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Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2023. (WHO/EURO:2023-6281-46046-69044).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-367290


В настоящем инструменте внедрения представлены практические рекомендации по взаимодействию с конфессиональными партнерами в целях обеспечения готовности к чрезвычайным ситуациям и реагированию на них, предназначенные для органов здравоохранения и других профильных органов управления на национальном и местном уровнях, учреждений ООН, включая ВОЗ на страновом уровне, конфессиональных партнеров и других организаций, заинтересованных в таком взаимодействии.

Características de Residência , Risco , Comunicação , Saúde , COVID-19 , Infodemia
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2020-03-19. (WHO/2019-nCoV/HCF_operations/2020.1).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-331728


Настоящий документ предназначен для министров здравоохранения, руководителей органов здравоохранения и другихответственных руководителей. Цель документа – предоставить методические рекомендации по организации оказанияпомощи пациентам с COVID-19 в условиях высокой нагрузки на систему здравоохранения, а тажке по обеспечениюдоступа пациентов с COVID-19 к неотложной медицинской помощи без ущерба для решения других задач в областиздравоохранения и при обеспечении безопасности медицинского персонала.

COVID-19 , Betacoronavirus , Surtos de Doenças , Guia , Instalações de Saúde , Administração de Caso , Características de Residência
Kopenhaga; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2020. (WHO/2019-nCoV/HCF_operations/2020.1).
em Polonês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-331848


Niniejszy dokument przeznaczony jest dla ministrów zdrowia, zarządzających systemami ochrony zdrowia i pozostałychdecydentów. Ma służyć jako przewodnik w opiece nad pacjentami z COVID-19 w trudnej sytuacji, w jakiej znalazły sięsystemy ochrony zdrowia, aby umożliwić pacjentom z COVID-19 dostęp do leczenia ratującego życie, zgodnie z celamizdrowia publicznego i przy zachowaniu bezpieczeństwa personelu systemu ochrony zdrowia.

COVID-19 , Betacoronavirus , Surtos de Doenças , Instalações de Saúde , Administração de Caso , Características de Residência
East. Mediterr. health j ; 22(3): 183-192, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-255231


هذا التقييم لما قبل ومابعد تطبيق البرنامج يهدف الى قياس التغيرات التي طرأت على المعارف والاتجاهات تجاه متعاطي المخدرات لدي ممثلين عن المجتمع في كابول بافغانستان خلال فتره من فترات التوسع في تطبيق برنامج لمعالجه ادمان المخدرات والحد من اضرارها فقد قامت عينه ملائمه تضم 160 مهنيا اعمارهم 18 سنه فما فوق بملء استبيانات مقابله في عامي 2007 و 2009 فتبين ان الآراء المؤيدة لجودة البرنامج ولتوفير الواقي الذكري وتقديم المشورة والاختبارات الخاصة بالعدوي وتوزيع الابر والمحاقن قد ازدادت زيادة ملحوظة خلال هذين العامين وكان هناك تغير جوهري في مستوي القبول ( اكثر من 10%)في 13 بيانا من اصل 38 لاسيما لدي الرجال واصحاب المهن الطبيه المتعلقه بدعم متعاطي المخدرات ايجابيه الى حد كبير مع تغيرات كبيره في مواقف بعض المجموعات السكانيه الفرعيه ربما تكون هناك حاجة الى مزيد من تثقيف المجتمع عن طريق وسائل الاعلام والى سياسه حكوميه اكثر تماسكا بشأن المخدرات تعزز دعم المجتمع لمعالجة تعاطي المخدرات والحد من اضرارها في افغانستان

La presente evaluation pre-post visait a mesurer ['acquisition de connaissances et les changements d'attitudes a I'egard des toxicomanes parmi les representants d'une communaute a Kaboul [Afghanistan]au cours d'une periode d'elargissement des programmes de reduction des effets nocifs et de traitement de la clependance aux drogues.Un echantillon de commodite de 160 professionnels ages de plus de 18 ans a rempli des questionnaires dans le cadre d'entretiens en 2007 et en 2009.Les opinions au sujet de ['application de programmes de qualite et de la fourniture de preservatifs,du conseil et du depistage en matiere defections,ainsi que de la distribution d/aiguilles/de seringues se sont considerablement ameliorees au cours de ces deux annees.Dans 13 des 38 declarations,on a pu noter un changement notable [>10 %]dans le niveau d'acceptation,le plus souvent parmi les hommes et les professionnels de sante.Les attitudes concernant le soutien a apporter aux toxicomanes sont restees positives dans une large mesure,avec des changements d'attitude notables dans certains sous-groupes de la population.Une education plus poussee des communautes par le biais des medias et des politiques gouvernementales de lutte contre la drogue plus coherentes sont necessaires pour renforcer le soutien communautaire a la reduction des effets nocifs/au traitement des toxicomanies en Afghanistan

This pre-post evaluation aimed to measure changes in knowledge and attitudes towards drug users among community representatives in Kabul,Afghanistan,over a period of expansion of harm reduction and drug dependence programming.A convenience sample of 160 professionals aged 18+ years completed interview questionnaires in 2007 and 2009.Views endorsing programme quality and the provision of condoms,infection counselling/testing and needle/syringe distribution increased significantly over the 2-year period.In 13 of 38 statements,there was a substantial [>10%]change in agreement level,most commonly among men and medical professionals.Attitudes concerning support of drug users remained largely positive,with substantial attitude changes in some subgroups of the population.further community education through the media and a more cohesive government drug policy may be needed to strengthen community support for harm reduction/drug treatment in Afghanistan

Usuários de Drogas , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Redução do Dano , Estudos de Coortes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Características de Residência
Geneva; World Health Organization; 2007. (WHO/FCH/ALC/2007.1).
em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | WHO IRIS | ID: who-362949
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2007. (EUR/07/5068285).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-107908


Thermal insulation of buildings is widely recognized for its economic benefits due to decreased energy costs andsince residences are major consumers of energy, it is also considered an appropriate tool for reducinggreenhouse emissions and mitigating climate change. Yet, little information exists on the potential health effectsof thermal insulation, which is often accompanied by a decrease of air exchange rates in air-tight and highlyinsulated buildings.The WHO housing and health programme therefore implemented a health-monitoring project in cooperation witha large housing agency based in Germany. The project collected data in spring 2006 before renovation work, andre-contacted all households in spring 2007 after renovation was carried out. In parallel, a control group ofdwellings without interventions was used to collect additional data to identify changes caused by buildingrehabilitation in the intervention group. The main objective was to assess the impact of thermal insulationchanges on indoor environments, and evaluate potential effects on residents’ health.Drawing from 131 insulated and 104 non-insulated dwellings (with data for 220 and 155 residents, respectively),the project’s preliminary results indicate that thermal insulation had a strongly positive impact on thermalconditions and thermal comfort as perceived by the residents, and decreased relative humidity in renovateddwellings. Results for direct effects on the occurrence of mould in renovated dwellings were weak, but indicatedthe major role of humidity levels and air exchange for adequate indoor climate. Direct associations of thermalinsulation with health effects were also weak and limited to smaller prevalence differences of respiratory diseasesand cold. Additional effects of the refurbishment were increased satisfaction and living conditions as perceived byresidents, and a clear reduction of noise exposure.In conclusion, the first results indicate that renovation activities and insulation are not in conflict with the healthof residents and have the potential to improve health-related living conditions and thermal comfort if therehabilitation work is done professionally and considers the need for adequate air exchange.

Habitação , Umidade , Características de Residência , Saúde Ambiental , Nível de Saúde , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde
Geneva; World Health Organization; 2007.
em Inglês, Italiano, Português, Coreano, Polonês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-43755
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119362


We studied the profile of malaria and intestinal parasitosis among children presenting to the Paediatric Health Centre in Sana'a from January 1998 to December 2000. In stool samples from 9014 children, Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichuris trichiura were the most common. Infection with parasites of direct life-cycle were similar in boys and girls. Schistosome infection was significantly higher in boys than girls, but girls were more infected with ascariasis. The only species of malaria parasite found in blood samples from 753 children with suspected malaria was Plasmodium falciparum, with the highest rates in April-June. The majority of positive cases were Yemeni children, but 10.8% were Sudanese or Ethiopian

Distribuição por Idade , Pré-Escolar , Centros Comunitários de Saúde , Fezes , Parasitologia de Alimentos , Malária , Pediatria , Vigilância da População , Características de Residência , Distribuição por Sexo , Saúde da População Urbana , Água , Enteropatias Parasitárias
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119342


To determine frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in Saudi and non-Saudi diabetics, we studied patients attending King Abdulaziz University Hospital for follow-up in the period January 1997 to December 2001. Cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, obesity and smoking, were studied as well as degree of blood glucose control. Of 1122 patients in the study, 48% were Saudis and 52% non-Saudis. No statistically significant difference was found for prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors between the two groups. Correlation of each of the risk factors to patient's age showed significant correlation to hypertension and smoking

Árabes , Comorbidade , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Seguimentos , Hemoglobinas Glicadas , Hospitais Universitários , Hiperlipidemias , Hipertensão , Obesidade , Características de Residência , Comportamento de Redução do Risco , Fumar , Doenças Cardiovasculares
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119325


A cross-sectional study was made of 500 patients and 500 health care workers randomly selected from 250 primary health care centers throughout Iraq to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practices towards tuberculosis [TB]. Using structured questionnaire interviews, the study showed 64.4% of patients had good knowledge, while 54.8% had negative attitudes and practices towards TB. The 2 most important sources of patient information about TB were physicians and television. Of health care workers, 95.5% had good knowledge about TB and this was significantly associated with age and job duration. By contrast, health care workers' practice was poor: only 38.2% handled suspected TB cases correctly. The national TB programme in Iraq has had a good impact on knowledge of TB patients and health care workers

Atitude Frente a Saúde , Avaliação Educacional , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Pessoal de Saúde , Meios de Comunicação de Massa , Negativismo , Ocupações , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Características de Residência , Saúde da População Rural , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Tuberculose , Saúde da População Urbana , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119305


The malaria transmission level of Plasmodium vivax was monitored in four high-risk provinces in Morocco. Intensive mosquito collection by light traps and manual catches resulted in the capture of four species: Anopheles labranchiae, An. sergenti, An. cinereus, and An. claviger. All An. sergenti and An. labranchiae females collected were tested for the presence of two phenotypes of P. vivax [PVK210 and PVK247] antigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]. No P. vivax antigen was detected in 1347 mosquitoes analysed. A parallel parasitological investigation was conducted. Of 2665 slides examined from a population of 4343 people for detection of P. vivax, no slide was positive. The results confirm the break in malaria transmission in residual foci. The use of ELISA is recommended in future epidemiological studies of human malaria

Altitude , Antígenos de Protozoários , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Reservatórios de Doenças , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Insetos Vetores , Programas de Rastreamento , Fenótipo , Plasmodium vivax , Vigilância da População , Características de Residência , Anopheles
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119298


To describe local sociopolitical and organizational factors that influence health system development in Karachi, Pakistan, we conducted participant observation while working with health providers and communities in one urban district to reorient services towards a primary health care district health system. We found that the community characteristics, particularly the diverse socialpolitical and cultural make-up and organizational complexity that involved multiple levels of government, influenced efforts towards collaboration and shaped the development of the health system. We conclude that for effective implementation of health sector reform there is a need to comprehend fully the community context and complexity of existing health service provision

Comportamento Cooperativo , Tomada de Decisões Gerenciais , Reforma dos Serviços de Saúde , Relações Interinstitucionais , Determinação de Necessidades de Cuidados de Saúde , Política , Setor Privado , Setor Público , Características de Residência , Serviços de Saúde Comunitária
(East. Mediterr. health j).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-119271


A species-specific polymerase chain reaction [PCR] assay was used to identify the species composition of the Anopheles fluviatilis complex in the Islamic Republic of Iran. All the amplified DNA samples from specimens collected from different areas yielded a fragment of 450 bp size, a PCR product corresponding to that of the species denoted as Y. The sequence data from 21 ITS2 [second internal transcribed spacer] regions were compared with those publicly available in the GenBank database and confirmed that the specimens were 100% identical to species Y of India. Species Y is presumably the same as species T that has no role in transmission of malaria in India, whereas An. fluviatilis is known as a secondary vector of malaria in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Sequência de Bases , Bases de Dados de Ácidos Nucleicos , Genoma , Malária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Características de Residência , Alinhamento de Sequência , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Anopheles