyogenes, causadora de diversas infecções, incluindo amigdalite, erisipela e ndocardite, sendo que em alguns pacientes ocorre febre reumática como complicação pós-infecção. Diversos trabalhos na literatura demonstram efeitos biológicos em bactérias após contato com soluções ultra-diluídas. Embasados nessas informações, propusemos avaliar o efeito dos medicamentos homeopáticos Belladonna (Bell), Mercurius solubillis (Merc), Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels) e nosódio de S. pyogenes no crescimento in vitro da bactéria S. pyogenes. Arnica montana (Arn) foi usado no presente trabalho como controle, por não ser, aparentemente, indicada no tratamento de infecções bacterianas. Materiais e métodos: Os medicamentos foram utilizados nas diluições de 12cH e 30cH, nas concentrações de 2, 4 e 6 gotas em 3 mL de meio BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) com 100µL da bactérias na concentração 0,5 da escala de McFarland. A solução foi incubada a 37ºC por 20 horas e submetida à leitura em espectrofotômetro a 600nm. Resultados: Os medicamentos nosódio e Bell nas diluições 12cH e 30cH com 2, 4 ou 6 gotas inibiram significativamente o crescimento in vitro de S. pyogenes, enquanto Arn 30cH na concentração de 6 gotas estimulou esse crescimento. Conclusão: Medicamentos homeopáticos podem ter ação sobre o crescimento in vitro de bactérias, sendo que essa ação pode estar relacionada a sua aplicação clínica.

Introduction: Bacteria are the microorganisms with greatest pathogenic potential for human beings. The infections caused by bacteria are usually serious and require treatment with antibacterial drugs. One of such pathogenic bacteria is Streptococcus pyogenes, which is associated with several infections diseases, including tonsillitis, erysipela and endocarditis, being that rheumatic fever might occur as a post-infection complication. There are records in the literature of biological effects in bacteria subjected to ultra-diluted solutions. On those grounds, we sought to test the effects of homeopathic medicines Belladonna (Bell), Mercurius solubillis (Merc), Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels) and S. pyogenes nosode on the in vitro growth of S. pyogenes. Arnica montana (Arn) was used as control, as it is believed not to have any effect in the treatment of infections. Materials and methods: The homeopathic medicines were used in dilutions 12cH and 30cH in concentration 2, 4 and 6 drops/3 mL of BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) with 100 µL of bacteria in concentration 0.5 McFarland scale. The solution was incubated at 37 ºC for 20 hours and read in spectrophotometer at 600 nm. Results: Medicines nosode and Bell in dilution 12cH and 30cH and concentration 2, 4 and 6 drops induced significant inhibition of the in vitro growth of S. pyogenes; Arn30cH in concentration 6 drops promoted bacterial growth. Conclusion: Homeopathic medicines might have an action on the in vitro growth of bacteria, which might be related with their clinical applications.

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Atropa belladonna , /análise , Gelsemium sempervirens/análise , Isoterapia , Mercurius Solubilis/análise , Streptococcus pyogenes/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(686): 31-34, sept.-oct. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-762179


Este artículo define con claridad uno de los postulados fundamentales de la Homeopatía, el cual se refiere a la dosis infinitesimal, un concepto que en el área de matemáticas es una cantidad tan pequeña que no puede ser pesada o medida por los medios usuales de la física. En el caso de la Homeopatía, se entiende que una dinamización que no contenga alguna molécula de la sustancia primaria activa no puede ser medida, lo que ocurre de acuerdo con la físico-química cuando se alcanza el Número de Avogadro. Dicha situación ocurrirá cuando exista la desconcentración equivalente a 1/1023, es decir, la dinamización 23X. Este trabajo relata, asimismo, los postulados de investigadores como Perrin, Rutherford, Planck y Millikan, y establece la posibilidad de que la sustancia primaria contenga iones desde el momento en que inicia la dinamización, lo cual haría que dicho componente conservara sus propiedades a altísimos niveles de dilución.

This article clearly defines one of the fundamental postulates of homeopathy, which refers to the infinitesimal doses, a concept that in the area of mathematics is such a small amount that can’t be weighed or measured by the usual means of physical. In the case of Homeopathy, energizing means that any molecule that does not contain the primary active substance can’t be measured, which occurs according to the physicochemical when reaching the Avogadro number. This situation will occur when there is a concentration equivalent to 1/1023, that is to say the dynamic 23X. This paper describes also the tenets of researchers like Perrin, Rutherford, Planck and Millikan, and establishes the possibility that the primary substancecontaining ions from the moment you start the revitalization, which would make such component towering retain their properties dilution levels.

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Limites de Avogadro , Potência , Doses Mínimas , Escala Decimal , Medicamento Homeopático
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(683): 12-19, mar.-abr. 2013. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-728162


A través de las seguientes páginas, el connotado médico homeópata argentino Francisco Xavier Eizayaga (Santa Fe, Argentina, 23 de enero de 1923 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25 de junio de 2001) efectúa un recorrido a través de las ideas de autores como Armando Grosso, Tomás Pablo Paschero, Proceso Sánchez Ortega, James Tyler Kent y Samuel hahnemann, para reunir sus opiniones en cuanto al campo de acción de la Homeopatía. Forman parte de a discusión factores como el grado de evolución de la enfermedad, las características psicológicas del paciente, los miasmas, el fondo constitucional, las lesiones patológicas locales, la sintomatología general y el medicamento simillimum entre otros.

Over the following pages, the noted Argentine homeopath Francisco Xavier Eiza¬yaga (Santa Fe, Argentina, January 23, 1923 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 25, 2001) takes a look through the ideas of writers Iike Armando Grosso, Tomás Pablo Paschero, Proceso Sanchez Ortega, James Tyler Kent and Samuel Hahnemann, to gather their views on the scope of homeopathy. The degree of evolution of the disease, the patient's psychological characteristics, the miasma, the constitutional background, local pathological lesions, the general symptoms and the medication simillimum are part of the discussion factors as among others.

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Terapêutica Homeopática , Princípio da Similitude , Limitações da Homeopatia
Int. j. high dilution res ; 12(43): 41-43, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-688928


The homeopathic scientific model suffers constant criticism due to employ different assumptions and antagonistic to conventional scientific model, despite constantly develop studies confirming their premises [1-3]. The preferred target of the critics and skeptics rests on the principle of similitude curative (‘like cures like’) and the use of ultra-high dilutions (dynamized medicines). While the principle of similitude is scientifically grounded in the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) of conventional drugs [4,5], being recently proposed its therapeutic application by modern pharmacology (‘paradoxical pharmacology’) [6-8], several studies show clinical, biological and physical-chemistry activities of ultra-high dilutions in experimental models [9].

Omodelo científico homeopático sofre constantes críticas devido a empregar diferentes pressupostos e antagônicas ao modelo científico convencional , apesar de constantemente desenvolver estudos confirmando suas instalações [1-3]. O alvo preferido dos críticos e céticos se baseia no princípio da similitude curativa ( " semelhante cura semelhante " ) eo uso de ultra- altas diluições ( dinamizado medicamentos). Embora o princípio da similitude é cientificamente fundamentada no efeito rebote ( reação paradoxal ) de medicamentos convencionais [4,5] , sendo proposto recentemente a sua aplicação terapêutica pela farmacologia moderna (' farmacologia paradoxal " ) [ 6-8] , vários estudos mostram clínica , atividades biológicas e físico- química de ultra- altas diluições em modelos experimentais [9].

Altas Potências/efeitos adversos , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Medicamento Homeopático
Rev. bras. saúde matern. infant ; 12(4): 437-444, out.-dez. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: lil-660948


Apresentar um tratamento homeo-pático de úlcera de córnea por ceratoconjuntivite primaveril, considerando-o bioeticamente. MÉTODOS: foram usados nove casos, encami-nhados por insucesso terapêutico convencional. Escolheram-se os medicamentos de acordo com características singularizantes dos pacientes que incluíram o psiquismo. Levantaram-se os custos medicamentosos consultando-se três farmácias homeopáticas e três não-homeopáticas de Belo Horizonte. O tratamento convencional foi estimado a partir da medicação usada pelos enfermos antes do início dos cuidados homeopáticos. RESULTADOS: as cicatrizações ocorreram entre quinze e cento e oitenta dias, com custo medicamentoso médio de oito dólares, cerca de treze vezes menor do que a estimativa de custo direto de um mês da abordagem convencional. O manejo terapêutico da similitude pode minimizar preocupações bioéticas relativas à atenção à saúde de crianças com ceratoconjuntivite primaveril. CONCLUSÕES: a homeopatia pode colaborar para o tratamento desta enfermidade, aprimorando-o bioeticamente...

Present a homeopathic treatment of corneal ulcers for vernal keratoconjunctivitis and its bioethical implications. METHODS: nine cases were studied, after having been referred following the failure of conventional treatments. Medications were chosen according to the specific characteristics of the patients, including psychiatric disorders. The medication costs were gathered by consulting three homeopathic and three non-homeopathic pharmacies in Belo Horizonte. The estimate for conventional treatment cost was based on the medication prescribed for the patient prior to the commencement of homeopathic care. RESULTS: scarring occurred between fifteen and one-hundred eighty days, with an average medication cost of eight dollars, roughly one-thirteenth of the estimated direct cost of one month of conventional treatment. The similarity of therapeutic approaches should minimize bioethical concerns regarding the medical care of children with vernal keratoconjunctivitis. CONCLUSIONS: homeopathy can contribute to both the medical and bioethical aspects of treatment of this disease...

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Conjuntivite Alérgica/terapia , Homeopatia , Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Úlcera da Córnea/terapia , Bioética , Experimentação Humana , Ensaio Patogenético Homeopático , Princípio da Similitude
Homeopatia Méx ; 81(680): 24-29, sept.-out. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-658692


Durante su práctica, todo médico homeópata puede enfrentar casos en los que al medicamento prescrito genera una respuesta débil, parcial o nula, de modo que al enfermo no evoluciona como se hubiera esperado. En es1as circunstancias es común pensar que hubo algún error durante la repertorización, y aunque en algunos casos es verdad, también debe contemplarse la posibilidad de que algún factor externo haya interferido en la acción de un remedio que se efigió correctamente. En el presente texto, firmado por el autor del libro Páginas de medicina homeopática, se estudian tres grupos de errares que pueden presentarse durante el ejercicio médico: fallas derivadas del interrogatorio, ya sea imputables al enfermo o ai médico, así como reacciones irregulares del remedio de fondo por causas extrínsecas. Mediante el conocimiento de estas categorías se pretende sensibilizar al médico para que investigue adecuadamente las razones por las que no !legara a observar un éxito en el tratamiento, y a partir de esto emprenda los ajustes adecua-dos para mejorar los resultados y alcanzar el ideal hahnemanníano plasmado en el Organon: restablecer la salud de manera rápida, suave y permanente, o quitar y destruir toda la enfermedad por el camino más corto, más seguro y menos perjudicial, basándose en principios de fácil comprensión.

Mecanismo de Ação do Medicamento Homeopático , Anamnese Homeopática , Erros Repertoriais , Repertorização