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Manila; WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2023.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-366736


In 2016, following the WHO publication “Healthy Islands: Best Practice in Health Promotion in the Pacific” resource, there has been extensive interest from Faith Based Organization and Local Government in Pacific Island countries to learn about the process each successful Healthy Islands initiative undertook to develop and sustain their programmes and projects.

This publication aims to provide practical tools building on the approaches identified in the ‘Healthy Islands: Best Practice in Health Promotion in the Pacific’ to enable Pacific communities as part of on-going efforts to implement strategies to reduce modifiable risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (tobacco use, diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol), including the underlying social determinants. The resource is designed for use by Faith Based Organizations and Local Governments.

Promoção da Saúde , Aprendizagem , Doenças não Transmissíveis
Manila; WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2023.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-366735


In 2016, following the WHO publication “Healthy Islands: Best Practice in Health Promotion in the Pacific” resource, there has been extensive interest from Faith Based Organization and Local Government in Pacific Island countries to learn about the process each successful Healthy Islands initiative undertook to develop and sustain their programmes and projects.

This publication aims to provide practical tools building on the approaches identified in the ‘Healthy Islands: Best Practice in Health Promotion in the Pacific’ to enable Pacific communities as part of on-going efforts to implement strategies to reduce modifiable risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (tobacco use, diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol), including the underlying social determinants. The resource is designed for use by Faith Based Organizations and Local Governments.

Promoção da Saúde , Aprendizagem , Doenças não Transmissíveis
Health systems and policy analysis; 49
Monografia em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-364198


This policy brief is one of a new series to meet the needs of policy-makers and health system managers. The aim is to develop key messages to support evidence-informed policy-making and the editors will continue to strengthen the series by working with authors to improve the consideration given to policy options and implementation.

Política de Saúde , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde , Atenção à Saúde , Conhecimento , Aprendizagem
East. Mediterr. health j ; 26(2): 233-238, 2020-02.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-361914


Background: English is the language of instructions in many medical schools in the Arab world. Its use may create a language barrier and adversely affect an individual’s learning and later professional life. Aims: This study examined the views of final-year Arab medical students of a language barrier and its effect on their learning and academic performance, and their language preference for medial education. Methods: All final-year medical students (n = 142, 62% females)at the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, were invited to respond to a self-completed questionnaire. Differences in responses according to English proficiency and sex were assessed. Results: Of the 142 students, 99 (70%)responded. Most students did not feel a language barrier irrespective of their proficiency in English (P = 0.088). Most respondents did not think that language issues made studying more difficult, although there was a significant difference in responses between students considered proficient in English and those less proficient (P = 0.005). Most students (82%)were not aware or were not sure of medical terms in Arabic, but 66% were confident that they would be able to communicate with patients in Arabic. About half of the students (51%)supported medicine being taught only in English and 36% supported teaching in Arabic and English. Conclusions: Most students thought that learning in English did not affect their academic learning and performance. However, a good proportion supported being taught medicine in Arabic and English

Estudantes de Medicina , Desempenho Acadêmico , Idioma , Educação Médica , Aprendizagem
East. Mediterr. health j ; 23(5): 361-367, 2017-05.
Artigo em Árabe | WHO IRIS | ID: who-260437


We explored medical students' perceptions of supporting pharmacology self-learning in English by focused materials prepared in Arabic. This study targeted third-year medical students at the Arabian Gulf University in Bahrain [n= 183]. During the endocrine and metabolism subunit, which is taught in English, slides containing focused information in Arabic preceded detailed English ones. At the end of the subunit, students' perceptions were explored by a questionnaire and focus group discussions. Most participants reported that this intervention made pharmacology learning easier, improved confidence in drug selection, knowledge of adverse drug reactions, detection of response to medications and occurrence of adverse reactions. Most respondents thought that this intervention would help them during the clinical phase of their study and in communicating drug therapy to patients in Arabic. Supporting pharmacology learning in a foreign language with instructional materials prepared in a native language improved students self-reported learning and satisfaction

Nous avons exploré les perceptions des étudiants en médecine concernant l'aide apportée à l'auto-apprentissage de la pharmacologie en anglais par le recours à des matériels spécifiques préparés en arabe. La présente étude ciblait des étudiants en médecine de troisième année à l'Université du Golfe arabe à Bahrein [n= 183]. Durant le sous-module consacré aux maladies endocrines et métaboliques, qui est dispensé en anglais, des diapositives contenant des informations spécifiques en arabe précédaient des informations détaillées en anglais. A la fin du module, on a vérifié les perceptions des étudiants à l'aide d'un questionnaire et dans des groupes de discussion ciblés. La plupart des participants ont mentionné que l'intervention avait rendu la pharmacologie plus facile, que leur confiance lors du choix des médicaments, leur connaissance des réactions adverses aux médicaments, de la détection de la réponse aux médicaments et de la survenue des réactions adverses avaient été améliorées. La plupart des répondants pensaient que cette intervention les aiderait durant la phase clinique de leurs études et dans la communication des traitements médicamenteux aux patients en arabe. L'aide à l'apprentissage de la pharmacologie dans une langue étrangère avec des matériels d'enseignement préparés en langue maternelle a permis d'améliorer l'apprentissage et la satisfaction auto-déclarée

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إستطلاع آراء طلبة الطب البري حول مقاربة تقوم عى مساعدتهم في تعلم علم الأدوية الذي يُدرّس باللغةالإنجليزية باستخدام مواد تعليمية مركزة باللغة العربية. إستهدف البحث طلبة السنة الثالثة في تخصص الطب البري في جامعة الخليج العربيفي مملكة البحرين )العدد 183 (. تم تقسيم مادّة المحاضرات المتعلّقة بالغدد الصاّء والتمثيل الغذائي من مادّة علم الأدوية- والتي تستمر ستّةأسابيع- الى أجزاء بحيث انه في كل جزء تسبق مواد تعليمية مركزة باللغة العربية نظيرتها الأكثر تفصيا باللغة الانجليزية. في نهاية هذه الجزئيةمن المنهاج تم استطلاع آراء الطلبة باستخدام استبانه و مجموعات بؤرية. عرت غالبية الطلبة عن رضاها عن التدخل حيث أقرّوا أنّ اللغةالعربية جعلت دراسة علم الأدوية أسهل ) 82.9 %( و أكثر متعة ) 81.3 %(. اعتقد السواد الأعظم من المشاركين أنّ التدخل أدّى إلى تحسن في تعلمعلم الأدوية بشكل عام ) 85.5 %( و الاستخدام السريري لها بشكل خاص ) 81.9 %( من حيث الاختيار السليم للأدوية ) 71.5 %(، و التعرف على.)% الأعراض الجانبية لها ) 79.8 %(، و تعلم رصد استجابة المريض للعاج ) 75.4 %( و رصد ظهور الأعراض الجانبية للأدوية الموصوفة ) 80.6اعتقد معظم المشاركين أنّم يتوقعون أن تساعدهم هذه التجربة في المرحلة السريرية من دراستهم ) 83.9 %(، و أن تقلل من أخطائهم في وصفالأدوية في المستقبل ) 83.1 %( و أن تحسن من مهارات تواصلهم مع مرضاهم باللغة العربية ) 94.3 %(. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة ترحيبا باستخداماللغة العربية و اعتقادا من قبل الطلبة بفاعليتها في دعم استيعاب علم الأدوية و بأهميتها للممارسة الطبية قبل و بعد التخرج

Estudantes de Medicina , Farmacologia , Satisfação Pessoal , Aprendizagem , Inquéritos e Questionários
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2015. (WHO/EURO:2015-8676-48448-71945).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-375118
Cairo; World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; 2014. (EM/RC61/2).
em Francês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-250553
Cairo; World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; 2014. (Provisional agenda item 2(a)).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-250552
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-118066


This study investigated medical students study habits and perceptions of learning difficulties during their first year of study. A specially-designed questionnaire was answered by 165 second-year medical and medical science students at Umm Alqura University in Saudi Arabia. Out of the 7 difficulties listed in the questionnaire, students ranked peer competition first, followed by poor English language skills. Male students ranked peer competition as the top difficulty whereas females ranked it fourth. A majority of students were dissatisfied with the passive, lecture-based method of teaching and wanted the English language curriculum to be improved by more emphasis on conversation skills. Early introduction of the concept of active learning and effective studying habits is needed

Educação Médica , Idioma , Currículo , Inquéritos e Questionários , Percepção , Aprendizagem , Estudantes de Medicina
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-117544


A cross-sectional survey was conducted to look at different aspects of dermatology residency programmes in Saudi Arabia from the residents' perspective. Self-administered questionnaires about future plans, academic activities, examinations, training, workload, surgical procedures, residents' rights and satisfaction were distributed to all 27 residents in all training centres during March-May 2004; 22 [81%] responded. The survey found that 50% of residents were not satisfied with their training and felt they were inadequately trained. Experience of performing certain procedures was much less than for residents in a similar study in the United States of America, and 50% of residents had not received any dermatologic surgery training. Moreover, 36% of residents had been verbally humiliated during their training

Dermatologia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Aprendizagem , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Satisfação Pessoal , Internato e Residência
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-117514


We used an Arabic translation [revised in our college] of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure [DREEM] inventory to assess the educational environment at the College of Medicine in King Saud University, Riyadh. Over 500 questionnaires were distributed and 222 were analysed. Scores were: 45.0% overall; 40.7% for students' perception of learning, 48.2% for perception of teachers, 46.3% for academic self-perception, 44.4% for perception of atmosphere, and 46.1% for social self-perception. Scores for first year students were significantly higher than the others. Scores for pre-clinical students were also significantly higher than those of students in clinical years. Sex was not a statistically significant variable

Faculdades de Medicina , Percepção , Aprendizagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ensino , Satisfação Pessoal , Estudantes de Medicina , Avaliação Educacional